foreach ($config['mibs'][$mib]['status'] as $oid => $oid_data) { print_cli($oid . ' ['); foreach ($oid_data['indexes'] as $index => $entry) { $entry['oid'] = $oid; if (empty($entry['oid_num'])) { // Use snmptranslate if oid_num not set $entry['oid_num'] = snmp_translate($oid . '.' . $index, $mib); } $value = snmp_get($device, $entry['oid_num'], '-OQUvsn'); if (is_numeric($value)) { // Fetch description from oid if specified if (isset($entry['oid_descr'])) { $entry['descr'] = snmp_get($device, $entry['oid_descr'], '-OQUvs'); } rename_rrd($device, "status-" . $entry['type'] . '-' . $index, "status-" . $entry['type'] . '-' . "{$oid}.{$index}"); discover_status($device, $entry['oid_num'], "{$oid}.{$index}", $entry['type'], $entry['descr'], $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => $entry['measured'])); } } print_cli('] '); } print_cli('] '); } } if (OBS_DEBUG > 1 && count($valid['sensor'])) { print_vars($valid['sensor']); } foreach (array_keys($config['sensor_types']) as $type) { check_valid_sensors($device, $type, $valid['sensor']); } if (OBS_DEBUG > 1 && count($valid['status'])) { print_vars($valid['status']);
$value = $entry['npSmokeStatus']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'npSmokeStatus.' . $index, 'dskf-mib-smoke-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } } $cache_discovery['DKSF-50-11-X-X-X']['loop'] = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'npCurLoopTable', array(), 'DKSF-50-11-X-X-X'); foreach ($cache_discovery['DKSF-50-11-X-X-X']['loop'] as $index => $entry) { if ($entry['npCurLoopPower'] == 'off' || $entry['npCurLoopStatus'] == 'notPowered') { continue; } $descr = 'Analog Smoke ' . $index; // Loop state $oid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['npCurLoopStatus']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'npCurLoopStatus.' . $index, 'dskf-mib-loop-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } // Loop current $oid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['npCurLoopI']; if ($value) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'current', $device, $oid, 'npCurLoopI.' . $index, 'dskf-mib-loop', $descr, 0.001, $value); } // Loop voltage $oid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['npCurLoopV']; if ($value) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'voltage', $device, $oid, 'npCurLoopV.' . $index, 'dskf-mib-loop', $descr, 0.001, $value); } // Loop resistance $oid = '.' . $index;
discover_status($device, $oid, "accessPXStatusFrontDoorAlarmStatus.{$index}", 'powernet-door-alarm-state', $descr, $entry['accessPXStatusFrontDoorAlarmStatus']); } // accessPXConfigRearDoorLockControl.0 = INTEGER: lock(2) // accessPXConfigRearDoorMaxOpenTime.0 = INTEGER: 10 // accessPXStatusRearDoorLock.0 = INTEGER: locked(2) // accessPXStatusRearDoor.0 = INTEGER: closed(2) // accessPXStatusRearDoorHandle.0 = INTEGER: closed(2) // accessPXStatusRearDoorMaxOpenTime.0 = INTEGER: 10 // accessPXStatusRearDoorAlarmStatus.0 = INTEGER: 1 if ($entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorLock']) { $descr = 'Rear Door Lock'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_status($device, $oid, "accessPXStatusRearDoorLock.{$index}", 'powernet-door-lock-state', $descr, $entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorLock']); } if ($entry['accessPXStatusRearDoor']) { $descr = 'Rear Door'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_status($device, $oid, "accessPXStatusRearDoor.{$index}", 'powernet-door-state', $descr, $entry['accessPXStatusRearDoor']); } if ($entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorHandle']) { $descr = 'Rear Door Handle'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_status($device, $oid, "accessPXStatusRearDoorHandle.{$index}", 'powernet-door-state', $descr, $entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorHandle']); } if ($entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorAlarmStatus']) { $descr = 'Rear Door Alarm Status'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_status($device, $oid, "accessPXStatusRearDoorAlarmStatus.{$index}", 'powernet-door-alarm-state', $descr, $entry['accessPXStatusRearDoorAlarmStatus']); } } // EOF
if ($entry['inletName'] != '') { $descr = "Inlet {$index}: " . $entry['inletName']; } else { $descr = "Inlet {$index}"; } $rmsCurrentThreshold = hexdec($inlet_thresholds["{$index}.{$measure_type}"]); $limits = array('limit_low' => $inlet_thresholds[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 128 ? $inlet_lower_crit_threshold[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorLowerCriticalThreshold'] * $measure_data['scale'] : null, 'limit_low_warn' => $inlet_thresholds[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 64 ? $inlet_lower_warn_threshold[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorLowerWarningThreshold'] * $measure_data['scale'] : null, 'limit_high_warn' => $inlet_thresholds[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 32 ? $inlet_upper_warn_threshold[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorUpperWarningThreshold'] * $measure_data['scale'] : null, 'limit_high' => $inlet_thresholds[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 16 ? $inlet_upper_crit_threshold[$index . '.' . $measure_type]['inletSensorUpperCriticalThreshold'] * $measure_data['scale'] : null); if ($value !== false) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $measure_data['class'], $device, $oid, "inlet.{$index}.{$measure_type}", 'raritan', $descr, $measure_data['scale'], $value, $limits); } } } // Over Current Protectors $over_current_protector_names = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorName.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $protector_thresholds = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $measurements = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorValue.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $over_current_protector_lower_crit_threshold = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerCriticalThreshold.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $over_current_protector_lower_warn_threshold = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerWarningThreshold.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $over_current_protector_upper_warn_threshold = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperWarningThreshold.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); $over_current_protector_upper_crit_threshold = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, "PDU2-MIB::overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperCriticalThreshold.1", array(), "PDU2-MIB"); foreach ($over_current_protector_names as $index => $entry) { $limits = array('limit_low' => $protector_thresholds[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 128 ? $over_current_protector_lower_crit_threshold[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerCriticalThreshold'] * 0.1 : null, 'limit_low_warn' => $protector_thresholds[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 64 ? $over_current_protector_lower_warn_threshold[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorLowerWarningThreshold'] * 0.1 : null, 'limit_high_warn' => $protector_thresholds[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 32 ? $over_current_protector_upper_warn_threshold[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperWarningThreshold'] * 0.1 : null, 'limit_high' => $protector_thresholds[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorEnabledThresholds'] & 16 ? $over_current_protector_upper_crit_threshold[$index . '.rmsCurrent']['overCurrentProtectorSensorUpperCriticalThreshold'] * 0.1 : null); $value = $measurements["{$index}.rmsCurrent"]['measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorValue']; $oid = ".