# # # # # # # # # require "settings.php"; require "core-settings.php"; require "libs/ext.lib.php"; if (isset($_GET["ccid"]) && isset($_GET["prd"])) { $OUTPUT = printCenter($_GET); } elseif (isset($_POST["key"])) { $OUTPUT = export_data($_POST); } else { # Display default output $OUTPUT = "<li class=err> - Invalid use of module."; } require "template.php"; # show stock function printCenter($_GET) { # Get vars extract($_GET); # Query server db_connect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM costcenters WHERE ccid = '{$ccid}'"; $ccRslt = db_exec($sql) or errDie("Unable to retrieve Cost centers from database."); if (pg_numrows($ccRslt) < 1) {
$s_export = set_export_defaults($s_export['format'], $s_export); } if (isset($_POST['dt_export_doit'])) { $s_export = get_export_form_data($s_export); list($warning, $error) = check_export_form_data($s_export); if (empty($error) && empty($warning)) { // display result in an iframe by iframe_content.php if ($s_export['target']['option'] == 'screen') { // remove pending dbstat-jobs from session $s_iframejobs = array_filter($s_iframejobs, create_function('$a', '$a["job"]!="export";')); $iframekey_export = md5(uniqid('export')); $s_iframejobs[$iframekey_export] = array('job' => 'export', 'data' => $s_export, 'timestamp' => time()); } else { $filename = export_filename($s_export); send_export_headers(get_export_mimetype($s_export['format']), $filename); export_data($s_export); // if we don't stop the execution, the client will download // all the html from the panels ... globalize_session_vars(); exit; } } } $js_stack .= js_data_export(); } // // the Import button on the csv-panel was pushed // if (have_panel_permissions($s_login['user'], 'dt_import', TRUE) && isset($_POST['dt_import_doit'])) { // import empty values as NULL option $s_csv['import_null'] = isset($_POST['dt_import_null']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
function process_form() { if ($_POST['_form_submit'] == 1) { error_log("exporting data step 1"); $select_all_regexp = "."; if (!isset($_POST['first_name']) || $_POST['first_name'] == "") { $_SESSION['first_name'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['first_name'] = $_POST['first_name']; } if (!isset($_POST['last_name']) || $_POST['last_name'] == "") { $_SESSION['last_name'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['last_name'] = $_POST['last_name']; } if (!isset($_POST['gender']) || $_POST['gender'] == "") { $_SESSION['gender'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['gender'] = $_POST['gender']; } if (!isset($_POST['type'])) { $_SESSION['type'] = []; } else { $_SESSION['type'] = $_POST['type']; } if (!isset($_POST['status']) || $_POST['status'] == "") { $_SESSION['status'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; } if (!isset($_POST['start_date']) || $_POST['start_date'] == "") { $_SESSION['start_date'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['start_date'] = $_POST['start_date']; } if (!isset($_POST['city']) || $_POST['city'] == "") { $_SESSION['city'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['city'] = $_POST['city']; } if (!isset($_POST['zip']) || $_POST['zip'] == "") { $_SESSION['zip'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['zip'] = $_POST['zip']; } if (!isset($_POST['phone']) || $_POST['phone'] == "") { $_SESSION['phone'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; } if (!isset($_POST['email']) || $_POST['email'] == "") { $_SESSION['email'] = $select_all_regexp; } else { $_SESSION['email'] = $_POST['email']; } error_log("first name = " . $_SESSION['first_name']); error_log("last name = " . $_SESSION['last_name']); error_log("gender = " . $_SESSION['gender']); foreach ($_SESSION['type'] as $t) { error_log("type selected " . $t); } error_log("status = " . $_SESSION['status']); error_log("start date = " . $_SESSION['start_date']); error_log("city = " . $_SESSION['city']); error_log("zip = " . $_SESSION['zip']); error_log("phone = " . $_SESSION['phone']); error_log("email = " . $_SESSION['email']); $result = get_people_for_export("*", $_SESSION['first_name'], $_SESSION['last_name'], $_SESSION['gender'], $_SESSION['type'], $_SESSION['status'], $_SESSION['start_date'], $_SESSION['city'], $_SESSION['zip'], $_SESSION['phone'], $_SESSION['email']); $returned_people = []; while ($result_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $person = make_a_person($result_row); $returned_people[] = $person; } $_SESSION['returned_people'] = serialize($returned_people); error_log("returns " . count($_SESSION['returned_people']) . "people"); include 'dataResults.inc.php'; } else { if ($_POST['_form_submit'] == 2) { error_log("Exporting