public static function downloadDistr() { // Get needed version $version_info = self::GetNextVersionInfo(); if (!$version_info['next_version'] || !$version_info['update_url']) { return false; } $download_file_dir = TWIGMO_UPGRADE_DIR . $version_info['next_version'] . '/'; $download_file_path = $download_file_dir . 'twigmo.tgz'; $unpack_path = $download_file_path . '_unpacked'; fn_rm($download_file_dir); fn_mkdir($download_file_dir); fn_mkdir($unpack_path); $data = fn_get_contents($version_info['update_url']); if (!fn_is_empty($data)) { fn_put_contents($download_file_path, $data); $res = fn_decompress_files($download_file_path, $unpack_path); if (!$res) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('twgadmin_failed_to_decompress_files')); return false; } return $unpack_path . '/'; } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_uc_cant_download_package')); return false; } }
public function generate($force = false) { $filename = $this->getFileName(); if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); } if ($force) { fn_rm($filename); } if (!file_exists($filename)) { fn_set_progress('echo', __('generating_xls'), false); $header = $data = array(); $currencies = Registry::get('currencies'); $currency = $currencies[CART_SECONDARY_CURRENCY]; $currency_format = '#' . $currency['thousands_separator'] . '##0.' . str_repeat('0', $currency['decimals']); $currency_format = $currency['after'] == 'Y' ? $currency_format . $currency['symbol'] : $currency['symbol'] . $currency_format; foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_id => $field_value) { $header[$this->price_schema['fields'][$field_id]['title']] = $field_id == 'price' ? $currency_format : 'string'; } $this->writer->writeSheetHeader($this->sheet, $header); $this->render(); $this->writer->writeToFile($filename); } return $filename; }
/** * Smarty plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins */ function smarty_function_script($params, &$smarty) { static $scripts = array(); static $packer_loaded = false; /*if (!empty($params['include'])) { return implode("\n", $scripts); }*/ if (!isset($scripts[$params['src']])) { $path = Registry::get('config.current_path'); if (Registry::get('config.tweaks.js_compression') == true && strpos($params['src'], 'lib/') === false) { if (!file_exists(DIR_CACHE . $params['src'])) { if ($packer_loaded == false) { include_once DIR_LIB . 'packer/class.JavaScriptPacker.php'; $packer_loaded = true; } fn_mkdir(dirname(DIR_CACHE . $params['src'])); $packer = new JavaScriptPacker(fn_get_contents(DIR_ROOT . '/' . $params['src'])); fn_put_contents(DIR_CACHE . $params['src'], $packer->pack()); } $path = Registry::get('config.cache_path'); } $scripts[$params['src']] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $path . '/' . $params['src'] . '"></script>'; // If output is captured, don't print script tag in the buffer, it will be printed directly to the screen if (!empty($smarty->_in_capture)) { $buff = array_pop($smarty->_in_capture); $smarty->_in_capture[] = $buff; $smarty->_scripts[$buff][] = $scripts[$params['src']]; return ''; } return $scripts[$params['src']]; } }
public function __construct($config) { $this->_config = array('store_prefix' => !empty($config['store_prefix']) ? $config['store_prefix'] : null, 'dir_cache' => $config['dir']['cache_registry']); if (fn_mkdir($this->_mapTags('')) == false) { throw new PermissionsException('Cache: "' . $this->_mapTags('') . '" directory is not writable'); } parent::__construct($config); return true; }
static function init() { if (!is_dir(DIR_CACHE)) { fn_mkdir(DIR_CACHE); } $ch = fn_get_contents(DIR_CACHE . self::$_handlers_name); self::$_cache_handlers = !empty($ch) ? @unserialize($ch) : array(); return true; }
/** * Copy file outside the storage * * @param string $src file path in storage * @param string $dest path to local file * @return int number of bytes copied */ public function export($src, $dest) { if (!fn_mkdir(dirname($dest))) { return false; } $res = $this->s3()->get_object($this->getOption('bucket'), $this->prefix($src), array('fileDownload' => $dest)); if ($res->isOK()) { return true; } return false; }
public function generate($filename) { @ignore_user_abort(1); @set_time_limit(0); fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); $file = fopen($filename, 'wb'); $this->head($file); $this->body($file); $this->bottom($file); fclose($file); }
