コード例 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function post(ParameterBag $params)
     $user = get_entity($params->guid);
     $friend = $params->friend_uid ? $this->graph->get($params->friend_uid) : null;
     if (!$user instanceof ElggUser || !$friend instanceof ElggUser) {
         throw new GraphException("User or friend not found", HttpResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
     if (!$user->canEdit()) {
         throw new GraphException("You are not allowed to modify this user's friends list", HttpResponse::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
     if ($user->guid == $friend->guid) {
         throw new GraphException("You are trying to friend yourself", HttpResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
     if (check_entity_relationship($user->guid, 'friend', $friend->guid)) {
         throw new GraphException("Already a friend", HttpResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
     if (!add_entity_relationship($user->guid, 'friend', $friend->guid)) {
         throw new GraphException("Unable to create friendship");
     $river_id = elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/relationship/friend/create', 'action_type' => 'friend', 'subject_guid' => $user->guid, 'object_guid' => $friend->guid));
     $return = array('nodes' => array('friend' => check_entity_relationship($user->guid, 'friend', $friend->guid), 'friend_of' => check_entity_relationship($friend->guid, 'friend', $user->guid)));
     if (!empty($river_id)) {
         $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => $river_id));
         $return['nodes']['activity'] = $river ? $river[0] : $river_id;
     return $return;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Activities.php プロジェクト: Pleio/pleio_rest
  * @SWG\Get(
  *     path="/api/groups/{guid}/activities",
  *     security={{"oauth2": {"all"}}},
  *     tags={"activities"},
  *     summary="Find activities in a specific group.",
  *     description="Find the most recent activities from a specific group.",
  *     produces={"application/json"},
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="guid",
  *         in="path",
  *         description="The guid of the specific group",
  *         required=true,
  *         type="integer",
  *         @SWG\Items(type="integer")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="offset",
  *         in="query",
  *         description="Offset the results by",
  *         default=0,
  *         required=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         @SWG\Items(type="integer")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Parameter(
  *         name="limit",
  *         in="query",
  *         description="Limit the results by",
  *         default=20,
  *         required=false,
  *         type="integer",
  *         @SWG\Items(type="integer")
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response=200,
  *         description="Succesful operation.",
  *         @SWG\Schema(
  *             type="array",
  *             @SWG\Items(ref="#/definitions/Activity")
  *         ),
  *     ),
  *     @SWG\Response(
  *         response="404",
  *         description="Could not find the requested group.",
  *     )
  * )
 public function getGroup($request, $response, $args)
     $currentUser = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
     $guid = (int) $args['guid'];
     $group = get_entity($guid);
     if (!$group | !$group instanceof \ElggGroup) {
         return $response->withStatus(404);
     $params = $request->getQueryParams();
     $limit = (int) $params['limit'];
     $offset = (int) $params['offset'];
     if (!$limit | $limit < 0 | $limit > 50) {
         $limit = 20;
     $dbprefix = elgg_get_config("dbprefix");
     $options = array('offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit, 'joins' => array("JOIN {$dbprefix}entities e1 ON e1.guid = rv.object_guid"), 'wheres' => array("(e1.container_guid = {$group->guid})"));
     $entities = array();
     foreach (elgg_get_river($options) as $entity) {
         $entities[] = $this->parseActivity($entity);
     $options['count'] = true;
     $total = elgg_get_river($options);
     $handler = new \PleioRest\Services\PushNotificationHandler();
     $response = $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     return $response->write(json_encode(array('total' => $total, 'number_unread' => $handler->getContainerUnreadCount($currentUser, $group), 'entities' => $entities), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
コード例 #3
ファイル: start.php プロジェクト: amcfarlane1251/ongarde
function addTaggedWirePost($hook, $type, $params)
    global $CONFIG;
    $id = insert_data("insert into {$CONFIG->dbprefix}river " . " set type = '" . $params['type'] . "', " . " subtype = '" . $params['subtype'] . "', " . " action_type = '" . $params['action_type'] . "', " . " access_id = '" . $params['access_id'] . "', " . " view = '" . $params['view'] . "', " . " subject_guid = '" . $params['subject_guid'] . "', " . " object_guid = '" . $params['object_guid'] . "', " . " annotation_id = '" . $params['annotation_id'] . "', " . " posted = '" . $params['posted'] . "';");
    $tags = "";
    if (isset($_SESSION['role'])) {
        switch ($_SESSION['role']) {
            case "learner":
                $tags = "Learner-Apprenant";
            case "instructor":
                $tags = "Instructor-Instructeur";
            case "developer":
                $tags = "Developer-Développeur";
            case "trainingmgr":
                $tags = "trainingmgr";
        $roleTags = $_SESSION['role'];
    if ($roleTags) {
        $metaID = create_metadata($params['object_guid'], "tags", "{$tags}", "text", elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), 2, true);
    if ($id) {
        update_entity_last_action($object_guid, $posted);
        $river_items = elgg_get_river(array('id' => $id));
        if ($river_items) {
            elgg_trigger_event('created', 'river', $river_items[0]);
    return false;
コード例 #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function post(ParameterBag $params)
     $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
     $object = get_entity($params->guid);
     if (!$object || !$object->canWriteToContainer(0, 'object', 'comment')) {
         throw new GraphException("You are not allowed to comment on this object", 403);
     $comment_text = $params->comment;
     $comment = new ElggComment();
     $comment->owner_guid = $user->guid;
     $comment->container_guid = $object->guid;
     $comment->description = $comment_text;
     $comment->access_id = $object->access_id;
     if (!$comment->save()) {
         throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("generic_comment:failure"));
     // Notify if poster wasn't owner
     if ($object->owner_guid != $user->guid) {
