コード例 #1
ファイル: regraderequests.php プロジェクト: eduagdo/emarking
    } else {
        $statusicon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon("i/flagged", get_string('sent', 'mod_emarking'));
    $regradecomment = emarking_view_more(get_string("justification", "mod_emarking"), $record->comment, "comment", $record->id);
    $motive = emarking_get_regrade_type_string($record->motive) . '<br/>' . $regradecomment;
    // Student info
    $url = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $record->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
    $studentcriterion = $OUTPUT->action_link($url, $record->firstname . ' ' . $record->lastname);
    $studentcriterion .= '<br/>' . $record->criterion;
    $studentcriterion .= '<br/>' . emarking_time_ago($record->timecreated, true);
    // Original grade
    $original = ' [' . round($record->originalscore, 2) . '/' . round($record->maxscore, 2) . ']';
    // After regrade
    $current = $record->accepted ? '[' . round($record->currentscore, 2) . '/' . round($record->maxscore, 2) . '] ' : '';
    $current .= '&nbsp;' . $statusicon;
    $current .= $record->accepted ? '<br/>' . $record->markercomment : '';
    $current .= '&nbsp;' . emarking_time_ago($record->timemodified, true);
    // Actions
    $urlsub = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/marking/index.php', array('id' => $record->ids));
    $actions = $OUTPUT->action_link($urlsub, get_string('annotatesubmission', 'mod_emarking'), new popup_action('click', $urlsub, 'emarking' . $record->ids, array('menubar' => 'no', 'titlebar' => 'no', 'status' => 'no', 'toolbar' => 'no', 'width' => 860, 'height' => 600)), array("class" => "rowactions"));
    $array = array();
    $array[] = $studentcriterion;
    $array[] = $motive;
    $array[] = $original;
    $array[] = $current;
    $array[] = $actions;
    $data[] = $array;
$table->data = $data;
echo html_writer::table($table);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
コード例 #2
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: sikeze/emarking
 $feedback = '';
 // Last modified.
 $timemodified = '';
 // Markers pictures.
 $markersstring = '';
 // Select checkbox.
 $selectdraft = '';
 foreach ($submissiondrafts as $d) {
     $pctmarked .= emarking_get_draft_status_info($exam, $d, $numcriteria, $numcriteriauser, $emarking, $rubriccriteria);
     $finalgrade .= emarking_get_finalgrade($d, $usercangrade, $issupervisor, $draft, $rubricscores, $emarking);
     $actions .= emarking_get_actions($d, $emarking, $context, $draft, $usercangrade, $issupervisor, $usercanpublishgrades, $numcriteria, $scan, $cm, $rubriccriteria);
     $feedback .= strlen($d->feedback) > 0 ? $d->feedback : '';
     $timemodified .= html_writer::start_div("timemodified");
     $timemodified .= get_string('lastmodification', 'mod_emarking');
     $timemodified .= "&nbsp;";
     $timemodified .= $d->timemodified > 0 ? core_text::strtolower(emarking_time_ago($d->timemodified)) : '';
     $timemodified .= html_writer::end_div();
     // Checkbox for publishing grade.
     if ($usercanpublishgrades && $d->qc == 0 && $d->status >= EMARKING_STATUS_SUBMITTED && $d->status < EMARKING_STATUS_PUBLISHED && $rubriccriteria) {
         $selectdraft .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"publish[]\" value=\"{$d->id}\" title=\"" . get_string("select") . "\">";
     if ($emarking->type == EMARKING_TYPE_PEER_REVIEW) {
         $marker = $DB->get_record("user", array("id" => $d->marker));
         $markersstring .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($marker) . '&nbsp;' . $marker->lastname . ', ' . $marker->firstname;
     } else {
         if ($emarking->type == EMARKING_TYPE_MARKER_TRAINING) {
             foreach ($markers as $marker) {
                 if ($d->marker == $marker->id) {
                     $markersstring .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($marker) . '&nbsp;';
コード例 #3
ファイル: exam.php プロジェクト: hansnok/emarking
if ($exam->printlist) {
    $details .= html_writer::div($OUTPUT->pix_icon("i/grades", get_string("printlist", "mod_emarking")));
if ($exam->printrandom) {
    $details .= html_writer::div($OUTPUT->pix_icon("shuffle", get_string("printrandom", "mod_emarking"), "mod_emarking"));
$details .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
$details .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
$examstable->data[] = array(get_string("examdate", "mod_emarking"), date("l jS F Y, g:ia", usertime($exam->examdate)));
if ($usercangrade) {
    $examstatus = emarking_exam_status_string($exam);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string("comment", "mod_emarking"), $exam->comment);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string("status", "mod_emarking"), $examstatus);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string("details", "mod_emarking"), $details);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string("sent", "mod_emarking"), emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated));
    $originals = $exam->totalpages + $exam->extrasheets;
    $copies = $exam->totalstudents + $exam->extraexams;
    $totalsheets = $originals * $copies;
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string('originals', 'mod_emarking'), $originals);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string('copies', 'mod_emarking'), $copies);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string('totalpagesprint', 'mod_emarking'), $totalsheets);
    $user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id" => $exam->requestedby));
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string('requestedby', 'mod_emarking'), $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname);
    $examstable->data[] = array(get_string("multicourse", "mod_emarking"), $multicourse ? $multicourse : get_string("no"));
echo html_writer::table($examstable);
// Show download button if the user has capability for downloading within
// the category or if she is a teacher and has download capability for the
// course and teacher downloads are allowed in the system.