public function __construct($format = 'csv', $price_id = 0) { $this->format = $format; $this->price_id = $price_id; $this->filename = 'log_tmp_' . $price_id . '.' . $this->format; $this->path = fn_get_files_dir_path() . 'yml/logs/'; fn_mkdir($this->path); $file_is_new = !file_exists($this->path . $this->filename); $this->file = fopen($this->path . $this->filename, 'ab'); if ($file_is_new && $this->format == 'csv') { fwrite($this->file, 'Type; Object ID; Message;' . PHP_EOL); } }
public function __construct() { $this->filename = 'log_commerceml.txt'; list($this->path, $url_commerceml, $url_images) = RusEximCommerceml::getDirCommerceML(); if (!is_dir($this->path)) { fn_mkdir($this->path); @chmod($this->path, 0777); } $file_is_new = !file_exists($this->path . $this->filename); $this->file = fopen($this->path . $this->filename, 'ab'); if ($file_is_new) { fwrite($this->file, 'Message: ' . PHP_EOL); @chmod($this->file, 0777); } }
/** * Saves uploaded pattern to theme * @param string $style_id style ID * @param array $style style * @param array $uploaded_data uploaded data * @return array modified style */ public static function save($style_id, $style, $uploaded_data) { $style_id = fn_basename($style_id); $patterns = self::getPath($style_id); if (!is_dir($patterns)) { fn_mkdir($patterns); } foreach ($uploaded_data as $var => $file) { $fname = $var . '.' . fn_get_file_ext($file['name']); if (fn_copy($file['path'], $patterns . '/' . $fname)) { $style['data'][$var] = "url('" . self::getRelPath($style_id) . '/' . $fname . '?' . TIME . "')"; } } return $style; }
public function downloadPackage($schema, $package_path) { if (!empty($schema['download_key'])) { $upgrade_path = $this->settings['packages_server'] . $this->settings['addon'] . '/' . $schema['file']; $addon_upgrades_dir = Registry::get('config.dir.addons') . $this->settings['addon'] . '/upgrades/'; $addon_upgrades_path = $addon_upgrades_dir . $schema['file']; if (!file_exists($addon_upgrades_path)) { fn_mkdir($addon_upgrades_dir); $addon_upgrade_data = fn_get_contents($upgrade_path); fn_put_contents($addon_upgrades_path, $addon_upgrade_data); } $result = fn_copy($addon_upgrades_path, $package_path); if ($result) { fn_rm($addon_upgrades_path); } //cleanup $message = $result ? '' : __('failed') . '-' . $addon_upgrades_path; return array($result, $message); } else { return array(false, __($schema['error_message'])); } }
public function generate($force = false) { $filename = $this->getFileName(); if (!is_dir(dirname($filename))) { fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); } if ($force) { fn_rm($filename); } // Min column width in percent $min_width = array('product' => 50, 'product_code' => 13, 'image' => 10); if (!file_exists($filename)) { $max_perc = 100; $field_count = count($this->selected_fields); // First step. Check for the min width. $perc = intval($max_perc / $field_count); foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_name => $active) { if (isset($min_width[$field_name])) { if ($min_width[$field_name] > $perc) { $max_perc -= $min_width[$field_name]; $field_count--; } } } // Second step. Set up the new width values. $perc = intval($max_perc / $field_count); foreach ($this->selected_fields as $field_name => $active) { if (!isset($min_width[$field_name]) || $min_width[$field_name] < $perc) { $this->price_schema['fields'][$field_name]['min_width'] = $perc; } else { $this->price_schema['fields'][$field_name]['min_width'] = $min_width[$field_name]; } } fn_set_progress('echo', __('generating_pdf'), false); $this->render(); } return $filename; }
function fn_sdek_get_ticket_order($data_auth, $order_id, $chek_id) { unset($data_auth['Number']); $xml = ' ' . RusSdek::arraySimpleXml('OrdersPrint', $data_auth, 'open'); $order_sdek = array('Number' => $order_id . '_' . $chek_id, 'Date' => $data_auth['Date']); $xml .= ' ' . RusSdek::arraySimpleXml('Order', $order_sdek); $xml .= ' ' . '</OrdersPrint>'; $response = RusSdek::xmlRequest('', $xml, $data_auth); $download_file_dir = fn_get_files_dir_path() . '/sdek' . '/' . $chek_id . '/'; fn_rm($download_file_dir); fn_mkdir($download_file_dir); $name = $order_id . '.pdf'; $download_file_path = $download_file_dir . $name; if (!fn_is_empty($response)) { fn_put_contents($download_file_path, $response); } }
