function edit() { global $sess, $title, $level, $description, $int_node, $thisnode, $glob_language; if (is_trail($title)) { $title = $title . "/"; } if (level_count($title) > 0) { include "directory/edit/err_invalidslash.html"; } else { $obj['name'] = parent_path($thisnode['path']) . $title; $obj['name'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $obj['name']); $obj['level'] = $level; $obj['description'] = $description; $obj['useraccess'] = 0; $obj['friendaccess'] = 0; $obj['owner'] = ''; $obj['language'] = $glob_language; $intid = path2id_ex($int_node, 1); $obj['intnode'] = $intid != -1 ? $intid : ""; if ($obj['name'] != $thisnode['path']) { sub_rename($thisnode['path'], $obj['name']); } edit_object($thisnode['id'], $obj); // die("Fertig: ".$obj['name']); header("Location: " . $sess->url($obj['name'])); } }
function edit(&$nodeinfo, $description, $title, $pass_lang_check = false, $act_as_admin = false) { global $sess, $auth, $glob_language_name, $glob_language; $testnode = get_node_info((string) parent_path($nodeinfo['path']) . $title); if (!defined("SPELLING_INC")) { include "commonapi/"; } if (!defined("DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATION_INC")) { } include "messages/"; $predef['title'] = $title; $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title); $predef['description'] = $description; if (strstr($title, '/')) { editform($predef, "err_invalidslash.html"); exit; } elseif ($title == "") { editform($predef, "err_notitle.html"); exit; } elseif ($description == "") { editform($predef, "err_nodesc.html"); exit; } elseif ($testnode != -1 and $nodeinfo['id'] != $testnode['id']) { editform($predef, "err_object_exists.html"); exit; } elseif (!check_language($description, $glob_language_name) and !$pass_lang_check) { lang_query($kat, $title, $description, $nodeinfo['id'], $act_as_admin); } else { $obj['name'] = parent_path($nodeinfo['path']) . $title; $obj['description'] = $description; $obj['useraccess'] = $nodeinfo['useraccess']; $obj['friendaccess'] = $nodeinfo['friendaccess']; $obj['userid'] = $nodeinfo['userid']; $obj['level'] = level_count($obj['name']); $obj['language'] = $glob_language; edit_object($nodeinfo['id'], $obj); $obj['id'] = $nodeinfo['id']; if ($act_as_admin) { send_admin_notification($obj, LTMSG_TRAILCHG); } //TODO: add reason //else // send_notification($obj, $auth->auth['uname'], LTMSG_TRAILCHG, !($auth->auth['uid'] == $obj['owner'])); //don't send if I delete my own trail Header("Location: " . $sess->url(build_good_url($obj['name']) . "?reloadparent=1")); exit; } }