コード例 #1
function generate_autocomplete($id, $options)
    global $autocomplete_length_breaks;
    $js = '';
    // Turn the array into a simple, numerically indexed, array
    $options = array_values($options);
    $n_options = count($options);
    if ($n_options > 0) {
        // Work out a suitable value for the autocomplete minLength
        // option, ie the number of characters that must be typed before
        // a list of options appears.   We want to avoid presenting a huge
        // list of options.
        $min_length = 0;
        if (isset($autocomplete_length_breaks) && is_array($autocomplete_length_breaks)) {
            foreach ($autocomplete_length_breaks as $break) {
                if ($n_options < $break) {
        // Start forming the array literal
        // Escape the options
        for ($i = 0; $i < $n_options; $i++) {
            $options[$i] = escape_js($options[$i]);
        $options_string = "'" . implode("','", $options) . "'";
        // Build the JavaScript.   We don't support autocomplete in IE6 and below
        // because the browser doesn't render the autocomplete box properly - it
        // gets hidden behind other elements.   Although there are fixes for this,
        // it's not worth it ...
        $js .= "if (!lteIE6)\n";
        $js .= "{\n";
        $js .= "  \$('#{$id}').autocomplete({\n";
        $js .= "    source: [{$options_string}],\n";
        $js .= "    minLength: {$min_length}\n";
        $js .= "  })";
        // If the minLength is 0, then the autocomplete widget doesn't do
        // quite what you might expect and you need to force it to display
        // the available options when it receives focus
        if ($min_length == 0) {
            $js .= ".focus(function() {\n";
            $js .= "    \$(this).autocomplete('search', '');\n";
            $js .= "  })";
        $js .= "  ;\n";
        $js .= "}\n";
    return $js;
コード例 #2
function create_field_entry_areas($disabled = FALSE)
    global $areas, $area_id, $rooms;
    echo "<div id=\"div_areas\">\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    // if there is more than one area then give the option
    // to choose areas.
    if (count($areas) > 1) {
      <script type="text/javascript">
      var area = <?php 
        echo $area_id;
      function changeRooms( formObj )
        areasObj = eval( "formObj.area" );

        area = areasObj[areasObj.selectedIndex].value;
        roomsObj = eval( "formObj.elements['rooms']" );

        // remove all entries
        roomsNum = roomsObj.length;
        for (i=(roomsNum-1); i >= 0; i--)
          roomsObj.options[i] = null;
        // add entries based on area selected
        switch (area){
        foreach ($areas as $a) {
            print "case \"" . $a['id'] . "\":\n";
            // get rooms for this area
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($rooms as $r) {
                if ($r['area_id'] == $a['id']) {
                    print "roomsObj.options[{$i}] = new Option(\"" . escape_js($r['room_name']) . "\"," . $r['id'] . ");\n";
            // select the first entry by default to ensure
            // that one room is selected to begin with
            if ($i > 0) {
                print "roomsObj.options[0].selected = true;\n";
            print "break;\n";
        } //switch
        // Replace the start and end selectors with those for the new area
        // (1) We set the display for the old elements to "none" and the new
        // elements to "block".   (2) We also need to disable the old selectors and
        // enable the new ones: they all have the same name, so we only want
        // one passed through with the form.  (3) We take a note of the currently
        // selected start and end values so that we can have a go at finding a
        // similar time/period in the new area. (4) We also take a note of the old
        // area id because we'll need that when trying to match up slots: it only
        // makes sense to match up slots if both old and new area used the same
        // mode (periods/times).
        // For the "all day" checkbox, the process is slightly different.  This
        // is because the checkboxes themselves are visible or not depending on
        // the time restrictions for that particular area. (1) We set the display
        // for the old *container* element to "none" and the new elements to
        // "block".  (2) We disable the old checkboxes and enable the new ones for
        // the same reasons as above.  (3) We copy the value of the old check box
        // to the new check box
        var oldStartId = "start_seconds" + currentArea;
        var oldEndId = "end_seconds" + currentArea;
        var newStartId = "start_seconds" + area;
        var newEndId = "end_seconds" + area;
        var oldAllDayId = "ad" + currentArea;
        var newAllDayId = "ad" + area;
        var oldAreaStartValue = formObj[oldStartId].options[formObj[oldStartId].selectedIndex].value;
        var oldAreaEndValue = formObj[oldEndId].options[formObj[oldEndId].selectedIndex].value;
        $("#" + oldStartId).hide()
                           .attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        $("#" + oldEndId).hide()
                         .attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        $("#" + newStartId).show()
        $("#" + newEndId).show()
                         +        $("#" + oldAllDayId).hide();
        $("#" + newAllDayId).show();
        if($("#all_day" + currentArea).attr('checked') == 'checked')
          $("#all_day" + area).attr('checked', 'checked').removeAttr('disabled');
          $("#all_day" + area).removeAttr('checked').removeAttr('disabled');
        $("#all_day" + currentArea).removeAttr('disabled');
        var oldArea = currentArea;
        currentArea = area;
        prevStartValue = undefined;
        adjustSlotSelectors(formObj, oldArea, oldAreaStartValue, oldAreaEndValue);
      // Create area selector, only if we have Javascript
      var div_areas = document.getElementById('div_areas');
      // First of all create a label and insert it into the <div>
      var area_label = document.createElement('label');
      var area_label_text = document.createTextNode('<?php 
        echo get_vocab("area");
      area_label.setAttribute('for', 'area');
      // Now give it a select box
      var area_select = document.createElement('select');
      area_select.setAttribute('id', 'area');
      area_select.setAttribute('name', 'area');
      area_select.onchange = function(){changeRooms(this.form)}; // setAttribute doesn't work for onChange with IE6
      // populated with options
      var option;
      var option_text
        // go through the areas and create the options
        foreach ($areas as $a) {
        option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = <?php 
            echo $a['id'];
        option_text = document.createTextNode('<?php 
            echo escape_js($a['area_name']);
            if ($a['id'] == $area_id) {
          option.selected = true;
      // insert the <select> which we've just assembled into the <div>
        if ($disabled) {
            // If the field is disabled we need to disable the select box and
            // add in a hidden input containing the value
        $('#area').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        $('<input>').attr('type', 'hidden')
                    .attr('name', 'area')
            echo $area_id;
    // if count($areas)
コード例 #3
ファイル: datatables.js.php プロジェクト: dev-lav/htdocs
    defaultOptions.bProcessing = true;
    defaultOptions.bScrollCollapse = true;
    defaultOptions.bStateSave = true;
    defaultOptions.iDisplayLength = 25;
    defaultOptions.sDom = 'C<"clear">lfrtip';
    defaultOptions.sScrollX = "100%";
    defaultOptions.sPaginationType = "full_numbers";
    defaultOptions.oColReorder = {};
    defaultOptions.oColVis = {sSize: "auto",
                              buttonText: '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("show_hide_columns"));
                              bRestore: true,
                              sRestore: '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("restore_original"));

    defaultOptions.fnInitComplete = function(){
        if (((leftCol !== undefined) && (leftCol !== null)) ||
            ((rightCol !== undefined) && (rightCol !== null)) )
// Fix the left and/or right columns.  This has to be done when
// initialisation is complete as the language files are loaded
// asynchronously
          var options = {};
          if ((leftCol !== undefined) && (leftCol !== null))
コード例 #4
ファイル: resizable.js.php プロジェクト: bdwong-mirrors/mrbs
                                  alertMessage += '<?php 
    echo escape_js(mrbs_entity_decode(get_vocab("conflict")));
' + ":  \n\n";
                                  var conflictsList = getErrorList(result.conflicts);
                                  alertMessage += conflictsList.text;
                                if (result.rules_broken.length > 0)
                                  if (result.conflicts.length > 0)
                                    alertMessage += "\n\n";
                                  alertMessage += '<?php 
    echo escape_js(mrbs_entity_decode(get_vocab("rules_broken")));
' + ":  \n\n";
                                  var rulesList = getErrorList(result.rules_broken);
                                  alertMessage += rulesList.text;
                  }   <?php 
    // if (rectanglesIdentical(r1, r2))
                };  <?php 
コード例 #5
     * AJAX response handler for the 'my_name_is' step
    static function my_name_is()
        // Grab the new name from POST data
        $in = ps('my_name');
        // ...further processing might go here: Database updates, input validation, ...
        self::$my_name = $in;
        // Prepare response string
        $in = escape_js($in);
        // Send a javascript response to render this posted data back into the document's headline.