if (has_capability("mod/emarking:downloadexam", $context)) {
コード例 #4
ファイル: printorders.php プロジェクト: edmiranda/emarking
    $actions .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    // Calculating date differences to identify exams that are late, are for today and so on
    if (date("d/m/y", $exam->examdate) === date("d/m/y", $currentdate)) {
        $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examtoday';
    } else {
        if ($currentdate < $exam->examdate) {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examisok';
        } else {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examislate';
    $notification = $exam->notified ? $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/approve', get_string('printnotificationsent', 'mod_emarking')) : '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/emarking/print/sendprintnotification.php?id=' . $exam->id . '">' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/email', get_string('printsendnotification', 'mod_emarking')) . '</a>';
    $enrolments = html_writer::start_tag("div", array("class" => "printdetails"));
    $enrolments .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
    $enrolments .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    $examstable->data[] = array(date("l jS F g:ia", $exam->examdate), $exam->name, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlcourse, $exam->coursefullname), $exam->category . '<br/>' . $enrolments, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlprofile, $exam->userfullname), $statusicon == 1 ? emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated) : emarking_time_ago($exam->printdate), $statusicon == 1 ? $pagestoprint : $actions, $statusicon == 1 ? $actions : $notification);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
$activetab = $statusicon == 1 ? 'printorders' : 'printordershistory';
echo $OUTPUT->tabtree(emarking_printoders_tabs($category), $activetab);
echo $OUTPUT->heading($pagetitle . ' ' . $category->name);
if (count($exams) > 0) {
    echo html_writer::table($examstable);
    // print the table
    echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($examscount, $page, $perpage, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/emarking/print/printorders.php?category=' . $categoryid . '&status=' . $statusicon . '&page=');
} else {
    echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noexamsforprinting', 'mod_emarking'), 'notifyproblem');
$downloadurl = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/print/download.php');
if ($CFG->emarking_usesms) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: printorders.php プロジェクト: hansnok/emarking
    $actions .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    // Calculating date differences to identify exams that are late, are for today and so on.
    if (date("d/m/y", $exam->examdate) === date("d/m/y", $currentdate)) {
        $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examtoday';
    } else {
        if ($currentdate < $exam->examdate) {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examisok';
        } else {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examislate';
    $notification = $exam->notified ? $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/approve', get_string('printnotificationsent', 'mod_emarking')) : '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/emarking/print/sendprintnotification.php?id=' . $exam->id . '">' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/email', get_string('printsendnotification', 'mod_emarking')) . '</a>';
    $enrolments = html_writer::start_tag("div", array("class" => "printdetails"));
    $enrolments .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
    $enrolments .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    $examstable->data[] = array(date("l jS F g:ia", $exam->examdate), $exam->name, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlcourse, $exam->coursefullname), $exam->category . '<br/>' . $enrolments, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlprofile, $exam->userfullname), '$' . number_format($exam->cost) . $OUTPUT->action_icon($urlcost, new pix_icon("i/edit", get_string("downloadform", "mod_emarking"))), $statusicon == 1 ? emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated) : emarking_time_ago($exam->printdate), $statusicon == 1 ? $pagestoprint : $actions, $statusicon == 1 ? $actions : $notification);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($pagetitle . ' ' . $category->name);
$activetab = $statusicon == 1 ? 'printorders' : 'printordershistory';
echo $OUTPUT->tabtree(emarking_printoders_tabs($category), $activetab);
if (count($exams) > 0) {
    echo core_text::strtotitle(get_string("filter")) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    echo html_writer::tag("input", null, array("id" => "searchInput"));
    echo html_writer::table($examstable);
    // Print the table.
    echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($examscount, $page, $perpage, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/emarking/print/printorders.php?category=' . $categoryid . '&status=' . $statusicon . '&page=');
} else {
    echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noexamsforprinting', 'mod_emarking'), 'notifyproblem');
コード例 #6
ファイル: exammodification.php プロジェクト: hansnok/emarking
    $actions = html_writer::start_tag("div", array("class" => "printactions"));
    $actions .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    // Calculating date differences to identify exams that are late, are for today and so on.
    if (date("d/m/y", $exam->examdate) === date("d/m/y", $currentdate)) {
        $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examtoday';
    } else {
        if ($currentdate < $exam->examdate) {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examisok';
        } else {
            $examstable->rowclasses[$current] = 'examislate';
    $notification = $exam->notified ? $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/approve', get_string('printnotificationsent', 'mod_emarking')) : '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/emarking/print/sendprintnotification.php?id=' . $exam->id . '">' . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/email', get_string('printsendnotification', 'mod_emarking')) . '</a>';
    $enrolments = html_writer::start_tag("div", array("class" => "printdetails"));
    $enrolments .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
    $enrolments .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    if ($statusicon == 1) {
        $examstable->data[] = array(date("l jS F g:ia", $exam->examdate), $exam->name, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlcourse, $exam->coursefullname), $exam->category . '<br/>' . $enrolments, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlprofile, $exam->userfullname), '$' . number_format($exam->cost), emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated), $pagestoprint);
    } else {
        $examstable->data[] = array(date("l jS F g:ia", $exam->examdate), $exam->name, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlcourse, $exam->coursefullname), $exam->category . '<br/>' . $enrolments, $OUTPUT->action_link($urlprofile, $exam->userfullname), '$' . $exam->cost, emarking_time_ago($exam->printdate), $pagestoprint);
// If there is no data or is it not cancelled show the header, the tabs and the form.
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($pagetitle . ' ' . $category->name);
echo html_writer::table($examstable);
// Print the table.
// Display the form.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
コード例 #7
ファイル: exams.php プロジェクト: eduagdo/emarking
    $details .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
    $details .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    $examstatus = "";
    switch ($exam->status) {
        case 1:
            $examstatus = get_string("examstatussent", "mod_emarking");
        case 2:
            $examstatus = get_string("examstatusdownloaded", "mod_emarking");
        case 3:
            $examstatus = get_string("examstatusprinted", "mod_emarking");
    $examstable->data[] = array($exam->name, date("l jS F g:ia", $exam->examdate), $details, emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated), $examstatus, $multicourse, $actions);
echo html_writer::table($examstable);
if (!has_capability("mod/emarking:downloadexam", $context)) {
    echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$downloadurl = new moodle_url("/mod/emarking/print/download.php");
if ($CFG->emarking_usesms) {
    $message = get_string("smsinstructions", "mod_emarking", $USER);
} else {
    $message = get_string("emailinstructions", "mod_emarking", $USER);
<script type="text/javascript">
var messages = {
コード例 #8
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: eduagdo/emarking
 // Feedback
 $feedbacks = explode('#', $draft->feedback);
 $feedback = '';
 foreach ($feedbacks as $f) {
     $feedback = strlen($f) > 0 ? $f : '';
 // Last modified
 $timesmodified = explode('#', $draft->timemodified);
 $timemodified = '';
 foreach ($timesmodified as $t) {
     $timemodified .= html_writer::start_div("timemodified");
     $timemodified .= get_string('lastmodification', 'mod_emarking');
     $timemodified .= "&nbsp;";
     $timemodified .= $t > 0 ? core_text::strtolower(emarking_time_ago($t)) : '';
     $timemodified .= html_writer::end_div();
 // If there's a draft show total pages
 if ($draft->status >= EMARKING_STATUS_SUBMITTED) {
     $totalpages = $emarking->totalpages > 0 ? ' / ' . $emarking->totalpages . ' ' : ' ';
 // Markers pictures
 if ($emarking->type == EMARKING_TYPE_MARKER_TRAINING) {
