function dspDayCell($day) { global $permlink_mode; $class = isset($this->events[$day]) ? 'hasarticle' : ''; if ($this->is_today($day, time())) { $class = $class ? 'hasarticle today' : 'today'; } if (isset($this->events[$day])) { if ($permlink_mode != 'year_month_day_title') { $href = ' href="' . hu . '?date=' . $this->year . '-' . $this->doubledigit($this->month) . '-' . $this->doubledigit($day); if ($this->section) { $href = $href . a . 's=' . $this->section; } if ($this->category) { $href = $href . a . 'c=' . $this->category; } $href .= '"'; } else { $section = $this->section ? $this->section . '/' : ''; $href = ' href="' . hu . $section . $this->year . '/' . $this->doubledigit($this->month) . '/' . $this->doubledigit($day) . '"'; } $title = ' title="' . safe_strftime('%x', gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, $day + 1, $this->year)) . '"'; // no idea why $day+1, but otherwise it won't work $c[] = doTag($day, 'a', '', $href . $title); } else { $c[] = $day; } return doTag(join('', $c), 'td', $class); }
function yab_shop_cart_link($atts) { extract(lAtts(array('label' => yab_shop_lang('to_checkout'), 'break' => br, 'showalways' => '1', 'wraptag' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts)); $cart =& $_SESSION['wfcart']; if (!is_object($cart)) { $cart = new wfCart(); } $url = pagelinkurl(array('s' => yab_shop_config('checkout_section_name'))); $label = htmlspecialchars($label); $out = ''; if ($class and !$wraptag) { $link = href($label, $url, ' title="' . $label . '" class="' . $class . '"'); } else { $link = href($label, $url, ' title="' . $label . '"'); } if ($showalways == '1') { $out = doTag($link, $wraptag, $class) . $break; } else { if ($cart->itemcount > 0) { $out = doTag($link, $wraptag, $class) . $break; } } return $out; }
function breadcrumb($atts) { global $pretext, $thisarticle, $sitename; extract(lAtts(array('wraptag' => 'p', 'sep' => ' » ', 'link' => 'y', 'label' => $sitename), $atts)); $linked = $link == 'y' ? true : false; if ($linked) { $label = '<a href="' . hu . '" class="noline">' . $sitename . '</a>'; } $content = array(); extract($pretext); if (!empty($s) && $s != 'default') { $content[] = $linked ? $GLOBALS['permlink_mode'] == 'messy' ? tag(htmlspecialchars($s), 'a', ' href="' . hu . '?s=' . urlencode($s) . '"') : tag(htmlspecialchars($s), 'a', ' href="' . hu . urlencode($s) . '/"') : $s; } $category = empty($c) ? '' : $c; $cattree = array(); while ($category and $category != 'root' and $parent = safe_field('parent', 'txp_category', "name='{$category}'")) { //Use new /category/category_name scheme here too? $cattree[] = $linked ? tag(str_replace("& ", "& ", $category), 'a', ' href="' . hu . '?c=' . urlencode($category) . '"') : $category; $category = $parent; unset($parent); } if (!empty($cattree)) { $cattree = array_reverse($cattree); $content = array_merge($content, $cattree); } //Add date month permlinks? // $year = ''; // $month = ''; // $date = ''; //Add the label at the end, to prevent breadcrumb for home page if (!empty($content)) { $content = array_merge(array($label), $content); } //Add article title without link if we're on an individual archive page? return doTag(join($sep, $content), $wraptag); }
function sed_comment_time($atts) { /* Extends the default txp:comment_time tag to include wraptag and class. */ extract(lAtts(array('class' => 'comment_time', 'wraptag' => 'span', 'format' => '', 'gmt' => '', 'lang' => ''), $atts)); if (isset($atts['class'])) { unset($atts['class']); } if (isset($atts['wraptag'])) { unset($atts['wraptag']); } return doTag(comment_time($atts), $wraptag, $class); }
function file_download_description($atts) { global $thisfile; assert_file(); extract(lAtts(array('class' => '', 'escape' => 'html', 'wraptag' => ''), $atts)); if ($thisfile['description']) { $description = $escape == 'html' ? txpspecialchars($thisfile['description']) : $thisfile['description']; return $wraptag ? doTag($description, $wraptag, $class) : $description; } }
function mem_form_value($atts, $thing) { global $mem_form_submit, $mem_form_values, $mem_form_default; extract(mem_form_lAtts(array('name' => '', 'wraptag' => '', 'class' => '', 'attributes' => '', 'id' => ''), $atts)); $out = ''; if ($mem_form_submit) { if (isset($mem_form_values[$name])) { $out = $mem_form_values[$name]; } } else { if (isset($mem_form_default[$name])) { $out = $mem_form_default[$name]; } } return doTag($out, $wraptag, $class, $attributes, $id); }
