コード例 #1
ファイル: graphs_new.php プロジェクト: MrWnn/cacti
function host_new_graphs($host_id, $host_template_id, $selected_graphs_array)
    /* we use object buffering on this page to allow redirection to another page if no
    	fields are actually drawn */
    print "<form method='post' action='graphs_new.php'>\n";
    $snmp_query_id = 0;
    $num_output_fields = array();
    while (list($form_type, $form_array) = each($selected_graphs_array)) {
        while (list($form_id1, $form_array2) = each($form_array)) {
            if ($form_type == 'cg') {
                $graph_template_id = $form_id1;
                html_start_box("<strong>Create Graph from '" . db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_templates WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_id)) . "'", '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
            } elseif ($form_type == 'sg') {
                while (list($form_id2, $form_array3) = each($form_array2)) {
                    /* ================= input validation ================= */
                    /* ==================================================== */
                    $snmp_query_id = $form_id1;
                    $snmp_query_graph_id = $form_id2;
                    $num_graphs = sizeof($form_array3);
                    $snmp_query = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT
						FROM snmp_query
						WHERE snmp_query.id = ?', array($snmp_query_id));
                    $graph_template_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT graph_template_id FROM snmp_query_graph WHERE id = ?', array($snmp_query_graph_id));
                /* DRAW: Data Query */
                html_start_box("<strong>Create {$num_graphs} Graph" . ($num_graphs > 1 ? 's' : '') . " from '" . db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM snmp_query WHERE id = ?', array($snmp_query_id)) . "'", '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
            /* ================= input validation ================= */
            /* ==================================================== */
            $data_templates = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT
				data_template.name AS data_template_name,
				FROM (data_template, data_template_rrd, data_template_data, graph_templates_item)
				WHERE graph_templates_item.task_item_id = data_template_rrd.id
				AND data_template_rrd.data_template_id = data_template.id
				AND data_template_data.data_template_id = data_template.id
				AND data_template_rrd.local_data_id = 0
				AND data_template_data.local_data_id = 0
				AND graph_templates_item.local_graph_id = 0
				AND graph_templates_item.graph_template_id = ?
				GROUP BY data_template.id
				ORDER BY data_template.name', array($graph_template_id));
            $graph_template = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT
				graph_templates.name AS graph_template_name,
				FROM (graph_templates, graph_templates_graph)
				WHERE graph_templates.id = graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id
				AND graph_templates.id = ?
				AND graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id = 0', array($graph_template_id));
            $graph_template_name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_templates WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_id));
            array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph($graph_template_id, $graph_template, "g_{$snmp_query_id}" . '_' . $graph_template_id . '_|field|', '<strong>Graph</strong> [Template: ' . $graph_template['graph_template_name'] . ']', false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
            array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph_item($graph_template_id, 0, 'gi_' . $snmp_query_id . '_' . $graph_template_id . '_|id|_|field|', '<strong>Graph Items</strong> [Template: ' . $graph_template_name . ']', false));
            /* DRAW: Data Sources */
            if (sizeof($data_templates) > 0) {
                foreach ($data_templates as $data_template) {
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data_template['data_template_id'], 0, $data_template, 'd_' . $snmp_query_id . '_' . $graph_template_id . '_' . $data_template['data_template_id'] . '_|field|', '<strong>Data Source</strong> [Template: ' . $data_template['data_template_name'] . ']', false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
                    $data_template_items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT
					FROM data_template_rrd
					WHERE data_template_rrd.data_template_id = ?
					AND local_data_id = 0', array($data_template['data_template_id']));
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data_template['data_template_id'], $data_template_items, 'di_' . $snmp_query_id . '_' . $graph_template_id . '_' . $data_template['data_template_id'] . '_|id|_|field|', '', false, false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data_template['id'], 'c_' . $snmp_query_id . '_' . $graph_template_id . '_' . $data_template['data_template_id'] . '_|id|', '<strong>Custom Data</strong> [Template: ' . $data_template['data_template_name'] . ']', false, false, $snmp_query_id));
    /* no fields were actually drawn on the form; just save without prompting the user */
    if (array_sum($num_output_fields) == 0) {
        /* since the user didn't actually click "Create" to POST the data; we have to
        		pretend like they did here */
        $_POST['host_template_id'] = $host_template_id;
        $_POST['host_id'] = $host_id;
        $_POST['save_component_new_graphs'] = '1';
        $_POST['selected_graphs_array'] = serialize($selected_graphs_array);
        header('Location: graphs_new.php?host_id=' . $_POST['host_id']);
    /* flush the current output buffer to the browser */
    form_hidden_box('host_template_id', $host_template_id, '0');
    form_hidden_box('host_id', $host_id, '0');
    form_hidden_box('save_component_new_graphs', '1', '');
    print "<input type='hidden' name='selected_graphs_array' value='" . serialize($selected_graphs_array) . "'>\n";
    if (!substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'graphs_new')) {
        $_REQUEST['returnto'] = basename($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    load_current_session_value('returnto', 'sess_graphs_new_returnto', '');
コード例 #2
function ds_edit()
    global $colors, $struct_data_source, $struct_data_source_item, $data_source_types;
    /* ================= input validation ================= */
    /* ==================================================== */
    $use_data_template = true;
    $host_id = 0;
    if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
        $data_local = db_fetch_row("select host_id,data_template_id from data_local where id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'");
        $data = db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_data where local_data_id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'");
        if (isset($data_local["data_template_id"]) && $data_local["data_template_id"] >= 0) {
            $data_template = db_fetch_row("select id,name from data_template where id='" . $data_local["data_template_id"] . "'");
            $data_template_data = db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_data where data_template_id='" . $data_local["data_template_id"] . "' and local_data_id=0");
        } else {
            $_SESSION["sess_messages"] = 'Data Source "' . $_GET["id"] . '" does not exist.';
            header("Location: data_sources.php");
        $header_label = "[edit: " . get_data_source_title($_GET["id"]) . "]";
        if (empty($data_local["data_template_id"])) {
            $use_data_template = false;
    } else {
        $header_label = "[new]";
        $use_data_template = false;
    /* handle debug mode */
    if (isset($_GET["debug"])) {
        if ($_GET["debug"] == "0") {
        } elseif ($_GET["debug"] == "1") {
            $_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"] = true;
    include_once "./include/top_header.php";
    if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
		<table width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="textInfo" colspan="2" valign="top">
