function displayHTML($page = 'Welcome', $data = array()) { global $pfc_packages; displayHTMLHeader(); ?> <a name="TOP" /></a> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="48" width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#339900"> <td align="left" width="120"> <img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=pearlogo" width="104" height="50" vspace="2" hspace="5" alt="PEAR"> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle" width="20"> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle"> <span class="Headline">Go-PEAR</span> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#003300"><td colspan="3"></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#006600"> <td align="right" valign="top" colspan="3"> <span style="color: #ffffff">Version <?php echo GO_PEAR_VER; ?> </span> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#003300"><td colspan="3"></td></tr> </table> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" width="100"> <table width="200" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td style="font-size: 90%" align="left" width="200"> <br><br> <img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=smallpear" border="0"> <a href="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=Welcome&restart=1" <?php if ($page == 'Welcome') { echo ' class="green"'; } ?> > Welcome to Go-PEAR </a><br/> <img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=smallpear" border="0"> <a href="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=config" <?php if ($page == 'config') { echo ' class="green"'; } ?> > Configuration </a><br/> <img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=smallpear" border="0"> <?php if ($page == 'install') { echo '<span class="green">'; } ?> Complete installtion<br/> <?php if ($page == 'install') { echo '</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="1" background="/gifs/checkerboard.gif"></td> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td width="20"> </td> <td> <?php if ($page == 'error') { ?> <span class="title">Error</span><br/> <br/> <?php $value = $data; if (preg_match('/ok$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(ok)$/', '<span class="green">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/failed$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(failed)$/', '<span style="color: #ff0000">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/^install ok:/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/^(install ok:)/', '<span class="green">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/^Warning:/', $value)) { $value = '<span style="color: #ff0000">' . $value . '</span>'; } echo nl2br($value); } elseif ($page == 'Welcome') { ?> <span class="title">Welcome to go-pear <?php echo GO_PEAR_VER; ?> !</span><br/> <br/> Go-pear will install the Web Frontend of the PEAR Installer and all the needed <br/> files. This frontend is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance.<br/> <br/> Go-pear also lets you download and install the PEAR packages bundled<br/> with PHP: <?php echo implode(', ', $GLOBALS['pfc_packages']); ?> .<br/> <br/> <a href="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=config" class="green">Next >></a> <?php } elseif ($page == 'config') { if (!empty($GLOBALS['http_proxy'])) { list($proxy_host, $proxy_port) = explode(':', $GLOBALS['http_proxy']); } else { $proxy_host = $proxy_port = ''; } ?> <form action="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=install" method="post"> <span class="title">Configuration</span><br/> <br/> HTTP proxy (host:port): <input type="text" name="proxy[host]" value="<?php echo $proxy_host; ?> "> <input type="text" name="proxy[port]" value="<?php echo $proxy_port; ?> " size="6"> <br/><br/><hr/><br/> Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. <br/> <br/> <table border="0"> <TR> <TD valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></TD> <TD> <span class="green"> <b>Note:</b> Make sure that PHP has the permission to access the specified<br/> directories.<br/><br/> </span> </TD> </TR> </table> <TABLE border="0"> <?php // Display error messages if (isset($GLOBALS['www_errors']) && sizeof($GLOBALS['www_errors'])) { $www_errors = $GLOBALS['www_errors']; echo "<tr><td>"; echo '<span class="red">ERROR(S):</span>'; echo "</td></tr>"; foreach ($www_errors as $n => $var) { echo "<tr><td>"; echo '<span class="red">' . $GLOBALS['config_desc'][$n] . ': </span>'; echo "</td><td>"; echo '<span class="red">' . $www_errors[$n] . '</span>'; echo "<br>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; } } foreach ($GLOBALS['config_vars'] as $n => $var) { printf('<tr><td>%d. %s</td><td><input type="text" name="config[%s]" value="%s"></td></tr>', $n, $GLOBALS['config_desc'][$var], $var, $GLOBALS[$var]); } ?> </TABLE> <br/><hr/><br/> The following PEAR packages are common ones, and can be installed<br/> by go-pear too: <br/> <?php echo implode(', ', $GLOBALS['pfc_packages']); ?> .<br/> <input type="checkbox" name="install_pfc" <?php if ($GLOBALS['install_pfc']) { echo 'checked'; } ?> > Install those too<br/> <br/><br/> <table border="0"> <TR> <TD valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></TD> <TD> <span class="green"> <b>Note:</b> Installation might take some time, because go-pear has to download<br/> all needed files from Just be patient and wait for the next<br/> page to load.<br/> </span> </TD> </TR> </table> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="BCmode" id="BCmode" checked> Compatibility-Mode for old non-DOM Browsers<br/> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (document.getElementById('BCmode')) { document.getElementById('BCmode').checked = 0; }; // --> </script> <?php if (WINDOWS && phpversion() == '4.1.1') { ?> <table border="0"> <TR> <TD valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></TD> <TD> <span style="color: #ff0000"> <b>Warning:</b> Your PHP version (4.1.1) might be imcompatible with go-pear due to a bug<br/> in your PHP binary. If the installation crashes you might want to update your PHP version.</br> </span> </TD> </TR> </table> <?php } ?> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Install" onClick="javascript: submitButton.value='Downloading and installing ... please wait ...'" name="submitButton"> </form> <?php } elseif ($page == 'install') { ?> <span class="title">Installation Complete - Summary</span><br/> <?php displayHTMLInstallationSummary($data); } elseif ($page == 'preinstall') { ?> <span class="title">Installation in progress ...</span><br/> <br/> <script language="javascript"> <!