$form = new Form($db); $typeconst=array('yesno','texte','chaine'); if ($_POST['action'] == 'update' || $_POST['action'] == 'add') { if (! dolibarr_set_const($db, $_POST['constname'], $_POST['constvalue'], $typeconst[$_POST['consttype']], 0, isset($_POST['constnote']) ? $_POST['constnote'] : '',$conf->entity)); { print $db->error(); } } if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete') { if (! dolibarr_del_const($db, $_GET['constname'],$conf->entity)); { print $db->error(); } } /* * View */ llxHeader(); $html=new Form($db); $linkback='<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/admin/modules.php">'.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'</a>';
} /* * Action */ if (preg_match('/set_(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { $code = $reg[1]; if (dolibarr_set_const($db, $code, 1, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity) > 0) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } if (preg_match('/del_(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { $code = $reg[1]; if (dolibarr_del_const($db, $code, $conf->entity) > 0) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } /* * View */ $help_url = ''; llxHeader('', $langs->trans("ECMSetup"), $help_url); $linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>'; print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ECMSetup"), $linkback, 'title_setup'); print '<br>'; print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
/* * Actions */ // Purge sessions if ($action == 'confirm_purge' && $confirm == 'yes' && $user->admin) { $res = purgeSessions(session_id()); } // Lock new sessions if ($action == 'confirm_lock' && $confirm == 'yes' && $user->admin) { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, 'MAIN_ONLY_LOGIN_ALLOWED', $user->login, 'text', 1, 'Logon is restricted to a particular user', 0) < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } // Unlock new sessions if ($action == 'confirm_unlock' && $user->admin) { if (dolibarr_del_const($db, 'MAIN_ONLY_LOGIN_ALLOWED', -1) < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } /* * View */ llxHeader(); $form = new Form($db); $userstatic = new User($db); $usefilter = 0; $listofsessions = listOfSessions(); $num = count($listofsessions); print_barre_liste($langs->trans("Sessions"), $page, $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "", $sortfield, $sortorder, '', $num, 0, 'setup'); $savehandler = ini_get("session.save_handler"); $savepath = ini_get("session.save_path");
dol_print_error($db); } } } if ($_POST["delete"]) { if(isset($_POST["numero_entry"])) { $db->begin(); $result1=dolibarr_del_const($db,"ftp_port_" . $_POST["numero_entry"],$conf->entity); if ($result1) $result2=dolibarr_del_const($db,"ftp_server_" . $_POST["numero_entry"],$conf->entity); if ($result2) $result3=dolibarr_del_const($db,"ftp_user_" . $_POST["numero_entry"],$conf->entity); if ($result3) $result4=dolibarr_del_const($db,"ftp_password_" . $_POST["numero_entry"],$conf->entity); if ($result4) $result5=dolibarr_del_const($db,"ftp_name_" . $_POST["numero_entry"],$conf->entity); if ($result1 && $result2 && $result3 && $result4 && $result5) { $db->commit(); //$mesg='<div class="ok">'.$langs->trans("Success").'</div>'; header("Location: ftpclient.php"); exit; } else { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db); } } }
private function deleteTab() { global $db, $conf, $user; dol_include_once('/core/lib/admin.lib.php'); dolibarr_del_const($db, 'MAIN_MODULE_QUERY_TABS_' . $this->getId()); }
if (!$error) { $db->commit(); setEventMessages($langs->trans("SetupSaved"), null, 'mesgs'); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessages($langs->trans("Error"), null, 'errors'); } } else { if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->FICHEINTER_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'FICHEINTER_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } else { if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "FICHEINTER_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->FICHEINTER_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else {
