コード例 #1
  * Auto Orientation operations test.
 public function doTestAutoOrientOperations()
     $image_factory = $this->container->get('image.factory');
     $test_data = [['test_file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'image_effects') . '/misc/portrait-painting.jpg', 'original_width' => 640, 'original_height' => 480, 'derivative_width' => 200, 'derivative_height' => 267], ['test_file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/files/image-test.jpg', 'original_width' => 40, 'original_height' => 20, 'derivative_width' => 200, 'derivative_height' => 100], ['test_file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/files/image-1.png', 'original_width' => 360, 'original_height' => 240, 'derivative_width' => 200, 'derivative_height' => 133]];
     foreach ($test_data as $data) {
         // Get expected URIs.
         $original_uri = file_unmanaged_copy($data['test_file'], 'public://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
         $generated_uri = 'public://styles/image_effects_test/public/' . \Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($original_uri);
         // Test source image dimensions.
         $image = $image_factory->get($original_uri);
         $this->assertEqual($data['original_width'], $image->getWidth());
         $this->assertEqual($data['original_height'], $image->getHeight());
         // Load Image Style and get expected derivative URL.
         $image_style = ImageStyle::load('image_effects_test');
         $url = file_url_transform_relative($image_style->buildUrl($original_uri));
         // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
         $variables = array('#theme' => 'image_style', '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test', '#uri' => $original_uri, '#width' => $image->getWidth(), '#height' => $image->getHeight());
         $this->assertEqual('<img src="' . $url . '" width="' . $data['derivative_width'] . '" height="' . $data['derivative_height'] . '" alt="" class="image-style-image-effects-test" />', $this->getImageTag($variables));
         // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected dimensions.
         $image_style->createDerivative($original_uri, $image_style->buildUri($original_uri));
         $image = $image_factory->get($generated_uri);
         $this->assertEqual($data['derivative_width'], $image->getWidth());
         $this->assertEqual($data['derivative_height'], $image->getHeight());
コード例 #2
ファイル: UserPictureTest.php プロジェクト: Wylbur/gj
  * Tests embedded users on node pages.
 function testPictureOnNodeComment()
     // Save a new picture.
     $image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     $file = $this->saveUserPicture($image);
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('type' => 'article'));
     // Enable user pictures on nodes.
     $this->config('system.theme.global')->set('features.node_user_picture', TRUE)->save();
     $image_style_id = $this->config('core.entity_view_display.user.user.compact')->get('content.user_picture.settings.image_style');
     $style = ImageStyle::load($image_style_id);
     $image_url = file_url_transform_relative($style->buildUrl($file->getfileUri()));
     $alt_text = 'Profile picture for user ' . $this->webUser->getUsername();
     // Verify that the image is displayed on the node page.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $elements = $this->cssSelect('.node__meta .field--name-user-picture img[alt="' . $alt_text . '"][src="' . $image_url . '"]');
     $this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'User picture with alt text found on node page.');
     // Enable user pictures on comments, instead of nodes.
     $this->config('system.theme.global')->set('features.node_user_picture', FALSE)->set('features.comment_user_picture', TRUE)->save();
     $edit = array('comment_body[0][value]' => $this->randomString());
     $this->drupalPostForm('comment/reply/node/' . $node->id() . '/comment', $edit, t('Save'));
     $elements = $this->cssSelect('.comment__meta .field--name-user-picture img[alt="' . $alt_text . '"][src="' . $image_url . '"]');
     $this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'User picture with alt text found on the comment.');
     // Disable user pictures on comments and nodes.
     $this->config('system.theme.global')->set('features.node_user_picture', FALSE)->set('features.comment_user_picture', FALSE)->save();
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertNoRaw(file_uri_target($file->getFileUri()), 'User picture not found on node and comment.');
コード例 #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process($text, $langcode)
     $result = new FilterProcessResult($text);
     if (stristr($text, 'data-entity-type="file"') !== FALSE) {
         $dom = Html::load($text);
         $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
         $processed_uuids = array();
         foreach ($xpath->query('//*[@data-entity-type="file" and @data-entity-uuid]') as $node) {
             $uuid = $node->getAttribute('data-entity-uuid');
             // If there is a 'src' attribute, set it to the file entity's current
             // URL. This ensures the URL works even after the file location changes.
             if ($node->hasAttribute('src')) {
                 $file = $this->entityManager->loadEntityByUuid('file', $uuid);
                 if ($file) {
                     $node->setAttribute('src', file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->getFileUri())));
             // Only process the first occurrence of each file UUID.
             if (!isset($processed_uuids[$uuid])) {
                 $processed_uuids[$uuid] = TRUE;
                 $file = $this->entityManager->loadEntityByUuid('file', $uuid);
                 if ($file) {
     return $result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: UrlPlainFormatter.php プロジェクト: Wylbur/gj
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode)
     $elements = array();
     foreach ($this->getEntitiesToView($items, $langcode) as $delta => $file) {
         $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->getFileUri())), '#cache' => array('tags' => $file->getCacheTags()));
     return $elements;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ImageTest.php プロジェクト: 318io/318-io
  * Tests that an image with the srcset and widths is output correctly.
 function testThemeImageWithSrcsetWidth()
     // Test with multipliers.
     $widths = array(rand(0, 500) . 'w', rand(500, 1000) . 'w');
     $image = array('#theme' => 'image', '#srcset' => array(array('uri' => $this->testImages[0], 'width' => $widths[0]), array('uri' => $this->testImages[1], 'width' => $widths[1])), '#width' => rand(0, 1000) . 'px', '#height' => rand(0, 500) . 'px', '#alt' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#title' => $this->randomMachineName());
     // Make sure the srcset attribute has the correct value.
     $this->assertRaw(file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($this->testImages[0])) . ' ' . $widths[0] . ', ' . file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($this->testImages[1])) . ' ' . $widths[1], 'Correct output for image with srcset attribute and width descriptors.');
コード例 #6
  * Set canvas operations test.
 public function doTestSetCanvasOperations()
     $image_factory = $this->container->get('image.factory');
     $test_file = drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest') . '/files/image-test.png';
     $original_uri = file_unmanaged_copy($test_file, 'public://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
     $generated_uri = 'public://styles/image_effects_test/public/' . \Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($original_uri);
     // Test EXACT size canvas.
