function try_add_user($login, $pass, $pass2, $realname, $session, $is_admin, $antispam) { $return_val = false; // Help prevent robot registrations if (!check_antispam($antispam)) { display_error("Invalid security code"); } else { if ($session != md5(session_id() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { display_error("Invalid session."); } else { if ($pass != $pass2) { display_warning("Password mismatch"); } else { if ($realname == '' || $pass == '' || $pass2 == '' || $login == '') { display_warning("Please fill out all fields"); } else { if (get_user_id($login) > 0) { display_error("The user <strong>{$login}</strong> already exists."); } else { add_user($login, $realname, $pass, $is_admin); $return_val = display_success("<strong>{$login}</strong> has been successfully created"); } } } } } return $return_val; }
function parse_messages() { if (isset($_GET['success']) && $_GET['success']) { display_success($_GET['success'], true); } if (isset($_GET['errors']) && $_GET['errors']) { display_errors(explode($_GET['errors'])); } }
function parse_messages() { if (isset($_SESSION['success'])) { display_success($_SESSION['success'], true); unset($_SESSION['success']); } if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) { display_errors($_SESSION['errors']); unset($_SESSION['errors']); } }
function apply_settings($password, $password2, $realname) { global $LSP_URL; if ($password != $password2) { display_error('Password mismatch'); return false; } else { change_user(SESSION(), $realname, $password); display_success('Account settings have been updated', array('<a href="">User Settings</a>', 'Success'), $LSP_URL . "?account=settings"); return true; } }
if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $id = $_GET['delete']; //sementara delete data tanpa cek ke table lain karna ini cek ke tabel transaksi //CEK DATA IN other table BEFORE DELETE // $cek_exist = count_data(TB_PREF."items", 'id', "id_brand='".$id."'"); // if ($cek_exist[0]>0) { // display_error("Data ini masih digunakan... " // . "| <a href='?".$parameter_key."kd_tabel=tb_stores' />Close</a>"); // } // else{ $table = TB_PREF . "stores"; $field_key = "id"; $field_val = "'" . $id . "'"; $query = delete_record($table, $field_key, $field_val); if ($query) { display_success("Data berhasil dihapus " . "| <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_stores' />Close</a>"); } else { display_error("Gagal menghapus data <br>" . "(" . mysql_error() . ") | <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_stores' />Close</a>"); } // } } //-------------------------------FORM----------------------------------------- start_form(); //form input if (isset($_POST['AddNew'])) { start_table("class='form'"); text_field('Store Name: ', 'store_name', $val_selected['store_name'], true); text_area('Description: ', 'description', $val_selected['description']); text_field('Address: ', 'address', $val_selected['address'], false); text_field('Contact: ', 'contact', $val_selected['contact'], false); text_with_list_users("Person: ", "person_id", $val_selected['person_id'], false, true, "-", "level='" . USER_STORE . "'");
} if ($ERROR) { $STEP = 1; } break; case 1: default: continue; break; } if ((int) $evaluation_record["max_submittable"] === 0 || $completed_attempts < $evaluation_record["max_submittable"]) { // Display Content switch ($STEP) { case 2: if ($SUCCESS) { $content["evaluation_attempt"] = display_success(); } break; case 1: default: if ($evaluation_record["evaluation_finish"] < time() && $evaluation_record["min_submittable"] > $completed_attempts) { $NOTICE++; $NOTICESTR[] = "This evaluation has not been completed and was marked as to be completed by " . date(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, $evaluation_record["evaluation_finish"]) . ". Please complete this evaluation now to continue using " . APPLICATION_NAME . "."; } if (isset($evaluation_record["evaluation_description"]) && $evaluation_record["evaluation_description"]) { $content["evaluation_attempt"] .= "<div class=\"display-generic\">" . $evaluation_record["evaluation_description"] . "</div>"; } /** * Check to see if they currently have any evaluation attempts underway, if they do then * restart their session, otherwise start them a new session. */
