public function __construct() { parent::__construct(null, 'Publication Submitted', 'Admin/add_pub_submit.php', pdNavMenuItem::MENU_NEVER); if ($this->loginError) { return; } if (!isset($_SESSION['state']) || $_SESSION['state'] != 'pub_add') { $this->pageError = true; return; } $pub =& $_SESSION['pub']; $user =& $_SESSION['user']; if ($pub->pub_id != null) { echo 'The following PapersDB entry has been modified:<p/>'; } else { echo 'The following PapersDB entry has been added to the database:<p/>'; } $pub->submit = $user->name; $pub->dbSave($this->db); // deal with paper if (isset($_SESSION['paper'])) { if ($_SESSION['paper'] != 'none') { $pub->paperSave($this->db, $_SESSION['paper']); } else { $pub->deletePaper($this->db); } } if (isset($_SESSION['attachments']) && count($_SESSION['attachments']) > 0) { for ($i = 0, $n = count($_SESSION['attachments']); $i < $n; $i++) { assert('isset($_SESSION["att_types"][$i])'); $pub->attSave($this->db, $_SESSION['attachments'][$i], $_SESSION['att_types'][$i]); } } if (isset($_SESSION['removed_atts']) && count($_SESSION['removed_atts']) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['removed_atts'] as $filename) { $pub->deleteAttByFilename($this->db, $filename); } } if ($this->debug) { debugVar('$pub', $pub); } // does pub entry require validation? if ($pub->validationRequired($this->db) && $user->isAdministrator()) { $pub->markValid($this->db); } else { $pub->markPending($this->db); } echo $pub->getCitationHtml(), getPubIcons($this->db, $pub, 0xf, '../'); pubSessionInit(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('author_confirm', 'Author Confirm', 'Admin/author_confirm.php'); if ($this->loginError) { return; } if (!isset($_SESSION['new_author'])) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $new_author = $_SESSION['new_author']; if (isset($new_author->author_id)) { $this->pageError = true; debugVar('new_author', $new_author); return; } $this->form =& $this->confirmForm('author_confirm', null, 'Add'); if ($this->form->validate()) { $values = $this->form->exportValues(); $new_author->dbSave($this->db); if (isset($_SESSION['state']) && $_SESSION['state'] == 'pub_add') { assert('isset($_SESSION["pub"])'); $pub =& $_SESSION['pub']; $pub->addAuthor($this->db, $new_author->author_id); header('Location: add_pub2.php'); return; } echo 'Author <span class="emph">', $new_author->name, '</span> ', 'succesfully added to the database.', '<p/>', '<a href="add_author.php">', 'Add another new author</a>'; } else { $like_authors = pdAuthorList::create($this->db, $new_author->firstname, $new_author->lastname); assert('count($like_authors) > 0'); echo 'Attempting to add new author: ', '<span class="emph">', $new_author->name, "</span><p/>\n", 'The following authors, already in the database, have similar names:<ul>'; foreach ($like_authors as $auth) { echo '<li>', $auth, '</li>'; } echo '</ul>Do you really want to add this author?'; $renderer =& $this->form->defaultRenderer(); $this->form->accept($renderer); $this->renderer =& $renderer; } }
public function processForm() { $form =& $this->form; $values = $form->exportValues(); debugVar('values', $values); if (isset($this->pub->category) && $this->pub->category->info != null) { foreach ($this->formInfoElementsGet() as $element => $name) { if (isset($values[$element])) { $this->pub->info[$name] = $values[$element]; } } } if (!empty($values['venue_id']) && $values['venue_id'] > 0) { $this->pub->addVenue($this->db, $values['venue_id']); } else { if (is_object($this->pub->venue)) { unset($this->pub->venue); unset($this->pub->venue_id); } } if ($values['cat_id'] > 0) { if (!isset($this->pub->venue) || is_object($this->pub->venue) && isset($this->pub->category) && is_object($this->pub->category) && $this->pub->category->cat_id != $values['cat_id']) { // either no venue set for this pub entry, OR user has // overriden the category since user selected one that does not // match the venue $this->pub->addCategory($this->db, $values['cat_id']); } } if (isset($values['paper_rank'])) { $this->pub->rank_id = $values['paper_rank']; } if (isset($values['paper_rank']) && $values['paper_rank'] == -1 && strlen($values['paper_rank_other']) > 