コード例 #1
 * Calculates the total amount spent by a user
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.3
 * @param       $user mixed - ID or email
 * @return      float - the total amount the user has spent
function edd_purchase_total_of_user($user = null)
    global $wpdb;
    $mode = edd_is_test_mode() ? 'test' : 'live';
    $stats = edd_get_purchase_stats_by_user($user, $mode);
    return $stats['total_spent'];
コード例 #2
  * Get the Export Data
  * @access public
  * @since 1.4.4
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @global object $edd_logs EDD Logs Object
  * @return array $data The data for the CSV file
 public function get_data()
     global $wpdb;
     $data = array();
     if (!empty($_POST['edd_export_download'])) {
         // Export customers of a specific product
         global $edd_logs;
         $args = array('post_parent' => absint($_POST['edd_export_download']), 'log_type' => 'sale', 'nopaging' => true);
         $logs = $edd_logs->get_connected_logs($args);
         if ($logs) {
             foreach ($logs as $log) {
                 $payment_id = get_post_meta($log->ID, '_edd_log_payment_id', true);
                 $email = edd_get_payment_user_email($payment_id);
                 $wp_user = get_user_by('email', $email);
                 $data[] = array('name' => $wp_user ? $wp_user->display_name : __('Guest', 'edd'), 'email' => $email, 'date' => $log->post_date);
     } else {
         // Export all customers
         $emails = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' ");
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($emails as $email) {
             if ('emails' != $_POST['edd_export_option']) {
                 $wp_user = get_user_by('email', $email);
                 $data[$i]['name'] = $wp_user ? $wp_user->display_name : __('Guest', 'edd');
             $data[$i]['email'] = $email;
             if ('full' == $_POST['edd_export_option']) {
                 $stats = edd_get_purchase_stats_by_user($email);
                 $data[$i]['purchases'] = $stats['purchases'];
                 $data[$i]['amount'] = edd_format_amount($stats['total_spent']);
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data', $data);
     $data = apply_filters('edd_export_get_data_' . $this->export_type, $data);
     return $data;
コード例 #3
 * Calculates the total amount spent by a user
 * @access      public
 * @since       1.3
 * @param       $user mixed - ID or email
 * @return      float - the total amount the user has spent
function edd_purchase_total_of_user($user = null)
    $stats = edd_get_purchase_stats_by_user($user);
    return $stats['total_spent'];
  * Build all the reports data
  * @access public
  * @since 1.5
  * @global object $wpdb Used to query the database using the WordPress
  *   Database API
  * @return array $reports_data All the data for customer reports
 public function reports_data()
     global $wpdb;
     $reports_data = array();
     $paged = $this->get_paged();
     $offset = $this->per_page * ($paged - 1);
     $customers = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_edd_payment_user_email' ORDER BY meta_id DESC LIMIT {$this->per_page} OFFSET {$offset}");
     if ($customers) {
         foreach ($customers as $customer_email) {
             $wp_user = get_user_by('email', $customer_email);
             $user_id = $wp_user ? $wp_user->ID : 0;
             $mode = edd_is_test_mode() ? 'test' : 'live';
             $stats = edd_get_purchase_stats_by_user($customer_email, $mode);
             $reports_data[] = array('ID' => $user_id, 'name' => $wp_user ? $wp_user->display_name : __('Guest', 'edd'), 'email' => $customer_email, 'num_purchases' => $stats['purchases'], 'amount_spent' => $stats['total_spent'], 'file_downloads' => edd_count_file_downloads_of_user(!empty($user_id) ? $user_id : $customer_email));
     return $reports_data;