/** * การใช้ Class my_page * * */ function __construct($title = '') { global $my_cfg; $my_sec = new OrSec(false); //$caption = 'ทดสอบ Caption'; $caption = $my_sec->OP_[title]->get(); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $my_sec->OP_[title]->get(), 'Title'); if ($title == '') { $title .= $my_cfg[title] . ' : ' . $caption; } parent::__construct($title); //$this->set_ccs_src($my_cfg[skins_path] . 'my_page.css'); $this->set_skin($my_cfg[skins_path] . 'default.html'); //รูปแบบหน้าจอปกติ //$my_menu = new OrJsMenu('my_menu_utf8.inc.js' , $my_cfg[skins_path] . "xp.css"); //$this->set_ccs_src($my_menu->OP_[js_ccs]->get()); //$this->set_script_src($my_menu->OP_[js_src]->get()); //$my_calendar = new OrJsCalendar(); //$this->set_ccs_src($my_calendar->OP_[js_ccs]->get()); //$this->set_script_src($my_calendar->OP_[js_src]->get()); //$this->OP_[script_event_body]->set($my_menu->get_script_event('OnLoad')); /** * คำสั่งใช้ Ajax Copy ที่ต้องการใช้งาน * $ajax = new OrAjax(); * $this->set_script_src($ajax->OP_[ajax_src]->get()); * $this->set_script($ajax->require_tooltip()); * $this->set_ccs_src($ajax->require_tooltip_css()); */ $this->set_title($my_cfg[title]); $this->set_caption($caption); $link_logout = '<a href="welcome.php?val_controls[logout]=logout" >ออกจากระบบ</a>'; $this->set_login($my_sec->get_user_text() . '</b> [ <u>' . $my_sec->OP_[user]->get() . '</u> ]' . $link_logout); }
function auto_post() { $val_ = new OrSysvalue(); $id = $this->OP_[id]->get(); $name = $this->OP_[name]->get(); if (!is_null($val_->controls[$id])) { $val = $val_->controls[$id]; } else { if (!is_null($val_->controls['db_field'][$id])) { $val = $val_->controls['db_field'][$id]; } else { if (!is_null($val_->filter[$id]) and substr($name, 0, 10) == 'val_filter') { $val = $val_->filter[$id]; } else { if (substr($name, 0, 11) == 'val_compare') { /*ต้องแปลงค่า val_compare[$id] โดยดึงเอา $id มาใข้*/ $id = substr($name, 12); $id = substr($id, 0, strlen($id) - 1); //echo '<b>compare_id</b> = ' . $id . '<br>'; $val = $val_->compare[$id]; } else { $val = $val_->message[$id]; } } } } debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $val, $id . ' : Value'); $this->OP_[post_value]->set($val); return null; }
function debug_dump_json($opts, $pipe = null, $cmd = __FUNCTION__) { if (debug_mode()) { return dump_json($opts, $pipe); } return get_opts_or_pipe($opts, $pipe); }
function debug_message($cmd, $msg, $type) { if (!debug_mode()) { return; } return message($cmd, $msg, $type, true); }
function debug_dump_yaml($opts, $pipe = null, $offset = 0) { if (debug_mode()) { return dump_yaml($opts, $pipe, $offset); } return get_opts_or_pipe($opts, $pipe); }
function get_query($sql) { $this->OP_[sql]->set($sql); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sql, 'function get_query'); $result = @mysql_query($this->OP_[sql]->get(), $this->get_host_conn()); if (!$result) { $this->set_error('sql=' . $sql . ' [' . mysql_error() . ']<br>'); } return $this->result = $result; }
function count($log_path, $download_path, $file_name) { unset($log_template_content); $query_file_name = trim($file_name); $current_time = mktime(); if (is_file($log_path)) { $count_file_content = file($log_path); $log_template_content = array(); while (list($key, $line) = each($count_file_content)) { $line = trim($line); if (!empty($line)) { $data = explode(' - ', $line); $stored_file_name = trim($data[0]); if (trim($data[0]) == trim($file_name)) { $download_number = trim($data[1]); $first_download = trim($data[4]); $last_download = mktime(); $log_template_content_temp = $this->count_content($stored_file_name, $download_number, $first_download, $last_download); $log_template_content[] = $log_template_content_temp; debug_mode($log_template_content_temp, 'Replace Entry'); unset($log_template_content_temp); $check = 'true'; } else { $log_template_content[] = $line; } } } if (!isset($check) or $check != 'true') { $log_template_content_temp = $this->count_content($query_file_name, 0, $current_time, $current_time); $log_template_content[] = $log_template_content_temp; debug_mode($log_template_content_temp, 'New Entry'); unset($log_template_content_temp); } $new_file_content = join("\n", $log_template_content); if ($logfile = @fopen($log_path, 'w+')) { @flock($logfile, 2); @fputs($logfile, $new_file_content); @fclose($logfile); } } else { $log_template_content = $this->count_content($query_file_name, 0, mktime(), mktime()); debug_mode($log_template_content, 'First Entry'); if ($logfile = fopen($log_path, 'a')) { @flock($logfile, 2); @fputs($logfile, $log_template_content . "\n"); @fclose($logfile); } } }