         $owner = $object->getOwnerEntity();
         notify_user($owner->guid, $user->guid, elgg_echo('generic_comment:email:subject', array(), $owner->language), elgg_echo('generic_comment:email:body', array($object->title, $user->name, $comment->description, $comment->getURL(), $user->name, $user->getURL()), $owner->language), array('object' => $comment, 'action' => 'create'));
     $return = array('nodes' => array('comment' => $comment));
     // Add to river
     $river_id = elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/object/comment/create', 'action_type' => 'comment', 'subject_guid' => $user->guid, 'object_guid' => $comment->guid, 'target_guid' => $object->guid));
     if ($river_id) {
         $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => $river_id));
         $return['nodes']['activity'] = $river ? $river[0] : $river_id;
     return $return;
コード例 #5
function getActivityGuidPosition($guid, $context, $loginUser)
    $notFound = true;
    $offset = 0;
    while ($notFound) {
        if ($context == 'mine') {
            $options = array('distinct' => false, 'subject_guids' => $loginUser->guid, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => 1);
            $activity = elgg_get_river($options);
        } else {
            if ($context == 'friends') {
                $options = array('distinct' => false, 'relationship' => 'friend', 'relationship_guid' => $loginUser->guid, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => 1);
                $activity = elgg_get_river($options);
        if (sizeof($activity) > 0) {
            if ($activity[0]->object_guid == $guid) {
                $notFound = false;
            } else {
                $offset = $offset + 1;
        } else {
            $notFound = false;
    return $offset;
コード例 #6
ファイル: events.php プロジェクト: Pleio/pleio_rest
function pleio_rest_created_river_async($river_id)
    $ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);
    $river = elgg_get_river(array('id' => $river_id, 'site_guid' => null));
    if (count($river) === 1) {
        $river = $river[0];
        $notHandler = new \PleioRest\Services\PushNotificationHandler();
コード例 #7
ファイル: Graph.php プロジェクト: hypejunction/hypeapps
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get($uid = '')
     switch ($uid) {
         case 'me':
             $uid = "ue" . elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
         case 'site':
             $uid = "se" . elgg_get_site_entity()->guid;
     $abbr = substr($uid, 0, 2);
     switch ($abbr) {
         case 'an':
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $object = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($id);
         case 'md':
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $object = elgg_get_metadata_from_id($id);
         case 'rl':
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $object = get_relationship($id);
         case 'rv':
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => sanitize_int($id)));
             $object = $river ? $river[0] : false;
         case 'ue':
         case 'se':
         case 'oe':
         case 'ge':
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $object = get_entity($id);
             $object = get_user_by_username($uid);
             if (!$object && is_numeric($uid)) {
                 $object = get_entity($uid);
     if (!$this->isExportable($object)) {
         return false;
     return $object;
コード例 #8
ファイル: river.php プロジェクト: lorea/Hydra-dev
 * Returns river data
 * @param string $filter            filter name
 * @param array  $guids             guids of groups
 * @param int    $offset            offset
 * @param int    $limit             limit
 * @param int    $posted_time_lower lower time stamp to limit results
 * @return array|ErrorResult
function ws_pack_river_get($filter, $guids = array(), $offset = 0, $limit = 25, $posted_time_lower = 0)
    $result = false;
    $dbprefix = elgg_get_config("dbprefix");
    // default options
    $options = array("offset" => $offset, "limit" => $limit, "posted_time_lower" => $posted_time_lower, "joins" => array("JOIN " . $dbprefix . "entities sue ON rv.subject_guid = sue.guid", "JOIN " . $dbprefix . "entities obe ON rv.object_guid = obe.guid"), "wheres" => array("(sue.enabled = 'yes' AND obe.enabled = 'yes')"));
    // what to return
    switch ($filter) {
        case "mine":
            $options["subject_guid"] = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
        case "friends":
            $options["relationship_guid"] = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
            $options["relationship"] = "friend";
        case "groups":
            if (empty($guids)) {
                // get group guids
                $group_options = array("type" => "group", "relationship" => "member", "relationship_guid" => elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(), "limit" => false, "callback" => "ws_pack_row_to_guid");
                $guids = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship($group_options);
            // check if there are groups
            if (!empty($guids)) {
                $options["joins"] = array("JOIN " . $dbprefix . "entities e ON rv.object_guid = e.guid");
                $options["wheres"] = array("(rv.object_guid IN (" . implode(",", $guids) . ") OR e.container_guid IN (" . implode(",", $guids) . "))");
            } else {
                // no groups found, so make sure not to return anything
                $options = false;
        case "all":
            // list everything
    // get river items
    if ($options && ($items = elgg_get_river($options))) {
        $result = ws_pack_export_river_items($items);
    // did we get river items
    if ($result === false) {
        $result = new ErrorResult(elgg_echo("river:none"), WS_PACK_API_NO_RESULTS);
    return $result;
コード例 #9
ファイル: custom_core.php プロジェクト: smellems/wet4
function newsfeed_list_river(array $options = array())
    global $autofeed;
    $autofeed = true;
    $defaults = array('offset' => (int) max(get_input('offset', 0), 0), 'limit' => (int) max(get_input('limit', max(20, elgg_get_config('default_limit'))), 0), 'pagination' => true, 'list_class' => 'elgg-list-river', 'no_results' => '');
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    if (!$options["limit"] && !$options["offset"]) {
        // no need for pagination if listing is unlimited
        $options["pagination"] = false;
    // get the river items
    $options['count'] = false;
    $items = elgg_get_river($options);
    // get the river items count only if we need it for pagination
    if (!is_null(get_input('offset', null))) {
        $options['count'] = true;
        $count = elgg_get_river($options);
        $options['count'] = $count;
    $options['items'] = $items;
    return elgg_view('page/components/list', $options);
コード例 #10
ファイル: 2012022501.php プロジェクト: epsylon/Hydra-dev
