public static function getHandlers() { if (self::$handlers !== null) { return self::$handlers; } self::$handlers = array(); // Register handlers. self::$handlers[] = new TaxonomyReferenceHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new UserHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new EntityReferenceHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new FileReferenceHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new ChangedHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new MenuLinkHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new MenuLinkPathHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new FileHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new TextAreaFileReferenceHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new TextAreaLinkReferenceHandler(); self::$handlers[] = new IDHandler(); if (module_exists('imagefield_crop')) { self::$handlers[] = new ImageCropFieldHandler(); } if (module_exists('workbench_moderation')) { self::$handlers[] = new WorkbenchModerationHandler(); } // Allow modules to modify this. drupal_alter('publisher_definition_handlers', self::$handlers); return self::$handlers; }
/** * {@inheritDocs} */ public function match($pathinfo) { // The 'q' variable is pervasive in Drupal, so it's best to just keep // it even though it's very un-Symfony. $path = drupal_get_normal_path(substr($pathinfo, 1)); if (variable_get('menu_rebuild_needed', FALSE) || !variable_get('menu_masks', array())) { menu_rebuild(); } $original_map = arg(NULL, $path); $parts = array_slice($original_map, 0, MENU_MAX_PARTS); $ancestors = menu_get_ancestors($parts); $router_item = db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {menu_router} WHERE path IN (:ancestors) ORDER BY fit DESC', 0, 1, array(':ancestors' => $ancestors))->fetchAssoc(); if ($router_item) { // Allow modules to alter the router item before it is translated and // checked for access. drupal_alter('menu_get_item', $router_item, $path, $original_map); // The requested path is an unalaised Drupal route. return array('_drupal' => true, '_controller' => function ($_router_item) { $router_item = $_router_item; if (!$router_item['access']) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } if ($router_item['include_file']) { require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $router_item['include_file']; } return call_user_func_array($router_item['page_callback'], $router_item['page_arguments']); }, '_route' => $router_item['path']); } throw new ResourceNotFoundException(); }
/** * Render a Drupal block */ public function doRenderBlock($module, $delta) { // $block = block_load($module, $delta); $blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block_info'); if (!isset($blocks[$delta])) { return; } $block = (object) $blocks[$delta]; $block->module = $module; $block->delta = $delta; $block->status = 1; $block->region = 'content'; $block->weight = 0; $block->theme = $GLOBALS['theme_key']; // Those won't serve any purpose but avoid nasty PHP warnings $block->title = ''; $block->pages = ''; $block->visibility = 0; // BLOCK_VISIBILITY_NOTLISTED (block module could be disabled) $block->custom = null; $blockList = [$block]; drupal_alter('block_list', $blockList); $render_array = _block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks($blockList)); return drupal_render($render_array); }
public function compile($page_id = NULL) { $pages = $this->getData()->get(); if ($page_id && array_key_exists($page_id, $pages)) { $pages = array($pages[$page_id]); } $build = ''; foreach ($pages as $page_id => $data) { $vars['#ExportData'] = $this; $vars['#page_id'] = $page_id; $vars['attributes'] = array(); $vars['caption'] = $page_id; $vars['header'] = array(); $column_no = 1; foreach ($this->getHeader($page_id) as $header_key => $value) { $header_classes = array(); $header_classes[] = 'column-' . $column_no; if ($column_no === count($row) - 1) { $header_classes[] = 'last'; } elseif ($column_no === 0) { $header_classes[] = 'first'; } $string = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\.]/', '-', strtolower($header_key)); $string = preg_replace('/^\\d/', 'c-\\0', $string); $header_classes[] = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', $string); $vars['header'][] = array('data' => t($value), 'class' => implode(' ', $header_classes)); $column_no++; } $vars['rows'] = array(); foreach (array_values($data) as $row_no => $row) { $row_classes = array(); $row_classes[] = 'row-' . $row_no; if ($row_no === count($data) - 1) { $row_classes[] = 'last'; } elseif ($row_no === 0) { $row_classes[] = 'first'; } $columns = array(); $array_keys = array_keys($row); foreach (array_values($row) as $column_no => $column) { $column_classes = array(); $column_classes[] = 'column-' . $column_no; if ($column_no === count($row) - 1) { $column_classes[] = 'last'; } elseif ($column_no === 0) { $column_classes[] = 'first'; } $string = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\\-\\.]/', '-', strtolower($array_keys[$column_no])); $string = preg_replace('/^\\d/', 'c-\\0', $string); $column_classes[] = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', $string); $columns[] = array('data' => $column, 'class' => implode(' ', $column_classes)); } $vars['rows'][] = array('data' => $columns, 'class' => implode(' ', $row_classes)); } $build['table'] = array('#theme' => 'table', '#rows' => $vars['rows'], '#header' => $vars['header'], '#attributes' => $vars['attributes'], '#caption' => $vars['caption']); drupal_alter('loft_data_grids_table', $build, $this, $page_id); } $this->output = drupal_render($build); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getQueues() { if (!isset(static::$queues)) { static::$queues = module_invoke_all('cron_queue_info'); drupal_alter('cron_queue_info', static::$queues); } return static::$queues; }