        // Find the target HTML fragment via jQuery through its selector '#my_name_output'
        // and replace its text.
コード例 #6
    $search = urldecode(trim($_GET['what']));
    if (!strlen($search)) {
        print "false;";
    $eligible = $actions = array();
    $list = $DB->GetAll('
            SELECT id, name
            FROM netdeviceproducers
            WHERE name ?LIKE? ' . $DB->Escape("%{$search}%") . '
                OR alternative_name ?LIKE? ' . $DB->Escape("%{$search}%") . '
            ORDER BY name
            LIMIT 10');
    if (!empty($list)) {
        foreach ($list as $idx => $row) {
            $eligible[$idx] = escape_js($row['name']);
            $actions[$idx] = sprintf("javascript: search_producer(%d)", $row['id']);
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eligible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.actions = [\"" . implode('","', $actions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
$SMARTY->assign('xajax', $LMS->RunXajax());
$layout['pagetitle'] = trans('Select model');
$netdevmodelid = isset($_GET['netdevmodelid']) ? intval($_GET['netdevmodelid']) : null;
$producer = isset($_GET['producer']) ? $_GET['producer'] : null;
コード例 #7
ファイル: txp_section.php プロジェクト: bgarrels/textpattern
function section_save()
    global $txpcfg, $app_mode;
    extract(doSlash(psa(array('page', 'css', 'old_name'))));
    extract(psa(array('name', 'title')));
    $prequel = '';
    $sequel = '';
    if (empty($title)) {
        $title = $name;
    // Prevent non url chars on section names
    include_once txpath . '/lib/classTextile.php';
    $textile = new Textile();
    $title = doSlash($textile->TextileThis($title, 1));
    $name = doSlash(sanitizeForUrl($name));
    if ($old_name && strtolower($name) != strtolower($old_name)) {
        if (safe_field('name', 'txp_section', "name='{$name}'")) {
            $message = array(gTxt('section_name_already_exists', array('{name}' => $name)), E_ERROR);
            if ($app_mode == 'async') {
                // TODO: Better/themeable popup
                send_script_response('window.alert("' . escape_js(strip_tags(gTxt('section_name_already_exists', array('{name}' => $name)))) . '")');
            } else {
    if ($name == 'default') {
        safe_update('txp_section', "page = '{$page}', css = '{$css}'", "name = 'default'");
    } else {
        extract(array_map('assert_int', psa(array('is_default', 'on_frontpage', 'in_rss', 'searchable'))));
        // note this means 'selected by default' not 'default page'
        if ($is_default) {
            safe_update("txp_section", "is_default = 0", "name != '{$old_name}'");
            // switch off $is_default for all sections in async app_mode
            if ($app_mode == 'async') {
                $prequel = '$("input[name=\\"is_default\\"][value=\\"1\\"]").attr("checked", false);' . '$("input[name=\\"is_default\\"][value=\\"0\\"]").attr("checked", true);';
        safe_update('txp_section', "\n\t\t\t\tname         = '{$name}',\n\t\t\t\ttitle        = '{$title}',\n\t\t\t\tpage         = '{$page}',\n\t\t\t\tcss          = '{$css}',\n\t\t\t\tis_default   = {$is_default},\n\t\t\t\ton_frontpage = {$on_frontpage},\n\t\t\t\tin_rss       = {$in_rss},\n\t\t\t\tsearchable   = {$searchable}\n\t\t\t", "name = '{$old_name}'");
        safe_update('textpattern', "Section = '{$name}'", "Section = '{$old_name}'");
    $message = gTxt('section_updated', array('{name}' => $name));
    if ($app_mode == 'async') {
        // Caveat: Use unslashed params for DTO
        $s = psa(array('name', 'title', 'page', 'css')) + compact('is_default', 'on_frontpage', 'in_rss', 'searchable');
        $s = section_detail_partial($s);
        send_script_response($prequel . '$("#section-form-' . $name . '").replaceWith("' . escape_js($s) . '");' . $sequel);
    } else {
コード例 #8
 * Renders article editor form.
 * @param string|array $message          The activity message
 * @param bool         $concurrent       Treat as a concurrent save
 * @param bool         $refresh_partials Whether refresh partial contents
function article_edit($message = '', $concurrent = false, $refresh_partials = false)
    global $vars, $txp_user, $prefs, $event, $view;
    $partials is an array of:
    $key => array (
        'selector' => $DOM_selector,
         'cb' => $callback_function,
         'html' => $return_value_of_callback_function (need not be intialised here)
    $partials = array('html_title' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_html_title'), 'sLastMod' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sLastMod]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value'), 'sPosted' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sPosted]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value'), 'sidehelp' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#textfilter_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_sidehelp'), 'url_title' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title'), 'url_title_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title_value'), 'description' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.description', 'cb' => 'article_partial_description'), 'description_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#description', 'cb' => 'article_partial_description_value'), 'keywords' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords'), 'keywords_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords_value'), 'image' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#image_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_image'), 'custom_fields' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#custom_field_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_fields'), 'recent_articles' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#recent_group .recent', 'cb' => 'article_partial_recent_articles'), 'title' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title'), 'title_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title_value'), 'article_clone' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#article_partial_article_clone', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_clone'), 'article_view' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#article_partial_article_view', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_view'), 'body' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.body', 'cb' => 'article_partial_body'), 'excerpt' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.excerpt', 'cb' => 'article_partial_excerpt'), 'author' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'p.author', 'cb' => 'article_partial_author'), 'view_modes' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#view_modes', 'cb' => 'article_partial_view_modes'), 'article_nav' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'p.nav-tertiary', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_nav'), 'status' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-status', 'cb' => 'article_partial_status'), 'categories' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#categories_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_categories'), 'section' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.section', 'cb' => 'article_partial_section'), 'comments' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-comments', 'cb' => 'article_partial_comments'), 'posted' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-timestamp', 'cb' => 'article_partial_posted'), 'expires' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-expires', 'cb' => 'article_partial_expires'));
    // Add partials for custom fields (and their values which is redundant by
    // design, for plugins).
    global $cfs;
    foreach ($cfs as $k => $v) {
        $partials["custom_field_{$k}"] = array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "p.custom-field.custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_field');
        $partials["custom_{$k}"] = array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "#custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_value');
    extract(gpsa(array('view', 'from_view', 'step')));
    // Newly-saved article.
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) {
        $ID = $GLOBALS['ID'];
        $step = 'edit';
    } else {
        $ID = gps('ID');
    // Switch to 'text' view upon page load and after article post.
    if (!$view || gps('save') || gps('publish')) {
        $view = 'text';
    if (!$step) {
        $step = "create";
    if ($step == "edit" && $view == "text" && !empty($ID) && $from_view != 'preview' && $from_view != 'html' && !$concurrent) {
        $pull = true;
        // It's an existing article - off we go to the database.
        $ID = assert_int($ID);
        $rs = safe_row("*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS sPosted,\n            UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS sExpires,\n            UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS sLastMod", 'textpattern', "ID = {$ID}");
        if (empty($rs)) {
        $rs['reset_time'] = $rs['publish_now'] = false;
    } else {
        $pull = false;
        // Assume they came from post.
        if ($from_view == 'preview' or $from_view == 'html') {
            $store_out = array();
            $store = unserialize(base64_decode(ps('store')));
            foreach ($vars as $var) {
                if (isset($store[$var])) {
                    $store_out[$var] = $store[$var];
        } else {
            $store_out = gpsa($vars);
            if ($concurrent) {
                $store_out['sLastMod'] = safe_field("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS sLastMod", 'textpattern', "ID = {$ID}");
            if (!has_privs('article.set_markup') && !empty($ID)) {
                $oldArticle = safe_row("textile_body, textile_excerpt", 'textpattern', "ID = {$ID}");
                if (!empty($oldArticle)) {
                    $store_out['textile_body'] = $oldArticle['textile_body'];
                    $store_out['textile_excerpt'] = $oldArticle['textile_excerpt'];
        // Use preferred Textfilter as default and fallback.