{$index}.1"; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'current', $device, $oid, "tripsensorvalue.{$index}", 'raritan', "Over Current Protector {$index}", 0.1, $value, $limits); $value = $measurements["{$index}.trip"]['measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorValue']; $oid = ".{$index}.15"; // discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'state', $device, $oid, "tripsensor.$index", 'raritan', "Over Current Protector $index", NULL, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'power')); discover_status($device, $oid, "measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorValue" . $index, "pdu2-sensorstate", "Over Current Protector {$index}", $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'status')); } // EOF
$stateoid = '.' . $index; $statedescr = 'Switch ' . $entry['cswSwitchNumCurrent'] . ' stacking state'; if ($stack_count === 1 && $entry['cswSwitchNumCurrent'] == 1 && $stackredundant == 'false' && $ports_down === 2 && $entry['cswSwitchRole'] == 'master' && $entry['cswSwitchState'] == 'ready') { // Heh, on IOS 15.x stacking is always enabled and does not have any way to detect if stack module exists and stacking is configured $stack_count = 0; print_debug("Stacking exists, but not configured and not active."); break; // exit foreach } if (!empty($entry['cswSwitchRole'])) { discover_status($device, $roleoid, "cswSwitchRole.{$index}", 'cisco-stackwise-member-state', $roledescr, $entry['cswSwitchRole'], array('entPhysicalClass' => 'stack', 'entPhysicalIndex' => $index)); discover_status($device, $stateoid, "cswSwitchState.{$index}", 'cisco-stackwise-switch-state', $statedescr, $entry['cswSwitchState'], array('entPhysicalClass' => 'stack', 'entPhysicalIndex' => $index)); } } if ($stack_count) { $oid = '.'; $descr = 'Stack is redundant'; discover_status($device, $oid, "cswRingRedundant.0", 'cisco-stackwise-redundant-state', $descr, $stackredundant, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'stack')); foreach ($stackportoper as $index => $entry) { $oid = '.' . $index; $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device, $index); $descr = 'Stackport ' . $port['port_label']; if (!empty($entry['cswStackPortOperStatus'])) { $options = array('entPhysicalClass' => 'port', 'entPhysicalIndex' => $index, 'measured_class' => 'port', 'measured_entity' => $port['port_id']); discover_status($device, $oid, "cswStackPortOperStatus.{$index}", 'cisco-stackwise-port-oper-state', $descr, $entry['cswStackPortOperStatus'], $options); } } } } unset($device_tmp); // EOF
} } } } // Collect data about outputs $outlets = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, 'outletTable', array(), 'EATON-EPDU-MIB'); $outlets = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, 'outletCurrentTable', $outlets, 'EATON-EPDU-MIB'); // Power statistics currently not collected. //$outlets = snmpwalk_cache_twopart_oid($device, 'outletCurrentTable', $outlets, 'EATON-EPDU-MIB'); foreach ($outlets as $unit_id => $unit_data) { foreach ($unit_data as $outlet_id => $outlet) { $outlet_index = $unit_id . "." . $outlet_id; $outlet_descr = "Unit {$unit_id} " . $outlet['outletName'] . " (" . $outlet['outletType'] . ")"; $outlet_capacity = $outlet['outletCurrentCapacity'] * 0.001; $current_value = $outlet['outletCurrent']; $percent_value = $outlet['outletCurrentPercentLoad']; $status_value = $outlet['outletCurrentThStatus']; $crest_value = $outlet['outletCurrentCrestFactor']; $current_oid = '.' . $outlet_index; $percent_oid = '.' . $outlet_index; $status_oid = '.' . $outlet_index; $crest_oid = '.' . $outlet_index; discover_status($device, $status_oid, "outletCurrentThStatus." . $outlet_index, 'outletCurrentThStatus', $outlet_descr, $status_value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'outlet')); $limits = array('limit_low' => $entry['outletCurrentThLowerCritical'] * 0.001, 'limit_low_warn' => $entry['outletCurrentThLowerWarning'] * 0.001, 'limit_high' => $entry['outletCurrentThUpperCritical'] * 0.001, 'limit_high_warn' => $entry['outletCurrentThUpperWarning'] * 0.001); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'current', $device, $current_oid, "outletCurrent.{$outlet_index}", 'eaton-epdu-mib', $outlet_descr, 0.001, $current_value, $limits); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'load', $device, $percent_oid, "outletCurrentPercentLoad.{$outlet_index}", 'eaton-epdu-mib', $outlet_descr, 1, $percent_value); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'crestfactor', $device, $crest_oid, "outletCurrentCrestFactor.{$outlet_index}", 'eaton-epdu-mib', $outlet_descr, 1, $crest_value); } } //print_r($outlets); /// EOF
break; case 'value': if (in_array($unit, array('.C', 'degree C'))) { $t = "temperature"; } elseif ($unit == "V") { $t = "voltage"; } elseif ($unit == "%") { if (stristr($name, "RPM")) { $t = "load"; } } elseif ($unit == "l/min") { $t = "waterflow"; } elseif ($unit == "W") { $t = "power"; } elseif ($unit == "A") { $t = "current"; } break; default: continue; } if ($t) { if ($t == "status") { discover_status($device, $oid, $index, "rittal-cmc-iii-state", $name, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } else { $limits = array(); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $t, $device, $oid, "cmcIIIVarTable.{$deviceIndex}.{$sensorIndex}", "Rittal-CMC-III", $name, $scale, $value, $limits); } } } }
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ echo " HH3C-STACK-MIB "; $stack_members = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'hh3cStackBoardConfigTable', array(), 'HH3C-STACK-MIB', mib_dirs('hh3c')); foreach ($stack_members as $index => $entry) { //HH3C-STACK-MIB::hh3cStackBoardRole.112 = INTEGER: slave(1) //HH3C-STACK-MIB::hh3cStackBoardBelongtoMember.112 = INTEGER: 1 $value = $entry['hh3cStackBoardRole']; $oid = ".{$index}"; $descr = "Board " . $entry['hh3cStackBoardBelongtoMember']; discover_status($device, $oid, "hh3cStackBoardConfigTable." . $index, "hh3c-stack-board-status", $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalIndex' => $index, 'entPhysicalClass' => 'module')); } // EOF
case 'lock': case 'access': case 'detACfirstAlarm': case 'detACmainAlarm': case 'detACfault': $t = 'status'; break; default: continue; } $name = $unit_name . ' ' . $name; $limits = array(); if ($high != 0) { $limits['limit_high'] = $high; } if ($low != 0) { $limits['limit_low'] = $low; } if ($warn != 0) { $limits['limit_warn_high'] = $warn; } if ($t == 'status') { $oid = $table['statusOID'] . $index; discover_status($device, $oid, $index, "rittal-cmc-tc-state", $name, $status, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'status')); } else { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $t, $device, $oid, "{$tablename}.{$index}", "Rittal-CMC-TC", $name, $scale, $value, $limits); } } } } // EOF