0) { $this->pub->rank_id = -1; $this->pub->ranking = $values['paper_rank_other']; } $this->pub->published = $values['pub_date']['Y'] . '-' . $values['pub_date']['M'] . '-1'; $extra_info_arr = array(); if ($values['extra_info'] != '') { $extra_info_arr = array_merge($extra_info_arr, array($values['extra_info'])); } $this->pub->extraInfoSet($extra_info_arr); if ($this->debug) { debugVar('values', $values); debugVar('pub', $this->pub); return; } if (isset($values['add_venue'])) { header('Location: add_venue.php'); } else { if (isset($values['prev_step'])) { header('Location: add_pub2.php'); } else { if (isset($values['finish'])) { header('Location: add_pub_submit.php'); } else { header('Location: add_pub4.php'); } } } }
/** * Called to process the input typed into the form by the user. */ public function processForm() { assert('isset($_SESSION["pub"])'); $form =& $this->form; $values = $form->exportValues(); $this->pub->load($values); $_SESSION['state'] = 'pub_add'; $result = $this->pub->duplicateTitleCheck($this->db); if (count($result) > 0) { $_SESSION['similar_pubs'] = $result; } if ($this->debug) { debugVar('values', $values); debugVar('pub', $this->pub); return; } if (isset($values['finish'])) { header('Location: add_pub_submit.php'); } else { if (isset($values['step2'])) { header('Location: add_pub2.php'); } else { if (isset($values['step3'])) { header('Location: add_pub3.php'); } else { if (isset($values['step4'])) { header('Location: add_pub4.php'); } } } } }
function getContent($url, $enableProxy = true, $logCrawl = true) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, $this->_CURLOPT_FAILONERROR); @curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, $this->_CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, $this->_CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->_CURLOPT_TIMEOUT); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->_CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->_CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_HEADER, $this->_CURLOPT_HEADER); if (!empty($this->_CURLOPT_COOKIE)) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $this->_CURLOPT_COOKIE); } if (!empty($this->_CURLOPT_REFERER)) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->_CURLOPT_REFERER); } if (strlen($this->_CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS) > 1) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_POST, $this->_CURLOPT_POST); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->_CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS); } // user agent assignment $this->_CURLOPT_USERAGENT = defined('SP_USER_AGENT') ? SP_USER_AGENT : $this->_CURLOPT_USERAGENT; if (strlen($this->_CURLOPT_USERAGENT) > 0) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->_CURLOPT_USERAGENT); } if (strlen($this->_CURLOPT_USERPWD) > 2) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_CURLOPT_USERPWD); } // to use proxy if proxy enabled if (SP_ENABLE_PROXY && $enableProxy) { $proxyCtrler = new ProxyController(); if ($proxyInfo = $proxyCtrler->getRandomProxy()) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxyInfo['proxy'] . ":" . $proxyInfo['port']); curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL_VAL); if (!empty($proxyInfo['proxy_auth'])) { curl_setopt($this->_CURL_RESOURCE, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $proxyInfo['proxy_username'] . ":" . $proxyInfo['proxy_password']); } } else { showErrorMsg("No active proxies found!! Please check your proxy settings from Admin Panel."); } } $ret['page'] = curl_exec($this->_CURL_RESOURCE); $ret['error'] = curl_errno($this->_CURL_RESOURCE); $ret['errmsg'] = curl_error($this->_CURL_RESOURCE); // update crawl log in database for future reference if ($logCrawl) { $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController(); $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = $ret['error'] ? 