コード例 #1
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2011-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
global $config;

check_login ();

$filter['limit'] = 0;
$incidents = filter_incidents ($filter);


/* Add a form to carry filter between statistics and search views */
echo '<form id="search_form" method="post" action="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_search&option=search" style="clear: both">';
foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
	print_input_hidden ("search_".$key, $value);
print_input_hidden ("offset", get_parameter("offset"));
echo "</form>";

/* Add a form to generate HTML reports */
echo '<form id="html_report_form" method="post" target="_blank" action="index.php" style="clear: both">';
foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
	print_input_hidden ("search_".$key, $value);
コード例 #2
ファイル: functions_api.php プロジェクト: keunes/integriaims
function api_get_stats($return_type, $param, $token, $user)
    global $config;
    $config['id_user'] = $user;
    $param = explode($token, $param);
    $filter = array();
    if (isset($param[0])) {
        $filter['metric'] = $param[0];
    } else {
    // No valid metric passed as parameter
    if (isset($param[1])) {
        $filter['string'] = $param[1];
    } else {
        $filter["string"] = "";
    if (isset($param[2])) {
        $filter['status'] = $param[2];
    } else {
        $filter["status"] = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7";
    // If we need closed incidents, status is fixed to 5 and 6 status
    if ($filter["metric"] == "closed") {
        $filter["status"] = "6,7";
    if ($filter["metric"] == "sla_compliance") {
        $filter["status"] = "1,2,3,4,5";
    if ($filter["metric"] == "avg_life") {
        $filter["status"] = "6,7";
    if ($filter["metric"] == "avg_scoring") {
        $filter["status"] = "6,7";
    if (isset($param[3])) {
        $filter['id_user'] = $param[3];
    } else {
        $filter["id_user"] = "";
    if (isset($param[4])) {
        $filter['id_group'] = $param[4];
    } else {
        $filter["id_group"] = 1;
    if (isset($param[5])) {
        $filter['id_company'] = $param[5];
    } else {
        $filter["id_company"] = 0;
    if (isset($param[6])) {
        $filter['id_product'] = $param[6];
    } else {
        $filter["id_product"] = 0;
    if (isset($param[7])) {
        $filter['id_inventory'] = $param[7];
    } else {
        $filter["id_inventory"] = 0;
    // No values defined for other filters available but not used:
    $filter['priority'] = (int) get_parameter('search_priority', -1);
    $filter['serial_number'] = (string) get_parameter('search_serial_number');
    $filter['id_building'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_building');
    $filter['sla_fired'] = false;
    $filter['id_incident_type'] = (int) get_parameter('search_id_incident_type');
    $filter['first_date'] = (string) get_parameter('search_first_date');
    $filter['last_date'] = (string) get_parameter('search_last_date');
    //$incidents = filter_incidents ($filter);
    $incidents = filter_incidents($filter, false, false);
    $stats = get_incidents_stats($incidents);
        $data ["total_incidents"] = $total;
        $data ["opened"] = $opened;
        $data ["closed"] = $total - $opened;
        $data ["avg_life"] = $mean_lifetime;
        $data ["avg_worktime"] = $mean_work;
        $data ["sla_compliance"] = $sla_compliance;
        $data ["avg_scoring"] = $scoring_avg;
    $ret = '';
    if ($return_type == 'xml') {
        $ret = "<xml>\n";
        $ret .= "<data>";
    switch ($filter['metric']) {
        case "total_incidents":
            $ret .= $stats["total_incidents"];
        case "opened":
            $ret .= $stats["opened"];
        case "closed":
            $ret .= $stats["closed"];
        case "avg_life":
            $ret .= $stats["avg_life"];
        case "sla_compliance":
            $ret .= $stats["sla_compliance"];
        case "avg_scoring":
            $ret .= $stats["avg_scoring"];
        case "avg_worktime":
            $ret .= $stats["avg_worktime"];
    if ($return_type == 'xml') {
        $ret .= "</data>\n";
        $ret .= "</xml>\n";
    return $ret;
コード例 #3
        $custom .= "<em>".__("There aren't custom search defined for this user")."</em>";
        $custom .= "</td>";
        $custom .= "</tr>";
		$custom .= "</table>";
} else {
	foreach ($custom_searches as $cs) {
		$c_search = get_custom_search ($cs['id'], 'incidents');
		if ($c_search) { 
			if ($c_search["form_values"]) {
				$filter_search = unserialize($c_search["form_values"]);
		$count_cs = filter_incidents ($filter_search, true);
		$custom .="<div class='custom_search'>";
		$custom .= "<a href='index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_search&saved_searches=".$cs["id"]."'>".$cs["name"]." ". "(". $count_cs.")" . "</a><br>";
		$custom .="</div>";
	$custom .= "<div style='clear:both;'></div>";

