/** * standard constructor * @param string $headline Headline, to be displayed in the form * @param string $icon Icon, to be displayed in the form. Name of the file, stored in images folder. * @param string $name Name of the form. Will be used in HTML. * @param string $action Next script, that shall be called when submitting. Empty if self. * @param string $method POST or GET for sending the form. POST is default and strongly recommended * @param string $enctype Specify the enctype for the form. Use only when submitting files as multipart. * @param boolean $quickpanel Specify whether to handle each panel separately (false = default) or draw all panels at one and switch between them using JavaScript (true) */ function PanelForm($headline, $icon = "", $id = "form1", $action = "", $method = "POST", $enctype = "", $quickpanel = false) { global $page; Form::Form($headline, $icon, "form1", $action, $method, $enctype); $this->quickpanel = $quickpanel; $this->headline = $headline; $this->id = $id; // panel processing $temp = explode("?", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $temp2 = explode("/", $temp[0]); $prefix = $temp2[count($temp2) - 1]; $this->view = initValue("view", doc()."view", 1); if ($this->view == "") $this->view = "1"; if ($this->view == "0") $this->view = "1"; // Include Java-Script $page->setJS("PANELFORM"); }
/** * Prepare and declare wui for overview */ function prepare_overview() { global $lang, $db, $sid, $specialID; // initializing $doc = doc(); $oid = value("oid", "NUMERIC"); if ($this->membersCount > $this->mincard && $this->developer) $this->deleteable = true; // process moving up and moving down.... if ($this->saction == "up" && ($this->editor || $this->developer)) { $this->move("UP"); } else if ($this->saction == "down" && ($this->editor || $this->developer)) { $this->move("DOWN"); } // process adding of items... if (($this->saction == "addci_".$this->clti) && ($this->editor || $this->developer)) { $this->createItems(); } // process delete ... if ($this->saction == "delete" && value("back") != $lang->get("no") && ($this->editor || $this->developer)) { $this->deleteItem(); } if ((($this->action == "editsingle" || (value("status") == "editsingle" && $this->action != $lang->get("back"))) && $this->editor) && ! $this->forceEditAll) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->members); $i++) { if ($this->eid == $this->members[$i][1]) { $this->add(new Hidden("status", "editsingle")); $this->add(new Hidden("eid", $this->eid)); $this->add(new Hidden("processing", "yes")); $this->getSingleEdit($this->members[$i][1]); } } } else { // draw the main view of the content-envelope if ($this->membersCount == 1 && $this->maxcard == 1 && $this->mincard == 1) { $labeltext = "<b>" . $this->name . "</b>"; // Draw the title bar $container = new HtmlContainer('box', 'headbox',2); // Edit-Button if ($this->editor && ! $this->editState) { $menuLabel = crLink($lang->get("edit"), $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&action=editsingle&eid=" . $this->members[0][1], "box"); } else { $menuLabel = ' '; } $table = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $table.= '<tr><td>'.$labeltext.'</td>'; $table.= '<td align="right"><b>'.$menuLabel.'</b></td></tr>'; $table.= '</table>'; $container->add($table); $this->add($container); $this->add(new Cell('', '', 2, 10, 10)); $this->getSingleEdit($this->members[0][1]); // processing of lists. } else { $labeltext = '<b>'.$this->name.'</b>'; $container2 = new HtmlContainer('box', 'headbox',2); if ($this->mincard != 1 || $this->maxcard != 1) { $labeltext .= " ($this->mincard - $this->maxcard)"; } $menuLabel = ""; // Add-Button if ($this->membersCount < $this->maxcard) { $toggleButton = new LinkButtonInline("toggle_create_".$this->clti, $lang->get("create_instances", "Create Instances"), "box", "button", "toggle('crinst_".$this->clti."')"); $menuLabel .= $toggleButton->draw(); } $table = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'; $table.= '<tr><td>'.$labeltext.'</td>'; $table.= '<td align="right"><b>'.$menuLabel.'</b></td></tr>'; $table.= '</table>'; $container2->add($table); $this->add($container2); // Add Toggle-Field $container = new Container(3); $container->add(new Label("lbl", $lang->get("number_of_instances", "Please specify how many instances you want to create"), "standardlight", 3)); $container->add(new Input("number_of_instances".