コード例 #1
ファイル: entities.php プロジェクト: nachopavon/Elgg
 * Loads and returns an entity object from a guid.
 * @param int $guid The GUID of the entity
 * @return ElggEntity The correct Elgg or custom object based upon entity type and subtype
 * @link http://docs.elgg.org/DataModel/Entities
function get_entity($guid)
    static $newentity_cache;
    $new_entity = false;
    if (!is_numeric($guid)) {
        return FALSE;
    if (!$newentity_cache && is_memcache_available()) {
        $newentity_cache = new ElggMemcache('new_entity_cache');
    if ($newentity_cache) {
        $new_entity = $newentity_cache->load($guid);
    if ($new_entity) {
        return $new_entity;
    return entity_row_to_elggstar(get_entity_as_row($guid));
コード例 #2
  * Hook to transform a search result to an Elgg Entity
  * @param string $hook        the name of the hook
  * @param string $type        the type of the hook
  * @param Client $returnvalue current return value
  * @param array  $params      supplied params
  * @return void|Client
 public static function sourceToEntity($hook, $type, $returnvalue, $params)
     $hit = elgg_extract('hit', $params);
     $index = elgg_extract('_index', $hit);
     $elgg_index = elasticsearch_get_setting('index');
     if ($index !== $elgg_index) {
     $source = elgg_extract('_source', $hit);
     $row = new \stdClass();
     foreach ($source as $key => $value) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'subtype':
                 // elastic stores the textual version of the subtype, entity_row_to_elggstar needs the int
                 $row->{$key} = get_subtype_id($source['type'], $value);
             case 'last_action':
             case 'time_created':
             case 'time_updated':
                 // convert the timestamps to unix timestamps
                 $value = strtotime($value);
                 $row->{$key} = $value;
     // enabled attribute is not stored in elasticsearch by default
     $row->enabled = 'yes';
     // specials types
     if ($row->type == 'user') {
         // makes sure all attributes are loaded to prevent a db call
         $external_attributes = \ElggUser::getExternalAttributes();
         foreach ($external_attributes as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($row->{$key})) {
             $row->{$key} = $value;
     try {
         $result = entity_row_to_elggstar($row);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         elgg_log($e->getMessage(), 'NOTICE');
     return $result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: EntityTable.php プロジェクト: ibou77/elgg
  * Return entities from an SQL query generated by elgg_get_entities.
  * @param string    $sql
  * @param \ElggBatch $batch
  * @return \ElggEntity[]
  * @access private
  * @throws \LogicException
 function fetchFromSql($sql, \ElggBatch $batch = null)
     static $plugin_subtype;
     if (null === $plugin_subtype) {
         $plugin_subtype = get_subtype_id('object', 'plugin');
     // Keys are types, values are columns that, if present, suggest that the secondary
     // table is already JOINed. Note it's OK if guess incorrectly because entity load()
     // will fetch any missing attributes.
     $types_to_optimize = array('object' => 'title', 'user' => 'password', 'group' => 'name', 'site' => 'url');
     $rows = _elgg_services()->db->getData($sql);
     // guids to look up in each type
     $lookup_types = array();
     // maps GUIDs to the $rows key
     $guid_to_key = array();
     if (isset($rows[0]->type, $rows[0]->subtype) && $rows[0]->type === 'object' && $rows[0]->subtype == $plugin_subtype) {
         // Likely the entire resultset is plugins, which have already been optimized
         // to JOIN the secondary table. In this case we allow retrieving from cache,
         // but abandon the extra queries.
         $types_to_optimize = array();
     // First pass: use cache where possible, gather GUIDs that we're optimizing
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         if (empty($row->guid) || empty($row->type)) {
             throw new \LogicException('Entity row missing guid or type');
         $entity = _elgg_retrieve_cached_entity($row->guid);
         if ($entity) {
             $rows[$i] = $entity;
         if (isset($types_to_optimize[$row->type])) {
             // check if row already looks JOINed.
