コード例 #1
     $suffix = ".inventory?product_id={$_REQUEST['product_id']}";
 if ($mode == 'update_combinations') {
     // Updating images
     fn_attach_image_pairs('combinations', 'product_option', 0, CART_LANGUAGE, array());
     $inventory = db_get_hash_array("SELECT * FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE product_id = ?i", 'combination_hash', $_REQUEST['product_id']);
     foreach ($inventory as $i) {
         $inventory_ids[] = $i['combination_hash'];
     fn_attach_aditional_image_pairs('product_option_add_additional', 'product_option', 0, CART_LANGUAGE, $inventory_ids);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['inventory'])) {
         foreach ($_REQUEST['inventory'] as $k => $v) {
             db_query("UPDATE ?:product_options_inventory SET ?u WHERE combination_hash = ?s", $v, $k);
             if ($inventory[$k]['amount'] <= 0 && $v['amount'] > 0) {
     $suffix = ".inventory?product_id={$_REQUEST['product_id']}";
 if ($mode == 'm_delete_combinations') {
     foreach ($_REQUEST['combination_hashes'] as $v) {
         fn_delete_image_pairs($v, 'product_option');
         db_query("DELETE FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE combination_hash = ?i", $v);
     $suffix = ".inventory?product_id={$_REQUEST['product_id']}";
 // Apply global options to the selected products
 if ($mode == 'apply') {
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['apply_options']['options'])) {
コード例 #2
function fn_exim_put_product_combination($product_id, $product_name, $combination_code, $combination, $amount, &$counter, $set_delimiter, $lang_code)
    $pair_delimiter = ':';
    if (!empty($combination)) {
        // Get product_id
        $object_id = 0;
        if (!empty($product_id)) {
            $object_exists = db_get_field('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
            if ($object_exists) {
                $object_id = $product_id;
        if (empty($object_id) && !empty($product_name)) {
            $object_id = db_get_field('SELECT product_id FROM ?:product_descriptions WHERE product = ?s AND lang_code = ?s', $product_name[$lang_code], $lang_code);
        if (empty($object_id)) {
            return false;
        $options = array();
        $_options = explode($set_delimiter, $combination);
        foreach ($_options as $key => $value) {
            $options[$key][$lang_code] = $value;
        if (!empty($options)) {
            $_combination = array();
            foreach ($options as $option_pair) {
                $pair = explode($pair_delimiter, $option_pair[$lang_code]);
                if (is_array($pair)) {
                    array_walk($pair, 'fn_trim_helper');
                    $option_id = db_get_field("SELECT o.option_id FROM ?:product_options_descriptions as d INNER JOIN ?:product_options as o ON o.option_id = d.option_id AND o.product_id = ?i WHERE d.option_name = ?s AND d.lang_code = ?s LIMIT 1", $object_id, $pair[0], $lang_code);
                    if (empty($option_id)) {
                        // Search for the global product options
                        $option_id = db_get_field("SELECT o.option_id FROM ?:product_options_descriptions as d INNER JOIN ?:product_options as o ON o.option_id = d.option_id AND o.product_id = ?i WHERE d.option_name = ?s AND d.lang_code = ?s LIMIT 1", 0, $pair[0], $lang_code);
                    $variant_id = db_get_field("SELECT v.variant_id FROM ?:product_option_variants_descriptions as d INNER JOIN ?:product_option_variants as v ON v.variant_id = d.variant_id AND v.option_id = ?i WHERE d.variant_name = ?s AND d.lang_code = ?s LIMIT 1", $option_id, $pair[1], $lang_code);
                    // Checkboxed do not have descriptions
                    if (empty($variant_id) && in_array($pair[1], array('Yes', 'No'))) {
                        $variant_id = db_get_field("SELECT variant_id FROM ?:product_option_variants WHERE option_id = ?i AND position = ?i LIMIT 1", $option_id, $pair[1] == 'Yes' ? 1 : 0);
                    if (empty($option_id) || empty($variant_id)) {
                        return false;
                    $_combination[$option_id] = $variant_id;
            $combination = fn_get_options_combination($_combination);
            $combination_hash = fn_generate_cart_id($object_id, array('product_options' => $_combination));
            $object_details = db_get_row('SELECT COUNT(*) as count, amount FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE combination_hash = ?i AND product_id = ?i', $combination_hash, $object_id);
            $_data = array('product_id' => $object_id, 'product_code' => $combination_code, 'combination_hash' => $combination_hash, 'combination' => $combination, 'amount' => $amount);
            if ($object_details['count']) {
                if ($object_details['amount'] <= 0 && $_data['amount'] > 0) {
                db_query('UPDATE ?:product_options_inventory SET ?u WHERE combination_hash = ?i', $_data, $combination_hash);
                fn_set_progress('echo', __('updating') . ' ' . __('product_combinations') . '...', false);
            } else {
                db_query('INSERT INTO ?:product_options_inventory ?e', $_data);
                fn_set_progress('echo', __('creating') . ' ' . __('product_combinations') . '...', false);
            fn_set_progress('echo', '<b>' . $object_id . '</b>.<br />', false);
            return $combination_hash;
    return false;
コード例 #3
 * Adds or updates product
 * @param array $product_data Product data
 * @param int $product_id Product identifier
 * @param string $lang_code Two-letter language code (e.g. 'en', 'ru', etc.)
