コード例 #1
                // Skip this item if can't view it

            if (empty($item['in_bundle'])) {

                $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
                $download_files = edd_get_download_files($item['id'], $price_id);

						<div class="edd_purchase_receipt_product_name">
                echo esc_html($item['name']);
                if (!is_null($price_id)) {
							<span class="edd_purchase_receipt_price_name">&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;<?php 
                    echo edd_get_price_option_name($item['id'], $price_id, $payment->ID);
コード例 #2
 * Email template tag: file_urls
 * A plain-text list of download URLs for each download purchased
 * @param int $payment_id
 * @return string $file_urls
function edd_email_tag_file_urls($payment_id)
    $payment_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
    $file_urls = '';
    $cart_items = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    $email = edd_get_payment_user_email($payment_id);
    foreach ($cart_items as $item) {
        $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
        $files = edd_get_download_files($item['id'], $price_id);
        if ($files) {
            foreach ($files as $filekey => $file) {
                $file_url = edd_get_download_file_url($payment_data['key'], $email, $filekey, $item['id'], $price_id);
                $file_urls .= esc_html($file_url) . '<br/>';
        } elseif (edd_is_bundled_product($item['id'])) {
            $bundled_products = apply_filters('edd_email_tag_bundled_products', edd_get_bundled_products($item['id']), $item, $payment_id, 'file_urls');
            foreach ($bundled_products as $bundle_item) {
                $files = edd_get_download_files($bundle_item);
                foreach ($files as $filekey => $file) {
                    $file_url = edd_get_download_file_url($payment_data['key'], $email, $filekey, $bundle_item, $price_id);
                    $file_urls .= esc_html($file_url) . '<br/>';
    return $file_urls;
コード例 #3
 * Get cart item title
 * @since 2.4.3
 * @param int $item Cart item array
 * @return string item title
function edd_get_cart_item_name($item = array())
    $item_title = get_the_title($item['id']);
    if (empty($item_title)) {
        $item_title = $item['id'];
    if (edd_has_variable_prices($item['id']) && false !== edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item)) {
        $item_title .= ' - ' . edd_get_cart_item_price_name($item);
    return apply_filters('edd_get_cart_item_name', $item_title, $item['id'], $item);
コード例 #4
 * Callback on the `edd_complete_purchase` hook that updates the user's role based on purchase
 * @since  1.0.0
 * @access public
 * @param  int     $payment_id
 * @return bool
function role_map_edd_complete_purchase($payment_id = 0)
    // User info
    $user_info = edd_get_payment_meta_user_info($payment_id);
    // User ID
    $user_id = $user_info['id'];
    // Cart details
    $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    // Bail if there are no downloads.
    if (!is_array($downloads)) {
    // Get user roles purchased.
    $roles = array();
    foreach ($downloads as $download) {
        // Bypass downloads that are not memberships.
        if (!get_post_meta($download['id'], '_edd_members_length_enabled', true)) {
        // Get price id.
        $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($download);
        // Get the price option role.
        $roles[] = role_map_edd_get_price_option_role($download['id'], $price_id);
    // If we have roles.
    if ($roles) {
        // Note: We're currently grabbing the first role.  We need to add a check to
        // get the highest priced role in case someone purchases multiple.
        role_map_edd_set_user_role($user_id, array_shift($roles));
コード例 #5
  * @param unknown $payment        	
  * @param string $edd_receipt_args        	
 public function edd_osgi_action_payment_receipt_after_table($payment, $edd_receipt_args = null)
     if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
         echo "<p>debug: this is the action after table</p>\n";
     if (isset($payment) && edd_is_payment_complete($payment->ID)) {
         $meta = get_post_meta($payment->ID);
         if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
             echo "<p>debug: Payment vardump=";
             echo "</p>\n";
             echo "<p>debug: Payment metadata vardump=";
             echo "</p>\n";
         // same $cart = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details( $payment->ID, true );
         $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID, true);
         $edd_payment_post_id = $payment->ID;
         $edd_payment_user_id = (string) $meta['_edd_payment_user_id'][0];
         $edd_payment_customer_id = (string) $meta['_edd_payment_customer_id'][0];
         //TODO REMOVED BECAUSE NOT BEING GENERATED $edd_payment_number = ( string ) $meta ['_edd_payment_number'] [0];
         $edd_payment_number = $edd_payment_post_id;
         $edd_payment_purchase_key = (string) $meta['_edd_payment_purchase_key'][0];
         // see easy-digital-downloads/templates/history-downloads.php
         // add_query_arg( 'payment_key', edd_get_payment_key( $post->ID ), edd_get_success_page_uri() )
         if ($downloads) {
             $display_licence_table = false;
             // check if any downloads are osgi licenced
             foreach ($downloads as $download) {
                 if ($this->is_osgi_licenced($download['id'])) {
                     $display_licence_table = true;
             if ($display_licence_table) {
