public function adicionar($array) { if (dbase_add_record($this->conexao, $array)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function DBFAddRecord($add) { if (!is_array($add)) { die("Tipe data bukan Array"); } else { $ret = dbase_add_record($this->DBFCon, $add) or die("Gagal Menyimpan Data"); } return $ret; }
function addPoint($row, $lon, $lat, $name) { global $shpFile, $dbfFile; // Create the shape $shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT); $pt = ms_newPointobj(); $pt->setXY($lon, $lat, 0); $line = ms_newLineObj(); $line->add($pt); $shp->add($line); $shpFile->addShape($shp); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($row["station"], $name, $row["years"], $row["cvalid"], $row["high"], $row["low"], $row["precip"], $row["max_precip"], $row["max_precip_yr"], $row["max_high"], $row["max_low"], $row["min_high"], $row["min_low"], $row["max_high_yr"], $row["max_low_yr"], $row["min_high_yr"], $row["min_low_yr"])); }
function mspti() { $this->layout = 'ajax'; $this->autoRender = FALSE; // database "definition" $def = array(array("KDYYSMSPTI", "C", 7), array("KDPTIMSPTI", "C", 6), array("NMPTIMSPTI", "C", 50), array("ALMT1MSPTI", "C", 30), array("ALMT2MSPTI", "C", 30), array("KOTAAMSPTI", "C", 20), array("KDPOSMSPTI", "C", 5), array("TELPOMSPTI", "C", 20), array("FAKSIMSPTI", "C", 20), array("TGPTIMSPTI", "D"), array("NOMSKMSPTI", "C", 30), array("EMAILMSPTI", "C", 40), array("HPAGEMSPTI", "C", 40), array("TGAWLMSPTI", "D")); $epsbed_file = EPSBED_DIR . 'MSPTI.dbf'; if (!dbase_create($epsbed_file, $def)) { echo "Error, can't create the database\n"; exit; } else { $db = dbase_open($epsbed_file, 2); if ($db) { $this->loadModel('Configuration'); $yys = $this->Configuration->getPTI(); $yys['YYS_KODE'] = ''; dbase_add_record($db, array($yys['YYS_KODE'], $yys['PTI_KODE'], $yys['PTI_NAMA'], $yys['PTI_ALAMAT_1'], $yys['PTI_ALAMAT_2'], $yys['PTI_KOTA'], $yys['PTI_KODE_POS'], $yys['PTI_TELEPON'], $yys['PTI_FAX'], str_replace('-', '/', $yys['PTI_TANGGAL_SK']), $yys['PTI_NOMOR_SK'], $yys['PTI_EMAIL'], $yys['PTI_WEBSITE'], str_replace('-', '/', $yys['PTI_TANGGAL_BERDIRI']))); echo "<a href='files/epsbed/MSPTI.dbf'>Download file MSPTI.dbf</a>"; dbase_close($db); } } }
public function index() { if ($this->input->post()) { $maximo = 0; $puntero = 0; $limite = 1000; if ($this->form_validation->run("exportar/exportar")) { $qry = $this->input->post('query'); switch ($this->input->post('baseExport')) { case 1: $namet = 'noti'; $param1 = 'individual'; switch ($this->session->userdata('nivel')) { case 4: $where = " a left join diagno b on a.diagnostic=b.cie_10 left join tematicos c on b.clave=c.codigo where a.ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport') . " and c.codigo = '" . $this->session->userdata('equipo') . "'"; break; case 5: $where = " a where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport') . " and sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "'"; break; case 6: $where = " a where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport') . " and sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "'"; break; case 7: $where = " a where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport') . " and sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and microred = '" . $this->session->userdata('microred') . "'"; break; case 8: $where = " a where e_salud = '" . $this->session->userdata('establecimiento') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; default: $where = " a where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; } $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarInd($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } $maximo = count($row); break; case 2: $namet = 'eda'; $param1 = 'edas'; switch ($this->session->userdata('nivel')) { case 4: if ($this->session->userdata('equipo') == "EDAS") { $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); } else { $where = ""; } break; case 5: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 6: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 7: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and microred = '" . $this->session->userdata('microred') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 8: $where = " where e_salud = '" . $this->session->userdata('establecimiento') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; default: $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; } $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarEda($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } $maximo = count($row); break; case 3: $namet = 'ira'; $param1 = 'iras'; switch ($this->session->userdata('nivel')) { case 4: if ($this->session->userdata('equipo') == "IRAS") { $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); } else { $where = ""; } break; case 5: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 6: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 7: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and microred = '" . $this->session->userdata('microred') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 8: $where = " where e_salud = '" . $this->session->userdata('establecimiento') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; default: $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; } $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarIra($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } $maximo = count($row); break; case 4: $namet = 'feb'; $param1 = 'febriles'; switch ($this->session->userdata('nivel')) { case 4: if ($this->session->userdata('equipo') == "IRAS" or $this->session->userdata('equipo') == "METAX") { $where = " where a.ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); } else { $where = ""; } break; case 5: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 6: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 7: $where = " where sub_reg_nt = '" . $this->session->userdata('diresa') . "' and red = '" . $this->session->userdata('red') . "' and microred = '" . $this->session->userdata('microred') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 8: $where = " where e_salud = '" . $this->session->userdata('establecimiento') . "' and ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; default: $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; } $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarFebriles($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } $maximo = count($row); break; } set_time_limit(180); $usuario = $this->session->userdata('usuario'); $NombreArchivo = $usuario . date("dmYHis") . ".dbf"; $ruta_dbO = getcwd() . "/public/images/" . $namet . "_sp.dbf"; $ruta_db = getcwd() . "/uploads/{$NombreArchivo}"; copy($ruta_dbO, $ruta_db) or die("no se pudo generar el