function requestfriendship_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $SESSION, $id, $goto; $loggedinid = $USER->get('id'); $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $id); // friend db record $f = new StdClass(); $f->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time()); // notification info $n = new StdClass(); $n->url = profile_url($USER, false); $n->users = array($user->id); $n->fromuser = $loggedinid; $lang = get_user_language($user->id); $displayname = display_name($USER, $user); $n->strings = new stdClass(); $n->strings->urltext = (object) array('key' => 'Requests'); $f->owner = $id; $f->requester = $loggedinid; $f->message = $values['message']; insert_record('usr_friend_request', $f); $n->subject = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistsubject', 'group'); if (isset($values['message']) && !empty($values['message'])) { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistmessageexplanation', 'group', $displayname) . $values['message']; } else { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistinboxmessage', 'group', $displayname); } require_once 'activity.php'; activity_occurred('maharamessage', $n); handle_event('addfriendrequest', array('requester' => $loggedinid, 'owner' => $id)); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('friendformrequestsuccess', 'group', display_name($id))); redirect($goto); }
public function assign_smarty_vars() { $this->smarty->assign('artefacttype', 'internal'); $this->smarty->assign('artefactplugin', 'internal'); $this->smarty->assign('title', display_name($this->get('exporter')->get('user'), $this->get('exporter')->get('user'))); // If this ID is changed, you'll have to change it in author.tpl too $this->smarty->assign('id', 'portfolio:artefactinternal'); $this->smarty->assign('leaptype', $this->get_leap_type()); $persondata = array(); $spacialdata = array(); foreach ($this->artefacts as $a) { if (!($data = $this->data_mapping($a))) { if ($a->get('artefacttype') == 'introduction') { $this->smarty->assign('contenttype', 'html'); $this->smarty->assign('content', clean_html($a->get('title'))); } continue; } $value = $a->render_self(array()); $value = $value['html']; // TODO fix this when we non-js stuff $data = array_merge(array('value' => $value, 'artefacttype' => $a->get('artefacttype'), 'artefactplugin' => 'internal'), $data); if (array_key_exists('spacial', $data)) { $spacialdata[] = (object) $data; } else { $data = array_merge($data, array('label' => get_string($a->get('artefacttype'), 'artefact.internal'))); $persondata[] = (object) $data; } } if ($extras = $this->exporter->get('extrapersondata')) { $persondata = array_merge($persondata, $extras); } $this->smarty->assign('persondata', $persondata); $this->smarty->assign('spacialdata', $spacialdata); }
public static function notify_user($user, $data) { $lang = empty($user->lang) || $user->lang == 'default' ? get_config('lang') : $user->lang; $separator = str_repeat('-', 72); $sitename = get_config('sitename'); $subject = get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailsubject', '', $sitename); if (!empty($data->subject)) { $subject .= ': ' . $data->subject; } $messagebody = get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailheader', '', $sitename) . "\n"; $messagebody .= $separator . "\n\n"; $messagebody .= get_string_from_language($lang, 'subject') . ': ' . $data->subject . "\n\n"; if ($data->activityname == 'usermessage') { // Do not include the message body in user messages when they are sent by email // because it encourages people to reply to the email. $messagebody .= get_string_from_language($lang, 'newusermessageemailbody', 'group', display_name($data->userfrom), $data->url); } else { $messagebody .= $data->message; if (!empty($data->url)) { $messagebody .= "\n\n" . get_string_from_language($lang, 'referurl', '', $data->url); } } if (isset($data->unsubscribeurl) && isset($data->unsubscribename)) { $messagebody .= "\n\n" . get_string_from_language($lang, 'unsubscribemessage', '', $data->unsubscribename, $data->unsubscribeurl); } $messagebody .= "\n\n{$separator}"; $prefurl = get_config('wwwroot') . 'account/activity/preferences/'; $messagebody .= "\n\n" . get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailfooter', '', $sitename, $prefurl); email_user($user, null, $subject, $messagebody, null, !empty($data->customheaders) ? $data->customheaders : null); }
/** * Dwoo {display_name} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Display a user's name according to mahara rules * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 */ function Dwoo_Plugin_display_name(Dwoo $dwoo, $user, $userto = null, $nameonly = false, $realname = false) { if (!$user) { return ''; } return hsc(display_name($user, $userto, $nameonly, $realname)); }