die('Access denied'); } if (Registry::get('config.demo_mode')) { // ElFinder should not work in demo mode $message = json_encode(array('error' => __('error_demo_mode'))); exit($message); } if (AREA == 'C') { if (!Registry::get('runtime.customization_mode.live_editor')) { die('Access denied'); } } $private_files_path = fn_get_files_dir_path(); $public_files_path = fn_get_public_files_path(); fn_mkdir($private_files_path); fn_mkdir($public_files_path); $start_path = ''; if (!empty($_REQUEST['init']) && !empty($_REQUEST['start_path'])) { unset($_GET['target']); $start_path = fn_normalize_path($private_files_path . $_REQUEST['start_path']); if (strpos($start_path, $private_files_path) !== 0) { $start_path = ''; } } $extra_path = str_replace(Storage::instance('images')->getAbsolutePath(''), '', $public_files_path); $opts = array('roots' => array(array('driver' => 'Tygh\\ElFinder\\Volume', 'uploadDeny' => Registry::get('config.forbidden_mime_types'), 'fileMode' => DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, 'dirMode' => DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS, 'uploadMaxSize' => Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize', true), 'alias' => __('private_files'), 'tmbPath' => '', 'path' => $private_files_path, 'startPath' => $start_path, 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'archiveMimes' => array('application/zip'), 'icon' => Registry::get('config.current_location') . '/js/lib/elfinder/img/volume_icon_local.png'), array('driver' => 'Tygh\\ElFinder\\Volume', 'uploadDeny' => Registry::get('config.forbidden_mime_types'), 'fileMode' => DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, 'dirMode' => DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS, 'uploadMaxSize' => Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize', true), 'alias' => __('public_files'), 'tmbPath' => '', 'path' => $public_files_path, 'URL' => Storage::instance('images')->getUrl($extra_path), 'mimeDetect' => 'internal', 'archiveMimes' => array('application/zip'), 'icon' => Registry::get('config.current_location') . '/js/lib/elfinder/img/volume_icon_local.png'))); if ($mode == 'images') { unset($opts['roots'][0]); } $connector = new \elFinderConnector(new Core($opts)); $connector->run();
$rub = substr($for_rub, 0, -$length_for_rub); $length_for_kop = $currency['decimals']; $kop = substr($for_rub, -$length_for_kop); $total_print = '<strong>' . $rub . '</strong> ' . __("sbrf_rub") . ' <strong>' . $kop . '</strong> ' . __("sbrf_kop"); } else { $total_print = '<strong>' . $for_rub . '</strong> ' . __("sbrf_rub"); } } else { $total_print = fn_format_price_by_currency($order_info['total']); } $view = Tygh::$app['view']; $view->assign('total_print', $total_print); $view->assign('order_info', $order_info); $view->assign('fonts_path', fn_get_theme_path('[relative]/[theme]/media/fonts')); $temp_dir = Registry::get('config.dir.cache_misc') . 'tmp/'; fn_mkdir($temp_dir); $path = fn_qr_generate($order_info, '|', $temp_dir); $url_qr_code = Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . fn_get_rel_dir($path); $view->assign('url_qr_code', $url_qr_code); if ($mode == "send_sbrf_receipt") { if (!empty($order_info['email'])) { fn_disable_live_editor_mode(); $html = array($view->displayMail('addons/rus_payments/print_sbrf_receipt.tpl', false, 'C')); Pdf::render($html, fn_get_files_dir_path() . 'sberbank_receipt.pdf', 'save'); $data = array('order_info' => $order_info, 'total_print' => $total_print, 'fonts_path' => fn_get_theme_path('[relative]/[theme]/media/fonts'), 'url_qr_code' => $url_qr_code, 'email_subj' => __("sbrf_receipt_for_payment", array('[order_id]' => $order_info['order_id']))); Mailer::sendMail(array('to' => $order_info['email'], 'from' => 'default_company_orders_department', 'data' => $data, 'attachments' => array(fn_get_files_dir_path() . 'sberbank_receipt.pdf'), 'tpl' => 'addons/rus_payments/print_sbrf_receipt.tpl', 'is_html' => true), 'A'); fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_email_sent')); } } else { $view->assign('show_print_button', true); $view->displayMail('addons/rus_payments/print_sbrf_receipt.tpl', true, 'C');
/** * Installs new language from ZIP pack * * @param string $path Path to ZIP file * @param array $params * reinstall: Skip adding new language * validate_lang_code:Check meta information (lang_code) with updated language data (lang_code) and forbid to update if does not match * force_lang_code: Skip meta lang code and use this one in all laguage variables * @return int Language ID */ public static function installZipPack($path, $params = array()) { $result = false; // Extract language pack and check the permissions $extract_path = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'tmp/language_pack/'; // Re-create source folder fn_rm($extract_path); fn_mkdir($extract_path); fn_copy($path, $extract_path . ''); if (fn_decompress_files($extract_path . '', $extract_path)) { fn_rm($extract_path . ''); $result = self::installCrowdinPack($extract_path, $params); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('broken_po_pack')); } return $result; }
