コード例 #1
 function SetupExportOptions()
     global $Language;
     // Printer friendly
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("print");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportPrintUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewPrint\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("PrinterFriendlyText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("PrinterFriendly") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = TRUE;
     // Export to Excel
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("excel");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportExcelUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewExcel\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToExcelText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToExcel") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Word
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("word");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportWordUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewWord\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToWordText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToWord") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Html
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("html");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportHtmlUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewHtml\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToHtmlText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToHtml") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Xml
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("xml");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportXmlUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewXml\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToXmlText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToXml") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Csv
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("csv");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportCsvUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewCsv\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToCsvText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToCsv") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Pdf
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("pdf");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportPdfUrl . "\" class=\"ewExportLink ewPdf\" data-caption=\"" . ew_HtmlEncode($Language->Phrase("ExportToPDFText")) . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToPDF") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = TRUE;
     // Export to Email
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("email");
     $item->Body = "<a id=\"emf_guru\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" class=\"ewExportLink ewEmail\" data-caption=\"" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToEmailText") . "\" onclick=\"ew_EmailDialogShow({lnk:'emf_guru',hdr:ewLanguage.Phrase('ExportToEmail'),f:document.fguruview,key:" . ew_ArrayToJsonAttr($this->RecKey) . ",sel:false});\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToEmail") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Drop down button for export
     $this->ExportOptions->UseDropDownButton = FALSE;
     $this->ExportOptions->DropDownButtonPhrase = $Language->Phrase("ButtonExport");
     // Add group option item
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add($this->ExportOptions->GroupOptionName);
     $item->Body = "";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Hide options for export
     if ($this->Export != "") {
コード例 #2
 function SetupExportOptions()
     global $Language;
     // Printer friendly
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("print");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportPrintUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("PrinterFriendly") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = TRUE;
     // Export to Excel
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("excel");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportExcelUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToExcel") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Word
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("word");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportWordUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToWord") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Html
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("html");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportHtmlUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToHtml") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = TRUE;
     // Export to Xml
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("xml");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportXmlUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToXml") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Csv
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("csv");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportCsvUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToCsv") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Export to Pdf
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("pdf");
     $item->Body = "<a href=\"" . $this->ExportPdfUrl . "\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToPDF") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = TRUE;
     // Export to Email
     $item =& $this->ExportOptions->Add("email");
     $item->Body = "<a id=\"emf_realmcharacters\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"ew_EmailDialogShow({lnk:'emf_realmcharacters',hdr:ewLanguage.Phrase('ExportToEmail'),key:" . ew_ArrayToJsonAttr($this->RecKey) . ",sel:false});\">" . $Language->Phrase("ExportToEmail") . "</a>";
     $item->Visible = FALSE;
     // Hide options for export/action
     if ($this->Export != "") {