function draw_chart($data_values, $data_values_label, $chart_data_label, $section_name, $draw_sql_explain, $dir) { $tmp1 = base64_encode(serialize(array_reverse($data_values))); $tmp2 = base64_encode(serialize(array_reverse($data_values_label))); // There is a problem with URI beeing too long: Request-URI Too Large, which can prevent // some images from appearing. Default is: LimitRequestLine 8190 // I will try to detect the size of a strig passed. //show_array($data_values); //show_array($data_values_label); //echo "<BR> Ala ma kota:" . (strlen($tmp2) + strlen($tmp1) + strlen($chart_data_label) + strlen($section_name)) . " <BR>"; if (strlen($tmp2) + strlen($tmp1) + strlen($chart_data_label) + strlen($section_name) > 8190) { //There is more data that I can transmit using URI parameter. I will shred some data. echo "<BR> There is more data that I can reasonably display. I will shred some data. <BR>"; $filtered_data_values = rem_array_filter($data_values); $filtered_data_values_label = rem_array_filter($data_values_label); //show_array($filtered_data_values); //show_array($filtered_data_values_label); draw_chart($filtered_data_values, $filtered_data_values_label, $chart_data_label, $section_name, $draw_sql_explain, $dir); } else { // Description of draw_chart.php // chart_data - values like 2500 PIO // chart_leg - legent to values like timestamp // chart_data_label - Subtitle echo "<img src=\"draw_chart.php?chart_data={$tmp1}&chart_leg={$tmp2}&chart_data_label={$chart_data_label}&chart_title={$section_name}\" border=0 align=center width= height=>"; // For troubleschooting //echo "<a href=\"draw_chart.php?data_values=$tmp1&chart_leg=$tmp2&data_values_label=$data_values_label&chart_title=$section_name\" >aaa </a>"; // Create a table with SQL explain plan for every day. // I will not create a separate function because all the same parameters should be passed to decide // when to shred data // I use here only: // $data_values_label - array - timestamp, already shreded if needed // $draw_sql_explain - string - hash_value if ($draw_sql_explain) { echo "<BR> Explain plan and full SQL text of selected days <BR><table border = 0><tr>"; $tmp_array = array_reverse($data_values_label); for ($j = 0; $j < count($tmp_array); $j++) { $row = each($tmp_array); //echo "<td>" . $row["value"] . "</td>"; //echo "<td>" . "a <BR>" . "b" . "</td>"; // To obtain text rotated 90 degrees I print every character divided by <BR> :) $tmp = chunk_split($row["value"], 1, "<BR>"); //echo "<td>" . $tmp . "</td>"; // If file exists I print a link if (is_file($dir . "hash_history/hash_" . $draw_sql_explain . "_" . $row["value"] . ".lst")) { echo "<td>" . "<a href=\"show_file.php?filename=" . $dir . "hash_history/hash_" . $draw_sql_explain . "_" . $row["value"] . ".lst" . "\" > " . $tmp . "</a></td>"; } else { echo "<td>" . $tmp . "</td>"; } //if (is_file } // for($j=0; echo "</tr></table>"; } // if ( $draw_sql_explain ) } // ...ection_name) ) > 8190) }
/** * Implements hook_analytics_dashboard(). */ function hook_analytics_dashboard() { $voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('categories'); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($voc->vid); $header = array(); foreach ($tree as $term) { $header[] = $term->name; $query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti'); $query->condition('ti.tid', $term->tid, '=')->fields('ti', array('nid')); $terms[] = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField(); } $columns = array('Ideas in category'); $rows = array($terms); $settings = array(); $settings['chart']['chartCategory'] = array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'columns' => $columns, 'weight' => -10, 'chartType' => 'PieChart', 'options' => array('curveType' => "function", 'is3D' => TRUE, 'forceIFrame' => FALSE, 'title' => 'Ideas per category', 'width' => 500, 'height' => 300)); return draw_chart($settings); }
