function jpatchwork_page_handler($page) { if (!isset($page[0])) { $page[0] = 'sample'; } elgg_set_context('jpatchwork'); $page_type = $page[0]; switch ($page_type) { case 'sample': $area2 = elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('jpatchwork:sample_title')); // Add the form to this section elgg_set_viewtype('xml'); $area2 .= elgg_view('jpatchwork/sample'); elgg_set_viewtype('default'); break; case 'frozenbubble': $area2 = elgg_view_title(elgg_echo('jpatchwork:frozenbubble_title')); // Add the form to this section elgg_set_viewtype('xml'); $area2 .= elgg_view('jpatchwork/frozenbubble'); elgg_set_viewtype('default'); break; default: return false; } // Format page $body = elgg_view('page/layouts/one_sidebar', array('content' => $area2)); // Draw it echo elgg_view_page(elgg_echo('jpatchwork:title'), $body); return true; }
/** * Profile page handler * * @param array $page Array of page elements, forwarded by the page handling mechanism */ function profile_page_handler($page) { if (isset($page[0])) { $username = $page[0]; $user = get_user_by_username($username); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($user->guid); } // short circuit if invalid or banned username if (!$user || $user->isBanned() && !elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) { register_error(elgg_echo('profile:notfound')); forward(); } $action = NULL; if (isset($page[1])) { $action = $page[1]; } if ($action == 'edit') { // use the core profile edit page $base_dir = elgg_get_root_path(); require "{$base_dir}pages/profile/edit.php"; return; } // main profile page $params = array('content' => elgg_view('profile/wrapper'), 'num_columns' => 3); $content = elgg_view_layout('widgets', $params); $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column', array('content' => $content)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); }
/** * Redirect the requestor to the new URL * Checks the plugin setting to determine the course of action: * a) Displays an error page with the new URL * b) Forwards to the new URL and displays an error message * c) Silently forwards to the new URL * * @param string $url Relative or absolute URL * @return mixed */ function legacy_urls_redirect($url) { $method = elgg_get_plugin_setting('redirect_method', 'legacy_urls'); // we only show landing page or queue warning if html generating page $viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype(); if ($viewtype != 'default' && !elgg_does_viewtype_fallback($viewtype)) { $method = 'immediate'; } switch ($method) { case 'landing': $content = elgg_view('legacy_urls/message', array('url' => $url)); $body = elgg_view_layout('error', array('content' => $content)); echo elgg_view_page('', $body, 'error'); return true; break; case 'immediate_error': // drop through after setting error message register_error(elgg_echo('changebookmark')); case 'immediate': default: $url = elgg_normalize_url($url); header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: {$url}"); exit; break; } }
/** * Returns HTML to edit a blog post. * * @param int $guid * @param int annotation id optional revision to edit * @return string html */ function blog_get_page_content_edit($guid, $revision = NULL) { $vars = array(); if ($guid) { $blog = get_entity((int) $guid); if (elgg_instanceof($blog, 'object', 'blog') && $blog->canEdit()) { $vars['entity'] = $blog; if ($revision) { $revision = get_annotation((int) $revision); $vars['revision'] = $revision; if (!$revision || !($revision->entity_guid == $guid)) { $content = elgg_echo('blog:error:revision_not_found'); } } elgg_push_breadcrumb($blog->title, $blog->getURL()); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('edit')); $content = elgg_view('blog/forms/edit', $vars); $sidebar = elgg_view('blog/sidebar_revisions', array('entity' => $blog)); //$sidebar .= elgg_view('blog/sidebar_related'); } else { $content = elgg_echo('blog:error:post_not_found'); } } else { elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('blog:new')); $content = elgg_view('blog/forms/edit', $vars); //$sidebar = elgg_view('blog/sidebar_related'); } return array('content' => $content, 'sidebar' => $sidebar); }
