function seamless_donations_init() { seamless_donations_set_version(); // make sure we've got the version set as an option // Check to see if we're supposed to run an upgrade seamless_donations_sd40_process_upgrade_check(); // Check to see if first-time run $from_name = get_option('dgx_donate_email_name'); if ($from_name == false) { // this is a pure 4.0+ start update_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode', 'true'); $sd4_mode = true; } else { // now we need to determine if we've already updated to 4.0+ or not $sd4_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode'); if ($sd4_mode != false) { $sd4_mode = true; } } // Initialize options to defaults as needed if ($sd4_mode) { //seamless_donations_init_session (); //dgx_donate_init_session (); seamless_donations_init_defaults(); seamless_donations_init_audit(); seamless_donations_admin_loader(); } else { dgx_donate_init_session(); dgx_donate_init_defaults(); seamless_donations_legacy_admin_loader(); add_action('admin_notices', 'seamless_donations_sd40_update_alert_message'); } // Display an admin notice if we are in sandbox mode $payPalServer = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_server'); if (strcasecmp($payPalServer, "SANDBOX") == 0) { add_action('admin_notices', 'dgx_donate_admin_sandbox_msg'); } // Display an admin notice if we are in debug mode $debug_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_debug_mode'); if ($debug_mode == 1) { add_action('admin_notices', 'seamless_donations_admin_debug_mode_msg'); } }
function seamless_donations_init() { seamless_donations_set_version(); // make sure we've got the version set as an option // Check to see if we're supposed to run an upgrade seamless_donations_sd40_process_upgrade_check(); // Check to see if first-time run $from_name = get_option('dgx_donate_email_name'); if ($from_name == false) { // this is a pure 4.0+ start update_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode', 'true'); $sd4_mode = true; } else { // now we need to determine if we've already updated to 4.0+ or not $sd4_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_start_in_sd4_mode'); if ($sd4_mode != false) { $sd4_mode = true; } } // Check to see if we're processing donation form data // This section drives the payment form through the shortcode page, rather than a separate PHP file // done because some hosts can't handle redirecting forms to another php file. $process_form_via = get_option('dgx_donate_form_via_action'); if ($process_form_via == '1') { $form_via_mode = ''; if (isset($_POST['_dgx_donate_form_via'])) { $form_via_mode = $_POST['_dgx_donate_form_via']; } if ($form_via_mode == '1') { seamless_donations_process_payment(); } } // Initialize options to defaults as needed if ($sd4_mode) { //seamless_donations_init_session (); //dgx_donate_init_session (); seamless_donations_init_defaults(); seamless_donations_init_audit(); seamless_donations_admin_loader(); // check for any sd4 upgrades seamless_donations_4012_update_indexes(); seamless_donations_4013_update_anon(); } else { dgx_donate_init_session(); dgx_donate_init_defaults(); seamless_donations_legacy_admin_loader(); add_action('admin_notices', 'seamless_donations_sd40_update_alert_message'); } // Display an admin notice if we are in sandbox mode $payPalServer = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_server'); if (strcasecmp($payPalServer, "SANDBOX") == 0) { add_action('admin_notices', 'dgx_donate_admin_sandbox_msg'); } // Display an admin notice on the Seamless Donations pages for new support message if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $current_page = $_GET["page"]; if (stripos($current_page, 'seamless_donations_admin') !== false) { add_action('admin_notices', 'seamless_donations_admin_new_support_msg'); } // Display an admin notice if we are in debug mode $debug_mode = get_option('dgx_donate_debug_mode'); if ($debug_mode == 1) { add_action('admin_notices', 'seamless_donations_admin_debug_mode_msg'); } } }