public function response_analysis($rid, $resps, $compare, $isgroupmember, $allresponses, $currentgroupid) { global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT, $SESSION, $USER; $action = optional_param('action', 'vall', PARAM_ALPHA); require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/questionnaire/drawchart.php'; if ($resp = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_response', array('id' => $rid))) { $userid = $resp->username; if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid))) { $ruser = fullname($user); } } // Available group modes (0 = no groups; 1 = separate groups; 2 = visible groups). $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->cm, $this->course); $groupname = get_string('allparticipants'); if ($groupmode > 0) { if ($currentgroupid > 0) { $groupname = groups_get_group_name($currentgroupid); } else { $groupname = get_string('allparticipants'); } } if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) { $table = new html_table(); $table->size = array(null, null); $table->align = array('left', 'right', 'right'); $table->head = array(); $table->wrap = array(); if ($compare) { $table->head = array(get_string('feedbacksection', 'questionnaire'), $ruser, $groupname); } else { $table->head = array(get_string('feedbacksection', 'questionnaire'), $groupname); } } $feedbacksections = $this->survey->feedbacksections; $feedbackscores = $this->survey->feedbackscores; $sid = $this->survey->id; $questions = $this->questions; // Find if there are any feedbacks in this questionnaire. $sql = "SELECT * FROM {questionnaire_fb_sections} WHERE survey_id = {$sid} AND section IS NOT NULL"; if (!($fbsections = $DB->get_records_sql($sql))) { return null; } $fbsectionsnb = array_keys($fbsections); // Calculate max score per question in questionnaire. $qmax = array(); $totalscore = 0; $maxtotalscore = 0; foreach ($questions as $question) { $qid = $question->id; $qtype = $question->type_id; $required = $question->required; if (($qtype == QUESRADIO || $qtype == QUESDROP || $qtype == QUESRATE) && $required == 'y') { if (!isset($qmax[$qid])) { $qmax[$qid] = 0; } $nbchoices = 1; if ($qtype == QUESRATE) { $nbchoices = 0; } foreach ($question->choices as $choice) { // Testing NULL and 'NULL' because I changed the automatic null value, must be fixed later... TODO. if (isset($choice->value) && $choice->value != null && $choice->value != 'NULL') { if ($choice->value > $qmax[$qid]) { $qmax[$qid] = $choice->value; } } else { $nbchoices++; } } $qmax[$qid] = $qmax[$qid] * $nbchoices; $maxtotalscore += $qmax[$qid]; } if ($qtype == QUESYESNO && $required == 'y') { $qmax[$qid] = 1; $maxtotalscore += 1; } } // Just in case no values have been entered in the various questions possible answers field. if ($maxtotalscore === 0) { return; } $feedbackmessages = array(); // Get individual scores for each question in this responses set. $qscore = array(); $allqscore = array(); // Get all response ids for all respondents. $castsql = $DB->sql_cast_char2int('r.username'); $rids = array(); foreach ($resps as $key => $resp) { $rids[] = $key; } $nbparticipants = count($rids); if (!$allresponses && $groupmode != 0) { $nbparticipants = max(1, $nbparticipants - !$isgroupmember); } foreach ($rids as $rrid) { // Get responses for bool (Yes/No). $sql = 'SELECT, q.type_id as q_type, a.choice_id as cid ' . 'FROM {questionnaire_response_bool} a, {questionnaire_question} q ' . 'WHERE a.response_id = ? AND '; if ($responses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($rrid))) { foreach ($responses as $qid => $response) { $responsescore = $response->cid == 'y' ? 1 : 0; // Individual score. // If this is current user's response OR if current user is viewing another group's results. if ($rrid == $rid || $allresponses) { if (!isset($qscore[$qid])) { $qscore[$qid] = 0; } $qscore[$qid] = $responsescore; } // Course score. if (!isset($allqscore[$qid])) { $allqscore[$qid] = 0; } // Only add current score if conditions below are met. if ($groupmode == 0 || $isgroupmember || !$isgroupmember && $rrid != $rid || $allresponses) { $allqscore[$qid] += $responsescore; } } } // Get responses for single (Radio or Dropbox). $sql = 'SELECT, q.type_id as q_type, c.content as ccontent, as cid, c.value as score ' . 'FROM {questionnaire_resp_single} a, {questionnaire_question} q, {questionnaire_quest_choice} c ' . 