        print get_data_source_title($_GET["id"]);
				<td class="textInfo" align="right" valign="top">
					<span style="color: #c16921;">*<a href='data_sources.php?action=ds_edit&id=<?php 
        print isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : 0;
        print isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"]) ? "0" : "1";
'>Turn <strong><?php 
        print isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"]) ? "Off" : "On";
</strong> Data Source Debug Mode.</a>
    html_start_box("<strong>Data Template Selection</strong> {$header_label}", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");
    $form_array = array("data_template_id" => array("method" => "drop_sql", "friendly_name" => "Selected Data Template", "description" => "The name given to this data template.", "value" => isset($data_template) ? $data_template["id"] : "0", "none_value" => "None", "sql" => "select id,name from data_template order by name"), "host_id" => array("method" => "drop_sql", "friendly_name" => "Host", "description" => "Choose the host that this graph belongs to.", "value" => isset($_GET["host_id"]) ? $_GET["host_id"] : $data_local["host_id"], "none_value" => "None", "sql" => "select id,CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') as name from host order by description,hostname"), "_data_template_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($data_template) ? $data_template["id"] : "0"), "_host_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => empty($data_local["host_id"]) ? isset($_GET["host_id"]) ? $_GET["host_id"] : "0" : $data_local["host_id"]), "_data_input_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($data["data_input_id"]) ? $data["data_input_id"] : "0"), "data_template_data_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($data) ? $data["id"] : "0"), "local_data_template_data_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($data) ? $data["local_data_template_data_id"] : "0"), "local_data_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($data) ? $data["local_data_id"] : "0"));
    draw_edit_form(array("config" => array(), "fields" => $form_array));
    /* only display the "inputs" area if we are using a data template for this data source */
    if (!empty($data["data_template_id"])) {
        $template_data_rrds = db_fetch_assoc("select * from data_template_rrd where local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"] . " order by data_source_name");
        html_start_box("<strong>Supplemental Data Template Data</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");
        draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data["data_template_id"], $data["local_data_id"], $data, "|field|", "<strong>Data Source Fields</strong>", true, true, 0);
        draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data["data_template_id"], $template_data_rrds, "|field|_|id|", "<strong>Data Source Item Fields</strong>", true, true, true, 0);
        draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data["id"], "value_|id|", "<strong>Custom Data</strong>", true, true, 0);
        form_hidden_box("save_component_data", "1", "");
    if ((isset($_GET["id"]) || isset($_GET["new"])) && empty($data["data_template_id"])) {
        html_start_box("<strong>Data Source</strong>", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");
        $form_array = array();
        while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($struct_data_source)) {
            $form_array += array($field_name => $struct_data_source[$field_name]);
            if (!($use_data_template == false || !empty($data_template_data["t_" . $field_name]) || $field_array["flags"] == "NOTEMPLATE")) {
                $form_array[$field_name]["description"] = "";
            $form_array[$field_name]["value"] = isset($data[$field_name]) ? $data[$field_name] : "";
            $form_array[$field_name]["form_id"] = empty($data["id"]) ? "0" : $data["id"];
            if (!($use_data_template == false || !empty($data_template_data["t_" . $field_name]) || $field_array["flags"] == "NOTEMPLATE")) {
                $form_array[$field_name]["method"] = "template_" . $form_array[$field_name]["method"];
        draw_edit_form(array("config" => array("no_form_tag" => true), "fields" => inject_form_variables($form_array, isset($data) ? $data : array())));
        /* fetch ALL rrd's for this data source */
        if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
            $template_data_rrds = db_fetch_assoc("select id,data_source_name from data_template_rrd where local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"] . " order by data_source_name");
        /* select the first "rrd" of this data source by default */
        if (empty($_GET["view_rrd"])) {
            $_GET["view_rrd"] = isset($template_data_rrds[0]["id"]) ? $template_data_rrds[0]["id"] : "0";
        /* get more information about the rrd we chose */
        if (!empty($_GET["view_rrd"])) {
            $local_data_template_rrd_id = db_fetch_cell("select local_data_template_rrd_id from data_template_rrd where id=" . $_GET["view_rrd"]);
            $rrd = db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_rrd where id=" . $_GET["view_rrd"]);
            $rrd_template = db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_rrd where id={$local_data_template_rrd_id}");
            $header_label = "[edit: " . $rrd["data_source_name"] . "]";
        } else {
            $header_label = "";
        $i = 0;
        if (isset($template_data_rrds)) {
            if (sizeof($template_data_rrds) > 1) {
                /* draw the data source tabs on the top of the page */
                print "\t<table class='tabs' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n";
                foreach ($template_data_rrds as $template_data_rrd) {
                    print "\t<td " . ($template_data_rrd["id"] == $_GET["view_rrd"] ? "bgcolor='silver'" : "bgcolor='#DFDFDF'") . " nowrap='nowrap' width='" . (strlen($template_data_rrd["data_source_name"]) * 9 + 50) . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a href='data_sources.php?action=ds_edit&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "&view_rrd=" . $template_data_rrd["id"] . "'>{$i}: " . $template_data_rrd["data_source_name"] . "</a>" . ($use_data_template == false ? " <a href='data_sources.php?action=rrd_remove&id=" . $template_data_rrd["id"] . "&local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"] . "'><img src='images/delete_icon.gif' border='0' alt='Delete'></a>" : "") . "</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n";
                print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<td></td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>\n";
            } elseif (sizeof($template_data_rrds) == 1) {
                $_GET["view_rrd"] = $template_data_rrds[0]["id"];
        html_start_box("", "100%", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");
        print "\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td bgcolor='#" . $colors["header"] . "' class='textHeaderDark'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Data Source Item</strong> {$header_label}\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='textHeaderDark' align='right' bgcolor='" . $colors["header"] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (!empty($_GET["id"]) && empty($data_template["id"]) ? "<strong><a class='linkOverDark' href='data_sources.php?action=rrd_add&id=" . $_GET["id"] . "'>New</a>&nbsp;</strong>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n";
        /* data input fields list */
        if (empty($data["data_input_id"]) || db_fetch_cell("select type_id from data_input where id=" . $data["data_input_id"]) > "1") {
        } else {
            $struct_data_source_item["data_input_field_id"]["sql"] = "select id,CONCAT(data_name,' - ',name) as name from data_input_fields where data_input_id=" . $data["data_input_id"] . " and input_output='out' and update_rra='on' order by data_name,name";
        $form_array = array();
        while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($struct_data_source_item)) {
            $form_array += array($field_name => $struct_data_source_item[$field_name]);
