コード例 #1
  * Create a new group.
  * @param array $data
  *   Data for the field group.
 function createGroup($entity_type, $bundle, $context, $mode, array $data)
     if (!isset($data['format_settings'])) {
         $data['format_settings'] = array();
     $data['format_settings'] += _field_group_get_default_formatter_settings($data['format_type']);
     $group_name = 'group_' . Unicode::strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
     $field_group = (object) array('group_name' => $group_name, 'entity_type' => $entity_type, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'mode' => $mode, 'context' => $context, 'children' => isset($data['children']) ? $data['children'] : array(), 'parent_name' => isset($data['parent']) ? $data['parent'] : '', 'weight' => isset($data['weight']) ? $data['weight'] : 0, 'label' => isset($data['label']) ? $data['label'] : $this->randomString(8), 'format_type' => $data['format_type'], 'format_settings' => $data['format_settings']);
     return $field_group;
コード例 #2
  * Create field group instance using internal definition array.
  * @return object
  *    Field group configuration object.
 public function save()
     $service = new Config();
     $group = $service->loadFieldGroupByIdentifier($this->definition->identifier);
     if ($group) {
         foreach ($this->definition as $name => $value) {
             $group->{$name} = $this->definition->{$name};
         return $group;
     } else {
         return field_group_group_save($this->definition);
コード例 #3
ファイル: EntityDisplayTest.php プロジェクト: frankcr/sftw8
  * Test the tabs formatter.
 function testTabs()
     $data = array('label' => 'Tab 1', 'weight' => '1', 'children' => array(0 => 'field_test'), 'format_type' => 'tab', 'format_settings' => array('label' => 'Tab 1', 'classes' => 'test-class', 'description' => '', 'formatter' => 'open'));
     $first_tab = $this->createGroup('node', $this->type, 'view', 'default', $data);
     $data = array('label' => 'Tab 2', 'weight' => '1', 'children' => array(0 => 'field_test_2'), 'format_type' => 'tab', 'format_settings' => array('label' => 'Tab 1', 'classes' => 'test-class-2', 'description' => 'description of second tab', 'formatter' => 'closed'));
     $second_tab = $this->createGroup('node', $this->type, 'view', 'default', $data);
     $data = array('label' => 'Tabs', 'weight' => '1', 'children' => array(0 => $first_tab->group_name, 1 => $second_tab->group_name), 'format_type' => 'tabs', 'format_settings' => array('direction' => 'vertical', 'label' => 'Tab 1', 'classes' => 'test-class-wrapper'));
     $tabs_group = $this->createGroup('node', $this->type, 'view', 'default', $data);
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node->id());
     // Test properties.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//div[contains(@class, 'test-class-wrapper')]", NULL, t('Test class set on tabs wrapper'));
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//details[contains(@class, 'test-class-2')]", NULL, t('Test class set on second tab'));
     $this->assertRaw('<div class="details-description">description of second tab</div>', t('Description of tab is shown'));
     $this->assertRaw('class="collapsible collapsed test-class-2', t('Second tab is default collapsed'));
     // Test if correctly nested.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//div[contains(@class, 'test-class-wrapper')]//details[contains(@class, 'test-class')]", NULL, 'First tab is displayed as child of the wrapper.');
     $this->assertFieldByXPath("//div[contains(@class, 'test-class-wrapper')]//details[contains(@class, 'test-class-2')]", NULL, 'Second tab is displayed as child of the wrapper.');
     // Test if it's a vertical tab.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath('//div[@data-vertical-tabs-panes=""]', NULL, 'Tabs are shown vertical.');
     // Switch to horizontal
     $tabs_group->format_settings['direction'] = 'horizontal';
     $this->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node->id());
     // Test if it's a horizontal tab.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath('//div[@data-horizontal-tabs-panes=""]', NULL, 'Tabs are shown horizontal.');
コード例 #4
ファイル: FieldGroupAddForm.php プロジェクト: frankcr/sftw8
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     if ($form_state->get('step') == 'formatter') {
         $form_state->set('step', 'configuration');
         $form_state->set('group_label', $form_state->getValue('label'));
         $form_state->set('group_name', $form_state->getValue('group_name'));
         $form_state->set('group_formatter', $form_state->getValue('group_formatter'));
     } else {
         $new_group = (object) array('group_name' => $form_state->get('group_name'), 'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeId, 'bundle' => $this->bundle, 'mode' => $this->mode, 'context' => $this->context, 'children' => [], 'parent_name' => '', 'weight' => 20, 'label' => $form_state->get('group_label'), 'format_type' => $form_state->get('group_formatter'));
         $new_group->format_settings = $form_state->getValue('format_settings');
         $new_group->format_settings += _field_group_get_default_formatter_settings($form_state->get('group_formatter'), $this->context);
         // Store new group information for any additional submit handlers.
         $groups_added = $form_state->get('groups_added');
         $groups_added['_add_new_group'] = $new_group->group_name;
         drupal_set_message(t('New group %label successfully created.', array('%label' => $new_group->label)));
コード例 #5
  * Create a field in a group and in a vocabulary.
  * @param string $field_name
  *    Name of the field.
  * @param string $field_type
  *    Type of the field.
  * @param string $group_name
  *    Name of the group.
  * @param string $vocabulary_name
  *    Name of the vocabulary.
  * @Given the field :field_type named :field_name grouped in :group_name in the vocabulary :vocabulary_name exists
  * @Then I create a new field :field_type named :field_name grouped in :group_name in the vocabulary :vocabulary_name
 public function iCreateNewFieldNamedGroupedInInTheVocabulary($field_name, $field_type, $group_name, $vocabulary_name)
     $field_machine_name = $this->transliterate->getMachineName('field_' . $field_name);
     $field_machine_type = $this->getFieldTypeFormatByName($field_type);
     $group_machine_name = $this->transliterate->getMachineName('group_' . $group_name);
     $vocabulary_machine_name = $this->transliterate->getMachineName($vocabulary_name);
     // Make sure the field doesn't already exist.
     if (!field_info_field($field_machine_name)) {
         // Create a field.
         $field = array('field_name' => $field_machine_name, 'type' => $field_machine_type, 'label' => $field_name);
         // Attach the field to our taxonomy entity.
         $instance = array('field_name' => $field_machine_name, 'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term', 'bundle' => $vocabulary_machine_name, 'label' => $field_name, 'description' => '');
         // Backup fields created.
         $this->fields[] = $field;
         $groups = field_group_read_groups(array('name' => 'taxonomy_term', 'bundle' => $vocabulary_machine_name, 'view_mode' => 'full'));
         $your_group = $groups['taxonomy_term'][$vocabulary_machine_name]['form'][$group_machine_name];
         $your_group->children[] = $field_machine_name;
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The field '{$field_name}' already exists.");