        $hasfilter = new \Textpattern\Textfilter\Constraint(null);
        $validator = new Validator();
        foreach (array('textile_body', 'textile_excerpt') as $k) {
            if (!$validator->validate()) {
                $store_out[$k] = $use_textile;
        $rs = textile_main_fields($store_out);
        if (!empty($rs['exp_year'])) {
            if (empty($rs['exp_month'])) {
                $rs['exp_month'] = 1;
            if (empty($rs['exp_day'])) {
                $rs['exp_day'] = 1;
            if (empty($rs['exp_hour'])) {
                $rs['exp_hour'] = 0;
            if (empty($rs['exp_minute'])) {
                $rs['exp_minute'] = 0;
            if (empty($rs['exp_second'])) {
                $rs['exp_second'] = 0;
            $rs['sExpires'] = safe_strtotime($rs['exp_year'] . '-' . $rs['exp_month'] . '-' . $rs['exp_day'] . ' ' . $rs['exp_hour'] . ':' . $rs['exp_minute'] . ':' . $rs['exp_second']);
        if (!empty($rs['year'])) {
            $rs['sPosted'] = safe_strtotime($rs['year'] . '-' . $rs['month'] . '-' . $rs['day'] . ' ' . $rs['hour'] . ':' . $rs['minute'] . ':' . $rs['second']);
    $validator = new Validator(new SectionConstraint($rs['Section']));
    if (!$validator->validate()) {
        $rs['Section'] = getDefaultSection();
    $GLOBALS['step'] = $step;
    if ($step != 'create' && isset($sPosted)) {
        // Previous record?
        $rs['prev_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('prev', $sPosted);
        // Next record?
        $rs['next_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('next', $sPosted);
    } else {
        $rs['prev_id'] = $rs['next_id'] = 0;
    // Let plugins chime in on partials meta data.
    callback_event_ref('article_ui', 'partials_meta', 0, $rs, $partials);
    $rs['partials_meta'] =& $partials;
    // Get content for volatile partials.
    foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
        if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE || $p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) {
            $cb = $p['cb'];
            $partials[$k]['html'] = is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k);
    if ($refresh_partials) {
        $response[] = announce($message);
        $response[] = '$("#article_form [type=submit]").val(textpattern.gTxt("save"))';
        if ($Status < STATUS_LIVE) {
            $response[] = '$("#article_form").addClass("saved").removeClass("published")';
        } else {
            $response[] = '$("#article_form").addClass("published").removeClass("saved")';
        // Update the volatile partials.
        foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
            // Volatile partials need a target DOM selector.
            if (empty($p['selector']) && $p['mode'] != PARTIAL_STATIC) {
                trigger_error("Empty selector for partial '{$k}'", E_USER_ERROR);
            } else {
                // Build response script.
                if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE) {
                    // Volatile partials replace *all* of the existing HTML
                    // fragment for their selector.
                    $response[] = '$("' . $p['selector'] . '").replaceWith("' . escape_js($p['html']) . '")';
                } elseif ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) {
                    // Volatile partial values replace the *value* of elements
                    // matching their selector.
                    $response[] = '$("' . $p['selector'] . '").val("' . escape_js($p['html']) . '")';
        send_script_response(join(";\n", $response));
        // Bail out.
    foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
        if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_STATIC) {
            $cb = $p['cb'];
            $partials[$k]['html'] = is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k);
    $page_title = $ID ? $Title : gTxt('write');
    pagetop($page_title, $message);
    $class = array();
    if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE) {
        $class[] = 'published';
    } elseif ($ID) {
        $class[] = 'saved';
    if ($step !== 'create') {
        $class[] = 'async';
    echo n . tag_start('form', array('class' => $class, 'id' => 'article_form', 'name' => 'article_form', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => 'index.php'));
    if (!empty($store_out)) {
        echo hInput('store', base64_encode(serialize($store_out)));
    echo hInput('ID', $ID) . eInput('article') . sInput($step) . hInput('sPosted', $sPosted) . hInput('sLastMod', $sLastMod) . hInput('AuthorID', $AuthorID) . hInput('LastModID', $LastModID) . n . '<input type="hidden" name="view" />';
    echo n . '<div class="txp-layout-4col-cell-1-2-3">' . hed(gTxt('tab_write'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading'));
    echo n . '<div role="region" id="main_content">';
    // View mode tabs.
    echo $partials['view_modes']['html'];
    // Title input.
    if ($view == 'preview') {
        echo n . '<div class="preview">' . graf(gTxt('title'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . hed($Title, 1, ' class="title"');
    } elseif ($view == 'html') {
        echo n . '<div class="html">' . graf(gTxt('title'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . hed($Title, 1, ' class="title"');
    } elseif ($view == 'text') {
        echo n . '<div class="text">' . $partials['title']['html'];
    // Body.
    if ($view == 'preview') {
        echo n . '<div class="body">' . n . graf(gTxt('body'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . $Body_html . '</div>';
    } elseif ($view == 'html') {
        echo graf(gTxt('body'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . n . tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), txpspecialchars($Body_html)), 'pre', ' class="body"');
    } else {
        echo $partials['body']['html'];
    // Excerpt.
    if ($articles_use_excerpts) {
        if ($view == 'preview') {
            echo n . '<div class="excerpt">' . graf(gTxt('excerpt'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . $Excerpt_html . '</div>';
        } elseif ($view == 'html') {
            echo graf(gTxt('excerpt'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')) . n . tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), txpspecialchars($Excerpt_html)), 'pre', array('class' => 'excerpt'));
        } else {
            echo $partials['excerpt']['html'];
    echo hInput('from_view', $view), n . '</div>';
    // Author.
    if ($view == "text" && $step != "create") {
        echo $partials['author']['html'];
    echo n . '</div>' . n . '</div>';
    // End of .txp-layout-4col-cell-1-2-3.
    // Sidebar column (only shown if in text editing view).
    if ($view == 'text') {
        echo n . '<div class="txp-layout-4col-cell-4alt">';
        // 'Publish/Save' button.
        if ($step == 'create' and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) {
            if (has_privs('article.publish')) {
                $push_button = fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('publish'), 'publish');
            } else {
                $push_button = fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('save'), 'publish');
            echo graf($push_button, array('class' => 'txp-save'));
        } elseif ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE && has_privs('article.edit.published') || $Status >= STATUS_LIVE && $AuthorID === $txp_user && has_privs('article.edit.own.published') || $Status < STATUS_LIVE && has_privs('article.edit') || $Status < STATUS_LIVE && $AuthorID === $txp_user && has_privs('article.edit.own')) {
            echo graf(fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), 'publish'), array('class' => 'txp-save'));
        // View/Duplicate/Create new article links.
        $an_cb = href('<span class="ui-icon ui-extra-icon-new-document"></span> ' . gTxt('create_new'), 'index.php?event=article', array('class' => 'txp-new'));
        $ac_cb = $rs['partials_meta']['article_clone']['cb'];
        $av_cb = $rs['partials_meta']['article_view']['cb'];
        echo $step != 'create' ? graf($an_cb . $ac_cb($rs) . $av_cb($rs), array('class' => 'txp-actions')) : '';
        // Prev/next article links.
        if ($step != 'create' and ($rs['prev_id'] or $rs['next_id'])) {
            echo $partials['article_nav']['html'];
        echo n . '<div role="region" id="supporting_content">';
        // 'Sort and display' section.
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'sort_display', wrapRegion('txp-write-sort-group', $partials['status']['html'] . $partials['section']['html'] . $partials['categories']['html'], '', gTxt('sort_display')), $rs);
        // 'Date and time' collapsible section.
        if ($step == "create" and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) {
            // Timestamp.
