コード例 #1
ファイル: funcs.php プロジェクト: SpeedProg/wormhol.es
function mysql_query_cache($sql, $linkIdentifier = false, $timeout = MEMCACHE_STATICDATA_TIMEOUT, $goSilent = true)
    global $memCache;
    if (is_null($memCache)) {
    if (($cache = getCache(md5("mysql_query" . $sql))) === false) {
        if (!$goSilent) {
            dprintf("mysql_query_cache(): using MySQL data.", $sql);
        $cache = false;
        $r = $linkIdentifier !== false ? mysql_query($sql, $linkIdentifier) : mysql_query($sql);
        if (is_resource($r) && ($rows = mysql_num_rows($r)) !== 0) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
                $results[] = $row;
            $cache = serialize($results);
            if (!setCache(md5("mysql_query" . $sql), $cache, $timeout)) {
                # If we get here, there isn't a memcache daemon running or responding
                if (!$goSilent) {
                    dprintf("mysql_query_cache(): failed to update memcached");
    } else {
        if (!$goSilent) {
            dprintf("mysql_query_cache(): using memcached data.");
    return unserialize($cache);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ajax_funcs.php プロジェクト: SpeedProg/wormhol.es
                                } else {
                                    printf(".  ");
                } else {
                    // No top corp, so not enough data to do anything!
                    printf("<p>No kills recorded in this system in the past %d months.  No intel analysis is possible.</p>", EVEKILL_ANALYSIS_MAX_MONTH_HISTORY);
        } else {
            // Killboard was invalid, probably a problem querying evekill
            printf('<p class="fatalerror">Unable to query Eve-Kill data at this time - please try again later.</p>');
        dprintf("intel_evekill_analysis - Finished.");
    // ========================================================================
} elseif ($action == "intel_pilotinfo") {
    // ========================================================================
    $n_PilotID = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST["id"]));
    $n_PilotName = urldecode(trim($_REQUEST["name"]));
    // Note: The double-DIV is required because the AJAX re-AJAXer won't get the "rel" otherwise
    printf('<div class="gBox">');
    printf('<div class="gImg" rel="%s"><img src="/images/gimg_placeholder.jpg" width="%d" height="%d" border="0"/></div>', sprintf(EVE_API_PILOT_IMAGE_LOOKUP_URL, $n_PilotID, EVE_API_IMAGE_XY), EVE_API_IMAGE_XY, EVE_API_IMAGE_XY);
    printf('<div class="gData">');
    printf('<div class="gName">%s</div>', $n_PilotName);
    printf('<p class="igLinks">Contact List:<br/><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="CCPEVE.showInfo(1377, %d)">Show Info</a> &ndash; <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="javascript:CCPEVE.addContact(%d)">Add</a> &ndash; <a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="javascript:CCPEVE.addCorpContact(%d)">Add Corp</a></p>', $n_PilotID, $n_PilotID, $n_PilotID);
    printf('<p><a href="%s" target="_blank" alt="Eve-Kill details for %s">Eve-Kill</a></p>', sprintf(EVEKILL_PILOT_URL, $n_PilotID), $n_PilotName);
    printf('<p><a href="%s" target="_blank" alt="zKillboard details for %s">zKillboard</a></p>', sprintf(ZKB_PILOT_URL, $n_PilotName), $n_PilotName);
コード例 #3
 private function calcResidency()
     $oldestKill = $this->res_metrics["oldestKill"];
     $latestKill = $this->res_metrics["newestKill"];
     $rsAry = array();
     if ($oldestKill && $latestKill && sizeof($this->corp) > 0) {
         $sysKillTimeSpan = strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($oldestKill->timestamp);
         // Create new wormhole object, for checking capital use in lower class
         $aTempWH = new Wormhole($this->uniqID);
         foreach ($this->corp as $aCorp) {
             // NPC corporations can't be resident (obviously Sleepers are :) )
             if ($aCorp->isNPCCorporation()) {
             // Create/update alliance object
             if (!($aCorp->allianceID == 0 || $aCorp->allianceID == NO_ALLIANCE_ALLIANCE_ID)) {
                 if (is_null($aAlliance =& $this->getAllianceRM($aCorp->allianceName))) {
                     $this->res_metrics["alliance"][] = array("alliance_name" => &$aCorp->allianceName, "corp_count" => 1);
                 } else {
             // Weigh each battle according to how long ago it occured
             $battleCount = 0;
             foreach ($aCorp->battle as $aBattle) {