            if (!($use_data_template == false || $rrd_template["t_" . $field_name] == "on")) {
                $form_array[$field_name]["description"] = "";
            $form_array[$field_name]["value"] = isset($rrd) ? $rrd[$field_name] : "";
            if (!($use_data_template == false || $rrd_template["t_" . $field_name] == "on")) {
                $form_array[$field_name]["method"] = "template_" . $form_array[$field_name]["method"];
        draw_edit_form(array("config" => array("no_form_tag" => true), "fields" => array("data_template_rrd_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($rrd) ? $rrd["id"] : "0"), "local_data_template_rrd_id" => array("method" => "hidden", "value" => isset($rrd) ? $rrd["local_data_template_rrd_id"] : "0")) + $form_array));
        /* data source data goes here */
        form_hidden_box("current_rrd", $_GET["view_rrd"], "0");
    /* display the debug mode box if the user wants it */
    if (isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"]) && isset($_GET["id"])) {
		<table width="100%" align="center">
					<span class="textInfo">Data Source Debug</span><br>
        print rrdtool_function_create($_GET["id"], true, array());
    if (isset($_GET["id"]) || isset($_GET["new"])) {
        form_hidden_box("save_component_data_source", "1", "");
    } else {
        form_hidden_box("save_component_data_source_new", "1", "");
    include_once "./include/bottom_footer.php";
コード例 #3
ファイル: graphs_new.php プロジェクト: teddywen/cacti
function host_new_graphs($host_id, $host_template_id, $selected_graphs_array)
    /* we use object buffering on this page to allow redirection to another page if no
    	fields are actually drawn */
    include_once "./include/top_header.php";
    print "<form method='post' action='graphs_new.php'>\n";
    $snmp_query_id = 0;
    $num_output_fields = array();
    while (list($form_type, $form_array) = each($selected_graphs_array)) {
        while (list($form_id1, $form_array2) = each($form_array)) {
            if ($form_type == "cg") {
                $graph_template_id = $form_id1;
                html_start_box("<strong>Create Graph from '" . db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id={$graph_template_id}") . "'", "100%", "", "3", "center", "");
            } elseif ($form_type == "sg") {
                while (list($form_id2, $form_array3) = each($form_array2)) {
                    /* ================= input validation ================= */
                    /* ==================================================== */
                    $snmp_query_id = $form_id1;
                    $snmp_query_graph_id = $form_id2;
                    $num_graphs = sizeof($form_array3);
                    $snmp_query = db_fetch_row("select\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsnmp_query.name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsnmp_query.xml_path\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom snmp_query\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere snmp_query.id={$snmp_query_id}");
                    $graph_template_id = db_fetch_cell("select graph_template_id from snmp_query_graph where id={$snmp_query_graph_id}");
                /* DRAW: Data Query */
                html_start_box("<strong>Create {$num_graphs} Graph" . ($num_graphs > 1 ? "s" : "") . " from '" . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id={$snmp_query_id}") . "'", "100%", "", "3", "center", "");
            /* ================= input validation ================= */
            /* ==================================================== */
            $data_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select\n\t\t\t\tdata_template.name as data_template_name,\n\t\t\t\tdata_template_rrd.data_source_name,\n\t\t\t\tdata_template_data.*\n\t\t\t\tfrom (data_template, data_template_rrd, data_template_data, graph_templates_item)\n\t\t\t\twhere graph_templates_item.task_item_id=data_template_rrd.id\n\t\t\t\tand data_template_rrd.data_template_id=data_template.id\n\t\t\t\tand data_template_data.data_template_id=data_template.id\n\t\t\t\tand data_template_rrd.local_data_id=0\n\t\t\t\tand data_template_data.local_data_id=0\n\t\t\t\tand graph_templates_item.local_graph_id=0\n\t\t\t\tand graph_templates_item.graph_template_id=" . $graph_template_id . "\n\t\t\t\tgroup by data_template.id\n\t\t\t\torder by data_template.name");
            $graph_template = db_fetch_row("select\n\t\t\t\tgraph_templates.name as graph_template_name,\n\t\t\t\tgraph_templates_graph.*\n\t\t\t\tfrom (graph_templates, graph_templates_graph)\n\t\t\t\twhere graph_templates.id=graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id\n\t\t\t\tand graph_templates.id=" . $graph_template_id . "\n\t\t\t\tand graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=0");
            $graph_template_name = db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id=" . $graph_template_id);
            array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph($graph_template_id, $graph_template, "g_{$snmp_query_id}" . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_|field|", "<strong>Graph</strong> [Template: " . $graph_template["graph_template_name"] . "]", false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
            array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph_item($graph_template_id, 0, "gi_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_|id|_|field|", "<strong>Graph Items</strong> [Template: " . $graph_template_name . "]", false));
            /* DRAW: Data Sources */
            if (sizeof($data_templates) > 0) {
                foreach ($data_templates as $data_template) {
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data_template["data_template_id"], 0, $data_template, "d_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|field|", "<strong>Data Source</strong> [Template: " . $data_template["data_template_name"] . "]", false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
                    $data_template_items = db_fetch_assoc("select\n\t\t\t\t\tdata_template_rrd.*\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom data_template_rrd\n\t\t\t\t\twhere data_template_rrd.data_template_id=" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tand local_data_id=0");
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data_template["data_template_id"], $data_template_items, "di_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|id|_|field|", "", false, false, false, isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0));
                    array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data_template["id"], "c_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|id|", "<strong>Custom Data</strong> [Template: " . $data_template["data_template_name"] . "]", false, false, $snmp_query_id));
    /* no fields were actually drawn on the form; just save without prompting the user */
    if (array_sum($num_output_fields) == 0) {
        /* since the user didn't actually click "Create" to POST the data; we have to
        		pretend like they did here */
        $_POST["host_template_id"] = $host_template_id;
        $_POST["host_id"] = $host_id;
        $_POST["save_component_new_graphs"] = "1";
        $_POST["selected_graphs_array"] = serialize($selected_graphs_array);
        header("Location: graphs_new.php?host_id=" . $_POST["host_id"]);
    /* flush the current output buffer to the browser */
    form_hidden_box("host_template_id", $host_template_id, "0");
    form_hidden_box("host_id", $host_id, "0");
    form_hidden_box("save_component_new_graphs", "1", "");
    print "<input type='hidden' name='selected_graphs_array' value='" . serialize($selected_graphs_array) . "'>\n";
    if (!substr_count($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], "graphs_new")) {
        $_REQUEST["returnto"] = basename($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]);
    load_current_session_value("returnto", "sess_graphs_new_returnto", "");
    include_once "./include/bottom_footer.php";
コード例 #4
ファイル: data_source_form.php プロジェクト: songchin/Cacti
function data_source_edit() {
	global $colors;
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_source/data_source_info.php");