} } if ($mode == 'm_delete') { if (!empty($_REQUEST['backup_files'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['backup_files'] as $file) { @unlink(Registry::get('config.dir.backups') . fn_basename($file)); } } } if ($mode == 'upload') { $dump = fn_filter_uploaded_data('dump', array('sql', 'tgz', 'zip')); if (!empty($dump)) { $dump = array_shift($dump); // Check if backups folder exists. If not - create it if (!is_dir(Registry::get('config.dir.backups'))) { fn_mkdir(Registry::get('config.dir.backups')); } if (fn_copy($dump['path'], Registry::get('config.dir.backups') . $dump['name'])) { fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('done')); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('cant_create_backup_file')); } } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('cant_upload_file')); } } if ($mode == 'optimize') { // Log database optimization fn_log_event('database', 'optimize'); $all_tables = db_get_fields("SHOW TABLES"); fn_set_progress('parts', sizeof($all_tables));
} if ($mode == 'update_location') { fn_trusted_vars('location_data'); $_REQUEST['location_data']['lang_code'] = DESCR_SL; $location_id = Location::instance()->update($_REQUEST['location_data']); $suffix .= "&selected_location=" . $location_id; } if ($mode == 'export_layout') { $location_ids = isset($_REQUEST['location_ids']) ? $_REQUEST['location_ids'] : array(); $layout_id = Registry::get('runtime.layout.layout_id'); $content = Exim::instance()->export($layout_id, $location_ids, $_REQUEST); $filename = empty($_REQUEST['filename']) ? date_format(TIME, "%m%d%Y") . 'xml' : $_REQUEST['filename']; if (Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) { $filename = Registry::get('runtime.company_id') . '/' . $filename; } fn_mkdir(dirname(Registry::get('config.dir.layouts') . $filename)); fn_put_contents(Registry::get('config.dir.layouts') . $filename, $content); fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_exim_data_exported')); // Direct download if ($_REQUEST['output'] == 'D') { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'block_manager.manage?meta_redirect_url=block_manager.get_file%26filename=' . $_REQUEST['filename']); // Output to screen } elseif ($_REQUEST['output'] == 'C') { return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'block_manager.get_file?to_screen=Y&filename=' . $_REQUEST['filename']); } } if ($mode == 'import_layout') { $data = fn_filter_uploaded_data('filename'); if (!empty($data[0]['path'])) { $result = Exim::instance()->importFromFile($data[0]['path'], $_REQUEST); if ($result) {
/** * Copy file taking into account accessibility via php/ftp * * @param string $source source file * @param string $dest destination file/directory * @return boolean true if directory copied correctly, false - otherwise */ function fn_copy($source, $dest) { $result = false; $file_name = basename($source); if (!file_exists($dest)) { if (basename($dest) == $file_name) { // if we're copying the file, create parent directory fn_mkdir(dirname($dest)); } else { fn_mkdir($dest); } } fn_echo(' .'); if (is_writable($dest) || is_writable(dirname($dest)) && !file_exists($dest)) { if (is_dir($dest)) { $dest .= '/' . basename($source); } $result = copy($source, $dest); fn_uc_chmod_file($dest); } if (!$result) { // try ftp $result = fn_uc_ftp_copy($source, $dest); } return $result; }
public static function writeLog($data, $file = 'sberbank.log') { $path = fn_get_files_dir_path(); fn_mkdir($path); $file = fopen($path . $file, 'a'); if (!empty($file)) { fputs($file, 'TIME: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', TIME) . "\n"); fputs($file, fn_array2code_string($data) . "\n\n"); fclose($file); } }
/** * Init pdf engine * * @return boolean always true */ function fn_init_pdf() { // pdf can't be generated correctly without DOM extension (DOMDocument class) if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { $msg = AREA == 'A' ? fn_get_lang_var('error_generate_pdf_admin') : fn_get_lang_var('error_generate_pdf_customer'); fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), $msg); return false; } if (defined('PDF_STARTED')) { return true; } define('CACHE_DIR', DIR_CACHE . 'pdf/cache'); define('OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY', DIR_CACHE . 'pdf/out'); define('WRITER_TEMPDIR', DIR_CACHE . 'pdf/temp'); if (!is_dir('CACHE_DIR')) { fn_mkdir(CACHE_DIR); } if (!is_dir('OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY')) { fn_mkdir(OUTPUT_FILE_DIRECTORY); } if (!is_dir('WRITER_TEMPDIR')) { fn_mkdir(WRITER_TEMPDIR); } require DIR_CORE . 'class.pdf_converter.php'; parse_config_file(HTML2PS_DIR . 'html2ps.config'); fn_define('PDF_STARTED', true); return true; }