            // Avoiding modified date to disappear.
            if (!empty($store_out['year'])) {
                $persist_timestamp = safe_strtotime($store_out['year'] . '-' . $store_out['month'] . '-' . $store_out['day'] . ' ' . $store_out['hour'] . ':' . $store_out['minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']);
            } else {
                $persist_timestamp = time();
            $posted_block = pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'timestamp', inputLabel('year', tsi('year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp, '', 'year') . ' <span role="separator">/</span> ' . tsi('month', '%m', $persist_timestamp, '', 'month') . ' <span role="separator">/</span> ' . tsi('day', '%d', $persist_timestamp, '', 'day'), 'publish_date', array('timestamp', 'instructions_publish_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date posted')) . inputLabel('hour', tsi('hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp, '', 'hour') . ' <span role="separator">:</span> ' . tsi('minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp, '', 'minute') . ' <span role="separator">:</span> ' . tsi('second', '%S', $persist_timestamp, '', 'second'), 'publish_time', array('', 'instructions_publish_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time posted')) . n . tag(checkbox('publish_now', '1', $publish_now, '', 'publish_now') . n . tag(gTxt('set_to_now'), 'label', array('for' => 'publish_now')), 'div', array('class' => 'posted-now')), array('sPosted' => $persist_timestamp) + $rs);
            // Expires.
            if (!empty($store_out['exp_year'])) {
                $persist_timestamp = safe_strtotime($store_out['exp_year'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_month'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_day'] . ' ' . $store_out['exp_hour'] . ':' . $store_out['exp_minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']);
            } else {
                $persist_timestamp = 0;
            $expires_block = pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'expires', inputLabel('exp_year', tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_year') . ' <span role="separator">/</span> ' . tsi('exp_month', '%m', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_month') . ' <span role="separator">/</span> ' . tsi('exp_day', '%d', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_day'), 'expire_date', array('expires', 'instructions_expire_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date expires')) . inputLabel('exp_hour', tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_hour') . ' <span role="separator">:</span> ' . tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_minute') . ' <span role="separator">:</span> ' . tsi('exp_second', '%S', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_second'), 'expire_time', array('', 'instructions_expire_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time expires')), $rs);
        } else {
            // Timestamp.
            $posted_block = $partials['posted']['html'];
            // Expires.
            $expires_block = $partials['expires']['html'];
        echo wrapRegion('txp-dates-group', $posted_block . $expires_block, 'txp-dates-group-content', 'date_settings', 'article_dates');
        // 'Meta' collapsible section.
        // 'URL-only title' field.
        $html_url_title = $partials['url_title']['html'];
        // 'Description' field.
        $html_description = $partials['description']['html'];
        // 'Keywords' field.
        $html_keywords = $partials['keywords']['html'];
        echo wrapRegion('txp-meta-group', $html_url_title . $html_description . $html_keywords, 'txp-meta-group-content', 'meta', 'article_meta');
        // 'Comment options' collapsible section.
        echo wrapRegion('txp-comments-group', $partials['comments']['html'], 'txp-comments-group-content', 'comment_settings', 'article_comments', $use_comments == 1 ? '' : 'empty');
        // 'Article image' collapsible section.
        echo $partials['image']['html'];
        // 'Custom fields' collapsible section.
        echo $partials['custom_fields']['html'];
        // 'Advanced options' collapsible section.
        // 'Article markup'/'Excerpt markup' selection.
        if (has_privs('article.set_markup')) {
            $html_markup = inputLabel('markup-body', pref_text('textile_body', $textile_body, 'markup-body'), 'article_markup', array('', 'instructions_textile_body'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field markup markup-body')) . inputLabel('markup-excerpt', pref_text('textile_excerpt', $textile_excerpt, 'markup-excerpt'), 'excerpt_markup', array('', 'instructions_textile_excerpt'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field markup markup-excerpt'));
        } else {
            $html_markup = '';
        $html_markup = pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'markup', $html_markup, $rs);
        // 'Override form' selection.
        $form_pop = $allow_form_override ? form_pop($override_form, 'override-form') : '';
        $html_override = $form_pop ? pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'override', inputLabel('override-form', $form_pop, 'override_default_form', array('override_form', 'instructions_override_form'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field override-form')), $rs) : '';
        echo wrapRegion('txp-advanced-group', $html_markup . $html_override, 'txp-advanced-group-content', 'advanced_options', 'article_advanced');
        // Custom menu entries.
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'extend_col_1', '', $rs);
        // 'Text formatting help' collapsible section.
        echo $partials['sidehelp']['html'];
        // 'Recent articles' collapsible section.
        echo wrapRegion('txp-recent-group', $partials['recent_articles']['html'], 'txp-recent-group-content', 'recent_articles', 'article_recent');
        echo n . '</div>';
        // End of #supporting_content.
        echo n . '</div>';
        // End of .txp-layout-4col-cell-4alt.
    echo tInput() . n . '</form>';
コード例 #9
ファイル: txp_article.php プロジェクト: bgarrels/textpattern
function article_edit($message = '', $concurrent = FALSE, $refresh_partials = FALSE)
    global $vars, $txp_user, $prefs, $event;
    $partials is an array of:
    $key => array (
    	'selector' => $DOM_selector,
     	'cb' => $callback_function,
     	'html' => $return_value_of_callback_function (need not be intialized here)
    $partials = array('sLastMod' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sLastMod]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value'), 'sPosted' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sPosted]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value'), 'custom_fields' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#custom_field_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_fields'), 'image' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#image_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_image'), 'keywords' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords'), 'keywords_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords_value'), 'url_title' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title'), 'url_title_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title_value'), 'recent_articles' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#recent_group .recent', 'cb' => 'article_partial_recent_articles'), 'title' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title'), 'title_value' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title_value'), 'article_view' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#article_partial_article_view', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_view'), 'body' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.body', 'cb' => 'article_partial_body'), 'excerpt' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.excerpt', 'cb' => 'article_partial_excerpt'), 'author' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'p.author', 'cb' => 'article_partial_author'), 'article_nav' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'p.nav-tertiary', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_nav'), 'status' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-status', 'cb' => 'article_partial_status'), 'categories' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#categories_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_categories'), 'section' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'p.section', 'cb' => 'article_partial_section'), 'comments' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-comments', 'cb' => 'article_partial_comments'), 'posted' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-timestamp', 'cb' => 'article_partial_posted'), 'expires' => array('mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-expires', 'cb' => 'article_partial_expires'));
    // add partials for custom fields (and their values which is redundant by design, for plugins)
    global $cfs;
    foreach ($cfs as $k => $v) {
        $partials["custom_field_{$k}"] = array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "p.custom-field.custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_field');
        $partials["custom_{$k}"] = array('mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "#custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_value');
    extract(gpsa(array('view', 'from_view', 'step')));
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) {
        // newly-saved article
        $ID = $GLOBALS['ID'];
        $step = 'edit';
    } else {
        $ID = gps('ID');
    // switch to 'text' view upon page load and after article post
    if (!$view || gps('save') || gps('publish')) {
        $view = 'text';
    if (!$step) {
        $step = "create";
    if ($step == "edit" && $view == "text" && !empty($ID) && $from_view != 'preview' && $from_view != 'html' && !$concurrent) {
        $pull = true;
        //-- it's an existing article - off we go to the db
        $ID = assert_int($ID);
        $rs = safe_row("*, unix_timestamp(Posted) as sPosted,\n\t\t\t\tunix_timestamp(Expires) as sExpires,\n\t\t\t\tunix_timestamp(LastMod) as sLastMod", "textpattern", "ID={$ID}");
        if (empty($rs)) {
        $rs['reset_time'] = $rs['publish_now'] = false;
    } else {
        $pull = false;
        //-- assume they came from post
        if ($from_view == 'preview' or $from_view == 'html') {
            $store_out = array();
            $store = unserialize(base64_decode(ps('store')));
            foreach ($vars as $var) {
                if (isset($store[$var])) {
                    $store_out[$var] = $store[$var];
        } else {
            $store_out = gpsa($vars);
            if ($concurrent) {
                $store_out['sLastMod'] = safe_field('unix_timestamp(LastMod) as sLastMod', 'textpattern', 'ID=' . $ID);
        $rs = textile_main_fields($store_out);
        if (!empty($rs['exp_year'])) {
            if (empty($rs['exp_month'])) {
                $rs['exp_month'] = 1;
            if (empty($rs['exp_day'])) {
                $rs['exp_day'] = 1;
            if (empty($rs['exp_hour'])) {
                $rs['exp_hour'] = 0;
            if (empty($rs['exp_minute'])) {
                $rs['exp_minute'] = 0;
            if (empty($rs['exp_second'])) {
                $rs['exp_second'] = 0;
            $rs['sExpires'] = safe_strtotime($rs['exp_year'] . '-' . $rs['exp_month'] . '-' . $rs['exp_day'] . ' ' . $rs['exp_hour'] . ':' . $rs['exp_minute'] . ':' . $rs['exp_second']);
        if (!empty($rs['year'])) {
            $rs['sPosted'] = safe_strtotime($rs['year'] . '-' . $rs['month'] . '-' . $rs['day'] . ' ' . $rs['hour'] . ':' . $rs['minute'] . ':' . $rs['second']);
    $validator = new Validator(array(new SectionConstraint($rs['Section'])));
    if (!$validator->validate()) {
        $rs['Section'] = getDefaultSection();
    $GLOBALS['step'] = $step;
    if ($step == 'create') {
        $textile_body = $use_textile;
        $textile_excerpt = $use_textile;
    if ($step != 'create' && isset($sPosted)) {
        // Previous record?