/** * Adds CSS classes based on user roles * Implements template_preprocess_html(). * */ function foundation_access_preprocess_html(&$variables) { // loop through our system specific colors $colors = array('primary', 'secondary', 'required', 'optional'); $css = ''; foreach ($colors as $current) { $color = theme_get_setting('foundation_access_' . $current . '_color'); // allow other projects to override the FA colors drupal_alter('foundation_access_colors', $color, $current); // see if we have something that could be valid hex if (strlen($color) == 6 || strlen($color) == 3) { $complement = '#' . _foundation_access_complement($color); $color = '#' . $color; $css .= '.foundation_access-' . $current . "_color{color:{$color};}"; // specialized additions for each wheel value switch ($current) { case 'primary': $css .= ".etb-book h1,.etb-book h2 {color: {$color};}"; break; case 'secondary': $css .= ".etb-book h3,.etb-book h4,.etb-book h5 {color: {$color};}"; break; case 'required': $css .= "div.textbook_box_required li:hover:before{border-color: {$color};} div.textbook_box_required li:before {color: {$complement}; background: {$color};} div.textbook_box_required { border: 2px solid {$color};} .textbook_box_required h3 {color: {$color};}"; break; case 'optional': $css .= "div.textbook_box_optional li:hover:before{border-color: {$color};} div.textbook_box_optional li:before {color: {$complement}; background: {$color};} div.textbook_box_optional { border: 2px solid {$color};} .textbook_box_optional h3 {color: {$color};}"; break; } } } drupal_add_css($css, array('type' => 'inline', 'group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => 1000)); drupal_add_css('//,700,400italic,700italic|Open+Sans:300,600,700)', array('type' => 'external', 'group' => CSS_THEME)); // theme path shorthand should be handled here $variables['theme_path'] = base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'foundation_access'); foreach ($variables['user']->roles as $role) { $variables['classes_array'][] = 'role-' . drupal_html_class($role); } // add page level variables into scope for the html tpl file $variables['site_name'] = check_plain(variable_get('site_name', 'ELMSLN')); $variables['logo'] = theme_get_setting('logo'); $variables['logo_img'] = ''; // make sure we have a logo before trying to render a real one to screen if (!empty($variables['logo'])) { $variables['logo_img'] = l(theme('image', array('path' => $variables['logo'], 'alt' => strip_tags($variables['site_name']) . ' ' . t('logo'), 'title' => strip_tags($variables['site_name']) . ' ' . t('Home'), 'attributes' => array('class' => array('logo__img')))), '<front>', array('html' => TRUE)); } // add logo style classes to the logo element $logo_classes = array(); $logo_option = theme_get_setting('foundation_access_logo_options'); if (isset($logo_option) && !is_null($logo_option)) { $logo_classes[] = 'logo--' . $logo_option; } $variables['logo_classes'] = implode(' ', $logo_classes); // support in-domain XSS exceptions if (module_exists('cis_connector')) { $variables['parent_origin'] = _cis_connector_parent_domain(); } }
/** * Overwrites LazyPluginCollection::get(). */ public function &get($instance_id) { /* @var \Drupal\restful\Plugin\resource\ResourceInterface $resource */ $resource = parent::get($instance_id); // Allow altering the resource, this way we can read the resource's // definition to return a different class that is using composition. drupal_alter('restful_resource', $resource); $resource = $resource->isEnabled() ? $resource : NULL; return $resource; }
/** * Implements hook_menu_link_alter(). * * Allow Foundation Access to affect the menu links table * so that we can allow other projects to store an icon * representation of what we're working on or status information * about it. * */ function foundation_access_menu_link_alter(&$item) { // this allows other projects to influence the icon seletion for menu items $icon = 'page'; // #href proprety expected for use in the FA menu item icon $item['#href'] = $item['link_path']; // support for the primary theme used with MOOC platform drupal_alter('foundation_access_menu_item_icon', $icon, $item); // store the calculated icon here $item['options']['fa_icon'] = $icon; }
public function __construct() { // Allow other modules to add stuff in there $this->map = module_invoke_all('usync_path_map'); drupal_alter('usync_path_map', $this->map); foreach ($this->map as $pattern => $class) { if (!class_exists($class)) { unset($this->pathMap[$pattern]); trigger_error(sprintf("Class '%s' does not exist", $class), E_USER_ERROR); } } }
/** * Implements QuickEditEditorSelectorInterface::getEditorAttachments(). */ public function getEditorAttachments(array $editor_ids) { $attachments = array(); $editor_ids = array_unique($editor_ids); // Editor plugins' attachments. foreach ($editor_ids as $editor_id) { $editor_plugin = _quickedit_get_editor_plugin($editor_id); $attachments[$editor_id] = $editor_plugin->getAttachments(); // Allows contrib to declare additional dependencies for the editor. drupal_alter('quickedit_editor_attachments', $attachments[$editor_id], $editor_id); } return drupal_array_merge_deep_array($attachments); }