     $markersids = explode('#', $draft->markerid);
     $markersstring = '';
     foreach ($markersids as $mids) {
         foreach ($markers as $marker) {
             if ($mids == $marker->id) {
                 $markersstring .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($marker) . '&nbsp;';
コード例 #9
ファイル: uploadanswers.php プロジェクト: sikeze/emarking
    $table->attributes['style'] = 'display:table;';
    $table->head = array(get_string('filename', 'repository'), get_string('size'), 'Mime type', get_string('uploaded', 'hub'), get_string('status', 'mod_emarking'), get_string('actions', 'mod_emarking'));
    foreach ($digitizedanswersfiles as $file) {
        $actions = array();
        $deleteurl = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/print/uploadanswers.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'action' => 'delete', 'did' => $file->id));
        $processurl = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/print/uploadanswers.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'action' => 'process', 'did' => $file->id));
        $changetouploadedurl = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/print/uploadanswers.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'action' => 'changetouploaded', 'did' => $file->id));
        if (($file->status == EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_ERROR_PROCESSING || $file->status <= EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_UPLOADED) && $usercanmanageanswersfiles) {
            $actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($deleteurl, new pix_icon('i/delete', 'delete', null, array('style' => 'width:1.5em;')));
        } elseif ($file->status != EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_BEING_PROCESSED && $usercanmanageanswersfiles) {
            $actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($processurl, new pix_icon('i/reload', 'reload', null, array('style' => 'width:1.5em;')));
        } elseif (($file->status == EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_PROCESSED || $file->status == EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_ERROR_PROCESSING) && $usercanmanageanswersfiles) {
            $actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($changetouploadedurl, new pix_icon('i/scheduled', 'scheduled', null, array('style' => 'width:1.5em;')));
        } elseif ($file->status == EMARKING_DIGITIZED_ANSWER_BEING_PROCESSED && is_siteadmin()) {
            $actions[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($processurl, new pix_icon('i/reload', 'reload', null, array('style' => 'width:1.5em;')));
        $table->data[] = array($file->filename, display_size($file->filesize), $file->mimetype, emarking_time_ago($file->timecreated), emarking_get_string_for_status_digitized($file->status), implode(' ', $actions));
    echo html_writer::table($table);
// Show orphan pages button
$orphanpages = emarking_get_digitized_answer_orphan_pages($context);
$numorphanpages = count($orphanpages);
if ($numorphanpages > 0) {
    $orphanpagesurl = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/print/orphanpages.php', array('id' => $cm->id));
    echo $OUTPUT->single_button($orphanpagesurl, get_string('thereareorphanpages', 'mod_emarking', $numorphanpages), 'GET');
if (has_capability('mod/emarking:uploadexam', $context)) {
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
コード例 #10
ファイル: exams.php プロジェクト: hansnok/emarking
    if ($exam->printlist) {
        $details .= html_writer::div($OUTPUT->pix_icon("i/grades", get_string("printlist", "mod_emarking")));
    if ($exam->printrandom) {
        $details .= html_writer::div($OUTPUT->pix_icon("shuffle", get_string("printrandom", "mod_emarking"), "mod_emarking"));
    $details .= emarking_enrolments_div($exam);
    $examstatus = emarking_exam_status_string($exam);
    $details .= $examstatus;
    $details .= html_writer::end_tag("div");
    // The marking process course module.
    if (!($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("emarking", $exam->emarking, $course->id))) {
        print_error('Invalid emarking course module');
    $link = new moodle_url("/mod/emarking/view.php", array("id" => $cm->id));
    $examstable->data[] = array(html_writer::link($link, $exam->name), date("d/m/y g:ia", $exam->examdate), emarking_time_ago($exam->timecreated), $details, $multicourse);
echo html_writer::table($examstable);
if (!has_capability("mod/emarking:downloadexam", $context)) {
    echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$downloadurl = new moodle_url("/mod/emarking/print/download.php");
if ($CFG->emarking_usesms) {
    $message = get_string("smsinstructions", "mod_emarking", $USER);
} else {
    $message = get_string("emailinstructions", "mod_emarking", $USER);
<script type="text/javascript">
var messages = {