        $rs['prev_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('prev', $sPosted);
        // Next record?
        $rs['next_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('next', $sPosted);
    } else {
        $rs['prev_id'] = $rs['next_id'] = 0;
    // let plugins chime in on partials meta data
    callback_event_ref('article_ui', 'partials_meta', 0, $rs, $partials);
    $rs['partials_meta'] =& $partials;
    // get content for volatile partials
    foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
        if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE || $p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) {
            $cb = $p['cb'];
            $partials[$k]['html'] = is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k);
    if ($refresh_partials) {
        global $theme;
        $response[] = $theme->announce_async($message);
        // update the volatile partials
        foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
            // volatile partials need a target DOM selector
            if (empty($p['selector']) && $p['mode'] != PARTIAL_STATIC) {
                trigger_error("Empty selector for partial '{$k}'", E_USER_ERROR);
            } else {
                // build response script
                if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE) {
                    // volatile partials replace *all* of the existing HTML fragment for their selector
                    $response[] = '$("' . $p['selector'] . '").replaceWith("' . escape_js($p['html']) . '")';
                } elseif ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) {
                    // volatile partial values replace the *value* of elements matching their selector
                    $response[] = '$("' . $p['selector'] . '").val("' . escape_js($p['html']) . '")';
        send_script_response(join(";\n", $response));
        // bail out
    foreach ($partials as $k => $p) {
        if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_STATIC) {
            $cb = $p['cb'];
            $partials[$k]['html'] = is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k);
    $page_title = $Title ? $Title : gTxt('write');
    pagetop($page_title, $message);
    echo n . '<div id="' . $event . '_container" class="txp-container">';
    echo n . n . '<form id="article_form" name="article_form" method="post" action="index.php" ' . ($step == 'create' ? '>' : ' class="async">');
    if (!empty($store_out)) {
        echo hInput('store', base64_encode(serialize($store_out)));
    echo hInput('ID', $ID) . n . eInput('article') . n . sInput($step) . n . hInput('sPosted', $sPosted) . n . hInput('sLastMod', $sLastMod) . n . hInput('AuthorID', $AuthorID) . n . hInput('LastModID', $LastModID) . '<input type="hidden" name="view" />' . startTable('', '', 'txp-columntable') . '<tr>' . n . '<td id="article-col-1"><div id="configuration_content">';
    if ($view == 'text') {
        //-- markup help --------------
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'sidehelp', side_help($textile_body, $textile_excerpt), $rs);
        //-- custom menu entries --------------
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'extend_col_1', '', $rs);
        //-- advanced --------------
        echo '<div id="advanced_group"><h3 class="lever' . (get_pref('pane_article_advanced_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"><a href="#advanced">' . gTxt('advanced_options') . '</a></h3>' . '<div id="advanced" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_article_advanced_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">';
        // markup selection
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'markup', n . graf('<label for="markup-body">' . gTxt('article_markup') . '</label>' . br . pref_text('textile_body', $textile_body, 'markup-body'), ' class="markup markup-body"') . n . graf('<label for="markup-excerpt">' . gTxt('excerpt_markup') . '</label>' . br . pref_text('textile_excerpt', $textile_excerpt, 'markup-excerpt'), ' class="markup markup-excerpt"'), $rs);
        // form override
        echo $allow_form_override ? pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'override', graf('<label for="override-form">' . gTxt('override_default_form') . '</label>' . sp . popHelp('override_form') . br . form_pop($override_form, 'override-form'), ' class="override-form"'), $rs) : '';
        echo '</div></div>' . n;
        //-- custom fields --------------
        echo $partials['custom_fields']['html'];
        //-- article image --------------
        echo $partials['image']['html'];
        //-- meta info --------------
        echo '<div id="meta_group"><h3 class="lever' . (get_pref('pane_article_meta_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"><a href="#meta">' . gTxt('meta') . '</a></h3>' . '<div id="meta" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_article_meta_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">';
        // keywords
        echo $partials['keywords']['html'];
        // url title
        echo $partials['url_title']['html'];
        echo '</div></div>' . n;
        //-- recent articles --------------
        echo '<div id="recent_group"><h3 class="lever' . (get_pref('pane_article_recent_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"><a href="#recent">' . gTxt('recent_articles') . '</a>' . '</h3>' . '<div id="recent" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_article_recent_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">';
        echo $partials['recent_articles']['html'];
        echo '</div></div>';
    } else {
        echo sp;
    echo '</div></td>' . n . '<td id="article-main"><div id="main_content">';
    //-- title input --------------
    if ($view == 'preview') {
        echo '<div class="preview">' . hed(gTxt('preview'), 2) . hed($Title, 1, ' class="title"');
    } elseif ($view == 'html') {
        echo '<div class="html">' . hed('HTML', 2) . hed($Title, 1, ' class="title"');
    } elseif ($view == 'text') {
        echo '<div class="text">' . n . $partials['title']['html'];
    //-- body --------------------
    if ($view == 'preview') {
        echo '<div class="body">' . $Body_html . '</div>';
    } elseif ($view == 'html') {
        echo tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), txpspecialchars($Body_html)), 'code', ' class="body"');
    } else {
        echo $partials['body']['html'];
    //-- excerpt --------------------
    if ($articles_use_excerpts) {
        if ($view == 'preview') {
            echo n . '<hr /><div class="excerpt">' . $Excerpt_html . '</div>';
        } elseif ($view == 'html') {
            echo n . '<hr />' . tag(str_replace(array(n, t), array(br, sp . sp . sp . sp), txpspecialchars($Excerpt_html)), 'code', ' class="excerpt"');
        } else {
            echo $partials['excerpt']['html'];
    //-- author --------------
    if ($view == "text" && $step != "create") {
        echo $partials['author']['html'];
    echo hInput('from_view', $view), '</div></div></td>';
    //-- layer tabs -------------------
    echo '<td id="article-tabs"><div id="view_modes">';
    echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'view', $use_textile == USE_TEXTILE || $textile_body == USE_TEXTILE ? tag(tab('text', $view) . tab('html', $view) . tab('preview', $view), 'ul') : '&#160;', $rs);
    echo '</div></td>';
    echo '<td id="article-col-2"><div id="supporting_content">';
    if ($view == 'text') {
        if ($step != 'create') {
            echo n . graf(href(gtxt('create_new'), 'index.php?event=article'), ' class="action-create"');
        //-- prev/next article links --
        if ($step != 'create' and ($rs['prev_id'] or $rs['next_id'])) {
            echo $partials['article_nav']['html'];
        //-- status radios --------------
        echo $partials['status']['html'];
        //-- sort and display  -----------
        echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'sort_display', n . n . tag(n . '<legend>' . gTxt('sort_display') . '</legend>' . $partials['section']['html'] . $partials['categories']['html'] . n, 'fieldset', ' id="write-sort"'), $rs);
        //-- "Comments" section
        echo n . n . '<div id="comments_group"' . ($use_comments == 1 ? '' : ' class="empty"') . '><h3 class="lever' . (get_pref('pane_article_comments_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"><a href="#comments">' . gTxt('comment_settings') . '</a></h3>', '<div id="comments" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_article_comments_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">';
        echo $partials['comments']['html'];
        // end "Comments" section
        echo '</div></div>';
        //-- "Dates" section
        echo n . n . '<div id="dates_group"><h3 class="lever' . (get_pref('pane_article_dates_visible') ? ' expanded' : '') . '"><a href="#dates">' . gTxt('date_settings') . '</a></h3>', '<div id="dates" class="toggle" style="display:' . (get_pref('pane_article_dates_visible') ? 'block' : 'none') . '">';
        if ($step == "create" and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) {
            //-- timestamp -------------------
            //Avoiding modified date to disappear