molde"); } } if ($maximo != 0) { // Abrir un el archivo dbase $dbh = dbase_open($ruta_db, 2) or die("¡Error! No se pudo abrir el archivo de base de datos dbase '{$ruta_db}'."); switch ($this->input->post('baseExport')) { case 1: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarInd($param1, $where, $puntero, $limite); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->DIAGNOSTIC, $data->TIPO_DX, $data->SUBREGION, $data->UBIGEO, $data->LOCALCOD, $data->LOCALIDAD, $data->APEPAT, $data->APEMAT, $data->NOMBRES, $data->EDAD, $data->TIPO_EDAD, $data->SEXO, $data->PROTEGIDO, $data->FECHA_INI, $data->FECHA_DEF, $data->FECHA_NOT, $data->FECHA_INV, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->SEMANA_NOT, $data->AN_NOTIFIC, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->FICHA_INV, $data->TIPO_NOTI, $data->CLAVE, $data->IMPORTADO, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->DNI, $data->MUESTRA, $data->HC, $data->ESTADO, $data->TIP_ZONA, $data->COD_PAIS, $data->TIPO_ID, $data->DIRECCION, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 2: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarEda($param1, $where, $puntero, $limite); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->DAA_C1, $data->DAA_C1_4, $data->DAA_C5, $data->DAA_D1, $data->DAA_D1_4, $data->DAA_D5, $data->DAA_H1, $data->DAA_H1_4, $data->DAA_H5, $data->COL_C1, $data->COL_C1_4, $data->COL_C5, $data->COL_D1, $data->COL_D1_4, $data->COL_D5, $data->COL_H1, $data->COL_H1_4, $data->COL_H5, $data->DIS_C1, $data->DIS_C1_4, $data->DIS_C5, $data->DIS_D1, $data->DIS_D1_4, $data->DIS_D5, $data->DIS_H1, $data->DIS_H1_4, $data->DIS_H5, $data->COP_T1, $data->COP_T1_4, $data->COP_T5, $data->COP_P1, $data->COP_P1_4, $data->COP_P5, $data->COP_S1, $data->COP_S1_4, $data->COP_S5, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->ETAPA, $data->ESTADO, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 3: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarIra($param1, $where, $puntero, $limite); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->IRA_M2, $data->IRA_2_11, $data->IRA_1_4A, $data->NEU_2_11, $data->NEU_1_4A, $data->HOS_M2, $data->HOS_2_11, $data->HOS_1_4A, $data->NGR_M2, $data->NGR_2_11, $data->NGR_1_4A, $data->DIH_M2, $data->DIH_2_11, $data->DIH_1_4A, $data->DEH_M2, $data->DEH_2_11, $data->DEH_1_4A, $data->SOB_2A, $data->SOB_2_4A, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->ETAPA, $data->IRA_5_9A, $data->IRA_60A, $data->NEU_5_9A, $data->NEU_60A, $data->HOS_5_9A, $data->HOS_60A, $data->NGR_5_9A, $data->NGR_60A, $data->DIH_5_9A, $data->DIH_60A, $data->DEH_5_9A, $data->DEH_60A, $data->SOB_5_9A, $data->SOB_60A, $data->ESTADO, $data->LOCALCOD, $data->NEU_10_19, $data->NEU_20_59, $data->HOS_10_19, $data->HOS_20_59, $data->DIH_10_19, $data->DIH_20_59, $data->DEH_10_19, $data->DEH_20_59, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 4: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarFebriles($param1, $where, $puntero, $limite); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->FEB_M1, $data->FEB_1_4, $data->FEB_5_9, $data->FEB_10_19, $data->FEB_20_59, $data->FEB_M60, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, '', '', '', '', $data->FEB_TOT, $data->FECHA_NOT, $data->FECHA_ATE, $data->TOT_ATEN)); } break; } dbase_close($dbh); $puntero = $puntero + $limite; if ($puntero > $maximo) { /// descarga del dbf generado $filename = $ruta_db; if (file_exists($filename)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $namet . '_sp.dbf'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($filename); } else { echo "el fichero no se creo"; } unlink($filename); //Actualizando el registro de auditoria $this->mantenimiento_model->auditoriaOperador($this->session->userdata('usuario'), 'Descarga de ' . $namet . '_sp.dbf'); $this->layout->view('exportar'); } else { redirect(site_url("exportar/index"), 301); } } else { if (!empty($this->session_id)) { $this->layout->view('exportar'); } else { redirect(site_url("index/login"), 301); } } }
* date modified : Jan 2005 * * Info? Mail to * * -------------------------------------------------------------- * * R/W with api demonstration / compare with PHP integrated dbase functions * **/ require_once "api_conversion.php"; $fields = array(array("bool", DBFFIELD_TYPE_LOGICAL), array("memo", DBFFIELD_TYPE_MEMO), array("date", DBFFIELD_TYPE_DATE), array("number", DBFFIELD_TYPE_NUMERIC, 3, 0), array("string", DBFFIELD_TYPE_CHAR, 50)); $di = dbase_create("test/dbase.dbf", $fields); $xi = xbase_create("test/xbase.dbf", $fields); dbase_add_record($di, array("T", "abc", "20060120", 123, "string one")); dbase_add_record($di, array("F", "def", "20060121", 321, "string two")); dbase_add_record($di, array("F", "ghi", "20060121", 111, "string trio")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("T", "abc", "20060120", 123, "string one")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("F", "def", "20060121", 321, "string two")); xbase_add_record($xi, array("F", "ghi", "20060121", 111, "string trio")); dbase_close($di); xbase_close($xi); $di = dbase_open("test/dbase.dbf", 2); $xi = xbase_open("test/xbase.dbf", 2); dbase_delete_record($di, 2); xbase_delete_record($xi, 2); dbase_pack($di); xbase_pack($xi); dbase_close($di); xbase_close($xi); $di = dbase_open("test/dbase.dbf", 2); $xi = xbase_open("test/xbase.dbf", 2);
$rowidop=$rowsop["row_id"]; $newrowid = substr($rowidop,3,4); $vn=$rowsop["vn"]; $lenvn=strlen($vn); if($lenvn=="1"){ $newvn="00".$vn; }else if($lenvn=="2"){ $newvn="0".$vn; }else if($lenvn=="3"){ $newvn=$vn; } $newseq=$newdatecha.$newvn.$newrowid; // SEQ �����ù�����Ң����� $db12 = dbase_open($dbname12, 2); if ($db12) { dbase_add_record($db12, array( $hnopacc, $anopacc, $newdatecha, $chrgitem12, $amountopacc, $personid, $newseq)); dbase_close($db12); } //if db } //while //---------------End Dataset12---------------// } // if check box �Դ�ش���� ?>
} break; case 8: $where = " a where e_salud = '" . $this->session->userdata('establecimiento') . "' and ano = " . $anio; break; default: if ($this->session->userdata('institucion') != 'A') { $where = " a where ano = " . $anio . " and substr(e_salud,7,1) = '" . $this->session->userdata('institucion') . "'"; } else { $where = " a where ano = " . $anio; } break; } $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarCobertura($param1, $where, $puntero, $limite); foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, '0', $data->COD_EST, $data->EST_NOT, $data->REGION, $data->RED, '', $data->MICRORED, $data->SITUACION, $data->FGENERA, $data->HORANOT)); $contador = $contador + 1; } break; } dbase_close($dbh); if ($puntero >= $maximo) { //Actualizando el registro de auditoria $this->mantenimiento_model->auditoriaOperador($this->session->userdata('usuario'), 'Descarga de ' . $namet . '_sp.dbf'); /// descarga del dbf generado $filename = $ruta_db; if (file_exists($filename)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); if ($namet != "cobertura") { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $namet . '_sp.dbf');