function discover_sensor(&$valid, $class, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $sensor_descr, $scale = 1, $current = NULL, $options = array(), $poller_type = 'snmp') { global $config; // If this is actually a status indicator, pass it off to discover_status() then return. if ($class == 'state' || $class == 'status') { print_debug("Redirect call to discover_status()."); $return = discover_status($device, $oid, $index, $type, $sensor_descr, $current, $options, $poller_type); return $return; } // Init main $param_main = array('oid' => 'sensor_oid', 'sensor_descr' => 'sensor_descr', 'scale' => 'sensor_multiplier'); // Init numeric values if (!is_numeric($scale) || $scale == 0) { $scale = 1; } // Skip discovery sensor if value not numeric or null (default) if ($current !== NULL) { // Some retarded devices report data with spaces and commas // STRING: " 20,4" $current = snmp_fix_numeric($current); } if (is_numeric($current)) { $f2c = FALSE; if ($class == 'temperature') { // This is weird hardcode for convert Fahrenheit to Celsius foreach (array(1, 0.1) as $scale_f2c) { if (float_cmp($scale, $scale_f2c * 5 / 9) === 0) { //$scale = $scale_tmp; $f2c = TRUE; break; } } } if ($f2c) { $current = f2c($current * $scale_f2c); print_debug('TEMPERATURE sensor: Fahrenheit -> Celsius'); } else { $current *= $scale; } } else { if ($current !== NULL) { print_debug("Sensor skipped by not numeric value: {$current}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } $param_limits = array('limit_high' => 'sensor_limit', 'limit_high_warn' => 'sensor_limit_warn', 'limit_low' => 'sensor_limit_low', 'limit_low_warn' => 'sensor_limit_low_warn'); foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { ${$key} = is_numeric($options[$key]) ? $options[$key] : NULL; } // Init optional $param_opt = array('entPhysicalIndex', 'entPhysicalClass', 'entPhysicalIndex_measured', 'measured_class', 'measured_entity'); foreach ($param_opt as $key) { ${$key} = $options[$key] ? $options[$key] : NULL; } print_debug("发现传感器: {$class}, " . $device['hostname'] . ", {$oid}, {$index}, {$type}, {$sensor_descr}, SCALE: {$scale}, LIMITS: ({$limit_low}, {$limit_low_warn}, {$limit_high_warn}, {$limit_high}), CURRENT: {$current}, {$poller_type}, {$entPhysicalIndex}, {$entPhysicalClass}"); // Check sensor ignore filters foreach ($config['ignore_sensor'] as $bi) { if (strcasecmp($bi, $sensor_descr) == 0) { print_debug("Skipped by equals: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_string'] as $bi) { if (stripos($sensor_descr, $bi) !== FALSE) { print_debug("Skipped by strpos: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_regexp'] as $bi) { if (preg_match($bi, $sensor_descr) > 0) { print_debug("Skipped by regexp: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } if (!is_null($limit_low_warn) && !is_null($limit_high_warn) && $limit_low_warn > $limit_high_warn) { // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) list($limit_high_warn, $limit_low_warn) = array($limit_low_warn, $limit_high_warn); } if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(`sensor_id`) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($poller_type, $class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index)) == '0') { if (!$limit_high) { $limit_high = sensor_limit_high($class, $current); } if (!$limit_low) { $limit_low = sensor_limit_low($class, $current); } if (!is_null($limit_low) && !is_null($limit_high) && $limit_low > $limit_high) { // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) list($limit_high, $limit_low) = array($limit_low, $limit_high); print_debug("High/low limits swapped."); } $sensor_insert = array('poller_type' => $poller_type, 'sensor_class' => $class, 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'sensor_index' => $index, 'sensor_type' => $type); foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) { $sensor_insert[$column] = ${$key}; } foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { // Convert strings/numbers to (float) or to array('NULL') ${$key} = ${$key} === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) ${$key}; $sensor_insert[$column] = ${$key}; } foreach ($param_opt as $key) { if (is_null(${$key})) { ${$key} = array('NULL'); } $sensor_insert[$key] = ${$key}; } $sensor_id = dbInsert($sensor_insert, 'sensors'); $state_insert = array('sensor_id' => $sensor_id, 'sensor_value' => $current, 'sensor_polled' => 'NOW()'); dbInsert($state_insert, 'sensors-state'); print_debug("( {$sensor_id} inserted )"); echo "+"; if ($poller_type != 'ipmi') { // Suppress events for IPMI, see: log_event("传感器已添加: {$class} {$type} {$index} {$sensor_descr}", $device, 'sensor', $sensor_id); } } else { $sensor_entry = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?", array($class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index)); // Limits if (!$sensor_entry['sensor_custom_limit']) { if (!is_numeric($limit_high) && !is_numeric($limit_low)) { if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit'] !== '') { // Calculate a reasonable limit $limit_high = sensor_limit_high($class, $current); } else { // Use existing limit. (this is wrong! --mike) $limit_high = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit']; } if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'] !== '') { // Calculate a reasonable limit $limit_low = sensor_limit_low($class, $current); } else { // Use existing limit. (this is wrong! --mike) $limit_low = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low']; } } // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) if (!is_null($limit_low) && !is_null($limit_high) && $limit_low > $limit_high) { list($limit_high, $limit_low) = array($limit_low, $limit_high); print_debug("High/low limits swapped."); } // Update limits $update = array(); $update_msg = array(); $debug_msg = 'Current sensor value: "' . $current . '", scale: "' . $scale . '"' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { // $key - param name, $$key - param value, $column - column name in DB for $key $debug_msg .= ' ' . $key . ': "' . $sensor_entry[$column] . '" -> "' . ${$key} . '"' . PHP_EOL; //convert strings/numbers to identical type (float) or to array('NULL') for correct comparison ${$key} = ${$key} === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) ${$key}; $sensor_entry[$column] = $sensor_entry[$column] === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) $sensor_entry[$column]; if (float_cmp(${$key}, $sensor_entry[$column], 0.1) !== 0) { $update[$column] = ${$key}; $update_msg[] = $key . ' -> "' . (is_array(${$key}) ? 'NULL' : ${$key}) . '"'; } } if (count($update)) { echo "L"; print_debug($debug_msg); log_event('传感器已更新(限制): ' . implode(', ', $update_msg), $device, 'sensor', $sensor_entry['sensor_id']); $updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id'])); } } $update = array(); foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) { if (float_cmp(${$key}, $sensor_entry[$column]) !== 0) { $update[$column] = ${$key}; } } foreach ($param_opt as $key) { if (${$key} != $sensor_entry[$key]) { $update[$key] = ${$key}; } } if (count($update)) { $updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id'])); echo "U"; log_event("传感器已更新: {$class} {$type} {$index} {$sensor_descr}", $device, 'sensor', $sensor_entry['sensor_id']); } else { echo "."; } } $valid[$class][$type][$index] = 1; }