function get_tag($value = null) { if ($value != null) { $this->OP_[value]->set($value); } if ($this->OP_[auto_post]->get()) { debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->OP_[auto_post]->get(), $this->OP_[id]->get() . ' : auto_post'); $this->auto_post(); } $id = $this->get_id_tag(); $value = $this->OP_[value]->get(); $has_in_list = false; if ($value == null and !is_numeric($value)) { $value = $this->OP_[post_value]->get(); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $value, $this->OP_[id]->get() . ' : Value'); } if ($value == null) { $value = $this->OP_[default_value]->get(); } if ($this->OP_[class_name]->get() == null) { $class = null; } else { $class = 'class="' . $this->OP_[class_name]->get() . '"'; } if ($this->OP_[check_null]->get()) { $dojo_required = ' required="true" '; } else { $dojo_required = ' required="false" '; } $dojo_invalid_message = ' invalidMessage="' . $this->OP_[invalid_message]->get() . '" '; $title = 'title="' . $this->OP_[title]->get() . '"'; $dojo_property = 'dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" ' . $dojo_required . $dojo_invalid_message; $tag = "<select {$dojo_property} {$id} {$class} {$title}>\n"; foreach ($this->OP_[option]->get() as $key => $val) { $selected = ""; if ($value == $val) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $has_in_list = true; } $tag .= ' <option value="' . $val . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $key . '</option>' . "\n"; } if (!$has_in_list) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $val_error = "#{$value}#"; $tag .= ' <option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $val_error . '</option>' . "\n"; } return $tag .= "</select>\n" . $this->get_properties_tag(); }
function get_control_text($text) { debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $text, 'ค่า Text'); $EV_[EV_text] = $text; $this->OE_before_text($EV_); if (!$this->OP_[text]->check_update()) { if (!is_null($this->get_format())) { $text = $this->get_format(); } else { $text = nl2br($text); } $this->OP_[text]->set($text); } debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $text, 'ค่า Text'); return $this->OP_[text]->get(); }
function get_tag($value = null) { if ($value != null) { $this->OP_[value]->set($value); } if ($this->OP_[auto_post]->get()) { debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->OP_[auto_post]->get(), $this->OP_[id]->get() . ' : auto_post'); $this->auto_post(); } $id = $this->get_id_tag(); $value = $this->OP_[value]->get(); $has_in_list = false; if ($value == null and !is_numeric($value)) { $value = $this->OP_[post_value]->get(); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $value, $this->OP_[id]->get() . ' : Value'); } if ($value == null) { $value = $this->OP_[default_value]->get(); } if ($this->OP_[class_name]->get() == null) { $class = null; } else { $class = 'class="' . $this->OP_[class_name]->get() . '"'; } $title = 'title="' . $this->OP_[title]->get() . '"'; if ($this->use_ajax) { $tag = "<select dojoType=\"combobox\" {$id} {$class} {$title}>\n"; } else { $tag = "<select {$id} {$class} {$title}>\n"; } foreach ($this->OP_[option]->get() as $key => $val) { $selected = ""; if ($value == $val) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $has_in_list = true; } $tag .= ' <option value="' . $val . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $key . '</option>' . "\n"; } if (!$has_in_list) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; $val_error = "#{$value}#"; $tag .= ' <option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $val_error . '</option>' . "\n"; } return $tag .= "</select>\n" . $this->get_properties_tag(); }