$table->colspan[0][0] = 2;
$table->data[0][0] = print_container('incident_custom_search', __('Custom search'), $custom);

$groups = get_user_groups();

コード例 #4
function incidents_search_result($filter, $ajax = false, $return_incidents = false, $print_result_count = false, $no_parents = false, $resolve_names = false, $report_mode = false, $csv_mode = false)
    global $config;
    $params = "";
    foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
        $params .= "&search_" . $key . "=" . $value;
    //Only show incident for last year if there isn't a search by dates
    if (!$filter['first_date'] && !$filter['last_date']) {
        $filter_year = $filter;
        $now = print_mysql_timestamp();
        $year_in_seconds = 3600 * 24 * 365;
        $year_ago_unix = time() - $year_in_seconds;
        $year_ago = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $year_ago_unix);
        $filter_year['first_date'] = $year_ago;
        $filter_year['last_date'] = $now;
        $count_this_year = filter_incidents($filter_year, true, false, $no_parents, $csv_mode);
        $aux_text = "(" . $count_this_year . ")" . print_help_tip(__("Tickets created last year"), true);
    if (!$report_mode) {
        //Add offset to filter parameters
        $offset = get_parameter("offset");
        $filter["offset"] = $offset;
        // Store the previous limit filter
        $limit_aux = $filter["limit"];
    // Set the limit filter to 0 to retrieve all the tickets for the array pagination
    $filter["limit"] = 0;
    // All the tickets the user sees are retrieved
    $incidents = filter_incidents($filter, false, true, $no_parents, $csv_mode);
    $count = empty($incidents) ? 0 : count($incidents);
    if ($resolve_names) {
        $incidents_aux = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($incidents as $inc) {
            $incidents_aux[$i] = $inc;
            $incidents_aux[$i]['estado'] = incidents_get_incident_status_text($inc['id_incidencia']);
            $incidents_aux[$i]['resolution'] = incidents_get_incident_resolution_text($inc['id_incidencia']);
            $incidents_aux[$i]['prioridad'] = incidents_get_incident_priority_text($inc['id_incidencia']);
            $incidents_aux[$i]['id_grupo'] = incidents_get_incident_group_text($inc['id_incidencia']);
            $incidents_aux[$i]['id_group_creator'] = incidents_get_incident_group_text($inc['id_incidencia']);
            //~ $incidents_aux[$i]['id_incident_type'] = incidents_get_incident_type_text ($inc['id_incidencia']);
        $incidents = $incidents_aux;
    if ($return_incidents) {
        return $incidents;
    if (!$report_mode) {
        // Set the limit filter to its previous value
        $filter["limit"] = $limit_aux;
        $url = "index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_search" . $params;
        $incidents = print_array_pagination($incidents, $url, $offset);
    $statuses = get_indicent_status();
    $resolutions = get_incident_resolutions();
    // ORDER BY
    if ($filter['order_by'] && !is_array($filter['order_by'])) {
        $order_by = json_decode(clean_output($filter['order_by']), true);
    } else {
        $order_by = $filter['order_by'];
    if (!$report_mode) {
        if ($order_by["id_incidencia"] != "") {
            if ($order_by["id_incidencia"] == "DESC") {
                $id_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"id_incidencia\", \"ASC\")'><img src='images/arrow_down_orange.png'></a>";
            } else {
                $id_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"id_incidencia\", \"\")'><img src='images/arrow_up_orange.png'></a>";
        } else {
            $id_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"id_incidencia\", \"DESC\")'><img src='images/block_orange.png'></a>";
        if ($order_by["prioridad"] != "") {
            if ($order_by["prioridad"] == "DESC") {
                $priority_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"prioridad\", \"ASC\")'><img src='images/arrow_down_orange.png'></a>";
            } else {
                $priority_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"prioridad\", \"\")'><img src='images/arrow_up_orange.png'></a>";
        } else {