	/* ================= input validation ================= */
	/* ==================================================== */

	$use_data_template = true;
	$device_id = 0;

	if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
		$data_local 		= db_fetch_row("select device_id,data_template_id from data_local where id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'");
		$data       		= db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_data where local_data_id='" . $_GET["id"] . "'");
		$data_source_items 	= db_fetch_assoc("select * from data_template_rrd where local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"] . " order by data_source_name");

		if (isset($data_local["data_template_id"]) && $data_local["data_template_id"] >= 0) {
			$data_template      = db_fetch_row("select id,name from data_template where id='" . $data_local["data_template_id"] . "'");
			$data_template_data = db_fetch_row("select * from data_template_data where data_template_id='" . $data_local["data_template_id"] . "' and local_data_id=0");
		} else {
			$_SESSION["sess_messages"] = 'Data Source "' . $_GET["id"] . '" does not exist.';
			header ("Location: data_sources.php");

		$header_label = __("[edit: ") . get_data_source_title($_GET["id"]) . "]";

		if (empty($data_local["data_template_id"])) {
			$use_data_template = false;
		$header_label = __("[new]");

		$use_data_template = false;

	/* handle debug mode */
	if (isset($_GET["debug"])) {
		if (get_request_var("debug") == "0") {
		}elseif (get_request_var("debug") == "1") {
			$_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"] = true;

	/* handle info mode */
	if (isset($_GET["info"])) {
		if (get_request_var("info") == "0") {
		}elseif (get_request_var("info") == "1") {
			$_SESSION["ds_info_mode"] = true;

	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/top_header.php");