-- var progress; var downlodprogress; progress = 0; downloadprogress = 0; function setprogress(value) { progress = value; prog = document.getElementById('installation_progress'); prog.innerHTML = progress + " %"; progress2 = progress / 10; progress2 = Math.floor(progress2); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) document.getElementById('progress_cell_'+i).style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc"; switch(progress2) { case 10: document.getElementById('progress_cell_9').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 9: document.getElementById('progress_cell_8').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 8: document.getElementById('progress_cell_7').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 7: document.getElementById('progress_cell_6').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 6: document.getElementById('progress_cell_5').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 5: document.getElementById('progress_cell_4').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 4: document.getElementById('progress_cell_3').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 3: document.getElementById('progress_cell_2').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 2: document.getElementById('progress_cell_1').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 1: document.getElementById('progress_cell_0').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; }; } function addprogress(value) { progress += value; setprogress(progress); } function setdownloadfile(value) { setdownloadprogress(0); prog = document.getElementById('download_file'); prog.innerHTML = 'Downloading '+value+' ...'; }; function setdownloadprogress(value) { downloadprogress = value; prog = document.getElementById('download_progress'); prog.innerHTML = downloadprogress + " %"; progress2 = downloadprogress / 10; progress2 = Math.floor(progress2); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_'+i).style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc"; switch(progress2) { case 10: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_9').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 9: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_8').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 8: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_7').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 7: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_6').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 6: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_5').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 5: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_4').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 4: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_3').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 3: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_2').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 2: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_1').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 1: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_0').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; }; }; // --> </script> <table style="border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table border="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_0"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_1"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_2"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_3"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_4"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_5"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_6"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_7"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_8"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_9"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="installation_progress" class="green">0 %</td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_0"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_1"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_2"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_3"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_4"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_5"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_6"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_7"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_8"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_9"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="download_progress" class="green">0 %</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="download_file" class="green"></td> </tr> </table> <br> <iframe src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=install-progress&<?php echo SID; ?> " width="700" height="700" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php displayHTMLFooter(); }
function displayHTML($page = 'Welcome', $data = array()) { global $pfc_packages; displayHTMLHeader(); ?> <a name="TOP" /></a> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="48" width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#339900"> <td align="left" width="120"> <img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=pearlogo" width="104" height="50" vspace="2" hspace="5" alt="PEAR"> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle" width="20"> </td> <td align="left" valign="middle"> <span class="Headline">Go-PEAR Installer</span> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#003300"><td colspan="3"></td></tr> <tr bgcolor="#006600"> <td align="right" valign="top" colspan="3"> <span style="color: #ffffff">Version <?php echo GO_PEAR_VER; ?> </span> <br /> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#003300"><td colspan="3"></td></tr> </table> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td bgcolor="#f0f0f0" width="100"> <table width="200" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td style="font-size: 90%" align="left" width="200"> <p><br /> <?php $menus = array('Welcome' => 'Welcome to Go-PEAR', 'config' => 'Configuration', 'preinstall' => 'Installation', 'install' => 'Completed'); $after_current = false; // Menu robustness (a bit low, but better then never) if ($page == 'error') { $_GET['last'] = $_GET['step']; $after_current = true; } elseif (!array_key_exists($page, $menus)) { $page = 'Welcome'; } foreach ($menus as $menu => $descr) { print '<img src="' . basename(__FILE__) . '?action=img&img=smallpear" border="0">'; if (!