/** * Implements Drupal\field\Plugin\Type\Widget\WidgetInterface::settingsForm(). */ public function settingsForm(array $form, array &$form_state) { $field = $this->field; $instance = $this->instance; if (empty($settings['date_date_format'])) { $settings['date_date_format'] = variable_get('date_format_html_date', 'Y-m-d') . ' ' . variable_get('date_format_html_time', 'H:i:s'); } $element = array('#element_validate' => array('date_field_widget_settings_form_validate')); $element['year_range'] = array('#type' => 'date_year_range', '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('year_range'), '#fieldset' => 'date_format', '#weight' => 6); $element['increment'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Time increments'), '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('increment'), '#options' => array(1 => t('1 minute'), 5 => t('5 minute'), 10 => t('10 minute'), 15 => t('15 minute'), 30 => t('30 minute')), '#weight' => 7, '#fieldset' => 'date_format'); $context = array('field' => $field, 'instance' => $instance); drupal_alter('date_field_widget_settings_form', $element, $context); return $element; }
/** * Helper function to find and render a block by Jeremy Cerda @FreighthouseNYC * PS. - Necessary to support i18n */ function render_block_content($module, $delta) { $output = ''; if ($block = block_load($module, $delta)) { if ($build = module_invoke($module, 'block_view', $delta)) { $delta = str_replace('-', '_', $delta); drupal_alter(array('block_view', "block_view_{$module}_{$delta}"), $build, $block); if (!empty($build['content'])) { return is_array($build['content']) ? render($build['content']) : $build['content']; } } } return $output; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getQueues() { if (!isset(static::$queues)) { static::$queues = module_invoke_all('cron_queue_info'); drupal_alter('cron_queue_info', static::$queues); // Merge in queues from modules that implement hook_queue_info. // Currently only defined by the queue_ui module. $info_queues = module_invoke_all('queue_info'); foreach ($info_queues as $name => $queue) { static::$queues[$name]['worker callback'] = $queue['cron']['callback']; if (isset($queue['cron']['time'])) { static::$queues[$name]['time'] = $queue['cron']['time']; } } } return static::$queues; }
/** * Implements Drupal\field\Plugin\Type\Formatter\FormatterInterface::viewElements(). * * * Useful values: * * $entity->date_id * If set, this will show only an individual date on a field with * multiple dates. The value should be a string that contains * the following values, separated with periods: * - module name of the module adding the item * - node nid * - field name * - delta value of the field to be displayed * - other information the module's custom theme might need * * Used by the calendar module and available for other uses. * example: 'date:217:field_date:3:test' * * $entity->date_repeat_show * If true, tells the theme to show all the computed values * of a repeating date. If not true or not set, only the * start date and the repeat rule will be displayed. */ public function viewElements(EntityInterface $entity, $langcode, array $items) { $field = $this->field; $instance = $this->instance; $settings = $this->settings; $view_mode = $this->viewMode; $weight = $this->weight; $label = $this->label; $definition = $this->getDefinition(); $formatter = $definition['id']; $elements = array(); $variables = array('entity' => $entity, 'field' => $field, 'instance' => $instance, 'langcode' => $langcode, 'items' => $items, 'dates' => array(), 'attributes' => array(), 'rdf_mapping' => array(), 'add_rdf' => module_exists('rdf')); // If there is an RDf mapping for this date field, pass it down to the theme. $rdf_mapping = array(); if (!empty($entity->rdf_mapping) && function_exists('rdf_rdfa_attributes')) { if (!empty($entity->rdf_mapping[$field['field_name']])) { $variables['rdf_mapping'] = $rdf_mapping = $entity->rdf_mapping[$field['field_name']]; } } // Give other modules a chance to prepare the entity before formatting it. drupal_alter('date_formatter_pre_view', $entity, $variables); // See if we are only supposed to display a selected // item from multiple value date fields. $selected_deltas = array(); if (!empty($entity->date_id)) { foreach ((array) $entity->date_id as $key => $id) { list($module, $nid, $field_name, $selected_delta, $other) = explode('.', $id . '.'); if ($field_name == $field['field_name']) { $selected_deltas[] = $selected_delta; } } } foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { if (!empty($entity->date_id) && !in_array($delta, $selected_deltas)) { continue; } else { if (empty($item['value2']) || $item['value'] == $item['value2']) { $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => $item['value']); } else { $elements[$delta] = array('#markup' => t('!start-date to !end-date', array('!start-date' => $item['value'], '!end-date' => $item['value2']))); } } } return $elements; }