                 echo "<div id=\"osgi_licence_list_table\" class=\"osgi_licence_list\">\n";
                 echo "<h3>OSGi Licences</h3>\n";
                 echo "<p>One of more of your purchased downloads have associated OSGi Licences.<BR>To generate your licences select the links below.</p>\n";
                 echo "<table>\n";
             // used to set change licence name for multiple downloads
             $download_no = 0;
             foreach ($downloads as $download) {
                 // Skip over Bundles. Products included with a bundle will be displayed individually
                 if (edd_is_bundled_product($download['id'])) {
                 // if not osgi licenced bundle skip
                 if (!$this->is_osgi_licenced($download['id'])) {
                 $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($download);
                 $download_files = edd_get_download_files($download['id'], $price_id);
                 $name = get_the_title($download['id']);
                 // quantity used to handle multiple licences per download
                 for ($quantity = 1; $quantity <= $download['quantity']; $quantity++) {
                     if (isset($edd_payment_number)) {
                         // start of table row
                         echo "  <tr>\n";
                         echo "    <td>\n";
                         // product id string from download
                         // contains maven unique id of product to which this licence applies
                         $edd_osgiProductIdStr = get_post_meta($download['id'], '_edd_osgiProductIdStr', true);
                         // try loading modified LicenceMetadataSpecStr from this product efinition and apply to licence post
                         $edd_modified_osgiLicenceMetadataSpecStr = get_post_meta($download['id'], '_edd_modified_osgiLicenceMetadataSpecStr', true);
                         // Retrieve and append the price option name
                         if (!empty($price_id)) {
                             $name .= ' - ' . edd_get_price_option_name($download['id'], $price_id, $payment->ID);
                         // product name - payment number - download number
                         $licence_post_title = $name . ' - ' . $edd_payment_number . '-' . $download_no . '-' . $quantity;
                         // remove whitepsace
                         $licence_post_name = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $licence_post_title);
                         if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
                             echo "<p>debug: download [id]=" . $download['id'] . '</p>\\n';
                             if (!isset($edd_osgiProductIdStr)) {
                                 echo "<p>debug: from download edd_osgiProductIdStr not set for download [id]=" . $download['id'] . '</p>\\n';
                             } else {
                                 echo "<p>debug: from download edd_osgiProductIdStr=";
                                 echo $edd_osgiProductIdStr;
                                 echo "</p>\n";
                             echo "<p>debug: payment name=";
                             echo $name;
                             echo "</p>\n";
                             echo "<p>debug: licence_post_title=";
                             echo $licence_post_title;
                             echo "</p>\n";
                             echo "<p>debug: licence_post_name=";
                             echo $licence_post_name;
                             echo "</p>\n";
                             echo "<p>debug: edd_payment_number=";
                             echo $edd_payment_number;
                             echo "</p>\n";
                         $found_post = null;
                         if ($posts = get_posts(array('name' => $licence_post_name, 'post_type' => 'osgi_licence_post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => 1))) {
                             $found_post = $posts[0];
                         // Now, we can do something with $found_post
                         if (!is_null($found_post)) {
                             if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
                                 echo "<p>debug: we found the licence post=";
                                 echo $found_post->ID;
                                 echo "</p>\n";
                             echo '<a href="' . get_post_permalink($found_post->ID) . '" >Link to Licence: ' . $licence_post_title . '</a>';
                             echo "\n";
                         } else {
                             // get post with payment number metadata OR create post with metadata
                             $post = array('post_content' => '<p>DO NOT EDIT: You can only view or change this licence post by using View Post.</p>', 'post_name' => $licence_post_name, 'post_title' => $licence_post_title, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'osgi_licence_post', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'comment_status' => 'closed');
                             // Default is the option 'default_comment_status', or 'closed'.
                             // 'post_category' => [ array(<category id>, ...) ] // Default empty.
                             // 'tags_input' => [ '<tag>, <tag>, ...' | array ] // Default empty.
                             // 'tax_input' => [ array( <taxonomy> => <array | string> ) ] // For custom taxonomies. Default empty.
                             // 'page_template' => '../edd-downloads-as-osgi.php' // Requires name of template file, eg template.php. Default empty.