            $priority_order_image = "&nbsp;<a href='javascript:changeIncidentOrder(\"prioridad\", \"DESC\")'><img src='images/block_orange.png'></a>";
    } else {
        $id_order_image = "";
        $priority_order_image = "";
    // ----------------------------------------
    // Here we print the result of the search
    // ----------------------------------------
    echo '<table width="99%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0px" class="result_table listing" id="incident_search_result_table">';
    echo '<thead>';
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo print_checkbox('incidentcb-all', "", false, true);
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('ID') . $id_order_image;
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('SLA');
    echo "</th>";
    if ($report_mode) {
        echo "<th>";
        echo __(' % SLA');
        echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('Ticket');
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('Group') . "<br><i>" . __('Company') . "</i>";
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('Status') . "<br><i>" . __('Resolution') . "</i>";
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th>";
    echo __('Priority') . $priority_order_image;
    echo "</th>";
    echo "<th style='width: 70px;'>";
    echo __('Updated') . "<br><i>" . __('Started') . "</i>";
    echo "</th>";
    if ($config["show_creator_incident"] == 1) {
        echo "<th>";
    echo __('Creator');
    echo "</th>";
    if ($config["show_owner_incident"] == 1) {
        echo "<th>";
    echo __('Owner');
    echo "</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo '</thead>';
    echo "<tbody>";
    if ($incidents == false) {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="11">' . __('Nothing was found') . '</td></tr>';
    } else {
        foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
            /* We print the rows directly, because it will be used in a sortable
               jQuery table and it only needs the rows */
            if ($incident["estado"] < 3) {
                $tr_status = 'class="red_row"';
            } elseif ($incident["estado"] < 6) {
                $tr_status = 'class="yellow_row"';
            } else {
                $tr_status = 'class="green_row"';
            echo '<tr ' . $tr_status . ' id="incident-' . $incident['id_incidencia'] . '"';
            echo " style='border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;' >";
            echo '<td>';
            print_checkbox_extended('incidentcb-' . $incident['id_incidencia'], $incident['id_incidencia'], false, '', '', 'class="cb_incident"');
            echo '</td>';
            //Print incident link if not ajax, if ajax link to js funtion to replace parent
            $link = "index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_dashboard_detail&id=" . $incident["id_incidencia"];
            if ($ajax) {
                $link = "javascript:update_parent('" . $incident["id_incidencia"] . "')";
            echo '<td>';
            if (!$report_mode) {
                echo '<strong><a href="' . $link . '">#' . $incident['id_incidencia'] . '</a></strong></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<strong>' . '#' . $incident['id_incidencia'] . '</strong></td>';
            // SLA Fired ??
            if ($incident["affected_sla_id"] != 0) {
                echo '<td width="25"><img src="images/exclamation.png" /></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td></td>';
            // % SLA
            if ($report_mode) {
                echo "<td>";
                if ($incident["affected_sla_id"] != 0) {
                    echo format_numeric(get_sla_compliance_single_id($incident['id_incidencia']));
                } else {
                    echo "";
                echo "</td>";
            echo '<td>';
            if (!$report_mode) {
                echo '<strong><a href="' . $link . '">' . $incident['titulo'] . '</a></strong><br>';
            } else {
                echo '<strong>' . $incident['titulo'] . '</strong><br>';
            echo "<span style='font-size:11px;font-style:italic'>";
            echo incidents_get_incident_type_text($incident["id_incidencia"]);
            // Added by slerena 26Ago2013