function file_download_description($atts) { global $thisfile; extract(lAtts(array('class' => '', 'escape' => '', 'wraptag' => ''), $atts)); if ($thisfile['description']) { $description = $escape == 'html' ? escape_output($thisfile['description']) : $thisfile['description']; return $wraptag ? doTag($description, $wraptag, $class) : $description; } }
public function dump_listing($wraptag, $class) { // // Add the title... // $result = doTag($this->default_title_string, 'p', $this->list_class . '_title'); // // Write the heading of the OL. Use the stashed first line number. // If it is not 1 (the standard value) use the deprecated START="number" attribute to get the numbering right. // It works but doesn't validate in strict xhtml. // if (1 != $this->first_line_number) { $result .= "\n<ol start=\"" . $this->first_line_number . '" class="' . $this->list_class . "\">\n"; } else { $result .= "\n<ol class=\"" . $this->list_class . "\">\n"; } // // Append the listing body and close the ordered list... // $result .= $this->listing_body . "</ol>\n"; // // Append the download link (if any)... // $result .= $this->default_link_string; // // Wrap the whole bundle up and return it... // $result = doTag($result, $wraptag, $class); return $result; }
function section_description($atts, $thing = NULL) { global $thisarticle, $s, $thissection; extract(lAtts(array('class' => 'section_description', 'name' => '', 'wraptag' => 'p'), $atts)); if ($name) { $sec = $name; } elseif (!empty($thissection['name'])) { $sec = $thissection['name']; } elseif (!empty($thisarticle['section'])) { $sec = $thisarticle['section']; } else { $sec = $s; } return doTag(parse_section_description($sec), $wraptag, $class); }
function mem_self_user_count($atts) { global $mem_self; extract(lAtts(array('user_levels' => '0,1,2,3,4,5,6', 'wraptag' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts)); if (!empty($user_levels) || $user_levels == '0') { $user_levels = doSlash(split(',', $user_levels)); } else { $user_levels = array($mem_self['new_user_priv']); } $levels = join(',', $user_levels); $count = safe_field('COUNT(*)', mem_get_user_table_name(), "privs IN ({$levels})"); return doTag($count, $wraptag, $class); }
function breadcrumb($atts) { global $pretext, $thisarticle, $sitename; extract(lAtts(array('wraptag' => 'p', 'sep' => ' » ', 'link' => 'y', 'label' => $sitename, 'title' => '', 'class' => '', 'linkclass' => 'noline'), $atts)); $linked = $link == 'y' ? true : false; if ($linked) { $label = '<a href="' . hu . '" class="' . $linkclass . '">' . $sitename . '</a>'; } if ($linked) { $label = doTag($sitename, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . hu . '"'); } $content = array(); extract($pretext); if (!empty($s) && $s != 'default') { $section_title = $title ? fetch_section_title($s) : $s; $section_title_html = escape_title($section_title); $content[] = $linked ? doTag($section_title_html, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . pagelinkurl(array('s' => $s)) . '"') : $section_title_html; } $category = empty($c) ? '' : $c; foreach (getTreePath($category, 'article') as $cat) { if ($cat['name'] != 'root') { $category_title_html = $title ? escape_title($cat['title']) : $cat['name']; $content[] = $linked ? doTag($category_title_html, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . pagelinkurl(array('c' => $cat['name'])) . '"') : $category_title_html; } } //Add the label at the end, to prevent breadcrumb for home page if (!empty($content)) { $content = array_merge(array($label), $content); } //Add article title without link if we're on an individual archive page? return doTag(join($sep, $content), $wraptag, $class); }
function breadcrumb($atts) { global $pretext, $sitename; extract(lAtts(array('wraptag' => 'p', 'sep' => ' » ', 'link' => 1, 'label' => $sitename, 'title' => 1, 'class' => '', 'linkclass' => 'noline'), $atts)); if ($link) { $label = doTag($label, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . hu . '"'); } $content = array(); extract($pretext); if (!empty($s) && $s != 'default') { $section_title = $title ? fetch_section_title($s) : $s; $section_title_html = escape_title($section_title); $content[] = $link ? doTag($section_title_html, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . pagelinkurl(array('s' => $s)) . '"') : $section_title_html; } $category = empty($c) ? '' : $c; foreach (getTreePath($category, 'article') as $cat) { if ($cat['name'] != 'root') { $category_title_html = $title ? escape_title($cat['title']) : $cat['name']; $content[] = $link ? doTag($category_title_html, 'a', $linkclass, ' href="' . pagelinkurl(array('c' => $cat['name'])) . '"') : $category_title_html; } } // add the label at the end, to prevent breadcrumb for home page if ($content) { $content = array_merge(array($label), $content); return doTag(join($sep, $content), $wraptag, $class); } }