$PROCESSED["grade_id"] = $grades[$proxy_id]["grade_id"]; $db->AutoExecute("assessment_grades", $PROCESSED, "UPDATE", "`grade_id`=" . $db->qstr($PROCESSED["grade_id"])); } else { $db->AutoExecute("assessment_grades", $PROCESSED, "INSERT"); } } unset($PROCESSED); } } if (!$ERROR) { add_success("Successfully imported results from the attached quiz questions into <strong>" . $assessment_name . "</strong>."); } } else { add_error("No students have been found in the cohort assigned to this assessment [<strong>" . $assessment_name . "</strong>]."); } } else { add_error("No quizzes were found to be associated with this assessment [<strong>" . $assessment_name . "</strong>]."); } } else { add_error("The assessment " . $assessment_name . " does not have a quiz attached, results can not be imported."); } if ($ERROR) { add_error("You will now be redirected to the <strong>Grade Assessment</strong> page for <strong>" . $assessment_name . "</strong>. This will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue now."); echo display_error(); } if ($SUCCESS) { add_success("You will now be redirected to the <strong>Grade Assessment</strong> page for <strong>" . $assessment_name . "</strong>. This will happen <strong>automatically</strong> in 5 seconds or <a href=\"" . $url . "\" style=\"font-weight: bold\">click here</a> to continue now."); echo display_success(); } $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)"; }
/** * Checks a registration request for invalid inputs * * @access public * @return true */ function complete_upload_match_media() { if (valid_request(array(isset($_GET['match_id']), isset($_FILES['match_media']), isset($_POST['description'])))) { require CLASS_PATH . 'class.upload.php'; global $db; global $smarty; if (strlen($_POST['description']) < 2 || strlen($_POST['description']) > 20) { display_errors(751); return true; } $upload = new Upload($_FILES['match_media']); if ($upload->uploaded) { //getting the internal file name out of the current time $name = microtime(); $name = substr($name, 2, 8) . substr($name, 11); $upload->file_new_name_body = $name; $upload->allowed = array('application/zip', 'image/*'); $upload->process(MATCH_MEDIA_PATH); if ($upload->processed) { $sql = "add_match_media(" . $_GET['match_id'] . ",\n " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ",\n '" . $_POST['description'] . "',\n '" . $upload->file_dst_name . "', \n " . filesize($upload->file_dst_pathname) . ")"; $db->run($sql); if ($db->error_result) { display_errors(750); } else { display_success("upload_match_media"); $smarty->assign('content', $smarty->fetch("succes.tpl")); } } else { display_errors(750); } $upload->clean(); } else { display_errors(750); return true; } } return true; }
$student_id = clean_input($_GET["id"], "numeric"); $BREADCRUMB[] = array("url" => ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/observerships?section=add", "title" => "Add Observership"); switch ($STEP) { case 2: $observership_array = $_POST; $observership_array["student_id"] = $student_id; /* * Admins adding observerships are approved automatically. */ $OBSERVERSHIP = Observership::fromArray($observership_array, "add", $student_id); if (!$OBSERVERSHIP->isValid()) { add_error("<strong>Invalid data entered</strong>. Please confirm everything and try again."); } else { if ($OBSERVERSHIP->create()) { $url = ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/users/manage/students?section=observerships&id=" . $student_id; echo display_success("Successfully created Observership. You will be redirected to your Observership index in <strong>5 seconds</strong> or <a href=\"" . $url . "\">click here</a> to go there now."); $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . $url . "\\'', 5000)"; return; } else { add_error("<strong>Error occurred creating Observership</strong>. Please confirm everything and try again."); } } break; case 1: default: $OBSERVERSHIP = new Observership(); break; } define('ADMIN_OBSERVERSHIP_FORM', true); $ACTION = "Create"; require_once '';
public function get_user_bio() { // Retrieve Local Parameters $user_id = mysql_escape_string($_POST['user_id']); $getbio = mysql_query("SELECT bio FROM users WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); $results = mysql_fetch_array($getbio); $data = array("bio" => $results['bio']); display_success($data); }
