コード例 #1

/* Prototype: string file_get_contents( string $filename[, bool $use_include_path[, 
 *                                      resource $context[, int $offset[, int $maxlen]]]] )
 * Description: Reads entire file into a string
/* Prototype: int file_put_contents( string $filename, mixed $data[,int $flags[, resource $context]] )
 * Description: Write a string to a file
/* Testing variation in all argument values */
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
include $file_path . "/file.inc";
echo "*** Testing with variations in the arguments values ***\n";
$buffer_types = array("text", "numeric", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
foreach ($buffer_types as $type) {
    fill_buffer($buffer, $type, 100);
    file_put_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", $buffer);
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 0));
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 1));
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 0, NULL, 5));
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 1, NULL, 5));
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 0, NULL, 5, 20));
    var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp", 1, NULL, 5, 20));
echo "--- Done ---";
//Deleting the temporary file
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
unlink($file_path . "/file_put_contents_variation1.tmp");

/*  Prototype: string file_get_contents( string $filename[, bool $use_include_path[,
 *                                       resource $context[, int $offset[, int $maxlen]]]] )
 *  Description: Reads entire file into a string
/*  Prototype: int file_put_contents( string $filename, mixed $data[, int $flags[, resource $context]] )
 *  Description: Write a string to a file
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
include $file_path . "/file.inc";
echo "*** Testing the basic functionality of file_put_contents() and file_get_contents() functions ***\n";
echo "-- Testing with simple valid data file --\n";
$file_name = "/file_put_contents.tmp";
fill_buffer($text_buffer, "text", 100);
file_put_contents($file_path . $file_name, $text_buffer);
var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . $file_name));
echo "\n-- Testing with empty file --\n";
$file_name = "/file_put_contents1.tmp";
file_put_contents($file_path . $file_name, "");
var_dump(file_get_contents($file_path . $file_name));
echo "\n*** Done ***";
コード例 #3
$offset = array(-1, 0, 1, 512, 600);
// different offsets
$filename = dirname(__FILE__) . "/fseek_ftell_rewind_variation6.tmp";
// this is name of the file created by create_files()
/* open the file using $files_modes and perform fseek(),ftell() and rewind() on it */
foreach ($file_content_types as $file_content_type) {
    echo "\n-- File having data of type " . $file_content_type . " --\n";
    foreach ($file_modes as $file_mode) {
        echo "-- File opened in mode " . $file_mode . " --\n";
        $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_mode);
        if (!$file_handle) {
            echo "Error: failed to fopen() file: {$filename}!";
        $data_to_be_written = "";
        fill_buffer($data_to_be_written, $file_content_type, 512);
        //get the data of size 512
        $data_to_be_written = $data_to_be_written;
        fwrite($file_handle, (string) $data_to_be_written);
        foreach ($offset as $count) {
            var_dump(fseek($file_handle, $count, SEEK_CUR));
            // confirm the file pointer position
            //ensure that file pointer is not at end
        //end of offset loop
        //close the file and check the size

/* Prototype: string file_get_contents( string $filename[, bool $use_include_path[, 
 *                                      resource $context[, int $offset[, int $maxlen]]]] )
 * Description: Reads entire file into a string
/* Prototype: int file_put_contents( string $filename, mixed $data[,int $flags[, resource $context]] )
 * Description: Write a string to a file
/* Testing variation using use_include_path argument */
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
include $file_path . "/file.inc";
echo "*** Testing with variation in use_include_path argument ***\n";
$dir = "file_get_contents_variation2";
mkdir($file_path . "/" . $dir);
$filename = $file_path . "/" . $dir . "/" . "file_get_contents_variation2.tmp";
ini_set('include_path', $file_path . "/" . $dir);
$data_array = array(1, "  Data1 in an array", 2, "  Data2 in an array");
fill_buffer($buffer, "text", 100);
file_put_contents($filename, $buffer);
fill_buffer($buffer, "numeric", 100);
file_put_contents($filename, $buffer, FILE_APPEND, NULL);
file_put_contents($filename, $data_array, FILE_APPEND, NULL);
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 0));
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 1));
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 0, NULL, 5));
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 1, NULL, 5));
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 0, NULL, 5, 20));
var_dump(file_get_contents($filename, 1, NULL, 5, 20));
echo "--- Done ---";