$this->clti, "1", "standardlight", 2, "", 100)); if ($this->editState) { $createInstancesJS = "javascript:if (confirm('".$lang->get("confirm_unsaved_changes", "Note: Unsaved changes will be lost if you proceed. If you have already edited something, you may cancel now and save your work. Proceed ?")."')) { document.form1.saction.value='addci_".$this->clti."';document.form1.submit(); };"; } else { $createInstancesJS = "javascript:document.form1.saction.value='addci_".$this->clti."';document.form1.submit();"; } $container->add(new ButtonInCell("create_".$this->clti, $lang->get("create_instances", "Create instances"), "standardlight navelement", "button", $createInstancesJS)); $this->add(new IDWrapper("crinst_".$this->clti, $container, "embedded", ' style="display:none;" ', 3)); $this->add(new Cell('clc', '', 2,10,10)); // draw list content $container0 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->membersCount; $i++) { $labeltext = $this->name . ' '.($i + 1) . "/" . $this->maxcard . " " . $this->members[$i][0] . ""; // Draw one instance $table = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">'; $table.= '<tr><td width="200">'.$labeltext.'</td>'; $table.= '<td align="right">'; $menuLabel = ""; // Edit-Button if ($this->editState) { $menuLabel = crLink($lang->get("up"), "javascript:confirmAction('".$lang->get("confirm_unsaved_changes")."', '".$doc."?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=up&eid=".$this->members[$i][1]."');", "box"); $menuLabel .= " ".crLink($lang->get("down"), "javascript:confirmAction('".$lang->get("confirm_unsaved_changes")."', '".$doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=down&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1]."');", "box"); $menuLabel .= "  " . crLink($lang->get("delete"), "javascript:if (confirm('".$lang->get("confirm_unsaved_changes")."')) { confirmAction('".$lang->get("confirm_delete", "Do you really want to delete this item?")."', '". $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=delete&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1]."') } ;", "box"); } else { $menuLabel = crLink($lang->get("up"), $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=up&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1], "box"); $menuLabel .= " ".crLink($lang->get("down"), $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=down&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1], "box"); $menuLabel .= "  " . crLink($lang->get("delete"), "javascript:confirmAction('".$lang->get("confirm_delete", "Do you really want to delete this item?")."', '". $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&saction=delete&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1]."');", "box"); } if ($this->editor && !$this->editState) $menuLabel .= " ".crLink($lang->get("edit"), $doc . "?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&action=editsingle&eid=" . $this->members[$i][1], "box"); $table.= $menuLabel; $table.= '</td></tr></table>'; $container0[$i] = new HTMLContainer('subbox', 'headbox2', 2); $container0[$i]->add($table); $this->add($container0[$i]); $this->getSingleEdit($this->members[$i][1]); $this->add(new Cell('clc', '', 2, 10,10)); } } } }
} } else if ($action == $lang->get("edit_folder") && $auth->checkAccessToFunction("ED_FOLDER_PROPS") && $pnode != "0") { $go = "UPDATE"; $isFolder = true; $oid = $pnode; $page_action = "UPDATE"; $form = new EditForm($lang->get("r_editfolder"), "i_folderproperties.gif"); $cond = $form->setPK("categories", "CATEGORY_ID"); $form->add(new TextInput($lang->get("r_foldername"), "categories", "CATEGORY_NAME", $cond, "type:text,width:200,size:32", "MANDATORY")); $form->add(new FolderDropdown($lang->get("r_parent"), "categories", "PARENT_CATEGORY_ID", $cond)); $form->add(new Hidden("pnode", $pnode)); $form->add(new Hidden("action", $lang->get("edit_folder"))); $page->add($form); $handled = true; $forward = doc(); } else if ($action == $lang->get("edit_access") && $auth->checkAccessToFunction("ED_FOLDER_ACL")) { $go = "UPDATE"; $oid = $pnode; $page_action = "UPDATE"; $title = getDBCell("categories", "CATEGORY_NAME", "CATEGORY_ID = " . $pnode); // used by ACLPanel. // Build breadcrumb $aclPanel = new EditForm($lang->get("edit_access")); if ($pnode == "") $pnode = "0"; $str = pathToRootFolder($pnode); $aclPanel->add(new Label("lbl", $str, "informationheader", 2)); $aclPanel->add(new Hidden("action", $lang->get("edit_access")));
