コード例 #1
//The same syntax can be used with functions that return references, and with the new operator (since PHP 4.0.4 and before PHP 5.0.0):

function find_var($bar){

$bar = null;

$foo =& find_var($bar);

コード例 #2
ファイル: ubl2ordre.php プロジェクト: nielsrune/saldi_ce
function importer($filnavn, $fejllog)
    global $charset;
    global $bgcolor;
    global $bgcolor5;
    $accountingsupplierparty = NULL;
    $cvrnr = NULL;
    $fejl = NULL;
    $firmanavn = NULL;
    $linjenr = 0;
    $orderreference = NULL;
    $party = null;
    $partyname = NULL;
    $indhold = null;
    $ean = NULL;
    $sekliste = array('ID');
    $fp = fopen($filnavn, 'r');
    if ($fp) {
        #		$x=0;
        $indhold = NULL;
        while ($linje[$x] = fgets($fp)) {
            $indhold .= $linje[$x];
        #		$linjeantal=$x;
    $ordrenr = find_var($indhold, '', 'id');
    $ordredate = find_var($indhold, '', 'issuedate');
    $k_cvrnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,party', 'endpoinid schemeid="dk:cvr"');
    $k_firmanavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,partyname', 'name');
    $k_vejnavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,postaladdress', 'streetname');
    $k_husnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,postaladdress', 'buildingnumber');
    $k_bynavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,postaladdress', 'cityname');
    $k_postnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,postaladdress', 'postalzone');
    $k_land = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,country', 'identificationcode');
    $k_telefon = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,contact', 'telephone');
    $k_email = find_var($indhold, 'accountingsupplierparty,contact', 'electronicmail');
    $d_cvrnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,party', 'endpoinid schemeid="dk:cvr"');
    $d_firmanavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,partyname', 'name');
    $d_vejnavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,postaladdress', 'streetname');
    $d_husnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,postaladdress', 'buildingnumber');
    $d_bynavn = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,postaladdress', 'cityname');
    $d_postnr = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,postaladdress', 'postalzone');
    $d_land = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,country', 'identificationcode');
    $d_telefon = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,contact', 'telephone');
    $d_email = find_var($indhold, 'accountingcustomerparty,contact', 'electronicmail');
    $o_sum = find_var($indhold, 'legalmonetarytotal', 'lineextensionamount');
    $o_totalsum = find_var($indhold, 'paymentterms', 'amount');
    $o_moms = find_var($indhold, 'taxtotal', 'taxamount');
    $pos = explode(",", find_antal_vars($indhold, '<cac:InvoiceLine>'));
    $antal_ordrelinjer = count($pos);
    $sum = 0;
    $momssum = 0;
    $d_momssats = 0;
    for ($x = 0; $x < $antal_ordrelinjer; $x++) {
        $string = substr($indhold, $pos[$x]);
        $l_varenr[$x] = find_var($string, 'invoiceline,sellersitemidentification', 'id');
        $l_antal[$x] = find_var($string, 'invoiceline', 'invoicedquantity');
        $l_tekst[$x] = find_var($string, 'invoiceline,item', 'name');
        $l_pris[$x] = find_var($string, 'invoiceline,price', 'priceamount');
        $l_momssats[$x] = find_var($string, 'invoiceline', 'percent');
        $sum += $l_pris[$x];
        $momssum += $l_pris[$x] / 100 * $l_momssats[$x];
        if ($l_momssats[$x] > $d_momssats) {
            $d_momssats = $l_momssats[$x];
    if ($r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select * from adresser where art = 'D' and kontonr = '{$d_telefon}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__))) {
        $d_konto_id = $r['id'];
    } else {
        $fejl = "Debitor {$d_firmanavn}, med kontonummer: {$d_telefon} eksisterer ikke";
        fejllog("{$fejl}", "{$fejllog}");
        return $fejl;
    for ($x = 0; $x < $antal_ordrelinjer; $x++) {
        if ($l_varenr[$x] != 'TEXT') {
            if ($r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select * from varer where varenr = '{$l_varenr[$x]}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__))) {
                $l_vare_id[$x] = $r['id'];
            } else {
                $fejl = "Vare {$l_varenr[$x]} eksisterer ikke";
                fejllog("{$fejl}", "{$fejllog}");
                return $fejl;
    $tidspkt = date('U');
    $d_addr1 = $d_vejnavn . " " . $d_husnr;
    $d_addr2 = '';
    $betalingsbet = 'Netto';
    $betalingsdage = 8;
    $valuta = 'DKK';
    $valutakurs = '100';
    $sprog = 'Dansk';
    if (!$fejl) {
        $r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select max(ordrenr) as ordrenr from ordrer where art = 'DO' or art = 'DK'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__));
        $d_ordrenr = $r['ordrenr'] + 1;
        db_modify("insert into ordrer(ordrenr,konto_id,kontonr,firmanavn,addr1,postnr,bynavn,land,email,ordredate,levdate,fakturadate,art,betalingsbet,betalingsdage,status,tidspkt,valuta,valutakurs,momssats,sum,moms)values('{$d_ordrenr}','{$d_konto_id}','{$d_telefon}','{$d_firmanavn}','{$d_addr1}','{$d_postnr}','{$d_bynavn}','{$d_land}','{$d_email}','{$ordredate}','{$ordredate}','{$ordredate}','DO','{$betalingsbet}','{$betalingsdage}','1','{$tidspkt}','{$valuta}','{$valutakurs}','{$d_momssats}','{$o_sum}','{$o_moms}')", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