             if (isset($row->{$types_to_optimize[$row->type]})) {
                 // Row probably already contains JOINed secondary table. Don't make another query just
                 // to pull data that's already there
             $lookup_types[$row->type][] = $row->guid;
             $guid_to_key[$row->guid] = $i;
     // Do secondary queries and merge rows
     if ($lookup_types) {
         $dbprefix = _elgg_services()->config->get('dbprefix');
         foreach ($lookup_types as $type => $guids) {
             $set = "(" . implode(',', $guids) . ")";
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}{$type}s_entity WHERE guid IN {$set}";
             $secondary_rows = _elgg_services()->db->getData($sql);
             if ($secondary_rows) {
                 foreach ($secondary_rows as $secondary_row) {
                     $key = $guid_to_key[$secondary_row->guid];
                     // cast to arrays to merge then cast back
                     $rows[$key] = (object) array_merge((array) $rows[$key], (array) $secondary_row);
     // Second pass to finish conversion
     foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
         if ($row instanceof \ElggEntity) {
         } else {
             try {
                 $rows[$i] = entity_row_to_elggstar($row);
             } catch (IncompleteEntityException $e) {
                 // don't let incomplete entities throw fatal errors
                 // report incompletes to the batch process that spawned this query
                 if ($batch) {
     return $rows;
コード例 #4
ファイル: methods.php プロジェクト: appstaat/pleio_api
function pleio_api_get_messages($sent = 0, $search = "", $offset = 0)
    $total = 0;
    $list = array();
    $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
    $user_id = $user !== false ? $user->guid : 0;
    $searchSql = "";
    $searchJoin = "";
    $subtype_id = get_subtype_id('object', 'messages');
    if (!$user) {
        return new ErrorResult($fail);
    try {
        if ($search) {
            $search = sanitise_string($search);
            $searchSql = " AND (description LIKE '%%{$search}%%' OR title LIKE '%%{$search}%%' ";
            $sql = "select guid from " . get_config("dbprefix") . "users_entity where name like '%{$search}%' ";
            $users = get_data($sql);
            if (sizeof($users)) {
                $users = array_map(create_function('$user', 'return $user->guid;'), $users);
                $users = implode(",", $users);
                $searchSql .= " OR (msn2.string = '" . ($sent ? "toId" : "fromId") . "' AND msv2.string in ({$users})) ";
                $searchJoin = " INNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metadata n_table2 on e.guid = n_table2.entity_guid  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metastrings msn2 on n_table2.name_id = msn2.id  \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metastrings msv2 on n_table2.value_id = msv2.id ";
            $searchSql .= ")";
        $offset = intval($offset);
        $sent_sql = $sent ? "fromId" : "toId";
        $sql = "SELECT %s \r\n\t\t\tFROM " . get_config("dbprefix") . "entities e\r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "objects_entity o on e.guid = o.guid   \r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metadata n_table on e.guid = n_table.entity_guid  \r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metastrings msn on n_table.name_id = msn.id  \r\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . get_config("dbprefix") . "metastrings msv on n_table.value_id = msv.id\r\n\t\t\t{$searchJoin}\t\r\n\t\t\tWHERE e.owner_guid = %d\r\n\t\t\t{$searchSql} \r\n\t\t\tAND e.type = 'object' AND e.subtype = {$subtype_id}\r\n\t\t\tAND msn.string ='{$sent_sql}' AND msv.string = %d \r\n\t\t\tAND e.enabled = 'yes' ";
        $total = get_data_row(sprintf($sql, "COUNT(e.guid) AS cnt", $user_id, $user_id));
        $total = $total->cnt;
        $data = get_data(sprintf($sql, "DISTINCT e.*", $user_id, $user_id) . sprintf("ORDER BY e.time_created DESC LIMIT %d, 20", $offset));
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            $message = entity_row_to_elggstar($row);
            $export = pleio_api_export($message, array("time_created", "guid", "owner_guid", "container_guid", "site_guid", "title", "description"));
            $export = pleio_api_get_metadata($message->guid, $export);
            // filter links
            $export["description"] = strip_tags(trim(preg_replace("/\\w+:\\/\\/[\\w\\d\\.\\-_\\?=&;:#\\/]+/ism", "", $export["description"]), ": "));
            $u = false;
            if ($export["fromId"] == $user_id) {
                $u = get_entity($export["toId"]);
            } elseif ($export["toId"] == $user_id) {
                $u = get_entity($export["fromId"]);
            $export["name"] = $u->name;
            if ($u instanceof ElggUser) {
                $u = pleio_api_format_user($u);
                $export["avatar"] = $u["avatar"];
            $sender_and_reciever = false;
            if ($export["fromId"] == $export["toId"] && $export["fromId"] == $user_id) {
                foreach ($list as $e) {
                    if ($e["guid"] == $export["guid"] + 1 || $e["guid"] == $export["guid"] - 1) {
                        $sender_and_reciever = true;
            if (!$sender_and_reciever) {
                $list[] = $export;
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        return new ErrorResult(elgg_echo("error:default"));
    return array("total" => $total, "list" => $list, "offset" => $offset);
コード例 #5
ファイル: entities.php プロジェクト: nhunaro/Elgg
 * Loads and returns an entity object from a guid.
 * @param int $guid The GUID of the entity
 * @return ElggEntity The correct Elgg or custom object based upon entity type and subtype
 * @link http://docs.elgg.org/DataModel/Entities
function get_entity($guid)
    static $newentity_cache;
    $new_entity = false;
    // We could also use: if (!(int) $guid) { return FALSE },
    // but that evaluates to a false positive for $guid = TRUE.
    // This is a bit slower, but more thorough.
    if (!is_numeric($guid) || $guid === 0 || $guid === '0') {
        return FALSE;
    if (!$newentity_cache && is_memcache_available()) {
        $newentity_cache = new ElggMemcache('new_entity_cache');
    if ($newentity_cache) {
        $new_entity = $newentity_cache->load($guid);
    if ($new_entity) {
        return $new_entity;
    return entity_row_to_elggstar(get_entity_as_row($guid));
コード例 #6
 * Set proximity select as volatile data on a constructed entity
 * @todo Make this a class method in 1.9 (1.8 doesn't use call_user_func())
 * @param stdClass $row
 * @return ElggEntity
function mappable_entity_row_to_elggstar($row)
    $entity = entity_row_to_elggstar($row);
    if (elgg_instanceof($entity)) {
        $entity->setVolatileData('select:proximity', (double) $row->proximity);
    return $entity;