public static function notify_user($user, $data) { $messagehtml = null; if (!empty($data->overridemessagecontents)) { $subject = $data->subject; if (!empty($data->emailmessage)) { $messagebody = $data->emailmessage; } else { if (!empty($user->emailmessage)) { $messagebody = $user->emailmessage; } else { $messagebody = $data->message; } } if (!empty($data->htmlmessage)) { $messagehtml = $data->htmlmessage; } else { if (!empty($user->htmlmessage)) { $messagehtml = $user->htmlmessage; } } } else { $lang = empty($user->lang) || $user->lang == 'default' ? get_config('lang') : $user->lang; $separator = str_repeat('-', 72); $sitename = get_config('sitename'); $subject = get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailsubject', '', $sitename); if (!empty($data->subject)) { $subject .= ': ' . $data->subject; } $messagebody = get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailheader', '', $sitename) . "\n"; $messagebody .= $separator . "\n\n"; $messagebody .= get_string_from_language($lang, 'subject') . ': ' . $data->subject . "\n\n"; if ($data->url && stripos($data->url, 'http://') !== 0 && stripos($data->url, 'https://') !== 0) { $data->url = get_config('wwwroot') . $data->url; } if ($data->activityname == 'usermessage') { // Do not include the message body in user messages when they are sent by email // because it encourages people to reply to the email. $messagebody .= get_string_from_language($lang, 'newusermessageemailbody', 'group', display_name($data->userfrom), $data->url); } else { $messagebody .= $data->message; if (!empty($data->url)) { $messagebody .= "\n\n" . get_string_from_language($lang, 'referurl', '', $data->url); } } $messagebody .= "\n\n{$separator}"; $prefurl = get_config('wwwroot') . 'account/activity/preferences/index.php'; $messagebody .= "\n\n" . get_string_from_language($lang, 'emailfooter', '', $sitename, $prefurl); } // Bug 738263: Put the user's email address in the Reply-to field; email_user() will put the site address in 'From:' $userfrom = null; if (!empty($data->fromuser) && !$data->hideemail) { $user_data = get_record('usr', 'id', $data->fromuser); if (empty($data->customheaders)) { $data->customheaders = array(); } $data->customheaders[] = "Reply-to: {$user_data->email}"; } email_user($user, $userfrom, $subject, $messagebody, $messagehtml, !empty($data->customheaders) ? $data->customheaders : null); }
public static function getRecordDataById($type, $id) { $sql = 'SELECT,, c.ctime, c.description, cv.view AS viewid, c.owner FROM {collectio}n c LEFT OUTER JOIN {collection_view} cv ON cv.collection = WHERE id = ? ORDER BY cv.displayorder asc LIMIT 1;'; $record = get_record_sql($sql, array($id)); if (!$record) { return false; } $record->name = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), ' ', strip_tags($record->name)); $record->description = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), ' ', strip_tags($record->description)); // Created by if (intval($record->owner) > 0) { $record->createdby = get_record('usr', 'id', $record->owner); $record->createdbyname = display_name($record->createdby); } // Get all views included in that collection $sql = 'SELECT, v.title FROM {view} v LEFT OUTER JOIN {collection_view} cv ON cv.view = WHERE cv.collection = ?'; $views = recordset_to_array(get_recordset_sql($sql, array($id))); if ($views) { $record_views = array(); foreach ($views as $view) { if (isset($view->id)) { $record_views[$view->id] = $view->title; } } $record->views = $record_views; } return $record; }
/** * Smarty {display_name} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: str<br> * Date: June 22, 2006<br> * Purpose: Display a user's name according to mahara rules * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @version 1.0 * @param array * @param Smarty * @return Internationalized string */ function smarty_function_display_name($params, &$smarty) { static $dictionary; if (!isset($params['user']) || !is_object($params['user'])) { return ''; } return display_name($params['user']); }
public static function override_instance_title(BlockInstance $instance) { global $USER; $ownerid = $instance->get_view()->get('owner'); if ($ownerid === null || $ownerid == $USER->get('id')) { return get_string('title', 'blocktype.myviews'); } return get_string('otherusertitle', 'blocktype.myviews', display_name($ownerid, null, true)); }
public function assign_smarty_vars() { $user = $this->get('exporter')->get('user'); $userid = $user->get('id'); $updated = get_record_sql('select ' . db_format_tsfield('max(mtime)', 'mtime') . ' from {artefact} a join {artefact_installed_type} t on a.artefacttype = where t.plugin = \'internal\''); $this->smarty->assign('artefacttype', 'internal'); $this->smarty->assign('artefactplugin', 'internal'); $this->smarty->assign('title', display_name($user, $user)); $this->smarty->assign('updated', PluginExportLeap::format_rfc3339_date($updated->mtime)); // If this ID is changed, you'll have to change it in author.tpl too $this->smarty->assign('id', 'portfolio:artefactinternal'); $this->smarty->assign('leaptype', $this->get_leap_type()); $persondata = array(); $spacialdata = array(); usort($this->artefacts, array($this, 'artefact_sort')); foreach ($this->artefacts as $a) { if (!