                 //dprintf("[%s] battle time: %s, <i>it</i>: %d, <i>k</i>: %f, <i>t</i>: %d, <i>N<sub>0</sub></i>: %d, expo. decay: %f", $aCorp->corporationName, $aBattle->timestamp, $sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, (strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aBattle->timestamp)), SCORE_MAX_SCORE_FOR_BATTLE, $this->ed($sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, (strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aBattle->timestamp)), SCORE_MAX_SCORE_FOR_BATTLE));
                 $aCorp->residency["score"] += $this->ed($sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aBattle->timestamp), SCORE_MAX_SCORE_FOR_BATTLE + ++$battleCount * SCORE_MULTIPLE_BATTLE_INCREMENT);
             // Add weight to residency score for kills where corp's POS was either a killer or a victim
             $posKills = $this->getPOSCombatActivity($aCorp);
             if (sizeof($posKills) > 0) {
                 foreach ($posKills as $aPOSKill) {
                     dprintf('[%s] POS was involved in a %s on %s - <a href="%s" target="_blank">here</a>', $aCorp->corporationName, $aPOSKill["isVictim"] == 1 ? "LOSS" : "KILL", $aPOSKill["kill"]->timestamp, $aPOSKill["kill"]->url);
                     $aCorp->residency["score"] += $this->ed($sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aPOSKill["kill"]->timestamp), SCORE_SKEW_POS_COMBAT_ACTIVITY);
                     $aCorp->residency["posactvy"][] = $aPOSKill;
             // If wormhole is class 4 or lower, and this corp has used a capital, it's a good
             // assumption that they are or have been resident at some point.
             if ($aTempWH->isValidLocus() && $aTempWH->isWHLocus()) {
                 if ($aTempWH->getSysClass() <= 4) {
                     $capUsageDB = $this->getActivityInvolvingCaps($aCorp->corporationName, true);
                     if (sizeof($capUsageDB) > 0) {
                         dprintf("[%s] Corp has used a cap %d times in a <= C4 wormhole", $aCorp->corporationName, sizeof($capUsageDB));
                         foreach ($capUsageDB as $aKillWithCap) {
                             $aCorp->residency["score"] += $this->ed($sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aKillWithCap["kill"]->timestamp), SCORE_SKEW_CAPITAL_USE_IN_LOWCLASS_WH);
                             $aCorp->residency["caplcuse"][] = $aKillWithCap["kill"];
                 // Skew for InterBus Customs Office activity
                 $IBCOKillDB = $this->getInterBusCOKills($aCorp);
                 if (sizeof($IBCOKillDB) > 0) {
                     dprintf("[%s] Corp has killed %d InterBus C.Os in this system", $aCorp->corporationName, sizeof($IBCOKillDB));
                     foreach ($IBCOKillDB as $aIBCOKill) {
                         $aCorp->residency["score"] += $this->ed($sysKillTimeSpan, SCORE_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RATE, strtotime($latestKill->timestamp) - strtotime($aIBCOKill->timestamp), SCORE_SKEW_INTERBUS_CO_KILL);
                         $aCorp->residency["ibcokills"][] = $aIBCOKill;
             // Check eviction status for each corp
             if (!is_null($aCorp->residency["evicted"] = $this->calcEviction($aCorp, EVEKILL_ANALYSIS_MAX_MONTH_HISTORY))) {
                 if ($aCorp->residency["evicted"]["ppl_score"] >= SCORE_RES_STILL_RES_THRESHOLD_SCORE) {
                     dprintf("[%s] Corp lost tower(s), but appeared to rally and remain resident? (still res weight: %f)", $aCorp->corporationName, $aCorp->residency["evicted"]["ppl_score"]);
                     // Include this corps score in array for stddev calc
                     $rsAry[] = $aCorp->residency["score"];
                 } else {
                     // If evicted zero score to eliminate them from standard deviation checks to allow us to find the current resident
                     dprintf("[%s] Corp is evicted. (%f)", $aCorp->corporationName, $aCorp->residency["evicted"]["ppl_score"]);
                     //$aCorp->residency["score"] = 0;
             } else {
                 // Include this corps score in array for stddev calc
                 $rsAry[] = $aCorp->residency["score"];
         // Populate total residency score metric in killboard
         $this->res_metrics["totalScore"] = $this->getTotalResidencyScore();
         // Calculate stddev, z-score and percentile
         $resStdDev = sd($rsAry);
         foreach ($this->corp as $aCorp) {
             $aCorp->residency["stddev"] = $resStdDev;
             $aCorp->residency["z-score"] = ($aCorp->residency["score"] - $this->res_metrics["totalScore"] / sizeof($this->corp)) / $aCorp->residency["stddev"];
             $aCorp->residency["z-perc"] = cdf($aCorp->residency["z-score"]) * 100;
         // Sort the corp table by residency score descending order
         usort($this->corp, 'rcmp');