if ($filter == "scores") { $table_head1 .= "<th class='dataList bdr1B' width='1%' nowrap='nowrap'>Score</th>"; } $table_head1 .= "</tr>"; // Build table body include DB . 'scores.db.php'; do { $style = $row_scores['brewCategory'] . $row_scores['brewSubCategory']; $table_body1 .= "<tr>"; if ($action == "print") { $table_body1 .= "<td class='data' style='bdr1B'>"; $table_body1 .= display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1); $table_body1 .= "</td>"; } else { $table_body1 .= "<td class='data'>"; $table_body1 .= display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 2); $table_body1 .= "</td>"; } if ($action == "print") { $table_body1 .= "<td class='data' style='bdr1B'>"; } else { $table_body1 .= "<td class='data'>"; } $table_body1 .= $row_scores['brewerFirstName'] . " " . $row_scores['brewerLastName']; if ($row_scores['brewCoBrewer'] != "") { $table_body1 .= "<br>Co-Brewer: " . $row_scores['brewCoBrewer']; } $table_body1 .= "</td>"; if ($action == "print") { $table_body1 .= "<td class='data' style='bdr1B'>"; } else {
function winner_check($id, $judging_scores_db_table, $judging_tables_db_table, $brewing_db_table, $method) { require CONFIG . 'config.php'; mysql_select_db($database, $brewing); if ($method == 6) { // reserved for NHC admin advance $r = "Administrative Advance"; } if ($method == "") { $r = ""; } if ($method < 6) { $query_scores = sprintf("SELECT eid,scorePlace,scoreTable FROM %s WHERE eid='%s'", $judging_scores_db_table, $id); $scores = mysql_query($query_scores, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_scores = mysql_fetch_assoc($scores); if ($row_scores['scorePlace'] >= "1") { if ($method == "0") { // Display by Table $query_table = sprintf("SELECT tableName FROM {$judging_tables_db_table} WHERE id='%s'", $row_scores['scoreTable']); $table = mysql_query($query_table, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_table = mysql_fetch_assoc($table); $r = display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1) . ": " . $row_table['tableName']; } if ($method == "1") { // Display by Category $query_entry = sprintf("SELECT brewCategorySort FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE id='%s'", $row_scores['eid']); $entry = mysql_query($query_entry, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($entry); $r = display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1) . ": " . style_convert($row_entry['brewCategorySort'], 1); } if ($method == "2") { // Display by Category $query_entry = sprintf("SELECT brewCategorySort,brewCategory,brewSubCategory FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE id='%s'", $row_scores['eid']); $entry = mysql_query($query_entry, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($entry); $query_style = sprintf("SELECT brewStyle FROM %s WHERE (brewStyleVersion='%s' OR brewStyleOwn='custom') AND brewStyleGroup='%s' AND brewStyleNum='%s'", $prefix . "styles", $_SESSION['prefsStyleSet'], $row_entry['brewCategorySort'], $row_entry['brewSubCategory']); $style = mysql_query($query_style, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_style = mysql_fetch_assoc($style); $r = display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1) . ": " . $row_style['brewStyle'] . " (" . $row_entry['brewCategory'] . $row_entry['brewSubCategory'] . ")"; } } else { $r = ""; } } //$r = "<td class=\"dataList\">".$query_scores."<br>".$query_table."</td>"; return $r; }
$html .= '<tr>'; if ($row_sbi['sbi_display_places'] == "1") { $html .= '<td width="35" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc" nowrap="nowrap"><strong>Place</strong></td>'; } $html .= '<td width="150" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Brewer(s)</strong></td>'; $html .= '<td width="200" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Entry Name</strong></td>'; $html .= '<td width="200" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Style</strong></td>'; $html .= '<td width="175" align="center" bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Club</strong></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; do { $brewer_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_sbd['bid'])); $entry_info = explode("^", entry_info($row_sbd['eid'])); $style = $entry_info['5'] . $entry_info['2']; $html .= '<tr>'; if ($row_sbi['sbi_display_places'] == "1") { $html .= '<td width="35" nowrap="nowrap">' . display_place($row_sbd['sbd_place'], 4) . '</td>'; } $html .= '<td width="150">' . $brewer_info['0'] . " " . $brewer_info['1']; if ($row_entries['brewCoBrewer'] != "") { $html .= "<br />Co-Brewer: " . $entry_info['4']; } $html .= '</td>'; $html .= '<td width="200">' . strtr($entry_info['0'], $html_remove) . '</td>'; $html .= '<td width="200">' . $style . ": " . $entry_info['3'] . '</td>'; $html .= '<td width="175">'; if ($brewer_info['7'] != "") { $html .= strtr($brewer_info['8'], $html_remove); } else { $html .= " "; } $html .= '</td>';