/** * @param ElggPlugin $plugin * @return string */ public function outputPluginSettingsForm($plugin) { $translationPrefix = elgg_extract('translationPrefix', $this->options); $result = '<div>'; foreach ($this->fields as $name => $field) { $result .= '<div class="mbm">'; $result .= '<label>' . elgg_echo($translationPrefix . $name) . '</label> '; $description = elgg_extract('description', $field); if ($description) { $result .= '<div class="mbs">' . $description . '</div> '; } $params = $field; $type = elgg_extract('type', $field); $params['name'] = "params[{$name}]"; if ($plugin) { $params['value'] = $plugin->{$name}; } if (!isset($params['value']) || $params['value'] === null) { $params['value'] = elgg_extract('default', $field); } $result .= elgg_view('input/' . $type, $params); $result .= '</div>'; } $result .= '</div>'; return $result; }
/** * Serves pages for twitter. * * @param array $page * @return bool */ function twitter_api_pagehandler($page) { if (!isset($page[0])) { return false; } switch ($page[0]) { case 'authorize': twitter_api_authorize(); break; case 'revoke': twitter_api_revoke(); break; case 'forward': twitter_api_forward(); break; case 'login': twitter_api_login(); break; case 'interstitial': elgg_gatekeeper(); // only let twitter users do this. $guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); $twitter_name = elgg_get_plugin_user_setting('twitter_name', $guid, 'twitter_api'); if (!$twitter_name) { register_error(elgg_echo('twitter_api:invalid_page')); forward(); } echo elgg_view('resources/twitter_api/interstitial'); break; default: return false; } return true; }
/** * Replace profile field placeholders with input fields * * @param string $text the text to replace in * * @return false|string */ function wizard_replace_profile_fields($text) { if (empty($text) || !is_string($text)) { return false; } $regex = '/{{profile_([a-z0-9_-]+)}}/i'; $matches = []; preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches); if (empty($matches)) { return $text; } $placeholders = $matches[0]; $profile_names = $matches[1]; foreach ($placeholders as $index => $placeholder) { if (strpos($text, $placeholder) === false) { // already replaced continue; } $input = elgg_view('input/profile_field', ['name' => $profile_names[$index]]); if (empty($input)) { elgg_log("Wizard unable to replace profile placeholder: {$placeholder}", 'WARNING'); } else { elgg_log("Wizard replace profile placeholder: {$placeholder}"); } $text = str_replace($placeholder, $input, $text); } return $text; }
function au_group_tag_menu_page_handler($page, $identifier) { //show the page of search results // assumes url of group/guid/tag // if the tag is 'all' then will display a tagcloud switch ($page[0]) { case 'group': $entity = get_entity($page[1]); if (!elgg_instanceof($entity, 'group') || $entity->au_group_tag_menu_enable == 'no') { return false; } elgg_push_breadcrumb($entity->name, $entity->getURL()); //should be OK if this is empty $tag = $page[2]; elgg_push_breadcrumb($tag); if ($tag == "all") { //show a tag cloud for all group tags //arbitrarily set to a max of 640 tags - should be enough for anyone :-) $title = elgg_echo("au_group_tag_menu:tagcloud"); $options = array('container_guid' => $entity->getGUID(), 'type' => 'object', 'threshold' => 0, 'limit' => 640, 'tag_names' => array('tags')); $thetags = elgg_get_tags($options); //make it an alphabetical tag cloud, not with most popular first sort($thetags); //find the highest tag count for scaling the font $max = 0; foreach ($thetags as $key) { if ($key->total > $max) { $max = $key->total; } } $content = " "; //loop through and generate tags so they display nicely //in the group, not as a dumb search page foreach ($thetags as $key) { $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "group_tag_menu/group/" . $entity->getGUID() . "/" . urlencode($key->tag); $taglink = elgg_view('output/url', array('text' => ' ' . $key->tag, 'href' => $url, 'title' => "{$key->tag} ({$key->total})", 'rel' => 'tag')); // get the font size for the tag (taken from elgg's own tagcloud code - not sure I love this) $size = round(log($key->total) / log($max + 0.0001) * 100) + 30; if ($size < 100) { $size = 100; } // generate the link $content .= " <a href='{$url}' style='font-size:{$size}%'>" . $key->tag . "</a> "; } } else { //show the results for the selected tag $title = elgg_echo("au_group_tag_menu:title") . "{$tag}"; $options = array('type' => 'object', 'metadata_name' => 'tags', 'metadata_value' => $tag, 'container_guid' => $entity->guid, 'full_view' => false); $content = elgg_list_entities_from_metadata($options); } //display the page if (!$content) { $content = elgg_echo('au_group_tag_menu:noresults'); } $layout = elgg_view_layout('content', array('title' => elgg_view_title($title), 'content' => $content, 'filter' => false)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $layout); break; } return true; }