} } else { application_log("error", "Attempt to update observership with id [" . $observership_id . "] for proxy id [" . $PROXY_ID . "] where status was invalid or different student_id."); add_error("An error ocurred while trying to update observership status. An administrator has been informed, please try again later."); } unset($observership); } } break; } switch ($STEP) { case 2: if ($ERORR) { echo display_error(); } else { echo display_success("Successfully updated observerships for " . $user->getFullname(false) . ". You will be redirected to the students observership managment page in 5 seconds. Please <a href=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/users/manage/students?section=observerships&id=" . $PROXY_ID . "\">click here</a> if you do not wish to wait."); if (count($pending_observerships) > 0) { $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/users/manage/students?section=observerships&id=" . $PROXY_ID . "\\'', 5000)"; } else { $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/users/manage?id=" . $PROXY_ID . "\\'', 5000)"; } } break; case 1: default: if (clerkship_fetch_schedule($user->getID()) == false || ($ENTRADA_USER->getGroup() == "staff" || $ENTRADA_USER->getGroup() == "medtech")) { ?> <div class="row-fluid"> <a id="add_observership" href="<?php echo ENTRADA_URL; ?>
function show_file($file_id, $user, $success = null) { global $LSP_URL, $DATA_DIR; $dbh =& get_db(); $stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT AS license, size, realname, filename, users.login, ' . ' AS category, AS subcategory,' . 'insert_date, update_date, description, downloads, FROM files ' . 'INNER JOIN categories ON ' . 'INNER JOIN subcategories ON ' . 'INNER JOIN users ON ' . 'INNER JOIN licenses ON ' . 'WHERE'); $stmt->bindParam(':file_id', $file_id); $found = false; if ($stmt->execute()) { while ($object = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $title = array($object['category'], $object['subcategory'], get_file_url($file_id)); if ($success == null) { echo '<div class="col-md-9">'; create_title($title); } else { if ($success === true) { display_success("Updated successfully", $title); echo '<div class="col-md-9">'; } else { if ($success === false) { display_error("Update failed.", $title); echo '<div class="col-md-9">'; } else { display_success("{$success}", $title); } } } echo '<table class="table table-striped">'; show_basic_file_info($object, false); // Bump the download button under details block $url = htmlentities('download_file.php?file=' . $object['id'] . '&name=' . $object['filename']); echo '<tr><td><strong>Name:</strong> ' . $object['filename']; if (is_image($url)) { echo '<br><br><a href="' . $url . '"><img class="thumbnail" src="' . scale_image($DATA_DIR . $file_id, 300, parse_extension($url)) . '" alt=""></a>'; } echo '</td><td class="lsp-file-info">'; echo '<a href="' . $url . '" id="downloadbtn" class="lsp-dl-btn btn btn-primary">'; echo '<span class="fa fa-download lsp-download"></span> Download</a>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="2"><div class="well"><strong>Description:</strong><p>'; echo $object['description'] != '' ? parse_links(newline_to_br($object['description'], true)) : 'No description available.'; echo '</p></div></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="2">'; echo '<nav id="lspnav" class="navbar navbar-default"><ul class="nav navbar-nav">'; $can_edit = $object['login'] == $user || is_admin(get_user_id($user)); $can_rate = !SESSION_EMPTY(); $rate_self = $object['login'] == $user; global $LSP_URL; create_toolbar_item('Comment', "{$LSP_URL}?comment=add&file={$file_id}", 'fa-comment', $can_rate); create_toolbar_item('Edit', "{$LSP_URL}?content=update&file={$file_id}", 'fa-pencil', $can_edit); create_toolbar_item('Delete', "{$LSP_URL}?content=delete&file={$file_id}", 'fa-trash', $can_edit); $star_url = $LSP_URL . '?' . file_show_query_string() . '&rate='; create_toolbar_item(get_stars($file_id, $star_url, $rate_self ? false : $can_rate), '', null, $can_rate, $rate_self); echo '</ul></nav>'; echo '<strong>Comments:</strong>'; echo '</td></tr>'; get_comments($file_id); echo '</table></div>'; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { display_error('Invalid file: "' . sanitize($file_id) . '"'); } $stmt = null; $dbh = null; }
function complete_edit_user_rights() { if (valid_request(array(isset($_GET['user_id'])))) { global $db; global $smarty; if (!isset($_POST['admin'])) { $admin_perm = 0; } else { $admin_perm = 1; } if (!isset($_POST['managment'])) { $managment_perm = 0; } else { $managment_perm = 1; } if (!isset($_POST['tech'])) { $tech_perm = 0; } else { $tech_perm = 1; } $sql = "edit_user_rights(" . $_GET['user_id'] . ",\n " . $admin_perm . ",\n " . $tech_perm . ",\n " . $managment_perm . ")"; $db->run($sql); if ($db->error_result) { display_errors(1); } else { display_success("edit_user_rights"); } } return true; }