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ $atto_fc_ports = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'fcPortPortNumber', array(), 'ATTO6500N-MIB'); foreach ($atto_fc_ports as $port) { $index = $port['fcPortPortNumber']; $sensorName = "FiberChannel Port.{$index}"; $oid = ".{$index}"; // FIXME why value NULL? Just use the entry from $port['whatevertheoidis'] ? discover_status($device, $index, "fcPortOperationalState.{$index}", 'atto6500n-mib-fcPort', $sensorName, NULL, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'port')); } $atto_sas_ports = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'sasPortPortNumber', array(), 'ATTO6500N-MIB'); foreach ($atto_sas_ports as $port) { $index = $port['sasPortPortNumber']; $sensorName = "SAS Port {$index}"; $oid = ".{$index}"; // FIXME same as above discover_status($device, $index, "sasPortOperationalState.{$index}", 'atto6500n-mib-sasPort', $sensorName, NULL, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'port')); } unset($atto_fc_ports, $atto_sas_ports); // EOF
//LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateCoolingCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 81 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateHeatingCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 0 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateOperatingReason.0 = INTEGER: none(1) //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateOperatingMode.0 = INTEGER: auto(1) //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateFanCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 60 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateFreeCoolingCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 0 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateDehumidifyingCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 81 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateHumidifyingCapacity.0 = Gauge32: 0 percent //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateFreeCooling.0 = INTEGER: off(2) //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateElectricHeater.0 = INTEGER: off(2) //LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateHotWater.0 = INTEGER: off(2) $lgpEnvState = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'lgpEnvState', array(), 'LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB'); $states = array('lgpEnvStateSystem' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateCooling' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateHumidifying' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateDehumidifying' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateFan' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateFreeCooling' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateElectricHeater' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateHotWater' => array('type' => 'state', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateCoolingCapacity' => array('type' => 'capacity', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateHeatingCapacity' => array('type' => 'capacity', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateFanCapacity' => array('type' => 'capacity', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateFreeCoolingCapacity' => array('type' => 'capacity', 'oid' => '.'), 'lgpEnvStateDehumidifyingCapacity' => array('type' => 'capacity', 'oid' => '.')); foreach ($lgpEnvState[0] as $name => $value) { $descr = str_replace('lgpEnvState', '', $name); $descr = trim(preg_replace('/([A-Z][a-z]+\\d*)/', '$1 ', $descr)); // turn "EnvStateSystem" into "Env State System" if (isset($states[$name])) { $oid = $states[$name]['oid']; switch ($states[$name]['type']) { case 'capacity': // Capacity discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'capacity', $device, $oid, "{$name}.0", 'liebert', $descr, 1, $value); break; default: // Statuses discover_status($device, $oid, "{$name}.0", 'liebert-state', $descr, $value); } } } // EOF
if (isset($entry['upsmgBatteryRemainingTime'])) { $descr = "Battery Runtime Remaining"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $limits = array('limit_low' => snmp_get($device, "upsmgConfigLowBatteryTime.0", "-Oqv", "MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB")); $value = $entry['upsmgBatteryRemainingTime']; $scale = 1 / 60; // FIXME: Use this as limit? // MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB::upsmgConfigLowBatteryTime.0 = 180 discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'runtime', $device, $oid, "upsmgBatteryRemainingTime.{$index}", 'mge', $descr, $scale, $value); } // MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB::upsmgBatteryFaultBattery.0 = no if (isset($entry['upsmgBatteryFaultBattery'])) { $descr = "Battery Fault"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $value = $entry['upsmgBatteryFaultBattery']; discover_status($device, $oid, "upsmgBatteryFaultBattery.{$index}", 'mge-status-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'battery')); } // MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB::upsmgBatteryChargerFault.0 = no if (isset($entry['upsmgBatteryChargerFault'])) { $descr = "Charger Fault"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $value = $entry['upsmgBatteryChargerFault']; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'state', $device, $oid, "upsmgBatteryChargerFault.{$index}", 'mge-status-state', $descr, NULL, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'battery')); } // MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB::upsmgBatteryLowBattery.0 = no // According to MGE, LowCondition is the correct indicator, so we ignore LowBattery. // MG-SNMP-UPS-MIB::upsmgBatteryLowCondition.0 = no if (isset($entry['upsmgBatteryLowCondition'])) { $descr = "Battery Low"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $value = $entry['upsmgBatteryLowCondition'];
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2015 Adam Armstrong * */ echo " NS-ROOT-MIB "; // Collect HAMode & HAState $sysHighAvailabilityMode = snmp_get($device, 'sysHighAvailabilityMode.0', '-Ovq', 'NS-ROOT-MIB', mib_dirs('citrix')); $haCurState = snmp_get($device, 'haCurState.0', '-Ovq', 'NS-ROOT-MIB', mib_dirs('citrix')); if ($sysHighAvailabilityMode !== '' && $haCurState !== '') { $descr = 'High Availability Status'; // $oid = '.'; $oid = ''; // $value = $sysHighAvailabilityMode; $value = $haCurState; discover_status($device, 'netscaler-ha-0', '0', 'netscaler-ha', $descr, NULL, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } unset($sysHighAvailabilityMode); unset($haCurState); // EOF