        if ($r = db_fetch_array(db_select("select id from ordrer where art = 'DO' and kontonr = '{$d_telefon}' and tidspkt = '{$tidspkt}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__))) {
            $d_ordre_id = $r['id'];
        } else {
            $fejl = "Ordre ikke oprettet (Debitor {$d_firmanavn}, med kontonummer: {$d_telefon})";
            fejllog("{$fejl}", "{$fejllog}");
            return $fejl;
    if (!$fejl) {
        for ($x = 0; $x < $antal_ordrelinjer; $x++) {
            $pos = $x + 1;
            if (strtolower($l_varenr[$x]) == 'text') {
                db_modify("insert into ordrelinjer(posnr,ordre_id,beskrivelse)values('{$pos}','{$d_ordre_id}','{$l_tekst[$x]}')", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
            } else {
                $l_antal[$x] *= 1;
                $l_pris[$x] *= 1;
                $l_momssats[$x] *= 1;
                $l_momssats[$x] ? $momsfri = '' : ($momsfri = 'on');
                db_modify("insert into ordrelinjer(posnr,ordre_id,vare_id,varenr,antal,beskrivelse,pris,momssats,momsfri,kostpris)values('{$pos}','{$d_ordre_id}','{$l_vare_id[$x]}','{$l_varenr[$x]}','{$l_antal[$x]}','{$l_tekst[$x]}','{$l_pris[$x]}','{$l_momssats[$x]}','{$momsfri}','0')", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    if (!$fejl) {
        db_modify("update ordrer set tidspkt= '' where id='{$d_ordre_id}'", __FILE__ . " linje " . __LINE__);
    #echo "Fejl >$fejl<<br>";
    if ($fejl) {
        return "{$fejl}";
    } else {
        return "OK";
    	print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><table valign=\"top\"><tbody>";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td width=\"100px\"><b>Firmanavn:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">$k_firmanavn<br></td><td width=\"100px\"><b>Ordrenr:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">$ordrenr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>$k_vejnavn $k_husnr<br></td><td><b>Ordredate:</td><td>$ordredate<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>$k_postnr $k_bynavn<br></td><td><b>Fakturanr:</b></td><td>$k_fakturanr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr><td><b>Land:</b></td><td>$k_land<br></td><td><b>Cvr:</b></td><td>$k_cvrnr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><b>Telefon:</b></td><td>$k_telefon<br></td><td><b></b></td><br><td><br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "</tbody></table></td></tr>";
    	print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><table valign=\"top\"><tbody>";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td width=\"100px\"><b>(Firma)navn:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">$d_firmanavn<br></td><td width=\"100px\"><b>Ordrenr:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">$ordrenr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>$d_vejnavn $d_husnr<br></td><td><b>Ordredate:</td><td>$ordredate<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>$d_postnr $d_bynavn<br></td><td><b>Fakturanr:</b></td><td>$fakturanr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr><td><b>Land:</b></td><td>$land<br></td><td><b>Cvr:</b></td><td>$d_cvrnr<br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor5\"><b>Telefon:</b></td><td>$d_telefon<br></td><td><b></b></td><br><td><br></td></tr>\n";
    	print "</tbody></table></td></tr>";
    	print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><table valign=\"top\"><tbody>";
    	print "<tr bgcolor=\"$linjebg\"><td width=\"100px\"><b>Varenr</b></td><td width=\"50px\" align=\"right\"><b>Antal</b></td><td width=\"500px\"><b>Beskrivelse</b></td><td width=\"50px\"><b>Købspris</b></td><td width=\"70px\" align=\"right\"><b>Moms %</b></td>\n";
    	for ($x=0;$x<$antal_ordrelinjer;$x++) {
    	if ($linjebg!=$bgcolor) {
    	} else {
    		print "<tr bgcolor=\"$linjebg\"><td>$l_varenr[$x]</td><td align=\"right\">".dkdecimal($l_antal[$x])."</td><td>$l_tekst[$x]</td><td align=\"right\">".dkdecimal($l_pris[$x])."</td><td align=\"right\">".dkdecimal($l_momssats[$x])."</td>\n";
    #		echo "Pos $l_posnr[$x], vnr $l_varenr[$x], antal $l_antal[$x], tekst $l_tekst[$x], pris $l_pris[$x], momssats $l_momssats[$x]<br>";
    	print "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr></td></tr>";
    	print "</tbody></table>";
    	print "</td></tr>";	
コード例 #3
ファイル: ublimport.php プロジェクト: nielsrune/saldi_ce
function vis_oioubl($filnavn)
    global $charset;
    global $bgcolor;
    global $bgcolor5;
    global $firmanavn;
    global $kontonr;
    global $vejnavn;
    global $husnr;
    global $postnr;
    global $bynavn;
    global $land;
    global $cvrnr;
    global $ordredate;
    global $fakturadate;
    global $l_varenr;
    global $l_pris;
    global $l_tekst;
    global $l_antal;
    global $l_sum;
    global $l_moms;
    global $l_momssats;
    global $l_posnr;
    $accountingsupplierparty = NULL;
    $cvrnr = NULL;
    $firmanavn = NULL;
    $linjenr = 0;
    $orderreference = NULL;
    $party = null;
    $partyname = NULL;
    $indhold = null;
    $ean = NULL;
    $fp = fopen($filnavn, 'r');
    if ($fp) {
        $x = 0;
        while ($linje[$x] = fgets($fp)) {
        $linjeantal = $x;
    for ($x = 0; $x <= $linjeantal; $x++) {
        $linje[$x] = trim($linje[$x]);
        $tmp = strtolower($linje[$x]);