public function vote_candidate() { // get parameters $election_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['election_id']); $user_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['user_id']); $candidate_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['candidate_id']); $checkIfVoted = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE election_id='" . $election_id . "' AND user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); if (mysql_num_rows($checkIfVoted) > 0) { display_error(204); } // cast vote $castVote = mysql_query("INSERT INTO votes (election_id, candidate_id, user_id) VALUES ('" . $election_id . "', '" . $candidate_id . "', '" . $user_id . "')"); display_success(); }
} } } //-------------------------------UPDATE ACTION----------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['submit_update'])) { //CEK EXISTING DATA IN TABLE $cek_exist = count_data(TB_PREF . "items", 'item_name', "item_name='" . $_POST['item_name'] . "'"); if ($cek_exist[0] > 1) { display_error("Data pembaruhan sudah ada " . "| <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_items' />Close</a>"); } else { $table = TB_PREF . "items"; $value = "item_code='" . $_POST['item_code'] . "', " . " item_name='" . $_POST['item_name'] . "', " . " id_brand='" . $_POST['id_brand'] . "', " . " unit_price='" . $_POST['unit_price'] . "', " . " discount='" . $_POST['discount'] . "', " . " weight='" . $_POST['weight'] . "', " . " description='" . $_POST['description'] . "' "; $where = " WHERE id='" . $_POST['id'] . "'"; $query = update_record($table, $value, $where); if ($query) { display_success("Data berhasil diperbaruhi " . "| <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_items' />Close</a>"); } else { display_error("Gagal memperbaruhi data <br>" . "(" . mysql_error() . ") | <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_items' />Close</a>"); } } } //-------------------------------ISSET UPDATE/DELETE----------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['update'])) { $id = $_GET['update']; $val_selected = display_table_all_column(TB_PREF . 'items', "id='{$id}'", true, false, '', ''); $_POST['AddNew'] = 'update'; } //DELETE ACTION /*sementara delete item tidak bisa if(isset($_GET['delete'])){ $id = $_GET['delete'];
FROM user WHERE user_name = "' . $_POST['user_name'] . '"'; if (($new_id = $mydb->queryrow($sql)) === false) { die('Database error - Could not determine new user ID'); } $user_id = (int) $new_id['user_id']; $sql = 'INSERT INTO user_templates (user_id, user_template) VALUES (' . $user_id . ', "' . addslashes($skin_data['skin_html']) . '")'; if (!$mydb->query($sql)) { die('Database error - Could not insert skin data'); } $activation_key = md5(pow($user_id, 2)); $activation_link = '' . $galaxy . '&user_id=' . $user_id . '&key=' . $activation_key; $mail_message = $locale['mail_message_congrats'] . ' ' . $_POST['user_name'] . '!' . NL; $mail_message .= $locale['mail_message_reg1a'] . ' ' . $galaxyname . ' ' . $locale['mail_message_reg1b'] . NL; $mail_message .= $locale['mail_message_reg2'] . NL . $activation_link . "\n\n" . $locale['mail_message_reg3'] . NL; $mail_message .= $locale['mail_message_reg4'] . NL . NL . $locale['mail_message_sig_line1'] . NL; $mail_message .= $locale['mail_message_sig_line2'] . NL . NL . 'Credits:'; send_mail("STFC2 Mailer", $config['admin_email'], $_POST['user_name'], $_REQUEST['user_email'], $locale['mail_subject_reg'], $mail_message); // Update NewRegister $sql = 'UPDATE config SET new_register = new_register + 1'; if (!$mydb->query($sql)) { die('Database error - Could not update new_register'); } display_success($galaxyname, $galaxyimg); return true; } } } display_registration(NULL, '(' . $locale['there_are'] . ' ' . $playercount['num'] . ' ' . $locale['on'] . ' ' . $config['max_player'] . ' ' . $locale['occupied_places'] . ')', $galaxy); }