$descr = explode(',', $huawei['sensors_names'][$index]['hwEntityBomEnDesc']); $value = $entry['hwEntityTemperature']; if ($entry['hwEntityTemperature'] > 0 && $value <= 1000) { $options = array('limit_high' => snmp_get($device, "hwEntityTemperatureThreshold.{$index}", '-Osqv', 'HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB')); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, 'huawei', $descr[0], 1, $value, $options); } } unset($options); foreach ($huawei['fan'] as $index => $entry) { $oid = '.' . $index; $fanstateoid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['hwEntityFanSpeed']; $descr = 'Slot ' . $entry['hwEntityFanSlot'] . ' Fan ' . $entry['hwEntityFanSn']; if ($entry['hwEntityFanSpeed'] > 0) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'load', $device, $oid, $index, 'huawei', $descr, 1, $value); discover_status($device, $fanstateoid, $index, 'huawei-entity-ext-mib-fan-state', $descr, $entry['hwEntityFanState'], array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); } } foreach ($opticalarray as $index => $entry) { if ($entry['entPhysicalClass'] === 'port') { // Port found, get mapped ifIndex $sensor_port = $opticalarray[$index]; if (isset($sensor_port['0']['entAliasMappingIdentifier']) && strpos($sensor_port['0']['entAliasMappingIdentifier'], 'fIndex')) { list(, $ifIndex) = explode('.', $sensor_port['0']['entAliasMappingIdentifier']); $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $ifIndex); $temperatureoid = '.' . $index; $voltageoid = '.' . $index; $biascurrentoid = '.' . $index; $rxpoweroid = '.' . $index; $txpoweroid = '.' . $index; //Optical module name
} } // [rectifierStatusID] => 2 // [rectifierStatusStatus] => normal // [rectifierStatusOutputCurrent] => 42 // [rectifierStatusOutputVoltage] => 5430 // [rectifierStatusTemp] => 32 // [rectifierStatusType] => FLATPACK2 48/2000 HE // [rectifierStatusSKU] => 241115.105 // [rectifierStatusSerialNo] => 1051711xxxx // [rectifierStatusRevisionLevel] => 2.1 //. = 2 //. = normal //. = 42 //. = 5429 //. = 32 //. = FLATPACK2 48/2000 HE //. = 241115.105 //. = 1051711xxxx //. = 2.1 $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'rectifierStatusTable', array(), 'ELTEK-DISTRIBUTED-MIB'); foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) { if ($entry['rectifierStatusStatus'] != 'notPresent') { $descr = 'Rectifier ' . $entry['rectifierStatusID'] . ' (' . $entry['rectifierStatusType'] . ')'; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'voltage', $device, '.' . $index, $index, 'eltek-distributed-mib_rectifierStatusOutputVoltage', $descr, 0.01, $entry['rectifierStatusOutputVoltage']); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'current', $device, '.' . $index, $index, 'eltek-distributed-mib_rectifierStatusOutputCurrent', $descr, 1, $entry['rectifierStatusOutputCurrent']); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, '.' . $index, $index, 'eltek-distributed-mib_rectifierStatusTemp', $descr, 1, $entry['rectifierStatusTemp']); discover_status($device, '.' . $index, 'rectifierStatusStatus.' . $index, 'eltek-distributed-mib_rectifierStatusStatus', $descr, $entry['rectifierStatusStatus']); } } // EOF
$oid_name = 'shelfBPowerStatus'; $oid_num = '.' . $index; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, 'shelfPowerStatus', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'powersupply')); // Temperature Status $descr = "Temperature - {$name}"; $oid_name = 'shelfTemperatureStatus'; $oid_num = '.' . $index; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, 'shelfTemperatureStatus', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'temperature')); // Fan Status $descr = "Fan Tray - {$name}"; $oid_name = 'shelfFanTrayStatus'; $oid_num = '.' . $index; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, 'shelfFanTrayStatus', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); } //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanSpeed.1.1 = INTEGER: 9000 //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanSpeed.1.2 = INTEGER: 9000 //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanSpeed.1.3 = INTEGER: 9000 //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLocation.1.1 = STRING: back //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLocation.1.2 = STRING: middle //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLocation.1.3 = STRING: front //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLowSpeedThreshold.1.1 = INTEGER: 544 //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLowSpeedThreshold.1.2 = INTEGER: 544 //ZHONE-SHELF-MONITOR-MIB::shelfFanLowSpeedThreshold.1.3 = INTEGER: 544 $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'shelfFanTable', array(), $mib); //print_vars($oids); foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) { list($zhoneShelfIndex, $shelfFanIndex) = explode('.', $index); $name = "Shelf {$zhoneShelfIndex}";
$oids['PowerSupply'] = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'extremePowerSupplyTable', array(), $mib); //print_vars($oids); foreach ($oids['PowerSupply'] as $index => &$entry) { if (empty($entity_array[$entry['extremePowerSupplyEntPhysicalIndex']]['entPhysicalDescr'])) { $name = "Power Supply {$index}"; } else { $name = $entity_array[$entry['extremePowerSupplyEntPhysicalIndex']]['entPhysicalDescr']; } $entry['name'] = $name; $options = array('entPhysicalIndex' => $entry['extremePowerSupplyEntPhysicalIndex']); // Power Status $descr = $name; $oid_name = 'extremePowerSupplyStatus'; $oid_num = '.' . $index; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, 'extremePowerSupplyStatus', $descr, $value, array_merge($options, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'powersupply'))); $oid_name = 'extremePowerSupplyInputPowerUsage'; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; if ($value > 0) { $oid_num = ".{$index}"; $type = $mib . '-' . $oid_name; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'power', $device, $oid_num, $index, $type, $descr, si_to_scale($entry['extremePowerSupplyInputPowerUsageUnitMultiplier']), $value, $options); } } //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyIndex.1.1 = INTEGER: 1 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyIndex.2.1 = INTEGER: 2 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyOutputSensorIdx.1.1 = INTEGER: 1 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyOutputSensorIdx.2.1 = INTEGER: 1 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyOutputVoltage.1.1 = INTEGER: 12060 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyOutputVoltage.2.1 = INTEGER: 0 //EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB::extremePowerSupplyOutputCurrent.1.1 = INTEGER: 4900
list($type, $unit, $tray) = explode('.', $index); if (!isset($units[$unit])) { // Skip inactive Units continue; } $descr = $units[$unit]; $oid_name = 'dellNetFanTrayOperStatus'; $oid_num = ".{$index}"; $type = 'dellNetOperStatus'; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, $type, $descr . ' Fan ' . $tray, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); $oid_name = 'dellNetPowerSupplyOperStatus'; $oid_num = ".{$index}"; $type = 'dellNetOperStatus'; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, $type, $descr . ' PowerSupply ' . $tray, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'powersupply')); $oid_name = 'dellNetPowerSupplyUsage'; $oid_num = ".{$index}"; $type = $mib . '-' . $oid_name; $scale = 1; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; if ($value > 0) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'power', $device, $oid_num, $index, $type, $descr . ' PowerSupply ' . $tray, $scale, $value); } } // DOM sensors //DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB::dellNetSysIfXfpRecvPower.2097156 = INTEGER: 655.35 dB //DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB::dellNetSysIfXfpRecvPower.2097284 = INTEGER: -8.50 dB //DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB::dellNetSysIfXfpRecvPower.2097412 = INTEGER: .00 dB //DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB::dellNetSysIfXfpRecvTemp.2097156 = INTEGER: 65535 //DELL-NETWORKING-CHASSIS-MIB::dellNetSysIfXfpRecvTemp.2097284 = INTEGER: 32
