if ($account == $verifier_account) { pm($verifier_nick, $verifier_msg); } else { # DON'T TRUST EXEC TO ALERT ANYTHING ON IT'S OWN #pm("#soylent",chr(3)."08".chr(2)."*** ALERT: \"".strtoupper($host)."\" HOST IS UNAVAILABLE ON PORT $port ***"); } return; } $extra_headers = array(); $extra_headers["Cookie"] = sn_login(); $response = wget($host, $uri, $port, ICEWEASEL_UA, $extra_headers); $delim1 = "<b>Progress So Far: \$"; $delim2 = "</b>"; $amount = extract_text($response, $delim1, $delim2); if ($amount !== False) { $data = exec_file_read("previous_sn_funding"); $previous = ""; if (count($data) > 0) { $previous = trim($data[0]); } else { term_echo("funding: count(data) = 0"); } if ($previous != $amount) { pm("#soylent", chr(3) . "05" . "*** SN funding has changed from \${$previous} to \${$amount}"); exec_file_write("previous_sn_funding", array($amount)); } else { term_echo("funding: previous = amount ({$amount})"); } } else { term_echo("funding: amount not found in http response"); }
$headers["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.v3+json"; $params = array(); $params["title"] = $title; $params["body"] = $body . "\n\nsubmitted by exec on behalf of {$nick} from {$dest} @ irc.sylnt.us"; $json = json_encode($params, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $response = wpost($host, $uri, $port, ICEWEASEL_UA, $json, $headers, 60, True, False); $content = strip_headers($response); $data = json_decode($content, True); if (isset($data["html_url"]) == True) { privmsg($data["html_url"]); } else { privmsg("there was an error submitting the issue"); } return; } $list = exec_file_read("github_feed_repos"); sort($list, SORT_STRING); if ($alias == "~epoch-feed") { $list = array("Subsentient/epoch"); define("FEED_CHAN", "#epoch"); } else { define("FEED_CHAN", "#github"); } sort($list, SORT_STRING + SORT_FLAG_CASE); define("CREATE_TIME_FORMAT", "Y-m-d H:i:s "); if ($alias == "~github-list") { $gh_users = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $a = explode("/", $list[$i]); $gh_username = $a[0]; $gh_repo = $a[1];