コード例 #1
function display_links_in_category($portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id)
    $output = "<div class=\"wrap-box\">";
    $output .= "<header class=\"row\">";
    echo $output;
    $box_title = display_content_box_header($portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id);
    echo $box_title;
    $output = "</header>";
    $output .= "<div class=\"row link-box\">";
    echo $output;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE portal_id={$portal_id}";
    if ($topic_id != 156) {
        $query .= " AND topic_id={$topic_id}";
    if ($sub_topic_1_id != 156) {
        $query .= " AND sub_topic_1_id={$sub_topic_1_id}";
    if ($sub_topic_2_id != 156) {
        $query .= " AND sub_topic_2_id={$sub_topic_2_id}";
    if ($category_id != 156) {
        $query .= " AND category_id={$category_id}";
    if ($category_id == 1) {
        $query .= " ORDER BY link_date DESC";
    global $db;
    $result_set = $db->query($query);
    while ($link = $db->fetch_assoc($result_set)) {
        $href = $link['link_href'];
        $text = htmlentities($link['link_text']);
        $link_pic = $link['link_pic'];
        $output = "<div class=\"col-sm-2 col-md-2\"><a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"{$href}\" target=\"_blank\"><div class=\"top-link-pic\"><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/uploads/linkpic/large/{$link_pic}\" /></div><div class=\"tn-link-text\"><p>{$text}</p></div></a></div>";
        echo $output;
    /*if($portal_id != 156 && $topic_id != 156 && $category_id != 156 && $sub_topic_1_id == 156 && $sub_topic_2_id == 156 && $sub_topic_3_id == 156 && $sub_topic_4_id == 156){
      // // Portal, Topic & Category Page Only
          $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE portal_id={$portal_id} ";
          $query .= "AND topic_id={$topic_id} ";
          $query .= "AND category_id={$category_id}";
          global $db;
          $result_set = $db->query($query);
          while ($link = $db->fetch_assoc($result_set)){
              $href = $link['link_href'];
              $text = htmlentities($link['link_text']);
              $link_pic = $link['link_pic'];
              $output = "<div class=\"col-sm-3 col-md-3\"><a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"{$href}\" target=\"_blank\"><div class=\"top-link-pic\"><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/uploads/linkpic/large/{$link_pic}\" /></div><div class=\"top-link-text\"><p>{$text}</p></div></a></div>";
              echo $output;
          } // END WHILE LOOP
      } elseif($portal_id != 156 && $topic_id != 156 && $category_id != 156 && $sub_topic_1_id != 156 && $sub_topic_2_id == 156 && $sub_topic_3_id == 156 && $sub_topic_4_id == 156){
      // Portal, Topic, Sub Topic 1 & Category Only
          $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE portal_id={$portal_id} ";
          $query .= "AND topic_id={$topic_id} ";
          $query .= "AND sub_topic_1_id={$sub_topic_1_id} ";
          $query .= "AND category_id={$category_id}";
          global $db;
          $result_set = $db->query($query);
          while ($link = $db->fetch_assoc($result_set)){
              $href = $link['link_href'];
              $text = htmlentities($link['link_text']);
              $link_pic = $link['link_pic'];
              $output = "<div class=\"col-sm-3 col-md-3\"><a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"{$href}\" target=\"_blank\"><div class=\"top-link-pic\"><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/uploads/linkpic/large/{$link_pic}\" /></div><div class=\"top-link-text\"><p>{$text}</p></div></a></div>";
              echo $output;
          } // END WHILE LOOP
      } elseif($portal_id != 156 && $topic_id != 156 && $category_id != 156 && $sub_topic_1_id != 156 && $sub_topic_2_id != 156 && $sub_topic_3_id == 156 && $sub_topic_4_id == 156){
      // Portal, Topic, Sub Topic 1, Sub Topic 2 & Category Only
          $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE portal_id={$portal_id} ";
          $query .= "AND topic_id={$topic_id} ";
          $query .= "AND sub_topic_1_id={$sub_topic_1_id} ";
          $query .= "AND sub_topic_2_id={$sub_topic_2_id} ";
          $query .= "AND category_id={$category_id}";
          global $db;
          $result_set = $db->query($query);
          while ($link = $db->fetch_assoc($result_set)){
              $href = $link['link_href'];
              $text = htmlentities($link['link_text']);
              $link_pic = $link['link_pic'];
              $output = "<div class=\"col-sm-3 col-md-3\"><a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"{$href}\" target=\"_blank\"><div class=\"top-link-pic\"><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/uploads/linkpic/large/{$link_pic}\" /></div><div class=\"top-link-text\"><p>{$text}</p></div></a></div>";
              echo $output;
          } // END WHILE LOOP
      } else {
          // Portal & Category Page Only
          $query = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE portal_id={$portal_id} ";
          $query .= "AND category_id={$category_id}";
          global $db;
          $result_set = $db->query($query);
          while ($link = $db->fetch_assoc($result_set)){
              $href = $link['link_href'];
              $text = htmlentities($link['link_text']);
              $link_pic = $link['link_pic'];
              $output = "<div class=\"col-sm-3 col-md-3\"><a class=\"thumbnail\" href=\"{$href}\" target=\"_blank\"><div class=\"top-link-pic\"><img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/uploads/linkpic/large/{$link_pic}\" /></div><div class=\"top-link-text\"><p>{$text}</p></div></a></div>";
              echo $output;
          } // END WHILE LOOP
      }// end if*/
    echo "<!-- end .row link-box--></div>";
    echo "<!-- end .wrap-box--></div>";
コード例 #2
            <p>Welcome To RazaWeb Slide Show Div</p>
<!-- row 5 main content section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
<div class="row"><!-- row 5 - left content div and quick links side bar -->
    <!-- main content - left side div - content box and/or tabbed panel -------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    <section class="col-sm-9">
            <!-- upper/ 1st main-content-box ----------------------------------------------------------------------->
            <div class="wrap-box">
            <!-- main-content-box header ----------------------------------------------------------------->
            <header class="row">        
$box_title = display_content_box_header($connection, $portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id);
echo $box_title;
            <!-- main-content-box content ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
            <div class="row link-box">
            <!-- First Content Box - This Week -->
$content_box_content = display_content_box_content($connection, $portal_id, $topic_id, $sub_topic_1_id, $sub_topic_2_id, $sub_topic_3_id, $sub_topic_4_id, $category_id);
echo $content_box_content;

if ($category_id == 156 && $sub_topic_1_id == 156) {