/** * Setups entity interactions menu * * @param string $hook "register" * @param string $type "menu:interactions" * @param array $menu Menu * @param array $params Hook parameters * @uses $params['entity'] An entity that we are interacting with * @uses $params['active_tab'] Currently active tab, default to 'comments' * @return array */ public static function interactionsMenuSetup($hook, $type, $menu, $params) { $entity = elgg_extract('entity', $params, false); /* @var ElggEntity $entity */ if (!elgg_instanceof($entity)) { return $menu; } $active_tab = elgg_extract('active_tab', $params); // Commenting $comments_count = $entity->countComments(); $can_comment = $entity->canComment(); if ($can_comment) { $menu[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'comments', 'text' => $entity instanceof Comment ? elgg_echo('interactions:reply:create') : elgg_echo('interactions:comment:create'), 'href' => "stream/comments/{$entity->guid}", 'priority' => 200, 'data-trait' => 'comments', 'item_class' => 'interactions-action')); } if ($can_comment || $comments_count) { $menu[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'comments:badge', 'text' => elgg_view('framework/interactions/elements/badge', array('entity' => $entity, 'icon' => 'comments', 'type' => 'comments', 'count' => $comments_count)), 'href' => "stream/comments/{$entity->guid}", 'selected' => $active_tab == 'comments', 'priority' => 100, 'data-trait' => 'comments', 'item_class' => 'interactions-tab')); } if (elgg_is_active_plugin('likes')) { // Liking and unliking $likes_count = $entity->countAnnotations('likes'); $can_like = $entity->canAnnotate(0, 'likes'); $does_like = elgg_annotation_exists($entity->guid, 'likes'); if ($can_like) { $before_text = elgg_echo('interactions:likes:before'); $after_text = elgg_echo('interactions:likes:after'); $menu[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'likes', 'text' => $does_like ? $after_text : $before_text, 'href' => "action/stream/like?guid={$entity->guid}", 'is_action' => true, 'priority' => 400, 'link_class' => 'interactions-state-toggler', 'item_class' => 'interactions-action', 'data-guid' => $entity->guid, 'data-trait' => 'likes', 'data-state' => $does_like ? 'after' : 'before')); } if ($can_like || $likes_count) { $menu[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'likes:badge', 'text' => elgg_view('framework/interactions/elements/badge', array('entity' => $entity, 'icon' => 'likes', 'type' => 'likes', 'count' => $likes_count)), 'href' => "stream/likes/{$entity->guid}", 'selected' => $active_tab == 'likes', 'data-trait' => 'likes', 'priority' => 300, 'item_class' => 'interactions-tab')); } } return $menu; }
/** * * @param type $menu_name * @param array $params */ function menus_api_view_menu($menu_name, array $params = []) { $params = menus_api_prepare_params($menu_name, $params); $menu = menus_api_get_menu($menu_name, $params); $params['menu'] = menus_api_prepare_menu($menu, $params); return elgg_view('navigation/menu/default', $params); }
/** * dropzone/upload action handler * @return array */ public function handleUploads() { $subtype = get_input('subtype'); if (!$subtype) { $subtype = elgg_get_plugin_setting('default_upload_subtype', 'hypeDropzone', 'file'); } $uploads = $this->saveUploadedFiles('dropzone', ['owner_guid' => elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), 'container_guid' => get_input('container_guid') ?: ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'subtype' => $subtype, 'access_id' => ACCESS_PRIVATE, 'origin' => get_input('origin', 'dropzone')]); $output = array(); foreach ($uploads as $upload) { $messages = array(); $success = true; if ($upload->error) { $messages[] = $upload->error; $success = false; ${$guid} = false; } else { $file = $upload->file; $guid = $file->guid; $html = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => get_input('input_name', 'guids[]'), 'value' => $file->guid)); } $file_output = array('messages' => $messages, 'success' => $success, 'guid' => $guid, 'html' => $html); $output[] = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('upload:after', 'dropzone', array('upload' => $upload), $file_output); } return $output; }