/** * Get cron queues and static cache them. * * Works like module_invoke_all('cron_queue_info'), but adds * a 'module' to each item. * * @return array * Cron queue definitions. */ private function get_queues() { if (!isset(self::$queues)) { $queues = array(); foreach (module_implements('cron_queue_info') as $module) { $items = module_invoke($module, 'cron_queue_info'); if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as &$item) { $item['module'] = $module; } $queues += $items; } } drupal_alter('cron_queue_info', $queues); self::$queues = $queues; } return $queues; }
/** * Render a Drupal block */ public function doRenderBlock($module, $delta) { // $block = block_load($module, $delta); $blocks = module_invoke($module, 'block_info'); if (!isset($blocks[$delta])) { return; } $block = (object) $blocks[$delta]; $block->module = $module; $block->delta = $delta; $block->status = 1; $block->region = 'content'; $block->weight = 0; $block->theme = $GLOBALS['theme_key']; $blockList = [$block]; drupal_alter('block_list', $blockList); $render_array = _block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks($blockList)); return drupal_render($render_array); }
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event) { $request = $event->getRequest(); if (null === $this->matcher || $this->matcher->matches($request)) { $exception = $event->getException(); $code = $exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface ? $exception->getStatusCode() : 500; switch ($code) { case 403: $page_callback_result = MENU_ACCESS_DENIED; break; case 404: $page_callback_result = MENU_NOT_FOUND; break; case 503: $page_callback_result = MENU_SITE_OFFLINE; break; default: return; } $router_item = $request->attributes->get('router_item', array()); $default_delivery_callback = NULL; if (!isset($default_delivery_callback)) { $default_delivery_callback = $router_item['delivery_callback']; } $delivery_callback = !empty($default_delivery_callback) ? $default_delivery_callback : 'drupal_deliver_html_page'; // Give modules a chance to alter the delivery callback used, based on // request-time context (e.g., HTTP request headers). drupal_alter('page_delivery_callback', $delivery_callback); if (function_exists($delivery_callback)) { $delivery_callback = function ($page_callback_result) use($delivery_callback) { ob_start(); $delivery_callback($page_callback_result); return new Response((string) ob_get_clean()); }; $event->setResponse($delivery_callback($page_callback_result)); } else { // If a delivery callback is specified, but doesn't exist as a function, // something is wrong, but don't print anything, since it's not known // what format the response needs to be in. watchdog('delivery callback not found', 'callback %callback not found: %q.', array('%callback' => $delivery_callback, '%q' => $_GET['q']), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } } }
/** * Filter known errors so do not log them to Sentry again and again. * * @param array $error * A reference to array containing error info. */ function hook_raven_error_filter_alter(array &$error) { $known_errors = array(); drupal_alter('raven_known_php_errors', $known_errors); // Filter known errors to prevent spamming the Sentry server. foreach ($known_errors as $known_error) { $check = TRUE; foreach ($known_error as $key => $value) { if ($error[$key] != $value) { $check = FALSE; break; } } if ($check) { $error['process'] = FALSE; break; } } }
/** * @method: * this method is used to standardize the data before returning the items to the processor * allows others to modify the data before saving to ensure that there fields that are filled out */ public function _getty_bib_standardized_handler(&$items, $type = NULL) { $required_fields = array('title' => 'Getty - Bib - No Title - @time', '_import_type' => $type); //allows other modules to alter this before it comes out drupal_alter('getty_bib_required_parser', $required_fields, $type); //does for each items foreach ($items as $key => $values) { $diff = array_diff($required_fields, $values); //only continue if diff is not empty if (!empty($diff)) { foreach ($diff as $required_field => $field_value) { if (empty($items[$key][$required_field])) { $items[$key][$required_field] = t($field_value, array('@time' => REQUEST_TIME)); } } } } //allows other modules to hook in and alter the items before processor drupal_alter('getty_bib_items_parser', $items, $type); }
/** * Overrides MessageDigest::aggregate(). * * Collects notifications waiting to be sent based on the current day/time * and how the recipient wants to be notified. */ public function aggregate() { $user_frequencies = $this->getRecipientFrequencies(); // Preload user objects to save some queries. $users = user_load_multiple(array_keys($user_frequencies)); $rows = db_select('message_digest', 'm')->fields('m')->condition('sent', FALSE)->condition('notifier', $this->plugin['name'])->execute(); // Collect all notifications waiting to be sent and group by user. $message_groups = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $account = user_load($row->receiver); $context = array('account' => $account, 'data' => $row, 'gid' => $row->gid, 'plugin' => $this->plugin); drupal_alter('message_digest_aggregate', $context); $message_groups[$row->receiver][$row->gid][] = $row->mid; } $time_to_send_daily = $this->isTimeForDaily(); $time_to_send_weekly = $this->isTimeForWeekly(); // Check user preference for notification frequency and hold all messages // that are not ready to be sent. foreach ($message_groups as $uid => $groups) { $user = user_load($uid); $user_frequency = $user_frequencies[$uid]; // If the user is no longer valid or does not want notifications // we just clear out all the waiting notifications. if (!