            $sql = sprintf("SELECT *\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tincident_type_field\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id_incident_type = %d", $incident["id_incident_type"]);
            $config['mysql_result_type'] = MYSQL_ASSOC;
            $type_fields = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql);
            $type_fields_values_text = "";
            if ($type_fields) {
                foreach ($type_fields as $type_field) {
                    if ($type_field["show_in_list"]) {
                        $field_data = get_db_value_filter("data", "tincident_field_data", array("id_incident" => $incident["id_incidencia"], "id_incident_field" => $type_field["id"]));
                        if ($field_data) {
                            if ($type_field["type"] == "textarea") {
                                $field_data = "<div style='display: inline-block;' title='{$field_data}'>" . substr($field_data, 0, 15) . "...</div>";
                            $type_fields_values_text .= " <div title='" . $type_field["label"] . "' style='display: inline-block;'>[{$field_data}]</div>";
            echo "&nbsp;{$type_fields_values_text}";
            echo '</span></td>';
            echo '<td>' . get_db_value("nombre", "tgrupo", "id_grupo", $incident['id_grupo']);
            if ($config["show_creator_incident"] == 1) {
                $id_creator_company = get_db_value("id_company", "tusuario", "id_usuario", $incident["id_creator"]);
                if ($id_creator_company != 0) {
                    $company_name = (string) get_db_value('name', 'tcompany', 'id', $id_creator_company);
                    echo "<br><span style='font-size:11px;font-style:italic'>{$company_name}</span>";
            echo '</td>';
            $resolution = isset($resolutions[$incident['resolution']]) ? $resolutions[$incident['resolution']] : __('None');
            echo '<td class="f9"><strong>' . $statuses[$incident['estado']] . '</strong><br /><em>' . $resolution . '</em></td>';
            // priority
            echo '<td>';
            $last_wu = get_incident_lastworkunit($incident["id_incidencia"]);
            if ($last_wu["id_user"] == $incident["id_creator"]) {
                echo "<br><img src='images/comment.gif' title='" . $last_wu["id_user"] . "'>";
            echo '</td>';
            echo '<td style="font-size:11px;">' . human_time_comparation($incident["actualizacion"]);
            // Show only if it's different
            if ($incident["inicio"] != $incident["actualizacion"]) {
                echo "<br><em>[" . human_time_comparation($incident["inicio"]);
                echo "]</em>";
            echo "<br>";
            echo '<span style="font-size:9px;">';
            if (isset($config["show_user_name"]) && $config["show_user_name"]) {
                $updated_by = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $last_wu["id_user"]);
            } else {
                $updated_by = $last_wu["id_user"];
            echo $updated_by;
            echo "</span>";
            echo '</td>';
            if ($config["show_creator_incident"] == 1) {
                echo "<td class='f9'>";
                if (isset($config["show_user_name"]) && $config["show_user_name"]) {
                    $incident_creator = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $incident["id_creator"]);
                } else {
                    $incident_creator = $incident["id_creator"];
                //~ echo substr($incident_creator,0,12);
                echo $incident_creator;
                echo "</td>";
            if ($config["show_owner_incident"] == 1) {
                echo "<td class='f9'>";
                if (isset($config["show_user_name"]) && $config["show_user_name"]) {
                    $incident_owner = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $incident["id_usuario"]);
                } else {
                    $incident_owner = $incident["id_usuario"];
                echo $incident_owner;
                echo "</td>";
            echo '</tr>';
    echo "</tbody>";
    echo "</table>";
    if (!$report_mode) {
        pagination($count, $url, $offset, false, $aux_text);
    if ($print_result_count) {
        echo "<h5>" . $count . __(" ticket(s) found") . "</h5>";
    echo "<br>";