<?php $entries = doc('vendor/kentasaito/sagittarius-system/core/Load.php'); ?> <?php $controller->load->view('header'); ?> <!-- Subhead ================================================== --> <header class="jumbotron subhead" id="overview"> <div class="container"> <h1>Load</h1> <p class="lead">Make a module as controller's property</p> </div> </header> <?php $controller->load->view('doc', ['entries' => $entries]); ?> <?php $controller->load->view('footer');
/** * internal. write links. */ function draw_menu() { global $oid; if ($this->counter > 0) { echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->counter; $i++) { echo "<tr><td class=\"toolbar\">"; if ((($this->menuentries[$i][2] == 1 || $this->menuentries[$i][2] == 2) && $oid != "") || $this->menuentries[$i][2] == 0) { if ($this->menuentries[$i][2] > 0) $this->menuentries[$i][1] .= "&oid=$oid"; if ((stristr($this->menuentries[$i][1], doc()) || stristr($this->menuentries[$i][3], doc())) && $this->menuentries[$i][3] != "NO") { echo "<li><a style=\"color:red;\" href=\"" . $this->menuentries[$i][1] . "\">" . $this->menuentries[$i][0] . "</a></li>"; } else { echo "<li><a href=\"" . $this->menuentries[$i][1] . "\">" . $this->menuentries[$i][0] . "</a></li>"; } } echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br>"; } }
$form->add(new Hidden("go", $action)); $form->check(); $form->process(); echo $form->draw(); } else { if (sameText($action, "update")) { echo $action; } else { // draw list with all items. $page = new page("foo"); // dummy page with no use. $form = new MenuForm($lang->get("configurator_settings", "Configurator Settings"), array($lang->get("position0", 'Position'), $lang->get("name", "Name"), $lang->get("value", "Value")), "shop_configurator_item", "GUID", array("POSITION", "TITLE", "VALUE"), "1", 10); $form->addFilterRule($lang->get("name"), "TITLE"); $form->width = 700; $form->newAction = "api/userinterface/spinput/" . doc() . '?go=create&sid=' . $sid; $form->editAction = doc(); echo $form->draw(); } } } /** td($style); echo $lang->get("sel_clt"); tde(); tr(); $clts=array(); createCLTTree($clts); $sb = new Dropdown("clt", $clts, $style, $clt, $width); $sb->params = 'onChange="if (this.value != \'-1\') document.ifoform.submit();"'; $sb->draw(); tr();
static function generate($form) { $config = Config::read(); $weightArray = array(); $headerArray = array(); $selectedFields = ""; $tables = ""; $whereCondition = ""; $maxCondition = ""; $n = 0; $db = db::raw_connect(); if (isset($form['dataFilter']) && $form['dataFilter']) { if (strpos($form['dataFilter'], '@')) { ereg("[\\@][A-Za-z0-9_]+", $form['dataFilter'], $regs); foreach ($regs as $reg) { $form['dataFilter'] = str_replace($reg, $_REQUEST["fl_" . str_replace("@", "", $reg)], $form['dataFilter']); } } } if ($form['type'] == 'standard') { if (isset($form['joinTables']) && $form['joinTables']) { $tables = $form['joinTables']; } if (isset($form['joinConditions']) && $form['joinConditions']) { $whereCondition = " " . $form['joinConditions']; } foreach ($form['components'] as $name => $com) { if (!isset($com['attributes']['value'])) { $com['attributes']['value'] = ""; } if ($_REQUEST['fl_' . $name] == $com['attributes']['value']) { $_REQUEST['fl_' . $name] = ""; } if (trim($_REQUEST["fl_" . $name]) && $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] != '@') { if ($form['components'][$name]['valueType'] == 'date') { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } else { if ($form['components'][$name]['valueType'] == 'numeric') { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } else { if ($form['components'][$name]['type'] == 'hidden') { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } else { if ($com['type'] == 'check') { if ($_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] == $form['components'][$name]['checkedValue']) { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } } else { if ($com['type'] == 'time') { if ($_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] != '00:00') { $whereCondition .= " and {$form['source']}.{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } } else { if ($com['primary'] || $com['type'] == 'combo') { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} = '" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "'"; } else { $whereCondition .= " and " . $form['source'] . ".