header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { if ($action == 'disable_hidemenu') { dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_MENU_HIDE_UNAUTHORIZED", $conf->entity); header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } } if ($action == 'activate_layoutmenu') { dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_MENU_USE_JQUERY_LAYOUT", '1', 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { if ($action == 'disable_layoutmenu') { dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_MENU_USE_JQUERY_LAYOUT", $conf->entity); header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } } /* * View */ llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Setup")); print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("Menus"), '', 'setup'); $h = 0; $head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT . "/admin/menus.php"; $head[$h][1] = $langs->trans("MenuHandlers"); $head[$h][2] = 'handler'; $h++; $head[$h][0] = DOL_URL_ROOT . "/admin/menus/index.php";
} if (!defined('NOREQUIREHOOK')) { define('NOREQUIREHOOK', '1'); } require '../../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/admin.lib.php'; $action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha'); $name = GETPOST('name', 'alpha'); /* * View */ // Ajout directives pour resoudre bug IE //header('Cache-Control: Public, must-revalidate'); //header('Pragma: public'); //top_htmlhead("", "", 1); // Replaced with top_httphead. An ajax page does not need html header. top_httphead(); print '<!-- Ajax page called with url ' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . ' -->' . "\n"; // Registering the location of boxes if (!empty($action) && !empty($name)) { $entity = GETPOST('entity', 'int'); $value = GETPOST('value') ? GETPOST('value') : 1; if ($user->admin) { if ($action == 'set') { dolibarr_set_const($db, $name, $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $entity); } else { if ($action == 'del') { dolibarr_del_const($db, $name, $entity); } } } }
$mesg = '<font class="error">' . $module->error . '</font>'; dol_syslog($module->error, LOG_ERR); } } else { $mesg = '<font class="error">' . $langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound") . '</font>'; dol_syslog($langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound"), LOG_ERR); } } if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->LIVRAISON_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'LIVRAISON_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "LIVRAISON_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->LIVRAISON_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } }
/* * Actions */ if ($_POST["action"] == "save" && empty($_POST["cancel"])) { $i=0; $db->begin(); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $param='MAIN_AGENDA_ACTIONAUTO_'.$trigger['code']; //print "param=".$param." - ".$_POST[$param]; if (! empty($_POST[$param])) dolibarr_set_const($db,$param,$_POST[$param],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); else dolibarr_del_const($db,$param,$conf->entity); } $db->commit(); $mesg = '<font class="ok">'.$langs->trans("SetupSaved").'</font>'; } /** * Affichage du formulaire de saisie */ llxHeader(); $linkback='<a href="'.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/admin/modules.php">'.$langs->trans("BackToModuleList").'</a>';
exit; } else { if ($_GET["action"] == 'disable_sending') { dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_SUBMODULE_EXPEDITION", $conf->entity); Header("Location: confexped.php"); exit; } else { if ($_GET["action"] == 'activate_delivery') { dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SUBMODULE_EXPEDITION", "1", 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); // We must also enable this dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SUBMODULE_LIVRAISON", "1", 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); Header("Location: confexped.php"); exit; } else { if ($_GET["action"] == 'disable_delivery') { dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_SUBMODULE_LIVRAISON", $conf->entity); Header("Location: confexped.php"); exit; } } } } /* * Affiche page */ $dir = DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/includes/modules/expedition/"; $html = new Form($db); llxHeader("", ""); $linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>'; print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("SendingsSetup"), $linkback, 'setup'); print '<br>';
$error++; } if (!$error) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("SetupSaved")); } else { setEventMessage($langs->trans("Error"), 'errors'); } } else { if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'FACTURE_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } else { if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "FACTURE_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->FACTURE_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else {