$user || $user_frequency == NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY_NEVER) { unset($message_groups[$uid]); $this->markSent($uid, $this->plugin['name']); } if ($user_frequency == NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY_DAILY && !$time_to_send_daily) { unset($message_groups[$uid]); } if ($user_frequency == NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY_WEEKLY && !$time_to_send_weekly) { unset($message_groups[$uid]); } if ($user_frequency == NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY_IMMEDIATE) { // The user has changed their preference, let a digest be sent now. } } return $message_groups; }
/** * Execute the search for current page. */ protected function execute($params) { // Add start index (page number we want) $this->start = $params['page'] * $this->resultsPerPage; $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Start($this->start); // Add items / page. $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Rows($this->resultsPerPage); // Add grouping so returned data is not duplicate. $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Group($this->group); // Add spellcheck if needed if (!empty($this->query[0])) { $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Parameter('spellcheck', 'true'); $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Parameter('spellcheckQuery', $this->query[0]); } else { $this->parameters[] = new Parameter\Parameter('spellcheck', 'false'); } drupal_alter('culturefeed_search_page_query', $this); // Prepare the search query and add to the search parameters. $this->parameters[] = $this->prepareQuery(); $this->result = culturefeed_get_search_service()->searchPages($this->parameters); $this->facetComponent->obtainResults($this->result); }
function XlmsSession($id = NULL, $result_id = NULL) { if ($id) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {xlms_session} WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $id)); } if ($result_id) { $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {xlms_session} WHERE result_id=:result_id", array(':result_id' => $result_id)); } if (is_object($result)) { foreach ($result->fetchObject() as $property => $value) { if (property_exists($this, $property)) { $this->{$property} = $value; } } if (isset($this->session_data)) { $this->session_data = unserialize($this->session_data); } $this->kurento_url = $this->kurentoUrl(); $this->kurento_video_directory = $this->kurentoVideoDirectory(); } drupal_alter('xlms_session_load', $this); }
/** * Implements \Drupal\block\BlockBase::build(). */ public function build() { // Get the current slider settings. $config = config('nivo_slider.settings'); $build = array('#type' => 'markup', '#theme' => 'nivo_slider_wrapper', '#attached' => array('libraries_load' => array(array('nivo-slider')), 'js' => array(array('data' => drupal_get_path('module', 'nivo_slider') . '/js/nivo_slider.js', 'type' => 'file'), array('data' => array('nivo_slider' => array('effect' => check_plain($config->get('options.effect')), 'slices' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.slices')), 'boxCols' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.box_columns')), 'boxRows' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.box_rows')), 'animSpeed' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.animation_speed')), 'pauseTime' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.pause_time')), 'startSlide' => (int) check_plain($config->get('options.start_slide')), 'directionNav' => check_plain($config->get('options.directional_navigation')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'controlNav' => check_plain($config->get('options.control_navigation')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'controlNavThumbs' => check_plain($config->get('options.control_nav_thumbs')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'pauseOnHover' => check_plain($config->get('options.pause_on_hover')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'manualAdvance' => check_plain($config->get('options.manual_advance')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE, 'prevText' => check_plain($config->get('options.previous_text')), 'nextText' => check_plain($config->get('options.next_text')), 'randomStart' => check_plain($config->get('options.random_start')) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE)), 'type' => 'setting')), 'css' => array())); // Collect all themes $themes = module_invoke_all('nivo_slider_theme_info'); // Allow theme information to be altered drupal_alter('nivo_slider_theme_info', $themes); // Find the currently selected theme $current_theme = $config->get('options.theme'); // Get the current theme's settings $theme = $themes[$current_theme]; // Add the theme's resources foreach (array('js', 'css') as $type) { if (!empty($theme['resources'][$type])) { foreach ($theme['resources'][$type] as $file_path) { $build['content']['#attached'][$type][] = $file_path; } } } return $build; }