                             $newpost_id = wp_insert_post($post);
                             // setting product id for licence
                             // update_post_meta ( $newpost_id, 'edd_osgiProductIdStr', 'org.opennms.co.uk/org.opennms.co.uk.newfeature/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' );
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, 'edd_osgiProductIdStr', $edd_osgiProductIdStr);
                             // apply modified metadata to this licence post
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, '_edd_modified_osgiLicenceMetadataSpecStr', $edd_modified_osgiLicenceMetadataSpecStr);
                             // setting customer metadata - not yet used in the template
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, 'edd_payment_customer_id', $edd_payment_customer_id);
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, 'edd_payment_user_id', $edd_payment_user_id);
                             // setting edd_osgiLicencee information
                             $f_name = (string) get_user_meta($edd_payment_user_id, 'first_name', true);
                             $first_name = isset($f_name) ? $f_name : "";
                             $l_name = (string) get_user_meta($edd_payment_user_id, 'last_name', true);
                             $last_name = isset($l_name) ? $l_name : "";
                             $address = "";
                             $addr = edd_get_customer_address($edd_payment_user_id);
                             if (isset($addr)) {
                                 $address = implode(", ", $addr);
                             $edd_osgiLicencee = $first_name . ", " . $last_name . ", " . $address;
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, 'edd_osgiLicencee', $edd_osgiLicencee);
                             // for reverse lookup of post id of the associated payment
                             update_post_meta($newpost_id, 'edd_payment_post_id', $edd_payment_post_id);
                             if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
                                 echo "<p>debug: we created a new licence post=";
                                 echo $newpost_id;
                                 echo "</p>\n";
                             echo '<a href="' . get_post_permalink($newpost_id) . '" >Link to Licence: ' . $licence_post_title . '</a>';
                             echo "\n";
                         echo "    </td>\n";
                         echo "  </tr>\n";
             if ($display_licence_table) {
                 echo "</table>\n";
                 echo "</div> <!-- div id=osgi_licence_list_table -->";
     } else {
         echo '<p>payment not set</p>\\n';
     if ($this->osgipub_osgi_debug) {
         if (isset($edd_receipt_args)) {
             echo "<p>debug: edd_receipt_args vardump=";
             echo "</p>\n";
         } else {
             echo '<p>debug: edd_receipt_args not set</p>\\n';
コード例 #6
    foreach ($purchases as $payment) {
        $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID, true);
        $purchase_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment->ID);
        $email = edd_get_payment_user_email($payment->ID);
        if ($downloads) {
            foreach ($downloads as $download) {
                // Skip over Bundles. Products included with a bundle will be displayed individually
                if (edd_is_bundled_product($download['id'])) {

					<tr class="edd_download_history_row">
                $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($download);
                $download_files = edd_get_download_files($download['id'], $price_id);
                $name = get_the_title($download['id']);
                // Retrieve and append the price option name
                if (!empty($price_id)) {
                    $name .= ' - ' . edd_get_price_option_name($download['id'], $price_id, $payment->ID);
                do_action('edd_download_history_row_start', $payment->ID, $download['id']);
						<td class="edd_download_download_name"><?php 
                echo esc_html($name);

                if (!edd_no_redownload()) {
コード例 #7
 * Get cart item price name
 * @since 1.8
 * @param int $item Cart item array
 * @return string Price name
function edd_get_cart_item_price_name($item = array())
    $price_id = (int) edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
    $prices = edd_get_variable_prices($item['id']);
    $name = !empty($prices[$price_id]) ? $prices[$price_id]['name'] : '';
    return apply_filters('edd_get_cart_item_price_name', $name, $item['id'], $price_id, $item);
コード例 #8
 * Record Commissions
 * @access      private
 * @since       1.0
 * @return      void
function eddc_record_commission($payment_id, $new_status, $old_status)
    // Check if the payment was already set to complete
    if ($old_status == 'publish' || $old_status == 'complete') {
    // Make sure that payments are only completed once
    // Make sure the commission is only recorded when new status is complete
    if ($new_status != 'publish' && $new_status != 'complete') {
    if (edd_get_payment_gateway($payment_id) == 'manual_purchases' && !isset($_POST['commission'])) {
    // do not record commission on manual payments unless specified
    if (edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id, '_edd_completed_date')) {
    $payment_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
    $user_info = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['user_info']);
    $cart_details = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    $calc_base = edd_get_option('edd_commissions_calc_base', 'subtotal');
    $shipping = edd_get_option('edd_commissions_shipping', 'ignored');
    // loop through each purchased download and award commissions, if needed
    foreach ($cart_details as $download) {
        $download_id = absint($download['id']);
        $commissions_enabled = get_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_commisions_enabled', true);
        if ('subtotal' == $calc_base) {