function OrSysvalue() { global $val_controls, $val_msg, $val_filter, $val_compare, $evt_form_db, $evt_list_navigator; if (is_array($val_controls)) { $this->controls = $val_controls; } if (is_array($val_msg)) { $this->message = $val_msg; } if (is_array($val_filter)) { $this->filter = $val_filter; debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $val_filter, 'val_filter'); } if (is_array($val_compare)) { $this->compare = $val_compare; } if (is_array($evt_form_db)) { $this->db_event = $evt_form_db; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('order_model'); $this->load->model('ebay_order_model'); $this->load->model('product_model'); $this->load->model('product_makeup_sku_model'); $this->load->model('order_shipping_record_model'); $this->load->model('shipping_code_model'); $this->load->model('shipping_subarea_model'); $this->load->library('excel'); $this->load->helper('shipping_helper'); $this->load->helper('db_helper'); date_default_timezone_set(DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); // check user session $current_uri = fetch_request_uri(); if (!$this->input->is_post()) { if (debug_mode()) { $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); } } $this->load->driver('cache', array('backup' => 'file')); }
function debug_dump_list($opts, $pipe = null, $offset = null, $cmd = __FUNCTION__) { if (debug_mode()) { return dump_list($opts, $pipe, $offset, $cmd); } return get_opts_or_pipe($opts, $pipe); }
protected function set_nav() { $sys_file = $this->get_nav_filename(); $this->nav = $this->get_nav_info($sys_file); $data = array('home' => 'mallerp/home', 'nav' => $this->nav, 'user' => $this->account->get_account()); // debug model if (!$this->input->is_post()) { if (debug_mode()) { $this->output->enable_profiler(TRUE); } } $this->template->write_view('nav_inner', 'default/inner_nav', $data); }
function get_group_list($user) { global $my_cfg_sec; /* ตรวจสอบกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน สุชาติ บุญหชัยรัตน์ 23/2/2547 */ $db_sec = new OrMysql($my_cfg_sec[db]); //(กำหนด Object ฐานข้อมูลที่จะใช้) $sql = "SELECT * FROM `my_group`WHERE `user`='" . $user . "';"; $db_sec->get_query($sql); if ($db_sec->total_error > 0) { $db_sec->show_error(); } $my_list = array(); while ($db_sec->get_record()) { $my_list[] = $db_sec->record[group]; debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $db_sec->record[group], 'กลุ่ม'); } return $my_list; }
/** * Write csv file */ function write_csv_file($post_data) { global $log_messages, $txt, $filepath; if ($log_messages == 'yes') { unset($post_data['fs']); unset($post_data['fn']); $config = array('mailvars' => $post_data, 'type' => G10E_ATTACH_TYPE_CSV, 'control' => $this->control_fields, 'csv_head' => false); if ($res = attach_mail_variables::get_content($config)) { if ($logfile = @fopen($filepath['logfile'] . 'formdata.csv', 'a')) { @flock($logfile, 2) or debug_mode($txt['txt_cannot_lock_file'] . $filepath['logfile'] . 'formdata.csv'); $line = date('Y-m-d'); $line .= G10E_ATTACH_TYPE_CSV_DELIMITER . date('H:i:s'); $line .= G10E_ATTACH_TYPE_CSV_DELIMITER . $res; $line = str_replace("\n", ' ', str_replace("\r", ' ', $line)); @fputs($logfile, $line . "\n"); @fclose($logfile); } else { debug_mode($filepath['logfile'] . 'formdata.csv', $txt['txt_cannot_open_file']); } } } }
function set_total_page($count_sql, $sql) { /*ปรับปรุงความเร็วการหาจำนวนรายการ สุชาติ บุญหชัยรัตน์ 16/4/2547*/ //echo "<b>debug</b> ".__FILE__." | ".__LINE__." | sql =".$sql."<br>"; $db_page = $this->db; if ($count_sql == '') { debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sql, 'function set_total_page'); $db_page->get_query($sql); if ($db_page->is_error()) { die("error set_cmd_sql 99 : <br>" . $db_page->show_error()); } $total_row = $db_page->get_total_row(); } else { debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $count_sql, 'function set_total_page'); $db_page->get_query($count_sql); if ($db_page->is_error()) { //echo("@..........."); $db_page->reset_error(); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $sql, 'function set_total_page'); $db_page->get_query($sql); if ($db_page->is_error()) { die("error set_cmd_sql 99 : <br>" . $db_page->show_error()); } $total_row = $db_page->get_total_row(); } else { /*ค่ารายการที่ได้จาก Function count ที่เร็วที่สุด*/ $db_page->get_record(); $total_row = $db_page->record[total_row]; } } $total_page = round($total_row / $this->OP_[row_per_page]->get()); if ($total_page * $this->OP_[row_per_page]->get() < $total_row) { $total_page = $total_page + 1; } $this->OP_[total_page]->set($total_page); $this->OP_[total_row]->set($total_row); $EV_[EV_sql] = $sql; $this->OE_on_total($EV_); return null; }