0 : 1; $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $crawlInfo['crawl_link'] = addslashes($url); $crawlInfo['crawl_referer'] = addslashes($this->_CURLOPT_REFERER); $crawlInfo['crawl_cookie'] = addslashes($this->_CURLOPT_COOKIE); $crawlInfo['crawl_post_fields'] = addslashes($this->_CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS); $crawlInfo['crawl_useragent'] = addslashes($this->_CURLOPT_USERAGENT); $crawlInfo['proxy_id'] = $proxyInfo['id']; $crawlInfo['log_message'] = addslashes($ret['errmsg']); $ret['log_id'] = $crawlLogCtrl->createCrawlLog($crawlInfo); } // disable proxy if not working if (SP_ENABLE_PROXY && $enableProxy && !empty($ret['error']) && !empty($proxyInfo['id'])) { // deactivate proxy if (PROXY_DEACTIVATE_CRAWL) { $proxyCtrler->__changeStatus($proxyInfo['id'], 0); } // chekc with another proxy if (CHECK_WITH_ANOTHER_PROXY_IF_FAILED) { $ret = $this->getContent($url, $enableProxy); } } // check debug request is enabled if (!empty($_GET['debug']) || !empty($_POST['debug'])) { ?> <div style="width: 760px; margin-top: 30px; padding: 14px; height: 900px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #B0C2CC;"> <?php if ($_GET['debug_format'] == 'html' || $_POST['debug_format'] == 'html') { highlight_string($ret['page']); } else { debugVar($ret, false); } ?> </div> <?php } return $ret; }
if (count($numeric_interests) == 0) { exit(0); } //pdDb::debugOn(); //debugVar('n', $numeric_interests); $q = $db->select(array('author', 'author_interest', 'interest'), array('author.author_id', 'interest.interest_id', 'interest.interest'), array('interest.interest_id' => array_keys($numeric_interests), 'interest.interest_id=author_interest.interest_id', 'author.author_id=author_interest.author_id')); $authors = array(); $author_info_list = array(); foreach ($q as $r) { if (!isset($authors[$r->author_id])) { $authors[$r->author_id] = pdAuthor::newFromDb($db, $r->author_id, pdAuthor::DB_LOAD_BASIC | pdAuthor::DB_LOAD_INTERESTS); } $author_info_list[] = array('interest_id' => $r->interest_id, 'new_interest' => array($all_interests[$r->interest_id] => $all_interests[$all_interests[$r->interest_id]]), 'author' => &$authors[$r->author_id]); } //debugVar('$author_info_list', $author_info_list); foreach ($author_info_list as $info) { $info['author']->interests = $info['author']->interests + $info['new_interest']; unset($info['author']->interests[$info['interest_id']]); } //debugVar('$authors', $authors); foreach ($authors as $author) { $author->dbSave($db); } debugVar('$numeric_interests', $numeric_interests); foreach ($numeric_interests as $k => $i) { $q = $db->select('author_interest', '*', array('interest_id' => $k)); if (count($q) == 0) { $result = $db->delete('interest', array('interest_id' => $k)); echo "{$result}\n"; } }
<?php require_once "../include/includes.php"; setContentType("text", "plain"); session_start(); //receive file and other form fields //move file to temp location: $BASE_IMAGE_DIR/$username/$filename //load, resize, crop image. //do not keep original file //insert into upload table. //What if user/filename already exists? can user reuse existing image, select from uploads? //response: image metadata from EXIF and url. //echo jsValue($fpConfig, true, true); $username = fpCurrentUsername(); $upload_id = reqParam("upload_id"); debugVar("username", true); debug("Request", $_REQUEST); debug("GET request", $_GET); debug("POST request", $_POST); debug("POST files", $_FILES, true); if (!$username) { return errorMessage("Not logged in."); } if (!$upload_id) { return errorMessage("No File deleted."); } $db = new SqlManager($fpConfig); if ($db->offline) { return errorMessage("DB offline. No File deleted."); } //if profile filters( Q_ ) : demographic
public function processForm() { assert('isset($_SESSION["pub"])'); $form =& $this->form; $values = $form->exportValues(); if (empty($values['authors'])) { $this->pub->clearAuthors(); } else { // need to retrieve author_ids for the selected authors $selAuthors = explode(', ', preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $values['authors'])); $author_ids = array(); foreach ($selAuthors as $author) { if (empty($author)) { continue; } $result = array_search($author, $this->authors); if ($result !== false) { $author_ids[] = $result; } } if (count($author_ids) > 0) { $this->pub->addAuthor($this->db, $author_ids); } } if (isset($values['paper_col']) && count($values['paper_col']) > 0) { $this->pub->collaborations = array_keys($values['paper_col']); } if ($this->debug) { debugVar('values', $values); debugVar('pub', $this->pub); return; } if (isset($values['add_new_author'])) { header('Location: add_author.php'); } else { if (isset($values['prev_step'])) { header('Location: add_pub1.php'); } else { if (isset($values['finish'])) { header('Location: add_pub_submit.php'); } else { header('Location: add_pub3.php'); } } } }
