  * Test node creation by editor.
  * 1. Editor creates Draft node
  * 2. Editor set status from Draft to Final Draft
  * 3. The node appears in the users's overview screen.
 public function testModerateToBeApproved()
     $node = $this->drupalCreateNode(array('language' => 'en', 'title' => $this->nodeTitle1, 'type' => 'news', 'workbench_access' => 1007));
     workbench_moderation_moderate($node, 'final_draft');
     // Set node status To Be Reviewed.
     $options = array('title_field[en][0][value]' => $this->nodeTitle1, 'workbench_moderation_state_new' => 'needs_review');
     $this->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/edit", $options, t('Save'));
     $node = node_load($node->nid);
     $this->assertEquals('needs_review', $node->workbench_moderation['current']->state);
     // Set the reviewer to project_manager1
     $pm1 = user_load_by_name('project_manager1');
     $options = array('project_manager' => $pm1->uid);
     $this->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/review", $options, t('Change'));
     // Define the list of approvers.
     // Cannot use drupalPost here.
     $ap1 = user_load_by_name('approver1');
     $ap2 = user_load_by_name('approver2 ');
     $form_state = array('node' => $node, 'values' => array('rows' => array($ap1->uid => array('weight' => -10), $ap2->uid => array('weight' => -11))));
     module_load_include('inc', 'osha_workflow', 'osha_workflow.admin');
     drupal_form_submit('osha_workflow_node_approval_form', $form_state, $node);
     $options = array('workbench_moderation_state_new' => 'to_be_approved');
     $this->drupalPost("node/{$node->nid}/edit", $options, t('Save'));
     $node = node_load($node->nid);
     $this->assertEquals('to_be_approved', $node->workbench_moderation['current']->state);
コード例 #2
 * Configure the apachesolr and search_api_solr modules with proper settings.
function osha_configure_solr()
    $config_file = sprintf('%s/../conf/config.json', dirname(__FILE__));
    if (!is_readable($config_file)) {
        drupal_set_message("Cannot read configuration file!", 'warning');
    $cfg = json_decode(file_get_contents($config_file), TRUE);
    if (empty($cfg)) {
        drupal_set_message('Configuration file was empty, nothing to do here', 'warning');
    $cfg = array_merge(array('name' => 'Solr server', 'enabled' => 1, 'description' => 'Search server', 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '8983', 'path' => '/solr', 'http_user' => '', 'http_password' => '', 'excerpt' => NULL, 'retrieve_data' => NULL, 'highlight_data' => NULL, 'skip_schema_check' => NULL, 'solr_version' => '', 'http_method' => 'AUTO'), $cfg['solr_server']);
    if (module_exists('search_api_solr') && module_load_include('inc', 'search_api', 'search_api.admin')) {
        drupal_set_message('Configuring search_api_solr ...');
        $form_state = array('values' => array('machine_name' => 'solr_server', 'class' => 'search_api_solr_service', 'name' => $cfg['name'], 'enabled' => $cfg['enabled'], 'description' => $cfg['description'], 'options' => array('form' => array('scheme' => $cfg['scheme'], 'host' => $cfg['host'], 'port' => $cfg['port'], 'path' => $cfg['path'], 'http' => array('http_user' => $cfg['http_user'], 'http_pass' => $cfg['http_pass']), 'advanced' => array('excerpt' => $cfg['excerpt'], 'retrieve_data' => $cfg['retrieve_data'], 'highlight_data' => $cfg['highlight_data'], 'skip_schema_check' => $cfg['skip_schema_check'], 'solr_version' => $cfg['solr_version'], 'http_method' => $cfg['http_method'])))));
        drupal_form_submit('search_api_admin_add_server', $form_state);
    // Configure apachesolr: submit apachesolr_environment_edit_form
    if (module_exists('apachesolr') && module_load_include('inc', 'apachesolr', 'apachesolr.admin')) {
        drupal_set_message('Configuring apachesolr ...');
        $url = sprintf('%s://%s:%s%s', $cfg['scheme'], $cfg['host'], $cfg['port'], $cfg['path']);
        $env_id = apachesolr_default_environment();
        $environment = apachesolr_environment_load($env_id);
        $environment['url'] = $url;
        $environment['name'] = $cfg['name'];
        $environment['conf']['apachesolr_direct_commit'] = $cfg['apachesolr_direct_commit'];
        $environment['conf']['apachesolr_read_only'] = $cfg['apachesolr_read_only'];
        $environment['conf']['apachesolr_soft_commit'] = $cfg['apachesolr_soft_commit'];
        // @todo: See ticket #2527 - cannot make the form save new settings!