/** * Helper method: pass a query to the alteration system again. * * This allow Entity Reference to add a tag to an existing query, to ask * access control mechanisms to alter it again. */ protected function reAlterQuery(SelectQueryInterface $query, $tag, $base_table) { // Save the old tags and metadata. // For some reason, those are public. $old_tags = $query->alterTags; $old_metadata = $query->alterMetaData; $query->alterTags = array($tag => TRUE); $query->alterMetaData['base_table'] = $base_table; drupal_alter(array('query', 'query_' . $tag), $query); // Restore the tags and metadata. $query->alterTags = $old_tags; $query->alterMetaData = $old_metadata; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function postBuild(array &$build, ObjectInterface $context = NULL) { foreach ($this->getCollection()->getFlatList() as $object) { if ($object !== $this) { $object->postBuild($build, $context); } } drupal_alter('openlayers_object_postprocess', $build, $this); }
/** * Render the panels display for a given panelizer entity. * * @param stdClass $entity * A fully-loaded entity object controlled by panelizer. * @param array $args * Optional array of arguments to pass to the panels display. * @param string $address * An optional address to send to the renderer to use for addressable * content. * @param array $extra_contexts * An optional array of extra context objects that will be added to the * display. * * @return array * If the entity isn't panelized, this returns NULL. Otherwise, it returns an * associative array as meant for use with CTools with the following keys: * - 'content': String containing the rendered panels display output. * - 'no_blocks': Boolean defining if the panels display wants to hide core * blocks or not when being rendered. */ function render_entity($entity, $view_mode, $langcode = NULL, $args = array(), $address = NULL, $extra_contexts = array()) { if (empty($entity->panelizer[$view_mode]) || empty($entity->panelizer[$view_mode]->display)) { return FALSE; } list($entity_id, $revision_id, $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($this->entity_type, $entity); $panelizer = $entity->panelizer[$view_mode]; $display = $panelizer->display; $display->context = $this->get_contexts($panelizer, $entity) + $extra_contexts; $display->args = $args; $display->css_id = $panelizer->css_id; // This means the IPE will use our cache which means it will get appropriate // allowed content should it be selected. $display->cache_key = implode(':', array_filter(array('panelizer', $this->entity_type, $entity_id, $view_mode, $revision_id))); // Check to see if there is any CSS. if (!empty($panelizer->css)) { ctools_include('css'); $filename = ctools_css_retrieve($display->cache_key); if (!$filename) { $filename = ctools_css_store($display->cache_key, $panelizer->css); } drupal_add_css($filename, array('group' => CSS_THEME)); } if ($view_mode == 'page_manager') { // We think this is handled as a page, so set the current page display. panels_get_current_page_display($display); } // Allow applications to alter the panelizer and the display before rendering them. drupal_alter('panelizer_pre_render', $panelizer, $display, $entity); ctools_include('plugins', 'panels'); $renderer = panels_get_renderer($panelizer->pipeline, $display); // If the IPE is enabled, but the user does not have access to edit // the entity, load the standard renderer instead. // Use class_parents so we don't try to autoload the class we are testing. $parents = class_parents($renderer); if (!empty($parents['panels_renderer_editor']) && (!$this->panelizer_access('content', $entity, $view_mode) && !$this->entity_access('update', $entity))) { $renderer = panels_get_renderer_handler('standard', $display); } $renderer->address = $address; $info = array('title' => $panelizer->display->get_title(), 'content' => panels_render_display($display, $renderer), 'no_blocks' => !empty($panelizer->no_blocks)); $info['classes_array'] = array(); if (!empty($panelizer->css_class)) { foreach (explode(' ', $panelizer->css_class) as $class) { $class = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($class, array(), $display->context); if ($class) { $info['classes_array'][] = drupal_html_class($class); } } } if (!empty($parents['panels_renderer_editor'])) { $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'panelizer'); ctools_add_js('panelizer-ipe', 'panelizer'); drupal_add_js($path . "/js/panelizer-ipe.js", array('group' => JS_LIBRARY)); drupal_add_css($path . "/css/panelizer-ipe.css"); } return $info; }
/** * Implements template_preprocess_page. */ function foundation_access_preprocess_page(&$variables) { $variables['contentwrappers'] = _elmsln_core_path_is_wrapped(current_path()); $menu_item = menu_get_item(); // allow modules to supply accessibility enhancements to the menu $a11y = module_invoke_all('fa_a11y'); drupal_alter('fa_a11y', $a11y); // add in the form api wrapper meta properties to render as materialize collapse $a11y['#type'] = 'fieldset'; $a11y['#materialize'] = array('type' => 'collapsible_wrapper'); $a11y['#attributes'] = array('class' => array('collapsible'), 'data-collapsible' => 'accordion'); $variables['a11y'] = drupal_render($a11y); // sniff out if this is a view if ($menu_item['page_callback'] == 'views_page') { // try and auto append exposed filters to our local_subheader region $bid = '-exp-' . $menu_item['page_arguments'][0] . '-' . (is_array($menu_item['page_arguments'][1]) ? $menu_item['page_arguments'][1][0] : $menu_item['page_arguments'][1]); $block = module_invoke('views', 