function latestforumposts() { global $pic_base_url, $CURUSER, $config, $php_file, $page_find, $lang_off, $language; // / FIRST WE MAKE THE HEADER (NON-LOOPED) /// ?> <table align="center" width="760" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=8><tr><td align="left" class=colhead><b><?php echo $language['topic']; ?> </b></td><!--<td align="center" class=colhead><b>Author</b></td><td align="center" class=colhead><b>Replies</b></td>--><td align="center" class=colhead><b><?php echo $language['view']; ?> </b></td><td align="center" class=colhead><b><?php echo $language['post']; ?> </b></td><!--<td align="center" class=colhead><b>Posted At</b></td>--> </tr> <?php $page = 1; $num = 0; // / HERE GOES THE QUERY TO RETRIEVE DATA FROM THE DATABASE AND WE START LOOPING /// $topicres = sql_query("SELECT, t.userid, t.subject, t.locked, t.forumid, t.pollid, t.lastpost, t.sticky, t.views, t.forumid, f.minclassread, " . ", (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM posts WHERE AS p_count " . ", p.userid AS puserid, p.added " . ", AS uid, u.username " . ", u2.username AS u2_username " . "FROM topics AS t " . "LEFT JOIN forums AS f ON = t.forumid " . "LEFT JOIN posts AS p ON MAX(id) FROM posts WHERE topicid = " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u ON " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u2 ON " . "WHERE t.locked = 'no' AND f.minclassread <= " . $CURUSER['class'] . " " . "ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT 11") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); while ($topicarr = mysql_fetch_assoc($topicres)) { $topicid = $topicarr["id"]; $topic_userid = $topicarr["userid"]; $perpage = $CURUSER["postsperpage"]; if (!$perpage) { $perpage = 24; } $posts = $topicarr["p_count"]; $replies = max(0, $posts - 1); $first = $page * $perpage - $perpage + 1; $last = $first + $perpage - 1; if ($last > $num) { $last = $num; } $pages = ceil($posts / $perpage); // $menu = "\n"; $menu = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if ($i == 1 && $i != $pages) { $menu .= "[ "; } if ($pages > 1) { $menu .= "<a href=/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid={$topicid}&page={$i}>{$i}</a>\n"; } if ($i < $pages) { $menu .= "|\n"; } if ($i == $pages && $i > 1) { $menu .= "]"; } } $added = $topicarr["added"] . '<br /><font class=small>(' . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($topicarr["added"])) . ' ago)</font>'; $username = is_valid_id($topicarr['uid']) ? "<a href=/userdetails.php?id=" . $topicarr["puserid"] . "><b>" . $topicarr['username'] . "</b></a>" : "<i>Unknown[{$topic_userid}]</i>"; $author = !empty($topicarr['u2_username']) ? "<a href=/userdetails.php?id={$topic_userid}><b>" . $topicarr['u2_username'] . "</b></a>" : "<i>Unknown[{$topic_userid}]</i>"; $staffimg = $topicarr["minclassread"] > 0 ? "<img src=" . $pic_base_url . "staff.png border=0 />" : ""; $lockimg = $topicarr["locked"] == 'yes' ? "<img src=" . $pic_base_url . "lockednew.gif border=0 />" : ""; $pollimg = is_valid_id($topicarr["pollid"]) ? "<img src=\"" . $pic_base_url . "poll.gif\" alt=\"Poll:\" width=\"12\" height=\"14\" /> " : ""; $stickyimg = $topicarr["sticky"] == 'yes' ? "<img src=\"" . $pic_base_url . "sticky.gif\" alt=\"Sticky:\" width=\"12px\" height=\"14px\" /> " : ""; $subject = $pollimg . $stickyimg . "<a href=\"forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid={$topicid}&page=last#" . $topicarr["lastpost"] . "\"><b>" . encodehtml($topicarr["subject"]) . "</b></a>{$lockimg} {$staffimg} {$menu}<br /><font class=small> in <i><a href=\"/forums.php?action=viewforum&forumid=" . $topicarr['forumid'] . "\">" . $topicarr['name'] . "</a></i> by " . $author . " " . get_elapsed_time(sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($topicarr["added"])) . " ago </font>"; ?> <tr><td><?php echo $subject; ?> </td><td align="center"><?php echo number_format($topicarr["views"]); ?> </td><td align="center"><?php echo $username; ?> </td></tr><?php } ?> </table> <?php }
function latestforumposts() { print "<div class='f-border f-latestpost'><table width='100%' cellspacing='0'><tr class='f-title'>" . "<th align='left' width=''>Latest Topic Title</th>" . "<th align='center' width='47'>Replies</th>" . "<th align='center' width='47'>Views</th>" . "<th align='center' width='85'>Author</th>" . "<th align='right' width='150'>Last Post</th>" . "</tr>"; /// HERE GOES THE QUERY TO RETRIEVE DATA FROM THE DATABASE AND WE START LOOPING /// $for = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT * FROM forum_topics ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 5"); if (mysql_num_rows($for) == 0) { print "<tr class='f-row'><td class='alt1' align='center' colspan='5'><b>No Latest Topics</b></td></tr>"; } while ($topicarr = mysql_fetch_assoc($for)) { // Set minclass $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT name,minclassread,guest_read FROM forum_forums WHERE id={$topicarr['forumid']}"); $forum = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if ($forum && get_user_class() >= $forum["minclassread"] || $forum["guest_read"] == "yes") { $forumname = "<a href='?action=viewforum&forumid={$topicarr['forumid']}'><b>" . htmlspecialchars($forum["name"]) . "</b></a>"; $topicid = $topicarr["id"]; $topic_title = stripslashes($topicarr["subject"]); $topic_userid = $topicarr["userid"]; // Topic Views $views = $topicarr["views"]; // End /// GETTING TOTAL NUMBER OF POSTS /// $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_posts WHERE topicid={$topicid}"); $arr = mysql_fetch_row($res); $posts = $arr[0]; $replies = max(0, $posts - 1); /// GETTING USERID AND DATE OF LAST POST /// $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE topicid={$topicid} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $postid = 0 + $arr["id"]; $userid = 0 + $arr["userid"]; $added = utc_to_tz($arr["added"]); /// GET NAME OF LAST POSTER /// $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id={$userid}"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $username = "******"; } else { $username = "******"; } /// GET NAME OF THE AUTHOR /// $res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id={$topic_userid}"); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 1) { $arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); $author = "<a href='account-details.php?id={$topic_userid}'>{$arr['username']}</a>"; } else { $author = "Unknown[{$topic_userid}]"; } /// GETTING THE LAST INFO AND MAKE THE TABLE ROWS /// $r = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT lastpostread FROM forum_readposts WHERE userid={$userid} AND topicid={$topicid}"); $a = mysql_fetch_row($r); $new = !$a || $postid > $a[0]; $subject = "<a href='forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid={$topicid}'><b>" . stripslashes(encodehtml($topicarr["subject"])) . "</b></a>"; print "<tr class='f-row'><td class='f-img' width='100%'>{$subject}</td>" . "<td class='alt2' align='center'>{$replies}</td>" . "<td class='alt3' align='center'>{$views}</td>" . "<td class='alt2' align='center'>{$author}</td>" . "<td class='alt3' align='right'><small>by {$username}<br /></small><small style='white-space: nowrap'>{$added}</small></td>"; print "</tr>"; } // while } print "</table></div><br />"; }
++$i; } $tvotes = number_format($tvotes); ?> <div class="text-center"><h4><span class="label label-success"><?php echo T_("VOTES") . ": " . $tvotes; ?> </span></h4></div> <?php } else { //User has not voted, show options ?> <form method='post' action='<?php echo encodehtml($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); ?> '> <input type='hidden' name='act' value='takepoll' /> <?php $i = 0; while ($a = $o[$i]) { ?> <div class="radio"> <label> <input type='radio' name='choice' value='<?php echo $i; ?> ' /><?php
$p = round($a[0] / $tvotes * 100); } if ($i % 2) { $c = ""; } else { $c = " class='poll-alt'"; } print "<tr><td width='1%'{$c}>" . format_comment($a[1]) . " </td><td width='99%'{$c}><img src='" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/images/poll/bar_left.gif' alt='' /><img src='" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/images/poll/bar.gif' height='9' width='" . $p / 2 . "' alt='' /><img src='" . $site_config["SITEURL"] . "/images/poll/bar_right.gif' alt='' />{$p}%</td></tr>\n"; ++$i; } print "</table>\n"; $tvotes = number_format($tvotes); print "<center>" . T_("VOTES") . ": {$tvotes}</center>\n"; } else { //User has not voted, show options print "<form method='post' action='" . encodehtml($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . "'>\n"; print "<input type='hidden' name='act' value='takepoll' />"; $i = 0; while ($a = $o[$i]) { print "<input type='radio' name='choice' value='{$i}' />" . format_comment($a) . "<br />\n"; ++$i; } print "<br />"; print "<input type='radio' name='choice' value='255' />" . T_("BLANK_VOTE") . "<br />\n"; print "<center><input type='submit' value='" . T_("VOTE") . "!' class='btn btn-success' /></center></form><br />"; print "<form action='' method='post' target='_top'>\n<input type='hidden' name='cmd' value='_s-xclick'>\n<input type='hidden' name='hosted_button_id' value='8J54CFAAS52VW'>\n<input type='image' src='' border='0' name='submit' alt='PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online.'>\n<img alt='' border='0' src='' width='1' height='1'>\n</form>"; } } else { echo "<br /><br /><center>No Active Polls</center><br /><br />\n"; } } else {
} else $lpauthor = "unknown[$topic_userid]"; //---- Print row $r = mysql_query("SELECT lastpostread FROM readposts WHERE userid=$userid AND topicid=$topicid") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $a = mysql_fetch_row($r); $new = !$a || $lppostid > $a[0]; $topicpic = ($locked ? ($new ? "lockednew" : "locked") : ($new ? "unlockednew" : "unlocked")); $subject = ($sticky ? "Sticky: " : "") . "<a href=?action=viewtopic&topicid=$topicid><b>" . encodehtml($topicarr["subject"]) . "</b></a>$topicpages"; print("<tr><td align=left><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>" . "<td class=embedded style='padding-right: 5px'><img src=$forum_pics/$topicpic.gif>" . "</td><td class=embedded align=left>\n" . "$subject</td></tr></table></td><td align=right>$replies</td>\n" . "<td align=right>$views</td><td align=left>$lpauthor</td>\n" . "<td align=left>$lpadded<br>by $lpusername</td>\n"); print("</tr>\n"); } // while print("</table>\n"); print($menu);