$langs->load("admin"); $langs->load("workflow"); if (!$user->admin) { accessforbidden(); } $action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha'); /* * Actions */ if (preg_match('/set(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { if (!dolibarr_set_const($db, $reg[1], 1, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity) > 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } if (preg_match('/del(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { if (!dolibarr_del_const($db, $reg[1], $conf->entity) > 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } /* * View */ llxHeader('', $langs->trans("WorkflowSetup"), ''); $linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>'; print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("WorkflowSetup"), $linkback, 'title_setup'); print $langs->trans("WorkflowDesc") . '<br>'; print "<br>"; // List of workflow we can enable print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">' . "\n"; print '<tr class="liste_titre">' . "\n"; print ' <td>' . $langs->trans("Description") . '</td>';
*/ require '../main.inc.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/admin.lib.php'; require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/html.formbarcode.class.php'; $langs->load("admin"); if (!$user->admin) { accessforbidden(); } $action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha'); /* * Actions */ if ($action == 'setbarcodeproducton') { $res = dolibarr_set_const($db, "BARCODE_PRODUCT_ADDON_NUM", GETPOST('value'), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } elseif ($action == 'setbarcodeproductoff') { $res = dolibarr_del_const($db, "BARCODE_PRODUCT_ADDON_NUM", $conf->entity); } if ($action == 'setcoder') { $coder = GETPOST('coder', 'alpha'); $code_id = GETPOST('code_id', 'alpha'); $sqlp = "UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "c_barcode_type"; $sqlp .= " SET coder = '" . $coder . "'"; $sqlp .= " WHERE rowid = " . $code_id; $sqlp .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity; $resql = $db->query($sqlp); if (!$resql) { dol_print_error($db); } } else { if ($action == 'update') { if (GETPOST('submit_GENBARCODE_LOCATION')) {
$conf->global->DON_ADDON_MODEL = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else { if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->DON_ADDON_MODEL == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'DON_ADDON_MODEL', $conf->entity); } } } } } } // Options if ($action == 'set_DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT') { $account = GETPOST('DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT'); // No alpha here, we want exact string $res = dolibarr_set_const($db, "DONATION_ACCOUNTINGACCOUNT", $account, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); if (!$res > 0) { $error++; } if (!$error) {
} else { $mesg = "<font class=\"error\">" . $langs->trans("Error") . "</font>"; } } /*if ($action == 'setusecustomercontactasrecipient') { dolibarr_set_const($db, "PROPALE_USE_CUSTOMER_CONTACT_AS_RECIPIENT",$_POST["value"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); }*/ if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->PROPALE_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'PROPALE_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } else { if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "PROPALE_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { $conf->global->PROPALE_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else { if ($action == 'setmod') { // TODO Verifier si module numerotation choisi peut etre active
$i++; } $db->commit(); } else { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db,"sql=$sql"); exit; } $result1=dolibarr_del_const($db,"EXTERNAL_RSS_TITLE_" . $_POST["norss"],$conf->entity); if ($result1) $result2=dolibarr_del_const($db,"EXTERNAL_RSS_URLRSS_" . $_POST["norss"],$conf->entity); if ($result1 && $result2) { $db->commit(); //$mesg='<div class="ok">'.$langs->trans("Success").'</div>'; header("Location: external_rss.php"); exit; } else { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db); } } }