 * Downloads the thumbnail and saves into data folder
 * @param ElggObject $item
 * @return bool
function videolist_2012022501($item)
    require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'upgrade-tools/lib/upgrade_tools.php';
    // get thumbnail image
    $thumbnail = file_get_contents($item->thumbnail);
    if (!$thumbnail) {
        return false;
    $prefix = "videolist/" . $item->guid;
    $filehandler = new ElggFile();
    $filehandler->owner_guid = $item->owner_guid;
    $filehandler->setFilename($prefix . ".jpg");
    // update properties
    if ($item->url) {
        $item->video_url = $item->url;
    if ($item->desc) {
        $item->description = $item->desc;
    if ($item->embedurl) {
    upgrade_change_subtype($item, 'videolist_item');
    // update river
    $options = array('object_guid' => $item->guid);
    $river_items = elgg_get_river($options);
    foreach ($river_items as $river_item) {
        if ($river_item->action_type == 'create') {
            upgrade_update_river($river_item->id, 'river/object/videolist_item/create', $item->guid, 0);
    return true;
コード例 #11
ファイル: 2012100501.php プロジェクト: lorea/Hydra-dev
function tasks_2012100501($task)
    require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'upgrade-tools/lib/upgrade_tools.php';
    if ($task->long_description) {
        $task->description = $task->long_description;
    if ($task->parent_guid) {
        $task->list_guid = $task->parent_guid;
    } else {
        $task->list_guid = 0;
    /* Active was set as default, so it is not indicative of which tasks are
    	really active */
    if ($task->done) {
        $task->status = 'done';
    } else {
        $task->status = 'new';
    // reset priority since old system was a mess
    $task->priority = 2;
    upgrade_change_subtype($task, 'task');
    // update river
    $options = array('object_guid' => $task->guid);
    $items = elgg_get_river($options);
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        if ($item->action_type == 'create') {
            upgrade_update_river($item->id, 'river/object/task/create', $task->guid, 0);
        } elseif (in_array($item->action_type, array('done', 'undone', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe'))) {
            elgg_delete_river(array('id' => $item->id));
    return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: group.php プロジェクト: manlui/elgg_with_rest_api
 * @param $guid
 * @param int $limit
 * @param int $offset
 * @param $username
 * @param $from_guid
 * @return array
 * @throws InvalidParameterException
function group_get_activity($guid, $limit = 20, $offset = 0, $username, $from_guid)
    if (!$username) {
        $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
        throw new InvalidParameterException('registration:usernamenotvalid');
    } else {
        $user = get_user_by_username($username);
        if (!$user) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException('registration:usernamenotvalid');
    $login_user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
    $group = get_entity($guid);
    if (!elgg_instanceof($group, 'group')) {
        $return['message'] = elgg_echo('grups:error:group_not_found');
        return $return;
    $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
    $activities = elgg_get_river(array('limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities e1 ON e1.guid = rv.object_guid", "LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}entities e2 ON e2.guid = rv.target_guid"), 'wheres' => array("(e1.container_guid = {$group->guid} OR e2.container_guid = {$group->guid})"), 'no_results' => elgg_echo('groups:activity:none')));
    $handle = getRiverActivity($activities, $user, $login_user);
    return $handle;
コード例 #13
ファイル: river.php プロジェクト: n8b/VMN
        $page_filter = 'mine';
        $options['subject_guid'] = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
    case 'friends':
        $title = elgg_echo('river:friends');
        $page_filter = 'friends';
        $options['relationship_guid'] = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
        $options['relationship'] = 'friend';
        $title = elgg_echo('river:all');
        $page_filter = 'all';
$options['count'] = true;
$count = elgg_get_river($options);
$options['count'] = false;
$options['pagination'] = false;
$options['offset'] = 0;
if (elgg_get_config('default_limit')) {
    $options['limit'] = elgg_get_config('default_limit');
} else {
    $options['limit'] = 5;
$script_text = '<script type="text/javascript"> 
		var options = ' . json_encode($options) . '; 
		var numactivities = ' . $count . '; 
$activity = '<div id="river_auto_update_activity">';
$activity .= elgg_list_river($options);
if (!$activity) {
コード例 #14
ファイル: river.php プロジェクト: ramkameswaran/gcconnex
 * List river items
 * @param array $options Any options from elgg_get_river() plus:
 *   pagination => BOOL Display pagination links (true)
 *   no_results => STR Message to display if no items
 * @return string
 * @since 1.8.0
function elgg_list_river(array $options = array())
    global $autofeed;
    $autofeed = true;
    $defaults = array('offset' => (int) max(get_input('offset', 0), 0), 'limit' => (int) max(get_input('limit', 20), 0), 'pagination' => true, 'list_class' => 'elgg-list-river', 'no_results' => '');
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    if (!$options["limit"] && !$options["offset"]) {
        // no need for pagination if listing is unlimited
        $options["pagination"] = false;
    $options['count'] = true;
    $count = elgg_get_river($options);
    if ($count > 0) {
        $options['count'] = false;
        $items = elgg_get_river($options);
    } else {
        $items = array();
    $options['count'] = $count;
    $options['items'] = $items;
    return elgg_view('page/components/list', $options);
コード例 #15
ファイル: 2013121301.php プロジェクト: pingwangcs/51zhaohu
// End of Update PART 2/4
// Begin of Update PART 3/4:
// Check for album comments without a river entry and delete them (for each comment made on the activity page
// on an image upload a second comment annotation was created with Tidypics 1.8.1betaXX that showed up on the
// corresponding album page while the first comment annotation was only visible below the river entry on the
// activity page. This second comment annotation is now no longer necessary and should be removed to avoid
// comments appearing twice on album pages)
// ATTENTION: this part of the upgrade script will remove ALL album comment annotations that don't a corresponding
// river entry. If you removed the river entries by any means or prevented them from getting created in the first
// place you might not want this part of the upgrade to be executed. Then you should comment out part 3 of the upgrade
// But you will most likely end with double comments on album pages then.