/** * Used to sanitize user-inputed HTML from any XSS code. * Use this function when you want to use HTML-code inputed by users safely. * * @param string $raw_html Input HTML code * * @return string Sanitized HTML ready to be safely displayed on page. */ public static function sanitizeHtml($raw_html) { try { $cache_dir = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'html_purifier/'; if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) { fn_mkdir($cache_dir); } $config_instance = \HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config_instance->set('HTML.DefinitionID', PRODUCT_NAME . '_' . PRODUCT_VERSION); $config_instance->set('HTML.DefinitionRev', 1); $config_instance->set('Cache.SerializerPath', $cache_dir); $config_instance->set('Cache.SerializerPermissions', DEFAULT_DIR_PERMISSIONS); $config_instance->autoFinalize = false; /** * Allows to configure HTMLPurifier before it purifies given HTML. * * @param \HTMLPurifier_Config $config_instance Instance of HTMLPurifier_Config * @param string $raw_html HTML to be purified */ fn_set_hook('sanitize_html', $config_instance, $raw_html); /** @var \HTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition $html_definition */ if ($html_definition = $config_instance->maybeGetRawHTMLDefinition()) { $html_definition->addAttribute('a', 'target', new \HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum(array('_blank', '_self', '_target', '_top'))); } $purifier_instance = \HTMLPurifier::instance($config_instance); $html_purify = $purifier_instance->purify($raw_html); return html_entity_decode($html_purify, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new DeveloperException($e->getMessage()); } }
return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'templates.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path']); } elseif ($mode == 'create_file') { $file_path = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $root_dir); $file_info = fn_pathinfo($file_path); if (in_array(fn_strtolower($file_info['extension']), Registry::get('config.forbidden_file_extensions')) || empty($file_info['filename'])) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_forbidden_file_extension', array('[ext]' => $file_info['extension']))); } elseif (fn_te_check_path($file_path) && @touch($file_path)) { fn_te_chmod($file_path, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS, false); fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_file_created', array('[file]' => fn_basename($file_path)))); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_cannot_create_file', array('[file]' => fn_basename($file_path)))); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'templates.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path']); } elseif ($mode == 'create_folder') { $folder_path = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $root_dir); if (fn_te_check_path($folder_path) && fn_mkdir($folder_path)) { fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_directory_created', array('[directory]' => fn_basename($folder_path)))); } else { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_cannot_create_directory', array('[directory]' => fn_basename($folder_path)))); } return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'templates.init_view?dir=' . $_REQUEST['file_path']); } elseif ($mode == 'get_file') { $pname = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $root_dir); if (fn_te_check_path($pname)) { if (is_file($pname) && !in_array(fn_strtolower(fn_get_file_ext($pname)), Registry::get('config.forbidden_file_extensions'))) { fn_get_file($pname); } } exit; } elseif ($mode == 'edit') { $fname = fn_te_normalize_path($_REQUEST, $root_dir);
/** * Create new file and put serialized data here * @param string $file_name * @param array $data * @param boolean $serialize */ function fn_twg_write_to_file($file_name, $data, $serialize = true) { $dir = dirname($file_name); if (!file_exists($dir)) { fn_mkdir($dir); } $file = @fopen($file_name, 'w'); if ($file === false) { $message = str_replace('[file]', $file_name, __('cannot_write_file')); fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $message); return false; } fwrite($file, $serialize ? serialize($data) : $data); fclose($file); }