$picto = array('SOCIETE' => 'generic', 'PRODUCTDESC' => 'product', 'MAILING' => 'email', 'DETAILS' => 'generic', 'USERSIGN' => 'user', 'MAIL' => 'email'); /* * Actions */ foreach ($modules as $const => $desc) { if ($action == 'activate_' . strtolower($const)) { dolibarr_set_const($db, "FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_" . $const, "1", 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); // Si fckeditor est active dans la description produit/service, on l'active dans les formulaires if ($const == 'PRODUCTDESC' && !empty($conf->global->PRODUIT_DESC_IN_FORM)) { dolibarr_set_const($db, "FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_DETAILS", "1", 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } if ($action == 'disable_' . strtolower($const)) { dolibarr_del_const($db, "FCKEDITOR_ENABLE_" . $const, $conf->entity); header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } } if (GETPOST('save', 'alpha')) { $res = dolibarr_set_const($db, "FCKEDITOR_TEST", GETPOST('formtestfield'), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); if ($res > 0) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("RecordModifiedSuccessfully")); } } /* * View */ llxHeader(); $linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>';
if (!$error) { setEventMessages($langs->trans("SetupSaved"), null, 'mesgs'); } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans("Error"), null, 'errors'); } } // Action activation d'un sous module du module adherent if ($action == 'set') { $result = dolibarr_set_const($db, $_GET["name"], $_GET["value"], '', 0, '', $conf->entity); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } // Action desactivation d'un sous module du module adherent if ($action == 'unset') { $result = dolibarr_del_const($db, $_GET["name"], $conf->entity); if ($result < 0) { dol_print_error($db); } } if (($action == 'testsubscribe' || $action == 'testunsubscribe') && !empty($conf->global->ADHERENT_USE_MAILMAN)) { $email = GETPOST($action . 'email'); if (!isValidEmail($email)) { $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessages($langs->trans("ErrorBadEMail", $email), null, 'errors'); } else { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/mailmanspip/class/mailmanspip.class.php'; $mailmanspip = new MailmanSpip($db); $object = new stdClass(); $object->email = $email; $object->pass = $email;
if (!empty($const["check"])) { if (dolibarr_del_const($db, $const["rowid"], -1) >= 0) { $nbdeleted++; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } } if ($nbdeleted > 0) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("RecordDeleted")); } $action = ''; } // Delete line from delete picto if ($action == 'delete') { if (dolibarr_del_const($db, $rowid, $entity) >= 0) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("RecordDeleted")); } else { dol_print_error($db); } } /* * View */ $form = new Form($db); llxHeader('', $langs->trans("OtherSetup")); // Add logic to show/hide buttons if ($conf->use_javascript_ajax) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Set modes if ($action == 'set') { $db->begin(); $newActiveModules = array(); $selectedModules = isset($_POST['SYSLOG_HANDLERS']) ? $_POST['SYSLOG_HANDLERS'] : array(); //var_dump($selectedModules); foreach ($syslogModules as $syslogHandler) { if (in_array($syslogHandler, $syslogModules)) { $module = new $syslogHandler(); if (in_array($syslogHandler, $selectedModules)) { $newActiveModules[] = $syslogHandler; } foreach ($module->configure() as $option) { if (isset($_POST[$option['constant']])) { $_POST[$option['constant']] = trim($_POST[$option['constant']]); dolibarr_del_const($db, $option['constant'], 0); dolibarr_set_const($db, $option['constant'], $_POST[$option['constant']], 'chaine', 0, '', 0); } } } } $activeModules = $newActiveModules; dolibarr_set_const($db, 'SYSLOG_HANDLERS', json_encode($activeModules), 'chaine', 0, '', 0); if (!$error) { $db->commit(); setEventMessage($langs->trans("SetupSaved")); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessage($langs->trans("Error"), 'errors'); } }
switch ($value) { case 0: dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_MODULE_LABELPRINT_LABELS_1"); break; case 1: dolibarr_del_const($db, "MAIN_MODULE_LABELPRINT_LABELS_0"); break; } if (dolibarr_set_const($db, $labelid, 1, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity) > 0) { Header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } else { if (dolibarr_del_const($db, $labelid)) { Header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } } /* * View */ clearstatcache(); // read const $labcomp = dolibarr_get_const($db, "LAB_COMP", 1); $labprodlabel = dolibarr_get_const($db, "LAB_PROD_LABEL", 1); $labweight = dolibarr_get_const($db, "LAB_WEIGHT", 1);