$batch = new ElggBatch('elgg_get_annotations', array('annotation_name' => 'generic_comment', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities te ON te.guid = n_table.entity_guid"), 'wheres' => array("te.subtype = {$tidypics_album_subtype_id}"), 'limit' => false));
foreach ($batch as $album_comment) {
    $river_entry_count = elgg_get_river(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'album', 'action_type' => 'comment', 'annotation_id' => $album_comment->id, 'count' => true));
    if ($river_entry_count < 1) {
// End of Update Part 3/4
// Begin of Update Part 4/4
// Update likes made to Tidypics batches and assign them either to the image uploaded (if only one) or the album
$batch = new ElggBatch('elgg_get_annotations', array('annotation_name' => 'likes', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities te ON te.guid = n_table.entity_guid"), 'wheres' => array("te.subtype = {$tidypics_batch_subtype_id}"), 'limit' => false));
foreach ($batch as $like_entry) {
    // Get the batch entity
    $tidypics_batch = get_entity($like_entry->entity_guid);
    // Get images related to this batch
    $images = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array('relationship' => 'belongs_to_batch', 'relationship_guid' => $tidypics_batch->getGUID(), 'inverse_relationship' => true, 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'image', 'limit' => false));
    // move the like to the album if more than a single image was uploaded in this batch
コード例 #16
ファイル: RiverItem.php プロジェクト: hypejunction/hypegraph
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function get(ParameterBag $params)
     $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => sanitize_int($params->id)));
     return array('nodes' => array($river[0]));
コード例 #17
ファイル: Group.php プロジェクト: hypejunction/hypegraph
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function put(ParameterBag $params)
     hypeGraph()->logger->vardump('params', $params);
     $user = isset($params->owner_guid) && $params->owner_guid ? get_entity($params->owner_guid) : elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
     $group_guid = isset($params->guid) ? $params->guid : 0;
     // allows us to recycle this method from SiteGroups controller
     $is_new_group = $group_guid == 0;
     if ($is_new_group && elgg_get_plugin_setting('limited_groups', 'groups') == 'yes' && !$user->isAdmin()) {
         throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("groups:cantcreate"), 403);
     $group = $group_guid ? get_entity($group_guid) : new ElggGroup();
     if (elgg_instanceof($group, "group") && !$group->canEdit()) {
         throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("groups:cantedit"), 403);
     if (!$is_new_group) {
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             if ($value === null) {
                 $params->{$key} = $group->{$key};
     $input = array();
     foreach (elgg_get_config('group') as $shortname => $valuetype) {
         $input[$shortname] = $params->{$shortname};
         if (is_array($input[$shortname])) {
             array_walk_recursive($input[$shortname], function (&$v) {
                 $v = _elgg_html_decode($v);
         } else {
             $input[$shortname] = _elgg_html_decode($input[$shortname]);
         if ($valuetype == 'tags') {
             $input[$shortname] = string_to_tag_array($input[$shortname]);
     $input = array_filter($input);
     $input['name'] = htmlspecialchars(get_input('name', '', false), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     // Assume we can edit or this is a new group
     if (sizeof($input) > 0) {
         foreach ($input as $shortname => $value) {
             // update access collection name if group name changes
             if (!$is_new_group && $shortname == 'name' && $value != $group->name) {
                 $group_name = html_entity_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                 $ac_name = sanitize_string(elgg_echo('groups:group') . ": " . $group_name);
                 $acl = get_access_collection($group->group_acl);
                 if ($acl) {
                     // @todo Elgg api does not support updating access collection name
                     $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
                     $query = "UPDATE {$db_prefix}access_collections SET name = '{$ac_name}'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = {$group->group_acl}";
             if ($value === '') {
                 // The group profile displays all profile fields that have a value.
                 // We don't want to display fields with empty string value, so we
                 // remove the metadata completely.
             $group->{$shortname} = $value;
     // Validate create
     if (!$group->name) {
         throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("groups:notitle"), 400);
     // Set group tool options
     $tool_options = elgg_get_config('group_tool_options');
     if ($tool_options) {
         foreach ($tool_options as $group_option) {
             $option_toggle_name = $group_option->name . "_enable";
             $option_default = $group->{$option_toggle_name} ?: $group_option->default_on ? 'yes' : 'no';
             $group->{$option_toggle_name} = $params->{$option_toggle_name} ?: $option_default;
     // Group membership - should these be treated with same constants as access permissions?