 * @return mixed ID of created/updated product or false in case of error
function fn_update_product($product_data, $product_id = 0, $lang_code = CART_LANGUAGE)
    $can_update = true;
     * Update product data (running before fn_update_product() function)
     * @param array   $product_data Product data
     * @param int     $product_id   Product identifier
     * @param string  $lang_code    Two-letter language code (e.g. 'en', 'ru', etc.)
     * @param boolean $can_update   Flag, allows addon to forbid to create/update product
    fn_set_hook('update_product_pre', $product_data, $product_id, $lang_code, $can_update);
    if ($can_update == false) {
        return false;
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
        // check that product owner was not changed by store administrator
        if (Registry::get('runtime.company_id') || empty($product_data['company_id'])) {
            $product_company_id = db_get_field('SELECT company_id FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
            if (!empty($product_company_id)) {
                $product_data['company_id'] = $product_company_id;
            } else {
                if (Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {
                    $product_company_id = $product_data['company_id'] = Registry::get('runtime.company_id');
                } else {
                    $product_company_id = $product_data['company_id'] = fn_get_default_company_id();
        } else {
            $product_company_id = $product_data['company_id'];
        if (!empty($product_data['category_ids']) && !fn_check_owner_categories($product_company_id, $product_data['category_ids'])) {
            fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('product_must_have_owner_category'));
            return false;
        if (fn_ult_is_shared_product($product_id) == 'Y') {
            $_product_id = fn_ult_update_shared_product($product_data, $product_id, Registry::ifGet('runtime.company_id', $product_company_id), $lang_code);
    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id') && !empty($product_company_id) && Registry::get('runtime.company_id') != $product_company_id && !empty($_product_id)) {
        $product_id = $_product_id;
        $create = false;
    } else {
        $product_data['updated_timestamp'] = time();
        $_data = $product_data;
        if (!empty($product_data['timestamp'])) {
            $_data['timestamp'] = fn_parse_date($product_data['timestamp']);
            // Minimal data for product record
        } elseif (empty($product_id) || isset($product_data['timestamp'])) {
            $_data['timestamp'] = time();
        if (empty($product_id) && Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {
            $_data['company_id'] = Registry::get('runtime.company_id');
        if (!empty($product_data['avail_since'])) {
            $_data['avail_since'] = fn_parse_date($product_data['avail_since']);
        if (isset($product_data['tax_ids'])) {
            $_data['tax_ids'] = empty($product_data['tax_ids']) ? '' : fn_create_set($product_data['tax_ids']);
        if (isset($product_data['localization'])) {
            $_data['localization'] = empty($product_data['localization']) ? '' : fn_implode_localizations($_data['localization']);
        if (isset($product_data['usergroup_ids'])) {
            $_data['usergroup_ids'] = empty($product_data['usergroup_ids']) ? '0' : implode(',', $_data['usergroup_ids']);
        if (!empty($product_data['list_qty_count']) && $product_data['list_qty_count'] < 0) {
            $_data['list_qty_count'] = 0;
        if (!empty($product_data['qty_step']) && $product_data['qty_step'] < 0) {
            $_data['qty_step'] = 0;
        if (!empty($product_data['min_qty'])) {
            $_data['min_qty'] = fn_ceil_to_step(abs($product_data['min_qty']), $_data['qty_step']);
        if (!empty($product_data['max_qty'])) {
            $_data['max_qty'] = fn_ceil_to_step(abs($product_data['max_qty']), $_data['qty_step']);
        if (Registry::get('settings.General.inventory_tracking') == "N" && isset($_data['tracking'])) {
        if (Registry::get('settings.General.allow_negative_amount') == 'N' && isset($_data['amount'])) {
            $_data['amount'] = abs($_data['amount']);
        $shipping_params = array();
        if (!empty($product_id)) {
            $shipping_params = db_get_field('SELECT shipping_params FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $product_id);
            if (!empty($shipping_params)) {
                $shipping_params = unserialize($shipping_params);
        // Save the product shipping params