$lit = new LostInTranslation($langtosearch); /* * Actions */ if (preg_match('/set_(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { $code = $reg[1]; if (dolibarr_set_const($db, $code, GETPOST($code), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity) > 0) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } if (preg_match('/del_(.*)/', $action, $reg)) { $code = $reg[1]; if (dolibarr_del_const($db, $code, 0) > 0) { Header("Location: " . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); exit; } else { dol_print_error($db); } } if ($action == 'save_translation') { $langfile = GETPOST('langfile', 'alpha'); $key = GETPOST('key', 'alpha'); $newTranslation = GETPOST('newtranslation', 'alpha'); $lit->saveNewTranslation($langfile, $key, $newTranslation); } if (!empty($word)) { $lit->searchWordInLangFiles($word, $search_option, $other_options); }
if (!$error) { $db->commit(); setEventMessages($langs->trans("SetupSaved"), null, 'mesgs'); } else { $db->rollback(); setEventMessages($langs->trans("Error"), null, 'errors'); } } else { if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } else { if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->CONTRACT_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else {
dolibarr_set_const($db, 'THEME_ELDY_TOPMENU_BACK1', join(',', colorStringToArray(GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_TOPMENU_BACK1'), array())), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } $val = join(',', colorStringToArray(GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_BACKTITLE1'), array())); if ($val == '') { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'THEME_ELDY_BACKTITLE1', $conf->entity); } else { dolibarr_set_const($db, 'THEME_ELDY_BACKTITLE1', join(',', colorStringToArray(GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_BACKTITLE1'), array())), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } if (GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER') == '') { dolibarr_del_const($db, "THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER", $conf->entity); } else { dolibarr_set_const($db, "THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER", $_POST["THEME_ELDY_USE_HOVER"], 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } $val = join(',', colorStringToArray(GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_TEXTLINK'), array())); if ($val == '') { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'THEME_ELDY_TEXTLINK', $conf->entity); } else { dolibarr_set_const($db, 'THEME_ELDY_TEXTLINK', join(',', colorStringToArray(GETPOST('THEME_ELDY_TEXTLINK'), array())), 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } /* dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_CONTACT", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_CONTACT"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_SOCIETE", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_SOCIETE"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PRODUITSERVICE", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PRODUITSERVICE"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PRODUITSERVICE_SUPPLIER",$_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PRODUITSERVICE_SUPPLIER"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_ADHERENT", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_ADHERENT"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PROJECT", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PROJECT"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SEARCHFORM_EMPLOYEE", $_POST["MAIN_SEARCHFORM_EMPLOYEE"],'chaine',0,'',$conf->entity); */ dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SIZE_LISTE_LIMIT", $_POST["main_size_liste_limit"], 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_SIZE_SHORTLISTE_LIMIT", $_POST["main_size_shortliste_limit"], 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); dolibarr_set_const($db, "MAIN_DISABLE_JAVASCRIPT", $_POST["main_disable_javascript"], 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity);
if (!$resql) { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db, "sql=" . $sql); exit; } $i++; } $db->commit(); } else { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db, "sql=" . $sql); exit; } $result1 = dolibarr_del_const($db, "EXTERNAL_RSS_TITLE_" . GETPOST("norss"), $conf->entity); if ($result1) { $result2 = dolibarr_del_const($db, "EXTERNAL_RSS_URLRSS_" . GETPOST("norss"), $conf->entity); } if ($result1 && $result2) { $db->commit(); header("Location: external_rss.php"); exit; } else { $db->rollback(); dol_print_error($db); } } } /* * View */ llxHeader('', $langs->trans("ExternalRSSSetup"));