            $persist_timestamp = !empty($store_out['year']) ? safe_strtotime($store_out['year'] . '-' . $store_out['month'] . '-' . $store_out['day'] . ' ' . $store_out['hour'] . ':' . $store_out['minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']) : time();
            echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'timestamp', n . n . '<fieldset id="write-timestamp">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('timestamp') . '</legend>' . n . graf(checkbox('publish_now', '1', $publish_now, '', 'publish_now') . '<label for="publish_now">' . gTxt('set_to_now') . '</label>', ' class="publish-now"') . n . graf(gTxt('or_publish_at') . sp . popHelp('timestamp'), ' class="publish-at"') . n . graf('<span class="label">' . gtxt('date') . '</span>' . sp . tsi('year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('month', '%m', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('day', '%d', $persist_timestamp), ' class="date posted created"') . n . graf('<span class="label">' . gTxt('time') . '</span>' . sp . tsi('hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('second', '%S', $persist_timestamp), ' class="time posted created"') . n . '</fieldset>', array('sPosted' => $persist_timestamp) + $rs);
            //-- expires -------------------
            $persist_timestamp = !empty($store_out['exp_year']) ? safe_strtotime($store_out['exp_year'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_month'] . '-' . $store_out['exp_day'] . ' ' . $store_out['exp_hour'] . ':' . $store_out['exp_minute'] . ':' . $store_out['second']) : NULLDATETIME;
            echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'expires', n . n . '<fieldset id="write-expires">' . n . '<legend>' . gTxt('expires') . '</legend>' . n . graf('<span class="label">' . gtxt('date') . '</span>' . sp . tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_month', '%m', $persist_timestamp) . ' / ' . tsi('exp_day', '%d', $persist_timestamp), ' class="date expires"') . n . graf('<span class="label">' . gTxt('time') . '</span>' . sp . tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp) . ' : ' . tsi('exp_second', '%S', $persist_timestamp), ' class="time expires"') . n . '</fieldset>', $rs);
            // end "Dates" section
            echo n . n . '</div></div>';
            //-- publish button --------------
            echo graf(has_privs('article.publish') ? fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('publish'), "publish", '', '', '', 4) : fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('save'), "publish", '', '', '', 4), ' id="write-publish"');
        } else {
            //-- timestamp -------------------
            echo $partials['posted']['html'];
            //-- expires -------------------
            echo $partials['expires']['html'];
            // end "Dates" section
            echo n . n . '</div></div>';
            //-- save button --------------
            if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE and has_privs('article.edit.published') or $Status >= STATUS_LIVE and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own.published') or $Status < STATUS_LIVE and has_privs('article.edit') or $Status < STATUS_LIVE and $AuthorID == $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own')) {
                echo graf(fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), "publish", '', '', '', 4), ' id="write-save"');
    echo '</div></td></tr></table>' . n . tInput() . n . '</form></div>' . n;
    // Assume users would not change the timestamp if they wanted to "publish now"/"reset time"
    echo script_js(<<<EOS
\t\t\$('#write-timestamp input.year,#write-timestamp input.month,#write-timestamp input.day,#write-timestamp input.hour,#write-timestamp input.minute,#write-timestamp input.second').change(
\t\t\tfunction() {
\t\t\t\t\$('#publish_now').prop('checked', false);
\t\t\t\t\$('#reset_time').prop('checked', false);
コード例 #10
ファイル: datatables.js.php プロジェクト: ailurus1991/MRBS
      return false;
// Remove the <colgroup>.  This is only needed to assist in the formatting
// of the non-datatable version of the table.   When we have a datatable,
// the datatable sorts out its own formatting.
// Set up the default options
    defaultOptions = {
      buttons: [{extend: 'colvis', 
                 text: '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("show_hide_columns"));
      deferRender: true,
      paging: true,
      pageLength: 25,
      pagingType: 'full_numbers',
      processing: true,
      scrollCollapse: true,
      stateSave: true,
      dom: 'B<"clear">lfrtip',
      scrollX: '100%',
      colReorder: {}
コード例 #11
            if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['address'])) {
                $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('Address:') . ' ' . $row['address']);
            } else {
                if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['post_name'])) {
                    $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('Name:') . ' ' . $row['post_name']);
                } else {
                    if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['post_address'])) {
                        $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('Address:') . ' ' . $row['post_address']);
            if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['email'])) {
                $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('E-mail:') . ' ' . $row['email']);
            $descriptions[$row['id']] = '';
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    if ($eglible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eglible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.descriptions = [\"" . implode('","', $descriptions) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.actions = [\"" . implode('","', $actions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
コード例 #12
ファイル: edit_entry.js.php プロジェクト: ailurus1991/MRBS
              return false;
      if ((thisValue > startValue) ||
          ((thisValue === startValue) && enablePeriods) ||
          (dateDifference !== 0))
        optionClone = $(this).clone();
        if (dateDifference < 0)
echo escape_js(get_vocab("start_after_end"));
          optionClone.text($(this).text() + nbsp + nbsp +
                           '(' + getDuration(startValue, thisValue, dateDifference) +
  endValue = Math.min(endValue, parseInt(endSelect.find('option').last().val(), 10));
コード例 #13
      area_select.setAttribute('name', 'area');
      area_select.onchange = function(){changeRooms(this.form)}; // setAttribute doesn't work for onChange with IE6
      // populated with options
      var option;
      var option_text
    // go through the areas and create the options
    foreach ($areas as $a) {
        option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = <?php 
        echo $a['id'];
        option_text = document.createTextNode('<?php 
        echo escape_js($a['area_name']);
        if ($a['id'] == $area_id) {
          option.selected = true;
      // insert the <select> which we've just assembled into the <div>
コード例 #14
ファイル: rah_bitly.php プロジェクト: rwetzlmayr/rah_bitly
  * Hooks to article saving process and updates short URLs
 public static function update()
     global $prefs;
     if (empty($prefs['rah_bitly_login']) || empty($prefs['rah_bitly_apikey']) || empty($prefs['rah_bitly_field'])) {
     static $old = array();
     static $updated = false;
     $id = !empty($GLOBALS['ID']) ? $GLOBALS['ID'] : ps('ID');
     if (!$id || ps('_txp_token') != form_token() || intval(ps('Status')) < 4) {
         $old = array('permlink' => NULL, 'status' => NULL);
     include_once txpath . '/publish/taghandlers.php';
     	Get the old article permlink before anything is saved
     if (!$old) {
         $old = array('permlink' => permlinkurl_id($id), 'status' => fetch('Status', 'textpattern', 'ID', $id));
     	Clear the permlink cache
     	Generate a new if permlink has changed or if article is published
     if (callback_event('rah_bitly.update') !== '') {
     if ($updated == false && ($permlink = permlinkurl_id($id)) && ($old['permlink'] != $permlink || !ps('custom_' . $prefs['rah_bitly_field']) || $old['status'] != ps('Status'))) {
         $uri = self::fetch($permlink);
         if ($uri) {
             $fields = getCustomFields();
             if (!isset($fields[$prefs['rah_bitly_field']])) {
             safe_update('textpattern', 'custom_' . intval($prefs['rah_bitly_field']) . "='" . doSlash($uri) . "'", "ID='" . doSlash($id) . "'");
             $_POST['custom_' . $prefs['rah_bitly_field']] = $uri;
         $updated = true;
     if (!empty($uri)) {
         echo script_js('$(\'input[name="custom_' . $prefs['rah_bitly_field'] . '"]\').val("' . escape_js($uri) . '");');
コード例 #15
ファイル: voiptariffrules.php プロジェクト: prezeskk/lms
    return $JSResponse;
$SMARTY->assign('xajax', $LMS->RunXajax());
if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    $search = urldecode(trim($_GET['what']));
    $result = $DB->GetAll('SELECT id, name as item
                           FROM voip_prefix_groups
                           WHERE name ?LIKE? ?