     $effect = ['id' => 'image_effects_set_canvas', 'data' => ['canvas_size' => 'exact', 'canvas_color][container][transparent' => FALSE, 'canvas_color][container][hex' => '#FF00FF', 'canvas_color][container][opacity' => 100, 'exact][width' => '200%', 'exact][height' => '200%']];
     $uuid = $this->addEffectToTestStyle($effect);
     // Load Image Style.
     $image_style = ImageStyle::load('image_effects_test');
     // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
     $image = $image_factory->get($original_uri);
     $this->assertEqual(40, $image->getWidth());
     $this->assertEqual(20, $image->getHeight());
     $url = file_url_transform_relative($image_style->buildUrl($original_uri));
     $variables = array('#theme' => 'image_style', '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test', '#uri' => $original_uri, '#width' => $image->getWidth(), '#height' => $image->getHeight());
     $this->assertEqual('<img src="' . $url . '" width="80" height="40" alt="" class="image-style-image-effects-test" />', $this->getImageTag($variables));
     // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected canvas.
     $image_style->createDerivative($original_uri, $image_style->buildUri($original_uri));
     $image = $image_factory->get($generated_uri, 'gd');
     $this->assertEqual(80, $image->getWidth());
     $this->assertEqual(40, $image->getHeight());
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this->getPixelColor($image, 0, 0)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this->getPixelColor($image, 79, 0)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this->getPixelColor($image, 0, 39)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->fuchsia, $this->getPixelColor($image, 79, 39)));
     // Remove effect.
     // Test RELATIVE size canvas.
     $effect = ['id' => 'image_effects_set_canvas', 'data' => ['canvas_size' => 'relative', 'canvas_color][container][transparent' => FALSE, 'canvas_color][container][hex' => '#FFFF00', 'canvas_color][container][opacity' => 100, 'relative][right' => 10, 'relative][left' => 20, 'relative][top' => 30, 'relative][bottom' => 40]];
     $uuid = $this->addEffectToTestStyle($effect);
     // Load Image Style.
     $image_style = ImageStyle::load('image_effects_test');
     // Check that ::transformDimensions returns expected dimensions.
     $image = $image_factory->get($original_uri);
     $this->assertEqual(40, $image->getWidth());
     $this->assertEqual(20, $image->getHeight());
     $url = file_url_transform_relative($image_style->buildUrl($original_uri));
     $variables = array('#theme' => 'image_style', '#style_name' => 'image_effects_test', '#uri' => $original_uri, '#width' => $image->getWidth(), '#height' => $image->getHeight());
     $this->assertEqual('<img src="' . $url . '" width="70" height="90" alt="" class="image-style-image-effects-test" />', $this->getImageTag($variables));
     // Check that ::applyEffect generates image with expected canvas.
     $image_style->createDerivative($original_uri, $image_style->buildUri($original_uri));
     $image = $image_factory->get($generated_uri, 'gd');
     $this->assertEqual(70, $image->getWidth());
     $this->assertEqual(90, $image->getHeight());
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this->getPixelColor($image, 0, 0)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this->getPixelColor($image, 69, 0)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this->getPixelColor($image, 0, 89)));
     $this->assertTrue($this->colorsAreEqual($this->yellow, $this->getPixelColor($image, 69, 89)));
     // Remove effect.
コード例 #7
  * Tests relative, root-relative, protocol-relative and absolute URLs.
 public function testUrlHandling()
     // Only the plain_text text format is available by default, which escapes
     // all HTML.
     FilterFormat::create(['format' => 'full_html', 'name' => 'Full HTML', 'filters' => []])->save();
     $defaults = ['type' => 'article', 'promote' => 1];
     $this->drupalCreateNode($defaults + ['body' => ['value' => '<p><a href="' . file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('public://root-relative')) . '">Root-relative URL</a></p>', 'format' => 'full_html']]);
     $protocol_relative_url = substr(file_create_url('public://protocol-relative'), strlen(\Drupal::request()->getScheme() . ':'));
     $this->drupalCreateNode($defaults + ['body' => ['value' => '<p><a href="' . $protocol_relative_url . '">Protocol-relative URL</a></p>', 'format' => 'full_html']]);
     $absolute_url = file_create_url('public://absolute');
     $this->drupalCreateNode($defaults + ['body' => ['value' => '<p><a href="' . $absolute_url . '">Absolute URL</a></p>', 'format' => 'full_html']]);
     $this->assertRaw(file_create_url('public://root-relative'), 'Root-relative URL is transformed to absolute.');
     $this->assertRaw($protocol_relative_url, 'Protocol-relative URL is left untouched.');
     $this->assertRaw($absolute_url, 'Absolute URL is left untouched.');
コード例 #8
  * Method tests CKEditor image buttons.
 public function testImageButtonDisplay()
     // Install the Arabic language (which is RTL) and configure as the default.
     $edit = [];
     $edit['predefined_langcode'] = 'ar';
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language/add', $edit, t('Add language'));
     $edit = ['site_default_language' => 'ar'];
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/regional/language', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
     // Once the default language is changed, go to the tested text format
     // configuration page.
     // Check if any image button is loaded in CKEditor json.
     $json_encode = function ($html) {
         return trim(Json::encode($html), '"');
     $markup = $json_encode(file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/js/plugins/drupalimage/image.png')));
コード例 #9
ファイル: ImageButton.php プロジェクト: aWEBoLabs/taxi
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function preRenderButton($element)
     $element['#attributes']['type'] = 'image';
     Element::setAttributes($element, array('id', 'name', 'value'));
     $element['#attributes']['src'] = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($element['#src']));
     if (!empty($element['#title'])) {
         $element['#attributes']['alt'] = $element['#title'];
         $element['#attributes']['title'] = $element['#title'];
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'image-button';
     if (!empty($element['#button_type'])) {
         $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'image-button--' . $element['#button_type'];
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'js-form-submit';
     $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'form-submit';
     if (!empty($element['#attributes']['disabled'])) {
         $element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'is-disabled';
     return $element;
コード例 #10
ファイル: JuiceboxFileCase.php プロジェクト: pulibrary/recap
  * Test the field formatter with a file field and file upload widget.
 public function testFile()
     // Create a test node with an image file.