($data = $this->data_mapping($a))) { if ($a->get('artefacttype') == 'introduction') { $this->smarty->assign('contenttype', 'html'); $this->smarty->assign('content', clean_html($a->get('title'))); } continue; } $value = $a->render_self(array()); $value = $value['html']; // TODO fix this when we non-js stuff $data = array_merge(array('value' => $value, 'artefacttype' => $a->get('artefacttype'), 'artefactplugin' => 'internal'), $data); if (array_key_exists('spacial', $data)) { $spacialdata[] = (object) $data; } else { $label = get_string($a->get('artefacttype'), 'artefact.internal'); if ($a->get('artefacttype') == 'socialprofile') { $label = $a->get('description'); } $data = array_merge($data, array('label' => $label)); $persondata[] = (object) $data; } } if ($extras = $this->exporter->get('extrapersondata')) { $persondata = array_merge($persondata, $extras); } $this->smarty->assign('persondata', $persondata); $this->smarty->assign('spacialdata', $spacialdata); // Grab profile icons and link to them, making sure the default is first if ($icons = get_column_sql("SELECT id\n FROM {artefact}\n WHERE artefacttype = 'profileicon'\n AND \"owner\" = ?\n ORDER BY id = (\n SELECT profileicon FROM {usr} WHERE id = ?\n ) DESC, id", array($userid, $userid))) { foreach ($icons as $icon) { $icon = artefact_instance_from_id($icon); $this->add_artefact_link($icon, 'related'); } $this->smarty->assign('links', $this->links); } if (!($categories = $this->get_categories())) { $categories = array(); } $this->smarty->assign('categories', $categories); }
public static function getRecordDataById($type, $id) { $record = get_record('usr', 'id', $id); if (!$record || $record->deleted) { return false; } $record->display_name = display_name($record); $record->introduction = get_field('artefact', 'title', 'owner', $id, 'artefacttype', 'introduction'); return $record; }
function addmembers_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $group, $USER; if (empty($values['users'])) { redirect(get_config('wwwroot') . 'group/suggest.php?id=' . GROUP); } require_once 'activity.php'; $groupurl = group_homepage_url($group, false); activity_occurred('maharamessage', array('users' => $values['users'], 'subject' => '', 'message' => '', 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'suggestgroupnotificationsubject', 'section' => 'group', 'args' => array(display_name($USER))), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'suggestgroupnotificationmessage', 'section' => 'group', 'args' => array(display_name($USER), hsc($group->name), get_config('sitename')))), 'url' => $groupurl, 'urltext' => hsc($group->name))); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('recommendationssent', 'group', count($values['users']))); redirect(get_config('wwwroot') . $groupurl); }
function pieform_render_viewacl_getvaluebytype($type, $id) { switch ($type) { case 'user': $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $id); return display_name($user); break; case 'group': return get_field('group', 'name', 'id', $id); break; } return "{$type}: {$id}"; }
function invitetogroup_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $USER, $group, $user; $data = new StdClass(); $data->group = $group->id; $data->member = $user->id; $data->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time()); $data->role = $values['role']; insert_record('group_member_invite', $data); $lang = get_user_language($user->id); require_once 'activity.php'; activity_occurred('maharamessage', array('users' => array($user->id), 'subject' => get_string_from_language($lang, 'invitetogroupsubject', 'group'), 'message' => get_string_from_language($lang, 'invitetogroupmessage', 'group', display_name($USER, $user), $group->name), 'url' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'group/view.php?id=' . $group->id)); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('userinvited', 'group')); redirect('/user/view.php?id=' . $user->id); }
/** * Notify user (if configured), do the masquerading and emit event. Called when * no (further) interaction with the admin is needed before the loginas. * * @param string $why The masquerading reason (if given) or null. */ function do_masquerade($why = null) { global $USER, $SESSION; $id = param_integer('id'); $who = display_name($USER, $id); $when = format_date(time()); if (get_config('masqueradingnotified')) { $msg = (object) array('subject' => get_string('masqueradenotificationsubject', 'admin'), 'message' => $why === null ? get_string('masqueradenotificationnoreason', 'admin', $who, $when) : get_string('masqueradenotificationreason', 'admin', $who, $when, $why), 'users' => array($id), 'url' => profile_url($USER, false), 'urltext' => $who); activity_occurred('maharamessage', $msg); $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('masqueradenotificationdone', 'admin')); } $USER->change_identity_to($id); // Permissions checking is done in here handle_event('loginas', array('who' => $who, 'when' => $when, 'reason' => $why)); redirect(get_config('wwwroot')); }
/** * Provides a basic text field input. * * @todo this is just lies ... * @param array $element The element to render * @param Pieform $form The form to render the element for * @return string The HTML for the element */ function pieform_element_userlist(Pieform $form, $element) { $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->left_delimiter = '{{'; $smarty->right_delimiter = '}}'; $value = $form->get_value($element); if (!is_array($value) && isset($element['defaultvalue']) && is_array($element['defaultvalue'])) { $value = $element['defaultvalue']; } if (is_array($value) && count($value)) { $orderby = isset($element['searchparams']['orderby']) && $element['searchparams']['orderby'] == 'lastname' ? 