{$name} like '%" . $_REQUEST["fl_" . $name] . "%'"; } } } } } } } } } //Modificaciones para seleccion de la ordenacion del report, si esta acabado en _id, quiere decir foreignkey //Cojeremos el texto sin el id, tendremos la tabla ActiveRecord::sql_item_sanizite($_REQUEST['reportTypeField']); if (substr($_REQUEST['reportTypeField'], strlen($_REQUEST['reportTypeField']) - 3, strlen($_REQUEST['reportTypeField'])) == "_id") { $OrderFields = substr($_REQUEST['reportTypeField'], 0, strlen($_REQUEST['reportTypeField']) - 3); } else { $OrderFields = $_REQUEST['reportTypeField']; } $maxCondition = $whereCondition; $n = 0; foreach ($form['components'] as $name => $com) { if (!isset($com['notReport'])) { $com['notReport'] = false; } if (!isset($com['class'])) { $com['class'] = false; } if (!$com['notReport']) { if (isset($com['caption']) && $com['caption']) { $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("ó", "ó", $com['caption']); $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("á", "á", $headerArray[$n]); $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("é", "é", $headerArray[$n]); $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("í", "í", $headerArray[$n]); $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("ú", "ú", $headerArray[$n]); $headerArray[$n] = str_replace("<br/>", " ", $headerArray[$n]); } else { $com['caption'] = ""; } if ($com['type'] == 'combo' && $com['class'] == 'dynamic') { if (isset($com['extraTables']) && $com['extraTables']) { $tables .= "{$com['extraTables']},"; } if (isset($com['whereConditionOnQuery']) && $com['whereConditionOnQuery']) { $whereCondition .= " and {$com['whereConditionOnQuery']}"; } if (strpos(" " . $com['detailField'], "concat(")) { $selectedFields .= $com['detailField'] . ","; } else { $selectedFields .= $com['foreignTable'] . "." . $com['detailField'] . ","; //Comparamos la Tabla foranea que tenemos, y cuando sea igual, suponiendo no hay //mas de una clave foranea por tabla, sabremos a que tabla pertenece if ($com['foreignTable'] == $OrderFields) { $OrderFields = $com['foreignTable'] . "." . $com['detailField']; } } $tables .= $com['foreignTable'] . ","; if ($com['column_relation']) { $whereCondition .= " and " . $com['foreignTable'] . "." . $com['column_relation'] . " = " . $form['source'] . "." . $name; } else { $whereCondition .= " and " . $com['foreignTable'] . "." . $name . " = " . $form['source'] . "." . $name; } $weightArray[$n] = strlen($headerArray[$n]) + 2; $n++; } else { if ($com['type'] != 'hidden') { if ($com['class'] == 'static' && isset($com['type']) && $com['type'] == 'combo') { $weightArray[$n] = strlen($headerArray[$n]) + 2; if ($config->type == 'pgsql') { $selectedFields .= "case "; } if ($config->type == 'mysql') { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($com['items']) - 2; $i++) { $selectedFields .= "if(" . $form['source'] . "." . $name . "='" . $com['items'][$i][0] . "', '" . $com['items'][$i][1] . "', "; if ($weightArray[$n] < strlen($com['items'][$i][1])) { $weightArray[$n] = strlen($com['items'][$i][1]) + 1; } } } if ($config->type == 'pgsql') { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($com['items']) - 1; $i++) { $selectedFields .= " when " . $form['source'] . "." . $name . "='" . $com['items'][$i][0] . "' THEN '" . $com['items'][$i][1] . "' "; if ($weightArray[$n] < strlen($com['items'][$i][1])) { $weightArray[$n] = strlen($com['items'][$i][1]) + 1; } } } $n++; if ($config->type == 'mysql') { $selectedFields .= "'" . $com['items'][$i][1] . "')"; for ($j = 0; $j <= $i - 2; $j++) { $selectedFields .= ")"; } } if ($config->type == 'pgsql') { $selectedFields .= " end "; } $selectedFields .= ","; } else { $selectedFields .= $form['source'] . "." . $name . ","; //Aqui seguro que no es foranea, entonces tenemos que poner la tabla principal // //antes para evitar repeticiones if ($name == $OrderFields) { $OrderFields = $form['source'] . "." . $OrderFields; } $weightArray[$n] = strlen($headerArray[$n]) + 2; $n++; } } } } } $tables .= $form['source']; $selectedFields = substr($selectedFields, 0, strlen($selectedFields) - 1); if (isset($form['dataRequisite']) && $form['dataRequisite']) { $whereCondition .= " and {$form['dataFilter']}"; } //Modificacion del order if ($OrderFields) { $OrderCondition = "Order By " . $OrderFields; } else { $OrderCondition = ""; } $query = "select {$selectedFields} from {$tables} where 1 = 1 " . $whereCondition . " " . $OrderCondition; $q = $db->query($query); if (!is_bool($q)) { if (!