?> >Ex-4: Tamil</option> </select> <input type=submit name=go value=Reset onclick=jsreset() /> <input type=hidden name=changeflag value=0 /> <?php if ($changeflag == 1) { echo "Change subword unit: "; echo "<select name=swunit onchange=jssubmitform() >"; echo "<option name=syl value=syl " . selectswunit('syl', $swunit) . ">Syllable</option>"; echo "<option name=phn value=phn " . selectswunit('phn', $swunit) . ">Phoneme</option>"; echo "<option name=wrd value=wrd " . selectswunit('wrd', $swunit) . ">Word</option>"; echo "</select>"; displaysent($exnum, $swunit); echo "<br><b>Zoom, select and listen to the waveform. Enter the symbol boundaries in the space provided.</b><br>"; echo "<table border=1><tr>"; echo "<td width=620 valign=top>"; //echo "<applet code=audioTransport/SVLAudioTool.class archive='media/svlAudioTool.jar' width=600 height=400>"; echo "<applet code=audioTransport/SVLAudioTool.class archive='media/speechAnalysisSigned.jar' name='speechtool' width=600 height=400>"; echo "<param name=foo value='bar'>"; echo "Please install the latest version of the Java plugin for your browser. <br>"; echo "</applet><br>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td width=200 align=center valign=top>"; echo "<font size=-1>Subword unit boundaries</font>"; displaylabels($exnum, $swunit); echo "</td>"; echo "</tr></table>"; echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
if ($exnum == '4') { echo 'selected=selected'; } ?> >Ex-4: Tamil</option> </select> <input type=submit name=go value=Go /> <input type=submit name=go value=Reset onclick=jsreset() /> <input type=hidden name=changeflag value=0 /> </form> <?php if ($changeflag == 1) { displaysent($exnum); echo "<font size=-1><ol>"; echo "<li>Select the correct excitation type, manner of articulation (MoA) and place of articulation (PoA) for each of the phonemes listed in the table.</li>"; echo "<li>Click on the phoneme symbol (first column of the table) to zoom fit to the presegmented label, and observe the signal characteristics.</li>"; echo "</ol></font>"; echo "<table><tr>"; echo "<td width=620 valign=top>"; echo "<applet code=audioTransport/SVLAudioTool.class archive='media/speechAnalysis.jar' name='speechtool' width=600 height=400>"; echo "<param name=foo value='bar'>"; echo "Please install the latest version of the Java plugin for your browser. <br>"; echo "</applet><br>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr></table>"; // echo "<td width=200 valign=top>"; displaylabels($exnum); // echo "</td>";