     $is_public_membership = (int) $params->membership == ACCESS_PUBLIC;
     $group->membership = $is_public_membership ? ACCESS_PUBLIC : ACCESS_PRIVATE;
     if ($is_new_group) {
         $group->owner_guid = $user->guid;
         $group->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
     if ($is_new_group) {
         // if new group, we need to save so group acl gets set in event handler
         if (!$group->save()) {
             throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("groups:save_error"));
     if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('hidden_groups', 'groups') == 'yes') {
         $visibility = (int) $params->vis;
         if ($visibility == ACCESS_PRIVATE) {
             // Make this group visible only to group members. We need to use
             // ACCESS_PRIVATE on the form and convert it to group_acl here
             // because new groups do not have acl until they have been saved once.
             $visibility = $group->group_acl;
             // Force all new group content to be available only to members
         $group->access_id = $visibility;
     if (!$group->save()) {
         throw new GraphException(elgg_echo("groups:save_error"));
     $river_id = false;
     if ($is_new_group) {
         $river_id = elgg_create_river_item(array('view' => 'river/group/create', 'action_type' => 'create', 'subject_guid' => $user->guid, 'object_guid' => $group->guid));
     $return = array('nodes' => array('group' => $group));
     if ($river_id) {
         $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => $river_id));
         $return['nodes']['activity'] = $river ? $river[0] : $river_id;
     return $return;
コード例 #18
ファイル: river.php プロジェクト: rcolomoc/Master-Red-Social
 * List river items
 * @param array $options Any options from elgg_get_river() plus:
 * 	 pagination => BOOL Display pagination links (true)
 * @return string
 * @since 1.8.0
function elgg_list_river(array $options = array())
    global $autofeed;
    $autofeed = true;
    $defaults = array('offset' => (int) max(get_input('offset', 0), 0), 'limit' => (int) max(get_input('limit', 20), 0), 'pagination' => TRUE, 'list_class' => 'elgg-list-river elgg-river');
    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $options['count'] = TRUE;
    $count = elgg_get_river($options);
    $options['count'] = FALSE;
    $items = elgg_get_river($options);
    $options['count'] = $count;
    $options['items'] = $items;
    return elgg_view('page/components/list', $options);
コード例 #19
ファイル: methods.php プロジェクト: appstaat/pleio_api
function pleio_api_get_activity($group_id = 0, $offset = 0)
    $offset = intval($offset);
    $group_id = intval($group_id);
    $joins = array();
    $wheres = array();
    if ($group_id) {
        $joins[] = sprintf(" JOIN %sentities e ON e.guid = rv.object_guid ", get_config("dbprefix"));
    if ($group_id) {
        $wheres[] = " (e.container_guid = {$group_id} OR e.guid = {$group_id}) ";
    $total = elgg_get_river(array("count" => true, "joins" => $joins, "wheres" => $wheres));
    $rivers = elgg_get_river(array("offset" => $offset, "joins" => $joins, "wheres" => $wheres));
    $list = array();
    foreach ($rivers as $item) {
        $river = pleio_api_format_activity($item);
        if ($river) {
            $list[] = $river;
    return array("total" => $total, "list" => $list, "offset" => $offset);
コード例 #20
  * Get river item
  * @return ElggRiverItem|false
 public function getRiverItem()
     $id = $this->river_id;
     $items = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => $id, 'limit' => 1));
     return is_array($items) && count($items) ? $items[0] : false;
コード例 #21
ファイル: river.php プロジェクト: amcfarlane1251/portal

 * Shows the activity of your friends in the Digest
$user = elgg_extract("user", $vars, elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity());
$ts_lower = (int) elgg_extract("ts_lower", $vars);
$ts_upper = (int) elgg_extract("ts_upper", $vars);
$river_options = array("relationship" => "friend", "relationship_guid" => $user->getGUID(), "limit" => 5, "posted_time_lower" => $ts_lower, "posted_time_upper" => $ts_upper, "pagination" => false, "href" => 'none');
if ($vars['email']) {
    if ($river_items = elgg_get_river($river_options)) {
        $title = "<h2 class='email'>" . elgg_echo("river:friends") . "</h2>";
        $title .= "<h5 class='email'>To view your colleagues activity visit " . elgg_get_site_url() . "activity/friends/" . $user->username . "</h5>";
        echo $title;
        $summary = "<div class='email-section'>";
        foreach ($river_items as $item) {
            $summary .= "<p>" . get_river_item_summary($item) . "</p>";
        $summary .= "</div>";
        echo $summary;
} else {
    if ($river_items = elgg_list_river($river_options)) {
        $title = elgg_view("output/url", array("text" => elgg_echo("river:friends")));
        $title .= "<h5>To view your colleagues activity visit " . elgg_get_site_url() . "activity/friends/" . $user->username . "</h5>";
        echo elgg_view_module("digest", $title, $river_items);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Graph.php プロジェクト: hypejunction/hypegraph
  * Returns a node from it's uid
  * @param string $uid UID of the resource
  * @return mixed
 public function get($uid = '')
     switch ($uid) {
         case 'me':
             $uid = "ue" . elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid();
         case 'site':
             $uid = "se" . elgg_get_site_entity()->guid;
     if (substr($uid, 0, 2) == 'an') {
         $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
         $node = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($id);
     } else {
         if (substr($uid, 0, 2) == 'md') {
             $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
             $node = elgg_get_metadata_from_id($id);
         } else {
             if (substr($uid, 0, 2) == 'rl') {
                 $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
                 $node = get_relationship($id);
             } else {
                 if (substr($uid, 0, 2) == 'rv') {
                     $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
                     $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => sanitize_int($id)));
                     $node = $river ? $river[0] : false;
                 } else {
                     if (in_array(substr($uid, 0, 2), array('ue', 'se', 'oe', 'ge'))) {
                         $id = (int) substr($uid, 2);
                         $node = get_entity($id);
                     } else {
                         if (is_numeric($uid)) {
                             $node = get_entity($uid);
                         } else {