$db->num_rows($q)) { Flash::notice("No hay información para listar"); return; } } else { Flash::error($db->error()); return; } $result = array(); $n = 0; while ($row = $db->fetch_array($q, db::DB_NUM)) { $result[$n++] = $row; } foreach ($result as $row) { for ($i = 0; $i <= count($row) - 1; $i++) { if ($weightArray[$i] < strlen(trim($row[$i]))) { $weightArray[$i] = strlen(trim($row[$i])); } } } for ($i = 0; $i <= count($weightArray) - 1; $i++) { $weightArray[$i] *= 1.8; } $sumArray = array_sum($weightArray); if (!$_REQUEST['reportType']) { $_REQUEST['reportType'] = 'pdf'; } if ($_REQUEST['reportType'] != 'html') { $title = str_replace("ó", "ó", $form['caption']); $title = str_replace("á", "á", $title); $title = str_replace("é", "é", $title); $title = str_replace("í", "í", $title); $title = str_replace("ú", "ú", $title); } else { $title = $form['caption']; } switch ($_REQUEST['reportType']) { case 'pdf': require_once CORE_PATH . 'extensions/report/format/pdf.php'; pdf($result, $sumArray, $title, $weightArray, $headerArray); break; case 'xls': require_once CORE_PATH . 'extensions/report/format/xls.php'; xls($result, $sumArray, $title, $weightArray, $headerArray); break; case 'html': require_once CORE_PATH . 'extensions/report/format/htm.php'; htm($result, $sumArray, $title, $weightArray, $headerArray); break; case 'doc': require_once CORE_PATH . 'extensions/report/format/doc.php'; doc($result, $sumArray, $title, $weightArray, $headerArray); break; default: require_once CORE_PATH . 'extensions/report/format/pdf.php'; pdf($result, $sumArray, $title, $weightArray, $headerArray); break; } }
</tr> <tr> <td>6</td><td>Form Kurikulum Silabus (Softcopy dan Hardcopy)</td><td><?php echo doc($provider['doc_kursil']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td><td>Company Profile (Softcopy dan Hardcopy)</td><td><?php echo doc($provider['doc_cp']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td><td>CV Pengajar lengkap dan foto (Softcopy dan Hardcopy)</td><td><?php echo doc($provider['doc_cv']); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <h5>Keterangan :</h5> <table> <tr><td>1)</td><td> </td><td>Formulir dan kelengkapan dokumen diserahkan dalam bentuk softcopy ke Pertamina Learning Center cq Muhammad Eriyo atau Ghaisani N</td></tr> <tr><td>2)</td><td> </td><td>Formulir ini berlaku untuk program pembelajaran di tahun 2012 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pertamina Learning Center</td></tr> <tr><td>3)</td><td> </td><td>Semua data yang dituliskan dan dilampirkan dapat dipertanggungjawabakan secara hukum.</td></tr> </table> </p> <p> <a href="provider/index" class="btn"><i class="icon-hand-left"></i> Kembali ke list</a>
</tr> <tr> <td>6</td><td>Sertifikat Keahlian yang terkait dengan bidang yang diajar (Softcopy dan Hardcopy)</td><td><?php echo doc($trainer['doc_sertifikat']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td><td>Form Kurikulum Silabus (Softcopy dan Hardcopy)</td><td><?php echo doc($trainer['doc_form_kursil']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td><td>Form Instruktur</td><td><?php echo doc($trainer['doc_form_instruktur']); ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5>Keterangan :</h5> <table> <tr><td>1)</td><td> </td><td>Formulir dan kelengkapan dokumen diserahkan dalam bentuk softcopy ke Pertamina Learning Center cq Muhammad Eriyo atau Ghaisani N</td></tr> <tr><td>2)</td><td> </td><td>Formulir ini berlaku untuk program pembelajaran di tahun 2012 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pertamina Learning Center</td></tr> <tr><td>3)</td><td> </td><td>Semua data yang dituliskan dan dilampirkan dapat dipertanggungjawabakan secara hukum.</td></tr> </table> </p> <p> <a href="trainer/index" class="btn"><i class="icon-hand-left"></i> Kembali ke list</a>
/** * Draw the header for an Iframe-Object */ function drawIFOHeader($stdstyle = "standardlight", $noform = false) { global $c, $callback, $sid, $error, $style; $error = value("error"); if ($error == "0") { $style = $stdstyle; } else { $style = "error"; } echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">\n"; echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo " <title>IFO</title>\n"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">\n"; echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Expires\" content=\"0\">\n"; echoCSS(); echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $c["docroot"] . "ext/jscalendar/cal.css\">\n"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $c["host"] . $c["docroot"] . "ext/jscalendar/calendar.js\"></script>\n"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $c["host"] . $c["docroot"] . "ext/jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js\"></script>\n"; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $c["host"] . $c["docroot"] . "ext/jscalendar/calendar-setup.js\"></script>\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" class=\"{$style}\">\n"; if (!$noform) { echo "<form name=\"ifoform\" method=\"POST\" action=\"" . doc() . "\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">"; $sid = value("sid", "NOSPACES"); $callback = value("callback", "NOSPACES"); retain("sid", $sid); retain("callback", $callback); echo tableStart(); } }
