/** * Returns a bookmarks list to display in a popup (export_bookmarks / delete_bookmarks) * @global type $input * @global type $repository_path * @global type $user_files_path */ function bookmarks_popup() { global $input; global $repository_path; global $user_files_path; $album = $input['album']; $asset = $input['asset']; $tab = $input['tab']; $source = $input['source']; ezmam_repository_path($repository_path); user_prefs_repository_path($user_files_path); if (isset($asset) && $asset != '') { $asset_meta = ezmam_asset_metadata_get($album, $asset); if ($tab == 'custom') { $bookmarks = user_prefs_asset_bookmarks_list_get($_SESSION['user_login'], $album, $asset); } else { $bookmarks = toc_asset_bookmark_list_get($album, $asset); } } else { if ($tab == 'custom') { $bookmarks = user_prefs_album_bookmarks_list_get($_SESSION['user_login'], $album); } else { $bookmarks = toc_album_bookmarks_list_get($album); } } switch ($input['display']) { case 'delete': include_once template_getpath('popup_delete_bookmarks.php'); break; case 'export': include_once template_getpath('popup_export_bookmarks.php'); break; } }
function asset_downloadable_set() { global $input; global $repository_path; if (!isset($input['album']) || !isset($input['asset']) || !isset($input['downloadable'])) { die; } ezmam_repository_path($repository_path); $metadata = ezmam_asset_metadata_get($input['album'], $input['asset']); $metadata['downloadable'] = $input['downloadable']; $res = ezmam_asset_metadata_set($input['album'], $input['asset'], $metadata); if (!$res) { error_print_message(ezmam_last_error()); die; } }
/** * * @param string $album * @return array_of_assoc_array * @desc returns an array of all albums with details in assoc_arrays: ['name'] & ['metadata'] */ function ezmam_asset_list_metadata($album) { $repository_path = ezmam_repository_path(); if ($repository_path === false) { return false; } //check if album exists if (!ezmam_album_exists($album)) { return false; } $asset_list = array(); $idx = 0; $album_path = $repository_path . "/" . $album; //$dh=opendir($album_path); $dh = scandir($album_path, 1); if (!$dh) { return false; } //while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { foreach ($dh as $file) { if ($file[0] != '.' && $file[0] != "_") { //filter out names starting with . (including '.' and '..' )or _ if (is_dir($album_path . "/" . $file)) { //if its a directory add it to the list $asset = $file; //the album ref name is the directory name $asset_list[$idx]['name'] = $asset; $asset_list[$idx]['metadata'] = ezmam_asset_metadata_get($album, $asset); $idx += 1; } } } //end while return $asset_list; }
} //if slide look for chapters $chapter_slide_dir = $render_dir . '/chapter_slide'; if (is_dir($chapter_slide_dir)) { insert_chapterslide_media($album, $asset, $chapter_slide_dir); } print "intro-title-movie processing done"; //move processed render_dir to archive dir rename($render_dir, $render_root_path . '/processed/' . basename($render_dir)); // delete video files that are already in the repository (original cam and slide) foreach (glob($render_root_path . '/processed/' . basename($render_dir) . '/*') as $f) { if ((strpos($f, "cam") !== false || strpos($f, "slide") !== false) && !strpos($f, "xml")) { unlink($f); } } $asset_meta = ezmam_asset_metadata_get($album, $asset); //if we found the duration of the encoded videos set the asset's duration if (isset($duration) && is_numeric($duration)) { $asset_meta['duration'] = round($duration); } $asset_meta['status'] = 'processed'; $res = ezmam_asset_metadata_set($album, $asset, $asset_meta); if (!$res) { print "asset metadata set error:" . ezmam_last_error() . "\n"; } function high_low_media_mam_insert($album, $asset, $high_low, $cam_slide, $processing_assoc, $render_dir) { global $title, $duration; //get qtinfo assoc info $qtinfo_assoc = metadata2assoc_array($render_dir . "/{$high_low}_{$cam_slide}_qtinfo.xml"); if (!is_array($qtinfo_assoc)) {
/** * Returns the asset full title from an asset name * @global type $repository_path * @param type $album * @param type $asset the original asset name * @return boolean|string the asset full title if the asset exists ; false otherwise */ function get_asset_title($album, $asset) { global $repository_path; global $template_folder; ezmam_repository_path($repository_path); // // Usual sanity checks // if (!ezmam_album_exists($album)) { return false; } if (!ezmam_asset_exists($album, $asset)) { return template_get_message('Inexistant', get_lang()); } $asset_title = ezmam_asset_metadata_get($album, $asset); $asset_title = $asset_title['title']; return $asset_title; }