if (!$error) { setEventMessages($langs->trans("SetupSaved"), null, 'mesgs'); } else { setEventMessages($langs->trans("Error"), null, 'errors'); } } // Action activation d'un sous module du module adherent if ($action == 'set') { $result = dolibarr_set_const($db, GETPOST('name', 'alpha'), GETPOST('value'), '', 0, '', $conf->entity); if ($result < 0) { print $db->error(); } } // Action desactivation d'un sous module du module adherent if ($action == 'unset') { $result = dolibarr_del_const($db, GETPOST('name', 'alpha'), $conf->entity); if ($result < 0) { print $db->error(); } } /* * View */ $form = new Form($db); $help_url = 'EN:Module_Foundations|FR:Module_Adhérents|ES:Módulo_Miembros'; llxHeader('', $langs->trans("MembersSetup"), $help_url); $linkback = '<a href="' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/admin/modules.php">' . $langs->trans("BackToModuleList") . '</a>'; print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("MembersSetup"), $linkback, 'title_setup'); $head = member_admin_prepare_head(); dol_fiche_head($head, 'general', $langs->trans("Members"), 0, 'user'); print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("MemberMainOptions"), '', '');
$result = dolibarr_set_const($db, "NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM", $_POST["email_from"], 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); if ($result < 0) { $error++; } if (!$error) { //var_dump($_POST); foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { if (!preg_match('/^NOTIF_(.*)_key$/', $key, $reg)) { continue; } $newval = ''; $newkey = ''; $shortkey = preg_replace('/_key$/', '', $key); //print $shortkey.'<br>'; if (preg_match('/^NOTIF_(.*)_old_(.*)_key/', $key, $reg)) { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'NOTIFICATION_FIXEDEMAIL_' . $reg[1] . '_THRESHOLD_HIGHER_' . $reg[2], $conf->entity); $newkey = 'NOTIFICATION_FIXEDEMAIL_' . $reg[1] . '_THRESHOLD_HIGHER_' . (int) GETPOST($shortkey . '_amount'); $newval = GETPOST($shortkey . '_key'); //print $newkey.' - '.$newval.'<br>'; } else { if (preg_match('/^NOTIF_(.*)_new_key/', $key, $reg)) { // Add a new entry $newkey = 'NOTIFICATION_FIXEDEMAIL_' . $reg[1] . '_THRESHOLD_HIGHER_' . (int) GETPOST($shortkey . '_amount'); $newval = GETPOST($shortkey . '_key'); } } if ($newkey && $newval) { $result = dolibarr_set_const($db, $newkey, $newval, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity); } } }
} } else { setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound"), 'errors'); dol_syslog($langs->trans("ErrorModuleNotFound"), LOG_ERR); } } } // Activate a model if ($action == 'set') { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } else { if ($action == 'del') { $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { if ($conf->global->COMMANDE_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'COMMANDE_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } else { if ($action == 'setdoc') { if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "COMMANDE_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { // La constante qui a ete lue en avant du nouveau set // on passe donc par une variable pour avoir un affichage coherent $conf->global->COMMANDE_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $ret = delDocumentModel($value, $type); if ($ret > 0) { $ret = addDocumentModel($value, $type, $label, $scandir); } } else {
$sql .= " VALUES ('" . $db->escape($value) . "','" . $type . "'," . $conf->entity . ", "; $sql .= ($label ? "'" . $db->escape($label) . "'" : 'null') . ", "; $sql .= !empty($scandir) ? "'" . $db->escape($scandir) . "'" : "null"; $sql .= ")"; if ($db->query($sql)) { } } if ($action == 'del') { $type = 'shipping'; $sql = "DELETE FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "document_model"; $sql .= " WHERE nom = '" . $db->escape($value) . "'"; $sql .= " AND type = '" . $type . "'"; $sql .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity; if ($db->query($sql)) { if ($conf->global->EXPEDITION_ADDON_PDF == "{$value}") { dolibarr_del_const($db, 'EXPEDITION_ADDON_PDF', $conf->entity); } } } // Set default model if ($action == 'setdoc') { $label = GETPOST('label', 'alpha'); $scandir = GETPOST('scandir', 'alpha'); $db->begin(); if (dolibarr_set_const($db, "EXPEDITION_ADDON_PDF", $value, 'chaine', 0, '', $conf->entity)) { $conf->global->EXPEDITION_ADDON_PDF = $value; } // On active le modele $type = 'shipping'; $sql_del = "DELETE FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "document_model"; $sql_del .= " WHERE nom = '" . $db->escape($value) . "'";