                             $node = get_user_by_username($uid);
     if (!$this->isExportable($node)) {
         return false;
     return $node;
コード例 #23

 * Elgg ajax edit comment form
 * @package Elgg
 * @subpackage Core
$river_guid = get_input('guid');
$guid_string = get_input('guid_string');
if ($guid_string) {
    $river_guids = explode('_', $guid_string);
    $river_guid = '';
    foreach ($river_guids as $river_guid_tmp) {
        $river_guid = empty($river_guid) ? $river_guid_tmp : $river_guid . ',' . $river_guid_tmp;
        $river_items = elgg_get_river(array('id' => $river_guid_tmp));
        $thewire = $river_items[0]->getObjectEntity();
        $guid = empty($guid) ? $thewire->getGuid() : $guid . ',' . $thewire->getGuid();
        $container_guid = empty($container_guid) ? $thewire->getContainerGuid() : $container_guid . ',' . $thewire->getContainerGuid();
} else {
    $river_items = elgg_get_river(array('id' => $river_guid));
    $thewire = $river_items[0]->getObjectEntity();
    $guid = $thewire->getGuid();
    $container_guid = $thewire->getContainerGUID();
$form_vars = array('class' => 'hidden mvl', 'id' => "elgg-form-gc_wire-save-{$river_guid}");
$body_vars = array('guid' => $guid, 'container_guid' => $container_guid, 'river_guid' => $river_guid, 'thewire' => $thewire);
echo '<div>' . elgg_view_form('compound/add', $form_vars, $body_vars) . '</div>';
コード例 #24
ファイル: ElggCoreRiverAPITest.php プロジェクト: ibou77/elgg
 public function testElggRiverDisableEnable()
     $user = new \ElggUser();
     $entity = new \ElggObject();
     $params = array('view' => 'river/relationship/friend/create', 'action_type' => 'create', 'subject_guid' => $user->guid, 'object_guid' => $entity->guid);
     $id = elgg_create_river_item($params);
     $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => array($id)));
     $this->assertIdentical($river[0]->enabled, 'yes');
     // should no longer be able to get the river
     $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => array($id)));
     $this->assertIdentical($river, array());
     // renabling the user should re-enable the river
     $river = elgg_get_river(array('ids' => array($id)));
     $this->assertIdentical($river[0]->enabled, 'yes');
コード例 #25
ファイル: start.php プロジェクト: amcfarlane1251/ongarde
* Ajaxmodule page handler
* @param array $page From the page_handler function
* @return true|false Depending on success
function ajaxmodule_page_handler($page)
    switch ($page[0]) {
        case 'load_activity_ping':
            // check for last checked time
            if (!($seconds_passed = get_input('seconds_passed', 0))) {
                echo '';
            $last_reload = time() - $seconds_passed;
            // Get current count of entries
            $current_count = elgg_get_river(array('count' => TRUE));
            // Get the count at the last reload
            $last_count = elgg_get_river(array('count' => TRUE, 'posted_time_upper' => $last_reload));
            if ($current_count > $last_count) {
                $count = $current_count - $last_count;
                $s = $count == 1 ? '' : 's';
                $link = "<a id='refresh-river-module' href='#' class='update_link'>{$count} update{$s}!</a>";
                $page_title = "[{$count} update{$s}] ";
                echo json_encode(array('count' => $count, 'link' => $link));
        case 'loadriver':
            // River options
            $options['ids'] = get_input('ids');
            $options['subject_guids'] = json_decode(get_input('subject_guids'));
            $options['object_guids'] = json_decode(get_input('object_guids'));
            $options['annotation_ids'] = json_decode(get_input('annotation_ids'));
            $options['action_types'] = json_decode(get_input('action_types'));
            $options['posted_time_lower'] = get_input('posted_time_lower');
            $options['posted_time_upper'] = get_input('posted_time_upper');
            $options['types'] = get_input('types');
            $options['subtypes'] = get_input('subtypes');
            $options['type_subtype_pairs'] = json_decode(get_input('type_subtype_pairs'));
            $options['relationship'] = get_input('relationship');
            $options['relationship_guid'] = get_input('relationship_guid');
            $options['inverse_relationship'] = get_input('inverse_relationship');
            $options['limit'] = get_input('limit', 15);
            $options['offset'] = get_input('offset', 0);
            $options['count'] = get_input('count');
            $options['order_by'] = get_input('order_by');
            $options['group_by'] = get_input('group_by');
            // Remove empty options
            foreach ($options as $key => $option) {
                if ($option === NULL || empty($options)) {
            $options = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('get_options', 'river', '', $options);
            // Display river
            $river = elgg_list_river($options);
            if (!$river) {
                echo "<div style='font-weight: bold; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #aaa; width: 100%; text-align: center;'>" . elgg_echo('river:none') . "</div>";
            } else {
                //echo $river;
                echo elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('output', 'page', array(), $river);
        case 'loadentities':
            // Entity options
            $options['container_guid'] = get_input('container_guid');
            $options['tag'] = get_input('tag', false);
            $options['tags'] = json_decode(get_input('tags', false));
            $options['types'] = json_decode(get_input('types'));
            $options['subtypes'] = json_decode(get_input('subtypes'));
            $options['limit'] = get_input('limit', 10);
            $options['offset'] = get_input('offset', 0);
            $options['owner_guids'] = json_decode(get_input('owner_guids'));
            $options['created_time_upper'] = get_input('created_time_upper');
            $options['created_time_lower'] = get_input('created_time_lower');
            $options['count'] = get_input('count', FALSE);
            // Store access status
            $access_status = access_get_show_hidden_status();
            // Check if bypassing hidden entities
            if (get_input('access_show_hidden_entities')) {
                // Override
            // Set 'listing type' for new simple listing if supplied
            if ($listing_type = get_input('listing_type', FALSE)) {
                set_input('ajaxmodule_listing_type', $listing_type);
            // Make sure container guid isn't empty
            $options['container_guid'] = !empty($options['container_guid']) ? $options['container_guid'] : ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE;