'lastname,firstname,id' : 'firstname,lastname,id'; $members = get_records_select_assoc('usr', 'id IN (' . join(',', array_map('intval', $value)) . ')', null, $orderby, 'id,username,firstname,lastname,preferredname,staff'); foreach ($members as &$member) { $member = display_name($member); } $smarty->assign('options', $members); $smarty->assign('value', join(',', $value)); } $smarty->assign('name', $element['name']); if (!empty($element['lefttitle'])) { $smarty->assign('lefttitle', $element['lefttitle']); } if (!empty($element['righttitle'])) { $smarty->assign('righttitle', $element['righttitle']); } if (!empty($element['leftarrowlabel'])) { $smarty->assign('leftarrowlabel', $element['leftarrowlabel']); } if (!empty($element['rightarrowlabel'])) { $smarty->assign('rightarrowlabel', $element['rightarrowlabel']); } if (!empty($element['group'])) { $smarty->assign('group', $element['group']); $smarty->assign('includeadmins', !isset($element['includeadmins']) || $element['includeadmins'] ? 1 : 0); } if (empty($element['searchscript'])) { $element['searchscript'] = 'json/usersearch.php'; } $smarty->assign('searchscript', $element['searchscript']); if (empty($element['searchparams'])) { $element['searchparams'] = array('query' => '', 'limit' => 100); } $smarty->assign('searchparams', json_encode($element['searchparams'])); $smarty->assign('onlyshowingfirst', json_encode(get_string('onlyshowingfirst', 'admin'))); $smarty->assign('resultsof', json_encode(get_string('resultsof', 'admin'))); return $smarty->fetch('form/userlist.tpl'); }
function requestjoingroup_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $USER, $group, $goto; insert_record('group_member_request', (object) array('group' => $group->id, 'member' => $USER->get('id'), 'ctime' => db_format_timestamp(time()), 'reason' => isset($values['reason']) ? $values['reason'] : null)); // Send request to all group admins require_once 'activity.php'; $groupadmins = get_column('group_member', 'member', 'group', $group->id, 'role', 'admin'); foreach ($groupadmins as $groupadmin) { $adminlang = get_user_language($groupadmin); if (isset($values['reason']) && $values['reason'] != '') { $message = get_string_from_language($adminlang, 'grouprequestmessagereason', 'group', display_name($USER, get_record('usr', 'id', $groupadmin)), $group->name, $values['reason']); } else { $message = get_string_from_language($adminlang, 'grouprequestmessage', 'group', display_name($USER, get_record('usr', 'id', $groupadmin)), $group->name); } activity_occurred('maharamessage', array('users' => array($groupadmin), 'subject' => get_string_from_language($adminlang, 'grouprequestsubject', 'group'), 'message' => $message, 'url' => 'group/members.php?id=' . $group->id . '&membershiptype=request', 'strings' => (object) array('urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'pendingmembers', 'section' => 'group')))); } $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('grouprequestsent', 'group')); redirect($goto); }
function denyrequest_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $SESSION, $id; $loggedinid = $USER->get('id'); $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $id); // friend db record $f = new StdClass(); $f->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time()); // notification info $n = new StdClass(); $n->url = profile_url($USER, false); $n->users = array($user->id); $n->fromuser = $USER->get('id'); $lang = get_user_language($user->id); $displayname = display_name($USER, $user); $n->urltext = $displayname; delete_records('usr_friend_request', 'owner', $loggedinid, 'requester', $id); $n->subject = get_string_from_language($lang, 'friendrequestrejectedsubject', 'group'); if (isset($values['reason']) && !empty($values['reason'])) { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'friendrequestrejectedmessagereason', 'group', $displayname) . $values['reason']; } else { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'friendrequestrejectedmessage', 'group', $displayname); } require_once 'activity.php'; activity_occurred('maharamessage', $n); handle_event('removefriendrequest', array('owner' => $loggedinid, 'requester' => $id)); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('friendformrejectsuccess', 'group')); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); switch (param_alpha('returnto', 'myfriends')) { case 'find': $goto = 'user/find.php'; break; case 'view': $goto = profile_url($user, false); break; default: $goto = 'user/myfriends.php'; break; } $goto .= strpos($goto, '?') ? '&offset=' . $offset : '?offset=' . $offset; $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . $goto; redirect($goto); }
function requestfriendship_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $SESSION, $id; $loggedinid = $USER->get('id'); $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $id); // friend db record $f = new StdClass(); $f->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time()); // notification info $n = new StdClass(); $n->url = get_config('wwwroot') . 'user/view.php?id=' . $loggedinid; $n->users = array($user->id); $lang = get_user_language($user->id); $displayname = display_name($USER, $user); $f->owner = $id; $f->requester = $loggedinid; $f->message = $values['message']; insert_record('usr_friend_request', $f); $n->subject = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistsubject', 'group'); if (isset($values['message']) && !empty($values['message'])) { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistmessagereason', 'group', $displayname) . $values['message']; } else { $n->message = get_string_from_language($lang, 'requestedfriendlistmessage', 'group', $displayname); } require_once 'activity.php'; activity_occurred('maharamessage', $n); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('friendformrequestsuccess', 'group', display_name($id))); switch (param_alpha('returnto', 'myfriends')) { case 'find': redirect('/user/find.php'); break; case 'view': redirect('/user/view.php?id=' . $id); break; default: redirect('/user/myfriends.php'); break; } }