'WHERE a.response_id = ? AND AND '; if ($responses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($rrid))) { foreach ($responses as $qid => $response) { // Individual score. // If this is current user's response OR if current user is viewing another group's results. if ($rrid == $rid || $allresponses) { if (!isset($qscore[$qid])) { $qscore[$qid] = 0; } $qscore[$qid] = $response->score; } // Course score. if (!isset($allqscore[$qid])) { $allqscore[$qid] = 0; } // Only add current score if conditions below are met. if ($groupmode == 0 || $isgroupmember || !$isgroupmember && $rrid != $rid || $allresponses) { $allqscore[$qid] += $response->score; } } } // Get responses for response_rank (Rate). $sql = 'SELECT as aid, AS qid, AS cid, a.rank as arank ' . 'FROM {questionnaire_response_rank} a, {questionnaire_question} q, {questionnaire_quest_choice} c ' . 'WHERE a.response_id= ? AND AND ' . 'ORDER BY aid, a.question_id,'; if ($responses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($rrid))) { // We need to store the number of sub-questions for each rate questions. $rank = array(); $firstcid = array(); foreach ($responses as $response) { $qid = $response->qid; $rank = $response->arank; if (!isset($qscore[$qid])) { $qscore[$qid] = 0; $allqscore[$qid] = 0; } $firstcid[$qid] = $DB->get_record('questionnaire_quest_choice', array('question_id' => $qid), 'id', IGNORE_MULTIPLE); $firstcidid = $firstcid[$qid]->id; $cidvalue = $firstcidid + $rank; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {questionnaire_quest_choice} WHERE id = {$cidvalue}"; if ($value = $DB->get_record_sql($sql)) { // Individual score. // If this is current user's response OR if current user is viewing another group's results. if ($rrid == $rid || $allresponses) { $qscore[$qid] += $value->value; } // Only add current score if conditions below are met. if ($groupmode == 0 || $isgroupmember || !$isgroupmember && $rrid != $rid || $allresponses) { $allqscore[$qid] += $value->value; } } } } } $totalscore = array_sum($qscore); $scorepercent = round($totalscore / $maxtotalscore * 100); $oppositescorepercent = 100 - $scorepercent; $alltotalscore = array_sum($allqscore); $allscorepercent = round($alltotalscore / $nbparticipants / $maxtotalscore * 100); // No need to go further if feedback is global, i.e. only relying on total score. if ($feedbacksections == 1) { $sectionid = $fbsectionsnb[0]; $sectionlabel = $fbsections[$sectionid]->sectionlabel; $sectionheading = $fbsections[$sectionid]->sectionheading; $feedbacks = $DB->get_records('questionnaire_feedback', array('section_id' => $sectionid)); $labels = array(); foreach ($feedbacks as $feedback) { if ($feedback->feedbacklabel != '') { $labels[] = $feedback->feedbacklabel; } } $feedback = $DB->get_record_select('questionnaire_feedback', 'section_id = ? AND minscore <= ? AND ? < maxscore', array($sectionid, $scorepercent, $scorepercent)); // To eliminate all potential % chars in heading text (might interfere with the sprintf function). $sectionheading = str_replace('%', '', $sectionheading); // Replace section heading placeholders with their actual value (if any). $original = array('$scorepercent', '$oppositescorepercent'); $result = array('%s%%', '%s%%'); $sectionheading = str_replace($original, $result, $sectionheading); $sectionheading = sprintf($sectionheading, $scorepercent, $oppositescorepercent); $sectionheading = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($sectionheading, 'pluginfile.php', $this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'sectionheading', $sectionid); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_start(); $feedbackmessages[] = format_text($sectionheading, FORMAT_HTML); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_end(); if (!empty($feedback->feedbacktext)) { // Clean the text, ready for display. $formatoptions = new stdClass(); $formatoptions->noclean = true; $feedbacktext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($feedback->feedbacktext, 'pluginfile.php', $this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'feedback', $feedback->id); $feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, $feedback->feedbacktextformat, $formatoptions); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_start(); $feedbackmessages[] = $feedbacktext; $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_end(); } $score = array($scorepercent, 100 - $scorepercent); $allscore = null; if ($compare || $allresponses) { $allscore = array($allscorepercent, 100 - $allscorepercent); } $usergraph = get_config('questionnaire', 'usergraph'); if ($usergraph && $this->survey->chart_type) { draw_chart($feedbacktype = 'global', $this->survey->chart_type, $labels, $score, $allscore, $sectionlabel, $groupname, $allresponses); } // Display class or group score. Pending chart library decision to display? // Find out if this feedback sectionlabel has a pipe separator. $lb = explode("|", $sectionlabel); $oppositescore = ''; $oppositeallscore = ''; if (count($lb) > 1) { $sectionlabel = $lb[0] . ' | ' . $lb[1]; $oppositescore = ' | ' . $score[1] . '%'; $oppositeallscore = ' | ' . $allscore[1] . '%'; } if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) { if ($compare) { $table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $score[0] . '%' . $oppositescore, $allscore[0] . '%' . $oppositeallscore); } else { $table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $allscore[0] . '%' . $oppositeallscore); } echo html_writer::table($table); } return $feedbackmessages; } // Now process scores for more than one section. // Initialize scores and maxscores to 0. $score = array(); $allscore = array(); $maxscore = array(); $scorepercent = array(); $allscorepercent = array(); $oppositescorepercent = array(); $alloppositescorepercent = array(); $chartlabels = array(); $chartscore = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $feedbacksections; $i++) { $score[$i] = 0; $allscore[$i] = 0; $maxscore[$i] = 0; $scorepercent[$i] = 0; } for ($section = 1; $section <= $feedbacksections; $section++) { foreach ($fbsections as $key => $fbsection) { if ($fbsection->section == $section) { $feedbacksectionid = $key; $scorecalculation = unserialize($fbsection->scorecalculation); $sectionheading = $fbsection->sectionheading; $imageid = $fbsection->id; $chartlabels[$section] = $fbsection->sectionlabel; } } foreach ($scorecalculation as $qid => $key) { // Just in case a question pertaining to a section has been deleted or made not required // after being included in scorecalculation. if (isset($qscore[$qid])) { $score[$section] += $qscore[$qid]; $maxscore[$section] += $qmax[$qid]; if ($compare || $allresponses) { $allscore[$section] += $allqscore[$qid]; } } } $scorepercent[$section] = round($score[$section] / $maxscore[$section] * 100); $oppositescorepercent[$section] = 100 - $scorepercent[$section]; if (($compare || $allresponses) && $nbparticipants != 0) { $allscorepercent[$section] = round($allscore[$section] / $nbparticipants / $maxscore[$section] * 100); $alloppositescorepercent[$section] = 100 - $allscorepercent[$section]; } if (!$allresponses) { // To eliminate all potential % chars in heading text (might interfere with the sprintf function). $sectionheading = str_replace('%', '', $sectionheading); // Replace section heading placeholders with their actual value (if any). $original = array('$scorepercent', '$oppositescorepercent'); $result = array("{$scorepercent[$section]}%", "{$oppositescorepercent[$section]}%"); $sectionheading = str_replace($original, $result, $sectionheading); $formatoptions = new stdClass(); $formatoptions->noclean = true; $sectionheading = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($sectionheading, 'pluginfile.php', $this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'sectionheading', $imageid); $sectionheading = format_text($sectionheading, 1, $formatoptions); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_start('reportQuestionTitle'); $feedbackmessages[] = format_text($sectionheading, FORMAT_HTML); $feedback = $DB->get_record_select('questionnaire_feedback', 'section_id = ? AND minscore <= ? AND ? < maxscore', array($feedbacksectionid, $scorepercent[$section], $scorepercent[$section]), 'id,feedbacktext,feedbacktextformat'); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_end(); if (!empty($feedback->feedbacktext)) { // Clean the text, ready for display. $formatoptions = new stdClass(); $formatoptions->noclean = true; $feedbacktext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($feedback->feedbacktext, 'pluginfile.php', $this->context->id, 'mod_questionnaire', 'feedback', $feedback->id); $feedbacktext = format_text($feedbacktext, $feedback->feedbacktextformat, $formatoptions); $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_start('feedbacktext'); $feedbackmessages[] = $feedbacktext; $feedbackmessages[] = $OUTPUT->box_end(); } } } // Display class or group score. switch ($action) { case 'vallasort': asort($allscore); break; case 'vallarsort': arsort($allscore); break; default: } foreach ($allscore as $key => $sc) { $lb = explode("|", $chartlabels[$key]); $oppositescore = ''; $oppositeallscore = ''; if (count($lb) > 1) { $sectionlabel = $lb[0] . ' | ' . $lb[1]; $oppositescore = ' | ' . $oppositescorepercent[$key] . '%'; $oppositeallscore = ' | ' . $alloppositescorepercent[$key] . '%'; } else { $sectionlabel = $chartlabels[$key]; } if ($compare) { $table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $scorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositescore, $allscorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositeallscore); } else { $table->data[] = array($sectionlabel, $allscorepercent[$key] . '%' . $oppositeallscore); } } $usergraph = get_config('questionnaire', 'usergraph'); if ($usergraph && $this->survey->chart_type) { draw_chart($feedbacktype = 'sections', $this->survey->chart_type, array_values($chartlabels), array_values($scorepercent), array_values($allscorepercent), $sectionlabel, $groupname, $allresponses); } if ($this->survey->feedbackscores) { echo html_writer::table($table); } return $feedbackmessages; }
//exit; } // for($i=0; $i<count($filenames_array //show_array($data_values3); echo "<br> {$filenames_array['0']}"; // Extract from the filename data time of creation for ($i = 0; $i < count($filenames_array); $i++) { if ($date_with_time) { //echo "Preserving date with time"; preg_match("/....-..-.._..:../", $filenames_array[$i], $match_result); $filenames_array_date[$i] = $match_result[0]; //echo "<br> zebra $match_result[0] $date_with_time"; } else { //echo "Standard date only to legend"; preg_match("/....-..-../", $filenames_array[$i], $match_result); $filenames_array_date[$i] = $match_result[0]; //echo "<br> zebra $match_result[0] $date_with_time"; } } // for echo "<br>"; //echo "<BR>before the draw"; //show_array($data_values1); //echo "<BR>before the draw2"; //show_array($filenames_array_date); draw_chart($data_values1, $filenames_array_date, "Statistik: " . $statname, "Waits", 0, $dir, ""); draw_chart($data_values3, $filenames_array_date, "Statistik: " . $statname, "Total Wait Time (s)", 0, $dir); draw_chart($data_values4, $filenames_array_date, "Statistik: " . $statname, "Avg wait (ms)", 0, $dir); //Include footer file with navigation links require "footer.php"; exit;
} } } // if ( $section ) } // while (!feof($fh)) $data_values_counter++; fclose($fh); //exit; } // for($i=0; $i<count($filenames_array //show_array($data_values3); echo "<br> {$filenames_array['0']}"; // Extract from the filename data time of creation for ($i = 0; $i < count($filenames_array); $i++) { preg_match("/....-..-../", $filenames_array[$i], $match_result); $filenames_array_date[$i] = $match_result[0]; //echo "<br> zebra $match_result[0]"; } // for echo "<br>"; //echo "<BR>before the draw"; //show_array($data_values1); //echo "<BR>before the draw2"; //show_array($filenames_array_date); draw_chart($data_values1, $filenames_array_date, "Statistik: " . $statname, "Total", 0, "", ""); //draw_chart($data_values2, $filenames_array_date, ("Statistik: " . $statname), "per Second", 0, ""); //draw_chart($data_values3, $filenames_array_date, ("Statistik: " . $statname), "per Trans", 0, ""); //Include footer file with navigation links require "footer.php"; exit;
$gidurl = "&gid={$groupid}"; } // skip over weekends in day view if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Sat') { $day -= 1; } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Sun') { $day += 1; } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Mon') { $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 3, $year); } else { $pdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day - 1, $year); } if (date('D', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) == 'Fri') { $ndate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 3, $year); } else { $ndate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 1, $year); } echo "<h2>{$strDayView}</h2>"; echo "<p align='center'>"; echo "<a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=day&year=" . date('Y', $pdate) . "&month=" . date('m', $pdate) . "&day=" . date('d', $pdate) . "{$gidurl}'><</a> "; echo ldate('l dS F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?display=day&year=" . date('Y', $ndate) . "&month=" . date('m', $ndate) . "&day=" . date('d', $ndate) . "{$gidurl}'>></a>"; echo "</p>"; $numgroups = group_selector($groupid, "display={$display}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}"); if ($groupid == 'all') { $groupid = ''; } echo draw_chart('day', $year, $month, $day, $groupid, $user);
