コード例 #1
$features = array("backups", "flickr_push", "flickr_push_backups");
if (!features_is_enabled($features)) {
    echo "backups are currently disabled\n";
$spec = array("url" => array("flag" => "u", "required" => 1, "help" => "the *root* URL of your copy of parallel-ogram (the need to specify this here is not a feature...)"));
$opts = cli_getopts($spec);
$topic = $opts['topic'];
# This sucks to have to do but I am uncertain what the
# better alternative is right now... (20120601/straup)
$root = rtrim($opts['url'], '/') . "/";
$GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url'] = $root;
log_info("set 'abs_root_url' to '{$GLOBALS['cfg']['abs_root_url']}'");
$topic_map = flickr_push_topic_map("string keys");
$topics = array("my_photos", "my_faves");
foreach (flickr_backups_users() as $user) {
    foreach ($topics as $topic) {
        $sub = array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'topic_id' => $topic_map[$topic]);
        $rsp = flickr_push_subscriptions_register_subscription($sub);
        log_info("[{$user['username']}] {$topic}: {$rsp['ok']}");
        if (!$rsp['ok']) {
            log_info("[{$user['username']}] {$topic}: {$rsp['error']}");
log_info("- done -");
コード例 #2
function flickr_backups_toggle_push_subscription(&$backup, $enable)
    $push_features = array("flickr_push", "flickr_push_backups");
    if (!features_is_enabled($push_features)) {
        return null;
    # First, figure out if this backup type is a valid push
    # backup topic - this duplicates most/all of the code in
    # flickr_backups_is_push_backups but since we'll need the
    # stub subscription (and the topic map) in order to create
    # new subscriptions we're just not going to worry about it
    # too much (20120608/straup)
    $type_id = $backup['type_id'];
    $map = flickr_backups_push_topics_map();
    if (!isset($map[$type_id])) {
        return null;
    # Stub subscription data
    $user = users_get_by_id($backup['user_id']);
    $topic_id = $map[$type_id];
    $sub = array('user_id' => $user['id'], 'topic_id' => $topic_id);
    if (!flickr_backups_is_registered_push_subscription($sub)) {
        return null;
    if ($enable) {
        $push_rsp = flickr_push_subscriptions_register_subscription($sub);
    } else {
        # Okay, now fetch the actual subscription in order to unsubscribe
        $sub = flickr_push_subscriptions_get_by_user_and_topic($user, $topic_id);
        # Keeping in mind that it may not actually exist...
        if (!$sub) {
            return okay();
        $push_rsp = flickr_push_subscriptions_remove_subscription($sub, 1);
    return $push_rsp;