                           LIMIT 20', array('%' . $search . '%'));
    $eglible = $descriptions = array();
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $idx => $row) {
            $eglible[$row['item']] = escape_js($row['item']);
            $descriptions[$row['item']] = $row['id'] . ' :id';
    if ($eglible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eglible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.descriptions = [\"" . implode('","', $descriptions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
$rule = isset($_POST['rule']) ? $_POST['rule'] : NULL;
$rule_id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 0;
$error = array();
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete') {
コード例 #16
ファイル: report.js.php プロジェクト: ailurus1991/MRBS
    // Check whether everything has finished
                                    if (results.length >= nBatches)
                                      $('#report_table_processing').css('visibility', 'hidden');
    // If all's gone well the result will contain the number of entries deleted
                                      nDeleted = 0;
                                      isInt = /^\s*\d+\s*$/;
                                      for (i=0; i<results.length; i++)
                                        if (!isInt.test(results[i]))
    echo escape_js(get_vocab('delete_entries_failed'));
                                        nDeleted += parseInt(results[i], 10);
    // Reload the page to get the new dataset.   If we're using
    // an Ajax data source (for true Ajax data sources, not server
    // side processing) and there's no summary table we can be
    // slightly more elegant and just reload the Ajax data source.
                                      oSettings = reportTable.fnSettings();
                                      if (oSettings.ajax && 
                                          !oSettings.bServerSide &&
コード例 #17
$search = str_replace(' ', '%', $search);
$sql_search = $DB->Escape("%{$search}%");
if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
    $candidates = $DB->GetAll("SELECT s.id, s.productid, s.serialnumber, s.pricebuynet, s.pricebuygross, s.bdate,\n\t\t\t\t\t" . $DB->Concat('m.name', "' '", 'p.name') . " as name, p.ean\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM stck_stock s\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN stck_products p ON p.id = s.productid\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN stck_manufacturers m ON m.id = p.manufacturerid\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN stck_warehouses w ON s.warehouseid = w.id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE s.leavedate = 0 AND\n\t\t\t\t\t(" . (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $search) ? 's.productid = ' . intval($search) . ' OR ' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t\tLOWER(" . $DB->Concat('m.name', "' '", 'p.name') . ") ?LIKE? LOWER(" . $sql_search . ")\n\t\t\t\t\tOR LOWER(p.ean) ?LIKE? LOWER(" . $sql_search . ")\n\t\t\t\t\tOR LOWER(s.serialnumber) ?LIKE? LOWER(" . $sql_search . "))\n\t\t\t\t\tAND w.commerce = 1\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY s.creationdate ASC, name\n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 15");
    $eglible = array();
    $actions = array();
    $descriptions = array();
    if ($candidates) {
        foreach ($candidates as $idx => $row) {
            $desc = $row['name'];
            if ($row['serialnumber']) {
                $desc = $desc . " (S/N: " . $row['serialnumber'] . ")";
            //$actions[$row['id']] = 'javascript:pinv(\''.$row['id'].'\',\''.$row['pricebuynet'].'\',\''.$row['pricebuygross'].'\')';
            $actions[$row['id']] = '?m=stckproductinfo&id=' . $row['productid'];
            $eglible[$row['id']] = escape_js(($row['deleted'] ? '<font class="blend">' : '') . truncate_str($desc, 100) . ($row['deleted'] ? '</font>' : ''));
            $descriptions[$row['id']] = '<b>' . trans("Gross:") . " " . $row['pricebuygross'] . "</b> " . trans("Bought:") . " " . date("d/m/Y", $row['bdate']);
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    if ($eglible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eglible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.descriptions = [\"" . implode('","', $descriptions) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.actions = [\"" . implode('","', $actions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
コード例 #18
ファイル: quicksearch.php プロジェクト: rzt/lms
					JOIN domains d ON (a.domainid = d.id)
					WHERE a.login ?LIKE? LOWER($username)
					".($domain ? "AND d.name ?LIKE? LOWER($domain)" : '').")
					ORDER BY login, domain
					LIMIT 15");

			$eglible=array(); $actions=array(); $descriptions=array();

			if ($candidates) foreach($candidates as $idx => $row)
					$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=aliasinfo&id='.$row['id'];
					$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=accountinfo&id='.$row['id'];

				$eglible[$row['id']] = escape_js($row['login'].'@'.$row['domain']);
				$descriptions[$row['id']] = '';
			header('Content-type: text/plain');
			if ($eglible) {
				print "this.eligible = [\"".implode('","',$eglible)."\"];\n";
				print "this.descriptions = [\"".implode('","',$descriptions)."\"];\n";
				print "this.actions = [\"".implode('","',$actions)."\"];\n";
			} else {
				print "false;\n";

		$search = array();
		$search['login'] = $ac[0];
コード例 #19
ファイル: classic.php プロジェクト: hcgtv/textpattern
    private function _announce($thing, $async, $modal)
        // $thing[0]: message text.
        // $thing[1]: message type, defaults to "success" unless empty or a different flag is set.
        if (!is_array($thing) || !isset($thing[1])) {
            $thing = array($thing, 0);
        // Still nothing to say?
        if (trim($thing[0]) === '') {
            return '';
        switch ($thing[1]) {
            case E_ERROR:
                $class = 'error';
            case E_WARNING:
                $class = 'warning';
                $class = 'success';
        if ($modal) {
            $html = '';
            // TODO: Say what?
            $js = 'window.alert("' . escape_js(strip_tags($thing[0])) . '")';
        } else {
            $html = span(gTxt($thing[0]) . sp . href('&#215;', '#close', ' class="close" role="button" title="' . gTxt('close') . '" aria-label="' . gTxt('close') . '"'), array('class' => $class, 'id' => 'message', 'role' => 'alert'));
            // Try to inject $html into the message pane no matter when _announce()'s output is printed.
            $js = escape_js($html);
            $js = <<<EOS
                \$(document).ready(function () {
                    \$('#message.success, #message.warning, #message.error').fadeOut('fast').fadeIn('fast');
        if ($async) {
            return $js;
        } else {
            return script_js(str_replace('</', '<\\/', $js), $html);
コード例 #20
ファイル: quicksearch.php プロジェクト: askipl/lms
						case DOC_INVOICE:
							$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=invoice&id=' . $row['id'];
						case DOC_RECEIPT:
							$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=receipt&id=' . $row['id'];
						case DOC_CNOTE:
							$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=note&id=' . $row['id'];
							$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=documentview&id=' . $row['id'];
					$actions[$row['id']] = '?m=customerinfo&id=' . $row['cid'];
					$eglible[$row['id']] = escape_js($row['fullnumber']);
					$descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(truncate_str($row['customername'], 35));
					//$descriptions[$row['id']] = trans('Document id:') . ' ' . $row['id'];
			header('Content-type: text/plain');
			if ($eglible) {
				print "this.eligible = [\"".implode('","',$eglible)."\"];\n";
				print "this.descriptions = [\"".implode('","',$descriptions)."\"];\n";
				print "this.actions = [\"".implode('","',$actions)."\"];\n";
			} else {
				print "false;\n";
コード例 #21
ファイル: chooselocation.php プロジェクト: oswida/lms
    $list = $DB->GetAll('SELECT c.id, c.name,
			b.name AS borough, b.type AS btype,
			d.name AS district, d.id AS districtid,
			s.name AS state, s.id AS stateid
		FROM location_cities c
		JOIN location_boroughs b ON (c.boroughid = b.id)
		JOIN location_districts d ON (b.districtid = d.id)
		JOIN location_states s ON (d.stateid = s.id)
		WHERE c.name ?LIKE? ' . $DB->Escape("%{$search}%") . '
		ORDER BY c.name, b.type LIMIT 10');
    $eligible = $actions = array();
    if ($list) {
        foreach ($list as $idx => $row) {
            $name = sprintf('%s (%s%s, %s)', $row['name'], $row['btype'] < 4 ? trans('<!borough_abbr>') : '', $row['borough'], trans('<!district_abbr>') . $row['district']);
            $eligible[$idx] = escape_js($name);
            $actions[$idx] = sprintf("javascript: search_update(%d,%d,%d)", $row['id'], $row['districtid'], $row['stateid']);
    if ($eligible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eligible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.actions = [\"" . implode('","', $actions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
function select_location($what, $id)
    global $DB;
    $JSResponse = new xajaxResponse();
コード例 #22
 * Attach a HTML fragment to a DOM node.