     $node = $this->node;
     $xml_path = 'juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full';
     $xml_url = \Drupal::url('juicebox.xml_field', array('entityType' => 'node', 'entityId' => $node->id(), 'fieldName' => $this->instFieldName, 'displayName' => 'full'));
     // Get the urls to the test image and thumb derivative used by default.
     $uri = \Drupal\file\Entity\File::load($node->{$this->instFieldName}[0]->target_id)->getFileUri();
     $test_image_url = entity_load('image_style', 'juicebox_medium')->buildUrl($uri);
     $test_thumb_url = entity_load('image_style', 'juicebox_square_thumb')->buildUrl($uri);
     // Check for correct embed markup as anon user.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertRaw(trim(json_encode(array('configUrl' => $xml_url)), '{}"'), 'Gallery setting found in Drupal.settings.');
     $this->assertRaw('id="node--' . $node->id() . '--' . str_replace('_', '-', $this->instFieldName) . '--full"', 'Embed code wrapper found.');
     $this->assertRaw(Html::escape(file_url_transform_relative($test_image_url)), 'Test image found in embed code');
     // Check for correct XML.
     $this->assertRaw('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 'Valid XML detected.');
     $this->assertRaw('imageURL="' . Html::escape($test_image_url), 'Test image found in XML.');
     $this->assertRaw('thumbURL="' . Html::escape($test_thumb_url), 'Test thumbnail found in XML.');
     $this->assertRaw('<juicebox gallerywidth="100%" galleryheight="100%" backgroundcolor="#222222" textcolor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" thumbframecolor="rgba(255,255,255,.5)" showopenbutton="TRUE" showexpandbutton="TRUE" showthumbsbutton="TRUE" usethumbdots="FALSE" usefullscreenexpand="FALSE">', 'Expected default configuration options set in XML.');
コード例 #11
ファイル: Imce.php プロジェクト: aakb/cfia
  * Processes raw profile configuration of a user.
 public static function processUserConf(array $conf, AccountProxyInterface $user)
     // Convert MB to bytes
     $conf['maxsize'] *= 1048576;
     $conf['quota'] *= 1048576;
     // Set root uri and url
     $conf['root_uri'] = $conf['scheme'] . '://';
     // file_create_url requires a filepath for some schemes like private://
     $conf['root_url'] = preg_replace('@/(?:%2E|\\.)$@i', '', file_create_url($conf['root_uri'] . '.'));
     // Convert to relative
     if (!\Drupal::config('imce.settings')->get('abs_urls')) {
         $conf['root_url'] = file_url_transform_relative($conf['root_url']);
     $conf['token'] = $user->isAnonymous() ? 'anon' : \Drupal::csrfToken()->get('imce');
     // Process folders
     $conf['folders'] = static::processUserFolders($conf['folders'], $user);
     // Call plugin processors
     \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.imce.plugin')->processUserConf($conf, $user);
     return $conf;
コード例 #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, array &$form_state)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     // Convert any uploaded files from the FID values to data-editor-file-uuid
     // attributes.
     if (!empty($form_state['values']['fid'][0])) {
         $file = file_load($form_state['values']['fid'][0]);
         $file_url = file_create_url($file->getFileUri());
         // Transform absolute image URLs to relative image URLs: prevent problems
         // on multisite set-ups and prevent mixed content errors.
         $file_url = file_url_transform_relative($file_url);
         $form_state['values']['attributes']['src'] = $file_url;
         $form_state['values']['attributes']['data-editor-file-uuid'] = $file->uuid();
     if (form_get_errors($form_state)) {
         unset($form['#prefix'], $form['#suffix']);
         $status_messages = array('#theme' => 'status_messages');
         $output = drupal_render($form);
         $output = '<div>' . drupal_render($status_messages) . $output . '</div>';
         $response->addCommand(new HtmlCommand('#editor-image-dialog-form', $output));
     } else {
         $response->addCommand(new EditorDialogSave($form_state['values']));
         $response->addCommand(new CloseModalDialogCommand());
     return $response;
コード例 #13
  * Tests usage of the image style theme function.
 function testImageStyleTheme()
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
     $renderer = $this->container->get('renderer');
     // Create an image.
     $files = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');
     $file = reset($files);
     $original_uri = file_unmanaged_copy($file->uri, 'public://', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
     // Create a style.
     $style = ImageStyle::create(array('name' => 'image_test', 'label' => 'Test'));
     $url = file_url_transform_relative($style->buildUrl($original_uri));
     // Create the base element that we'll use in the tests below.
     $base_element = array('#theme' => 'image_style', '#style_name' => 'image_test', '#uri' => $original_uri);
     $element = $base_element;
     $elements = $this->xpath('//img[@class="image-style-image-test" and @src=:url and @alt=""]', array(':url' => $url));
     $this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'theme_image_style() renders an image correctly.');
     // Test using theme_image_style() with a NULL value for the alt option.
     $element = $base_element;
     $element['#alt'] = NULL;
     $elements = $this->xpath('//img[@class="image-style-image-test" and @src=:url]', array(':url' => $url));
     $this->assertEqual(count($elements), 1, 'theme_image_style() renders an image correctly with a NULL value for the alt option.');
コード例 #14
ファイル: CKEditorTest.php プロジェクト: frankcr/sftw8
 protected function getDefaultContentsCssConfig()
     return array(file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/ckeditor/css/ckeditor-iframe.css')), file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/system/css/components/align.module.css')));
コード例 #15
ファイル: ColorTest.php プロジェクト: 318io/318-io
  * Tests the Color module functionality using the given theme.
  * @param string $theme
  *   The machine name of the theme being tested.