        #cho htmlentities($linje[$x])." -> ".htmlentities($tmp)."<br>";
        if ((strstr($tmp, "<cbc:id>") || $orderid) && !$fakturanr) {
            $orderid = 1;
            $find = "<cbc:id";
            if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                $fakturanr = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
            if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:id>")) {
                $orderid = 0;
        if ((strstr($tmp, "<cbc:issuedate>") || $inv_date) && !$fakturadate) {
            $inv_date = 1;
            $find = "<cbc:issuedate";
            if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                $fakturadate = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
            if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:issuedate>")) {
                $inv_date = 0;
        if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:orderreference>") || $orderreference) {
            $orderreference = 1;
            $find = "<cbc:salesorderid";
            if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                $ordrenr = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
            $find = "<cbc:issuedate";
            if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                $ordredate = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
            if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:orderreference>")) {
                $orderreference = 0;
        if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:accountingsupplierparty>") || $accountingsupplierparty) {
            #cho "Z1 $tmp -> $linje[$x] ->\"cbc:endpointid\"<br>";
            $accountingsupplierparty = 1;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:party>") || $party) {
                $party = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:endpointid";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $cvrnr = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:partyname>") || $partyname) {
                    $partyname = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:name";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $firmanavn = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:partyname>")) {
                        $partyname = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:postaladdress>") || $postaladdress) {
                    $postaladdress = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:streetname";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $vejnavn = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    $find = "<cbc:buildingnumber";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $husnr = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    $find = "<cbc:cityname";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $bynavn = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    $find = "<cbc:postalzone";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $postnr = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:country>") || $country) {
                        $country = 1;
                        $find = "<cbc:identificationcode";
                        if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                            $land = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                        if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:country>")) {
                            $country = 0;
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:partyname>")) {
                        $partyname = 0;
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:postaladdress>")) {
                        $postaladdress = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:telephone>") || $telephone) {
                    $country = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:telephone";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $telefon = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:telephone>")) {
                        $telephone = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:party>")) {
                    $party = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:accountingsupplierparty>")) {
                $accountingsupplierparty = 0;
        #---------------- ordrelinjer -------------
        if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:invoiceline") || $invoiceline) {
            $invoiceline = 1;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:note>") || $linenote) {
                $linenote = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:note";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $linjenote[$linjenr] .= find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:note>")) {
                    $linenote = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:invoicedquantity") || $invoicedquantity) {
                #cho htmlentities($tmp);
                $invoicedquantity = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:invoicedquantity";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $l_antal[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                #cho "<br>$linjenr antal ".$l_antal[$linjenr]."<br>";
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:invoicedquantity>")) {
                    $invoicedquantity = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:lineextensionamount") || $lineextensionamount) {