$newtimedsc = $newtimedc[0].$newtimedc[1]; // TIMEDSC �����ù�����Ң����� $dischs=$rows7["dcstatus"]; // DISCHS �����ù�����Ң����� $discht=substr($rows7["dctype"],0,1); // DISCHT �����ù�����Ң����� $warddsc=substr($rows7["bedcode"],0,2); // WARDDSC �����ù�����Ң����� $adm_w=$rows7["adm_w"]; // ADM_W �����ù�����Ң����� $ucc7="1"; // UCC �����ù�����Ң����� $db7 = dbase_open($dbname7, 2); if ($db7) { dbase_add_record($db7, array( $hn7, $an7, $newdateadm, $newtimeadm, $newdatedsc, $newtimedsc, $dischs, $discht, $warddsc, $dept, $adm_w, $ucc7)); dbase_close($db7); } //if db } //while //--------------------End DataSet7-------------------------// } // if check box �Դ�ش���� ?>
public function exportarDbf($maximo, $contador, $puntero, $limite, $anio, $ruta_db) { $where = $this->session->userdata('where'); $numRows = $this->mantenimiento_transito->getCantidad($where); if ($ruta_db != '0') { $ruta_db = str_replace("L", "/", $ruta_db); } else { $ruta_db = ""; } if ($maximo == 0) { if ($numRows->cantidad == 0) { redirect(site_url('modulotransito/exportar'), 301); } $maximo = $numRows->cantidad; $limite = ceil($maximo / 10); $usuario = $this->session->userdata('usuario'); $NombreArchivo = $usuario . date("dmYHis") . ".dbf"; $ruta_dbO = getcwd() . "/basefuente/lesacctra.dbf"; $ruta_db = getcwd() . '/uploads/' . $NombreArchivo; copy($ruta_dbO, $ruta_db) or die("no se pudo generar el molde"); // Abrir el archivo dbase $dbh = dbase_open($ruta_db, 2) or die("¡Error! No se pudo abrir el archivo de base de datos dbase " . $ruta_db); $row = $this->mantenimiento_transito->getDataDbf($where, $puntero, $limite); foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->fuen_finc, $data->hce, $data->hch, $data->ref_es, $data->referi, $data->ap_nm1, $data->ap_nm2, $data->nom_les, $data->cod_dir, $data->diresa, $data->red, $data->microred, $data->cod_eess, $data->eess, $data->dni, $data->edad, $data->tipo_edad, $data->sexo, $data->depar, $data->prov, $data->dis, $data->ubigeo, $data->tipo_loc, $data->direccion, $data->ing_eess, $data->hora, $data->dx1, $data->dx2, $data->dx3, $data->fech_egre, $data->cond_egr, $data->refer, $data->rehab, $data->fec_accd, $data->hor_accid, $data->lug_accid, $data->tipo_loc1, $data->depar_acc, $data->prov_acc, $data->dist_acc, $data->ubigeo_ac, $data->via_accd, $data->tp_accd, $data->movil, $data->nomovil, $data->veh_moto, $data->veh_nomoto, $data->peaton, $data->ub_les, $data->trasl_les, $data->tp_moto, $data->tp_nomoto, $data->tp_condi, $data->nom_condc1, $data->ape_condc, $data->nom_condc2, $data->ed_cond, $data->sex_cond, $data->lic_conduc, $data->comisar, $data->dep_com, $data->prov_com, $data->dist_com, $data->ubigeo_com, $data->alcoh, $data->num_pol, $data->num_plac, $data->nom_duepol, $data->aseg, $data->otroaseg, $data->ano, $data->estado, $data->fichanum, $data->tpa_otro, $data->evento)); $contador = $contador + 1; } dbase_close($dbh); $puntero = $puntero + $limite; $ruta_db = str_replace("\\", "L", $ruta_db); $ruta_db = str_replace("/", "L", $ruta_db); redirect("modulotransito/exportarDbf" . "/" . $maximo . "/" . $contador . "/" . $puntero . "/" . $limite . "/" . $anio . "/" . $ruta_db, 301); } else { // Abrir el archivo dbase $dbh = dbase_open($ruta_db, 2) or die("¡Error! No se pudo abrir el archivo de base de datos dbase " . $ruta_db); $row = $this->mantenimiento_transito->getDataDbf($where, $puntero, $limite); foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->fuen_finc, $data->hce, $data->hch, $data->ref_es, $data->referi, $data->ap_nm1, $data->ap_nm2, $data->nom_les, $data->cod_dir, $data->diresa, $data->red, $data->microred, $data->cod_eess, $data->eess, $data->dni, $data->edad, $data->tipo_edad, $data->sexo, $data->depar, $data->prov, $data->dis, $data->ubigeo, $data->tipo_loc, $data->direccion, $data->ing_eess, $data->hora, $data->dx1, $data->dx2, $data->dx3, $data->fech_egre, $data->cond_egr, $data->refer, $data->rehab, $data->fec_accd, $data->hor_accid, $data->lug_accid, $data->tipo_loc1, $data->depar_acc, $data->prov_acc, $data->dist_acc, $data->ubigeo_ac, $data->via_accd, $data->tp_accd, $data->movil, $data->nomovil, $data->veh_moto, $data->veh_nomoto, $data->peaton, $data->ub_les, $data->trasl_les, $data->tp_moto, $data->tp_nomoto, $data->tp_condi, $data->nom_condc1, $data->ape_condc, $data->nom_condc2, $data->ed_cond, $data->sex_cond, $data->lic_conduc, $data->comisar, $data->dep_com, $data->prov_com, $data->dist_com, $data->ubigeo_com, $data->alcoh, $data->num_pol, $data->num_plac, $data->nom_duepol, $data->aseg, $data->otroaseg, $data->ano, $data->estado, $data->fichanum, $data->tpa_otro, $data->evento)); $contador = $contador + 1; } dbase_close($dbh); if ($puntero >= $maximo) { $filename = $ruta_db; if (file_exists($filename)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=lesacctra.dbf'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($filename); } else { echo "el fichero no se creo"; } unlink($filename); redirect('modulotransito/exportar', refresh); } else { $puntero = $puntero + $limite; $ruta_db = str_replace("\\", "L", $ruta_db); $ruta_db = str_replace("/", "L", $ruta_db); redirect("modulotransito/exportarDbf" . "/" . $maximo . "/" . $contador . "/" . $puntero . "/" . $limite . "/" . $anio . "/" . $ruta_db, 301); } } }
public function index() { if ($this->input->post()) { if ($this->form_validation->run("exportar/exportar")) { switch ($this->input->post('baseExport')) { case 1: $namet = 'noti'; $param1 = 'individual'; $where = " a where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 2: $namet = 'eda'; $param1 = 'edas'; $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 3: $namet = 'ira'; $param1 = 'iras'; $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; case 4: $namet = 'feb'; $param1 = 'febriles'; $where = " where ano = " . $this->input->post('anoExport'); break; } $usuario = $this->session->userdata('usuario'); $NombreArchivo = $usuario . date("dmYHis") . ".dbf"; $ruta_dbO = getcwd() . "/public/images/" . $namet . "_sp.dbf"; $ruta_db = getcwd() . "/uploads/{$NombreArchivo}"; copy($ruta_dbO, $ruta_db) or die("no se pudo generar el molde"); // Abrir un el archivo dbase $dbh = dbase_open($ruta_db, 2) or die("¡Error! No se pudo abrir el archivo de base de datos dbase '{$ruta_db}'."); switch ($this->input->post('baseExport')) { case 