/** * Output an embedded view of a URL * * @param string $hook 'format:src' * @param string $type 'embed' * @param string $return HTML * @param array $params Hook params * @return string */ function formatEmbedView($hook, $type, $return, $params) { $src = elgg_extract('src', $params); unset($params['src']); $params['href'] = $src; return elgg_view('output/card', $params); }
/** * Route page requests * * @param array $page Array of url parameters * @return bool */ function notifications_page_handler($page) { elgg_gatekeeper(); $current_user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); // default to personal notifications if (!isset($page[0])) { $page[0] = 'personal'; } if (!isset($page[1])) { forward("notifications/{$page[0]}/{$current_user->username}"); } set_input('username', $page[1]); // note: $user passed in switch ($page[0]) { case 'group': echo elgg_view('resources/notifications/groups'); break; case 'personal': echo elgg_view('resources/notifications/index'); break; default: return false; } return true; }
function view_adm_permission($entities, $vars = array(), $offset = 0, $limit = 10, $full_view = true, $listTypeToggle = true, $pagination = true) { if (!is_int($offset)) { $offset = (int) get_input('offset', 0); } // list type can be passed as request parameter $listType = get_input('list_type', 'list'); if (get_input('listtype')) { elgg_deprecated_notice("'listtype' has been deprecated by 'list_type' for lists", 1.8); $listType = get_input('listtype'); } if (is_array($vars)) { // new function $defaults = array('items' => $entities, 'list_class' => 'elgg-list-entity', 'full_view' => true, 'pagination' => true, 'list_type' => $list_type, 'list_type_toggle' => false, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => null); $vars = array_merge($defaults, $vars); } else { // old function parameters elgg_deprecated_notice("Please update your use of elgg_view_entity_list()", 1.8); $vars = array('items' => $entities, 'count' => (int) $vars, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => (int) $limit, 'full_view' => $full_view, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'list_type' => $list_type, 'list_type_toggle' => $listTypeToggle, 'list_class' => 'elgg-list-entity'); } if (!$vars["limit"] && !$vars["offset"]) { // no need for pagination if listing is unlimited $vars["pagination"] = false; } if ($vars['view_path_list']) { return elgg_view($vars['view_path_list'], $vars); } if ($vars['list_type'] != 'list') { return elgg_view('page/components/gallery', $vars); } else { return elgg_view('page/components/list', $vars); } }
/** * Messageboard dispatcher for flat message board. * Profile (and eventually group) widgets handle their own. * * URLs take the form of * User's messageboard: messageboard/owner/<username> * Y's history of posts on X's board: messageboard/owner/<X>/history/<Y> * New post: messageboard/add/<guid> (container: user or group) * Group messageboard: messageboard/group/<guid>/all (not implemented) * * @param array $page Array of page elements * @return bool */ function messageboard_page_handler($page) { switch ($page[0]) { case 'owner': //@todo if they have the widget disabled, don't allow this. $owner_name = elgg_extract(1, $page); $owner = get_user_by_username($owner_name); set_input('page_owner_guid', $owner->guid); $history = elgg_extract(2, $page); $username = elgg_extract(3, $page); if ($history && $username) { set_input('history_username', $username); } echo elgg_view('resources/messageboard/owner'); break; case 'add': $container_guid = elgg_extract(1, $page); set_input('container_guid', $container_guid); echo elgg_view('resources/messageboard/add'); break; case 'group': elgg_group_gatekeeper(); $owner_guid = elgg_extract(1, $page); set_input('page_owner_guid', $owner_guid); echo elgg_view('resources/messageboard/owner'); break; default: return false; } return true; }