 * @param	string	$id	Target DMO node's id
 * @param	string	$content	HTML fragment
 * @param	string	$noscript	noscript alternative	fragment ['']
 * @param	string	$wraptag	Wrapping HTML element
 * @param	string	$wraptagid	Wrapping element's HTML id
 * @return	string	HTML/JS
function dom_attach($id, $content, $noscript = '', $wraptag = 'div', $wraptagid = '')
    $content = escape_js($content);
    $js = <<<EOF
\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {
\t\t\t\t\$('#{$id}').append(\$('<{$wraptag} />').attr('id', '{$wraptagid}').html('{$content}'));
    return script_js($js, $noscript);
コード例 #23
ファイル: txplib_html.php プロジェクト: bgarrels/textpattern
 * Renders a checkbox to set/unset a browser cookie.
 * @param  string $classname Label text. The cookie's name will be derived from this value
 * @param  bool   $form      Create as a stand-along &lt;form&gt; element
 * @return string HTML
function cookie_box($classname, $form = true)
    $name = 'cb_' . $classname;
    $id = escape_js($name);
    $class = escape_js($classname);
    if (cs('toggle_' . $classname)) {
        $value = 1;
    } else {
        $value = 0;
    $newvalue = 1 - $value;
    $out = checkbox($name, 1, (bool) $value, 0, $name) . n . tag(gTxt($classname), 'label', array('for' => $name));
    $js = <<<EOF
        \$(function ()
                .filter(function () {
                    if (\$(this).attr('id') === '{$id}') {
                        return true;
                .change(function () {
                    setClassRemember('{$class}', {$newvalue});
    $out .= script_js($js);
    if ($form) {
        if (serverSet('QUERY_STRING')) {
            $action = 'index.php?' . serverSet('QUERY_STRING');
        } else {
            $action = 'index.php';
        $out .= eInput(gps('event')) . tInput();
        return tag($out, 'form', array('class' => $name, 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $action));
    return $out;
コード例 #24
ファイル: hive.php プロジェクト: scar45/textpattern
    private function _announce($thing, $async, $modal)
        // $thing[0]: message text.
        // $thing[1]: message type, defaults to "success" unless empty or a different flag is set.
        if ($thing === '') {
            return '';
        if (!is_array($thing) || !isset($thing[1])) {
            $thing = array($thing, 0);
        switch ($thing[1]) {
            case E_ERROR:
                $class = 'error';
                $icon = 'ui-icon-closethick';
            case E_WARNING:
                $class = 'warning';
                $icon = 'ui-icon-alert';
                $class = 'success';
                $icon = 'ui-icon-check';
        if ($modal) {
            $html = '';
            // TODO: Say what?
            $js = 'window.alert("' . escape_js(strip_tags($thing[0])) . '")';
        } else {
            $html = span(span(null, array('class' => 'ui-icon ' . $icon)) . ' ' . gTxt($thing[0]) . sp . href('&#215;', '#close', ' class="close" role="button" title="' . gTxt('close') . '" aria-label="' . gTxt('close') . '"'), array('class' => 'messageflash ' . $class, 'role' => 'alert', 'aria-live' => 'assertive'));
            // Try to inject $html into the message pane no matter when _announce()'s output is printed.
            $js = escape_js($html);
            $js = <<<EOS
                \$(document).ready(function ()
                    \$(window).resize(function ()
                            left: (\$(window).width() - \$("#messagepane").outerWidth()) / 2
        if ($async) {
            return $js;
        } else {
            return script_js(str_replace('</', '<\\/', $js), $html);
コード例 #25
    vocab['hours'] = [];
    vocab['hours']['singular'] = '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("hour_lc"));
    vocab['hours']['plural'] = '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("hours"));
    vocab['days'] = [];
    vocab['days']['singular'] = '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("day_lc"));
    vocab['days']['plural'] = '<?php 
echo escape_js(get_vocab("days"));
// Get the details of the start and end slot selectors now since
// they are fully populated with options.  We can then use the details
// to rebuild the selectors later on
    var i, j, area, startSelect, endSelect, allDay;
    for (i in areas)
      area = i;
      startSelect = form["start_seconds" + area];
      endSelect = form["end_seconds" + area];
      startOptions[area] = [];
コード例 #26
ファイル: customeradd.php プロジェクト: Akheon23/lms
    if (!isset($mode)) {
        print 'false;';
    $candidates = $DB->GetAll('SELECT ' . $mode . ' as item, count(id) as entries
	    FROM customeraddressview
	    WHERE ' . $mode . ' != \'\' AND lower(' . $mode . ') ?LIKE? lower(' . $DB->Escape('%' . $search . '%') . ')
	    GROUP BY item
	    ORDER BY entries desc, item asc
	    LIMIT 15');
    $eglible = array();
    $descriptions = array();
    if ($candidates) {
        foreach ($candidates as $idx => $row) {
            $eglible[$row['item']] = escape_js($row['item']);
            $descriptions[$row['item']] = escape_js($row['entries'] . ' ' . trans('entries'));
    if ($eglible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eglible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.descriptions = [\"" . implode('","', $descriptions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
$customeradd = array();
if (isset($_POST['customeradd'])) {
    $customeradd = $_POST['customeradd'];
    if (sizeof($customeradd)) {
        foreach ($customeradd as $key => $value) {
コード例 #27
ファイル: dataacquisition.pview.php プロジェクト: ritthai/LMS
            if ($CONFIG['debug']) {
                $fulltitle = clean($res['title']) . "<br>Rating: {$res['rating']}";
            } else {
                $fulltitle = clean($res['title']);
            $tooltipdata[] = array('id' => $id, 'fulltitle' => $fulltitle);
            $title = clean(limit($res['title'], ' on YouTube', 65));
            $caption = "\$('youtube_caption_{$jsid}')";
				<div class="youtube_frame">
				<div	class="youtube_thumb"
            echo $caption;
.innerHTML = '<?php 
            echo escape_js($title);
            echo $caption;
.innerHTML = '<?php 
            echo $default_caption;
';" >
					<a class="bodylink youtube_link" href="<?php 
            echo $content;
" onclick="<?php 
コード例 #28
    $actions = array();
    $descriptions = array();
    if ($candidates) {
        foreach ($candidates as $idx => $row) {
            $actions[$row['id']] = 'javascript:pad(\'' . $row['id'] . '\')';
            $eglible[$row['id']] = escape_js(($row['deleted'] ? '<font class="blend">' : '') . truncate_str($row['name'], 150) . ($row['deleted'] ? '</font>' : ''));
            if (preg_match("~^{$search}\$~i", $row['id'])) {
                $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('Id:') . ' ' . $row['id']);
            if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['name'])) {
                $descriptions[$row['id']] = '';
            if (preg_match("~{$search}~i", $row['ean'])) {
                $descriptions[$row['id']] = escape_js(trans('EAN:') . ' ' . $row['ean']);
            $descriptions[$row['id']] = '';
    header('Content-type: text/plain');
    if ($eglible) {
        print "this.eligible = [\"" . implode('","', $eglible) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.descriptions = [\"" . implode('","', $descriptions) . "\"];\n";
        print "this.actions = [\"" . implode('","', $actions) . "\"];\n";
    } else {
        print "false;\n";
コード例 #29
ファイル: hive.php プロジェクト: balcides/Cathartic_server
    private function _announce($thing, $async, $modal)
        // $thing[0]: message text
        // $thing[1]: message type, defaults to "success" unless empty or a different flag is set
        if ($thing === '') {
            return '';
        if (!is_array($thing) || !isset($thing[1])) {
            $thing = array($thing, 0);
        switch ($thing[1]) {
            case E_ERROR:
                $class = 'error';
            case E_WARNING:
                $class = 'warning';
                $class = 'success';
        if ($modal) {
            $html = '';
            // TODO: Say what?
            $js = 'window.alert("' . escape_js(strip_tags($thing[0])) . '")';
        } else {
            $html = '<span id="message" class="messageflash ' . $class . '">' . gTxt($thing[0]) . ' <a href="#close" class="close">&times;</a></span>';
            // Try to inject $html into the message pane no matter when _announce()'s output is printed
            $js = escape_js($html);
            $js = <<<EOS
\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\$(window).resize(function() {
\t\t\t\t\t\t\tleft: (\$(window).width() - \$("#messagepane").outerWidth()) / 2
        if ($async) {
            return $js;
        } else {
            return script_js(str_replace('</', '<\\/', $js), $html);