/** * Recursively copy directory (or just a file) * * @param string $source * @param string $dest * @param bool $silent */ function fn_copy($source, $dest, $silent = true) { //var_dump($silent); //var_dump($source); // Simple copy for a file if (is_file($source)) { if (@is_dir($dest)) { $dest .= '/' . basename($source); } if (filesize($source) == 0) { $fd = fopen($dest, 'w'); fclose($fd); $res = true; } else { $res = @copy($source, $dest); } @chmod($dest, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); //var_dump('1'); return $res; } // Make destination directory if ($silent == false) { fn_echo('Creating directory <b>' . (strpos($dest, DIR_ROOT) === 0 ? str_replace(DIR_ROOT . '/', '', $dest) : $dest) . '</b><br />'); } if (!@is_dir($dest)) { if (fn_mkdir($dest) == false) { // var_dump('2'); return false; } } // Loop through the folder if (@is_dir($source)) { $dir = dir($source); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { // Skip pointers if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } // Deep copy directories if ($dest !== $source . '/' . $entry) { if (fn_copy($source . '/' . $entry, $dest . '/' . $entry, $silent) == false) { // var_dump('3'); return false; } } } // Clean up $dir->close(); return true; } else { // var_dump('4'); return false; } }
/** * Export image (moves to selected directory on filesystem) * * @param int $image_id ID of the image * @param string $object object to export image for (product, category, etc...) * @param string $backup_path path to export image * @return string path to the exported image */ function fn_export_image($image_id, $object, $backup_path = '', $include_alt = true) { if (empty($backup_path)) { $backup_path = 'exim/backup/images/' . $object . '/'; } $backup_path = rtrim(fn_normalize_path($backup_path), '/'); $images_path = fn_get_files_dir_path() . $backup_path; // if backup dir does not exist then try to create it fn_mkdir($images_path); $image_data = db_get_row("SELECT image_id, image_path FROM ?:images WHERE image_id = ?i", $image_id); if (empty($image_data)) { return ''; } if ($include_alt) { $alt_data = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT lang_code, description FROM ?:common_descriptions WHERE ?:common_descriptions.object_id = ?i AND ?:common_descriptions.object_holder = 'images'", array('lang_code', 'description'), $image_id); $alt_text = '#{'; if (!empty($alt_data)) { foreach ($alt_data as $lang_code => $text) { $alt_text .= '[' . $lang_code . ']:' . $text . ';'; } } $alt_text .= '}'; } $path = $images_path . '/' . fn_basename($image_data['image_path']); Storage::instance('images')->export($object . '/' . floor($image_id / MAX_FILES_IN_DIR) . '/' . $image_data['image_path'], $path); return $backup_path . '/' . fn_basename($image_data['image_path']) . (!empty($alt_data) && $include_alt ? $alt_text : ''); }
/** * Create temporary file * * @return temporary file */ function fn_create_temp_file() { fn_mkdir(Registry::get('config.dir.cache_misc') . 'tmp'); $tmpnam = fn_normalize_path(tempnam(Registry::get('config.dir.cache_misc') . 'tmp/', 'tmp_')); return $tmpnam; }
function fn_google_sitemap_get_content($map_page = 0) { $cache_path = fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'google_sitemap/'; define('ITEMS_PER_PAGE', 500); define('MAX_URLS_IN_MAP', 50000); // 50 000 is the maximum for one sitemap file define('MAX_SIZE_IN_KBYTES', 10000); // 10240 KB || 10 Mb is the maximum for one sitemap file $sitemap_settings = Registry::get('addons.google_sitemap'); $location = Registry::get('config.http_location'); $lmod = date("Y-m-d", TIME); header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); // HEAD SECTION $simple_head = <<<HEAD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> HEAD; $simple_foot = <<<FOOT </urlset> FOOT; $index_map_url = <<<HEAD <url> <loc>{$location}/</loc> <lastmod>{$lmod}</lastmod> <changefreq>{$sitemap_settings['site_change']}</changefreq> <priority>{$sitemap_settings['site_priority']}</priority> </url> HEAD; // END HEAD SECTION // SITEMAP CONTENT $link_counter = 1; $file_counter = 1; fn_mkdir($cache_path); $file = fopen($cache_path . 