コード例 #1
ファイル: tree_threader.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
function handle_submit($r, $user, $app)
    global $app_name, $log;
    $timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i", time());
    // read the list of template filenames
    $files = file("../../tree_threader_template_files");
    if ($files === false) {
        fwrite($log, "{$timestamp}\ttemplate file tree_threader_template_files\n");
        error("no templates file");
    $njobs = sizeof($files);
    $now = time();
    $batch_id = BoincBatch::insert("(user_id, create_time, njobs, name, app_id, state) values ({$user->id}, {$now}, {$njobs}, 'tree_threader batch', {$app->id}, " . BATCH_STATE_IN_PROGRESS . ")");
    if (!$batch_id) {
        $log_msg = "{$timestamp}\tfailed to create batch for user {$user->id}\n";
        fwrite($log, $log_msg);
        die("couldn't create batch\n");
    } else {
        $log_msg = "{$timestamp}\tcreated batch {$batch_id} for user {$user->id}\n";
        fwrite($log, $log_msg);
    // move the sequence file to the download hier
    $config = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents("../../config.xml"));
    $fanout = (int) $config->config->uldl_dir_fanout;
    $download_dir = trim((string) $config->config->download_dir);
    $seq_fname = "treeThreader_sequence_{$batch_id}.tar.gz";
    $seq_path = dir_hier_path($seq_fname, $download_dir, $fanout);
    $tmp_name = $_FILES['seq_file']['tmp_name'];
    $ret = rename($tmp_name, $seq_path);
    if ($ret === false) {
        error("couldn't rename sequence file");
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $file = trim($file);
        $wu_name = "ICT_" . $batch_id . "_{$i}";
        $cmd = "cd ../..; ./bin/create_work --appname {$app_name} --batch {$batch_id} --wu_name {$wu_name} --wu_template templates/ICT_in --result_template templates/ICT_out {$seq_fname} {$file}";
        fwrite($log, "{$timestamp}\t{$cmd}\n");
        system($cmd, $ret);
        if ($ret != 0) {
            fwrite($log, "can not creat job {$wu_name}\n");
            error("can't create job");
    echo "<tt_reply>\n<batch_id>{$batch_id}</batch_id>\n</tt_reply>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: get_output.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
function get_wu_output_files($wu_id, $auth_str)
    $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($wu_id);
    if (!$wu) {
        die("no workunit {$wu_id}");
    $batch = BoincBatch::lookup_id($wu->batch);
    if (!$batch) {
        die("no batch {$wu->batch}");
    $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($batch->user_id);
    if (!$user) {
        die("no user {$batch->user_id}");
    $x = md5($user->authenticator . $wu_id);
    echo "user authenticator= {$user->authenticator}, wu_id={$wu_id}<br/>";
    if ($x != $auth_str) {
        die("bad auth str: x={$x}, auth_str={$auth_str}");
    $zip_basename = tempnam("/tmp", "boinc_wu_" . $wu->name . "_");
    $zip_filename = $zip_basename . ".zip";
    $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>");
    $upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "<upload_dir>");
    if (!$wu->canonical_resultid) {
        die("no canonical result for wu {$wu->name}");
    $result = BoincResult::lookup_id($wu->canonical_resultid);
    $names = get_outfile_names($result);
    foreach ($names as $name) {
        $path = dir_hier_path($name, $upload_dir, $fanout);
        if (is_file($path)) {
            system("nice -9 zip -jq {$zip_basename} {$path}");
コード例 #3
ファイル: submit_rpc_handler.php プロジェクト: brevilo/boinc
function stage_file($file)
    global $fanout;
    $download_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "<download_dir>");
    switch ($file->mode) {
        case "semilocal":
        case "local":
            // read the file (from disk or network) to get MD5.