private function processForm() { $form =& $this->form; $values = $form->exportValues(); $this->venue->load($values); //add http:// to webpage address if needed if ($this->venue->url != '' && strpos($this->venue->url, 'http') === false) { $this->venue->url = "http://" . $this->venue->url; } $this->venue->title = str_replace('"', "'", $this->venue->title); if (isset($values['venue_rank'])) { $this->venue->rank_id = $values['venue_rank']; } if (isset($values['venue_rank']) && $values['venue_rank'] == -1 && strlen($values['venue_rank_other']) > 0) { $this->venue->rank_id = -1; $this->venue->ranking = $values['venue_rank_other']; } if (isset($values['venue_date']) && is_object($this->venue->category) && $this->venue->category->category == 'In Workshop') { $this->venue->date = $values['venue_date']['Y'] . '-' . $values['venue_date']['M'] . '-1'; } $this->venue->deleteOccurrences(); if (isset($values['numNewOccurrences']) && count($values['numNewOccurrences']) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $values['numNewOccurrences']; $i++) { $this->venue->addOccurrence($values['newOccurrenceLocation'][$i], $values['newOccurrenceDate'][$i]['Y'] . '-' . $values['newOccurrenceDate'][$i]['M'] . '-1', $values['newOccurrenceUrl'][$i]); } } $vopt_names = $this->venue->voptsGet(); if (!empty($vopt_names)) { foreach ($vopt_names as $vopt_id => $name) { $name = strtolower(preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $name)); $this->venue->options[$vopt_id] = $values[$name]; } } $this->venue->dbSave($this->db); if (isset($_SESSION['state']) && $_SESSION['state'] == 'pub_add') { assert('isset($_SESSION["pub"])'); $pub =& $_SESSION['pub']; $pub->addVenue($this->db, $this->venue); if ($this->debug) { debugVar('values', $values); debugVar('venue', $this->venue); return; } if (isset($values['finish'])) { header('Location: add_pub_submit.php'); } else { header('Location: add_pub4.php'); } } else { if (empty($this->venue_id)) { echo 'You have successfully added the venue "'; if (!empty($this->venue->title)) { echo $this->venue->title, '".'; } else { echo $this->venue->name, '".'; } echo '<br><a href="./add_venue.php">Add another venue</a>'; } else { echo 'You have successfully edited the venue "'; if (!empty($this->venue->title)) { echo $this->venue->title, '".'; } else { echo $this->venue->name, '".'; } } if (!empty($this->referer)) { echo '<p/><a href="', $this->referer, '">Return to venue list</a>'; } } if ($this->debug) { debugVar('values', $values); debugVar('venue', $this->venue); return; } }
//compare MD5 password in db with MD5 password submitted function validatePassword($dbUser, $postData) { if (!$dbUser || !isset($postData["password"])) { return false; } return $dbUser["password"] == $postData["password"]; } switch ($action) { case "login": //find user by username or by email $dbUser = getUser($db, $postData["username"]); if (!$dbUser) { $dbUser = getUser($db, $postData["username"], "email"); } debugVar("dbUser"); $response["success"] = validatePassword($dbUser, $postData); if ($response["success"]) { $response["message"] = "User logged in."; unset($dbUser["password"]); $dbUser["hasProfile"] = hasProfile($db, $dbUser["username"]); $response["user"] = fpSetUser($dbUser); } else { $response["message"] = "Login failed."; fpUserLogout(); } break; case "signup": $params = $postData; $params["table"] = "user"; unset($params["action"]);
} else { if ($p['position'] == 'PDF') { $pos_id = $positions['Post Doctoral Fellow']; } else { if ($p['position'] == 'PhD') { $pos_id = $positions['PhD Student']; } else { if ($p['position'] == 'MSc') { $pos_id = $positions['MSc Student']; } } } } } else { $pos_id = $positions[$p['position']]; } $staff_member = array('author_id' => $author_id, 'pos_id' => $pos_id, 'start_date' => $p['start_date']); if (isset($p['end_date'])) { $staff_member['end_date'] = $p['end_date']; } $staff[] = $staff_member; } // $staff contains staff members that are already in the papersDb database foreach ($staff as $member) { $result = $db->insert('aicml_staff', $member); if (!$result) { echo 'could not insert staff information for ', $member['author_id'], "\n"; } } debugVar('$staff', $staff);