1: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarInd($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('backend/exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->DIAGNOSTIC, $data->TIPO_DX, $data->SUBREGION, $data->UBIGEO, $data->LOCALCOD, $data->LOCALIDAD, $data->APEPAT, $data->APEMAT, $data->NOMBRES, $data->EDAD, $data->TIPO_EDAD, $data->SEXO, $data->PROTEGIDO, $data->FECHA_INI, $data->FECHA_DEF, $data->FECHA_NOT, $data->FECHA_INV, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->SEMANA_NOT, $data->AN_NOTIFIC, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->FICHA_INV, $data->TIPO_NOTI, $data->CLAVE, $data->IMPORTADO, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->DNI, $data->MUESTRA, $data->HC, $data->ESTADO, $data->TIP_ZONA, $data->COD_PAIS, $data->TIPO_ID, $data->DIRECCION, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 2: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarEda($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('backend/exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->DAA_C1, $data->DAA_C1_4, $data->DAA_C5, $data->DAA_D1, $data->DAA_D1_4, $data->DAA_D5, $data->DAA_H1, $data->DAA_H1_4, $data->DAA_H5, $data->COL_C1, $data->COL_C1_4, $data->COL_C5, $data->COL_D1, $data->COL_D1_4, $data->COL_D5, $data->COL_H1, $data->COL_H1_4, $data->COL_H5, $data->DIS_C1, $data->DIS_C1_4, $data->DIS_C5, $data->DIS_D1, $data->DIS_D1_4, $data->DIS_D5, $data->DIS_H1, $data->DIS_H1_4, $data->DIS_H5, $data->COP_T1, $data->COP_T1_4, $data->COP_T5, $data->COP_P1, $data->COP_P1_4, $data->COP_P5, $data->COP_S1, $data->COP_S1_4, $data->COP_S5, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->ETAPA, $data->ESTADO, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 3: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarIra($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('backend/exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->IRA_M2, $data->IRA_2_11, $data->IRA_1_4A, $data->NEU_2_11, $data->NEU_1_4A, $data->HOS_M2, $data->HOS_2_11, $data->HOS_1_4A, $data->NGR_M2, $data->NGR_2_11, $data->NGR_1_4A, $data->DIH_M2, $data->DIH_2_11, $data->DIH_1_4A, $data->DEH_M2, $data->DEH_2_11, $data->DEH_1_4A, $data->SOB_2A, $data->SOB_2_4A, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, $data->MIGRADO, $data->VERIFICA, $data->ETAPA, $data->IRA_5_9A, $data->IRA_60A, $data->NEU_5_9A, $data->NEU_60A, $data->HOS_5_9A, $data->HOS_60A, $data->NGR_5_9A, $data->NGR_60A, $data->DIH_5_9A, $data->DIH_60A, $data->DEH_5_9A, $data->DEH_60A, $data->SOB_5_9A, $data->SOB_60A, $data->ESTADO, $data->LOCALCOD, $data->NEU_10_19, $data->NEU_20_59, $data->HOS_10_19, $data->HOS_20_59, $data->DIH_10_19, $data->DIH_20_59, $data->DEH_10_19, $data->DEH_20_59, $data->ETNIAPROC, $data->ETNIAS, $data->PROCEDE, $data->OTROPROC)); } break; case 4: $row = $this->frontend_model->exportarFebriles($param1, $where); if (count($row) == 0) { $this->session->set_flashdata('info', 'No hay información para el nivel solicitado'); redirect(site_url('backend/exportar/exportar'), 301); } foreach ($row as $data) { dbase_add_record($dbh, array($data->ANO, $data->SEMANA, $data->SUB_REG_NT, $data->RED, $data->MICRORED, $data->E_SALUD, $data->UBIGEO, $data->FEB_M1, $data->FEB_1_4, $data->FEB_5_9, $data->FEB_10_19, $data->FEB_20_59, $data->FEB_M60, $data->FECHA_ING, $data->CLAVE, '', '', '', '', $data->FEB_TOT, $data->FECHA_NOT, $data->FECHA_ATE, $data->TOT_ATEN)); } break; } dbase_close($dbh); /// descarga del dbf generado $filename = $ruta_db; /* if (file_exists($filename)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$namet.'_sp.dbf"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile($filename); exit; }else{ echo "el fichero no se creo"; }*/ $nombre = $usuario . date("dmYHis") . ".zip"; $ruta = getcwd() . "/uploads/"; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $this->zip->read_file($filename); $this->zip->archive($ruta . $nombre); $this->zip->download($nombre); //force_download($namet.'_sp.dbf', $filename); unlink($filename); //Actualizando el registro de auditoria $this->mantenimiento_model->auditoriaOperador($this->session->userdata('usuario'), 'Descarga de ' . $namet . '_sp.dbf'); } } if (!empty($this->session_id)) { $this->layout->view('exportar'); } else { redirect(site_url("backend/index/login"), 301); } }
$newdropid = $rowsinp["codedoctor"]; } //datetime $datetime10=$rows10["icddate"]; $date =explode("/",$datetime10); $newdate=$date[2]-543; $newdatein =$newdate.$date[1].$date[0]; // DATEIN �����ù�����Ң����� //echo "$datetime10 --> $date --> $newdatein </br>"; $newtimein = "1300"; // TIMEOPD �����ù�����Ң����� $db10 = dbase_open($dbname10, 2); if ($db10) { dbase_add_record($db10, array( $aniop, $oper10, $optype, $newdropid, $newdatein, $newtimein, $dateout, $timeout)); dbase_close($db10); } //if db } //while } // if num //---------------End Dataset10---------------// } // if check box �Դ�ش���� ?>
$newseq=$newdcdate.$newvn.$newrowid; // SEQ �����ù�����Ң����� $qty = $rowsds["amount"]; $rate =$rowsds["dsprice"]; $chrgitemip ="11"; $code ="XXXXXX"; if($ands !="" && $rate != 0){ //echo "DSY--->$ands/$qty/$rate/$newseq </br>"; $db14 = dbase_open($dbname14, 2); if ($db14) { dbase_add_record($db14, array( $hn14, // $an14, // $newdcdate, // $chrgitemip, // $code, $qty, $rate, $newseq, $cagcode, $dose, $catype)); dbase_close($db14); } //if db } //if check an } // while } // if part } //while } //while //---------------End Dataset14---------------//
function incmapageometrias($dir_tmp, $imgdir, $lista, $tipoLista = "stringArquivos") { $dir = $dir_tmp . "/" . $imgdir . "/"; $tituloTema = " geometria"; if ($tipoLista == "stringArquivos") { $lista = explode(",", $lista); $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $geos = $this->unserializeGeo($dir . $l); // pega todas as geometrias foreach ($geos["dados"] as $geo) { // echo $geo["wkt"]."