            $price = $download['subtotal'];
        } else {
            if ('total_pre_tax' == $calc_base) {
                $price = $download['price'] - $download['tax'];
            } else {
                $price = $download['price'];
        if (!empty($download['fees'])) {
            foreach ($download['fees'] as $fee_id => $fee) {
                if (false !== strpos($fee_id, 'shipping')) {
                    // If we're adjusting the commission for shipping, we need to remove it from the calculation and then add it after the commission amount has been determined
                    if ('ignored' !== $shipping) {
                $price += $fee['amount'];
        // if we need to award a commission, and the price is greater than zero
        if ($commissions_enabled && floatval($price) > '0') {
            // set a flag so downloads with commissions awarded are easy to query
            update_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_has_commission', true);
            $commission_settings = get_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_commission_settings', true);
            if ($commission_settings) {
                $type = eddc_get_commission_type($download_id);
                // but if we have price variations, then we need to get the name of the variation
                $has_variable_prices = edd_has_variable_prices($download_id);
                if ($has_variable_prices) {
                    $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($download);
                    $variation = edd_get_price_option_name($download_id, $price_id);
                $recipients = eddc_get_recipients($download_id);
                // Record a commission for each user
                foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
                    $rate = eddc_get_recipient_rate($download_id, $recipient);
                    // percentage amount of download price
                    $args = array('price' => $price, 'rate' => $rate, 'type' => $type, 'download_id' => $download_id, 'recipient' => $recipient, 'payment_id' => $payment_id);
                    $commission_amount = eddc_calc_commission_amount($args);
                    // calculate the commission amount to award
                    $currency = $payment_data['currency'];
                    // If shipping is included or not included, we need to adjust the amount
                    if (!empty($download['fees']) && 'ignored' !== $shipping) {
                        foreach ($download['fees'] as $fee_id => $fee) {
                            if (false !== strpos($fee_id, 'shipping')) {
                                // If we're adjusting the commission for shipping, we need to remove it from the calculation and then add it after the commission amount has been determined
                                if ('include_shipping' == $shipping) {
                                    $commission_amount += $fee['amount'];
                    $commission = array('post_type' => 'edd_commission', 'post_title' => $user_info['email'] . ' - ' . get_the_title($download_id), 'post_status' => 'publish');
                    $commission_id = wp_insert_post(apply_filters('edd_commission_post_data', $commission));
                    $commission_info = apply_filters('edd_commission_info', array('user_id' => $recipient, 'rate' => $rate, 'amount' => $commission_amount, 'currency' => $currency), $commission_id, $payment_id, $download_id);
                    eddc_set_commission_status($commission_id, 'unpaid');
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_info', $commission_info);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_download_id', $download_id);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_user_id', $recipient);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_payment_id', $payment_id);
                    // If we are dealing with a variation, then save variation info
                    if ($has_variable_prices && isset($variation)) {
                        update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_download_variation', $variation);
                    // If it's a renewal, save that detail
                    if (!empty($download['item_number']['options']['is_renewal'])) {
                        update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_is_renewal', true);
                    do_action('eddc_insert_commission', $recipient, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id, $payment_id);
コード例 #9



                        } elseif (edd_is_bundled_product($cart_item['id'])) {
                            $bundled_products = edd_get_bundled_products($cart_item['id']);
                            foreach ($bundled_products as $bundle_item) {
                                $product = get_post($bundle_item);
                                $bundle_license = edd_software_licensing()->get_license_by_purchase($payment_id, $product->ID);
                                //$post_meta 				= get_post_meta($product->ID, '_edd_sl_download_id', true);
                                $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id(0);
                                $download_files = edd_get_download_files($product->ID, $price_id);
                                $product_domains_check = get_post($download_files[0]['attachment_id']);
                                //$cart_key = array_search($bundle_item, array_column($cart, 'id')); // (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0)
                                $products_domains = edd_software_licensing()->get_sites($bundle_license->ID);
                                foreach ($cart as $cart_row => $cart_item) {
                                    if ($cart_item['id'] == $bundle_item) {
                                        $cart_key = $cart_row;
                                $download_files = edd_get_download_files($bundle_item);
                                $license_date = get_post_meta($bundle_license->ID, '_edd_sl_expiration', true);