'block_view', $bid); $variables['page']['local_subheader'][$bid] = $block['content']; } $variables['distro'] = elmsln_core_get_profile_key(); // make sure we have lmsless enabled so we don't WSOD $variables['cis_lmsless'] = array('active' => array('title' => '')); // support for lmsless since we don't require it if (module_exists('cis_lmsless')) { $variables['cis_lmsless'] = _cis_lmsless_theme_vars(); } // support for cis_shortcodes if (module_exists('cis_shortcodes')) { $block = cis_shortcodes_block_view('cis_shortcodes_block'); if (!empty($block['content'])) { $variables['cis_shortcodes'] = $block['content']; } else { $variables['cis_shortcodes'] = ''; } } else { $variables['cis_shortcodes'] = ''; } // support for entity_iframe if (module_exists('entity_iframe')) { $block = entity_iframe_block_view('entity_iframe_block'); if (!empty($block['content'])) { $variables['cis_shortcodes'] .= $block['content']; } } // wrap non-node content in an article tag if (isset($variables['page']['content']['system_main']['main'])) { $variables['page']['content']['system_main']['main']['#markup'] = '<article class="l12 col view-mode-full">' . $variables['page']['content']['system_main']['main']['#markup'] . '</article>'; } /** * @todo Get rid of this logic and put it somewhere else * based on the new design. */ // add a sharing url to view the specific section if (module_exists('cis_connector')) { $url_options = array('absolute' => TRUE); // check for setting section context $current_section = _cis_connector_section_context(); if (isset($current_section) && $current_section) { $url_options['query']['elmsln_active_section'] = $current_section; } // check for setting course context $current_course = _cis_connector_course_context(); if (isset($current_course) && $current_course) { $url_options['query']['elmsln_active_course'] = $current_course; } $current_page = url(current_path(), $url_options); // establish the fieldset container for shortcodes $field['cis_section_share'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#title' => t('Share this page')); $field['cis_section_share']['cis_section_share_link'] = array('#title' => t('Page URL'), '#value' => $current_page, '#type' => 'textfield', '#weight' => 0); $variables['cis_section_share'] = $field; } // attempt to find an edit path for the current page if (isset($variables['tabs']) && is_array($variables['tabs']['#primary'])) { $edit_path = arg(0) . '/' . arg(1) . '/edit'; foreach ($variables['tabs']['#primary'] as $key => $tab) { if (isset($tab['#link']['href']) && $tab['#link']['href'] == $edit_path) { $variables['edit_path'] = base_path() . $edit_path; // hide the edit tab cause our on canvas pencil does this unset($variables['tabs']['#primary'][$key]); } } } }
/** * NOT TESTED * add a group entry * * @param string $group_dn as ldap dn * @param array $attributes in key value form * $attributes = array( * "attribute1" = "value", * "attribute2" = array("value1", "value2"), * ) * @return boolean success */ public function groupAddGroup($group_dn, $attributes = array()) { //debug("this->dnExists( $group_dn, boolean)"); debug($this->dnExists($group_dn, 'boolean')); // debug("this->dnExists( $group_dn, boolean)"); debug($this->dnExists($group_dn)); if ($this->dnExists($group_dn, 'boolean')) { return FALSE; } $attributes = array_change_key_case($attributes, CASE_LOWER); $objectclass = empty($attributes['objectclass']) ? $this->groupObjectClass : $attributes['objectclass']; $attributes['objectclass'] = $objectclass; /** * 2. give other modules a chance to add or alter attributes */ $context = array('action' => 'add', 'corresponding_drupal_data' => array($group_dn => $attributes), 'corresponding_drupal_data_type' => 'group'); $ldap_entries = array($group_dn => $attributes); drupal_alter('ldap_entry_pre_provision', $ldap_entries, $this, $context); $attributes = $ldap_entries[$group_dn]; /** * 4. provision ldap entry * @todo how is error handling done here? */ $ldap_entry_created = $this->createLdapEntry($attributes, $group_dn); /** * 5. allow other modules to react to provisioned ldap entry * @todo how is error handling done here? */ if ($ldap_entry_created) { module_invoke_all('ldap_entry_post_provision', $ldap_entries, $this, $context); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
/** * decide if a username is excluded or not * * @param string $name as proposed drupal username * @param array $ldap_user where top level keys are 'dn','attr','mail' * @return boolean FALSE means NOT allow; TRUE means allow * * @todo. this function should simply invoke hook_ldap_authentication_allowuser_results_alter * and most of this function should go in ldap_authentication_allowuser_results_alter */ public function allowUser($name, $ldap_user) { /** * do one of the exclude attribute pairs match */ $ldap_user_conf = ldap_user_conf(); // if user does not already exists and deferring to user settings AND user settings only allow $user_register = variable_get('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL); foreach ($this->excludeIfTextInDn as $test) { if (stripos($ldap_user['dn'], $test) !== FALSE) { return FALSE; // if a match, return FALSE; } } /** * evaluate php if it exists */ if ($this->allowTestPhp) { if (module_exists('php')) { global $_name, $_ldap_user_entry; $_name = $name; $_ldap_user_entry = $ldap_user; $code = '<?php ' . "global \$_name; \n global \$_ldap_user_entry; \n" . $this->allowTestPhp . ' ?