function encodeLevels($points, $dists, $absMaxDist) { global $numLevels, $forceEndpoints; $encoded_levels = ""; if ($forceEndpoints) { $encoded_levels .= encodeNumber($numLevels - 1); } else { $encoded_levels .= encodeNumber($numLevels - computeLevel($absMaxDist) - 1); } for ($i = 1; $i < count($points) - 1; $i++) { if (isset($dists[$i])) { $encoded_levels .= encodeNumber($numLevels - computeLevel($dists[$i]) - 1); } } if ($forceEndpoints) { $encoded_levels .= encodeNumber($numLevels - 1); } else { $encoded_levels .= encodeNumber($numLevels - computeLevel($absMaxDist) - 1); } return $encoded_levels; }
function createStaticMap($forceRefresh=0) { $maxPoints=400; $width=350; $height=350; global $moduleRelPath,$baseInstallationPath; global $langEncodings,$currentlang; if ( is_file($this->getMapFilename()) && !$forceRefresh ) return $this->getMapRelPath(); $filename=$this->getIGCFilename(1); $lines = file ($filename); if (!$lines) return; $i=0; $kml_file_contents=""; $prevLat=0; $prevLon=0; $totLines=count($lines); // echo "tot line: ".$totLines; $mod0=0; if ($totLines > $maxPoints ){ $reduceArray=getReduceArray($totLines ,$maxPoints); // print_r($recudeArray); $mod0=count($reduceArray); // $mod= ceil( $p / $this->maxPointNum ); } // compute num of B lines $numLines=0; $points=0; $i++; foreach($lines as $line) { if ($line{0}=='B' && strlen($line) >= 23 && $line{24}!='V' ) { // real line $points++; if ($mod0>=1) { if ( $reduceArray[ $points % $mod0] == 0 ) { $lines[$i]{0}='X'; //unset($lines[$i]); $i++; continue; } } $numLines++; } else { $lines[$i]{0}='X'; // unset($lines[$i]); } $i++; } //echo "<BR>real b lines: ".$numLines; //echo "<BR>lines left in arays: ".count($lines); foreach($lines as $line) { $line=trim($line); if (strlen($line)==0) continue; if ($line{0}!='B') continue; if ( strlen($line) < 23 ) continue; if ($line{24}=='V') continue; $thisPoint=new gpsPoint($line,$this->timezone); $lat=$thisPoint->lat; $lon=-$thisPoint->lon; $kml_file_contents.=encodeNumber($lat-$prevLat).encodeNumber($lon-$prevLon); $prevLat=$lat; $prevLon=$lon; $i++; } // write to file // echo "<br>encoded len: ".strlen ($kml_file_contents); $staticMap="|weight:2|enc:$kml_file_contents&maptype=terrain&size=".$width."x".$height."&sensor=false"; //echo "<br>".strlen($staticMap); // get from google $imgStr=file_get_contents($staticMap); echo "<br>".strlen($imgStr); $handle = fopen($this->getMapFilename(), "w"); fwrite($handle, $imgStr); fclose($handle); echo "<img src='".$this->getMapRelPath()."'>"; return $this->getMapRelPath(); }
function createStaticMap($forceRefresh = 0) { $maxPoints = 250; $width = 450; $height = 450; global $moduleRelPath, $baseInstallationPath; global $langEncodings, $currentlang, $CONF; if (is_file($this->getMapFilename()) && !$forceRefresh) { return $this->getMapRelPath(); } $filename = $this->getIGCFilename(1); $lines = file($filename); if (!$lines) { return; } $i = 0; $kml_file_contents = ""; $prevLat = 0; $prevLon = 0; $totLines = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line[0] == 'B' && strlen($line) >= 23 && $line[24] != 'V') { $totLines++; } } //$totLines=count($lines); // echo "tot line: ".$totLines; $mod0 = 0; if ($totLines > $maxPoints) { $reduceArray = getReduceArray($totLines, $maxPoints); // print_r($recudeArray); $mod0 = count($reduceArray); // $mod= ceil( $p / $this->maxPointNum ); } // compute num of B lines $numLines = 0; $points = 0; $i++; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line[0] == 'B' && strlen($line) >= 23 && $line[24] != 'V') { // real line $points++; if ($mod0 >= 1) { if ($reduceArray[$points % $mod0] == 0) { $lines[$i][0] = 'X'; //unset($lines[$i]); $i++; continue; } } $numLines++; } else { $lines[$i][0] = 'X'; // unset($lines[$i]); } $i++; } //echo "<BR>real b lines: ".$numLines; //echo "<BR>lines left in arays: ".count($lines); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (strlen($line) == 0) { continue; } if ($line[0] != 'B') { continue; } if (strlen($line) < 23) { continue; } if ($line[24] == 'V') { continue; } $thisPoint = new gpsPoint($line, $this->timezone); $lat = $thisPoint->lat; $lon = -$thisPoint->lon; $kml_file_contents .= encodeNumber($lat - $prevLat) . encodeNumber($lon - $prevLon); $prevLat = $lat; $prevLon = $lon; $i++; } // write to file // echo "<br>encoded len: ".strlen ($kml_file_contents); $flightScore = new flightScore($this->flightID); $flightScore->getFromDB(); $defaultMethodID = $CONF['scoring']['default_set']; $scoreDetails = $flightScore->scores[$defaultMethodID][$flightScore->bestScoreType]; //print_r($scoreDetails); $j = 0; $markers = ""; for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { if ($scoreDetails['tp'][$i]) { $newPoint = new gpsPoint($scoreDetails['tp'][$i], $this->timezone); //$url.=urlencode('|'.sprintf("%.3f",$newPoint->lat).','.sprintf("%.3f",-$newPoint->lon)); if ($j == 0) { $color = '0x0000ff'; $t = 'T'; } else { $color = '0x00ff00'; $t = $j; } if (!$scoreDetails['tp'][$i + 1]) { $t = "L"; $color = '0xffff00'; } $markers .= "&markers=" . urlencode("color:{$color}|label:{$t}|" . sprintf("%.3f", $newPoint->lat) . "," . sprintf("%.3f", -$newPoint->lon)); $j++; } } $staticMap = "|weight:2|enc:{$kml_file_contents}" . $markers . "&maptype=terrain&size=" . $width . "x" . $height . "&sensor=false"; //echo "<br>".$staticMap; // get from google $imgStr = file_get_contents($staticMap); // echo "<br>".strlen($imgStr); $handle = fopen($this->getMapFilename(), "w"); fwrite($handle, $imgStr); fclose($handle); // echo "<img src='".$this->getMapRelPath()."'>"; return $this->getMapRelPath(); }
public function getEncodedId() { return encodeNumber($this->id); }