<?php /**Контакты*/ require_once "app_config.php"; require_once "scripts/generete_header.php"; $bootstrap = array('main' => true, 'stars' => true, 'notify' => true, 'formhelpers' => true, 'validator' => true, 'capchajs' => true); display_head("Quantum Reality", $bootstrap); echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"container col-md-8 col-md-offset-2\">"; //8 Колонок Ширина и 2 отступ слева /**Навигация*/ require_once "scripts/generate_navigation.php"; display_navigation("contacts"); ?> <!--Yandex map--> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-7"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="https://api-maps.yandex.ru/services/constructor/1.0/js/?sid=-sLmrtpAJXg3q_wx2W7a0hh9Pkq14wrr&width=auto&height=400&lang=ru_RU&sourceType=constructor"></script> </div> <!--Text--> <div class="textblock col-md-5"> <div> <p style="font-size: 23px;">Ежедневно с 12:00 до 23:00 <br> - Адрес: Кемеровская обл, г.Калтан, ул.Горького, 14а. <br> - Телефон: 8(913) 120 97 97</p> <p style="font-size: 23px;">- Email: <a href="mailto:info@qrq42.ru">info@qrq42.ru</a></p> </div> </div> </div>
<?php /**Заголовок*/ require_once "scripts/generete_header.php"; $bootstrap = array('main' => true, 'stars' => true); display_head("Quantum Reality", $bootstrap); echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"container col-md-8 col-md-offset-2\">"; //8 Колонок Ширина и 2 отступ слева /**Навигация*/ require_once "scripts/generate_navigation.php"; display_navigation("about"); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe src="//vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=8570225&id=171795178&hash=98017c6c2712e815&hd=1" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe> </div> </div> <div class="row textblock"> <p>Quantum Reality Центр развлечений в городе Калтане, Виртуальная реальность. Комнаты реалити-квестов. Психологическая игра "Мафия" </p> </div> <?php display_footer();
<?php /** * Страница Забронировать */ require_once "app_config.php"; /**Заголовок*/ require_once "scripts/generete_header.php"; $bootstrap = array('main' => true); display_head("Quantum Reality", $bootstrap); echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"container col-md-8 col-md-offset-2\">"; //8 Колонок Ширина и 2 отступ слева /**Навигация*/ require_once "scripts/generate_navigation.php"; display_navigation("reserve"); require_once "db_config.php"; /**Квесты*/ $sql_get_quest = "SELECT id, game_name, image_link FROM game_list ORDER BY id DESC"; $quest_query = $conn->query($sql_get_quest); $result_quest = mysqli_parse_array($quest_query); echo "<div class=\"row\">"; foreach ($result_quest as $key => $value) { echo <<<EOD <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4"> <div class="thumbnail hovereffect"> <img src="{$value["image_link"]}"> <div class="overlay"> <h2>{$value["game_name"]}</h2> <a class="info" href="/game.php?project_id={$value["id"]}">Подробнее</a> </div>
<?php /**Страница отзывов*/ require_once "app_config.php"; require_once "scripts/generete_header.php"; require_once "db_config.php"; $bootstrap = array('main' => true, 'stars' => true, 'validator' => true, 'notify' => true, 'send_reviewsjs' => true); display_head("Quantum Reality", $bootstrap); echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"container col-md-8 col-md-offset-2\">"; //8 Колонок Ширина и 2 отступ слева /**Навигация*/ require_once "scripts/generate_navigation.php"; display_navigation("reviews"); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="center-block"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" role="button" onclick="$('#myModal').modal();"><span class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></span> Оставить свой отзыв</a> </div> </div> <div class="row reviews_list" id="reviews_list"> <?php if (is_null($conn)) { throw new Exception('Соединение с бд не было создано'); } $sql_last_comments = "SELECT id, author, comment, date, quality FROM recent_reviews\r\n ORDER BY date DESC;"; $last_comment_query = $conn->query($sql_last_comments); $result_last_comment = mysqli_parse_array($last_comment_query); foreach ($result_last_comment as $key => $value) { echo <<<EOD