>'; $code_result = php_eval($code); $_name = NULL; $_ldap_user_entry = NULL; if ((bool) $code_result == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } else { drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning'); $tokens = array('!ldap_authentication_config' => l(t('LDAP Authentication Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authentication')); watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users based on php execution with php_eval function, but php module is not enabled. Please enable php module or remove php code at !ldap_authentication_config .', $tokens); return FALSE; } } /** * do one of the allow attribute pairs match */ if (count($this->allowOnlyIfTextInDn)) { $fail = TRUE; foreach ($this->allowOnlyIfTextInDn as $test) { if (stripos($ldap_user['dn'], $test) !== FALSE) { $fail = FALSE; } } if ($fail) { return FALSE; } } /** * is excludeIfNoAuthorizations option enabled and user not granted any groups */ if ($this->excludeIfNoAuthorizations) { if (!module_exists('ldap_authorization')) { drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning'); $tokens = array('!ldap_authentication_config' => l(t('LDAP Authentication Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authentication')); watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users without LDAP Authorization mappings, but LDAP Authorization module is not enabled. Please enable and configure LDAP Authorization or disable this option at !ldap_authentication_config .', $tokens); return FALSE; } $user = new stdClass(); $user->name = $name; $user->ldap_authenticated = TRUE; // fake user property added for query $consumers = ldap_authorization_get_consumers(); $has_enabled_consumers = FALSE; $has_ldap_authorizations = FALSE; foreach ($consumers as $consumer_type => $consumer_config) { $consumer_obj = ldap_authorization_get_consumer_object($consumer_type); if ($consumer_obj->consumerConf->status) { $has_enabled_consumers = TRUE; list($authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($user, 'query', $consumer_type, 'test_if_authorizations_granted'); if (isset($authorizations[$consumer_type]) && count($authorizations[$consumer_type]) > 0) { $has_ldap_authorizations = TRUE; } } } if (!$has_enabled_consumers) { drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning'); $tokens = array('!ldap_consumer_config' => l(t('LDAP Authorization Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authorization')); watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users without LDAP Authorization mappings, but 0 LDAP Authorization consumers are configured: !ldap_consumer_config .', $tokens); return FALSE; } elseif (!$has_ldap_authorizations) { return FALSE; } } // allow other modules to hook in and refuse if they like $hook_result = TRUE; drupal_alter('ldap_authentication_allowuser_results', $ldap_user, $name, $hook_result); if ($hook_result === FALSE) { watchdog('ldap_authentication', "Authentication Allow User Result=refused for %name", array('%name' => $name), WATCHDOG_NOTICE); return FALSE; } /** * default to allowed */ return TRUE; }
/** * Implements hook_page_alter(). */ function alpha_page_alter(&$vars) { $theme = alpha_get_theme(); $theme->settings['debug']['access'] = alpha_debug_access($GLOBALS['user'], $theme->settings['debug']['roles']); // If no module has taken care of the main content, add it to the page now. // This allows the site to still be usable even if no modules that // control page regions (for example, the Block module) are enabled. if (!drupal_static('system_main_content_added', FALSE)) { $vars['content']['system_main'] = drupal_set_page_content(); } if (($theme->settings['debug']['access'] || $GLOBALS['user']->uid == 1) && ($theme->settings['debug']['grid'] || $theme->settings['debug']['block'])) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', 'alpha') . '/css/alpha-debug.css', array('group' => CSS_THEME, 'weight' => -5)); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'alpha') . '/js/alpha-debug.js', array('group' => JS_THEME, 'weight' => -5)); if ($theme->settings['responsive']) { $vars['page_bottom']['alpha_resize_indicator'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div class="alpha-resize-indicator"></div>'); } if ($theme->settings['debug']['grid']) { $vars['page_bottom']['alpha_grid_toggle'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<a class="alpha-grid-toggle" href="#"></a>'); } if ($theme->settings['debug']['block']) { $vars['page_bottom']['alpha_block_toggle'] = array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<a class="alpha-block-toggle" href="#"></a>'); foreach ($theme->regions as $region => $item) { if ($item['enabled']) { if (empty($vars[$region])) { $vars[$region]['#region'] = $region; $vars[$region]['#theme_wrappers'] = array('region'); } if (isset($vars[$region]['#theme_wrappers']) && array_search('region', $vars[$region]['#theme_wrappers']) !== FALSE) { $vars[$region] = array('alpha_debug_' . $region => array('#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '<div class="alpha-debug-block"><h2>' . $item['name'] . '</h2><p>' . t('This is a debugging block') . '</p></div>', '#weight' => -999)) + $vars[$region]; } } } } } if (!module_implements('alpha_page_structure_alter')) { alpha_alter('alpha_page_structure', $vars, $theme->theme); } else { drupal_alter('alpha_page_structure', $vars, $theme->theme); } }