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ $status_array = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cfwHardwareStatusTable', array(), 'CISCO-FIREWALL-MIB'); if ($status_array['netInterface']['cfwHardwareStatusValue'] != 'down') { // device is configured for failover $descr = 'Failover ' . strtolower($status_array['primaryUnit']['cfwHardwareInformation']); $oid = '.'; $value = $status_array['primaryUnit']['cfwHardwareStatusValue']; discover_status($device, $oid, 'cfwHardwareStatusValue.primaryUnit', 'cisco-firewall-hardware-primary-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); $descr = 'Failover ' . strtolower($status_array['secondaryUnit']['cfwHardwareInformation']); $oid = '.'; $value = $status_array['secondaryUnit']['cfwHardwareStatusValue']; discover_status($device, $oid, 'cfwHardwareStatusValue.secondaryUnit', 'cisco-firewall-hardware-secondary-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } // EOF
$value = $entry['npRelHumSensorValueT']; if ($value) { $oid = '.' . $index; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, "npRelHumSensorValueT.{$index}", 'dskf-mib', $descr, 1, $value); } // Humidity $descr = 'Humidity ' . $index; $value = $entry['npRelHumSensorValueH']; if ($value) { $oid = '.' . $index; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'humidity', $device, $oid, "npRelHumSensorValueH.{$index}", 'dskf-mib', $descr, 1, $value); } $value = $entry['npRelHumSensorStatus']; if ($value) { $oid = '.' . $index; discover_status($device, $oid, 'npRelHumSensorStatus.' . $index, 'dskf-mib-hum-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'humidity')); } } $cache_discovery['DKSF-60-4-X-X-X']['thermo'] = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'npThermoTable', array(), 'DKSF-60-4-X-X-X'); foreach ($cache_discovery['DKSF-60-4-X-X-X']['thermo'] as $index => $entry) { // Temperature $descr = $entry['npThermoMemo'] ? $entry['npThermoMemo'] : 'Thermo ' . $index; $value = $entry['npThermoValue']; if ($value && $entry['npThermoStatus'] != 'failed') { $oid = '.' . $index; $limits = array('limit_high' => $entry['npThermoHigh'], 'limit_low' => $entry['npThermoLow']); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, "npThermoValue.{$index}", 'dskf-mib', $descr, 1, $value, $limits); } } $cache_discovery['DKSF-60-4-X-X-X']['io'] = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'npIoTable', array(), 'DKSF-60-4-X-X-X'); foreach ($cache_discovery['DKSF-60-4-X-X-X']['io'] as $index => $entry) {
## Bypass Frequency $oid = "."; # UPS-MIB:upsBypassFrequency.0 $value = snmp_get($device, $oid, "-Oqv"); if (is_numeric($value)) { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'frequency', $device, $oid, "upsBypassFrequency", 'ups-mib', "Bypass", $scale, $value); } //UPS-MIB::upsTestId.0 = OID: UPS-MIB::upsTestNoTestsInitiated //UPS-MIB::upsTestSpinLock.0 = INTEGER: 1 //UPS-MIB::upsTestResultsSummary.0 = INTEGER: noTestsInitiated(6) //UPS-MIB::upsTestResultsDetail.0 = STRING: No test initiated. //UPS-MIB::upsTestStartTime.0 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 //UPS-MIB::upsTestElapsedTime.0 = INTEGER: 0 $ups_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, "upsTest", array(), "UPS-MIB"); if (isset($ups_array[0]['upsTestResultsSummary']) && $ups_array[0]['upsTestResultsSummary'] != 'noTestsInitiated') { $descr = "Diagnostics Results"; $oid = "."; $value = $ups_array[0]['upsTestResultsSummary']; $test_starttime = timeticks_to_sec($ups_array[0]['upsTestStartTime']); if ($test_starttime) { $test_sysUpime = timeticks_to_sec(snmp_get($device, "sysUpTime.0", "-OQUs", "SNMPv2-MIB")); if ($test_sysUpime) { $test_starttime = time() + $test_starttime - $test_sysUpime; // Unixtime of start test $descr .= ' (last ' . format_unixtime($test_starttime) . ')'; } } discover_status($device, $oid, "upsTestResultsSummary.0", 'ups-mib-test-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } unset($ups_array); // EOF
} $chassis = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempChassis']; $name = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation'] ? $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempLocation'] : 'Sensor ' . $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempSensorIndex']; $descr = "{$name} - Rack {$rack}, Chassis {$chassis}"; $oid_name = 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCurrent'; $oid = '.' . $index; $type = 'CPQRACK-MIB' . '-' . $oid_name; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; $limits = array('limit_high' => $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempThreshold']); discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'temperature', $device, $oid, $index, $type, $descr, 1, $value, $limits); // State $oid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCondition']; //discover_status($device, $oid, 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureTempCondition.'.$index, 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureCondition', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'chassis')); } // Fans $oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanTable', array(), 'CPQRACK-MIB'); //print_vars($oids); foreach ($oids as $index => $entry) { $rack = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanRack']; if ($cpqrack[$rack]['cpqRackCommonEnclosureHasFans'] == 'false' || $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanPresent'] != 'present') { continue; } $chassis = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanChassis']; $name = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation'] ? $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanLocation'] : $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanIndex']; $descr = "Fan {$name} - Rack {$rack}, Chassis {$chassis}"; $oid = '.' . $index; $value = $entry['cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanCondition']; discover_status($device, $oid, 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureFanCondition.' . $index, 'cpqRackCommonEnclosureCondition', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); } // EOF