/** * Attempts to open a file * Dies on failure * * @param string $filename */ public function __construct($filename) { if (false === ($this->fp = @fopen($filename, "rb"))) { doc('Error: cannot open input file ' . $filename); } }
# # # # # # # require "../settings.php"; if (!isset($_REQUEST["id"]) || !is_numeric($_REQUEST["id"])) { $OUTPUT = "<li class='err'>Invalid use of module.</li>"; require "../template.php"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["key"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["key"]) { case "doc": $OUTPUT = doc(); break; } } else { $OUTPUT = "<li class='err'>Invalid use of module.</li>"; } function stream($filename, $output, $mime) { header("Expires: Mon, 28 Aug 1984 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D,d M YH:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-type: {$mime}"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}"); print $output; exit; }
$form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("channel_articles", "CHID", $cond, $chid, "NUMBER")); $form->add(new NonDisplayedValueOnInsert("channel_articles", "ARTICLE_DATE", $cond, "NOW()", "NUMBER")); $form->forbidDelete(true); $handler = new ActionHandler("INSERT"); $handler->addFncAction("createClusterNodeForArticle"); $form->registerActionHandler($handler); $page->add($form); $page->drawAndForward("modules/channels/edit.php?sid={$sid}&oid=<oid>&go=update"); } else { // Flag for configuration of cluster-panel... $clt = getDBCell("channel_articles", "CLT_ID", "ARTICLE_ID = {$oid}"); $isArticle = true; $page_action = "UPDATE"; $clid = syncArticleVariation($oid, $variation); syncCluster($clid); $view = initValue("view", doc() . "view", 1); $title = getDBCell("channel_articles", "TITLE", "ARTICLE_ID = {$clnid}"); $form = new PanelForm($lang->get("edit_article", "Edit Article") . " " . $title, "", 'articlesform'); $form->quickpanel = true; $form->backto = $c["docroot"] . "modules/channels/overview.php?sid={$sid}"; if ($auth->checkAccessToFunction("CHANNEL_EDIT")) { $clusterPanel = new Panel($lang->get("ed_content")); require_once $c["path"] . "modules/common/panel_cluster.inc.php"; $metaPanel = new Panel($lang->get("ed_meta")); require_once $c["path"] . "modules/common/panel_meta.inc.php"; $propPanel = new Panel($lang->get("properties", "Properties")); require_once $c["path"] . "modules/channels/panel_properties.inc.php"; $form->addPanel($clusterPanel); $form->addPanel($metaPanel); $form->addPanel($propPanel); }
/** * Draws the calendar of the given month in given year. * @param array categories or all to select all categories * @param string month as number 1-12 * @param string year in format YYYY */ function getCalendarObject($month, $year, $categories="ALL") { if (isset($_GET["month"])) { $calendarObj = new phpCal($_GET["month"], $_GET["year"]); $month = $_GET["month"]; $year = $_GET["year"]; } else { $calendarObj = new phpCal($month, $year); } $events = $this->getEvents($categories, "01-$month-$year", "31-$month-$year"); $eventsCleaned=array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($events); $i++) { $startTS = strtotime($events[$i]["STARTDATE"]); $endTS = strtotime($events[$i]["ENDDATE"]); for ($j=$startTS; $j <= $endTS; $j+= 86400) { array_push($eventsCleaned, str_replace("-", "/", date("m-d-Y", $j))); } } $calendarObj->setLinks(doc(), doc()); $calendarObj->setEventDays($eventsCleaned); return $calendarObj; }
<?php $entries = doc('vendor/kentasaito/sagittarius-crud/libraries/Db.php'); ?> <?php $controller->load->view('header'); ?> <!-- Subhead ================================================== --> <header class="jumbotron subhead" id="overview"> <div class="container"> <h1>CRUD</h1> <p class="lead">(Db.php)</p> </div> </header> <?php $controller->load->view('doc', ['entries' => $entries]); ?> <?php $controller->load->view('footer');