data step 2"); $_SESSION['results'] = $_POST['results_list']; if ($_POST['all_export']) { $export_people = []; error_log("returns " . count(unserialize($_SESSION['returned_people'])) . "people"); foreach (unserialize($_SESSION['returned_people']) as $p) { $export_people[] = $p->get_id(); error_log("Exporting data for " . $p->get_id()); } error_log("Exporting all data."); $_SESSION['selected_people'] = $export_people; include 'dataExport.inc.php'; } else { if ($_POST['b_export']) { error_log("Exporting selected data"); if ($_POST['results_list']) { $_SESSION['selected_people'] = $_POST['results_list']; foreach ($_POST['results_list'] as $export_person) { $temp_dude = retrieve_person($export_person); error_log("Exporting data for " . $temp_dude->get_first_name() . " " . $temp_dude->get_last_name()); } } include 'dataExport.inc.php'; } } } else { if ($_POST['_form_submit'] == 3) { error_log("Exporting data step 3"); $_POST['export_attr'][] = 'id'; $all_attrs_concat = implode(", ", $_POST['export_attr']); echo $all_attrs_concat; error_log("All attributes = " . $all_attrs_concat); foreach ($_POST['export_attr'] as $attr) { error_log("attr to be exported " . $attr); } $result = get_people_for_export($all_attrs_concat, $_SESSION['first_name'], $_SESSION['last_name'], $_SESSION['gender'], $_SESSION['type'], $_SESSION['status'], $_SESSION['start_date'], $_SESSION['city'], $_SESSION['zip'], $_SESSION['phone'], $_SESSION['email']); $export_data = []; while ($result_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (in_array($result_row['id'], $_SESSION['selected_people'])) { $temp_person = [$result_row['id']]; foreach ($result_row as $row) { if (!isset($row) || $row == "") { $row = ""; } $temp_person[] = $row; } $export_data[] = array_slice($temp_person, 0, count($temp_person) - 1); } } date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $current_time = ["Export date: " . date("F j, Y, g:i a")]; export_data($current_time, array_merge(["id"], $_POST['export_attr']), $export_data); } } } }
// 3. need to send that dataset to the prepexport function to make the spreadsheet // 4. need to provide a link to the finished file // 5. need to make sure import templates are created appropriately // read the query data from the cached file $queryData = file(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/cache/exportQuery_" . intval($_GET['eq']) . ".formulize_cached_query_for_export"); global $xoopsUser; $exportUid = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getVar('uid') : 0; $groups = $xoopsUser ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : array(0 => XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS); // query fid must match passed fid in URL, and the current user id must match the userid at the time the export file was created if (trim($queryData[0]) == intval($_GET['fid']) and trim($queryData[1]) == $exportUid) { if ($_GET['type'] == "update") { do_update_export($queryData, $frid, $fid, $groups); } else { $columns = explode(",", $_GET['cols']); $include_metadata = 1 == $_POST['metachoice']; export_data($queryData, $frid, $fid, $groups, $columns, $include_metadata); } } else { print _formulize_DE_EXPORT_FILE_ERROR; } } // end of "if the metachoice form has been submitted" function do_update_export($queryData, $frid, $fid, $groups) { // this is the old export code, which is used for 'update' mode $fdchoice = "update"; $GLOBALS['formulize_doingExport'] = true; unset($queryData[0]); // get rid of the fid and userid lines unset($queryData[1]); $queryData = implode(" ", $queryData);
function epg_plugin_options_page() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die('Nimate pravice za dostop do željene strani.'); } if (isset($_POST['load'])) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'oddaje_filmi'; $searchq = esc_html($_POST['seznam_filmi_oddaje']); $shows_movies = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} where naslov = '{$searchq}'"); foreach ($shows_movies as $show_movie) { $naslov = $show_movie->naslov; $trajanje = $show_movie->trajanje; $tip = $show_movie->tip; $kategorija = $show_movie->kategorija; $opis = $show_movie->opis; } } if (isset($_POST['epg_add_movie_show_submit'])) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'epg'; $naslov = esc_html(trim($_POST['epg_title'])); $kanal = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['epg_kanal']))); $tip = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['type']))); $kategorija = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['cat']))); $dolzina = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['duration_movie_show']))); $datum = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['izbrani_datum']))); $ura_zacetek = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['ura_zacetek']))); $ura_konec = esc_html(stripslashes(trim($_POST['ura_konec']))); $opis = esc_textarea(stripslashes(trim($_POST['epg_description']))); $content = $_FILES['userfile']; $opis = stripslashes(str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), " ", $opis)); $naslov = str_replace(array("\\"), " ", $naslov); $tip = str_replace(array("\\"), " ", $tip); $kategorija = str_replace(array("\\"), " ", $kategorija); $kanal = str_replace(array("\\"), " ", $kanal); if ($naslov == "" || $tip == "" || $kategorija == "" || $dolzina == "" || $opis == "" || $datum == "" || $ura_zacetek == "" || $ura_konec == "") { echo "<script>jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n \t\t\talert('Izpolnite prazna polja oziroma naložite sliko!');\n\t\t\t\t});</script>"; } else { if (!function_exists('wp_handle_upload')) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } $uploadedfile = $_FILES['userfile']; $upload_overrides = array('test_form' => false); $movefile = wp_handle_upload($uploadedfile, $upload_overrides); if ($movefile && !isset($movefile['error'])) { $path = $movefile['url']; $wpdb->insert($table_name, array('naslov' => $naslov, 'kanal' => $kanal, 'trajanje' => $dolzina, 'tip' => $tip, 'kategorija' => $kategorija, 'opis' => $opis, 'datum' => $datum, 'zacetek_ura' => $ura_zacetek, 'konec_ura' => $ura_konec, 'slika_path' => $path)); echo "<script>jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n\t \t\t\talert('Uspešno dodano!');\n\t\t\t\t\t});</script>"; export_data(); } else { /** * Error generated by _wp_handle_upload() * @see _wp_handle_upload() in wp-admin/includes/file.php */ echo "<script>jQuery(document).ready(function(\$){\n \t\t\t\talert('Naložite sliko!');\n\t\t\t\t\t});</script>"; } } } require 'inc/main-page.php'; }
} } else { // no date submitted, so set $date and $enddate to today $date = $_GET['date']; $enddate = $_GET['enddate']; } $od = new OccupancyData($date, $enddate); $formattedDate = date("m-d-y", strtotime($date)); $formattedEndDate = date("m-d-y", strtotime($enddate)); // String of this date, including the weekday and such if ($od instanceof OccupancyData) { include_once "dataView.inc"; } else { echo "<h3>Occupancy Data for " . $formattedDate . " to " . $formattedEndDate . " not found</h3><br>"; } export_data($od, $date, $enddate, $formattedDate, $formattedEndDate); // options to export data or select a different date range show_options(); ?> <!-- the footer goes here now --> <?php include_once "footer.inc"; ?> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php function export_data($od, $date, $enddate, $formattedDate, $formattedEndDate) {
$current_time = array("Export date: " . date("m/d/Y g:ia")); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($attribute_array); $i++) { if ($attribute_array[$i][1] == 'on') { $search_attr .= $attribute_array[$i][2] . "=" . $attribute_array[$i][3] . ", "; } } $search_attr = substr($search_attr, 0, -2); $data_to_export = array(); foreach ($returned_people as $p) { $data_row = array($p->get_id(), $p->get_first_name(), $p->get_last_name(), $p->get_address(), $p->get_city(), $p->get_state(), $p->get_zip(), $p->get_phone1(), $p->get_phone2(), $p->get_email(), $p->get_type(), $p->get_address(), implode(',', $p->get_group()), implode(',', $p->get_role()), $p->get_status(), $p->get_birthday(), $p->get_start_date(), $p->get_notes()); $data_to_export[] = $data_row; } foreach ($returned_shifts as $returned_shift) { $data_to_export[] = $returned_shift; } export_data($current_time, array($search_attr), $data_to_export); include 'dataResults.inc.php'; } else { $archived_months = getall_archived_dbMonth_ids(); $unique_months = array(); foreach ($archived_months as $archived_month) { if (!in_array(substr($archived_month, 0, 5), $unique_months)) { $unique_months[] = substr($archived_month, 0, 5); } } include 'dataSearch.inc.php'; // the form has not been submitted, so show it } } function export_data($ct, $sa, $ed) {
} else { // connect failed $content .= '<p><span class="err">' . $info_strings['FBError'] . ':</span>' . fbird_errmsg() . "</p>\n"; $s_login['password'] = ''; $s_connected = FALSE; } cleanup_session(); } } else { $error = fbird_errmsg(); } break; case 'export': include './inc/export.inc.php'; ob_start(); export_data($job['data']); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); break; } echo iframe_content($content, $error); unset($s_iframejobs[$key]); globalize_session_vars(); } function get_iframejob($iframejobs, $key) { if (isset($iframejobs[$key])) { return $iframejobs[$key]; } return FALSE; }