// String of this date, including the weekday and such $formattedDate = date("l, F j, Y", $currentDate); // Only display the room log if one exists if ($roomLog instanceof RoomLog) { echo "<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">"; echo "Room Log for " . $formattedDate . "</h3>"; // Display a form that let's you choose another date display_navigation($date); // Print the 21 rooms //echo ("<table align=\"center\">"); include_once "roomLogView.inc"; //echo ("</table>"); } else { echo "<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Roomlog for " . $formattedDate . " not found</h3><br>"; // Display a form that let's you choose another date display_navigation($date); } ?> <!-- Display a list of pending bookings --> <h4 style="text-align:center"> Pending Bookings (and dates submitted)</h4> <form style="text-align:center" name="chooseBooking" action="viewBookings.php" target="_blank"> <select name="bookingid"> <?php // Grab a list of all pending bookings $pendingBookings = retrieve_all_pending_dbBookings(date("y-m-d")); if ($pendingBookings) { // Make each booking id a menu item foreach ($pendingBookings as $booking) { echo "<option value='" . $booking->get_id() . "'>"; $person = retrieve_dbPersons(substr($booking->get_id(), 8));
$nextMonth1 = display_small_month($nextmonth, $nextyear, true, true, 'nextmonth', $monthURL); $prevMonth1 = display_small_month($prevmonth, $prevyear, true, true, 'prevmonth', $monthURL); } if ($DISPLAY_TASKS == 'Y' && $friendly != 1) { if ($DISPLAY_SM_MONTH != 'N') { $nextMonth2 = display_small_month($nextmonth, $nextyear, true, false, 'nextmonth', $monthURL) . '<br />'; $prevMonth2 = display_small_month($prevmonth, $prevyear, true, false, 'prevmonth', $monthURL) . '<br />'; } else { $nextMonth2 = $prevMonth2 = '<br /><br /><br /><br />'; } $smallTasks = display_small_tasks($cat_id); $tableWidth = '80%'; } $eventinfo = !empty($eventinfo) ? $eventinfo : ''; $monthStr = display_month($thismonth, $thisyear); $navStr = display_navigation('month'); if (empty($friendly)) { $unapprovedStr = display_unapproved_events($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login); $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly('month.php'); } $trailerStr = print_trailer(); $HeadX = generate_refresh_meta() . '<script src="includes/js/weekHover.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; print_header(array('js/popups.php/true', 'js/visible.php'), $HeadX, '', false, false, false, false); echo <<<EOT <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td id="printarea" valign="top" width="{$tableWidth}" rowspan="2"> {$prevMonth1}{$nextMonth1} {$navStr} {$monthStr} </td>
<?php /**Главная*/ require_once "app_config.php"; require_once "scripts/generete_header.php"; $bootstrap = array('main' => true, 'notify' => true, 'formhelpers' => true, 'validator' => true, 'stars' => true, 'renderjs' => true, 'momentsjs' => true); display_head("Quantum Reality", $bootstrap); echo "<body>"; echo "<div class=\"container col-md-8 col-md-offset-2\">"; //8 Колонок Ширина и 2 отступ слева /**Навигация*/ require_once "scripts/generate_navigation.php"; display_navigation("main"); /**Список проектов*/ require_once "scripts/generate_projects_list.php"; require_once "db_config.php"; /**Новые Квесты*/ $sql_get_quest = "SELECT id, game_name, image_link FROM game_list ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3"; $quest_query = $conn->query($sql_get_quest); $result_quest = mysqli_parse_array($quest_query); display_projects_lost($result_quest); echo <<<EOD <div class="row"> <div class="well col-md-12" style="color: #323232"> <div class="center-block"><h1>Стоимость Oculus Rift</h1><br/></div> <div class="col-md-4"><div class="image_frame"><img alt="Стоимость Oculus Rift" src="/images/kDxzxAD.jpg"></div></div> <br> <div class="col-md-8"> <table class="prise_table"> <tbody>