$checked = "CHECKED"; } elseif (!empty($assignment_checked) && $filter == "staff" && strpos($brewer_assignment, 'Staff') !== false) { $checked = "CHECKED"; } elseif (!empty($assignment_checked) && $filter == "bos" && strpos($brewer_assignment, 'BOS') !== false) { $checked = "CHECKED"; } else { $checked = ""; } if ($filter == "bos") { $bos_judge_eligible = bos_judge_eligible($row_brewer['uid']); if (!empty($bos_judge_eligible)) { $places_earned = explode("|", $bos_judge_eligible); $judge_places = ""; foreach ($places_earned as $places) { $places_earned = explode("-", $places); $judge_places .= display_place($places_earned[0], 1) . ": Table " . $places_earned[1] . ", "; } $judge_places = rtrim($judge_places, ", "); } } if ($filter == "judges" || $filter == "stewards") { if ($filter == "judges") { $exploder = $row_brewer['brewerJudgeLocation']; } if ($filter == "stewards") { $exploder = $row_brewer['brewerStewardLocation']; } $a = explode(",", $exploder); $output = ""; if ($exploder != "") { sort($a);
$table_head2 .= "<th width='25%'>Style</th>"; $table_head2 .= "<th>Club</th>"; // Build table body do { $brewer_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_sbd['bid'])); $entry_info = explode("^", entry_info($row_sbd['eid'])); $style = $entry_info['5'] . $entry_info['2']; $table_body2 .= "<tr>"; if ($row_sbi['sbi_display_places'] == "1") { if ($action == "print") { $table_body2 .= "<td>"; $table_body2 .= display_place($row_sbd['sbd_place'], 0); $table_body2 .= "</td>"; } else { $table_body2 .= "<td>"; $table_body2 .= display_place($row_sbd['sbd_place'], 3); $table_body2 .= "</td>"; } } if ($action == "print") { $table_body2 .= "<td>"; } else { $table_body2 .= "<td>"; } $table_body2 .= $brewer_info['0'] . " " . $brewer_info['1']; if (!empty($entry_info['4'])) { $table_body2 .= "<br />Co-Brewer: " . $entry_info['4']; } $table_body2 .= "</td>"; if ($action == "print") { $table_body2 .= "<td>";
$row_score_count = mysql_fetch_assoc($score_count); if ($row_entry_count['count'] > 0 && $row_score_count['count'] > 0) { $query_scores = sprintf("SELECT a.scorePlace, b.brewName, b.brewCategory, b.brewSubCategory, b.brewStyle, c.brewerLastName, c.brewerFirstName, c.brewerClubs FROM %s a, %s b, %s c WHERE b.brewCategorySort='%s' AND b.brewSubCategory='%s' AND a.eid = b.id AND c.uid = b.brewBrewerID AND (a.scorePlace IS NOT NULL OR a.scorePlace='') ORDER BY a.scorePlace", $judging_scores_db_table, $brewing_db_table, $brewer_db_table, $style[0], $style[1]); $scores = mysql_query($query_scores, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_scores = mysql_fetch_assoc($scores); $totalRows_scores = mysql_num_rows($scores); do { $text = sprintf("\n%s%s\n%s\n%s", display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1) . " - ", $row_scores['brewCategory'] . $row_scores['brewSubCategory'] . ": " . $row_scores['brewStyle'], strtr($row_scores['brewerFirstName'], $html_remove) . " " . strtr($row_scores['brewerLastName'], $html_remove), strtr($row_scores['brewName'], $html_remove)); $text = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $text); $pdf->Add_Label($text); } while ($row_scores = mysql_fetch_assoc($scores)); } } } else { // Output by Table. do { $query_scores = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE scoreTable='%s'", $judging_scores_db_table, $row_tables['id']); $query_scores .= " AND (scorePlace='1' OR scorePlace='2' OR scorePlace='3' OR scorePlace='4' OR scorePlace='5') ORDER BY scorePlace ASC"; $scores = mysql_query($query_scores, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_scores = mysql_fetch_assoc($scores); $totalRows_scores = mysql_num_rows($scores); do { $query_entries = sprintf("SELECT id,brewBrewerFirstName,brewBrewerLastName,brewName,brewStyle,brewCategory,brewSubCategory FROM {$brewing_db_table} WHERE id='%s'", $row_scores['eid']); $entries = mysql_query($query_entries, $brewing) or die(mysql_error()); $row_entries = mysql_fetch_assoc($entries); $text = sprintf("\n%s%s\n%s\n%s", display_place($row_scores['scorePlace'], 1) . " - ", $row_tables['tableName'], strtr($row_entries['brewBrewerFirstName'], $html_remove) . " " . strtr($row_entries['brewBrewerLastName'], $html_remove), strtr($row_entries['brewName'], $html_remove)); $text = iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', $text); $pdf->Add_Label($text); } while ($row_scores = mysql_fetch_assoc($scores)); } while ($row_tables = mysql_fetch_assoc($tables)); }