public function execute() { $this->uploads = hypeApps()->uploader->handle('dropzone', array('subtype' => $this->subtype, 'container_guid' => $this->container_guid, 'access_id' => ACCESS_PRIVATE)); $output = array(); foreach ($this->uploads as $upload) { $messages = array(); $success = true; if ($upload->error) { $messages[] = $upload->error; $success = false; $guid = false; } else { $file = $upload->file; if (!$file instanceof \ElggEntity) { $messages[] = elgg_echo('dropzone:file_not_entity'); $success = false; } else { $guid = $file->getGUID(); $html = elgg_view('input/hidden', array('name' => $this->input_name, 'value' => $file->getGUID())); } } $file_output = array('messages' => $messages, 'success' => $success, 'guid' => $guid, 'html' => $html); $output[] = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('upload:after', 'dropzone', array('upload' => $upload), $file_output); } $this->result->output = json_encode($output); }
/** * Stripe related pages * * @param array $page * @param string $handler * @return boolean */ function stripe_page_handler($page, $handler) { gatekeeper(); $username = elgg_extract(0, $page, false); if ($username) { $user = get_user_by_username($username); } if (!elgg_instanceof($user) || !$user->canEdit()) { $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); forward("{$handler}/{$user->username}"); } elgg_set_context('settings'); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($user->guid); elgg_push_breadcrumb(elgg_echo('stripe:billing'), 'billing'); $context = elgg_extract(1, $page, 'cards'); $action = elgg_extract(2, $page, 'all'); $view = "stripe/pages/{$context}/{$action}"; if (elgg_view_exists($view)) { $params = array('entity' => $user, 'id' => elgg_extract(3, $page, false), 'context' => $page); $title = elgg_echo("stripe:{$context}:{$action}"); $content = elgg_view($view, $params); $sidebar = elgg_view('stripe/sidebar', $params); $filter = elgg_view("stripe/filters/{$context}/{$action}", $params); } if ($content) { if (elgg_is_xhr()) { echo $content; } else { $layout = elgg_view_layout('content', array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'sidebar' => $sidebar, 'filter' => $filter)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $layout); } return true; } return false; }
function jssor_entity_menu_setup($hook, $type, $return, $params) { if (elgg_in_context('widgets')) { return $return; } $entity = $params['entity']; $handler = elgg_extract('handler', $params, false); if ($handler != 'photos') { return $return; } if (elgg_instanceof($entity, 'object', 'image')) { $album = $entity->getContainerEntity(); $url = 'jssor/album?guid=' . $album->getGUID() . '&i=' . $entity->getGUID(); $params = array('href' => $url, 'text' => elgg_echo('jssor:gallery:view')); $text = elgg_view('output/url', $params); $options = array('name' => 'gallery_view', 'text' => $text, 'priority' => 40); $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); } if (elgg_instanceof($entity, 'object', 'album')) { $album = $entity; $offset = get_input('offset'); if ($offset) { $url = 'jssor/album?guid=' . $album->getGUID() . '&o=' . get_input('offset'); } else { $url = 'jssor/album?guid=' . $album->getGUID(); } $params = array('href' => $url, 'text' => elgg_echo('jssor:gallery:view')); $text = elgg_view('output/url', $params); $options = array('name' => 'gallery_view', 'text' => $text, 'priority' => 40); $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); } return $return; }
/** * External pages page handler * * @param array $page URL segements * @param string $handler Handler identifier * @return bool */ function expages_page_handler($page, $handler) { if ($handler == 'expages') { expages_url_forwarder($page[1]); } $type = strtolower($handler); $title = elgg_echo("expages:{$type}"); $header = elgg_view_title($title); $object = elgg_get_entities(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => $type, 'limit' => 1)); if ($object) { $content .= elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => $object[0]->description)); } else { $content .= elgg_echo("expages:notset"); } $content = elgg_view('expages/wrapper', array('content' => $content)); if (elgg_is_logged_in() || !elgg_get_config('walled_garden')) { $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column', array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); } else { elgg_load_css('elgg.walled_garden'); $body = elgg_view_layout('walled_garden', array('content' => $header . $content)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body, 'walled_garden'); } return true; }