// if (is_dir($dir)) //echo "<BR> ala ma kota"; //show_array($filenames_array); //Get vales for selected statistic from sql_id files provied. list($a_elapsed_time_timestamp, $a_elapsed_time, $a_elapsed_time_per_exec, $a_trash) = get_values_from_sql_id_files($dir, $filenames_array, "Elapsed Time (ms)"); list($a_cpu_time_timestamp, $a_cpu_time, $a_cpu_time_per_exec, $a_trash) = get_values_from_sql_id_files($dir, $filenames_array, "CPU Time (ms)"); list($a_executions_timestamp, $a_executions, $a_executions_per_exec, $a_trash) = get_values_from_sql_id_files($dir, $filenames_array, "Executions"); list($a_buffer_gets_timestamp, $a_buffer_gets, $a_buffer_gets_per_exec, $a_trash) = get_values_from_sql_id_files($dir, $filenames_array, "Buffer Gets"); //show_array($a_timestamp); //show_array($a_elapsed_time); //show_array($a_elapsed_time_per_exec); //Draw a picture // Create a draw // 1 - $data_values3 - array - values eg buffergets // 2 - $chart_leg - array - timestamp // 3 - $data_values3_label - string // 4 - $section_name - string // 5 - Y/N whether to print the table with SQL explain plans through history. I provide the clean hash number if yes // 6 - $dir - directory needed for sql explain plan in the end table echo "<BR><HR><B>Per instance statistics</B><BR>"; draw_chart($a_elapsed_time, $a_elapsed_time_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "Elapsed Time (ms)", 0, ""); draw_chart($a_cpu_time, $a_cpu_time_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "CPU Time (ms)", 0, ""); draw_chart($a_executions, $a_executions_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "Executions", 0, ""); draw_chart($a_buffer_gets, $a_buffer_gets_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "Buffer Gets", "{$hash_value}", "{$dir}", $filenames_array); echo "<BR><HR><B>Per execution statistics</B><BR>"; draw_chart($a_cpu_time_per_exec, $a_cpu_time_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "CPU Time (ms) per execution", 0, ""); draw_chart($a_elapsed_time_per_exec, $a_elapsed_time_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "Elapsed Time (ms) per execution", 0, ""); draw_chart($a_buffer_gets_per_exec, $a_buffer_gets_timestamp, "Sql Id: " . $hash_value, "Buffer Gets per execution", "{$hash_value}", "{$dir}", $filenames_array); //Include footer file with navigation links require "footer.php"; exit;
$data_values4[$data_values_counter] = -100; } } } // if ( $section ) } // while (!feof($fh)) $data_values_counter++; fclose($fh); //exit; } // for($i=0; $i<count($filenames_array //show_array($data_values3); //echo "<br> $filenames_array[0]"; // Extract from the filename data time of creation for ($i = 0; $i < count($filenames_array); $i++) { preg_match("/....-..-..--../", $filenames_array[$i], $match_result); //echo "<br> zebra $match_result[0]"; //echo "<br> zebra trim " . str_replace("--", ":", ltrim($match_result[0], "20")); //$filenames_array_date[$i]=$match_result[0]; $filenames_array_date[$i] = str_replace("--", ":", ltrim($match_result[0], "20")); } // for echo "<br>"; draw_chart($data_values1, $filenames_array_date, "Wait Event: " . $statname . " : Waits", $db_name, 0, ""); #not interesting draw_chart($data_values2, $filenames_array_date, ("Wait Event: " . $statname . " : %Timout" ), $db_name, 0, ""); draw_chart($data_values3, $filenames_array_date, "Wait Event: " . $statname . " : Total Wait Time (s)", $db_name, 0, ""); draw_chart($data_values4, $filenames_array_date, "Wait Event: " . $statname . " : Avg wait (ms)", $db_name, 0, ""); //Include footer file with navigation links require "footer.php"; exit;