$evEnd = mktime(23, 59, 59, $thismonth + 2, 0, $thisyear); } else { $evStart = $wkstart; $evEnd = $wkend; } /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quickier access. */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events(strlen($user) ? $user : $login, $evStart, $evEnd, $cat_id); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access. */ // Start the search ONE_WEEK early to account for cross-day events. $events = read_events(strlen($user) ? $user : $login, $evStart - 604800, $evEnd, $cat_id); if (empty($DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == 'Y') { /* Pre-load tasks for quicker access. */ $tasks = read_tasks(!empty($user) && strlen($user) && $is_assistant ? $user : $login, $wkend, $cat_id); } $eventsStr = $filler = $headerStr = $minical_tasks = $untimedStr = ''; $navStr = display_navigation('week'); for ($i = $start_ind; $i <= $end_ind; $i++) { $days[$i] = $wkstart + 86400 * $i + 43200; $weekdays[$i] = weekday_name(($i + $WEEK_START) % 7, $DISPLAY_LONG_DAYS); $dateYmd = date('Ymd', $days[$i]); $header[$i] = $weekdays[$i] . '<br />' . date_to_str($dateYmd, $DATE_FORMAT_MD, false, true); // . // Generate header row. $class = $dateYmd == date('Ymd', $today) ? ' class="today"' : (is_weekend($days[$i]) ? ' class="weekend"' : ''); $headerStr .= ' <th ' . $class . '>' . ($can_add ? html_for_add_icon($dateYmd, '', '', $user) : '') . '<p style="margin:.75em 0 0 0"><a href="day.php?' . $u_url . 'date=' . $dateYmd . $caturl . '">' . $header[$i] . '</a></p></th>'; $date = date('Ymd', $days[$i]); $hour_arr = $rowspan_arr = $tk = array(); // . // Get, combine and sort, static and repeating events for this date. $ev = combine_and_sort_events(get_entries($date, $get_unapproved), get_repeating_entries($user, $date));
$should_add = 1; for ($j = 0, $cnt_j = count($repeated_events); $j < $cnt_j && $should_add; $j++) { if (!$re_save[$i]->getClone() && $re_save[$i]->getID() == $repeated_events[$j]->getID()) { $should_add = 0; } } if ($should_add) { array_push($repeated_events, $re_save[$i]); } } if ($DISPLAY_SM_MONTH != 'N') { $prevMonth = display_small_month($prevmonth, $prevyear, true, true, 'prevmonth', 'view_l.php?id=' . $id . '&'); $nextMonth = display_small_month($nextmonth, $nextyear, true, true, 'nextmonth', 'view_l.php?id=' . $id . '&'); $navStr = display_navigation('view_l', false, false); } else { $navStr = display_navigation('view_l', true, false); } $monthStr = display_month($thismonth, $thisyear); $eventinfo = empty($eventinfo) ? '' : $eventinfo; echo <<<EOT <div class="title"> <div class="minical"> {$prevMonth}{$nextMonth} </div> {$navStr} <span class="viewname"><br />{$view_name}</span> </div> <br /> {$monthStr} {$eventinfo} {$unapprovedStr}
$startdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 0, $thisyear); $enddate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear); $printerStr = $unapprovedStr = ''; /* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events(empty($user) ? $login : $user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id); /* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */ $events = read_events(empty($user) ? $login : $user, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id); if (empty($DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == 'Y') { /* Pre-load tasks for quicker access */ $tasks = read_tasks(!empty($user) && strlen($user) && $is_assistant ? $user : $login, $now, $cat_id); } $smallTasks = $DISPLAY_TASKS == 'Y' ? '<div id="minitask"> ' . display_small_tasks($cat_id) . ' </div>' : ''; $dayStr = print_day_at_a_glance($nowYmd, empty($user) ? $login : $user, $can_add); $navStr = display_navigation('day'); $smallMonthStr = display_small_month($thismonth, $thisyear, true); if (empty($friendly)) { $unapprovedStr = display_unapproved_events($is_assistant || $is_nonuser_admin ? $user : $login); $printerStr = generate_printer_friendly('day.php'); } $eventinfo = empty($eventinfo) ? '' : $eventinfo; $trailerStr = print_trailer(); print_header(array('js/popups.php/true'), generate_refresh_meta(), '', false, false, false, false); echo <<<EOT <table width="100%" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="80%"> {$navStr} </td>
</head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <div id="titles"> <h1><?php echo hen($title) ?></h1> <h2><?php echo hen($description) ?></h2> </div> </div> <div id="inner_container"> <div id="left"> <?php display_navigation(); ?> </div> <div id="right"> <div class="page_top"></div> <div class="page_mid"> <div class="content_container"> <?php echo $content; ?> </div> </div> <div class="page_bot"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div>