public static function getRecordDataById($type, $id) { $record = parent::getRecordDataById($type, $id); if (!$record) { return false; } // Created by if (intval($record->owner) > 0) { $record->createdby = get_record('usr', 'id', $record->owner); $record->createdbyname = display_name($record->createdby); } // Tags $tags = get_records_array('view_tag', 'view', $id); if ($tags != false) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $record->tags[] = $tag->tag; } } else { $record->tags = null; } return $record; }
public static function getRecordDataById($type, $id) { $sql = 'SELECT, p1.topic, p1.parent, p1.poster, COALESCE(p1.subject, p2.subject) AS subject, p2.subject, p1.body, p1.ctime, p1.deleted, p1.sent, p1.path, u.username, u.preferredname, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.profileicon, f.title as forumname, as forumid, as groupname, as groupid FROM {interaction_forum_post} p1 LEFT JOIN {interaction_forum_post} p2 ON p2.parent IS NULL AND p2.topic = p1.topic LEFT JOIN {usr} u ON = p1.poster LEFT JOIN {interaction_forum_topic} ift on p1.topic = LEFT JOIN {interaction_instance} f ON = AND f.plugin=\'forum\' LEFT JOIN {group} g ON = WHERE = ?'; $record = get_record_sql($sql, array($id)); if (!$record || $record->deleted) { return false; } $record->body = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), ' ', strip_tags($record->body)); $record->ctime = format_date(strtotime($record->ctime)); $record->authorlink = '<a href="' . profile_url($record->poster) . '" class="forumuser">' . display_name($record->poster, null, true) . '</a>'; return $record; }
public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false) { require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/lib.php'; global $USER; $smarty = smarty_core(); $groupdata = group_get_associated_groups($USER->get('id'), 'all', null, null); $data = new stdclass(); $data->data = array(); $data->count = $groupdata['count']; $data->displayname = display_name($user); if ($data->count) { foreach ($groupdata['groups'] as $g) { $record = array(); $record['id'] = $g->id; $record['name'] = $g->name; $record['description'] = $g->description; $owner = group_get_admin_ids($g->id); $record['group_admin'] = display_name($owner[0]); $data->data[] = $record; } } $smarty->assign('eselma_groups', $data); return $smarty->fetch('blocktype:eselmagroup:content.tpl'); }
function denyregistration_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $SESSION; if (isset($values['message']) && !empty($values['message'])) { $message = get_string('registrationdeniedmessagereason', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), $values['message'], display_name($USER)); } else { $message = get_string('registrationdeniedmessage', 'auth.internal', $values['firstname'], get_config('sitename'), display_name($USER)); } try { delete_records('usr_registration', 'email', $values['email']); $user = (object) $values; $user->admin = 0; $user->staff = 0; email_user($user, $USER, get_string('registrationdeniedemailsubject', 'auth.internal', get_config('sitename')), $message); } catch (EmailException $e) { log_warn($e); die_info(get_string('registrationdeniedunsuccessful', 'admin')); } catch (SQLException $e) { log_warn($e); die_info(get_string('registrationdeniedunsuccessful', 'admin')); } $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('registrationdeniedsuccessful', 'admin')); redirect('/admin/users/pendingregistrations.php?institution=' . $values['institution']); }
/** * The name of the entry's author * * @return string */ public function get_entry_author() { if ($author = $this->artefact->get('author')) { if ($author != $this->artefact->get('owner')) { return display_name($author); } return; } return $this->artefact->get('authorname'); }
define('GROUP', $groupid); $group = group_current_group(); $user = get_record('usr', 'id', $userid, 'deleted', 0); if (!$user) { throw new UserNotFoundException(get_string('usernotfound', 'group', $userid)); } $role = group_user_access($groupid); if ($role != 'admin' && !group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'))) { if (!