  * @param array $test_values
  *   An associative array of test settings (i.e. 'Main background', 'Text
  *   color', 'Color set', etc) for the theme which being tested.
 function _testColor($theme, $test_values)
     $this->config('system.theme')->set('default', $theme)->save();
     $settings_path = 'admin/appearance/settings/' . $theme;
     $this->assertUniqueText('Color set');
     $edit['scheme'] = '';
     $edit[$test_values['palette_input']] = '#123456';
     $this->drupalPostForm($settings_path, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
     $stylesheets = $this->config('color.theme.' . $theme)->get('stylesheets');
     foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
         $this->assertPattern('|' . file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($stylesheet)) . '|', 'Make sure the color stylesheet is included in the content. (' . $theme . ')');
         $stylesheet_content = join("\n", file($stylesheet));
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($stylesheet_content, 'color: #123456') !== FALSE, 'Make sure the color we changed is in the color stylesheet. (' . $theme . ')');
     $edit['scheme'] = $test_values['scheme'];
     $this->drupalPostForm($settings_path, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
     $stylesheets = $this->config('color.theme.' . $theme)->get('stylesheets');
     foreach ($stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
         $stylesheet_content = join("\n", file($stylesheet));
         $this->assertTrue(strpos($stylesheet_content, 'color: ' . $test_values['scheme_color']) !== FALSE, 'Make sure the color we changed is in the color stylesheet. (' . $theme . ')');
     // Test with aggregated CSS turned on.
     $config = $this->config('system.performance');
     $config->set('css.preprocess', 1);
     $stylesheets = \Drupal::state()->get('drupal_css_cache_files') ?: array();
     $stylesheet_content = '';
     foreach ($stylesheets as $uri) {
         $stylesheet_content .= join("\n", file(drupal_realpath($uri)));
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($stylesheet_content, 'public://') === FALSE, 'Make sure the color paths have been translated to local paths. (' . $theme . ')');
     $config->set('css.preprocess', 0);
コード例 #16
ファイル: ImageFieldDisplayTest.php プロジェクト: Wylbur/gj
  * Tests for image field settings.
 function testImageFieldSettings()
     /** @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer */
     $renderer = $this->container->get('renderer');
     $node_storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('node');
     $test_image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     list(, $test_image_extension) = explode('.', $test_image->filename);
     $field_name = strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_settings = array('alt_field' => 1, 'file_extensions' => $test_image_extension, 'max_filesize' => '50 KB', 'max_resolution' => '100x100', 'min_resolution' => '10x10', 'title_field' => 1);
     $widget_settings = array('preview_image_style' => 'medium');
     $field = $this->createImageField($field_name, 'article', array(), $field_settings, $widget_settings);
     // Verify that the min/max resolution set on the field are properly
     // extracted, and displayed, on the image field's configuration form.
     $this->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/' . $field->id());
     $this->assertFieldByName('settings[max_resolution][x]', '100', 'Expected max resolution X value of 100.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('settings[max_resolution][y]', '100', 'Expected max resolution Y value of 100.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('settings[min_resolution][x]', '10', 'Expected min resolution X value of 10.');
     $this->assertFieldByName('settings[min_resolution][y]', '10', 'Expected min resolution Y value of 10.');
     $this->assertText(t('50 KB limit.'), 'Image widget max file size is displayed on article form.');
     $this->assertText(t('Allowed types: @extensions.', array('@extensions' => $test_image_extension)), 'Image widget allowed file types displayed on article form.');
     $this->assertText(t('Images must be larger than 10x10 pixels. Images larger than 100x100 pixels will be resized.'), 'Image widget allowed resolution displayed on article form.');
     // We have to create the article first and then edit it because the alt
     // and title fields do not display until the image has been attached.
     // Create alt text for the image.
     $alt = $this->randomMachineName();
     $nid = $this->uploadNodeImage($test_image, $field_name, 'article', $alt);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $nid . '/edit');
     $this->assertFieldByName($field_name . '[0][alt]', '', 'Alt field displayed on article form.');
     $this->assertFieldByName($field_name . '[0][title]', '', 'Title field displayed on article form.');
     // Verify that the attached image is being previewed using the 'medium'
     // style.
     $node = $node_storage->load($nid);
     $file = $node->{$field_name}->entity;
     $url = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url(ImageStyle::load('medium')->buildUrl($file->getFileUri())));
     $this->assertTrue($this->cssSelect('img[width=40][height=20][class=image-style-medium][src="' . $url . '"]'));
     // Add alt/title fields to the image and verify that they are displayed.
     $image = array('#theme' => 'image', '#uri' => $file->getFileUri(), '#alt' => $alt, '#title' => $this->randomMachineName(), '#width' => 40, '#height' => 20);
     $edit = array($field_name . '[0][alt]' => $image['#alt'], $field_name . '[0][title]' => $image['#title']);
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
     $default_output = str_replace("\n", NULL, $renderer->renderRoot($image));
     $this->assertRaw($default_output, 'Image displayed using user supplied alt and title attributes.');
     // Verify that alt/title longer than allowed results in a validation error.
     $test_size = 2000;
     $edit = array($field_name . '[0][alt]' => $this->randomMachineName($test_size), $field_name . '[0][title]' => $this->randomMachineName($test_size));
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $nid . '/edit', $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
     $schema = $field->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getSchema();
     $this->assertRaw(t('Alternative text cannot be longer than %max characters but is currently %length characters long.', array('%max' => $schema['columns']['alt']['length'], '%length' => $test_size)));
     $this->assertRaw(t('Title cannot be longer than %max characters but is currently %length characters long.', array('%max' => $schema['columns']['title']['length'], '%length' => $test_size)));
     // Set cardinality to unlimited and add upload a second image.
     // The image widget is extending on the file widget, but the image field
     // type does not have the 'display_field' setting which is expected by
     // the file widget. This resulted in notices before when cardinality is not
     // 1, so we need to make sure the file widget prevents these notices by
     // providing all settings, even if they are not used.
     // @see FileWidget::formMultipleElements().