        $_shipping_params = array('min_items_in_box' => isset($_data['min_items_in_box']) ? intval($_data['min_items_in_box']) : (!empty($shipping_params['min_items_in_box']) ? $shipping_params['min_items_in_box'] : 0), 'max_items_in_box' => isset($_data['max_items_in_box']) ? intval($_data['max_items_in_box']) : (!empty($shipping_params['max_items_in_box']) ? $shipping_params['max_items_in_box'] : 0), 'box_length' => isset($_data['box_length']) ? intval($_data['box_length']) : (!empty($shipping_params['box_length']) ? $shipping_params['box_length'] : 0), 'box_width' => isset($_data['box_width']) ? intval($_data['box_width']) : (!empty($shipping_params['box_width']) ? $shipping_params['box_width'] : 0), 'box_height' => isset($_data['box_height']) ? intval($_data['box_height']) : (!empty($shipping_params['box_height']) ? $shipping_params['box_height'] : 0));
        $_data['shipping_params'] = serialize($_shipping_params);
        // add new product
        if (empty($product_id)) {
            $create = true;
            $product_data['create'] = true;
            // product title can't be empty and not set product_id
            if (empty($product_data['product']) || !empty($product_data['product_id'])) {
                fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('need_product_name'));
                return false;
            $product_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:products ?e", $_data);
            if (empty($product_id)) {
                $product_id = false;
            // Adding same product descriptions for all cart languages
            $_data = $product_data;
            $_data['product_id'] = $product_id;
            $_data['product'] = trim($_data['product'], " -");
            foreach (fn_get_translation_languages() as $_data['lang_code'] => $_v) {
                db_query("INSERT INTO ?:product_descriptions ?e", $_data);
            // update product
        } else {
            $create = false;
            if (isset($product_data['product']) && empty($product_data['product'])) {
            $old_product_data = fn_get_product_data($product_id, $auth, $lang_code, '', false, false, false, false);
            if (isset($old_product_data['amount']) && isset($_data['amount']) && $old_product_data['amount'] <= 0 && $_data['amount'] > 0) {
            $arow = db_query("UPDATE ?:products SET ?u WHERE product_id = ?i", $_data, $product_id);
            $_data = $product_data;
            if (!empty($_data['product'])) {
                $_data['product'] = trim($_data['product'], " -");
            db_query("UPDATE ?:product_descriptions SET ?u WHERE product_id = ?i AND lang_code = ?s", $_data, $product_id, $lang_code);
            if ($arow === false) {
                fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('object_not_found', array('[object]' => __('product'))), '', '404');
                $product_id = false;
        if ($product_id) {
            // Log product add/update
            fn_log_event('products', !empty($create) ? 'create' : 'update', array('product_id' => $product_id));
            // Update product features value
            $product_data['product_features'] = !empty($product_data['product_features']) ? $product_data['product_features'] : array();
            $product_data['add_new_variant'] = !empty($product_data['add_new_variant']) ? $product_data['add_new_variant'] : array();
            fn_update_product_features_value($product_id, $product_data['product_features'], $product_data['add_new_variant'], $lang_code);
            fn_attach_image_pairs('p_feature_var_extra', 'p_feature_var_extra', 0, $lang_code);
            // Update product prices
            $product_data = fn_update_product_prices($product_id, $product_data);
            if (!empty($product_data['popularity'])) {
                $_data = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'total' => intval($product_data['popularity']));
                db_query("INSERT INTO ?:product_popularity ?e ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE total = ?i", $_data, $product_data['popularity']);
            fn_update_product_categories($product_id, $product_data);
            // Update main images pair
            fn_attach_image_pairs('product_main', 'product', $product_id, $lang_code);
            // Update additional images
            fn_attach_image_pairs('product_additional', 'product', $product_id, $lang_code);
            // Adding new additional images
            fn_attach_image_pairs('product_add_additional', 'product', $product_id, $lang_code);
            if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
     * Update product data (running after fn_update_product() function)
     * @param array   $product_data Product data
     * @param int     $product_id   Product integer identifier
     * @param string  $lang_code    Two-letter language code (e.g. 'en', 'ru', etc.)
     * @param boolean $create       Flag determines if product was created (true) or just updated (false).