$group->invitefriends || !is_friend($user->id, $USER->get('id'))) { throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('cannotinvitetogroup', 'group')); } } if (record_exists('group_member', 'group', $groupid, 'member', $userid) || record_exists('group_member_invite', 'group', $groupid, 'member', $userid)) { throw new UserException(get_string('useralreadyinvitedtogroup', 'group')); } define('TITLE', get_string('invitemembertogroup', 'group', display_name($userid), $group->name)); $roles = group_get_role_info($groupid); foreach ($roles as $k => &$v) { $v = $v->display; } safe_require('grouptype', $group->grouptype); $form = pieform(array('name' => 'invitetogroup', 'autofocus' => false, 'method' => 'post', 'elements' => array('reason' => array('type' => 'textarea', 'cols' => 50, 'rows' => 4, 'title' => get_string('reason')), 'role' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => $roles, 'title' => get_string('Role', 'group'), 'defaultvalue' => call_static_method('GroupType' . $group->grouptype, 'default_role'), 'ignore' => $role != 'admin'), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submitcancel', 'value' => array(get_string('invite', 'group'), get_string('cancel')), 'goto' => profile_url($user))))); $smarty = smarty(); $smarty->assign('subheading', TITLE); $smarty->assign('form', $form); $smarty->display('group/invite.tpl'); function invitetogroup_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $SESSION, $USER, $group, $user; group_invite_user($group, $user->id, $USER, isset($values['role']) ? $values['role'] : null); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('userinvited', 'group'));
/** * Sends notification e-mails to site and institutional admins when: * * - An institution is expiring within the institution expiry warning * period, set in site options. * * The actual prevention of users logging in is handled by the authentication * code. This cron job sends e-mails to notify users that these events will * happen soon. */ function auth_handle_institution_expiries() { // The 'expiry' flag on the usr table $sitename = get_config('sitename'); $wwwroot = get_config('wwwroot'); $expire = get_config('institutionautosuspend'); $warn = get_config('institutionexpirynotification'); $daystoexpire = ceil($warn / 86400) . ' '; $daystoexpire .= $daystoexpire == 1 ? get_string('day') : get_string('days'); // Get site administrators $siteadmins = get_records_sql_array('SELECT, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.preferredname,, u.admin, u.staff FROM {usr} u WHERE u.admin = 1', array()); // Expiry warning messages if ($institutions = get_records_sql_array('SELECT, i.displayname FROM {institution} i ' . 'WHERE ' . db_format_tsfield('i.expiry', false) . ' < ? AND suspended != 1 AND expirymailsent != 1', array(time() + $warn))) { foreach ($institutions as $institution) { $institution_displayname = $institution->displayname; // Email site administrators foreach ($siteadmins as $user) { $user_displayname = display_name($user); _email_or_notify($user, get_string('institutionexpirywarning'), get_string('institutionexpirywarningtext_site', 'mahara', $user_displayname, $institution_displayname, $daystoexpire, $sitename, $sitename), get_string('institutionexpirywarninghtml_site', 'mahara', $user_displayname, $institution_displayname, $daystoexpire, $sitename, $sitename)); } // Email institutional administrators $institutionaladmins = get_records_sql_array('SELECT, u.username, u.expiry, u.staff, u.admin AS siteadmin, ui.admin AS institutionadmin, u.firstname, u.lastname, ' . 'FROM {usr_institution} ui JOIN {usr} u ON (ui.usr = WHERE ui.admin = 1', array()); foreach ($institutionaladmins as $user) { $user_displayname = display_name($user); _email_or_notify($user, get_string('institutionexpirywarning'), get_string('institutionexpirywarningtext_institution', 'mahara', $user_displayname, $institution_displayname, $sitename, $daystoexpire, $wwwroot . 'contact.php', $sitename), get_string('institutionexpirywarninghtml_institution', 'mahara', $user_displayname, $institution_displayname, $sitename, $daystoexpire, $wwwroot . 'contact.php', $sitename)); } set_field('institution', 'expirymailsent', 1, 'name', $institution->name); } } // If we can automatically suspend expired institutions $autosuspend = get_config('institutionautosuspend'); if ($autosuspend) { // Actual expired institutions if ($institutions = get_records_sql_array('SELECT name FROM {institution} ' . 'WHERE ' . db_format_tsfield('expiry', false) . ' < ?', array(time()))) { // Institutions have expired! foreach ($institutions as $institution) { set_field('institution', 'suspended', 1, 'name', $institution->name); } } } }
public function change_identity_to($userid) { $user = new User(); $user->find_by_id($userid); if (!$this->is_admin_for_user($user)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(get_string('loginasdenied', 'admin')); } $olduser = $this->get('parentuser'); if (!is_null($olduser)) { throw new UserException(get_string('loginastwice', 'admin')); } $olduser = new StdClass(); $olduser->id = $this->get('id'); $olduser->name = display_name($this, null, true); $this->reloadLiveUser($userid); $this->set('parentuser', $olduser); }