<br>"; $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt(str_replace("'", "", $geo["wkt"])); foreach ($geo["valores"] as $v) { $valorestemp[] = $v["item"] . "=" . $v["valor"]; } $valoresoriginais[] = implode(" ", $valorestemp); } } } if ($tipoLista == "arraywkt") { $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l); } } if ($tipoLista == "marcadores") { $shapes = array(); $valoresoriginais = array(); foreach ($lista as $l) { $valoresoriginais[] = $l["nome"]; $p = explode(" ", $l["ext"]); $l = "POLYGON ((" . $p[0] . " " . $p[1] . "," . $p[0] . " " . $p[3] . "," . $p[2] . " " . $p[3] . "," . $p[2] . " " . $p[1] . "," . $p[0] . " " . $p[1] . "))"; $shapes[] = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l); } $tituloTema = " marcadores"; } // verifica o tipo if (count($shapes) == 0) { return "erro."; } $tiposhape = $shapes[0]->type; $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_POLYGON; if ($tiposhape == 0) { $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT; } if ($tiposhape == 1) { $tiposhapefile = MS_SHP_ARC; } // cria o shapefile if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } $diretorio = dirname($this->arquivo); $novonomelayer = nomeRandomico(); $nomeshp = $diretorio . "/" . $novonomelayer; $l = criaLayer($this->mapa, $tiposhape, MS_DEFAULT, "Ins", "SIM"); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tiposhapefile); $def[] = array("ID", "C", "250"); if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); xbase_close($db); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); dbase_close($db); } // acrescenta os pontos no novo shapefile $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { $db = xbase_open($dbname, 2); } else { $db = dbase_open($dbname, 2); } $conta = 0; foreach ($shapes as $s) { $reg = array(); $reg[] = $valoresoriginais[$conta]; if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } $novoshpf->addshape($s); $conta = $conta + 1; } if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } $l->set("opacity", 80); $l->setmetadata("tema", $novonomelayer . $tituloTema); $l->setmetadata("TEMALOCAL", "SIM"); $l->setmetadata("DOWNLOAD", "sim"); $l->set("data", $nomeshp); $l->set("name", $novonomelayer); $classe = $l->getclass(0); $estilo = $classe->getstyle(0); if ($tiposhape == 0) { $estilo->set("symbolname", "ponto"); $estilo->set("size", 6); } $cor = $estilo->color; $cor->setrgb(255, 210, 0); $cor = $estilo->outlinecolor; $cor->setrgb(255, 0, 0); $this->salva(); return $novonomelayer; }
function criaSHP($tema, $map_file, $locaplic, $dir_tmp, $nomeRand = TRUE, $prj = "", $projetaToMap = true, $shapesSel = false) { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../ms_configura.php"; $versao = versao(); $versao = $versao["principal"]; //para manipular dbf if (file_exists($locaplic . "/pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php")) { include_once $locaplic . "/pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } else { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; } $map = @ms_newMapObj($map_file); $nameMapfile = $map->name; substituiConObj($map, $postgis_mapa); $layer = $map->getlayerbyname($tema); //e necessario abrir ou nao vai projetar $layer->open(); $prjMapa = $map->getProjection(); $prjTema = $layer->getProjection(); if ($prjTema != "") { $projInObj = new projectionObj($prjTema); $projOutObj = new projectionObj($prjMapa); } else { $projInObj = ""; $projOutObj = ""; $projetaToMap = false; } $layer->set("template", "none.htm"); $diretorio = dirname($dir_tmp); $tipol = MS_SHP_POINT; if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_LINE) { $tipol = MS_SHP_ARC; } if ($layer->type == MS_LAYER_POLYGON) { $tipol = MS_SHP_POLYGON; } if ($nomeRand == true) { $novonomelayer = $tema . "_" . nomeRandomico(5); } else { $novonomelayer = $tema; } $novonomelayer = str_replace(".", "-", $novonomelayer); $nomeshp = $dir_tmp . "/" . $nameMapfile . "_" . $novonomelayer; if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shp")) { return $nomeshp; } $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp, $tipol); //se for do tipo features $data = $layer->data; $resultadoFinal = true; if ($data == "") { $def[] = array("ID", "C", "50"); $reg[] = 0; if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); xbase_add_record($db, $reg); xbase_close($db); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); dbase_add_record($db, $reg); dbase_close($db); } if ($versao >= 6) { $shape = $layer->getshape(new resultObj(0)); } else { $s = $layer->getfeature(0, -1); $result = $layer->getResult(0); $shpi = $result->shapeindex; $shape = $layer->getfeature($shpi, -1); } $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", -2); $novoshpf->addShape($shape); $resultadoFinal = true; } else { if ($shapesSel == false) { $shapesSel = retornaShapesSelecionados($layer, $map_file, $map, false); } $items = pegaItens($layer); // cria o dbf $def = array(); $cni = 0; foreach ($items as $ni) { $temp = strtoupper($ni); $temp = substr($temp, 0, 8) . $cni; // //nao tem como descobrir o tamanho e tipo do campo // $def[] = array($temp, "C", "254"); $cni = $cni + 1; } if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $reg = array(); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", -2); $res_count = count($shapesSel); if ($res_count > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $res_count; ++$i) { $shape = $shapesSel[$i]; if ($projetaToMap == true) { $shape->project($projInObj, $projOutObj); } foreach ($items as $ni) { $vreg = $shape->values[$ni]; if (strlen($vreg) > 255) { $vreg = substr($vreg, 0, 255); } $reg[] = $vreg; } $novoshpf->addShape($shape); if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } $reg = array(); } if (!function_exists("dbase_create")) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } // //verifica a quantidade de registros no final // if (function_exists("dbase_open")) { $db = dbase_open($nomeshp . ".dbf", 0); } else { $db = xbase_open($nomeshp . ".dbf", 0); } if (function_exists("dbase_numrecords")) { $record_numbers = dbase_numrecords($db); } else { $record_numbers = xbase_numrecords($db); } if (function_exists("dbase_close")) { dbase_close($db); } else { xbase_close($db); } if ($record_numbers != $res_count) { if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".dbf")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".dbf"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shp")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".shp"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".shx")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".shx"); } if (file_exists($nomeshp . ".prj")) { unlink($nomeshp . ".prj"); } $resultadoFinal = false; } } else { $resultadoFinal = false; } } if ($resultadoFinal == false) { return false; } else { //gera o arquivo prj if ($prj != "") { gravaDados(array($prj), $nomeshp . ".prj"); } elseif ($projetaToMap == false) { $nomePrjOriginal = str_replace(".shp", ".prj", $layer->data); $nomeDestino = $nomeshp . ".prj"; if (file_exists($nomePrjOriginal) && !file_exists($nomeDestino)) { copy($nomePrjOriginal, $nomeDestino); } } return $nomeshp; } }
function writeDbf($dbfFileName, $dbfFieldList, $valueList) { $defList = array(); foreach ($dbfFieldList as $name => $def) { $defList[] = array_merge(array(substr($name, 0, 10)), $def); } pm_logDebug(3, $defList, 'defList'); $dbfFile = dbase_create($dbfFileName, $defList); //array(array('PROG_ID', 'N', 5, 0))); foreach ($valueList as $row) { pm_logDebug(3, $row, 'row'); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, $row); } dbase_close($dbfFile); }