    fn_set_hook('update_product_post', $product_data, $product_id, $lang_code, $create);
    return (int) $product_id;
コード例 #4
ファイル: fn.cart.php プロジェクト: heg-arc-ne/cscart
function fn_update_product_amount($product_id, $amount, $product_options, $sign)
    if (Registry::get('settings.General.inventory_tracking') != 'Y') {
        return true;
    $tracking = db_get_field("SELECT tracking FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i", $product_id);
    if ($tracking == ProductTracking::DO_NOT_TRACK) {
        return true;
    if ($tracking == ProductTracking::TRACK_WITHOUT_OPTIONS) {
        $product = db_get_row("SELECT amount, product_code FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i", $product_id);
        $current_amount = $product['amount'];
        $product_code = $product['product_code'];
    } else {
        $cart_id = fn_generate_cart_id($product_id, array('product_options' => $product_options), true);
        $product = db_get_row("SELECT amount, product_code FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE combination_hash = ?i", $cart_id);
        $current_amount = empty($product['amount']) ? 0 : $product['amount'];
        if (empty($product['product_code'])) {
            $product_code = db_get_field("SELECT product_code FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i", $product_id);
        } else {
            $product_code = $product['product_code'];
    if ($sign == '-') {
        $new_amount = $current_amount - $amount;
        // Notify administrator about inventory low stock
        if ($new_amount <= Registry::get('settings.General.low_stock_threshold') && !defined('ORDER_MANAGEMENT')) {
            // Log product low-stock
            $company_id = fn_get_company_id('products', 'product_id', $product_id);
            fn_log_event('products', 'low_stock', array('product_id' => $product_id));
            $lang_code = fn_get_company_language($company_id);
            $lang_code = !empty($lang_code) ? $lang_code : Registry::get('settings.Appearance.backend_default_language');
            $selected_product_options = $tracking == ProductTracking::TRACK_WITH_OPTIONS ? fn_get_selected_product_options_info($product_options, $lang_code) : '';
            Mailer::sendMail(array('to' => 'company_orders_department', 'from' => 'default_company_orders_department', 'data' => array('product_options' => $selected_product_options, 'new_amount' => $new_amount, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_code' => $product_code, 'product' => db_get_field("SELECT product FROM ?:product_descriptions WHERE product_id = ?i AND lang_code = ?s", $product_id, $lang_code)), 'tpl' => 'orders/low_stock.tpl', 'company_id' => $company_id), 'A', $lang_code);
        if ($new_amount < 0 && Registry::get('settings.General.allow_negative_amount') != 'Y') {
            return false;
    } else {
        $new_amount = $current_amount + $amount;
    fn_set_hook('update_product_amount', $new_amount, $product_id, $cart_id, $tracking);
    if ($tracking == ProductTracking::TRACK_WITHOUT_OPTIONS) {
        db_query("UPDATE ?:products SET amount = ?i WHERE product_id = ?i", $new_amount, $product_id);
    } else {
        db_query("UPDATE ?:product_options_inventory SET amount = ?i WHERE combination_hash = ?i", $new_amount, $cart_id);
    if ($current_amount <= 0 && $new_amount > 0) {
    return true;
コード例 #5
function fn_exim_send_product_notifications($primary_object_ids, $import_data)
    if (empty($primary_object_ids) || !is_array($primary_object_ids)) {
        return true;
    $auth =& $_SESSION['auth'];
    //Send notification for all updated products. Notification will be sent only if product have subscribers.
    foreach ($primary_object_ids as $k => $v) {
        if (!empty($v['product_id'])) {
            $product_amount = db_get_field('SELECT amount FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $v['product_id']);
            if ($product_amount > 0) {
    return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: fn.catalog.php プロジェクト: heg-arc-ne/cscart
 * Updates/Creates options combination
 * @param array $combination_data Combination data
 * @param string $combination_hash Combination hash
 * @return string Combination hash
function fn_update_option_combination($combination_data, $combination_hash = 0)
     * Change parameters for updating options combination
     * @param array  $combination_data Combination data
     * @param string $combination_hash Combination hash
    fn_set_hook('update_option_combination_pre', $combination_data, $combination_hash);
    $inventory_amount = db_get_field('SELECT amount FROM ?:product_options_inventory WHERE combination_hash = ?s', $combination_hash);
    if (empty($combination_hash)) {
        $combination_hash = fn_generate_cart_id($combination_data['product_id'], array('product_options' => $combination_data['combination']));
        $combination = fn_get_options_combination($combination_data['combination']);
        $product_code = fn_get_product_code($combination_data['product_id'], $combination_data['combination']);
        $_data = array('product_id' => $combination_data['product_id'], 'combination_hash' => $combination_hash, 'combination' => $combination, 'product_code' => !empty($product_code) ? $product_code : '', 'amount' => !empty($combination_data['amount']) ? $combination_data['amount'] : 0, 'position' => !empty($combination_data['position']) ? $combination_data['position'] : 0);
        db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:product_options_inventory ?e", $_data);
    } else {
        // Forbid to update options in the existing combination. Only qty/code/pos.
        db_query("UPDATE ?:product_options_inventory SET ?u WHERE combination_hash = ?s", $combination_data, $combination_hash);
    if (isset($combination_data['amount']) && $combination_data['amount'] > 0 && $inventory_amount <= 0) {
    // Updating images
    fn_attach_image_pairs('combinations', 'product_option');
     * Makes extra actions after updating options combination
     * @param array  $combination_data Combination data
     * @param string $combination_hash Combination hash
     * @param int    $inventory_amount Previous (before update) inventory amount of the combination
    fn_set_hook('update_option_combination_pre', $combination_data, $combination_hash, $inventory_amount);
    return $combination_hash;