// 4 - $section_name - string // 5 - Y/N whether to print the table with SQL explain plans through history. I provide the clean hash number if yes // 6 - $dir - directory needed for sql explain plan in the end table // For Buffer_Gets section if (count($data_bg_values1) > 0) { echo "History of SQL with hash: <font color='black'> {$hash_value}</font>, Module: <font color='black'>{$module_bg_name}</font>, "; // The first elemnt of array $chart_leg that containst timestamp is the last data that we have statspack report // based on that I will present the hash history generated from the last statspacke report echo "<a href=\"show_file.php?filename=" . $dir . "hash_history/hash_" . $hash_value . "_" . $chart_bg_leg[0] . ".lst" . "\" >Show recent full SQL with explain plan, </a>"; echo "SQL starts with: \"<font color='black'>{$sql_bg_text}</font>\" <BR>"; draw_chart($data_bg_values1, $chart_bg_leg, $data_bg_values1_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_bg_name, "Buffer_Gets - Buffer Gets", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_bg_values3, $chart_bg_leg, $data_bg_values3_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_bg_name, "Buffer_Gets - Gets per Exec", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_bg_values6, $chart_bg_leg, $data_bg_values6_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_bg_name, "Buffer_Gets - Total Elapsed Time", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_bg_values7, $chart_bg_leg, $data_bg_values7_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_bg_name, "Buffer_Gets - Total Elapsed Time per Exec", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_bg_values2, $chart_bg_leg, $data_bg_values2_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_bg_name, "Buffer_Gets - Executions", $hash_value, $dir); } // For Physical_Reads section if (count($data_pr_values1) > 0) { echo "History of SQL with hash: <font color='black'> {$hash_value}</font>, Module: <font color='black'>{$module_bg_name}</font>, "; // The first elemnt of array $chart_leg that containst timestamp is the last data that we have statspack report // based on that I will present the hash history generated from the last statspacke report echo "<a href=\"show_file.php?filename=" . $dir . "hash_history/hash_" . $hash_value . "_" . $chart_pr_leg[0] . ".lst" . "\" >Show recent full SQL with explain plan, </a>"; echo "SQL starts with: \"<font color='black'>{$sql_pr_text}</font>\" <BR>"; draw_chart($data_pr_values1, $chart_pr_leg, $data_pr_values1_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_pr_name, "Physical_Reads - Physical Reads", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_pr_values3, $chart_pr_leg, $data_pr_values3_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_pr_name, "Physical_Reads - Reads per Exec", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_pr_values6, $chart_pr_leg, $data_pr_values6_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_pr_name, "Physical_Reads - Total Elapsed Time", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_pr_values7, $chart_pr_leg, $data_pr_values7_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_pr_name, "Physical_Reads - Total Elapsed Time per Exec", 0, ""); draw_chart($data_pr_values2, $chart_pr_leg, $data_pr_values2_label . ", Hash: " . $hash_value . ", Module: " . $module_pr_name, "Physical_Reads - Executions", $hash_value, $dir); } //Include footer file with navigation links require "footer.php";
$oridata[0] = strtotime(mysql_result($result, 0)); $min = $oridata[0]; $cur = $min + 60 * 60; $curidx = 0; $data[0] = 1; for ($i = 1; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) { $oridata[$i] = strtotime(mysql_result($result, $i)); while ($oridata[$i] > $cur) { $cur += 60 * 60; $curidx += 1; $data[$curidx] = 0; } $data[$curidx] += 1; } } draw_chart("Submittions", $data, 7, 1); function draw_chart($title, $data, $colspan, $rowspan) { $max = $data[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { if ($max < $data[$i]) { $max = $data[$i]; } } $max += 1; print "<table border=0 bgcolor=#8888cc><tir><td><b><font size=2>{$title}</font><tr><td>"; print "<table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0>"; if ($max % $rowspan == 0) { print '<tr><td rowspan="' . $rowspan . '"><font size=2>'; print $max; print '</font></td>';