                $lineextensionamount = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:lineextensionamount";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $l_sum[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:lineextensionamount>")) {
                    $lineextensionamount = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:taxtotal") || $taxtotal) {
                $taxtotal = 1;
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:taxamount") || $taxamount) {
                    $taxamount = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:taxamount";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $l_moms[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:taxamount>")) {
                        $taxamount = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:percent") || $percent) {
                    $percent = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:percent";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $l_momssats[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:percent>")) {
                        $percent = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:taxtotal>")) {
                    $taxtotal = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:description") || $description) {
                $description = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:description";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $l_tekst[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:description>")) {
                    $description = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:price") || $price) {
                #cho "Pris $l_pris[$linjenr]<br>";
                $price = 1;
                if (strstr($tmp, "<cbc:priceamount") || $priceamount) {
                    $priceamount = 1;
                    $find = "<cbc:priceamount";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                        $l_pris[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                    #cho "$linjenr Pris $l_pris[$linjenr]<br>";
                    if (strstr($tmp, "</cbc:priceamount>")) {
                        $priceamount = 0;
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:price>")) {
                    $price = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "<cac:sellersitemidentification") || $sellersitemidentification) {
                $sellersitemidentification = 1;
                $find = "<cbc:id";
                if (strstr($tmp, "{$find}")) {
                    $l_varenr[$linjenr] = find_var($tmp, $linje[$x], $find);
                if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:sellersitemidentification>")) {
                    $sellersitemidentification = 0;
            if (strstr($tmp, "</cac:invoiceline")) {
                $invoiceline = 0;
                if ($l_varenr[$linjenr]) {
    if (!$ordredate && $fakturadate) {
        $ordredate = $fakturadate;
    } elseif (!$ordredate) {
        $ordredate = date("Y-m-d");
    $linjebg = $bgcolor5;
    print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><table valign=\"top\"><tbody>";
    print "<tr bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor5}\"><td width=\"100px\"><b>Firmanavn:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">{$firmanavn}<br></td><td width=\"100px\"><b>Ordrenr:</b></td><td width=\"200px\">{$ordrenr}<br></td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>{$vejnavn} {$husnr}<br></td><td><b>Ordredate:</td><td>{$ordredate}<br></td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor5}\"><td><b>Adresse:</b></td><td>{$postnr} {$bynavn}<br></td><td><b>Fakturanr:</b></td><td>{$fakturanr}<br></td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr><td><b>Land:</b></td><td>{$land}<br></td><td><b>Cvr:</b></td><td>{$cvrnr}<br></td></tr>\n";
    print "<tr bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor5}\"><td bgcolor=\"{$bgcolor5}\"><b>Telefon:</b></td><td>{$telefon}<br></td><td><b></b></td><br><td><br></td></tr>\n";
    print "</tbody></table></td></tr>";
    print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><table valign=\"top\"><tbody>";
    print "<tr bgcolor=\"{$linjebg}\"><td width=\"100px\"><b>Varenr</b></td><td width=\"50px\" align=\"right\"><b>Antal</b></td><td width=\"500px\"><b>Beskrivelse</b></td><td width=\"50px\"><b>Købspris</b></td><td width=\"70px\" align=\"right\"><b>Moms %</b></td>\n";
    for ($x = 0; $x < $linjenr; $x++) {
        if ($linjebg != $bgcolor) {
            $linjebg = $bgcolor;
        } else {
            $linjebg = $bgcolor5;
        $l_posnr[$x] = $x + 1;
        print "<tr bgcolor=\"{$linjebg}\"><td>{$l_varenr[$x]}</td><td align=\"right\">" . dkdecimal($l_antal[$x]) . "</td><td>{$l_tekst[$x]}</td><td align=\"right\">" . dkdecimal($l_pris[$x]) . "</td><td align=\"right\">" . dkdecimal($l_momssats[$x]) . "</td>\n";
        #cho "Pos $l_posnr[$x], vnr $l_varenr[$x], antal $l_antal[$x], tekst $l_tekst[$x], pris $l_pris[$x], momssats $l_momssats[$x]<br>";
    print "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr></td></tr>";
    print "</tbody></table>";
    print "</td></tr>";
    #	return($firmanavn.chr(9).$kontonr.chr(9).$vejnavn.chr(9).$husnr.chr(9).$postnr.chr(9).$bynavn.chr(9).$land.chr(9).$cvrnr.chr(9).$ordredate.chr(9).$l_varenr.chr(9).$l_pris.chr(9).$l_tekst.chr(9).$l_antal.chr(9).$l_sum.chr(9).$l_moms.chr(9).$l_momssats.chr(9).$l_posnr);