                                $unlimited_license = get_post_meta($bundle_license->ID, '_unlimited_license', true);
                                $now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                                $expired_license = $license_date > $now || $unlimited_license == 1 ? 0 : 1;
コード例 #10
 * Process PayPal Purchase
 * @since 1.0
 * @global $edd_options Array of all the EDD Options
 * @param array   $purchase_data Purchase Data
 * @return void
function edd_process_paypal_purchase($purchase_data)
    global $edd_options;
    // Collect payment data
    $payment_data = array('price' => $purchase_data['price'], 'date' => $purchase_data['date'], 'user_email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'purchase_key' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'currency' => edd_get_currency(), 'downloads' => $purchase_data['downloads'], 'user_info' => $purchase_data['user_info'], 'cart_details' => $purchase_data['cart_details'], 'gateway' => 'paypal', 'status' => 'pending');
    // Record the pending payment
    $payment = edd_insert_payment($payment_data);
    // Check payment
    if (!$payment) {
        // Record the error
        edd_record_gateway_error(__('Payment Error', 'edd'), sprintf(__('Payment creation failed before sending buyer to PayPal. Payment data: %s', 'edd'), json_encode($payment_data)), $payment);
        // Problems? send back
        edd_send_back_to_checkout('?payment-mode=' . $purchase_data['post_data']['edd-gateway']);
    } else {
        // Only send to PayPal if the pending payment is created successfully
        $listener_url = add_query_arg('edd-listener', 'IPN', home_url('index.php'));
        // Get the success url
        $return_url = add_query_arg(array('payment-confirmation' => 'paypal', 'payment-id' => $payment), get_permalink($edd_options['success_page']));
        // Get the PayPal redirect uri
        $paypal_redirect = trailingslashit(edd_get_paypal_redirect()) . '?';
        // Setup PayPal arguments
        $paypal_args = array('business' => $edd_options['paypal_email'], 'email' => $purchase_data['user_email'], 'invoice' => $purchase_data['purchase_key'], 'no_shipping' => '1', 'shipping' => '0', 'no_note' => '1', 'currency_code' => edd_get_currency(), 'charset' => get_bloginfo('charset'), 'custom' => $payment, 'rm' => '2', 'return' => $return_url, 'cancel_return' => edd_get_failed_transaction_uri('?payment-id=' . $payment), 'notify_url' => $listener_url, 'page_style' => edd_get_paypal_page_style(), 'cbt' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'bn' => 'EasyDigitalDownloads_SP');
        if (!empty($purchase_data['user_info']['address'])) {
            $paypal_args['address1'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line1'];
            $paypal_args['address2'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['line2'];
            $paypal_args['city'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['city'];
            $paypal_args['country'] = $purchase_data['user_info']['address']['country'];
        $paypal_extra_args = array('cmd' => '_cart', 'upload' => '1');
        $paypal_args = array_merge($paypal_extra_args, $paypal_args);
        // Add cart items
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($purchase_data['cart_details'] as $item) {
            if (edd_has_variable_prices($item['id']) && edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item) !== false) {
                $item['name'] .= ' - ' . edd_get_cart_item_price_name($item);
            $paypal_args['item_name_' . $i] = stripslashes_deep(html_entity_decode(wp_strip_all_tags($item['name']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
            $paypal_args['quantity_' . $i] = $item['quantity'];
            $paypal_args['amount_' . $i] = round($item['subtotal'] / $item['quantity'], 2);
            if (edd_use_skus()) {
                $paypal_args['item_number_' . $i] = edd_get_download_sku($item['id']);
        // Calculate discount
        $discounted_amount = 0.0;
        if (!empty($purchase_data['fees'])) {
            $i = empty($i) ? 1 : $i;
            foreach ($purchase_data['fees'] as $fee) {
                if (floatval($fee['amount']) > '0') {
                    // this is a positive fee
                    $paypal_args['item_name_' . $i] = stripslashes_deep(html_entity_decode(wp_strip_all_tags($fee['label']), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
                    $paypal_args['quantity_' . $i] = '1';
                    $paypal_args['amount_' . $i] = edd_sanitize_amount($fee['amount']);
                } else {
                    // This is a negative fee (discount)
                    $discounted_amount += abs($fee['amount']);
        if ($discounted_amount > '0') {
            $paypal_args['discount_amount_cart'] = edd_sanitize_amount($discounted_amount);
        // Add taxes to the cart
        if (edd_use_taxes()) {
            $paypal_args['tax_cart'] = edd_sanitize_amount($purchase_data['tax']);
        $paypal_args = apply_filters('edd_paypal_redirect_args', $paypal_args, $purchase_data);
        // Build query
        $paypal_redirect .= http_build_query($paypal_args);
        // Fix for some sites that encode the entities
        $paypal_redirect = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $paypal_redirect);
        // Get rid of cart contents
        // Redirect to PayPal
コード例 #11
 * Email Template Tags
 * @since 1.0
 * @param string $message Message with the template tags
 * @param array $payment_data Payment Data
 * @param int $payment_id Payment ID
 * @return string $message Fully formatted message
function edd_email_template_tags($message, $payment_data, $payment_id)
    global $edd_options;
    $has_tags = strpos($message, '{') !== false;
    if (!$has_tags) {
        return $message;
    $user_info = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['user_info']);
    $fullname = '';
    if (isset($user_info['id']) && $user_info['id'] > 0 && isset($user_info['first_name'])) {
        $user_data = get_userdata($user_info['id']);
