$curr_time = time(); $clean_before = $curr_time - $CONFIG['keep_votes_time'] * 86400; $sql = "DELETE " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_VOTES']} " . "WHERE vote_time < {$clean_before}"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // Check if user already rated this picture $user_md5_id = USER_ID ? md5(USER_ID) : $USER['ID']; $sql = "SELECT * " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_VOTES']} " . "WHERE pic_id = '{$pic}' AND user_md5_id = '{$user_md5_id}'"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { enl_die($lang_rate_pic_php['already_rated']); } //Test for Self-Rating $user = USER_ID; $owner = $row['owner_id']; if (!empty($user) && $user == $owner && !USER_IS_ADMIN) { enl_die($lang_rate_pic_php['forbidden']); } // Update picture rating $new_rating = round(($row['votes'] * $row['pic_rating'] + $rate * 2000) / ($row['votes'] + 1)); $sql = "UPDATE {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} " . "SET pic_rating = '{$new_rating}', votes = votes + 1 " . "WHERE pid = '{$pic}' LIMIT 1"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); // Update the votes table $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_VOTES']} " . "VALUES ('{$pic}', '{$user_md5_id}', '{$curr_time}')"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); /** * Code to record the details of hits for the picture if the option is set in CONFIG */ if ($CONFIG['vote_details']) { // Get the details of user browser, IP, OS, etc $os = "Unknown"; if (eregi("Linux", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
*/ if (!isset($_GET['what']) && !isset($_POST['what'])) { enl_die($lang_errors['param_missing']); } $what = isset($_GET['what']) ? $_GET['what'] : $_POST['what']; switch ($what) { // Comment case 'comment': $msg_id = (int) $_GET['msg_id']; $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT pid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id='{$msg_id}'"); if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) { enl_die($lang_errors['non_exist_comment']); } else { $comment_data = mysql_fetch_array($result); } if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id='{$msg_id}'"; } elseif (USER_ID) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id='{$msg_id}' AND author_id ='" . USER_ID . "' LIMIT 1"; } else { $query = "DELETE FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_COMMENTS']} WHERE msg_id='{$msg_id}' AND author_md5_id ='{$USER['ID']}' AND author_id = '0' LIMIT 1"; } $result = cpg_db_query($query); enl_message($lang_delete_php['comment_deleted']); ob_end_flush(); break; // Unknow command // Unknow command default: enl_die($lang_errors['param_missing']); }
$USER['email'] = $sender_email; } if ($result) { //pageheader($lang_ecard_php['title']); enl_message($lang_ecard_php['send_success']); /* echo '<br />'; starttable('100%', $lang_ecard_php['preview']); echo '<tr><td>'; echo template_eval($template_ecard, $params); echo '</td></tr>'; endtable(); pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); */ exit; } else { enl_die($lang_ecard_php['send_failed']); } } } //submit //pageheader($lang_ecard_php['title']); //ecard form if ($CONFIG['show_bbcode_help']) { $captionLabel = ' ' . cpg_display_help('f=index.html&base=64&h=' . urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help_title))) . '&t=' . urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($lang_bbcode_help))), 470, 245); } echo <<<EOT <form method="post" name="post" action="{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?album={$album}&pid={$pid}&pos={$pos}"> EOT; //starttable("100%", $lang_ecard_php['title'], 3); echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;">'; echo '<tr>';