public function vote_candidate() { // get parameters $election_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['election_id']); $user_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['user_id']); $candidate_id = mysql_escape_string($this->_parameters['candidate_id']); $checkVotes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE election_id='" . $election_id . "' AND user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); $pastVoteInfo = mysql_fetch_array($checkVotes); // delete vote $checkIfVoted = mysql_query("DELETE FROM votes WHERE election_id='" . $election_id . "' AND user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); $checkCandidate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes WHERE election_id='" . $election_id . "' AND candidate_id='" . $pastVoteInfo['candidate_id'] . "' AND type='Written'"); if (mysql_num_rows($checkCandidate) == 0) { // delete candidate $deleteCandidate = mysql_query("DELETE FROM write_in_candidates WHERE candidate_id='" . $pastVoteInfo['candidate_id'] . "'"); } // cast vote $castVote = mysql_query("INSERT INTO votes (election_id, candidate_id, user_id) VALUES ('" . $election_id . "', '" . $candidate_id . "', '" . $user_id . "')"); display_success(); }
<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="objects.php">Enchères</a> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['mail'])) { echo '<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="user_objects.php">Mes objets</a>'; } ?> <a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="add_object.php">Ajouter un objet</a> <?php if (!isset($_SESSION['mail'])) { echo '<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="login.php">Se connecter</a>'; } else { echo '<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="action/logout.php">Se déconnecter</a>'; echo ($_SESSION['_id'] == 1 or $_SESSION['_id'] == 4 or $_SESSION['_id'] == 7) ? '<div class="mdl-navigation__link less_padding"><i class="material-icons" style="vertical-align: middle; !important">verified_user</i></div>' : '<div class="mdl-navigation__link less_padding">|</div>'; echo '<a class="mdl-navigation__link" href="edit_user.php?id=' . $_SESSION['_id'] . '">' . $_SESSION['prenom'] . ' ' . $_SESSION['nom'] . '</a>'; } ?> </nav> </div> </header> <main class="mdl-layout__content"> <?php require __DIR__ . '/../lib/class.Database.php'; //Affichage de l'éventuel message d'erreur if (isset($_GET['error'])) { display_error($_GET['error']); } elseif (isset($_GET['success'])) { display_success($_GET['success']); }
<?php $success = false; $errors = array(); $data = array(); $objects = array(); require 'includes/initialize.php'; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { array_push($errors, "Not logged in."); } else { if (isset($_GET['user_id'])) { $user = User::find_by_id($_GET['user_id']); $circles = Circle::find_by_user_id($session->user_id); $og_circle_ids = array(); foreach ($circles as $circle) { array_push($og_circle_ids, $circle->circle_id); } $user->remove_from_circles($og_circle_ids); $user->add_to_circles($_GET['circle_ids']); $success = true; } } display_success($success, $errors, $data, $objects);
/** * routine to display standard status messages, Error, Notice, and Success * @param bool $fade true if the messages should fade out */ function display_status_messages($fade = false) { echo "<div class=\"status_messages\">"; if (has_error()) { if ($fade) { fade_element("out", "display-error-box"); } echo display_error(); } if (has_success()) { if ($fade) { fade_element("out", "display-success-box"); } echo display_success(); } if (has_notice()) { if ($fade) { fade_element("out", "display-notice-box"); } echo display_notice(); } echo "</div>"; }
$approved[] = $d; } else { application_log("error", "An unknown error was encountered while attempting to change the status [" . $status . "] of an event draft [" . $draft_id . "]."); } } $ONLOAD[] = "setTimeout('window.location=\\'" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/events/drafts\\'', 5000)"; if (!empty($approved)) { $total_approved = count($approved); $successmsg[] = "You have successfully " . $action . "ed " . $total_approved . " draft" . ($total_approved > 1 ? "s" : "") . "."; $successmsg[] .= "<div style=\"padding-left: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; font-family: monospace\">\n"; foreach ($approved as $draft) { $successmsg[] .= html_encode($draft->getName()) . "<br />"; } $successmsg[] .= "</div>\n"; $successmsg[] .= "You will be automatically redirected to the event index in 5 seconds, or you can <a href=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/admin/events/drafts\">click here</a> if you do not wish to wait."; echo display_success(implode("\n", $successmsg)); application_log("success", "User [" . $ENTRADA_USER->getActiveId() . "] approved draft ids: " . implode(", ", $draft_ids)); } else { add_error("Unable to remove the requested drafts from the system.<br /><br />The system administrator has been informed of this issue and will address it shortly; please try again later."); application_log("error", "Failed to remove draft from the remove request. Database said: " . $db->ErrorMsg()); } if ($ERROR) { echo display_error(); } break; case 1: default: if ($ERROR) { echo display_error(); } else { $total_events = count($draft_ids);