'sitemap' . $file_counter . '.xml', "wb"); fwrite($file, $simple_head . $index_map_url); $languages = db_get_hash_single_array("SELECT lang_code, name FROM ?:languages WHERE status = 'A'", array('lang_code', 'name')); if ($sitemap_settings['include_categories'] == "Y") { $categories = db_get_fields("SELECT category_id FROM ?:categories WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?i, usergroup_ids) AND status = 'A' ?p", USERGROUP_ALL, fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:categories.company_id')); //Add the all active categories foreach ($categories as $category) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('category', $category, $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['categories_change'], $sitemap_settings['categories_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } if ($sitemap_settings['include_products'] == "Y") { $page = 1; $total = ITEMS_PER_PAGE; $params = $_REQUEST; $params['page'] = $page; $params['custom_extend'] = array('categories'); $params['sort_by'] = 'null'; $params['only_short_fields'] = true; while (ITEMS_PER_PAGE * ($params['page'] - 1) <= $total) { list($products, $search) = fn_get_products($params, ITEMS_PER_PAGE); $total = $search['total_items']; $params['page']++; foreach ($products as $product) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('product', $product['product_id'], $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['products_change'], $sitemap_settings['products_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } unset($products); } if ($sitemap_settings['include_pages'] == "Y") { $pages = db_get_fields("SELECT page_id FROM ?:pages WHERE status = 'A' AND page_type != 'L' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:pages.company_id')); //Add the all active pages foreach ($pages as $page) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('page', $page, $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['pages_change'], $sitemap_settings['pages_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } if ($sitemap_settings['include_extended'] == "Y") { $vars = db_get_fields("SELECT ?:product_feature_variants.variant_id FROM ?:product_feature_variants " . "LEFT JOIN ?:product_features ON (?:product_feature_variants.feature_id = ?:product_features.feature_id) " . "WHERE ?:product_features.feature_type = 'E' AND ?:product_features.status = 'A'"); //Add the all active extended features foreach ($vars as $var) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('extended', $var, $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['extended_change'], $sitemap_settings['extended_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } if (Registry::isExist("addons.news_and_emails") && $sitemap_settings['include_news'] == 'Y') { $news = db_get_fields("SELECT news_id FROM ?:news WHERE status = 'A' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:news.company_id')); if (!empty($news)) { foreach ($news as $news_id) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('news', $news_id, $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['news_change'], $sitemap_settings['news_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } } if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && $sitemap_settings['include_companies'] == 'Y') { $companies = db_get_fields("SELECT company_id FROM ?:companies WHERE status = 'A' ?p", fn_get_google_sitemap_company_condition('?:companies.company_id')); if (!empty($companies)) { foreach ($companies as $company_id) { $links = fn_google_sitemap_generate_link('companies', $company_id, $languages); $item = fn_google_sitemap_print_item_info($links, $lmod, $sitemap_settings['companies_change'], $sitemap_settings['companies_priority']); fn_google_sitemap_check_counter($file, $link_counter, $file_counter, $links, $simple_head, $simple_foot); fwrite($file, $item); } } } fn_set_hook('sitemap_item', $sitemap_settings, $file, $lmod, $link_counter, $file_counter); fwrite($file, $simple_foot); fclose($file); if ($file_counter == 1) { fn_rename($cache_path . 'sitemap' . $file_counter . '.xml', $cache_path . 'sitemap.xml'); } else { // Make a map index file $maps = ''; $seo_enabled = Registry::get('addons.seo.status') == 'A' ? true : false; for ($i = 1; $i <= $file_counter; $i++) { if ($seo_enabled) { $name = $location . '/sitemap' . $i . '.xml'; } else { $name = fn_url('xmlsitemap.view?page=' . $i, 'C', 'http'); } $name = htmlentities($name); $maps .= <<<MAP <sitemap> <loc>{$name}</loc> <lastmod>{$lmod}</lastmod> </sitemap> MAP; } $index_map = <<<HEAD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sitemapindex xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> {$maps} </sitemapindex> HEAD; $file = fopen($cache_path . 'sitemap.xml', "wb"); fwrite($file, $index_map); fclose($file); } $filename = $cache_path . 'sitemap.xml'; if (!empty($map_page)) { $name = $cache_path . 'sitemap' . $map_page . '.xml'; if (file_exists($name)) { $filename = $name; } } readfile($filename); exit; }