/** * Performs and advanced search. */ private function advancedSearch() { // VENUE SEARCH ------------------------------------------ if ($this->sp->venue != '') { $parser = new SearchTermParser($this->sp->venue); $the_search_array = $parser->getWordList(); foreach ($the_search_array as $and_terms) { $union_array = array(); foreach ($and_terms as $or_term) { $this->venuesSearch('title', $or_term, $union_array); $this->venuesSearch('name', $or_term, $union_array); } $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $union_array); } } // CATEGORY SEARCH ---------------------------------------------------- // // if category search found, pass on only the ids found with that match // with category if ($this->sp->cat_id != '') { $temporary_array = NULL; $cat_id = $this->sp->cat_id; $search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT pub_id FROM pub_cat WHERE cat_id=" . $this->db->quote_smart($cat_id); //we then add these matching id's to a temp array $this->add_to_array($search_query, $temporary_array); //then we only keep the common ids between both arrays $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $temporary_array); } // PUBLICATION FIELDS SEARCH ------------------------------------------ $fields = array("title", "paper", "abstract", "keywords", "extra_info"); //same thing happening as category, just with each of these fields foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($this->sp->{$field}) && $this->sp->{$field} != '') { $parser = new SearchTermParser($this->sp->{$field}); $the_search_array = $parser->getWordList(); foreach ($the_search_array as $and_terms) { $union_array = null; foreach ($and_terms as $or_term) { $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from publication WHERE ' . $field . ' LIKE ' . $this->db->quote_smart('%' . $or_term . '%'), $union_array); } $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $union_array); } } } // MYSELF or AUTHOR SELECTED SEARCH ----------------------------------- $authors = array(); if (!empty($this->sp->authors)) { // need to retrieve author_ids for the selected authors $sel_author_names = explode(', ', preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $this->sp->authors)); $author_ids = array(); foreach ($sel_author_names as $author_name) { if (empty($author_name)) { continue; } $author_id = array_search($author_name, $this->db_authors); if ($author_id !== false) { $author_ids[] = $author_id; } } if (count($author_ids) > 0) { $authors = array_merge($authors, $author_ids); } } if (!empty($_SESSION['user'])) { if ($this->sp->author_myself != '' && $_SESSION['user']->author_id != '') { array_push($authors, $_SESSION['user']->author_id); } } if (count($authors) > 0) { foreach ($authors as $auth_id) { $author_pubs = array(); $search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from pub_author " . "WHERE author_id=" . $this->db->quote_smart($auth_id); $this->add_to_array($search_query, $author_pubs); $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $author_pubs); } } // ranking if (isset($this->sp->paper_rank)) { $union_array = array(); foreach ($this->sp->paper_rank as $rank_id => $value) { if ($value != 'yes') { continue; } $search_result = $this->db->query('SELECT venue_id from venue_rankings ' . 'WHERE rank_id=' . $this->db->quote_smart($rank_id)); foreach ($search_result as $row) { if (!empty($row->venue_id)) { $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from publication ' . 'WHERE venue_id=' . $this->db->quote_smart($row->venue_id), $union_array); } } } foreach ($this->sp->paper_rank as $rank_id => $value) { if ($value != 'yes') { continue; } $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from publication ' . 'WHERE rank_id=' . $this->db->quote_smart($rank_id), $union_array); } } if (!empty($this->sp->paper_rank_other)) { $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from pub_rankings ' . 