            // Copy to download hier, using a physical name based on MD5
            $md5 = md5_file($file->source);
            if (!$md5) {
                xml_error(-1, "BOINC server: Can't get MD5 of file {$file->source}");
            $name = "jf_{$md5}";
            $path = dir_hier_path($name, $download_dir, $fanout);
            if (file_exists($path)) {
                return $name;
            if (!copy($file->source, $path)) {
                xml_error(-1, "BOINC server: can't copy file from {$file->source} to {$path}");
            return $name;
        case "local_staged":
            return $file->source;
        case "inline":
            $md5 = md5($file->source);
            if (!$md5) {
                xml_error(-1, "BOINC server: Can't get MD5 of inline data");
            $name = "jf_{$md5}";
            $path = dir_hier_path($name, $download_dir, $fanout);
            if (file_exists($path)) {
                return $name;
            if (!file_put_contents($path, $file->source)) {
                xml_error(-1, "BOINC server: can't write to file {$path}");
            return $name;
    xml_error(-1, "BOINC server: unsupported file mode: {$file->mode}");
コード例 #4
ファイル: job_file.php プロジェクト: gchilders/boinc
function upload_files($r)
    list($user, $user_submit) = authenticate_user($r, null);
    $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>");
    $delete_time = (int) $r->delete_time;
    $batch_id = (int) $r->batch_id;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($r->md5 as $f) {
        $md5 = (string) $f;
        $name = "file_{$i}";
        $tmp_name = $_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'];
        if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
            xml_error(-1, "{$tmp_name} is not an uploaded file");
        $fname = job_file_name($md5);
        $path = dir_hier_path($fname, project_dir() . "/download", $fanout);
        rename($tmp_name, $path);
        $now = time();
        $jf_id = BoincJobFile::insert("(md5, create_time, delete_time) values ('{$md5}', {$now}, {$delete_time})");
        if (!$jf_id) {
            xml_error(-1, "upload_files(): BoincJobFile::insert({$md5}) failed: " . BoincDb::error());
        if ($batch_id) {
            BoincBatchFileAssoc::insert("(batch_id, job_file_id) values ({$batch_id}, {$jf_id})");
    echo "<success/>\n        </upload_files>\n    ";
コード例 #5
ファイル: submit.php プロジェクト: CalvinZhu/boinc
function handle_query_job($user)
    $wuid = get_int('wuid');
    $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($wuid);
    if (!$wu) {
        error_page("no such job");
    page_head("Job {$wuid}");
    echo "\n        <a href=workunit.php?wuid={$wuid}>Workunit details</a> &middot;\n        <a href=submit.php?action=query_batch&batch_id={$wu->batch}>Batch {$wu->batch}</a>\n    ";
    // show input files
    echo "<h2>Input files</h2>\n";
    $x = "<in>" . $wu->xml_doc . "</in>";
    $x = simplexml_load_string($x);
    table_header("Logical name<br><p class=\"text-muted\">(click to view)</p>", "Size (bytes)", "MD5");
    foreach ($x->workunit->file_ref as $fr) {
        $pname = (string) $fr->file_name;
        $lname = (string) $fr->open_name;
        foreach ($x->file_info as $fi) {
            if ((string) $fi->name == $pname) {
                table_row("<a href={$fi->url}>{$lname}</a>", $fi->nbytes, $fi->md5_cksum);
    echo "<h2>Instances</h2>\n";
    table_header("Instance ID<br><p class=\"text-muted\">click for result page</p>", "State", "Output files<br><p class=\"text-muted\">click to view the file</p>");
    $results = BoincResult::enum("workunitid={$wuid}");
    $upload_dir = parse_config(get_config(), "<upload_dir>");
    $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>");
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        echo "<tr>\n            <td><a href=result.php?resultid={$result->id}>{$result->id} &middot; {$result->name} </a></td>\n            <td>" . state_string($result) . "</td>\n            <td>\n";
        $i = 0;
        if ($result->server_state == 5) {
            $names = get_outfile_names($result);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                $url = boinc_get_output_file_url($user, $result, $i++);
                $path = dir_hier_path($name, $upload_dir, $fanout);
                $s = stat($path);
                $size = $s['size'];
                echo "<a href={$url}>{$name} </a> (" . number_format($size) . " bytes)<br/>";
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<p><a href=submit.php>Return to job control page</a>\n";
コード例 #6
ファイル: submit.php プロジェクト: nicolas17/boincgit-test
function handle_query_job($user)
    $wuid = get_int('wuid');
    page_head("Job {$wuid}");
    echo "<a href=workunit.php?wuid={$wuid}>View workunit page</a>\n";
    // show input files
    echo "<h2>Input files</h2>\n";
    $wu = BoincWorkunit::lookup_id($wuid);
    $x = "<in>" . $wu->xml_doc . "</in>";
    $x = simplexml_load_string($x);
    table_header("Logical name<br><span class=note>(click to view)</span>", "Size (bytes)", "MD5");
    $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>");
    foreach ($x->workunit->file_ref as $fr) {
        $pname = (string) $fr->file_name;
        $lname = (string) $fr->open_name;
        $dir = filename_hash($pname, $fanout);
        $path = "../../download/{$dir}/{$pname}";
        $md5 = md5_file($path);
        $s = stat($path);
        $size = $s['size'];
        table_row("<a href=/download/{$dir}/{$pname}>{$lname}</a>", $size, $md5);
    echo "<h2>Instances</h2>\n";
    table_header("Instance ID<br><span class=note>click for result page</span>", "State", "Output files<br><span class=note>click to view the file</span>");
    $results = BoincResult::enum("workunitid={$wuid}");
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        echo "<tr>\n            <td><a href=result.php?resultid={$result->id}>{$result->id} | {$result->name} </a></td>\n            <td>" . state_string($result) . "</td>\n            <td>\n";
        $i = 0;
        if ($result->server_state == 5) {
            $names = get_outfile_names($result);
            $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), "<uldl_dir_fanout>");
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                $url = boinc_get_output_file_url($user, $result, $i++);
                $path = dir_hier_path($name, "../../upload", $fanout);
                $s = stat($path);
                $size = $s['size'];
                echo "<a href={$url}>{$name} </a> (" . number_format($size) . " bytes)<br/>";
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<p><a href=submit.php>Return to job control page</a>\n";
コード例 #7
function stage_file($file)
    global $fanout;
    $md5 = md5_file($file->source);
    if (!$md5) {
        error("Can't get MD5 of file {$source}");
    $name = "batch_{$md5}";
    $path = dir_hier_path($name, "../../download", $fanout);
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        return $name;
    if (!copy($file->source, $path)) {
        error("can't copy file from {$file->source} to {$path}");
    return $name;