//CPQPOWER-MIB::breakerPercentLoad.2.6 = INTEGER: 0 //CPQPOWER-MIB::breakerStatus.1.1 = INTEGER: 0 //CPQPOWER-MIB::breakerStatus.2.6 = INTEGER: 0 $hppdu_breaker_array = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'pduOutputBreakerTable', array(), 'CPQPOWER-MIB'); foreach ($hppdu_breaker_array as $index => $entry) { if ($entry['breakerVoltage'] <= 0) { continue; } list($breaker_output, $breaker_unit) = explode('.', $index, 2); $breaker_descr = 'Breaker ' . $hppdu_array[$breaker_output]['pduName'] . ' Unit ' . $breaker_unit; // Find powerlimit by measure the reported output power devivded by the reported load of the PDU //$breaker_maxload = 100 * ($entry['breakerCurrent'] / $entry['breakerPercentLoad']); $breaker_maxload = $entry['breakerCurrent'] / $entry['breakerPercentLoad']; // breakerCurrent already scaled by 100 $breaker_warnload = 0.8 * $breaker_maxload; $limits = array('limit_high' => round($breaker_maxload, 2), 'limit_high_warn' => round($breaker_warnload, 2)); $descr = $breaker_descr . ' Current'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'current', $device, $oid, $index, 'CPQPOWER-MIB', $descr, 0.01, $entry['breakerCurrent'], $limits); $descr = $breaker_descr . ' Voltage'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'voltage', $device, $oid, $index, 'CPQPOWER-MIB', $descr, 1, $entry['breakerVoltage']); $descr = $breaker_descr . ' Load'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], 'capacity', $device, $oid, $index, 'CPQPOWER-MIB', $descr, 1, $entry['breakerPercentLoad']); $descr = $breaker_descr . ' Status'; $oid = ".{$index}"; discover_status($device, $oid, $index, 'cpqpower-pdu-breaker-status', $descr, $entry['breakerStatus'], array('entPhysicalClass' => 'power')); } unset($hpups_array, $hppdu_breaker_array); // EOF
/** * Discover a new sensor on a device * * This function adds a status sensor to a device, if it does not already exist. * Data on the sensor is updated if it has changed, and an event is logged with regards to the changes. * * Status sensors are handed off to discover_status(). * Current sensor values are rectified in case they are broken (added spaces, etc). * * @param array &$valid Array of currently valid sensors for poller type (used to delete later) * @param string $class Class of sensor (voltage, temperature, etc.) * @param array $device Device array sensor is being discovered on * @param string $oid SNMP OID of sensor * @param string $index SNMP index of sensor * @param string $type Type of sensor * @param string $sensor_descr Description of sensor * @param int $scale Scale of sensor (0.1 for 1:10 scale, 10 for 10:1 scale, etc) * @param string $value Current sensor value * @param array $options Options (sensor_unit, limit_auto, limit*) * @param string $poller_type Type of poller being used (SNMP, Agent, etc) - Used to check valid sensors per poller type * @return bool */ function discover_sensor(&$valid, $class, $device, $oid, $index, $type, $sensor_descr, $scale = 1, $value = NULL, $options = array(), $poller_type = 'snmp') { global $config; // If this is actually a status indicator, pass it off to discover_status() then return. if ($class == 'state' || $class == 'status') { print_debug("Redirecting call to discover_status()."); return discover_status($device, $oid, $index, $type, $sensor_descr, $value, $options, $poller_type); } // Init main $param_main = array('oid' => 'sensor_oid', 'sensor_descr' => 'sensor_descr', 'scale' => 'sensor_multiplier'); // Init numeric values if (!is_numeric($scale) || $scale == 0) { $scale = 1; } // Skip discovery sensor if value not numeric or null (default) if (strlen($value)) { // Some retarded devices report data with spaces and commas // STRING: " 20,4" $value = snmp_fix_numeric($value); } if (is_numeric($value)) { $value *= $scale; // Scale before unit conversion $value = value_to_si($value, $options['sensor_unit'], $class); // Convert if not SI unit } else { print_debug("Sensor skipped by not numeric value: '{$value}', '{$sensor_descr}'"); if (strlen($value)) { print_debug("Perhaps this is named sensor, use discover_status() instead."); } return FALSE; } $param_limits = array('limit_high' => 'sensor_limit', 'limit_high_warn' => 'sensor_limit_warn', 'limit_low' => 'sensor_limit_low', 'limit_low_warn' => 'sensor_limit_low_warn'); foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { // Set limits vars and unit convert if required ${$key} = is_numeric($options[$key]) ? value_to_si($options[$key], $options['sensor_unit'], $class) : NULL; } // Auto calculate high/low limits if not passed $limit_auto = !isset($options['limit_auto']) || (bool) $options['limit_auto']; // Init optional $param_opt = array('entPhysicalIndex', 'entPhysicalClass', 'entPhysicalIndex_measured', 'measured_class', 'measured_entity', 'sensor_unit'); foreach ($param_opt as $key) { ${$key} = $options[$key] ? $options[$key] : NULL; } print_debug("Discover sensor: {$class}, " . $device['hostname'] . ", {$oid}, {$index}, {$type}, {$sensor_descr}, SCALE: {$scale}, LIMITS: ({$limit_low}, {$limit_low_warn}, {$limit_high_warn}, {$limit_high}), CURRENT: {$value}, {$poller_type}, {$entPhysicalIndex}, {$entPhysicalClass}"); // Check sensor ignore filters foreach ($config['ignore_sensor'] as $bi) { if (strcasecmp($bi, $sensor_descr) == 0) { print_debug("Skipped by equals: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_string'] as $bi) { if (stripos($sensor_descr, $bi) !== FALSE) { print_debug("Skipped by strpos: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } foreach ($config['ignore_sensor_regexp'] as $bi) { if (preg_match($bi, $sensor_descr) > 0) { print_debug("Skipped by regexp: {$bi}, {$sensor_descr} "); return FALSE; } } if (!is_null($limit_low_warn) && !is_null($limit_high_warn) && $limit_low_warn > $limit_high_warn) { // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) list($limit_high_warn, $limit_low_warn) = array($limit_low_warn, $limit_high_warn); } if (dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(`sensor_id`) FROM `sensors` WHERE `poller_type`= ? AND `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?', array($poller_type, $class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index)) == '0') { if (!$limit_high) { $limit_high = sensor_limit_high($class, $value, $limit_auto); } if (!$limit_low) { $limit_low = sensor_limit_low($class, $value, $limit_auto); } if (!is_null($limit_low) && !is_null($limit_high) && $limit_low > $limit_high) { // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) list($limit_high, $limit_low) = array($limit_low, $limit_high); print_debug("High/low limits swapped."); } $sensor_insert = array('poller_type' => $poller_type, 'sensor_class' => $class, 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'sensor_index' => $index, 'sensor_type' => $type); foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) { $sensor_insert[$column] = ${$key}; } foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { // Convert strings/numbers to (float) or to array('NULL') ${$key} = ${$key} === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) ${$key}; $sensor_insert[$column] = ${$key}; } foreach ($param_opt as $key) { if (is_null(${$key})) { ${$key} = array('NULL'); } $sensor_insert[$key] = ${$key}; } $sensor_id = dbInsert($sensor_insert, 'sensors'); $state_insert = array('sensor_id' => $sensor_id, 'sensor_value' => $value, 'sensor_polled' => 'NOW()'); dbInsert($state_insert, 'sensors-state'); print_debug("( {$sensor_id} inserted )"); echo '+'; log_event("Sensor added: {$class} {$type} {$index} {$sensor_descr}", $device, 'sensor', $sensor_id); } else { $sensor_entry = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_class` = ? AND `device_id` = ? AND `sensor_type` = ? AND `sensor_index` = ?", array($class, $device['device_id'], $type, $index)); // Limits if (!$sensor_entry['sensor_custom_limit']) { if (!is_numeric($limit_high)) { if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit'] !