        // drupal_form_submit('apachesolr_environment_edit_form', $form_state,
        // $environment);
コード例 #3
  * Submit the system_config_form ensure the configuration has expected values.
 public function testConfigForm()
     // Programmatically submit the given values.
     foreach ($this->values as $form_key => $data) {
         $values[$form_key] = $data['#value'];
     $form_state = array('values' => $values);
     drupal_form_submit($this->form, $form_state);
     // Check that the form returns an error when expected, and vice versa.
     $errors = form_get_errors($form_state);
     $valid_form = empty($errors);
     $args = array('%values' => print_r($values, TRUE), '%errors' => $valid_form ? t('None') : implode(' ', $errors));
     $this->assertTrue($valid_form, format_string('Input values: %values<br/>Validation handler errors: %errors', $args));
     foreach ($this->values as $data) {
         $this->assertEqual($data['#value'], \Drupal::config($data['#config_name'])->get($data['#config_key']));
コード例 #4
ファイル: install.php プロジェクト: blipp/drupal
 * Run an individual installation task.
 * @param $task
 *   An array of information about the task to be run.
 * @param $install_state
 *   An array of information about the current installation state. This is
 *   passed in by reference so that it can be modified by the task.
 * @return
 *   The output of the task function, if there is any.
function install_run_task($task, &$install_state)
    $function = $task['function'];
    if ($task['type'] == 'form') {
        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/form.inc';
        if ($install_state['interactive']) {
            // For interactive forms, build the form and ensure that it will not
            // redirect, since the installer handles its own redirection only after
            // marking the form submission task complete.
            $form_state = array('args' => array(&$install_state), 'no_redirect' => TRUE);
            $form = drupal_build_form($function, $form_state);
            // If a successful form submission did not occur, the form needs to be
            // rendered, which means the task is not complete yet.
            if (empty($form_state['executed'])) {
                $install_state['task_not_complete'] = TRUE;
                return drupal_render($form);
            // Otherwise, return nothing so the next task will run in the same
            // request.
        } else {
            // For non-interactive forms, submit the form programmatically with the
            // values taken from the installation state. Throw an exception if any
            // errors were encountered.
            $form_state = array('values' => !empty($install_state['forms'][$function]) ? $install_state['forms'][$function] : array());
            drupal_form_submit($function, $form_state, $install_state);
            $errors = form_get_errors();
            if (!empty($errors)) {
                throw new Exception(implode("\n", $errors));
    } elseif ($task['type'] == 'batch') {
        // Start a new batch based on the task function, if one is not running
        // already.
        $current_batch = variable_get('install_current_batch');
        if (!$install_state['interactive'] || !$current_batch) {
            $batch = $function($install_state);
            if (empty($batch)) {
                // If the task did some processing and decided no batch was necessary,
                // there is nothing more to do here.
            // For interactive batches, we need to store the fact that this batch
            // task is currently running. Otherwise, we need to make sure the batch
            // will complete in one page request.
            if ($install_state['interactive']) {
                variable_set('install_current_batch', $function);
            } else {
                $batch =& batch_get();
                $batch['progressive'] = FALSE;
            // Process the batch. For progressive batches, this will redirect.
            // Otherwise, the batch will complete.
            batch_process(install_redirect_url($install_state), install_full_redirect_url($install_state));
        } elseif ($current_batch == $function) {
            include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/batch.inc';
            $output = _batch_page();
            // The task is complete when we try to access the batch page and receive
            // FALSE in return, since this means we are at a URL where we are no
            // longer requesting a batch ID.
            if ($output === FALSE) {
                // Return nothing so the next task will run in the same request.