	$tip_text = "";
	if (isset($data)) {
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' id=\\'changeDSState\\' onClick=\\'changeDSState()\\' href=\\'#\\'>Unlock/Lock</a></td></tr>";
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' href=\\'" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=data_source_toggle_status&id=' . (isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : 0) . '&newstate=' . (($data["active"] == CHECKED) ? "0" : "1")) . "\\'>" . (($data["active"] == CHECKED) ? __("Disable") : __("Enable")) . "</a></td></tr>";
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' href=\\'" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=data_source_edit&id=' . (isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : 0) . '&debug=' . (isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"]) ? "0" : "1")) . "\\'>" . __("Turn") . " <strong>" . (isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"]) ? __("Off") : __(CHECKED)) . "</strong> " . __("Debug Mode") . "</a></td></tr>";
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' href=\\'" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=data_source_edit&id=' . (isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : 0) . '&info=' . (isset($_SESSION["ds_info_mode"]) ? "0" : "1")) . "\\'>" . __("Turn") . " <strong>" . (isset($_SESSION["ds_info_mode"]) ? __("Off") : __(CHECKED)) . "</strong> " . __("RRD Info Mode") . "</a><td></tr>";
	if (!empty($data_template["id"])) {
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' href=\\'" . htmlspecialchars('data_templates.php?action=template_edit&id=' . (isset($data_template["id"]) ? $data_template["id"] : "0")) . "\\'>" . __("Edit Data Source Template") . "<br></a></td></td>";
	if (!empty($_GET["device_id"]) || !empty($data_local["device_id"])) {
		$tip_text .= "<tr><td align=\\'right\\'><a class=\\'popup_item\\' href=\\'" . htmlspecialchars('devices.php?action=edit&id=' . (isset($_GET["device_id"]) ? $_GET["device_id"] : $data_local["device_id"])) . "\\'>" . __("Edit Host") . "</a></td></tr>";

	if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {
		<script type="text/javascript">
		var disabled = true;

		$().ready(function() {

		function changeDSState() {
			if (disabled) {
				disabled = false;
				disabled = true;
		<table width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="textInfo" colspan="2" valign="top">
					<?php print get_data_source_title(get_request_var("id"));?>
				<td style="white-space:nowrap;" align="right" class="w1"><a id='tooltip' class='popup_anchor' href='#' onMouseOver="Tip('<?php print $tip_text;?>', BGCOLOR, '#EEEEEE', FIX, ['tooltip', -20, 0], STICKY, true, SHADOW, true, CLICKCLOSE, true, FADEOUT, 400, TEXTALIGN, 'right', BORDERCOLOR, '#F5F5F5')" onMouseOut="UnTip()">Data Source Options</a></td>

	print "<form method='post' action='" .  basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "' name='data_source_edit'>\n";
	html_start_box("<strong>" . __("Data Source Template Selection") . "</strong> $header_label", "100", $colors["header"], 0, "center", "");
	$header_items = array(__("Field"), __("Value"));
	print "<tr><td>";
	html_header($header_items, 1, true, 'template');

	$form_array = fields_data_source_form_list();
	$form_array["data_template_id"]["id"] = (isset($data_template["id"]) ? $data_template["id"] : "0");
	$form_array["data_template_id"]["name"] = db_fetch_cell("SELECT name FROM data_template WHERE id=" . $form_array["data_template_id"]["id"]);
	$form_array["device_id"]["id"] = (isset($_GET["device_id"]) ? $_GET["device_id"] : $data_local["device_id"]);
	$form_array["device_id"]["name"] = db_fetch_cell("SELECT CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') FROM device WHERE id=" . $form_array["device_id"]["id"]);

			"config" => array(),
			"fields" => $form_array

	print "</table></td></tr>";		/* end of html_header */
	form_hidden_box("hidden_data_template_id", (isset($data_template["id"]) ? $data_template["id"] : "0"), "");
	form_hidden_box("hidden_device_id", (empty($data_local["device_id"]) ? (isset($_GET["device_id"]) ? $_GET["device_id"] : "0") : $data_local["device_id"]), "");
	form_hidden_box("hidden_data_input_id", (isset($data["data_input_id"]) ? $data["data_input_id"] : "0"), "");
	form_hidden_box("data_template_data_id", (isset($data) ? $data["id"] : "0"), "");
	form_hidden_box("local_data_template_data_id", (isset($data) ? $data["local_data_template_data_id"] : "0"), "");
	form_hidden_box("local_data_id", (isset($data) ? $data["local_data_id"] : "0"), "");

	/* only display the "inputs" area if we are using a data template for this data source */
	if (!empty($data["data_template_id"])) {

		html_start_box("<strong>" . __("Supplemental Data Source Template Data") . "</strong>", "100", $colors["header"], 0, "center", "");

		draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data["data_template_id"], $data["local_data_id"], $data, "|field|", "<strong>" . __("Data Source Fields") . "</strong>", true, true, 0);
		draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data["data_template_id"], $data_source_items, "|field|_|id|", "<strong>" . __("Data Source Item Fields") . "</strong>", true, true, true, 0);
		draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data["id"], "value_|id|", "<strong>" . __("Custom Data") . "</strong>", true, true, 0);



	if (((isset($_GET["id"])) || (isset($_GET["new"]))) && (empty($data["data_template_id"]))) {
		html_start_box("<strong>" . __("Data Source") . "</strong>", "100", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");

		$form_array = array();

		$struct_data_source = data_source_form_list();
		while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($struct_data_source)) {
			$form_array += array($field_name => $struct_data_source[$field_name]);

			$form_array[$field_name]["value"] = (isset($data[$field_name]) ? $data[$field_name] : "");
			$form_array[$field_name]["form_id"] = (empty($data["id"]) ? "0" : $data["id"]);

			if (!(($use_data_template == false) || (!empty($data_template_data{"t_" . $field_name})) || ($field_array["flags"] == "NOTEMPLATE"))) {
				$form_array[$field_name]["method"] = "template_" . $form_array[$field_name]["method"];