        $name = $user_info['first_name'];
        $fullname = $user_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
        $username = $user_data->user_login;
    } elseif (isset($user_info['first_name'])) {
        $name = $user_info['first_name'];
        $fullname = $user_info['first_name'] . ' ' . $user_info['last_name'];
        $username = $user_info['first_name'];
    } else {
        $name = $user_info['email'];
        $username = $user_info['email'];
    $file_urls = '';
    $download_list = '<ul>';
    $cart_items = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id);
    if ($cart_items) {
        $show_names = apply_filters('edd_email_show_names', true);
        foreach ($cart_items as $item) {
            if (edd_use_skus()) {
                $sku = edd_get_download_sku($item['id']);
            $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
            if ($show_names) {
                $title = get_the_title($item['id']);
                if (!empty($sku)) {
                    $title .= "&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;" . __('SKU', 'edd') . ': ' . $sku;
                if ($price_id !== false) {
                    $title .= "&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;" . edd_get_price_option_name($item['id'], $price_id);
                $download_list .= '<li>' . apply_filters('edd_email_receipt_download_title', $title, $item['id'], $price_id) . '<br/>';
                $download_list .= '<ul>';
            $files = edd_get_download_files($item['id'], $price_id);
            if ($files) {
                foreach ($files as $filekey => $file) {
                    $download_list .= '<li>';
                    $file_url = edd_get_download_file_url($payment_data['key'], $payment_data['email'], $filekey, $item['id'], $price_id);
                    $download_list .= '<a href="' . esc_url($file_url) . '">' . $file['name'] . '</a>';
                    $download_list .= '</li>';
                    $file_urls .= esc_html($file_url) . '<br/>';
            if ($show_names) {
                $download_list .= '</ul>';
            if ('' != edd_get_product_notes($item['id'])) {
                $download_list .= ' &mdash; <small>' . edd_get_product_notes($item['id']) . '</small>';
            if ($show_names) {
                $download_list .= '</li>';
    $download_list .= '</ul>';
    $subtotal = isset($payment_data['subtotal']) ? $payment_data['subtotal'] : $payment_data['amount'];
    $subtotal = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($subtotal));
    $tax = isset($payment_data['tax']) ? $payment_data['tax'] : 0;
    $tax = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($tax));
    $price = edd_currency_filter(edd_format_amount($payment_data['amount']));
    $gateway = edd_get_gateway_checkout_label(get_post_meta($payment_id, '_edd_payment_gateway', true));
    $receipt_id = $payment_data['key'];
    $message = str_replace('{name}', $name, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{fullname}', $fullname, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{username}', $username, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{download_list}', $download_list, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{file_urls}', $file_urls, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{date}', date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($payment_data['date'])), $message);
    $message = str_replace('{sitename}', get_bloginfo('name'), $message);
    $message = str_replace('{subtotal}', $subtotal, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{tax}', $tax, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{price}', $price, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{payment_method}', $gateway, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{receipt_id}', $receipt_id, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{payment_id}', $payment_id, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{receipt_link}', sprintf(__('%1$sView it in your browser.%2$s', 'edd'), '<a href="' . add_query_arg(array('purchase_key' => $receipt_id, 'edd_action' => 'view_receipt'), home_url()) . '">', '</a>'), $message);
    $message = apply_filters('edd_email_template_tags', $message, $payment_data, $payment_id);
    return $message;
コード例 #12
 * Record Commissions
 * @access      private
 * @since       1.0
 * @return      void
function eddc_record_commission($payment_id, $new_status, $old_status)
    // Check if the payment was already set to complete
    if ($old_status == 'publish' || $old_status == 'complete') {
    // Make sure that payments are only completed once
    // Make sure the commission is only recorded when new status is complete
    if ($new_status != 'publish' && $new_status != 'complete') {
    if (edd_get_payment_gateway($payment_id) == 'manual_purchases' && !isset($_POST['commission'])) {
    // do not record commission on manual payments unless specified
    $payment_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
    $user_info = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['user_info']);
    $cart_details = maybe_unserialize($payment_data['cart_details']);
    // loop through each purchased download and award commissions, if needed
    foreach ($cart_details as $download) {
        $download_id = absint($download['id']);
        $commissions_enabled = get_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_commisions_enabled', true);
        if ('subtotal' == edd_get_option('edd_commissions_calc_base', 'subtotal')) {
            $price = $download['subtotal'];
        } else {
            $price = $download['price'];
        // if we need to award a commission, and the price is greater than zero
        if ($commissions_enabled && floatval($price) > '0') {
            // set a flag so downloads with commissions awarded are easy to query
            update_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_has_commission', true);
            $commission_settings = get_post_meta($download_id, '_edd_commission_settings', true);