require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/multirecipientnotification.php'; require_once get_config('docroot') . '/lib/searchlib.php'; global $USER; $request = param_variable('q'); $page = param_integer('page'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $usersperpage = 10; $more = true; $tmpuser = array(); while ($more && count($tmpuser) < $usersperpage) { $users = search_user($request, $usersperpage, $usersperpage * ($page - 1)); $more = $users['count'] > $usersperpage * $page; if (!$users['data']) { $users['data'] = array(); } foreach ($users['data'] as $user) { if (count($tmpuser) >= $usersperpage) { $more = true; continue; } if (!can_send_message($USER->id, $user['id']) || $USER->id == $user['id']) { continue; } $tmpuser[] = (object) array('id' => $user['id'], 'text' => '<img class="select2-user-icon" src="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'thumb.php?type=profileicon&maxwidth=40&maxheight=40&id=' . $user['id'] . '" />' . '<span>' . display_name($user['id']) . '</span>', 'name' => display_name($user['id'])); } $page++; } echo json_encode(array('more' => $more, 'results' => $tmpuser));
$message .= "Name: " . $creid[0]['Task_Name'] . "\r\n<br />"; $message .= $r['Task_Description'] . "\r\n<br />"; $tsk = $slave->select("SELECT * FROM Task_Logs WHERE Task_ID=" . $data['Task_ID']); if ($tsk) { foreach ($tsk as $t) { $message .= $t['Public_Note'] . "\r\n<br />"; } } if (valid_email($requester[0]['Email'])) { $ftemail = $requester[0]['Email']; } else { $ftemail = $noreply_email; } //print_r($r); //print_r($requester); smtp_mail("", "", $r['Email'], $ftemail, display_name($requester[0]['First_Name'], $requester[0]['Last_Name']), $ftemail, $subject, $message); } } } } } elseif ($_POST['acknowledge']) { foreach ($_POST['acknowledge'] as $tid => $ack) { $data['User_ID'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; $data['Acknowledged'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['Accepted'] = '1'; $data['Task_ID'] = $tid; $data['Progress'] = $_POST['progress'][$tid]; $insert = $db->insert("Task_Acknowledgement", $data); } } elseif ($_POST['task_id']) { $data['User_ID'] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$img = $f['Image']; if ($f['Image'] == 1) { $icon = "111.png"; echo "<a href=\"" . CDN . "img.php?id=" . $log['Task_ID'] . "&log=" . $log['Log_ID'] . "\" alt=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/icons/{$icon}\" border=0 /></a>"; } else { $icon = "3.png"; echo "<a href=\"{$target_path}" . $f['File_ID'] . "." . $f['Extention'] . "\" alt=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . CDN . "img/icons/{$icon}\" border=0 /></a>"; } } elseif ($img == 1) { $mult = "+"; } } echo $mult; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . display_name($log['First_Name'], $log['Last_Name']) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>\$" . number_format($log['Log_Cost'], 2) . "</td>\n"; if ($log['Log_Time'] > 60 and $log['Log_Time'] % 60 < 1) { $log_time = $log['Log_Time'] / 60 . "/hour"; } else { $log_time = $log['Log_Time'] . "/min"; } echo "<td>" . $log_time . "</td>\n"; echo "<td>" . str_replace("\n", "<br />", htmlentities(str_replace("'", "'", $log['Public_Note']), ENT_NOQUOTES)); if ($log['Log_Note']) { echo "<hr />" . str_replace("\n", "<br />", htmlentities(str_replace("'", "'", $log['Log_Note']), ENT_NOQUOTES)); } if ($files) { foreach ($files as $f) { echo "<br /><em>"; if ($f['Original_File']) {
function edituser_site_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $USER, $authobj, $SESSION; if (!($user = get_record('usr', 'id', $values['id']))) { return false; } if (is_using_probation()) { // Value should be between 0 and 10 inclusive $user->probation = ensure_valid_probation_points($values['probationpoints']); } if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) { $user->quota = $values['quota']; // check if the user has gone over the quota notify limit $quotanotifylimit = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit'); if ($quotanotifylimit <= 0 || $quotanotifylimit >= 100) { $quotanotifylimit = 100; } $user->quotausedpercent = $user->quotaused / $user->quota * 100; $overlimit = false; if ($quotanotifylimit <= $user->quotausedpercent) { $overlimit = true; } $notified = get_field('usr_account_preference', 'value', 'field', 'quota_exceeded_notified', 'usr', $user->id); if ($overlimit && '1' !== $notified) { require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/file/lib.php'; ArtefactTypeFile::notify_users_threshold_exceeded(array($user), false); // no need to email admin as we can alert them right now $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('useroverquotathreshold', 'artefact.file', display_name($user))); } else { if ($notified && !$overlimit) { set_account_preference($user->id, 'quota_exceeded_notified', false); } } } $unexpire = $user->expiry && strtotime($user->expiry) < time() && (empty($values['expiry']) || $values['expiry'] > time()); $newexpiry = db_format_timestamp($values['expiry']); if ($user->expiry != $newexpiry) { $user->expiry = $newexpiry; if ($unexpire) { $user->expirymailsent = 0; $user->lastaccess = db_format_timestamp(time()); } } // Try to kick the user from any active login sessions, before saving data. require_once get_config('docroot') . 