$after_current) { $class = ''; if ($page == $menu) { $class = 'green'; } if (!isset($_GET['last'])) { $_GET['last'] = $page; } print '<a href="' . basename(__FILE__) . '?step=' . $menu . '&last=' . $_GET['last'] . '" class="' . $class . '">' . $descr . '</a><br />'; if ($_GET['last'] == $menu) { $after_current = true; } } else { print '<span class="grey">' . $descr . '</span><br />'; } } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="1" background="/gifs/checkerboard.gif"></td> <td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td width="20"> </td> <td> <?php if ($page == 'error') { ?> <span class="title">Error</span><br/> <br/> <?php $value = $data; if (preg_match('/ok$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(ok)$/', '<span class="green">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/failed$/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(failed)$/', '<span class="red">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/^install ok:/', $value)) { $value = preg_replace('/^(install ok:)/', '<span class="green">\\1</span>', $value); } if (preg_match('/^Warning:/', $value)) { $value = '<span style="color: #ff0000">' . $value . '</span>'; } echo nl2br($value); } elseif ($page == 'Welcome') { ?> <span class="title">Welcome to go-pear <?php echo GO_PEAR_VER; ?> !</span><br/> <p> Go-pear will install Pear, its Web Frontend and all the needed files. This<br/> frontend is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance. </p> <p> Go-pear also lets you download and install the following optional PEAR<br/> packages: <?php echo implode(', ', array_keys($GLOBALS['pfc_packages'])); ?> . </p> <a href="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=config&restart=1" class="green">Next >></a> <?php } elseif ($page == 'config') { if (!empty($GLOBALS['http_proxy'])) { list($proxy_host, $proxy_port) = explode(':', $GLOBALS['http_proxy']); } else { $proxy_host = $proxy_port = ''; } ?> <form action="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=install" method="post"> <!-- Packages stuff --> <span class="title">Packages</span> <p> The following PEAR packages will be installed. You can select some optional<br /> packages to be installed by go-pear too:<br /> </p> <table border="0"> <tr> <th> </th><th>Package</th><th width="65%">Description</th> </tr><tr> <td>(required)</td><td>PEAR core</td><td>PEAR Base System</td> </tr> <?php // automatically install frontend $frontend = 'PEAR_Frontend_Web-beta'; print '<tr><td>(required)<input type="hidden" name="' . $frontend . '" value="on" /></td><td>' . $frontend . '</td><td>' . $GLOBALS['pfc_packages'][$frontend] . '</td></tr>'; unset($GLOBALS['pfc_packages'][$frontend]); foreach ($GLOBALS['pfc_packages'] as $var => $descr) { $checked = ''; if (in_array($var, $GLOBALS['install_optional_packages'])) { $checked = ' checked'; } printf('<tr><td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="%s"%s></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>', $var, $checked, $var, $descr); } ?> </table> <hr /> <!-- Configuration stuff --> <span class="title">Configuration</span> <p> Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. </p> <!-- <p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></td> <td> <span class="green"> <b>Note:</b> Make sure that PHP has the permission to access the specified<br/> directories. </span> </td> </tr> </table> </p> --> <table border="0" width="80%"> <?php foreach ($GLOBALS['config_vars'] as $n => $var) { $error_class = ''; if (is_array($GLOBALS['config_errors']) && array_key_exists($var, $GLOBALS['config_errors'])) { // www_error for this var $error_class = ' class="red"'; } printf('<tr><td>%d. %s</td><td><input type="text" name="config[%s]" value="%s"%s></td></tr>', $n, $GLOBALS['config_desc'][$var], $var, $_SESSION['go-pear']['config'][$var], $error_class); // prefix dir, check perm (uses GLOBALS: resolved subvars) if ($n == 1 && is_dir($GLOBALS[$var]) && !is_writable($GLOBALS[$var])) { $error = '<em>WARNING!</em> No permission to create subdirectories in this prefix dir. Unless you fix this, the default configuration will not work.'; if (!WINDOWS) { $error .= '<p>You can grant this permission by logging on to the server and issuing the following command:<br /> <tt>chmod 0777 ' . $GLOBALS[$var] . '</tt></p>'; } print '<tr><td colspan="2" class="green">' . $error . '</td></tr>'; } if (is_array($GLOBALS['config_errors']) && array_key_exists($var, $GLOBALS['config_errors'])) { // www_error for this var print '<tr><td colspan="2" class="red">' . $GLOBALS['config_errors'][$var] . '</td></tr>'; } } ?> </table> </p> <hr /> <!-- Optional stuff --> <span class="title">Optional:</span> <ul> <p> <li />HTTP proxy (host:port) <input type="text" name="proxy[host]" value="<?php echo $proxy_host; ?> "> : <input type="text" name="proxy[port]" value="<?php echo $proxy_port; ?> " size="6"> </p> <p> <li />Compatibility-Mode for old non-DOM Browsers <input type="checkbox" name="BCmode" id="BCmode" checked> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- if (document.getElementById('BCmode')) { document.getElementById('BCmode').checked = 0; }; // --> </script> </p> </ul> <?php if (WINDOWS && phpversion() == '4.1.1') { ?> <p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></td> <td> <span style="color: #ff0000"> <b>Warning:</b> Your PHP version (4.1.1) might be imcompatible with go-pear due to a bug<br/> in your PHP binary. If the installation crashes you might want to update your PHP version.</br> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </p> <?php } ?> <hr /> <!-- Closing note --> <p> <table border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><img src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?action=img&img=note" border="0"></td> <td> <span class="green"> <b>Note:</b> Installation might take some time, because go-pear has to<br/> download all needed files from Just be patient and wait for<br/> the next page to load.<br/> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </p> <input type="submit" value="Install" onClick="javascript: submitButton.value='Downloading and installing ... please wait ...'" name="submitButton"> </form> <?php } elseif ($page == 'install') { ?> <span class="title">Installation Complete - Summary</span><br/> <?php displayHTMLInstallationSummary($data); } elseif ($page == 'preinstall') { ?> <p> <span class="title">Installation in progress ...</span></br > <i>(If the page stops loading before the end of the installation, then just reload it)</i></p> <script language="javascript"> <!