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/node.article.' . $field_name . '/storage', array('cardinality' => FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED), t('Save field settings'));
     $edit = array('files[' . $field_name . '_1][]' => drupal_realpath($test_image->uri));
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
     // Add the required alt text.
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, [$field_name . '[1][alt]' => $alt], t('Save and keep published'));
     $this->assertText(format_string('Article @title has been updated.', array('@title' => $node->getTitle())));
     // Assert ImageWidget::process() calls FieldWidget::process().
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit');
     $edit = array('files[' . $field_name . '_2][]' => drupal_realpath($test_image->uri));
     $this->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, $edit, $field_name . '_2_upload_button');
     $this->assertNoRaw('<input multiple type="file" id="edit-' . strtr($field_name, '_', '-') . '-2-upload" name="files[' . $field_name . '_2][]" size="22" class="js-form-file form-file">');
     $this->assertRaw('<input multiple type="file" id="edit-' . strtr($field_name, '_', '-') . '-3-upload" name="files[' . $field_name . '_3][]" size="22" class="js-form-file form-file">');
コード例 #17
  * Test configuration options that are specific to the Juicebox field
  * formatter.
 public function testFieldFormatterConf()
     $node = $this->node;
     // Do a set of control requests as an anon user that will also prime any
     // caches.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Control request of test node was successful.');
     $this->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'Control request of XML was successful.');
     // Alter field formatter specific settings to contain custom values.
     $this->drupalPostAjaxForm('admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->instBundle . '/display', array(), $this->instFieldName . '_settings_edit', NULL, array(), array(), 'entity-view-display-edit-form');
     $edit = array('fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][image_style]' => '', 'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][thumb_style]' => 'thumbnail', 'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][caption_source]' => 'alt', 'fields[' . $this->instFieldName . '][settings_edit_form][settings][title_source]' => 'title');
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
     $this->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), 'Gallery configuration changes saved.');
     // Get the urls to the image and thumb derivatives expected.
     $uri = \Drupal\file\Entity\File::load($node->{$this->instFieldName}[0]->target_id)->getFileUri();
     $test_formatted_image_url = file_create_url($uri);
     $test_formatted_thumb_url = entity_load('image_style', 'thumbnail')->buildUrl($uri);
     // Check for correct embed markup as anon user.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $node->id());
     $this->assertRaw(Html::escape(file_url_transform_relative($test_formatted_image_url)), 'Test styled image found in embed code');
     // Check for correct XML.
     $this->drupalGet('juicebox/xml/field/node/' . $node->id() . '/' . $this->instFieldName . '/full');
     $this->assertRaw('imageURL="' . Html::escape($test_formatted_image_url), 'Test styled image found in XML.');
     $this->assertRaw('thumbURL="' . Html::escape($test_formatted_thumb_url), 'Test styled thumbnail found in XML.');
     // Note the intended title and caption text does not contain any block-level
     // tags as long as the global title and caption output filter is working.
     // So this acts as a test for that feature as well.
     $this->assertRaw('<title><![CDATA[Some title text for field ' . $this->instFieldName . ' on node ' . $node->id() . ']]></title>', 'Image title text found in XML');
     $this->assertRaw('<caption><![CDATA[Some alt text for field ' . $this->instFieldName . ' on node ' . $node->id() . ' &lt;strong&gt;with formatting&lt;/strong&gt;]]></caption>', 'Image caption text found in XML');
     // Now that we have title and caption data set, also ensure this text can
     // be found in search results. First we update the search index by marking
     // our test node as dirty and running cron.
     $this->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node->id() . '/edit', array(), t('Save and keep published'));
     $this->drupalPostForm('search', array('keys' => '"Some title text"'), t('Search'));
     $this->assertText('Test Juicebox Gallery Node', 'Juicebox node found in search for title text.');
     // The Juicebox javascript should have been excluded from the search results
     // page.
     $this->assertNoRaw('"configUrl":"', 'Juicebox Drupal.settings vars not included on search result page.');
コード例 #18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode)
     $elements = array();
     $files = $this->getEntitiesToView($items, $langcode);
     // Early opt-out if the field is empty.
     if (empty($files)) {
         return $elements;
     $url = NULL;
     // Check if the formatter involves a link.
     if ($this->getSetting('image_link') == 'content') {
         $entity = $items->getEntity();
         if (!$entity->isNew()) {
             $url = $entity->urlInfo();
     } elseif ($this->getSetting('image_link') == 'file') {
         $link_file = TRUE;
     // Collect cache tags to be added for each item in the field.
     $responsive_image_style = $this->responsiveImageStyleStorage->load($this->getSetting('responsive_image_style'));
     $image_styles_to_load = array();
     $cache_tags = [];
     if ($responsive_image_style) {
         $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($cache_tags, $responsive_image_style->getCacheTags());
         $image_styles_to_load = $responsive_image_style->getImageStyleIds();
     $image_styles = $this->imageStyleStorage->loadMultiple($image_styles_to_load);
     foreach ($image_styles as $image_style) {
         $cache_tags = Cache::mergeTags($cache_tags, $image_style->getCacheTags());
     foreach ($files as $delta => $file) {
         // Link the <picture> element to the original file.
         if (isset($link_file)) {
             $url = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->getFileUri()));
         // Extract field item attributes for the theme function, and unset them
         // from the $item so that the field template does not re-render them.
         $item = $file->_referringItem;
         $item_attributes = $item->_attributes;
         $elements[$delta] = array('#theme' => 'responsive_image_formatter', '#item' => $item, '#item_attributes' => $item_attributes, '#responsive_image_style_id' => $responsive_image_style ? $responsive_image_style->id() : '', '#url' => $url, '#cache' => array('tags' => $cache_tags));
     return $elements;
コード例 #19
ファイル: CKEditor.php プロジェクト: aWEBoLabs/taxi
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getJSSettings(Editor $editor)
     $settings = array();
     // Get the settings for all enabled plugins, even the internal ones.
     $enabled_plugins = array_keys($this->ckeditorPluginManager->getEnabledPluginFiles($editor, TRUE));
     foreach ($enabled_plugins as $plugin_id) {
         $plugin = $this->ckeditorPluginManager->createInstance($plugin_id);
         $settings += $plugin->getConfig($editor);
     // Fall back on English if no matching language code was found.