if (!POST('addcomment', false) || POST_EMPTY('text')) { if (POST_EMPTY('text') && POST('addcomment', false)) { display_error('Please type a message', array('Comment', get_file_url())); } else { display_warning('Do not submit offending, pornographic, racist or violent content.', array('Comment', get_file_url())); } echo '<div class="col-md-9">'; $form = new form($LSP_URL . '?comment=add&' . file_show_query_string(), 'Comment', 'fa-comment'); ?> <div class="form-group"> <label for="text">Add comment to "<?php echo get_file_name(GET('file')); ?> "</label> <textarea id="comment" name="text" class="form-control"></textarea> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" name="addcomment" value="Comment"><span class="fa fa-check"></span> Comment</button> <a href="<?php echo $LSP_URL . '?action=show&file=' . GET('file'); ?> " class="btn btn-warning"></span><span class="fa fa-close"></span> Cancel</a> <?php $form->close(); echo '</div>'; } else { add_visitor_comment(GET('file'), POST('text'), SESSION()); display_success('Comment posted successfully', array('Comment', get_file_url()), $LSP_URL . '?action=show&file=' . GET('file') . '#footer'); } } else { display_error('Not logged in', array('Comment', get_file_url())); }
<?php $success = false; $errors = array(); $data = array(); require 'includes/initialize.php'; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { array_push($errors, "Not logged in."); } else { if (!isset($_POST['content_text']) || !isset($_POST['special']) || !isset($_POST['type'])) { array_push($errors, "Error 0x01 creating content."); } else { $content = Content::instantiate($_POST); $content->user_id = $session->user_id; if ($content->create()) { $success = true; } } } display_success($success, $errors, $data);
// //CEK DATA IN other table BEFORE DELETE // $cek_exist = count_data(TB_PREF."items", 'id', "id_brand='".$id."'"); // if ($cek_exist[0]>0) { // display_error("Data ini masih digunakan... " // . "| <a href='?".$parameter_key."kd_tabel=tb_maping_item_category' />Close</a>"); // } // else{ //SEMENTARA CEK DATA BEFORE DELETE DITUTUP //get id item dari maping category item id sebelum di delete $item = find_in_table(TB_PREF . "maping_category_items", "id_item", " WHERE id = '" . $id . "'"); $table = TB_PREF . "maping_category_items"; $field_key = "id"; $field_val = "'" . $id . "'"; $query = delete_record($table, $field_key, $field_val); if ($query) { display_success("Data berhasil dihapus " . "| <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_maping_item_category&item=" . $item['id_item'] . "' />Close</a>"); } else { display_error("Gagal menghapus data <br>" . "(" . mysql_error() . ") | <a href='?" . $parameter_key . "kd_tabel=tb_maping_item_category&item=" . $item['id_item'] . "' />Close</a>"); } // } } //-------------------------------FORM----------------------------------------- start_form(); //form input if (isset($_POST['AddNew'])) { start_div("class='col-md-6'"); start_table("class='form'"); start_div("class='form-group'"); $str = ''; //for parameter get if (!empty($_POST['id_item'])) {
</div> <input type="hidden" id="report_period" value="full" /> </div> </div> </div> <div id="evaluation-question-details"></div> </div> </div> <?php break; case 2: if ($ERROR) { echo display_error($ERRORSTR); } if ($SUCCESS) { echo display_success($SUCCESSSTR); } $HEAD[] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . ENTRADA_URL . "/javascript/jquery/jquery.dataTables.min.js\"></script>"; $HEAD[] = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n jQuery(function(\$) {\n jQuery('#evaluations').dataTable(\n {\n 'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',\n 'bInfo': false,\n 'bAutoWidth': false,\n 'sAjaxSource': '?section=api-list',\n 'bServerSide': true,\n 'bProcessing': true,\n 'aoColumns': [\n { 'mDataProp': 'checkbox', 'bSortable': false },\n { 'mDataProp': 'evaluation_title' },\n { 'mDataProp': 'evaluation_start' },\n { 'mDataProp': 'evaluation_finish' },\n { 'mDataProp': 'completions' }\n ],\n 'oLanguage': {\n 'sEmptyTable': 'There are currently no learner evaluations in the system.',\n 'sZeroRecords': 'No evaluations found to display.'