				"config" => array("no_form_tag" => true),
				"fields" => inject_form_variables($form_array, (isset($data) ? $data : array()))


		if (!empty($_GET["id"])) {

			html_start_box("<strong>" . __("Data Source Items") . "</strong>", "100", $colors["header"], "0", "center", "data_sources_items.php?action=item_edit&local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"], true);
			draw_data_template_items_list($data_source_items, "data_sources_items.php", "local_data_id=" . $_GET["id"], $use_data_template);

		/* data source data goes here */

	/* display the debug mode box if the user wants it */
	if ((isset($_SESSION["ds_debug_mode"])) && (isset($_GET["id"]))) {
		<table width="100%" align="center">
					<span class="textInfo"><?php print __("Data Source Debug");?></span><br>
					<pre><?php print rrdtool_function_create(get_request_var("id"), true, array());?></pre>

	if ((isset($_SESSION["ds_info_mode"])) && (isset($_GET["id"]))) {
		$rrd_info = rrdtool_function_info($_GET["id"]);

		if (sizeof($rrd_info["rra"])) {
			$diff = rrdtool_cacti_compare($_GET["id"], $rrd_info);
			rrdtool_info2html($rrd_info, $diff);
			rrdtool_tune($rrd_info["filename"], $diff, true);

	if ((isset($_GET["id"])) || (isset($_GET["new"]))) {


	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/access/js/data_source_item.js");
	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/bottom_footer.php");
コード例 #5
ファイル: graphs_new_form.php プロジェクト: songchin/Cacti
function device_new_graphs($device_id, $device_template_id, $selected_graphs_array) {
	global $colors;

	if (substr_count($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/devices.php")) {
		$file = "devices.php?action=edit&tab=newgraphs&id=" . $_REQUEST["device_id"];
		$file2 = "devices.php";
		$file = "graphs_new.php?device_id=". $_REQUEST["device_id"];
		$file2 = "graphs_new.php";

	/* we use object buffering on this page to allow redirection to another page if no
	fields are actually drawn */

	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/top_header.php");

	print "<form action='" . $file2 . "' method='post'>\n";

	$snmp_query_id = 0;
	$num_output_fields = array();

	while (list($form_type, $form_array) = each($selected_graphs_array)) {
		while (list($form_id1, $form_array2) = each($form_array)) {
			if ($form_type == "cg") {
				$graph_template_id = $form_id1;

				html_start_box("<strong>" . __("Create Graph from '%s'", db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id=$graph_template_id")), "100", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");
			}elseif ($form_type == "sg") {
				while (list($form_id2, $form_array3) = each($form_array2)) {
					/* ================= input validation ================= */
					/* ==================================================== */

					$snmp_query_id = $form_id1;
					$snmp_query_graph_id = $form_id2;
					$num_graphs = sizeof($form_array3);

					$snmp_query = db_fetch_row("select
						from snmp_query
						where snmp_query.id=$snmp_query_id");

					$graph_template_id = db_fetch_cell("select graph_template_id from snmp_query_graph where id=$snmp_query_graph_id");

				/* DRAW: Data Query */
				html_start_box("<strong>Create $num_graphs Graph" . (($num_graphs>1) ? "s" : "") . " from '" . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=$snmp_query_id") . "'", "100", $colors["header"], "3", "center", "");

			/* ================= input validation ================= */
			/* ==================================================== */

			$data_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select
				data_template.name as data_template_name,
				from (data_template, data_template_rrd, data_template_data, graph_templates_item)
				where graph_templates_item.task_item_id=data_template_rrd.id
				and data_template_rrd.data_template_id=data_template.id
				and data_template_data.data_template_id=data_template.id
				and data_template_rrd.local_data_id=0
				and data_template_data.local_data_id=0
				and graph_templates_item.local_graph_id=0
				and graph_templates_item.graph_template_id=" . $graph_template_id . "
				group by data_template.id
				order by data_template.name");

			$graph_template = db_fetch_row("select
				graph_templates.name as graph_template_name,
				from (graph_templates, graph_templates_graph)
				where graph_templates.id=graph_templates_graph.graph_template_id
				and graph_templates.id=" . $graph_template_id . "
				and graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id=0");
			$graph_template_name = db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_templates where id=" . $graph_template_id);

			array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph($graph_template_id, $graph_template, "g_$snmp_query_id" . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_|field|", "<strong>Graph</strong> [Template: " . $graph_template["graph_template_name"] . "]", false, false, (isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0)));
			array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_graph_item($graph_template_id, 0, "gi_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_|id|_|field|", "<strong>Graph Items</strong> [Template: " . $graph_template_name . "]", false));

			/* DRAW: Data Sources */
			if (sizeof($data_templates) > 0) {
			foreach ($data_templates as $data_template) {
				array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data_template["data_template_id"], 0, $data_template, "d_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|field|", "<strong>Data Source</strong> [Template: " . $data_template["data_template_name"] . "]", false, false, (isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0)));

				$data_template_items = db_fetch_assoc("select
					from data_template_rrd
					where data_template_rrd.data_template_id=" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "
					and local_data_id=0");

				array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data_template["data_template_id"], $data_template_items, "di_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|id|_|field|", "", false, false, false, (isset($snmp_query_graph_id) ? $snmp_query_graph_id : 0)));
				array_push($num_output_fields, draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data_template["id"], "c_" . $snmp_query_id . "_" . $graph_template_id . "_" . $data_template["data_template_id"] . "_|id|", "<strong>Custom Data</strong> [Template: " . $data_template["data_template_name"] . "]", false, false, $snmp_query_id));