/** * Add a like button to river actions */ function likes_river_menu_setup($hook, $type, $return, $params) { if (elgg_is_logged_in()) { $item = $params['item']; // only like group creation #3958 if ($item->type == "group" && $item->view != "river/group/create") { return $return; } // don't like users #4116 if ($item->type == "user") { return $return; } $object = $item->getObjectEntity(); if (!elgg_in_context('widgets') && $item->annotation_id == 0) { if ($object->canAnnotate(0, 'likes')) { $hasLiked = elgg_annotation_exists($object->guid, 'likes'); // Always register both. That makes it super easy to toggle with javascript $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'like', 'href' => elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url("/action/likes/add?guid={$object->guid}"), 'text' => elgg_view_icon('thumbs-up'), 'title' => elgg_echo('likes:likethis'), 'item_class' => $hasLiked ? 'hidden' : '', 'priority' => 100)); $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'unlike', 'href' => elgg_add_action_tokens_to_url("/action/likes/delete?guid={$object->guid}"), 'text' => elgg_view_icon('thumbs-up-alt'), 'title' => elgg_echo('likes:remove'), 'item_class' => $hasLiked ? '' : 'hidden', 'priority' => 100)); // likes count $count = elgg_view('likes/count', array('entity' => $object)); if ($count) { $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory(array('name' => 'likes_count', 'text' => $count, 'href' => false, 'priority' => 101)); } } } } return $return; }
function customstyle_page_handler($page) { gatekeeper(); elgg_set_context('customstyle'); elgg_set_page_owner_guid(elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()); $title = elgg_echo('customstyle'); $base_dir = elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'customstyle/pages/customstyle'; switch ($page[0]) { case 'colors': $body = elgg_view('customstyle/colors'); break; case 'background': $body = elgg_view('customstyle/background'); break; case 'personalize': $body = elgg_view('customstyle/default'); break; default: $body = elgg_view('customstyle/default'); break; } $params = array('content' => $body, 'title' => $title); $body = elgg_view_layout('one_sidebar', $params); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); return true; }
/** * External pages page handler * * @param array $page URL segements * @param string $handler Handler identifier * @return bool */ function expages_page_handler($page, $handler) { if ($handler == 'expages') { expages_url_forwarder($page[1]); } $type = strtolower($handler); $title = elgg_echo("expages:{$type}"); $header = elgg_view_title($title); $object = elgg_get_entities(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => $type, 'limit' => 1)); if ($object) { $content .= elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => $object[0]->description)); } else { $content .= elgg_echo("expages:notset"); } $content = elgg_view('expages/wrapper', array('content' => $content)); if (elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) { elgg_register_menu_item('title', array('name' => 'edit', 'text' => elgg_echo('edit'), 'href' => "admin/appearance/expages?type={$type}", 'link_class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action')); } if (elgg_is_logged_in() || !elgg_get_config('walled_garden')) { $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column', array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); } else { elgg_load_css('elgg.walled_garden'); $body = elgg_view_layout('walled_garden', array('content' => $header . $content)); echo elgg_view_page($title, $body, 'walled_garden'); } return true; }
/** * Handles embedded URLs * * @param array $page URL segments * @return boolean */ function handlePages($page) { $url = get_input('url'); $handle = get_input('handle'); $iframe = get_input('iframe', false); $site = elgg_get_site_entity(); if (!$handle) { $handle = $site->guid; } if (!$url || !$handle) { return false; } $parse = elgg_is_logged_in(); switch ($page[0]) { default: $data = $this->model->get($url, $handle, $parse); $layout = elgg_view('output/card', array('href' => $url, 'handle' => $handle)); $shell = $iframe ? 'iframe' : 'default'; echo elgg_view_page($data['title'], $layout, $shell); break; case 'json': $data = $this->model->get($url, $handle, $parse); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data); exit; } return true; }