'auth/session.php'; remove_user_sessions($user->id); if ($USER->get('admin')) { // Not editable by institutional admins $user->staff = (int) ($values['staff'] == 'on'); $user->admin = (int) ($values['admin'] == 'on'); if ($user->admin) { activity_add_admin_defaults(array($user->id)); } } if ($values['maildisabled'] == 0 && get_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled') == 1) { // Reset the sent and bounce counts otherwise mail will be disabled // on the next send attempt $u = new StdClass(); $u->email = $user->email; $u->id = $user->id; update_bounce_count($u, true); update_send_count($u, true); } set_account_preference($user->id, 'maildisabled', $values['maildisabled']); // process the change of the authinstance and or the remoteuser if (isset($values['authinstance']) && isset($values['remoteusername'])) { // Authinstance can be changed by institutional admins if both the // old and new authinstances belong to the admin's institutions $authinst = get_records_select_assoc('auth_instance', 'id = ? OR id = ?', array($values['authinstance'], $user->authinstance)); // But don't bother if the auth instance doesn't take a remote username $authobj = AuthFactory::create($values['authinstance']); if ($USER->get('admin') || $USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$values['authinstance']]->institution) && ($USER->is_institutional_admin($authinst[$user->authinstance]->institution) || $user->authinstance == 1)) { if ($authobj->needs_remote_username()) { // determine the current remoteuser $current_remotename = get_field('auth_remote_user', 'remoteusername', 'authinstance', $user->authinstance, 'localusr', $user->id); if (!$current_remotename) { $current_remotename = $user->username; } // if the remoteuser is empty if (strlen(trim($values['remoteusername'])) == 0) { delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $user->authinstance, 'localusr', $user->id); } // what should the new remoteuser be $new_remoteuser = get_field('auth_remote_user', 'remoteusername', 'authinstance', $values['authinstance'], 'localusr', $user->id); // save the remotename for the target existence check $target_remotename = $new_remoteuser; if (!$new_remoteuser) { $new_remoteuser = $user->username; } if (strlen(trim($values['remoteusername'])) > 0) { // value changed on page - use it if ($values['remoteusername'] != $current_remotename) { $new_remoteuser = $values['remoteusername']; } } // only update remote name if the input actually changed on the page or it doesn't yet exist if ($current_remotename != $new_remoteuser || !$target_remotename) { // only remove the ones related to this traget authinstance as we now allow multiple // for dual login mechanisms delete_records('auth_remote_user', 'authinstance', $values['authinstance'], 'localusr', $user->id); insert_record('auth_remote_user', (object) array('authinstance' => $values['authinstance'], 'remoteusername' => $new_remoteuser, 'localusr' => $user->id)); } } // update the ai on the user master $user->authinstance = $values['authinstance']; // update the global $authobj to match the new authinstance // this is used by the password/username change methods // if either/both has been requested at the same time $authobj = AuthFactory::create($user->authinstance); } } // Only change the pw if the new auth instance allows for it if (method_exists($authobj, 'change_password')) { $user->passwordchange = (int) (isset($values['passwordchange']) && $values['passwordchange'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0); if (isset($values['password']) && $values['password'] !== '') { $userobj = new User(); $userobj = $userobj->find_by_id($user->id); $user->password = $authobj->change_password($userobj, $values['password']); $user->salt = $userobj->salt; unset($userobj); } } else { // inform the user that the chosen auth instance doesn't allow password changes // but only if they tried changing it if (isset($values['password']) && $values['password'] !== '') { $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('passwordchangenotallowed', 'admin')); // Set empty pw with salt $user->password = ''; $user->salt = auth_get_random_salt(); } } if (isset($values['username']) && $values['username'] !== '') { $userobj = new User(); $userobj = $userobj->find_by_id($user->id); if ($userobj->username != $values['username']) { // Only change the username if the auth instance allows for it if (method_exists($authobj, 'change_username')) { // check the existence of the chosen username try { if ($authobj->user_exists($values['username'])) { // set an error message if it is already in use $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('usernameexists', 'account')); } } catch (AuthUnknownUserException $e) { // update the username otherwise $user->username = $authobj->change_username($userobj, $values['username']); } } else { // inform the user that the chosen auth instance doesn't allow username changes $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('usernamechangenotallowed', 'admin')); } } unset($userobj); } // OVERWRITE 4: insert if (isset($values['email']) && !empty($values['email']) && $values['email'] != $user->email) { global $CFG; $user->email = $values['email']; $mhr_user = $CFG->current_app->getUserById($user->id); $mhr_user->setEmailAddress($values['email']); } // END OVERWRITE 4 db_begin(); update_record('usr', $user); delete_records('usr_tag', 'usr', $user->id); if (is_array($values['tags'])) { $values['tags'] = check_case_sensitive($values['tags'], 'usr_tag'); foreach (array_unique($values['tags']) as $tag) { if (empty($tag)) { continue; } insert_record('usr_tag', (object) array('usr' => $user->id, 'tag' => strtolower($tag))); } } db_commit(); $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('usersitesettingschanged', 'admin')); redirect('/admin/users/edit.php?id=' . $user->id); }