	/* no fields were actually drawn on the form; just save without prompting the user */
	if (array_sum($num_output_fields) == 0) {

		/* since the user didn't actually click "Create" to POST the data; we have to
		pretend like they did here */
		$_POST["device_template_id"] = $device_template_id;
		$_POST["device_id"] = $device_id;
		$_POST["save_component_new_graphs"] = "1";
		$_POST["selected_graphs_array"] = serialize($selected_graphs_array);


		header("Location: " . $file);

	/* flush the current output buffer to the browser */

	form_hidden_box("device_template_id", $device_template_id, "0");
	form_hidden_box("device_id", $device_id, "0");
	form_hidden_box("save_component_new_graphs", "1", "");
	print "<input type='hidden' name='selected_graphs_array' value='" . serialize($selected_graphs_array) . "'>\n";


	include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/bottom_footer.php");
コード例 #6
ファイル: data_sources.php プロジェクト: MrWnn/cacti
function ds_edit()
    global $struct_data_source, $struct_data_source_item, $data_source_types;
    /* ================= input validation ================= */
    /* ==================================================== */
    $use_data_template = true;
    $host_id = 0;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
        $data_local = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT host_id, data_template_id FROM data_local WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id']));
        $data = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($_REQUEST['id']));
        if (isset($data_local['data_template_id']) && $data_local['data_template_id'] >= 0) {
            $data_template = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT id, name FROM data_template WHERE id = ?', array($data_local['data_template_id']));
            $data_template_data = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_data WHERE data_template_id = ? AND local_data_id = 0', array($data_local['data_template_id']));
        } else {
            $_SESSION['sess_messages'] = 'Data Source "' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '" does not exist.';
            header('Location: data_sources.php');
        $header_label = '[edit: ' . htmlspecialchars(get_data_source_title($_REQUEST['id'])) . ']';
        if (empty($data_local['data_template_id'])) {
            $use_data_template = false;
    } else {
        $header_label = '[new]';
        $use_data_template = false;
    /* handle debug mode */
    if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) {
        if ($_REQUEST['debug'] == '0') {
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['debug'] == '1') {
            $_SESSION['ds_debug_mode'] = true;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
		<table width='100%' align='center'>
				<td class='textInfo' colspan='2' valign='top'>
        print htmlspecialchars(get_data_source_title($_REQUEST['id']));
				<td class='textInfo' align='right' valign='top'>
					<span class='linkMarker'>*<a href='<?php 
        print htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=ds_edit&id=' . (isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : '0'));
        print isset($_SESSION['ds_debug_mode']) ? '0' : '1';
'>Turn <strong><?php 
        print isset($_SESSION['ds_debug_mode']) ? 'Off' : 'On';
</strong> Data Source Debug Mode.</a><br>
        if (!empty($data_template['id'])) {
<span class='linkMarker'>*<a href='<?php 
            print htmlspecialchars('data_templates.php?action=template_edit&id=' . (isset($data_template['id']) ? $data_template['id'] : '0'));
'>Edit Data Template.</a><br><?php 
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['host_id']) || !empty($data_local['host_id'])) {
<span class='linkMarker'>*<a href='<?php 
            print htmlspecialchars('host.php?action=edit&id=' . (isset($_REQUEST['host_id']) ? $_REQUEST['host_id'] : $data_local['host_id']));
'>Edit Device.</a><br><?php 
    html_start_box("<strong>Data Template Selection</strong> {$header_label}", '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
    $form_array = array('data_template_id' => array('method' => 'drop_sql', 'friendly_name' => 'Selected Data Template', 'description' => 'The name given to this data template.', 'value' => isset($data_template) ? $data_template['id'] : '0', 'none_value' => 'None', 'sql' => 'SELECT id,name FROM data_template order by name'), 'host_id' => array('method' => 'drop_sql', 'friendly_name' => 'Device', 'description' => 'Choose the host that this graph belongs to.', 'value' => isset($_REQUEST['host_id']) ? $_REQUEST['host_id'] : $data_local['host_id'], 'none_value' => 'None', 'sql' => "SELECT id,CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') as name FROM host order by description,hostname"), '_data_template_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($data_template) ? $data_template['id'] : '0'), '_host_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => empty($data_local['host_id']) ? isset($_REQUEST['host_id']) ? $_REQUEST['host_id'] : '0' : $data_local['host_id']), '_data_input_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($data['data_input_id']) ? $data['data_input_id'] : '0'), 'data_template_data_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($data) ? $data['id'] : '0'), 'local_data_template_data_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($data) ? $data['local_data_template_data_id'] : '0'), 'local_data_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($data) ? $data['local_data_id'] : '0'));
    draw_edit_form(array('config' => array(), 'fields' => $form_array));
    /* only display the "inputs" area if we are using a data template for this data source */
    if (!empty($data['data_template_id'])) {
        $template_data_rrds = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id = ? ORDER BY data_source_name', array($_REQUEST['id']));
        html_start_box('<strong>Supplemental Data Template Data</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
        draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source($data['data_template_id'], $data['local_data_id'], $data, '|field|', '<strong>Data Source Fields</strong>', true, true, 0);
        draw_nontemplated_fields_data_source_item($data['data_template_id'], $template_data_rrds, '|field|_|id|', '<strong>Data Source Item Fields</strong>', true, true, true, 0);
        draw_nontemplated_fields_custom_data($data['id'], 'value_|id|', '<strong>Custom Data</strong>', true, true, 0);
        form_hidden_box('save_component_data', '1', '');