function jmd_rate($atts, $thing) { extract(lAtts(array('class' => 'rating', 'stars' => 4, 'star_width' => 19, 'wraptag' => 'div'), $atts)); global $jmd_rate_instance; $jmd_rate_instance = new jmd_rate($stars, $star_width); $out = $jmd_rate_instance->getRating() . parse($thing); return $wraptag ? doTag($out, $wraptag, $class) : $out; }
function sed_copyright($atts) { # Outputs a well formatted copyright message. It calls # sed_copyright_year to pull out the information for the # date-section then jois it with the copyright and owner # sections to give you your formatted copyright message. global $sed_copyright_owner; global $prefs; # define output variable(s)... $out_result = ''; $debug = ''; $sed_copyright_owner = ''; # process attribute variables... extract(lAtts(array('debug' => '', 'custom' => '', 'owner' => $prefs['sitename'], 'owner_href' => '', 'owner_title' => '', 'copy_text' => '©', 'start_year' => '', 'end_year' => '', 'date_type' => 'range', 'order' => 'cdo', 'wraptag' => '', 'class' => 'copyright', 'custom' => ''), $atts)); if (!empty($debug)) { print_r('<br/><br/><br/>'); print_r($prefs); } # # If being used with a custom field but outside and article, don't show anything! # if (!empty($custom) and !empty($thisarticle) and empty($thisarticle[$custom])) { return ''; } # ----------- DATE SECTION PROCESSING --------------- # # Simply call the date tag handler... # $date = sed_copyright_date($atts); # ----------- OWNER SECTION PROCESSING --------------- # # Build the owner link (if required)... # if (!empty($sed_copyright_owner)) { $owner = $sed_copyright_owner; } elseif (!empty($owner_href)) { $owner = _sed_build_href($owner, $owner_href, $owner_title); } # ---------------- MERGE SECTIONS ------------------- # # Join it together... # $bits = array(); switch ($order) { case 'cod': $bits[] = $copy_text; $bits[] = $owner; if (!empty($date)) { $bits[] = $date; } break; default: $bits[] = $copy_text; if (!empty($date)) { $bits[] = $date; } $bits[] = $owner; break; } $out_result = implode(' ', $bits); if (!empty($wraptag)) { $out_result = doTag($out_result, $wraptag, $class); } return $out_result; }
function oui_dailymotion($atts, $thing) { global $thisarticle; extract(lAtts(array('video' => '', 'custom' => 'dailymotion ID', 'width' => '0', 'height' => '0', 'ratio' => '4:3', 'api' => '', 'autoplay' => '0', 'chromeless' => '0', 'highlight' => 'ffcc33', 'html' => '0', 'playerid' => '', 'info' => '1', 'logo' => '1', 'network' => '', 'origin' => '', 'quality' => '', 'related' => '1', 'start' => '0', 'startscreen' => '', 'syndication' => '', 'wmode' => 'transparent', 'label' => '', 'labeltag' => '', 'wraptag' => '', 'class' => __FUNCTION__), $atts)); $custom = strtolower($custom); if (!$video && isset($thisarticle[$custom])) { $video = $thisarticle[$custom]; } /* * Check for dailymotion video ID or dailymotion URL to extract ID from */ $match = _oui_dailymotion($video); if ($match) { $video = $match; } elseif (empty($video)) { return ''; } $src = '//' . $video; /* * Attributes. */ $qAtts = array('highlight' => $highlight, 'id' => $playerid, 'origin' => $origin, 'start' => $start, 'syndication' => $syndication, 'autoplay' => array($autoplay => '0, 1'), 'chromeless' => array($chromeless => '0, 1'), 'html' => array($html => '0, 1'), 'info' => array($info => '0, 1'), 'logo' => array($logo => '0, 1'), 'related' => array($related => '0, 1'), 'api' => array($api => 'postMessage, fragment, location'), 'network' => array($network => 'dsl, cellular'), 'quality' => array($quality => '240, 380, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160'), 'startscreen' => array($startscreen => 'flash, html'), 'wmode' => array($wmode => 'transparent, opaque')); $qString = array(); foreach ($qAtts as $att => $value) { if ($value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $qString[] = $att . '=' . $value; } else { foreach ($value as $val => $valid) { if ($val) { if (in_list($val, $valid)) { $qString[] = $att . '=' . $val; } else { trigger_error("unknown attribute value; oui_dailymotion " . $att . " attribute accepts the following values: " . $valid); return; } } } } } } /* * Check if we need to append a query string to the video src. */ if (!empty($qString)) { $src .