            if (get_input('restrict_tag')) {
                // Grab content with supplied tags ONLY
                $options['type'] = 'object';
                $options['full_view'] = FALSE;
                // Multiple tags
                if ($options['tags']) {
                    foreach ($options['tags'] as $tag) {
                        $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'][] = array('name' => 'tags', 'value' => $tag, 'operand' => '=', 'case_sensitive' => FALSE);
                } else {
                    // Just one
                    $options['metadata_name_value_pairs'] = array(array('name' => 'tags', 'value' => $options['tag'], 'operand' => '=', 'case_sensitive' => FALSE));
                // Let plugins decide if we want to check the container of the container as well (ie photos)
                if ($options['container_guid'] && elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('check_parent_container', 'modules', $options['subtypes'], FALSE)) {
                    $dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
                    $cont = sanitise_int($options['container_guid']);
                    $options['joins'][] = "JOIN {$dbprefix}entities container_e on e.container_guid = container_e.guid";
                    $options['wheres'][] = "(e.container_guid in ({$cont}) OR container_e.container_guid in ({$cont}))";
                if ($options['count']) {
                    $entities = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options);
                    echo $entities;
                } else {
                    $content = elgg_list_entities_from_metadata($options);
            } else {
                if (get_input('albums_images')) {
                    // Grab photos with tag, including photos in albums with tag
                    $options['full_view'] = FALSE;
                    $options['list_type'] = 'gallery';
                    $content = elgg_list_entities($options, 'am_get_entities_from_tag_and_container_tag');
                } else {
                    if (!get_input('restrict_tag') && $options['container_guid'] != ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE) {
                        // Container supplied, and not restricting tags
                        $options['full_view'] = FALSE;
                        $content = elgg_list_entities($options);
                    } else {
                        // Default to container or tag
                        $content = am_list_entities_by_container_or_tag($options);
            // Display friendly message if there is no content
            if (!$content) {
                echo "<div style='width: 100%; text-align: center; margin: 10px;'><strong>No results</strong></div>";
            } else {
                echo $content;
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
コード例 #26
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: pleio/theme_eersel
 * Get the activity count since last action of the previous login of the user
 * @param ElggGroup $group the group to check for
 * @return false|int
function theme_eersel_get_group_activity_count(ElggGroup $group)
    if (!$group instanceof ElggGroup) {
        return false;
    if (!elgg_is_logged_in() || empty($_SESSION['theme_eersel_activity_last_action'])) {
        return false;
    if (!is_array($_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'])) {
        $_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'] = [];
    if (isset($_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'][$group->getGUID()])) {
        return $_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'][$group->getGUID()];
    // get river activity since last action of user
    $dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix');
    $options = ['count' => true, 'joins' => ["JOIN {$dbprefix}entities oe ON rv.object_guid = oe.guid"], 'wheres' => ["(rv.object_guid = {$group->getGUID()} || oe.container_guid = {$group->getGUID()})"], 'posted_time_lower' => (int) $_SESSION['theme_eersel_activity_last_action']];
    $_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'][$group->getGUID()] = elgg_get_river($options);
    return $_SESSION['theme_eersel_group_activity_counter'][$group->getGUID()];
コード例 #27
ファイル: 2012100501.php プロジェクト: xingcuntian/threads
function threads_groupforumpost_2012100501($post)
    require_once elgg_get_plugins_path() . 'upgrade-tools/lib/upgrade_tools.php';
    global $MIGRATED;
    $MIGRATED += 1;
    if ($MIGRATED % 100 == 0) {
        error_log("post {$post->guid}");
    // get content from annotations and copy into description
    $annotations = $post->getAnnotations('group_topic_post');
    foreach ($annotations as $annotation) {
        if ($annotation->value) {
            $post->description = $annotation->value;
    // fix relationships
    $topic = current($post->getEntitiesFromRelationship('group_discussion_top_level_post', true));
    if ($topic) {
        // top level post
        $topic->removeRelationship($post->guid, 'group_discussion_top_level_post');
        $parent = $topic;
    } else {
        // reply
        $topic = current($post->getEntitiesFromRelationship('group_discussion_topic_link', true));
        $parent = current($post->getEntitiesFromRelationship('group_discussion_reply_post', true));
        if ($topic) {
            $topic->removeRelationship($post->guid, 'group_discussion_topic_link');
        if ($parent) {
            $parent->removeRelationship($post->guid, 'group_discussion_reply_post');
    if ($parent) {
        $post->addRelationship($parent->guid, 'parent');
    if ($topic) {
        $post->addRelationship($topic->guid, 'top');
    upgrade_change_subtype($post, 'topicreply');
    // update river
    $options = array('object_guid' => $post->guid);
    $items = elgg_get_river($options);
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        upgrade_update_river($item->id, 'river/forum/create', $topic->guid, $post->guid);
    return true;
コード例 #28
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: manlui/elgg_with_rest_api
function getRiverGuidPosition($guid)
    $notFound = true;
    $offset = 0;
    while ($notFound) {
        $options = array('distinct' => false, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => 1);
        $activity = elgg_get_river($options);
        if (sizeof($activity) > 0) {
            if ($activity[0]->object_guid == $guid) {
                $notFound = false;
            } else {
                $offset = $offset + 1;
        } else {
            $notFound = false;
    return $offset;
コード例 #29
 * Retrieves items from the river. All parameters are optional.