\n },\n 'fnServerData': function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {\n /* Add some extra data to the sender */\n aoData.push({ 'name': 'proxy_id', 'value': '" . $PROCESSED["proxy_id"] . "' });\n aoData.push({ 'name': 'report_start', 'value': '" . $PROCESSED["report_start"] . "' });\n aoData.push({ 'name': 'report_finish', 'value': '" . $PROCESSED["report_finish"] . "' });\n var evaluation_ids = \$('#evaluations input:checkbox:checked').map(function(){\n return \$(this).val();\n }).get();\n if (evaluation_ids != null) {\n for (x = 0; x < evaluation_ids.length; x++) {\n aoData.push({ 'name': 'evaluation_ids[' + x + ']', 'value': evaluation_ids[x] });\n }\n }\n \$.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) { \n fnCallback(json)\n } );\n }\n }\n );\n });\n </script>"; ?> <h2>Select one or more Evaluations:</h2> <form action="<?php echo html_encode(ENTRADA_URL); ?> /admin/evaluations/reports?section=learner-evaluations&step=3" method="POST" id="evaluation-report-form"> <input type="hidden" name="proxy_id" value="<?php echo $PROCESSED["proxy_id"]; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="report_start" value="<?php echo $PROCESSED["report_start"];
<?php require_once 'utils.php'; require_once 'dbo.php'; require_once 'xhtml.php'; global $LSP_URL; if (!SESSION_EMPTY() && (get_user_id(SESSION()) == get_file_owner(GET('file')) || is_admin(get_user_id(SESSION())))) { if (GET('confirmation') == "true") { if (delete_file(GET('file'))) { display_success('File deleted successfully', array('Delete')); } else { display_error('Sorry, file ' . GET('file') . ' could not be deleted', array('Delete')); } get_latest(); } else { display_warning('This will delete all comments and ratings.', array('Delete', get_file_url())); echo '<div class="col-md-9">'; $form = new form(null, 'Confirm Delete', 'fa-trash'); ?> <p class="lead">Confirm deletion of <strong><?php echo get_file_name(GET('file')); ?> </strong>?</p> <div class="form-group"> <a class="btn btn-danger" href="<?php echo "{$LSP_URL}?content=delete&confirmation=true&file=" . GET('file'); ?> "> <span class="fa fa-check"></span> Delete</a> <a class="btn btn-warning" href="<?php echo "{$LSP_URL}?action=show&file=" . GET('file');
<?php $success = false; $errors = array(); require 'includes/initialize.php'; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { array_push($errors, "Not logged in."); } else { if (!isset($_POST['circle_id'])) { array_push($errors, "Error 0x01 deleting circle."); } else { $circle = Circle::find_by_id($_POST['circle_id']); if ($session->user_id == $circle->user_id) { if ($circle->delete()) { $success = true; } } } } display_success($success, $errors);
function profile_update_google() { global $db, $GOOGLE_APPS, $ERROR, $ERRORSTR, $SUCCESS, $SUCCESSSTR, $ENTRADA_USER; if ((bool) $GOOGLE_APPS["active"]) { /** * This actually creates a Google Hosted Apps account associated with their profile. * Note: The sessions variable ($_SESSION["details"]["google_id"]) is being * changed in index.php on line 242 to opt-in, which is merely used in the logic * of the first-login page, but only if the user has no google id and hasn't opted out. */ if (isset($_POST["google_account"])) { if ((int) trim($_POST["google_account"])) { if (google_create_id()) { $SUCCESS++; $SUCCESSSTR[] = "<strong>Your new " . $GOOGLE_APPS["domain"] . "</strong> account has been created!</strong><br /><br />An e-mail will be sent to " . $_SESSION["details"]["email"] . " shortly, containing further instructions regarding account activation."; if (isset($_POST["ajax"]) && $_POST["ajax"] == "1") { // Clear any open buffers and push through only the success message. ob_clear_open_buffers(); echo display_success($SUCCESSSTR); exit; } } else { if (isset($_POST["ajax"]) && $_POST["ajax"] == "1") { // $ERRORSTR is set by the google_create_id() function. // Clear any open buffers and push through only the error message. ob_clear_open_buffers(); echo display_error($ERRORSTR); exit; } } } else { $db->Execute("UPDATE `" . AUTH_DATABASE . "`.`user_data` SET `google_id` = 'opt-out' WHERE `id` = " . $db->qstr($ENTRADA_USER->getID())); } } } }