     $display_langcode = 'en';
     // Map the interface language code to a CKEditor translation if interface
     // translation is enabled.
     if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('locale')) {
         $ckeditor_langcodes = $this->getLangcodes();
         $language_interface = $this->languageManager->getCurrentLanguage();
         if (isset($ckeditor_langcodes[$language_interface->getId()])) {
             $display_langcode = $ckeditor_langcodes[$language_interface->getId()];
     // Next, set the most fundamental CKEditor settings.
     $external_plugin_files = $this->ckeditorPluginManager->getEnabledPluginFiles($editor);
     $settings += array('toolbar' => $this->buildToolbarJSSetting($editor), 'contentsCss' => $this->buildContentsCssJSSetting($editor), 'extraPlugins' => implode(',', array_keys($external_plugin_files)), 'language' => $display_langcode, 'stylesSet' => FALSE);
     // Finally, set Drupal-specific CKEditor settings.
     $root_relative_file_url = function ($uri) {
         return file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($uri));
     $settings += array('drupalExternalPlugins' => array_map($root_relative_file_url, $external_plugin_files));
     // Parse all CKEditor plugin JavaScript files for translations.
     if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('locale')) {
     return $settings;
コード例 #20
ファイル: EngineTwigTest.php プロジェクト: aWEBoLabs/taxi
  * Tests the automatic/magic calling of toString() on objects, if exists.
 public function testTwigFileUrls()
     $filepath = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/system/tests/modules/twig_theme_test/twig_theme_test.js'));
     $this->assertRaw('<div>file_url: ' . $filepath . '</div>');
コード例 #21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getFunctions()
     return [new \Twig_SimpleFunction('render_var', array($this, 'renderVar')), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('url', array($this, 'getUrl'), array('is_safe_callback' => array($this, 'isUrlGenerationSafe'))), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('path', array($this, 'getPath'), array('is_safe_callback' => array($this, 'isUrlGenerationSafe'))), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('link', array($this, 'getLink')), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('file_url', function ($uri) {
         return file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($uri));
     }), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('attach_library', [$this, 'attachLibrary']), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('active_theme_path', [$this, 'getActiveThemePath']), new \Twig_SimpleFunction('active_theme', [$this, 'getActiveTheme'])];
コード例 #22
ファイル: UrlRewritingTest.php プロジェクト: ddrozdik/dmaps
  * Test file_url_transform_relative().
 function testRelativeFileURL()
     // Disable file_test.module's hook_file_url_alter() implementation.
     \Drupal::state()->set('file_test.hook_file_url_alter', NULL);
     // Create a mock Request for file_url_transform_relative().
     $request = Request::create($GLOBALS['base_url']);
     // Shipped file.
     $filepath = 'core/assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js';
     $url = file_create_url($filepath);
     $this->assertIdentical(base_path() . $filepath, file_url_transform_relative($url));
     // Managed file.
     $uri = $this->createUri();
     $url = file_create_url($uri);
     $public_directory_path = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getViaScheme('public')->getDirectoryPath();
     $this->assertIdentical(base_path() . $public_directory_path . '/' . rawurlencode(drupal_basename($uri)), file_url_transform_relative($url));
コード例 #23
 static function component_url($components_path = NULL)
     $key = Drupal::state()->get('system.css_js_query_string');
     $components_path = $components_path ?? Settings::get('webcomponents_path');
     return file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($components_path)) . '?' . $key;
コード例 #24
  * Locate all images in a piece of text that need replacing.
  *   An array of settings that will be used to identify which images need
  *   updating. Includes the following:
  *   - image_locations: An array of acceptable image locations.
  *     of the following values: "remote". Remote image will be downloaded and
  *     saved locally. This procedure is intensive as the images need to
  *     be retrieved to have their dimensions checked.
  * @param string $text
  *   The text to be updated with the new img src tags.
  * @return array $images
  *   An list of images.
 private function getImages($text)
     $dom = Html::load($text);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     /** @var \DOMNode $node */
     foreach ($xpath->query('//img') as $node) {
         $file = $this->entityRepository->loadEntityByUuid('file', $node->getAttribute('data-entity-uuid'));
         // If the image hasn't an uuid then don't try to resize it.
         if (is_null($file)) {
         $image = $this->imageFactory->get($node->getAttribute('src'));
         // Checking if the image needs to be resized.
         if ($image->getWidth() == $node->getAttribute('width') && $image->getHeight() == $node->getAttribute('height')) {
         $target = file_uri_target($file->getFileUri());
         $dirname = dirname($target) != '.' ? dirname($target) . '/' : '';
         $info = pathinfo($file->getFileUri());
         $resize_file_path = 'public://resize/' . $dirname . $info['filename'] . '-' . $node->getAttribute('width') . 'x' . $node->getAttribute('height') . '.' . $info['extension'];
         // Checking if the image was already resized:
         if (file_exists($resize_file_path)) {
             $node->setAttribute('src', file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($resize_file_path)));
         // Delete this when https://www.drupal.org/node/2211657#comment-11510213
         // be fixed.
         $dirname = $this->fileSystem->dirname($resize_file_path);
         if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
             file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
         // Checks if the resize filter exists if is not then create it.
         $copy = file_unmanaged_copy($file->getFileUri(), $resize_file_path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
         $copy_image = $this->imageFactory->get($copy);
         $copy_image->resize($node->getAttribute('width'), $node->getAttribute('height'));
         $node->setAttribute('src', file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($copy)));
     return Html::serialize($dom);
コード例 #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     // Convert any uploaded files from the FID values to data-entity-uuid
     // attributes and set data-entity-type to 'file'.
     $fid = $form_state->getValue(array('fid', 0));
     if (!empty($fid)) {
         $file = $this->fileStorage->load($fid);
         $file_url = file_create_url($file->getFileUri());
         // Transform absolute image URLs to relative image URLs: prevent problems
         // on multisite set-ups and prevent mixed content errors.