function au_subgroups_pagehandler($page) { // dirty check to avoid duplicate page handlers // since this should only be called from the route, groups hook if (strpos(current_page_url(), elgg_get_site_url() . 'au_subgroups') === 0) { return false; } switch ($page[0]) { case 'add': set_input('au_subgroup', true); set_input('au_subgroup_parent_guid', $page[1]); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($page[1]); echo elgg_view('resources/au_subgroups/add'); return true; break; case 'list': elgg_set_page_owner_guid($page[1]); echo elgg_view('resources/au_subgroups/list'); break; case 'delete': elgg_set_page_owner_guid($page[1]); echo elgg_view('resources/au_subgroups/delete'); break; case 'openclosed': set_input('filter', $page[1]); echo elgg_view('resources/au_subgroups/openclosed'); return true; break; } return false; }
function affiche_navbar($album, $deb, $i, $Max_pictures, $fichier) { //echo "album=".$album." i=".$i." deb=".$deb; // navigation bar v1.1 $content = "<h3>"; $tab = array('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:backlist'), 'href' => "diapos", 'is_action' => false, 'text' => elgg_echo('diapos:backlist')); $content .= "[ " . elgg_view('output/url', $tab); // liste des pages accessibles $Nb_pages = (int) (count($fichier) / ($Max_pictures + 1)) + 1; for ($j = 1; $j <= $Nb_pages; $j++) { if ($deb == ($j - 1) * $Max_pictures) { $content .= " | <u>" . $j . "</u>"; } else { $tab = array('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:goto') . " " . $j, 'href' => "diapos?album=" . $album . "&deb=" . (int) (($j - 1) * $Max_pictures), 'is_action' => false, 'text' => $j); $content .= " | " . elgg_view('output/url', $tab); } } /* $tab = array ('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:first'),'href' => "diapos?album=".$album."&deb=0",'is_action' => false,'text' => elgg_echo('diapos:first') ); $content .= elgg_view('output/url', $tab)." | " ; $tab = array ('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:end'),'href' => "diapos?album=".$album."&deb=".(int)(count($fichier)/$Max_pictures)*$Max_pictures,'is_action' => false,'text' => elgg_echo('diapos:end') ); $content .= elgg_view('output/url', $tab) ; */ if ($deb > 0) { // affiche le bouton previous $tab = array('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:previous'), 'href' => "diapos?album=" . $album . "&deb=" . (string) ($deb - $Max_pictures), 'is_action' => false, 'text' => elgg_echo('diapos:previous')); $content .= " | << " . elgg_view('output/url', $tab) . " "; } // next if ($i < count($fichier) && !empty($fichier)) { // affiche le bouton next $tab = array('title' => elgg_echo('diapos:next'), 'href' => "diapos?album=" . $album . "&deb=" . (string) ($deb + $Max_pictures), 'is_action' => false, 'text' => elgg_echo('diapos:next')); $content .= " | " . elgg_view('output/url', $tab) . " >>"; } $content .= " ]</h3>"; return $content; }
function hflts_page_handler($page) { if (elgg_extract(0, $page) === 'collective') { $content = elgg_view('hflts/collective', array('nAlternativas' => $page[1], 'nCriterios' => $page[2], 'nExpertos' => $page[3], 'G' => $page[4], 'import_file' => $page[5], 'weight_file' => $page[6])); $params = array('title' => 'DM con datos de samples/set_' . $page[5] . '.csv (' . $page[6] . ')', 'content' => $content, 'filter' => ''); $body = elgg_view_layout('content', $params); echo elgg_view_page('hflts', $body); return true; } set_input('username', $page[0]); //necesario $user = elgg_get_page_owner_entity(); // ej strem $guid = elgg_get_page_owner_guid(); // id de strem //aqui es donde tengo que filtrar por guid como en $valorations = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(['type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'evaluation_content', 'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array('name' => 'user_guid', 'value' => $guid), 'limit' => $vars['entity']->num_display, 'pagination' => false, 'order_by_metadata' => ['name' => 'state', 'direction' => 'ASC', 'as' => 'text']]); if (!$valorations) { $valorations = '<p class="mtm">' . elgg_echo('evaluationcontent:none') . '</p>'; } $content = elgg_view('hflts/driver', array('valorations' => $valorations)); $params = array('title' => 'Valoraciones de ' . $user->name, 'content' => $content, 'filter' => ''); $body = elgg_view_layout('content', $params); echo elgg_view_page('hflts', $body); }