function crea_orden_pago() { $this->load->dbforge(); if (extension_loaded('dbase')) { $item_orden = array(array('nro_op', 'N', 8, 0), array('orden_nro', 'C', 8), array('tipo_pres', 'C', 20), array('fecha_op', 'C', 10), array('benef_op', 'C', 50), array('cedb_op', 'C', 15), array('autor1_op', 'C', 50), array('compr_op', 'C', 20), array('monto_op', 'N', 10, 2), array('descrip_op', 'C', 1000)); if (!dbase_create('/tmp/orden_pago.dbf', $item_orden)) { echo "Error, can't create the database\n"; } else { $item_orden = dbase_open('/tmp/orden_pago.dbf', 2); $query = "SELECT a.numero,a.numero numero2,a.fondo,a.fecha,c.nombre,c.rif,c.contacto,a.compromiso,a.total2,a.observa\n\t\t\t\tFROM v_pagos a \n\t\t\t\tJOIN sprv c ON a.cod_prov=c.proveed\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN v_presaldo b ON a.codigoadm=b.codigoadm AND a.fondo=b.fondo AND a.codigopres=b.codigo\n\t\t\t\tWHERE MID(status,2,1) IN (2,3) \n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY a.numero"; $mSQL = $this->db->query($query); $datos = array(); foreach ($mSQL->result() as $row) { $datos[0] = $row->numero; $datos[1] = $row->numero2; $datos[2] = $row->fondo; $datos[3] = $row->fecha; $datos[4] = $row->nombre; $datos[5] = $row->rif; $datos[6] = $row->contacto; $datos[7] = $row->compromiso; $datos[8] = $row->total2; $datos[9] = $row->observa; dbase_add_record($item_orden, $datos); } dbase_close($item_orden); } } $this->load->helper('download'); $data = file_get_contents("/tmp/orden_pago.dbf"); // Read the file's contents $name = 'orden_pago.dbf'; force_download($name, $data); unlink("/tmp/orden_pago.dbf"); }
$newrowid = substr($rowidop,3,4); $vn=$rowsop["vn"]; $lenvn=strlen($vn); if($lenvn=="1"){ $newvn="00".$vn; }else if($lenvn=="2"){ $newvn="0".$vn; }else if($lenvn=="3"){ $newvn=$vn; } $newseq=$newdateopd.$newvn.$newrowid; // SEQ Ц╙И╣ягА╩ц╧уИ╧сЮ╒Ир╒Имаые $db6 = dbase_open($dbname6, 2); if ($db6) { dbase_add_record($db6, array( $hn6, $newdateopd, $newclinic, $oper6, $newdropid, $personid, $newseq)); dbase_close($db6); } //if db } //while //--------------------End DataSet6-------------------------// } // if check box ╩т╢йь╢╥Ирб ?>
$newreason, $pano)); dbase_close($db16); } //if db }else{ $db16 = dbase_open($dbname16, 2); if ($db16) { dbase_add_record($db16, array( $hcode16, $hn16, $an16, $newclinic, $personid, $newdateserv, $drugcode16, // drugcode $drugname16, $amount16, $saleprice, $unitprice, $code24, $unit, $packing, $newseq, $reasondefault, $pano)); dbase_close($db16); } //if db } // if $reason } // while //---------------End Dataset16---------------// } // if check box �Դ�ش����
/** * Add a new record to the database * If it is an associative array, you must use get_empty_record() * to ensure that everything is empty EXCEPT those in $row * * TODO: After it gets added, how do we know without doing a search? * @param array $row an array of rows * @param bool $fillempty do we populate the array with empty values? (using the header_info) * @return bool true on added, false on failure (dbase_add_record() result) */ public function add($row, $fillempty = true) { $this->add_info = array(); if (is_assoc_array($row)) { if ($fillempty) { $new_row = $this->get_empty_record(); $this->add_info['invalid_key_count'] = 0; //copy all values to the $new_row foreach ($new_row as $k => $v) { if (isset($row[$k])) { $new_row[$k] = $row[$k]; } else { $this->add_info['invalid_key_count']++; } } //ok now $row should ONLY contain valid data $row = $new_row; } //we can't add a deleted row, therefore: unset($row["deleted"]); // drop the field $this->add_info['associative_row'] = $row; // then convert to numeric to store: $rarr = array(); foreach ($row as $i => $vl) { $rarr[] = $vl; } $row = $rarr; $this->add_info['row'] = $row; } //end if an associative array //first convert record to a normal array (if it is associative) $this->add_info['added'] = dbase_add_record($this->db, $row); return $this->add_info['added']; }
$newclinic=$clinic1.$clinic.$clinic2; // CLINIC ãªéµÑÇá»Ã¹Õé¹Óà¢éÒ¢éÍÁÙÅ //SEQ $lenvn=strlen($vn3); if($lenvn=="1"){ $newvn="00".$vn3; }else if($lenvn=="2"){ $newvn="0".$vn3; }else if($lenvn=="3"){ $newvn=$vn3; } $newseq=$newdateopd.$newvn.$newrowid; // SEQ ãªéµÑÇá»Ã¹Õé¹Óà¢éÒ¢éÍÁÙÅ $ucc3="1"; // UCC ãªéµÑÇá»Ã¹Õé¹Óà¢éÒ¢éÍÁÙÅ $db3 = dbase_open($dbname3, 2); if ($db3) { dbase_add_record($db3, array( $hn3, $newclinic, $newdateopd, $newtimeopd, $newseq, $ucc3)); dbase_close($db3); } //if db } //while //--------------------End DataSet3-------------------------// } // if check box »Ô´ÊØ´·éÒ ?>
function createDBF($fullpath_filename, $field_structure, $data, $file_mode = '0') { # Constants for dbf field types /* L = BOOLEAN C = CHAR D = DATE N = NUMBER */ # Constants for dbf file mode /* '0' = 'READ_ONLY'; '1' = 'WRITE_ONLY'; '2' = 'READ_WRITE'; */ # Path to dbf file $db_file = $fullpath_filename; if (is_dir($db_file)) { unlink($db_file); } # create dbf file using the $create = dbase_create($db_file, $field_structure); # open dbf file for reading and writing $id = @dbase_open($db_file, $file_mode) or die("Could not open dbf file <i>{$db_file}</i>."); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $dt) { dbase_add_record($id, $dt) or die("Could not add record {$dt['0']} to dbf file <i>{$db_file}</i>."); } } # close the dbf file dbase_close($id); }
/** * Converte um tipo de regiao em shapefile * @param codigo do tipo de regiao * @return nome do arquivo criado */ function regiao2shp($codigo_tipo_regiao) { $regiao = $this->listaTipoRegiao($codigo_tipo_regiao); $dados = $this->obtemDadosTabelaDB($regiao["codigo_estat_conexao"], $regiao["esquemadb"], $regiao["tabela"], "sim"); $tipol = $this->listaPropGeoRegiao($codigo_tipo_regiao); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../classesphp/classe_shp.php"; $s = new SHP(); //st_dimension returns 0 for POINT, 1 for LINESTRING, 2 for POLYGON //echo MS_SHP_POINT.", ".MS_SHP_ARC.", ".MS_SHP_POLYGON.", ".MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT; //1, 3, 5, 8 $conv[0] = 1; $conv[1] = 3; $conv[2] = 5; //cria as colunas $cni = 0; foreach ($dados["colunas"] as $t) { $temp = strtoupper($t["field"]); if (strlen($temp) > 10) { $temp = substr($temp, 0, 8) . $cni++; } if ($t["type"] == "varchar" || $t["type"] == "char" || $t["type"] == "character varying" || $t["type"] == "character" || $t["type"] == "text") { $def[] = array($temp, "C", "254"); } else { if ($t["lengthvar"] < 0) { $t["lengthvar"] = 0; } $def[] = array($temp, "N", $t["length"], $t["lengthvar"]); } } $nomeshp = $this->dir_tmp . "/regiao{$codigo_tipo_regiao}" . "_" . $this->nomeRandomico(); $dbaseExiste = false; if (function_exists("dbase_create")) { $dbaseExiste = true; } //para manipular dbf if ($dbaseExiste == false) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../pacotes/phpxbase/api_conversion.php"; $db = xbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } else { $db = dbase_create($nomeshp . ".dbf", $def); } $dbname = $nomeshp . ".dbf"; $reg = array(); $novoshpf = ms_newShapefileObj($nomeshp . ".shp", $conv[$tipol["st_dimension"]]); $cols = $dados["colunas"]; $nc = count($dados["colunas"]); foreach ($dados["linhas"] as $l) { $reg = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nc; $i++) { if ($cols[$i]["type"] != "geometry" && $cols[$i]["type"] != "geography") { $reg[] = $l[$i]; } else { $reg[] = 0; if ($cols[$i]["field"] == $regiao["colunageo"]) { $shape = ms_shapeObjFromWkt($l[$i]); } } } $novoshpf->addShape($shape); if ($dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_add_record($db, $reg); } else { dbase_add_record($db, $reg); } } if ($this->dbaseExiste == false) { xbase_close($db); } else { dbase_close($db); } return $nomeshp; }