    if ((isset($_REQUEST['id']) || isset($_REQUEST['new'])) && empty($data['data_template_id'])) {
        html_start_box('<strong>Data Source</strong>', '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
        $form_array = array();
        while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($struct_data_source)) {
            $form_array += array($field_name => $struct_data_source[$field_name]);
            if (!($use_data_template == false || !empty($data_template_data['t_' . $field_name]) || $field_array['flags'] == 'NOTEMPLATE')) {
                $form_array[$field_name]['description'] = '';
            $form_array[$field_name]['value'] = isset($data[$field_name]) ? $data[$field_name] : '';
            $form_array[$field_name]['form_id'] = empty($data['id']) ? '0' : $data['id'];
            if (!($use_data_template == false || !empty($data_template_data['t_' . $field_name]) || $field_array['flags'] == 'NOTEMPLATE')) {
                $form_array[$field_name]['method'] = 'template_' . $form_array[$field_name]['method'];
        draw_edit_form(array('config' => array('no_form_tag' => true), 'fields' => inject_form_variables($form_array, isset($data) ? $data : array())));
        /* fetch ALL rrd's for this data source */
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) {
            $template_data_rrds = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id, data_source_name FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id = ? ORDER BY data_source_name', array($_REQUEST['id']));
        /* select the first "rrd" of this data source by default */
        if (empty($_REQUEST['view_rrd'])) {
            $_REQUEST['view_rrd'] = isset($template_data_rrds[0]['id']) ? $template_data_rrds[0]['id'] : '0';
        /* get more information about the rrd we chose */
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['view_rrd'])) {
            $local_data_template_rrd_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT local_data_template_rrd_id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['view_rrd']));
            $rrd = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($_REQUEST['view_rrd']));
            $rrd_template = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($local_data_template_rrd_id));
            $header_label = '[edit: ' . $rrd['data_source_name'] . ']';
        } else {
            $header_label = '';
        $i = 0;
        if (isset($template_data_rrds)) {
            if (sizeof($template_data_rrds) > 1) {
                /* draw the data source tabs on the top of the page */
                print "\t<table class='tabs' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n";
                foreach ($template_data_rrds as $template_data_rrd) {
                    print "\t<td " . ($template_data_rrd['id'] == $_REQUEST['view_rrd'] ? "class='even'" : "class='odd'") . " width='" . (strlen($template_data_rrd['data_source_name']) * 9 + 50) . "' align='center' class='tab'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='textHeader'><a href='" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=ds_edit&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&view_rrd=' . $template_data_rrd['id']) . "'>{$i}: " . htmlspecialchars($template_data_rrd['data_source_name']) . '</a>' . ($use_data_template == false ? " <a href='" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=rrd_remove&id=' . $template_data_rrd['id'] . '&local_data_id=' . $_REQUEST['id']) . "'><img src='images/delete_icon.gif' border='0' alt='Delete'></a>" : '') . "</span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td width='1'></td>\n";
                print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<td></td>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t</table>\n";
            } elseif (sizeof($template_data_rrds) == 1) {
                $_REQUEST['view_rrd'] = $template_data_rrds[0]['id'];
        html_start_box('', '100%', '', '3', 'center', '');
        print "\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='textHeaderDark'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<strong>Data Source Item</strong> {$header_label}\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='textHeaderDark' align='right'>\n\t\t\t\t\t" . (!empty($_REQUEST['id']) && empty($data_template['id']) ? "<strong><a class='linkOverDark' href='" . htmlspecialchars('data_sources.php?action=rrd_add&id=' . $_REQUEST['id']) . "'>New</a>&nbsp;</strong>" : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n";
        /* data input fields list */
        if (empty($data['data_input_id']) || db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT type_id FROM data_input WHERE id = ?', array($data['data_input_id'])) > '1') {
        } else {
            $struct_data_source_item['data_input_field_id']['sql'] = "SELECT id,CONCAT(data_name,' - ',name) as name FROM data_input_fields WHERE data_input_id=" . $data['data_input_id'] . " and input_output='out' and update_rra='on' order by data_name,name";
        $form_array = array();
        while (list($field_name, $field_array) = each($struct_data_source_item)) {
            $form_array += array($field_name => $struct_data_source_item[$field_name]);
            if (!($use_data_template == false || $rrd_template['t_' . $field_name] == 'on')) {
                $form_array[$field_name]['description'] = '';
            $form_array[$field_name]['value'] = isset($rrd) ? $rrd[$field_name] : '';
            if (!($use_data_template == false || $rrd_template['t_' . $field_name] == 'on')) {
                $form_array[$field_name]['method'] = 'template_' . $form_array[$field_name]['method'];
        draw_edit_form(array('config' => array('no_form_tag' => true), 'fields' => array('data_template_rrd_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($rrd) ? $rrd['id'] : '0'), 'local_data_template_rrd_id' => array('method' => 'hidden', 'value' => isset($rrd) ? $rrd['local_data_template_rrd_id'] : '0')) + $form_array));
        /* data source data goes here */
        form_hidden_box('current_rrd', $_REQUEST['view_rrd'], '0');
    /* display the debug mode box if the user wants it */
    if (isset($_SESSION['ds_debug_mode']) && isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
		<table width='100%' align='center'>
					<span class='textInfo'>Data Source Debug</span><br>
        print @rrdtool_function_create($_REQUEST['id'], true);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) || isset($_REQUEST['new'])) {
        form_hidden_box('save_component_data_source', '1', '');
    } else {
        form_hidden_box('save_component_data_source_new', '1', '');