            } else {
                // We need to force the page request to end if the task is not
                // complete, since the batch API sometimes prints JSON output
                // rather than returning a themed page.
                $install_state['task_not_complete'] = $install_state['stop_page_request'] = TRUE;
                return $output;
    } else {
        // For normal tasks, just return the function result, whatever it is.
        return $function($install_state);
コード例 #5
  * Drupal get login example
 public function postPasswordReset()
     $drupal = new \erdiko\drupal\Model();
     // Load required include files for requesting user's password
     \module_load_include('inc', 'user', 'user.pages');
     // Fill form_state.
     $form_state['values']['name'] = $_POST['name'];
     $form_state['values']['op'] = 'E-mail new password';
     // Execute the register form.
     \drupal_form_submit('user_pass', $form_state);
     if ($errors = form_get_errors()) {
         // The supplied name is neither a username nor an email address.
         return service_error(implode(" ", $errors), 406, array('form_errors' => $errors));
     } else {
         // Requesting new password has been successful.
         $this->setContent('Email sent');
コード例 #6
 * Add press releases rss feed.
function osha_add_agregator_rss_feeds()
    if (module_exists('aggregator') && module_load_include('inc', 'aggregator', 'aggregator.admin')) {
        drupal_set_message('Add press releases rss feed ...');
        $form_state = array('values' => array('title' => 'EU-OSHA in the media', 'url' => 'http://portal.kantarmedia.de/rss/index/1002043/100000063/1024803/9a7b629357e748080ff47e4d0db7ec57cffff3fe', 'refresh' => 900, 'block' => 2, 'op' => 'Save'));
        drupal_form_submit('aggregator_form_feed', $form_state);
コード例 #7
ファイル: User.php プロジェクト: saarmstrong/erdiko-drupal
 public function postRegister()
     $user = new \erdiko\drupal\models\User();
     if (\user_load_by_name($_POST['name'])) {
         echo "User exists!!";
     } else {
         $account = user_save('', $_POST);
     // Fill form_state.
     $form_state['values']['name'] = $_POST['name'];
     $form_state['values']['op'] = 'E-mail new password';
     // Execute the register form.
     \drupal_form_submit('user_pass', $form_state);
     $content .= "<pre>" . print_r($_POST, true) . "</pre>";
コード例 #8
ファイル: og_quiz_question.php プロジェクト: progamr/opigno
  * Responsible for handling insert/update of question-specific data.
  * This is typically called from within the Node API, so there is no need
  * to save the node.
  * The $is_new flag is set to TRUE whenever the node is being initially
  * created.
  * A save function is required to handle the following three situations:
  * - A new node is created ($is_new is TRUE)
  * - A new node *revision* is created ($is_new is NOT set, because the
  *   node itself is not new).
  * - An existing node revision is modified.
  * @see hook_update and hook_insert in quiz_question.module
  * @param $is_new
  *  TRUE when the node is initially created.
 public function save($is_new = FALSE)
     // We call the abstract function saveNodeProperties to save type specific data
     db_merge('quiz_question_properties')->key(array('nid' => $this->node->nid, 'vid' => $this->node->vid))->fields(array('nid' => $this->node->nid, 'vid' => $this->node->vid, 'max_score' => $this->getMaximumScore()))->execute();
     // Save what quizzes this question belongs to.
     $quizzes_kept = $this->saveRelationships();
     if ($quizzes_kept && $this->node->revision) {
         if (user_access('manual quiz revisioning') && !variable_get('quiz_auto_revisioning', 1)) {
             drupal_goto('quiz_question/' . $this->node->nid . '/' . $this->node->vid . '/revision_actions');
         } else {
             $form_state = array();
             $form_state['values']['op'] = t('Submit');
             require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'quiz_question') . '/quiz_question.pages.inc';
             drupal_form_submit('quiz_question_revision_actions', $form_state, $this->node->nid, $this->node->vid);