         $file_url = file_url_transform_relative($file_url);
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'src'), $file_url);
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'data-entity-uuid'), $file->uuid());
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'data-entity-type'), 'file');
     // When the alt attribute is set to two double quotes, transform it to the
     // empty string: two double quotes signify "empty alt attribute". See above.
     if (trim($form_state->getValue(array('attributes', 'alt'))) === '""') {
         $form_state->setValue(array('attributes', 'alt'), '');
     if ($form_state->getErrors()) {
         unset($form['#prefix'], $form['#suffix']);
         $form['status_messages'] = ['#type' => 'status_messages', '#weight' => -10];
         $response->addCommand(new HtmlCommand('#editor-image-dialog-form', $form));
     } else {
         $response->addCommand(new EditorDialogSave($form_state->getValues()));
         $response->addCommand(new CloseModalDialogCommand());
     return $response;
コード例 #26
ファイル: ImageAdminStylesTest.php プロジェクト: Wylbur/gj
  * Tests image style configuration import that does a delete.
 function testConfigImport()
     // Create a new style.
     $style_name = strtolower($this->randomMachineName(10));
     $style_label = $this->randomString();
     $style = entity_create('image_style', array('name' => $style_name, 'label' => $style_label));
     // Create an image field that uses the new style.
     $field_name = strtolower($this->randomMachineName(10));
     $this->createImageField($field_name, 'article');
     entity_get_display('node', 'article', 'default')->setComponent($field_name, array('type' => 'image', 'settings' => array('image_style' => $style_name)))->save();
     // Create a new node with an image attached.
     $test_image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     $nid = $this->uploadNodeImage($test_image, $field_name, 'article', $this->randomMachineName());
     $node = Node::load($nid);
     // Get node field original image URI.
     $fid = $node->get($field_name)->target_id;
     $original_uri = File::load($fid)->getFileUri();
     // Test that image is displayed using newly created style.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $nid);
     $this->assertRaw(file_url_transform_relative($style->buildUrl($original_uri)), format_string('Image displayed using style @style.', array('@style' => $style_name)));
     // Copy config to sync, and delete the image style.
     $sync = $this->container->get('config.storage.sync');
     $active = $this->container->get('config.storage');
     // Remove the image field from the display, to avoid a dependency error
     // during import.
     $this->copyConfig($active, $sync);
     $sync->delete('image.style.' . $style_name);
     $this->assertFalse(ImageStyle::load($style_name), 'Style deleted after config import.');
     $this->assertEqual($this->getImageCount($style), 0, 'Image style was flushed after being deleted by config import.');
コード例 #27
  * Tests JavaScript files that have querystrings attached get added right.
 function testAddJsFileWithQueryString()
     $build['#attached']['library'][] = 'common_test/querystring';
     $assets = AttachedAssets::createFromRenderArray($build);
     $css = $this->assetResolver->getCssAssets($assets, FALSE);
     $js = $this->assetResolver->getJsAssets($assets, FALSE)[1];
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('core/modules/system/tests/modules/common_test/querystring.css?arg1=value1&arg2=value2', $css), 'CSS file with query string is correctly added.');
     $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('core/modules/system/tests/modules/common_test/querystring.js?arg1=value1&arg2=value2', $js), 'JavaScript file with query string is correctly added.');
     $css_render_array = \Drupal::service('asset.css.collection_renderer')->render($css);
     $rendered_css = $this->renderer->renderPlain($css_render_array);
     $js_render_array = \Drupal::service('asset.js.collection_renderer')->render($js);
     $rendered_js = $this->renderer->renderPlain($js_render_array);
     $query_string = $this->container->get('state')->get('system.css_js_query_string') ?: '0';
     $this->assertNotIdentical(strpos($rendered_css, '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . str_replace('&', '&amp;', file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/system/tests/modules/common_test/querystring.css?arg1=value1&arg2=value2'))) . '&amp;' . $query_string . '" media="all" />'), FALSE, 'CSS file with query string gets version query string correctly appended..');
     $this->assertNotIdentical(strpos($rendered_js, '<script src="' . str_replace('&', '&amp;', file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/modules/system/tests/modules/common_test/querystring.js?arg1=value1&arg2=value2'))) . '&amp;' . $query_string . '"></script>'), FALSE, 'JavaScript file with query string gets version query string correctly appended.');
コード例 #28
  * Get the results from a test and store them in the class array $results.
 function getTestResults()
     $results = array();
     if ($this->parse()) {
         if ($details = $this->getResultFieldSet()) {
             // Code assumes this is the only test in group.
             $results['summary'] = $this->asText($details->div->div[1]);
             $results['name'] = $this->asText($details->summary);
             $results['assertions'] = array();
             $tbody = $details->div->table->tbody;
             foreach ($tbody->tr as $row) {
                 $assertion = array();
                 $assertion['message'] = $this->asText($row->td[0]);
                 $assertion['type'] = $this->asText($row->td[1]);
                 $assertion['file'] = $this->asText($row->td[2]);
                 $assertion['line'] = $this->asText($row->td[3]);
                 $assertion['function'] = $this->asText($row->td[4]);
                 $ok_url = file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url('core/misc/icons/73b355/check.svg'));
                 $assertion['status'] = $row->td[5]->img['src'] == $ok_url ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
                 $results['assertions'][] = $assertion;
     $this->childTestResults = $results;
コード例 #29
  * Tests responsive image formatters linked to the file or node.
  * @param string $link_type
  *   The link type to test. Either 'file' or 'content'.
 private function assertResponsiveImageFieldFormattersLink($link_type)
     $field_name = Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_settings = array('alt_field_required' => 0);
     $this->createImageField($field_name, 'article', array('uri_scheme' => 'public'), $field_settings);
     // Create a new node with an image attached.
     $test_image = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     // Test the image linked to file formatter.
     $display_options = array('type' => 'responsive_image', 'settings' => array('image_link' => $link_type, 'responsive_image_style' => 'style_one'));
     entity_get_display('node', 'article', 'default')->setComponent($field_name, $display_options)->save();
     // Ensure that preview works.