/***************************************************** ** Register language file and additional text array *****************************************************/ if (isset($txt) and is_array($txt)) { reset($txt); while (list($key, $val) = each($txt)) { ${$key} = $val; $tpl->register($tplt, $key); } } if (isset($add_text) and is_array($add_text)) { reset($add_text); while (list($key, $val) = each($add_text)) { ${$key} = $val; $tpl->register($tplt, $key); } } /***************************************************** ** Parse template *****************************************************/ $tpl->register($tplt, array('bar_image_name', 'document_self', 'intern_vote_name', 'max_bar_width', 'rating', 'rating_image', 'script_self', 'total_votes', 'vote_form_fields', 'vote_text', 'vote_title', 'captcha_content', 'email_address')); $tpl->parse_if($tplt, 'display_form'); $tpl->parse_if($tplt, 'display_results'); $tpl->parse_if($tplt, 'display_link'); $tpl->parse_if($tplt, 'display_email'); $tpl->parse_if($tplt, 'display_captcha'); $tpl->parse_loop($tplt, 'vote_result'); $tpl->parse_loop($tplt, 'message'); @eval($conf_var); debug_mode(script_runtime($runtime_start), 'Script Runtime');
function get_form_query() { $my_table = new OrTable('table_query'); $my_table->OP_[align_table]->set('center'); $my_table->OP_[class_name]->set('tbl_query_body'); $my_table->set_col($this->get_button_filter()); $my_table->set_col('เงื่อนไข '); $my_table->set_col(' ค่าที่ค้นหา '); $my_table->set_row(); foreach ($this->caption_fields as $caption => $id) { if (!is_object($this->filter_controls[$id])) { $this->set_filter_controls(new OrTextbox($id)); } $my_compare = new OrSelectbox('val_compare_' . $id . '_', 'val_compare[' . $id . ']'); $my_compare->OP_[option]->set(array('=' => '=', '<>' => '<>', '>=' => '>=', '<=' => '<=', 'BETWEEN' => 'BETWEEN', 'LIKE' => 'LIKE', 'IN' => 'IN')); $my_compare->OP_[default_value]->set($this->get_filter_compare($id)); //สร้าง Function เพื่อค้นหาค่า Default compare $my_compare->OP_[auto_post]->set(true); //$my_table->set_col($my_control->OP_[caption]->get() , "td_caption"); debug_mode(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->filter_controls[$id]->OP_[caption]->get(), 'Filter_controls'); $my_table->set_col($this->filter_controls[$id]->OP_[caption]->get(), "td_query_caption"); $my_table->set_col($my_compare->get_tag(), "td_query_compare"); $my_table->set_col($this->filter_controls[$id]->get_tag(), "td_query_value"); $my_table->set_row('tr_query_body'); } $my_table->set_col('ค้นคำ เรียงลำดับ'); $my_table->set_col($this->get_control_filter()); $my_table->set_col($this->get_control_order()); $my_table->set_row(); return $my_table->get_tag(); }
require_once ABSPATH . '/config.php'; } /** * Load defaults, compatibility and helpful standalone functions */ require_once ABSPATH . '/includes/defaults.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/includes/compat.php'; require_once ABSPATH . '/includes/functions.php'; /** * Check requirements or die are not met. */ check_requirements(); /** * Debug mode initialization */ debug_mode(); /** * Enqueue autoloader */ require_once ABSPATH . '/core/controllers/Autoload.php'; $loader = new Autoload(); $loader->register(); $loader->addNamespace('de\\codeschubser\\honeycomb\\core\\controllers', ABSPATH . '/core/controllers'); $loader->addNamespace('de\\codeschubser\\honeycomb\\core\\exceptions', ABSPATH . '/core/exceptions'); $loader->addNamespace('de\\codeschubser\\honeycomb\\core\\models', ABSPATH . '/core/models'); $loader->addNamespace('de\\codeschubser\\honeycomb\\core\\vendors', ABSPATH . '/core/vendors'); $loader->addNamespace('de\\codeschubser\\honeycomb\\core\\views', ABSPATH . '/core/views'); /** * Start global timer */ timer_start();