/** * Creates database and imports dump there * @param string $db_name db name * @return boolean true on success, false - otherwise */ public static function createDb($db_name = '') { $snapshot_dir = Registry::get('config.dir.snapshots'); $dbdump_filename = empty($db_name) ? 'cmp_current.sql' : 'cmp_release.sql'; if (!fn_mkdir($snapshot_dir)) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_cannot_create_directory', array('[directory]' => fn_get_rel_dir($snapshot_dir)))); return false; } $dump_file = $snapshot_dir . $dbdump_filename; if (is_file($dump_file)) { if (!is_writable($dump_file)) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('dump_file_not_writable')); return false; } } $fd = @fopen($snapshot_dir . $dbdump_filename, 'w'); if (!$fd) { fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('dump_cant_create_file')); return false; } if (!empty($db_name)) { Database::changeDb($db_name); } // set export format db_query("SET @SQL_MODE = 'MYSQL323'"); fn_start_scroller(); $create_statements = array(); $insert_statements = array(); $status_data = db_get_array("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); $dbdump_tables = array(); foreach ($status_data as $k => $v) { $dbdump_tables[] = $v['Name']; } // get status data $t_status = db_get_hash_array("SHOW TABLE STATUS", 'Name'); foreach ($dbdump_tables as $k => $table) { fn_echo('<br />' . __('backupping_data') . ': <b>' . $table . '</b> '); $total_rows = db_get_field("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table}"); $index = db_get_array("SHOW INDEX FROM {$table}"); $order_by = array(); foreach ($index as $kk => $vv) { if ($vv['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $order_by[] = '`' . $vv['Column_name'] . '`'; } } if (!empty($order_by)) { $order_by = 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $order_by); } else { $order_by = ''; } // Define iterator if (!empty($t_status[$table]) && $t_status[$table]['Avg_row_length'] < DB_MAX_ROW_SIZE) { $it = DB_ROWS_PER_PASS; } else { $it = 1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $total_rows; $i = $i + $it) { $table_data = db_get_array("SELECT * FROM {$table} {$order_by} LIMIT {$i}, {$it}"); foreach ($table_data as $_tdata) { $_tdata = fn_add_slashes($_tdata, true); $values = array(); foreach ($_tdata as $v) { $values[] = $v !== null ? "'{$v}'" : 'NULL'; } fwrite($fd, "INSERT INTO {$table} (`" . implode('`, `', array_keys($_tdata)) . "`) VALUES (" . implode(', ', $values) . ");\n"); } fn_echo(' .'); } } fn_stop_scroller(); if (!empty($db_name)) { Settings::instance()->reloadSections(); } if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) { $companies = fn_get_short_companies(); asort($companies); $settings['company_root'] = Settings::instance()->getList(); foreach ($companies as $k => $v) { $settings['company_' . $k] = Settings::instance()->getList(0, 0, false, $k); } } else { $settings['company_root'] = Settings::instance()->getList(); } if (!empty($db_name)) { Database::changeDb(Registry::get('config.db_name')); } $settings = self::processSettings($settings, ''); $settings = self::formatSettings($settings['data']); ksort($settings); $data = print_r($settings, true); fwrite($fd, $data); fclose($fd); @chmod($snapshot_dir . $dbdump_filename, DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS); return true; }
function fn_companies_update_logos($company_id, $old_logos) { $logotypes = fn_filter_uploaded_data('logotypes'); $areas = fn_companies_get_manifest_definition(); // Update company logotypes if (!empty($logotypes)) { $logos = $old_logos; foreach ($logotypes as $type => $logo) { $area = $areas[$type]; $short_name = "company/{$company_id}/{$type}_{$logo['name']}"; $filename = DIR_IMAGES . $short_name; fn_mkdir(dirname($filename)); if (fn_copy($logo['path'], $filename)) { list($w, $h, ) = fn_get_image_size($filename); $logos[$area['name']] = array('vendor' => 1, 'filename' => $short_name, 'width' => $w, 'height' => $h); } else { $text = fn_get_lang_var('text_cannot_create_file'); $text = str_replace('[file]', $filename, $text); fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), $text); } @unlink($logo['path']); } $logos = serialize($logos); db_query("UPDATE ?:companies SET logos = ?s WHERE company_id = ?i", $logos, $company_id); } fn_save_logo_alt($areas, $company_id); }