-- var progress; var downloadprogress; progress = 0; downloadprogress = 0; function setprogress(value) { progress = value; prog = document.getElementById('installation_progress'); prog.innerHTML = progress + " %"; progress2 = progress / 10; progress2 = Math.floor(progress2); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) document.getElementById('progress_cell_'+i).style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc"; switch(progress2) { case 10: document.getElementById('progress_cell_9').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 9: document.getElementById('progress_cell_8').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 8: document.getElementById('progress_cell_7').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 7: document.getElementById('progress_cell_6').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 6: document.getElementById('progress_cell_5').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 5: document.getElementById('progress_cell_4').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 4: document.getElementById('progress_cell_3').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 3: document.getElementById('progress_cell_2').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 2: document.getElementById('progress_cell_1').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 1: document.getElementById('progress_cell_0').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; }; } function addprogress(value) { progress += value; setprogress(progress); } function setdownloadfile(value) { setdownloadprogress(0); prog = document.getElementById('download_file'); prog.innerHTML = 'Downloading '+value+' ...'; }; function unsetdownloadfile() { setdownloadprogress(0); prog = document.getElementById('download_file'); prog.innerHTML = ''; }; function setdownloadprogress(value) { downloadprogress = value; prog = document.getElementById('download_progress'); prog.innerHTML = downloadprogress + " %"; progress2 = downloadprogress / 10; progress2 = Math.floor(progress2); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_'+i).style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc"; switch(progress2) { case 10: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_9').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 9: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_8').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 8: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_7').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 7: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_6').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 6: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_5').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 5: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_4').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 4: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_3').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 3: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_2').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 2: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_1').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; case 1: document.getElementById('download_progress_cell_0').style.backgroundColor = "#006600"; }; }; // --> </script> <table style="border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table border="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_0"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_1"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_2"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_3"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_4"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_5"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_6"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_7"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_8"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="progress_cell_9"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="installation_progress" class="green">0 %</td> </tr> </table> <br> <table border="0"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_0"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_1"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_2"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_3"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_4"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_5"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_6"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_7"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_8"> </td> <td bgcolor="#cccccc" width="10" height="20" id="download_progress_cell_9"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="download_progress" class="green">0 %</td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="10" height="20"> </td> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height="20" id="download_file" class="green"></td> </tr> </table> <br> <iframe src="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?> ?step=install-progress&<?php echo SID; ?> " width="700" height="700" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php displayHTMLFooter(); }
if (!sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id', $passed_ent_id, SQ_GET)) { $passed_ent_id = 0; } if (!sqgetGlobalVar('js_web', $js_web, SQ_GET)) { $js_web = 0; } sqgetGlobalVar('compose_messages', $compose_messages, SQ_SESSION); if (!sqgetGlobalVar('composesession', $composesession, SQ_SESSION)) { $composesession = 0; sqsession_register($composesession, 'composesession'); } /* END GLOBALS */ // js_web variable is 1 only when link opens web based report page in new window // and in new window menu line or extra javascript code is not needed. if ($js_web) { displayHTMLHeader(_("SpamCop reporting")); echo "<body text=\"{$color['8']}\" bgcolor=\"{$color['4']}\" link=\"{$color['7']}\" vlink=\"{$color['7']}\" alink=\"{$color['7']}\">\n"; } else { displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox); } /** is spamcop plugin disabled */ if (!is_plugin_enabled('spamcop')) { error_box(_("Plugin is disabled.")); // display footer (closes html tags) and stop script execution $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } global $imap_stream_options; // in case not defined in config $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, false, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0, $imap_stream_options); sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $mailbox);