コード例 #1
 * Create a duplicate from a post
function duplicate_post_create_duplicate($post, $status = '', $parent_id = '')
    // We don't want to clone revisions
    if ($post->post_type == 'revision') {
    if ($post->post_type != 'attachment') {
        $prefix = get_option('duplicate_post_title_prefix');
        $suffix = get_option('duplicate_post_title_suffix');
        if (!empty($prefix)) {
            $prefix .= " ";
        if (!empty($suffix)) {
            $suffix = " " . $suffix;
        if (get_option('duplicate_post_copystatus') == 0) {
            $status = 'draft';
    $new_post_author = duplicate_post_get_current_user();
    $new_post = array('menu_order' => $post->menu_order, 'comment_status' => $post->comment_status, 'ping_status' => $post->ping_status, 'post_author' => $new_post_author->ID, 'post_content' => $post->post_content, 'post_excerpt' => get_option('duplicate_post_copyexcerpt') == '1' ? $post->post_excerpt : "", 'post_mime_type' => $post->post_mime_type, 'post_parent' => $new_post_parent = empty($parent_id) ? $post->post_parent : $parent_id, 'post_password' => $post->post_password, 'post_status' => $new_post_status = empty($status) ? $post->post_status : $status, 'post_title' => $prefix . $post->post_title . $suffix, 'post_type' => $post->post_type);
    if (get_option('duplicate_post_copydate') == 1) {
        $new_post['post_date'] = $new_post_date = $post->post_date;
        $new_post['post_date_gmt'] = get_gmt_from_date($new_post_date);
    $new_post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);
    // If you have written a plugin which uses non-WP database tables to save
    // information about a post you can hook this action to dupe that data.
    if ($post->post_type == 'page' || function_exists('is_post_type_hierarchical') && is_post_type_hierarchical($post->post_type)) {
        do_action('dp_duplicate_page', $new_post_id, $post);
    } else {
        do_action('dp_duplicate_post', $new_post_id, $post);
    delete_post_meta($new_post_id, '_dp_original');
    add_post_meta($new_post_id, '_dp_original', $post->ID);
    // If the copy is published or scheduled, we have to set a proper slug.
    if ($new_post_status == 'publish' || $new_post_status == 'future') {
        $post_name = wp_unique_post_slug($post->post_name, $new_post_id, $new_post_status, $post->post_type, $new_post_parent);
        $new_post = array();
        $new_post['ID'] = $new_post_id;
        $new_post['post_name'] = $post_name;
        // Update the post into the database
    return $new_post_id;
コード例 #2
 * Create a duplicate from a page
function duplicate_post_create_duplicate_from_page($post)
    global $wpdb;
    //$new_post_type = 'page';
    $new_post_author = duplicate_post_get_current_user();
    $new_post_date = get_option('duplicate_post_copydate') == 1 ? $post->post_date : current_time('mysql');
    $new_post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date($new_post_date);
    $prefix = get_option('duplicate_post_title_prefix');
    if (!empty($prefix)) {
        $prefix .= " ";
    $new_post_type = $post->post_type;
    $post_content = str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_content);
    $post_content_filtered = str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_content_filtered);
    $post_excerpt = str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_excerpt);
    $post_title = $prefix . str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_title);
    $post_status = str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_status);
    $post_name = str_replace("'", "''", $post->post_name);
    $comment_status = str_replace("'", "''", $post->comment_status);
    $ping_status = str_replace("'", "''", $post->ping_status);
    // Insert the new template in the post table
    $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$wpdb->posts}\n\t\t\t(post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_content_filtered, post_title, post_excerpt,  post_status, post_type, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name, to_ping, pinged, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_parent, menu_order, post_mime_type)\n\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t('{$new_post_author->ID}', '{$new_post_date}', '{$new_post_date_gmt}', '{$post_content}', '{$post_content_filtered}', '{$post_title}', '{$post_excerpt}', 'draft', '{$new_post_type}', '{$comment_status}', '{$ping_status}', '{$post->post_password}', '{$post_name}', '{$post->to_ping}', '{$post->pinged}', '{$new_post_date}', '{$new_post_date_gmt}', '{$post->post_parent}', '{$post->menu_order}', '{$post->post_mime_type}')");
    $new_page_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
    // Copy the taxonomies
    duplicate_post_copy_post_taxonomies($post->ID, $new_page_id, $post->post_type);
    // Copy the meta information
    duplicate_post_copy_post_meta_info($post->ID, $new_page_id);
    return $new_page_id;