/** * Serves pages for upload and embed. * * @param $page */ function embed_page_handler($page) { if (!isset($page[0])) { $page[0] = 'embed'; } switch ($page[0]) { case 'upload': echo elgg_view('embed/upload'); break; case 'embed': default: // trigger hook to get section tabs // use views for embed/section/ // listing // item // default to embed/listing | item if not found. // @todo trigger for all right now. If we categorize these later we can trigger // for certain categories. $sections = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('embed_get_sections', 'all', NULL, array()); $upload_sections = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('embed_get_upload_sections', 'all', NULL, array()); elgg_sort_3d_array_by_value($sections, 'name'); elgg_sort_3d_array_by_value($upload_sections, 'name'); $active_section = get_input('active_section', NULL); $internal_name = get_input('internal_name', NULL); echo elgg_view('embed/embed', array('sections' => $sections, 'active_section' => $active_section, 'upload_sections' => $upload_sections, 'internal_name' => $internal_name)); break; } // exit because this is in a modal display. exit; }
/** * Profile page handler * * @param array $page Array of URL segments passed by the page handling mechanism * @return bool */ function profile_page_handler($page) { if (isset($page[0])) { $username = $page[0]; $user = get_user_by_username($username); elgg_set_page_owner_guid($user->guid); } elseif (elgg_is_logged_in()) { forward(elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity()->getURL()); } // short circuit if invalid or banned username if (!$user || $user->isBanned() && !elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) { register_error(elgg_echo('profile:notfound')); forward(); } $action = NULL; if (isset($page[1])) { $action = $page[1]; } if ($action == 'edit') { // use the core profile edit page $base_dir = elgg_get_root_path(); require "{$base_dir}pages/profile/edit.php"; return true; } $content = elgg_view('profile/layout', array('entity' => $user)); $body = elgg_view_layout('one_column', array('content' => $content)); echo elgg_view_page($user->name, $body); return true; }
/** * Add a like button to river actions */ function likes_river_menu_setup($hook, $type, $return, $params) { if (elgg_is_logged_in()) { $item = $params['item']; // only like group creation #3958 if ($item->type == "group" && $item->view != "river/group/create") { return $return; } // don't like users #4116 if ($item->type == "user") { return $return; } $object = $item->getObjectEntity(); if ($item->annotation_id == 0) { if ($object->canAnnotate(0, 'likes')) { // like button $options = array('name' => 'likes', 'href' => false, 'text' => elgg_view('likes/button', array('entity' => $object)), 'is_action' => true, 'priority' => 100); $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); // likes count $count = elgg_view('likes/count', array('entity' => $object)); if ($count) { $options = array('name' => 'likes_count', 'text' => $count, 'href' => false, 'priority' => 101); $return[] = ElggMenuItem::factory($options); } } } } return $return; }
/** * Renders a form field * * @param string $input_type Input type, used to generate an input view ("input/$input_type") * @param array $vars Fields and input vars. * Field vars contain both field and input params. 'label', 'help', * and 'field_class' params will not be passed on to the input view. * Others, including 'required' and 'id', will be available to the * input view. Both 'label' and 'help' params accept HTML, and * will be printed unescaped within their wrapper element. * @return string */ function elgg_view_input($input_type, array $vars = array()) { static $id_num; if (!elgg_view_exists("input/{$input_type}")) { return ''; } if ($input_type == 'hidden') { return elgg_view("input/{$input_type}", $vars); } $id = elgg_extract('id', $vars); if (!$id) { $id_num++; $id = "elgg-field-{$id_num}"; $vars['id'] = $id; } $vars['input_type'] = $input_type; $label = elgg_view('elements/forms/label', $vars); unset($vars['label']); $help = elgg_view('elements/forms/help', $vars); unset($vars['help']); $required = elgg_extract('required', $vars); $field_class = (array) elgg_extract('field_class', $vars, array()); unset($vars['field_class']); $input = elgg_view("elements/forms/input", $vars); return elgg_view('elements/forms/field', array('label' => $label, 'help' => $help, 'required' => $required, 'id' => $id, 'input' => $input, 'class' => $field_class, 'input_type' => $input_type)); }