     $this->previewNodeImage($test_image, $field_name, 'article');
     // Look for a picture tag in the preview output
     $nid = $this->uploadNodeImage($test_image, $field_name, 'article');
     $node = Node::load($nid);
     // Use the responsive image formatter linked to file formatter.
     $display_options = array('type' => 'responsive_image', 'settings' => array('image_link' => $link_type, 'responsive_image_style' => 'style_one'));
     entity_get_display('node', 'article', 'default')->setComponent($field_name, $display_options)->save();
     // Create a derivative so at least one MIME type will be known.
     $large_style = ImageStyle::load('large');
     $image_uri = File::load($node->{$field_name}->target_id)->getFileUri();
     $large_style->createDerivative($image_uri, $large_style->buildUri($image_uri));
     // Output should contain all image styles and all breakpoints.
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $nid);
     switch ($link_type) {
         case 'file':
             // Make sure the link to the file is present.
             $this->assertPattern('/<a(.*?)href="' . preg_quote(file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($image_uri)), '/') . '"(.*?)><picture/');
         case 'content':
             // Make sure the link to the node is present.
             $this->assertPattern('/<a(.*?)href="' . preg_quote($node->url(), '/') . '"(.*?)><picture/');
コード例 #30
ファイル: ThemeTest.php プロジェクト: frankcr/sftw8
  * Test the theme settings form.
 function testThemeSettings()
     // Ensure invalid theme settings form URLs return a proper 404.
     $this->assertResponse(404, 'The theme settings form URL for a uninstalled theme could not be found.');
     $this->drupalGet('admin/appearance/settings/' . $this->randomMachineName());
     $this->assertResponse(404, 'The theme settings form URL for a non-existent theme could not be found.');
     $this->assertResponse(404, 'The theme settings form URL for a hidden theme is unavailable.');
     // Specify a filesystem path to be used for the logo.
     $file = current($this->drupalGetTestFiles('image'));
     $file_relative = strtr($file->uri, array('public:/' => PublicStream::basePath()));
     $default_theme_path = 'core/themes/classy';
     $supported_paths = array($file->uri => array('form' => file_uri_target($file->uri), 'src' => file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->uri))), file_uri_target($file->uri) => array('form' => file_uri_target($file->uri), 'src' => file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->uri))), $file_relative => array('form' => $file_relative, 'src' => file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($file->uri))), 'core/misc/druplicon.png' => array('form' => 'core/misc/druplicon.png', 'src' => base_path() . 'core/misc/druplicon.png'), $default_theme_path . '/logo.svg' => array('form' => $default_theme_path . '/logo.svg', 'src' => base_path() . $default_theme_path . '/logo.svg'));
     foreach ($supported_paths as $input => $expected) {
         $edit = array('default_logo' => FALSE, 'logo_path' => $input);
         $this->drupalPostForm('admin/appearance/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
         $this->assertNoText('The custom logo path is invalid.');
         $this->assertFieldByName('logo_path', $expected['form']);
         // Verify logo path examples.
         $elements = $this->xpath('//div[contains(@class, :item)]/div[@class=:description]/code', array(':item' => 'js-form-item-logo-path', ':description' => 'description'));
         // Expected default values (if all else fails).
         $implicit_public_file = 'logo.svg';
         $explicit_file = 'public://logo.svg';
         $local_file = $default_theme_path . '/logo.svg';
         // Adjust for fully qualified stream wrapper URI in public filesystem.
         if (file_uri_scheme($input) == 'public') {
             $implicit_public_file = file_uri_target($input);
             $explicit_file = $input;
             $local_file = strtr($input, array('public:/' => PublicStream::basePath()));
         } elseif (file_uri_scheme($input) !== FALSE) {
             $explicit_file = $input;
         } elseif ($input == file_uri_target($file->uri)) {
             $implicit_public_file = $input;
             $explicit_file = 'public://' . $input;
             $local_file = PublicStream::basePath() . '/' . $input;
         $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0], $implicit_public_file);
         $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[1], $explicit_file);
         $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[2], $local_file);
         // Verify the actual 'src' attribute of the logo being output in a site
         // branding block.
         $this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_branding_block', ['region' => 'header']);
         $elements = $this->xpath('//header//a[@rel=:rel]/img', array(':rel' => 'home'));
         $this->assertEqual((string) $elements[0]['src'], $expected['src']);
     $unsupported_paths = array('public://whatever.png', 'private://whatever.png', 'temporary://whatever.png', 'public:/whatever.png', '://whatever.png', ':whatever.png', 'public://', 'whatever.png', PublicStream::basePath() . '/whatever.png', '/' . PublicStream::basePath() . '/whatever.png', 'core/misc/whatever.png', '/core/misc/whatever.png', drupal_realpath($file->uri));
     foreach ($unsupported_paths as $path) {
         $edit = array('default_logo' => FALSE, 'logo_path' => $path);
         $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save configuration'));
         $this->assertText('The custom logo path is invalid.');
     // Upload a file to use for the logo.
     $edit = array('default_logo' => FALSE, 'logo_path' => '', 'files[logo_upload]' => drupal_realpath($file->uri));
     $this->drupalPostForm('admin/appearance/settings', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
     $fields = $this->xpath($this->constructFieldXpath('name', 'logo_path'));
     $uploaded_filename = 'public://' . $fields[0]['value'];
     $this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_branding_block', ['region' => 'header']);
     $elements = $this->xpath('//header//a[@rel=:rel]/img', array(':rel' => 'home'));
     $this->assertEqual($elements[0]['src'], file_url_transform_relative(file_create_url($uploaded_filename)));
     // Ensure only valid themes are listed in the local tasks.
     $this->drupalPlaceBlock('local_tasks_block', ['region' => 'header']);
     $theme_handler = \Drupal::service('theme_handler');
     // If a hidden theme is an admin theme it should be viewable.
     \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('system.theme')->set('admin', 'stable')->save();
     $this->drupalPlaceBlock('local_tasks_block', ['region' => 'header', 'theme' => 'stable']);
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'The theme settings form URL for a hidden theme that is the admin theme is available.');