'WHERE description LIKE ' . $this->db->quote_smart("%" . $this->sp->paper_rank_other . "%"), $union_array); } if (isset($union_array) && is_array($union_array) && count($union_array) > 0) { $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $union_array); } // collaboration if (isset($this->sp->paper_col)) { $union_array = array(); foreach ($this->sp->paper_col as $col_id => $value) { if ($value != 'yes') { continue; } $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from pub_col ' . 'WHERE col_id=' . $this->db->quote_smart($col_id), $union_array); } if (count($union_array) > 0) { $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $union_array); } } // user info if (!empty($this->sp->user_info)) { pdDb::debugOn(); $union_array = array(); $user_infos = preg_split('/\\s*[;,]\\s*/', $this->sp->user_info); foreach ($user_infos as $user_info) { $user_info = trim($user_info); $this->add_to_array('SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from publication ' . "WHERE user like '%{$user_info}%'", $union_array); } if (count($union_array) > 0) { $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $union_array); } } // DATES SEARCH -------------------------------------- // adjust date information if user did not enter all the fields if (isset($this->sp->startdate['Y']) && !isset($this->sp->startdate['M'])) { $this->sp->startdate['M'] = '1'; } if (isset($this->sp->enddate['Y']) && !isset($this->sp->enddate['M'])) { $this->sp->enddate['M'] = '12'; } if (isset($this->sp->startdate)) { $startdate =& $this->sp->startdate; $stime = strtotime(implode('-', $startdate) . '-1'); } if (isset($this->sp->enddate)) { $enddate =& $this->sp->enddate; $etime = strtotime(implode('-', $enddate) . '-1'); } if (isset($stime) && isset($etime)) { if ($stime > $etime) { // the user did not enter an end date, default it to now $enddate['Y'] = date('Y'); $enddate['M'] = date('m'); $etime = strtotime(implode('-', $enddate) . '-1'); } if ($etime > $stime) { $startdate_str = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $startdate['M'], 1, $startdate['Y'])); $enddate_str = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $enddate['M'] + 1, 0, $enddate['Y'])); $temporary_array = NULL; $search_query = "SELECT DISTINCT pub_id from publication " . "WHERE published BETWEEN " . $this->db->quote_smart($startdate_str) . " AND " . $this->db->quote_smart($enddate_str); $this->add_to_array($search_query, $temporary_array); $this->result_pubs = array_intersect($this->result_pubs, $temporary_array); } } if ($this->debug) { debugVar('result', $this->result_pubs); } return $this->result_pubs; }
$index = $count > 0 ? $count - 1 : 0; $log_words[$index][] = $word; $or_condition = false; } else { $log_words[] = array($word); } } } // now remove common words foreach ($log_words as $and_term) { foreach ($and_term as $key => $or_term) { if (in_array($or_term, self::$common_words)) { unset($and_term[$key]); } } } return $log_words; } } // the following code runs only in CLI mode. // // should be replaced by unit test (in it's own file). if (PHP_SAPI == "cli") { require_once '../../php_common/functions.php'; if (!isset($argv[1])) { die("parameter expected\n"); } $parser = new SearchTermParser($argv[1]); $wordList = $parser->getWordList(); debugVar('$wordList', $wordList); }
foreach ($groups as $groupValue) { if ($groupValue === "NULL") { continue; } $params[$groupBy] = $groupValue; $data = demographicPortrait($db, $params, $portraitType); if (!count($data)) { continue; } setExists($data); $groupKey = $groupValue; $groupKey = "group_{$groupValue}"; $groupKey = str_replace(":", "_", $groupKey); if (@$form_answers[$groupValue]) { $groupTitles[$groupKey] = $form_answers[$groupValue]["label"]; } else { if ($interval > 1) { $groupTitles[$groupKey] = str_replace(":", " to ", $groupValue); } } debugVar("groupTitles", "print_r"); $results[$groupKey] = $data; } } $queries = $db->getLog(); $db->disconnect(); $response = array(); $response["time"] = getTimer(true); addVarsToArray($response, "params age years users groups groupTitles queries results"); echo jsValue($response, true); getTimer();