コード例 #1
// Paging parameters.  -1 means not applicable.
$iDisplayStart = isset($_GET['iDisplayStart']) ? 0 + $_GET['iDisplayStart'] : -1;
$iDisplayLength = isset($_GET['iDisplayLength']) ? 0 + $_GET['iDisplayLength'] : -1;
$limit = '';
if ($iDisplayStart >= 0 && $iDisplayLength >= 0) {
    $limit = "LIMIT " . escape_limit($iDisplayStart) . ", " . escape_limit($iDisplayLength);
// Column sorting parameters.
$orderby = '';
if (isset($_GET['iSortCol_0'])) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < intval($_GET['iSortingCols']); ++$i) {
        $iSortCol = intval($_GET["iSortCol_{$i}"]);
        if ($_GET["bSortable_{$iSortCol}"] == "true") {
            $sSortDir = escape_sort_order($_GET["sSortDir_{$i}"]);
            // ASC or DESC
            // We are to sort on column # $iSortCol in direction $sSortDir.
            $orderby .= $orderby ? ', ' : 'ORDER BY ';
            if ($aColumns[$iSortCol] == 'name') {
                $orderby .= "lname {$sSortDir}, fname {$sSortDir}, mname {$sSortDir}";
            } else {
                $orderby .= "`" . escape_sql_column_name($aColumns[$iSortCol], array('patient_data')) . "` {$sSortDir}";
// Global filtering.
$where = '';
コード例 #2
     case "Lab results":
         $odrstmt = " ORDER BY procedure_result_date asc";
     case "Communication":
         $odrstmt = "ORDER BY ROUND((LENGTH(communications) - LENGTH(REPLACE(communications, ',', '')))/LENGTH(',')) asc, communications asc";
     case "Demographics":
         $odrstmt = " ORDER BY patient_date asc";
         //$odrstmt = " ROUND((LENGTH(communications) - LENGTH(REPLACE(communications, ',', '')))/LENGTH(',')) , communications";
 if (!empty($_REQUEST['sortby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sortorder'])) {
     if ($_REQUEST['sortby'] == "communications") {
         $odrstmt = "ORDER BY ROUND((LENGTH(communications) - LENGTH(REPLACE(communications, ',', '')))/LENGTH(',')) " . escape_sort_order($_REQUEST['sortorder']) . ", communications " . escape_sort_order($_REQUEST['sortorder']);
     } else {
         $odrstmt = "ORDER BY " . escape_identifier($_REQUEST['sortby'], $sort, TRUE) . " " . escape_sort_order($_REQUEST['sortorder']);
 $sqlstmt = $sqlstmt . " " . $whr_stmt . " " . $odrstmt;
 //echo $sqlstmt."<hr>";
 $result = sqlStatement($sqlstmt, $sqlBindArray);
 $row_id = 1.1;
 //given to each row to identify and toggle
 $img_id = 1.2;
 $k = 1.3;
 if (sqlNumRows($result) > 0) {
     $patArr = array();
     $patDataArr = array();
     $smoke_codes_arr = getSmokeCodes();
     while ($row = sqlFetchArray($result)) {
コード例 #3
ファイル: history.php プロジェクト: juggernautsei/openemr
 echo "</small>";
 echo "<table border='1'>";
 $spell2 = "SELECT DISTINCT track_timestamp ";
 $spell2 .= "FROM form_track_anything_results ";
 $spell2 .= "WHERE track_anything_id = ? ";
 $spell2 .= "ORDER BY track_timestamp " . escape_sort_order($ASC_DESC);
 $query2 = sqlStatement($spell2, array($the_track));
 while ($myrow2 = sqlFetchArray($query2)) {
     $thistime = $myrow2['track_timestamp'];
     // get data of this specific track
     $spell3 = "SELECT form_track_anything_results.itemid, form_track_anything_results.result, form_track_anything_type.name AS the_name ";
     $spell3 .= "FROM form_track_anything_results ";
     $spell3 .= "INNER JOIN form_track_anything_type ON form_track_anything_results.itemid = form_track_anything_type.track_anything_type_id ";
     $spell3 .= "WHERE track_anything_id = ? AND track_timestamp = ? AND form_track_anything_type.active = 1 ";
     $spell3 .= "ORDER BY form_track_anything_results.track_timestamp " . escape_sort_order($ASC_DESC) . ", ";
     $spell3 .= " form_track_anything_type.position ASC, the_name ASC ";
     $query3 = sqlStatement($spell3, array($the_track, $thistime));
     // print local <table>-heads
     // ----------------------------
     if ($shownameflag == 1) {
         echo "<tr><th class='time'>" . xlt('Time') . "</th>";
         while ($myrow3 = sqlFetchArray($query3)) {
             echo "<th class='item'>&nbsp;" . text($myrow3['the_name']) . "&nbsp;</th>";
             if ($save_item_flag == 0) {
                 $items_n[$items_c] = $myrow3['the_name'];
                 // save item names
                 // count number of items