 * @param int|array $subject_guid         Acting entity to restrict to. Default: all
 * @param int|array $object_guid          Entity being acted on to restrict to. Default: all
 * @param string    $subject_relationship If set to a relationship type, this will use
 * 	                                      $subject_guid as the starting point and set the
 *                                        subjects to be all users this
 *                                        entity has this relationship with (eg 'friend').
 *                                        Default: blank
 * @param string    $type                 The type of entity to restrict to. Default: all
 * @param string    $subtype              The subtype of entity to restrict to. Default: all
 * @param string    $action_type          The type of river action to restrict to. Default: all
 * @param int       $limit                The number of items to retrieve. Default: 20
 * @param int       $offset               The page offset. Default: 0
 * @param int       $posted_min           The minimum time period to look at. Default: none
 * @param int       $posted_max           The maximum time period to look at. Default: none
 * @return array|false Depending on success
 * @deprecated 1.8 Use elgg_get_river()
function get_river_items($subject_guid = 0, $object_guid = 0, $subject_relationship = '', $type = '', $subtype = '', $action_type = '', $limit = 20, $offset = 0, $posted_min = 0, $posted_max = 0)
    elgg_deprecated_notice("get_river_items deprecated by elgg_get_river", 1.8);
    $options = array();
    if ($subject_guid) {
        $options['subject_guid'] = $subject_guid;
    if ($object_guid) {
        $options['object_guid'] = $object_guid;
    if ($subject_relationship) {
        $options['relationship'] = $subject_relationship;
        $options['relationship_guid'] = $subject_guid;
    if ($type) {
        $options['type'] = $type;
    if ($subtype) {
        $options['subtype'] = $subtype;
    if ($action_type) {
        $options['action_type'] = $action_type;
    $options['limit'] = $limit;
    $options['offset'] = $offset;
    if ($posted_min) {
        $options['posted_time_lower'] = $posted_min;
    if ($posted_max) {
        $options['posted_time_upper'] = $posted_max;
    return elgg_get_river($options);
コード例 #30
ファイル: 2014040201.php プロジェクト: lorea/Hydra-dev
// End of Update PART 3/5
// Begin of Update PART 4/5:
// Check for album comments without a river entry and delete them (for each comment made on the activity page
// on an image upload a second comment annotation (on Elgg 1.9 it has been converted to an entity) was created
// with Tidypics 1.8.1betaXX that showed up on the corresponding album page while the first comment annotation
// was only visible below the river entry on the activity page. This second comment annotation is now no longer
// necessary and should be removed to avoid comments appearing twice on album pages)
// ATTENTION: this part of the upgrade script will remove ALL album comment entities (formerly annotations on Elgg 1.9)
// that don't a corresponding river entry. If you removed the river entries by any means or prevented them from getting
// created in the first place you might not want this part of the upgrade to be executed. Then you should comment out part 4
// of the upgrade. But you will most likely end with double comments on album pages then.
$batch = new ElggBatch('elgg_get_entities', array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'comment', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities al ON al.guid = e.container_guid"), 'wheres' => array("al.subtype = {$album_subtype_id}"), 'limit' => false));
foreach ($batch as $album_comment) {
    $river_entry_count = elgg_get_river(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'comment', 'action_type' => 'comment', 'object_guid' => $album_comment->guid, 'target_guid' => $album_comment->container_guid, 'count' => true));
    if ($river_entry_count < 1) {
// End of Update Part 4/5
// Begin of Update Part 5/5
// Update likes made to Tidypics batches and assign them either to the image uploaded (if only one) or the album
$batch = new ElggBatch('elgg_get_annotations', array('annotation_name' => 'likes', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities li ON li.guid = n_table.entity_guid"), 'wheres' => array("li.subtype = {$tidypics_batch_subtype_id}"), 'limit' => false));
foreach ($batch as $like_entry) {
    // Get the batch entity
    $tidypics_batch = get_entity($like_entry->entity_guid);
    // Get images related to this batch
    $images = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array('relationship' => 'belongs_to_batch', 'relationship_guid' => $tidypics_batch->getGUID(), 'inverse_relationship' => true, 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'image', 'limit' => false));
    // move the like to the album if more than a single image was uploaded in this batch
    if (count($images) > 1) {