            if ($commission_settings) {
                $type = eddc_get_commission_type($download_id);
                // but if we have price variations, then we need to get the name of the variation
                if (edd_has_variable_prices($download_id)) {
                    $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($download);
                    $variation = edd_get_price_option_name($download_id, $price_id);
                $recipients = eddc_get_recipients($download_id);
                // Record a commission for each user
                foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
                    $rate = eddc_get_recipient_rate($download_id, $recipient);
                    // percentage amount of download price
                    $commission_amount = eddc_calc_commission_amount($price, $rate, $type);
                    // calculate the commission amount to award
                    $currency = $payment_data['currency'];
                    $commission = array('post_type' => 'edd_commission', 'post_title' => $user_info['email'] . ' - ' . get_the_title($download_id), 'post_status' => 'publish');
                    $commission_id = wp_insert_post(apply_filters('edd_commission_post_data', $commission));
                    $commission_info = apply_filters('edd_commission_info', array('user_id' => $recipient, 'rate' => $rate, 'amount' => $commission_amount, 'currency' => $currency), $commission_id);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_info', $commission_info);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_commission_status', 'unpaid');
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_download_id', $download_id);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_user_id', $recipient);
                    update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_payment_id', $payment_id);
                    //if we are dealing with a variation, then save variation info
                    if (isset($variation)) {
                        update_post_meta($commission_id, '_edd_commission_download_variation', $variation);
                    do_action('eddc_insert_commission', $recipient, $commission_amount, $rate, $download_id, $commission_id, $payment_id);
コード例 #13
ファイル: tags.php プロジェクト: CGCookie/edd-product-updates
 * Email template tag: updated_products_links
 * A list of updated products with download links included
 * @access public
 * @param mixed $payment_id
 * @return void
function edd_pup_products_links_tag_plain($payment_id, $email = null)
    // Used to generate accurate tag outputs for preview and test emails
    if (isset($email) && absint($email) != 0) {
        $updated_products = get_post_meta($email, '_edd_pup_updated_products', true);
        $updated_products = is_array($updated_products) ? $updated_products : array($updated_products);
        foreach ($updated_products as $id => $name) {
            $customer_updates[$id] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name);
    } else {
        $email = get_transient('edd_pup_sending_email_' . get_current_user_id());
        $updated_products = get_post_meta($email, '_edd_pup_updated_products', true);
        $updated_products = is_array($updated_products) ? $updated_products : array($updated_products);
        $customer_updates = edd_pup_get_customer_updates($payment_id, $email);
        $customer_updates = is_array($customer_updates) ? $customer_updates : array($customer_updates);
    $filters = get_post_meta($email, '_edd_pup_filters', true);
    if ($customer_updates) {
        $show_names = apply_filters('edd_pup_email_show_names', true);
        $payment_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
        // Set email to most recent email if it's been changed from initial email
        if (isset($payment_data['user_info']['email']) && $payment_data['user_info']['email'] != $payment_data['email']) {
            $payment_data['email'] = $payment_data['user_info']['email'];
        // Used for detecting when to place commas
        $c = 1;
        $download_list = '';
        foreach ($customer_updates as $item) {
            if (edd_use_skus()) {
                $sku = edd_get_download_sku($item['id']);
            $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
            if ($show_names) {
                $title = $c == 1 ? $item['name'] : ', ' . $item['name'];
                if (!empty($sku)) {
                    $title .= "&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;" . __('SKU', 'edd') . ': ' . $sku;
                $download_list .= apply_filters('edd_pup_email_products_link_title_plain', $title, $item, $price_id, $payment_id);
            $files = edd_get_download_files($item['id'], $price_id);
            if ($files) {
                // $f used for detecting when to place commas
                $f = 1;
                $download_list .= ' (';
                foreach ($files as $filekey => &$file) {
                    $file_url = edd_get_download_file_url($payment_data['key'], $payment_data['email'], $filekey, $item['id'], $price_id);
                    $download_list .= $f == 1 ? edd_get_file_name($file) . ': ' . esc_url($file_url) : ', ' . edd_get_file_name($file) . ': ' . esc_url($file_url);
                $download_list .= ')';
            if (edd_is_bundled_product($item['id'])) {
                $b = 1;
                $bundled_products = edd_get_bundled_products($item['id']);
                $download_list .= "&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;";
                foreach ($bundled_products as $bundle_item) {
                    if ($filters['bundle_1'] == 'all' || isset($updated_products[$bundle_item])) {
                        $download_list .= $b == 1 ? get_the_title($bundle_item) : '; ' . get_the_title($bundle_item);
                        $fb = 1;
                        $bundlefiles = edd_get_download_files($bundle_item);
                        $download_list .= ' (';
                        foreach ($bundlefiles as $bundlefilekey => $bundlefile) {