== '') { // Calculate a reasonable limit $limit_high = sensor_limit_high($class, $value, $limit_auto); } else { // Use existing limit. (this is wrong! --mike) $limit_high = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit']; } } if (!is_numeric($limit_low)) { if ($sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low'] !== '') { // Calculate a reasonable limit $limit_low = sensor_limit_low($class, $value, $limit_auto); } else { // Use existing limit. (this is wrong! --mike) $limit_low = $sensor_entry['sensor_limit_low']; } } // Fix high/low thresholds (i.e. on negative numbers) if (!is_null($limit_low) && !is_null($limit_high) && $limit_low > $limit_high) { list($limit_high, $limit_low) = array($limit_low, $limit_high); print_debug("High/low limits swapped."); } // Update limits $update = array(); $update_msg = array(); $debug_msg = 'Current sensor value: "' . $value . '", scale: "' . $scale . '"' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($param_limits as $key => $column) { // $key - param name, $$key - param value, $column - column name in DB for $key $debug_msg .= ' ' . $key . ': "' . $sensor_entry[$column] . '" -> "' . ${$key} . '"' . PHP_EOL; //convert strings/numbers to identical type (float) or to array('NULL') for correct comparison ${$key} = ${$key} === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) ${$key}; $sensor_entry[$column] = $sensor_entry[$column] === NULL ? array('NULL') : (double) $sensor_entry[$column]; if (float_cmp(${$key}, $sensor_entry[$column], 0.1) !== 0) { $update[$column] = ${$key}; $update_msg[] = $key . ' -> "' . (is_array(${$key}) ? 'NULL' : ${$key}) . '"'; } } if (count($update)) { echo "L"; print_debug($debug_msg); log_event('Sensor updated (limits): ' . implode(', ', $update_msg), $device, 'sensor', $sensor_entry['sensor_id']); $updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id'])); } } $update = array(); foreach ($param_main as $key => $column) { if (float_cmp(${$key}, $sensor_entry[$column]) !== 0) { $update[$column] = ${$key}; } } foreach ($param_opt as $key) { if (${$key} != $sensor_entry[$key]) { $update[$key] = ${$key}; } } if (count($update)) { $updated = dbUpdate($update, 'sensors', '`sensor_id` = ?', array($sensor_entry['sensor_id'])); echo 'U'; log_event("Sensor updated: {$class} {$type} {$index} {$sensor_descr}", $device, 'sensor', $sensor_entry['sensor_id']); } else { echo '.'; } } $valid[$class][$type][$index] = 1; }
} // Fans $cache['fnsnagent'] = array(); $stackable = 0; // Stackable Switches foreach (array('snChasFan2Table') as $table) { echo "{$table} "; $cache['fnsnagent'] = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, $table, $cache['fnsnagent'], 'FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB:FOUNDRY-SN-ROOT-MIB', NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } foreach ($cache['fnsnagent'] as $index => $entry) { $descr = "Fan {$index}"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $value = $entry['snChasFan2OperStatus']; discover_status($device, $oid, "snChasFan2OperStatus.{$index}", 'foundry-sn-agent-oper-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); $stackable = 1; } // Chassis and Non Stackable Switches if ($stackable == 0) { $cache['fnsnagent'] = array(); foreach (array('snChasPwrSupplyTable') as $table) { echo "{$table} "; $cache['fnsnagent'] = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, $table, $cache['fnsnagent'], 'FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB:FOUNDRY-SN-ROOT-MIB', NULL, OBS_SNMP_ALL_NUMERIC_INDEX); } foreach ($cache['fnsnagent'] as $index => $entry) { $descr = "Fan {$index}"; $oid = ".{$index}"; $value = $entry['snChasFanOperStatus']; discover_status($device, $oid, "snChasFanOperStatus.{$index}", 'foundry-sn-agent-oper-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); } } // EOF
$options = array(); // sensUnit: none (0), celsius (1), fahrenheit (2), kelvin (3), percent(4) switch ($entry['sensUnit']) { case 'celsius': $type = 'temperature'; break; case 'fahrenheit': $type = 'temperature'; $options['sensor_unit'] = 'F'; break; case 'kelvin': $type = 'temperature'; $options['sensor_unit'] = 'K'; break; case 'percent': $type = 'humidity'; break; default: continue 2; // continue foreach loop } if (is_numeric($value) && $entry['sensState'] != 'invalid') { discover_sensor($valid['sensor'], $type, $device, $oid, "steSensor.{$index}", 'ste', $descr, $scale, $value, $options); } $oid_name = 'sensState'; $oid_num = ".{$index}"; $type = 'ste-SensorState'; $value = $entry[$oid_name]; discover_status($device, $oid_num, $oid_name . '.' . $index, $type, $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } // EOF
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ echo " F5-APM-MIB "; // APM Config Sync State // F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmPmStatConfigSyncState."/Common/Sync-Group-1" = Counter64: 0 // F5-BIGIP-APM-MIB::apmPmStatConfigSyncState."/Common/Sync-Group-2" = Counter64: 0 $apmSync = snmpwalk_cache_multi_oid($device, 'apmPmStatConfigSyncState', array(), $mib, mib_dirs('f5')); foreach ($apmSync as $profile => $sync) { $descr = 'APM Sync (' . $profile . ')'; $oid = '.\\"' . $profile . '\\"'; $value = $sync['apmPmStatConfigSyncState']; discover_status($device, $oid, 'apmSync' . $profile, 'f5-apm-sync-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } // EOF
$value = $entry['scEnclFanStatus']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'scEnclFanStatus.' . $index, 'compellent-mib-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'fan')); } } foreach ($cml['ctrl'] as $index => $entry) { $oid = '.' . $index; $descr = 'Controller ' . $entry['scCtlrNbr'] . ' (' . $entry['scCtlrName'] . ')'; $value = $entry['scCtlrStatus']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'scCtlrStatus.' . $index, 'compellent-mib-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } } foreach ($cml['disk'] as $index => $entry) { $oid = '.' . $index; $descr = 'Disk ' . $entry['scDiskNamePosition']; $value = $entry['scDiskStatus']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'scDiskStatus.' . $index, 'compellent-mib-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'disk')); } } foreach ($cml['cache'] as $index => $entry) { $oid = '.' . $index; $descr = 'Controller ' . $entry['scCacheNbr'] . ' Cache'; $value = $entry['scCacheBatStat']; if ($value) { discover_status($device, $oid, 'scCacheBatStat.' . $index, 'compellent-mib-cache-state', $descr, $value, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } } unset($cml['temp'], $cml['fan'], $cml['ctrl'], $cml['disk'], $cml['cache'], $oid, $descr, $value); // EOF
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage discovery * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ // Collect HAMode & HAState $sysHighAvailabilityMode = snmp_get($device, 'sysHighAvailabilityMode.0', '-Ovq', 'NS-ROOT-MIB'); $haCurState = snmp_get($device, 'haCurState.0', '-Ovq', 'NS-ROOT-MIB'); if ($sysHighAvailabilityMode !== '' && $haCurState !== '') { $descr = 'High Availability Status'; // $oid = '.'; $oid = ''; // $value = $sysHighAvailabilityMode; $value = $haCurState; discover_status($device, 'ns-root-mib-ha-0', '0', 'ns-root-mib-ha', $descr, $haCurState, array('entPhysicalClass' => 'other')); } unset($sysHighAvailabilityMode); unset($haCurState); // EOF