function file0() { include_once "dwo.lib.php"; //HdrExcl(HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/cobacsv.csv"); echo "<body bgcolor=#EEFFFF>"; $dat = $_SESSION['AD' . $_SESSION['ADPOS']]; $arr = explode('~', $dat); $mhsw = GetFields('mhsw', 'MhswID', $arr[0], "Nama, NamaBank, NomerRekening, ProdiID"); $khs = GetFields('khs', 'KHSID', $arr[1], "TahunID, Biaya, Potongan, Bayar, Tarik, TotalSKS"); //$krs = GetaField('krs left outer join jadwal j on krs.JadwalID = j.JadwalID', "j.JenisJadwalID = 'R' and KHSID", $khs['KHSID'], 'count(krs.KRSID)'); $krs = GetaField('krstemp k left outer join jadwal j on k.JadwalID=j.JadwalID', "k.TahunID='{$khs['TahunID']}' and k.MhswID='{$arr['0']}' and j.JenisJadwalID", 'R', "count(*)"); $balance = $khs['Biaya'] - $khs['Bayar'] - $khs['Potongan'] + $khs['Tarik']; $bpm = GetFields('bayarmhsw', "TahunID='{$khs['TahunID']}' and Autodebet=1 and MhswID", $arr[0], '*'); $bpmid = $bpm['BayarMhswID']; //echo "<h1>» $khs[TahunID] ($arr[1]) - $bpmid</h1>"; echo "Processing: #" . $_SESSION['ADPOS'] . " : <b>" . $arr[0] . ' (' . $arr[1] . ")</b><hr>"; // baca header $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.autodebet.hdr.csv"; $f = fopen($nmf, 'r'); $_hdr = fread($f, filesize($nmf)); fclose($f); // ekstrak header $_arrhdr = explode(chr(13) . chr(10), $_hdr); $hdr = $_arrhdr[0]; $arrhdr = explode(';', $hdr); $detail = GetDetailBPM($arr[0], $arr[1], $khs['TahunID'], $arrhdr); //$jumlahPrak = GetaField() $det = implode(';', $detail); $fak = substr($mhsw['ProdiID'], 0, 1); $jur = substr($mhsw['ProdiID'], 1, 1); $bpmnostrip = str_replace('-', '', $bpmid); //$nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/$_SESSION[_Login].autodebet.csv"; //$f = fopen($nmf, 'a'); $isi = array($khs['TahunID'], $fak, $jur, $arr[0], $mhsw['Nama'], $balance, '', $detail[1], $detail[2], $detail[3], $detail[4], $detail[5], $detail[6], $detail[7], '0', $bpmnostrip, $khs['TotalSKS'], $krs); $namadbfisi = "autodebet/autodebet-{$_SESSION['tahun']}-{$_SESSION['prodi']}.dbf"; $conn = dbase_open($namadbfisi, 2); dbase_add_record($conn, $isi); // hihihi... if ($_SESSION['ADPOS'] < $_SESSION['MaxData'] - 1) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.onload=setTimeout('window.location.reload()', 2);</script>"; } else { echo "<hr><p>Proses pembuatan file <b>Berhasil</b>. Silakan download file di:\r\n <input type=button name='Download' value='Download File' onClick=\"location='downloaddbf.php?fn={$namadbfisi}'\">\r\n </p>"; } $_SESSION['ADPOS']++; }
function OutSurgery($ADBF, $ACase, $ASurgery, $AService) { $vSMOList = locGetSMOList(); $vDocSeries = trim(str_replace('-', ' ', $ACase['doc_series'])); $vSpacePos = strpos($vDocSeries, ' '); if ($vSpacePos === false) { $vSerLeft = substr($vDocSeries, 0, 2); $vSerRight = substr($vDocSeries, 2); } else { $vSerLeft = substr($vDocSeries, 0, $vSpacePos); $vSerRight = substr($vDocSeries, $vSpacePos + 1); } $vBornDate = $ACase['born_date']; if (empty($vBornDate)) { $vBornDate = '0000-00-00'; } $vBornDate = explode('-', $vBornDate); if ($vBornDate[0] == '0000') { $vBornDate[0] = '1901'; } if ($vBornDate[1] == '00') { $vBornDate[1] = '01'; } if ($vBornDate[2] == '00') { $vBornDate[2] = '01'; } $vBornDate = implode('-', $vBornDate); $vSurgeryDate = $ASurgery['date']; // Trace(@$ACase['insurance_company_id'].'=->'.@$vSMOList[$ACase['insurance_company_id']]); $vFirstDoctorId = $ACase['first_doctor_id']; $CurrDoctorId = $ASurgery['user_id']; $vRecord = array(FormatName($ACase['last_name']), FormatName($ACase['first_name']), FormatName($ACase['patr_name']), Date2DBF($vBornDate), $ACase['is_male'] ? 'м' : 'ж', 'э', strtoupper($ACase['polis_series']), strtoupper($ACase['polis_number']), '', '', $ACase['addr_reg_street'], '', '', $ACase['addr_reg_num'], $ACase['addr_reg_subnum'], $ACase['addr_reg_apartment'], 'аТрОт', CalcAge($vBornDate, $vSurgeryDate) >= 18 ? 'в' : 'д', Date2DBF($vSurgeryDate), Date2DBF($vSurgeryDate), '1', str_replace(' ', '', $ACase['diagnosis_mkb']), false, '', $ACase['doc_type_id'], $vSerLeft, $vSerRight, $ACase['doc_number'], FormatAddress(@$ACase['addr_reg_street'], @$ACase['addr_reg_num'], @$ACase['addr_reg_subnum'], @$ACase['addr_reg_apartment']), @$ACase['id'], 1, 0, 23, 'тр.' . @$ACase['id'], 118, 118, str_replace(' ', '', $ACase['diagnosis_mkb']), '', '', 16, 31, 31, 29, 1, 1, getUserEisCode($CurrDoctorId), getUserEisCode($vFirstDoctorId), '1', '1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 5, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); $vOutRecord = array(); foreach ($vRecord as $vField) { $vOutRecord[] = iconv('UTF-8', 'CP866', $vField); } dbase_add_record($ADBF, $vOutRecord); }
function _saveDBFData() { unset($this->DBFData["deleted"]); if ($this->recordNumber <= dbase_numrecords($this->DBFFile)) { if (!dbase_replace_record($this->DBFFile, array_values($this->DBFData), $this->recordNumber)) { $this->setError("I wasn't possible to update the information in the DBF file."); } } else { if (!dbase_add_record($this->DBFFile, array_values($this->DBFData))) { $this->setError("I wasn't possible to add the information to the DBF file."); } } }
round($monthly_fee), round($monthly_premium), round($monthly_insure_include), round($pay), round($worker_insure_include), round($employer_insure_value), round($unemployment_insure_value), '27', NULL, NULL ); $file = "DSKKAR00.DBF" ; $db_path = "../../../HRProcess/".$file ; $dbi = dbase_open($db_path,2); dbase_add_record($dbi, $record2); dbase_close($dbi); if (file_exists("../../../HRProcess/"."DSKKAR".$res[0]['cost_center_id'].".DBF")) { unlink("../../../HRProcess/"."DSKKAR".$res[0]['cost_center_id'].".DBF"); } //.............rename a file ............................ $directory ="../../../HRProcess/" ; foreach (glob($directory."*.DBF") as $filename) { $file = realpath($filename); rename($file, str_replace("DSKKAR00","DSKKAR".$res[0]['cost_center_id'],$file)); } //...........................................................