                            $bundlefile_url = edd_get_download_file_url($payment_data['key'], $payment_data['email'], $bundlefilekey, $bundle_item, $price_id);
                            $download_list .= $fb == 1 ? $bundlefile['name'] . ': ' . esc_url($bundlefile_url) : ', ' . $bundlefile['name'] . ': ' . esc_url($bundlefile_url);
                        $download_list .= ')';
            if ('' != edd_get_product_notes($item['id'])) {
                $download_list .= ' &ndash; ' . edd_get_product_notes($item['id']);
        return $download_list;
コード例 #14
  * Returns the link to the file available for download
  * @since 0.1
 function eddflg_build_download_url($payment_id)
     $downloads = edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment_id, true);
     $purchase_data = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
     if ($downloads) {
         $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($downloads[0]);
         $download_files = edd_get_download_files($downloads[0]['id'], $price_id);
     foreach ($download_files as $filekey => $file) {
         $download_url = edd_get_download_file_url($purchase_data['key'], $purchase_data['email'], $filekey, $downloads[0]['id'], $price_id);
     return $download_url;
コード例 #15
  * Is service
  * @param  int  $item_id ID of download
  * @return boolean true if service, false otherwise
  * @return boolean
 public function is_service($item_id)
     global $edd_receipt_args, $edd_options;
     // get array of service categories
     $service_categories = isset($edd_options['edd_das_service_categories']) ? $edd_options['edd_das_service_categories'] : '';
     $term_ids = array();
     if ($service_categories) {
         foreach ($service_categories as $term_id => $term_name) {
             $term_ids[] = $term_id;
     $is_service = get_post_meta($item_id, '_edd_das_enabled', true);
     // get payment
     $payment = get_post($edd_receipt_args['id']);
     $meta = isset($payment) ? edd_get_payment_meta($payment->ID) : '';
     $cart = isset($payment) ? edd_get_payment_meta_cart_details($payment->ID, true) : '';
     if ($cart) {
         foreach ($cart as $key => $item) {
             $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
             $download_files = edd_get_download_files($item_id, $price_id);
             // if the service has a file attached, we still want to show it
             if ($download_files) {
     // check if download has meta key or has a service term assigned to it
     if ($is_service || has_term($term_ids, 'download_category', $item_id)) {
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #16
 * Create license key
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @return void
function edd_slm_create_license_keys($payment_id)
    // Collect license keys
    $licenses = array();
    // Payment meta
    $payment_meta = edd_get_payment_meta($payment_id);
    foreach ($payment_meta['cart_details'] as $item) {
        $download_id = $item['id'];
        if (edd_slm_is_licensing_enabled($download_id)) {
            // Download data
            $download_data = edd_get_download($download_id);
            if ($download_data) {
                $download_quantity = absint($item['quantity']);
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $download_quantity; $i++) {
                    // Get price id
                    $price_id = edd_get_cart_item_price_id($item);
                    $price_name = edd_get_cart_item_price_name($item);
                    // Sites allowed
                    $sites_allowed = edd_slm_get_sites_allowed($price_id, $payment_id, $download_id);
                    if (!$sites_allowed) {
                        $sites_allowed_error = __('License could not be created: Invalid sites allowed number.', 'edd-slm');
                        $int = edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, $sites_allowed_error);
                    // Transaction id
                    $transaction_id = edd_get_payment_transaction_id($payment_id);
                    // Build item name
                    $item_name = !empty($price_name) ? $item['name'] . ' - ' . $price_name : $item['name'];
                    // Build parameters
                    $api_params = array();
                    $api_params['slm_action'] = 'slm_create_new';
                    $api_params['secret_key'] = EDD_SLM_API_SECRET;
                    $api_params['first_name'] = isset($payment_meta['user_info']['first_name']) ? $payment_meta['user_info']['first_name'] : '';
                    $api_params['last_name'] = isset($payment_meta['user_info']['last_name']) ? $payment_meta['user_info']['last_name'] : '';
                    $api_params['email'] = isset($payment_meta['user_info']['email']) ? $payment_meta['user_info']['email'] : '';
                    $api_params['company_name'] = '';
                    $api_params['txn_id'] = $transaction_id . ' - ' . $item_name;
                    $api_params['max_allowed_domains'] = $sites_allowed;
                    $api_params['date_created'] = date('Y-m-d');
                    $api_params['date_expiry'] = '0000-00-00';
                    // Send query to the license manager server
                    $url = EDD_SLM_API_URL . '?' . http_build_query($api_params);
                    $response = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 30));
                    edd_slm_add_log('Item: ' . $item_name);
                    edd_slm_add_log('- SLM Response Body: ' . $response['body']);
                    foreach ($response['response'] as $key => $value) {
                        edd_slm_add_log('- SLM Response ' . $key . ': ' . $value);
                    // Get license key
                    $license_key = edd_slm_get_license_key($response);
                    // Collect license keys
                    if ($license_key) {
                        $licenses[] = array('item' => $item_name, 'key' => $license_key);
    // Payment note
    edd_slm_payment_note($payment_id, $licenses);
    // Assign licenses
    edd_slm_assign_licenses($payment_id, $licenses);