= '?' . implode('&', $qString); } /* * If the width and/or height has not been set we want to calculate new * ones using the aspect ratio. */ if (!$width || !$height) { $toolbarHeight = 25; // Work out the aspect ratio. preg_match("/(\\d+):(\\d+)/", $ratio, $matches); if ($matches[0] && $matches[1] != 0 && $matches[2] != 0) { $aspect = $matches[1] / $matches[2]; } else { $aspect = 1.333; } // Calcuate the new width/height. if ($width) { $height = $width / $aspect + $toolbarHeight; } elseif ($height) { $width = ($height - $toolbarHeight) * $aspect; } else { $width = 425; $height = 344; } } $out = '<iframe width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="' . $src . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; return doLabel($label, $labeltag) . ($wraptag ? doTag($out, $wraptag, $class) : $out); }
function zem_event_mini_calendar($atts) { // a mini calendar intended as a navigation control for sidebars etc global $pretext; extract(lAtts(array('table' => 'table', 'tr' => 'tr', 'td' => 'td', 'th' => 'th', 'caption' => 'caption', 'col' => 'col', 'colgroup' => 'colgroup', 'thead' => 'thead', 'tbody' => 'tbody', 'cellspacing' => '', 'date' => gps('date'), 'class' => __FUNCTION__, 'class_row_num' => 'number', 'class_row_day' => 'day', 'class_event' => '', 'class_empty' => '', 'class_noday' => '', 'class_link' => '', 'labeltag' => 'h3', 'section' => @$pretext['s']), $atts)); $y = ''; $m = ''; if ($date) { @(list($y, $m, $d) = split('-', $date)); } if (!is_numeric($y)) { $y = strftime('%Y'); } if (!is_numeric($m)) { $m = strftime('%m'); } // day number of the first of the month (Sunday = 0) $first = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); $firstday = strftime('%w', $first); // number of days in the month $numdays = strftime('%d', strtotime('-1 day', strtotime('+1 month', $first))); $out = array(); # caption $out[] = doTag(strftime('%B %Y', $first), 'caption'); # column groups $row = array(); for ($d = 1; $d <= 7; $d++) { $row[] = doTag('', 'col', strftime('%a', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d + 7 - $firstday, $y))); } $out[] = doTag(n . join(n, $row) . n, 'colgroup'); # table headings $row = array(); for ($d = 1; $d <= 7; $d++) { $row[] = doTag(strftime('%a', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d + 7 - $firstday, $y)), $th, '', ' scope="col"'); } $out[] = doTag(n . tr(n . join(n, $row) . n) . n, 'thead'); $body = array(); $numrows = ceil(($numdays + $firstday) / 7); $days = array(); $w = zem_event_timeq("{$y}-{$m}-01", "{$y}-{$m}-{$numdays}"); $rs = safe_rows(safe_pfx('zem_event_date') . '.*', 'zem_event_calendar,zem_event_date,textpattern', safe_pfx('zem_event_calendar') . '.id=' . safe_pfx('zem_event_date') . '.event_id and ' . safe_pfx('zem_event_calendar') . '.article_id = ' . safe_pfx('textpattern') . '.ID and ' . safe_pfx('textpattern') . '.Status >= 4 and ' . safe_pfx('textpattern') . '.Posted <= now()'); foreach ($rs as $r) { $days[$r['event_date']] = true; } # display each cell in the calendar, 7 x 5 grid for ($w = 0; $w < $numrows; $w++) { $day_row = array(); for ($d = 1; $d <= 7; $d++) { $daynum = $w * 7 + $d; $dayofmonth = $daynum - $firstday; if (checkdate($m, $dayofmonth, $y)) { // this is a real day if (isset($days["{$y}-{$m}-{$dayofmonth}"])) { $url = '<a class="' . $class_link . '" href="' . pagelinkurl(array('date' => "{$y}-{$m}-{$dayofmonth}", 's' => $section, 'c' => @$pretext['c'], 'q' => @$pretext['q'])) . '">' . $dayofmonth . '</a>'; $day_row[] = doTag($url, $td, $class_event); } else { $day_row[] = doTag($dayofmonth, $td, $class_empty); } } else { // just a blank to fill in the grid $day_row[] = doTag(' ', $td, $class_noday); } } $body[] = doTag(n . join(n, $day_row) . n, $tr, $class_row_day); } $out[] = doTag(n . join(n, $body) . n, 'tbody'); return doTag(n . join(n, $out) . n, $table, $class, $cellspacing === '' ? '' : ' cellspacing="' . $cellspacing . '"'); }