function eventon_shortcode_button($context) { global $pagenow, $typenow, $post; if ($typenow == 'post' && !empty($_GET['post'])) { $typenow = $post->post_type; } elseif (empty($typenow) && !empty($_GET['post'])) { $post = get_post($_GET['post']); $typenow = $post->post_type; } if ($typenow == '' || $typenow == "ajde_events") { return; } //our popup's title $text = '[ ] ADD EVENTON'; $title = 'eventON Shortcode generator'; //append the icon $context .= "<a id='evo_shortcode_btn' class='eventon_popup_trig evo_admin_btn btn_prime' title='{$title}' href='#'>{$text}</a>"; eventon_shortcode_pop_content(); return $context; }
function form($instance) { global $eventon; extract($instance); $evo_title = !empty($evo_title) ? $evo_title : null; $evo_shortcodeW = !empty($evo_shortcodeW) ? $evo_shortcodeW : null; // HTML eventon_shortcode_pop_content(); ?> <div id='eventon_widget_settings' class='eventon_widget_settings'> <div class='eventon_widget_top'><p></p></div> <div class='evo_widget_outter evowig'> <div class='evo_wig_item'> <input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('evo_title'); ?> " name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('evo_title'); ?> " type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($evo_title); ?> " placeholder='Widget Title' title='Widget Title'/> </div> </div> <p><a id='evo_shortcode_btn' class='eventon_popup_trig evo_admin_btn btn_prime' title='<?php _e('eventON Shortcode generator', 'eventon'); ?> ' href='#'>[ add eventon ]</a></p> <p class='evo_widget_textarea'><textarea name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('evo_shortcodeW'); ?> " id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('evo_shortcodeW'); ?> "><?php echo esc_attr($evo_shortcodeW); ?> </textarea><br/><label><?php _e('EventOn Calendar Shortcode', 'eventon'); $eventon->throw_guide('Use the Eventon Shortcode Generator to create a shortcode based on your requirements, and paste it in here.', 'L'); ?> </label></p> </div> <?php }
function content_shortcodes() { ob_start(); ?> <p>Use the "Generate shortcode" button to open lightbox shortcode generator to create your desired calendar shortcode.</p><br/> <a id="evo_shortcode_btn" class="eventon_popup_trig evo_admin_btn btn_prime" title="eventON Shortcode generator" href="#" data-textbox='evo_set_shortcodes'>[ ] Generate shortcode</a><br/> <p id='evo_set_shortcodes'></p> <p style='padding-top:10px'><b>Other common shortcodes</b></p> <p>[add_eventon] -- Default month calendar</p> <p>[add_eventon_list number_of_months="5" hide_empty_months="yes" ] -- 5 months events list with empty months hidden from view</p> <p>[add_eventon_list number_of_months="5" month_incre="-5" ] -- Show list of 5 past months</p> <?php // throw shortcode popup codes eventon_shortcode_pop_content(); return ob_get_clean(); }