if ($format == "shapefile") { /* Create SHP,DBF bases */ $filePre = "{$network}_locs"; if (!is_file("/var/webtmp/{$filePre}.zip")) { $shpFname = "/var/webtmp/{$filePre}"; @unlink($shpFname . ".shp"); @unlink($shpFname . ".shx"); @unlink($shpFname . ".dbf"); @unlink($shpFname . ".zip"); $shpFile = ms_newShapeFileObj($shpFname, MS_SHP_POINT); $dbfFile = dbase_create($shpFname . ".dbf", array(array("ID", "C", 6), array("NAME", "C", 50), array("NETWORK", "C", 20), array("BEGINTS", "C", 16))); for ($i = 0; $row = @pg_fetch_array($result, $i); $i++) { $pt = ms_newPointobj(); $pt->setXY($row["longitude"], $row["latitude"], 0); $shpFile->addPoint($pt); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["network"], substr($row["archive_begin"], 0, 16))); } unset($shpFile); dbase_close($dbfFile); chdir("/var/webtmp/"); copy("/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/data/gis/meta/4326.prj", $filePre . ".prj"); popen("zip " . $filePre . ".zip " . $filePre . ".shp " . $filePre . ".shx " . $filePre . ".dbf " . $filePre . ".prj", 'r'); } $table .= "Shapefile Generation Complete.<br>"; $table .= "Please download this <a href=\"/tmp/" . $filePre . ".zip\">zipfile</a>."; chdir("/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/htdocs/sites/"); } else { if ($format == "awips") { if (!$nohtml) { $table .= "<pre>\n"; }
/** * Export data * @return boolean */ function export() { $def = array(array('o_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_uid', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_date', 'D'), array('o_state', 'N', 1, 0), array('o_ip', 'C', 32), array('o_lastname', 'C', 155), array('o_firstnam', 'C', 155), array('o_adress', 'C', 155), array('o_zip', 'C', 30), array('o_town', 'C', 155), array('o_country', 'C', 3), array('o_telephon', 'C', 30), array('o_email', 'C', 155), array('o_articles', 'N', 10, 0), array('o_total', 'N', 10, 2), array('o_shipping', 'N', 10, 2), array('o_bill', 'L'), array('o_password', 'C', 155), array('o_text', 'C', 155), array('o_cancel', 'C', 155), array('c_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_prod_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_qte', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_price', 'N', 10, 2), array('c_o_id', 'N', 10, 0), array('c_shipping', 'N', 10, 2), array('c_pass', 'C', 155)); /* * Correspondances * cmd_id o_id * cmd_uid o_uid * cmd_date o_date * cmd_state o_state * cmd_ip o_ip * cmd_lastname o_lastname * cmd_firstname o_firstnam * cmd_adress o_adress * cmd_zip o_zip * cmd_town o_town * cmd_country o_country * cmd_telephone o_telephon * cmd_email o_email * cmd_articles_count o_articles * cmd_total o_total * cmd_shipping o_shipping * cmd_bill o_bill * cmd_password o_password * cmd_text o_text * cmd_cancel o_cancel * caddy_id c_id * caddy_product_id c_prod_id * caddy_qte c_qte * caddy_price c_price * caddy_cmd_id c_o_id * caddy_shipping c_shipping * caddy_pass c_pass */ if (!dbase_create($this->folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->filename, $def)) { $this->success = false; return false; } $dbf = dbase_open($this->folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->filename, 2); if ($dbf === false) { $this->success = false; return false; } $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(); $criteria->add(new Criteria('cmd_id', 0, '<>')); $criteria->add(new Criteria('cmd_state', $this->orderType, '=')); $criteria->setSort('cmd_date'); $criteria->setOrder('DESC'); $orders = $this->handlers->h_myshop_commands->getObjects($criteria); foreach ($orders as $order) { $carts = array(); $carts = $this->handlers->h_myshop_caddy->getObjects(new Criteria('caddy_cmd_id', $order->getVar('cmd_id'), '=')); foreach ($carts as $cart) { dbase_add_record($dbf, array($order->getVar('cmd_id'), $order->getVar('cmd_uid'), date('Ymd', strtotime($order->getVar('cmd_date'))), $order->getVar('cmd_state'), $order->getVar('cmd_ip'), $order->getVar('cmd_lastname'), $order->getVar('cmd_firstname'), $order->getVar('cmd_adress'), $order->getVar('cmd_zip'), $order->getVar('cmd_town'), $order->getVar('cmd_country'), $order->getVar('cmd_telephone'), $order->getVar('cmd_email'), $order->getVar('cmd_articles_count'), $order->getVar('cmd_total'), $order->getVar('cmd_shipping'), $order->getVar('cmd_bill'), $order->getVar('cmd_password'), $order->getVar('cmd_text'), $order->getVar('cmd_cancel'), $cart->getVar('caddy_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_product_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_qte'), $cart->getVar('caddy_price'), $cart->getVar('caddy_cmd_id'), $cart->getVar('caddy_shipping'), $cart->getVar('caddy_pass'))); } } dbase_close($dbf); $this->success = true; return true; }
/** * Export the data for a specific mouse over s specified time range to a dbase file * * @returns url of created dbase file */ function exportToDbase($rfid, $from, $to) { $parameters['rfid'] = $rfid; $parameters['from'] = $from; $parameters['to'] = $to; $parameters["all"] = 1; list($summary, $data) = $this->getRfidData($parameters); if (sizeof($data) == 0) { return null; } // boxes $boxes = $summary['boxes']; // where to store the files $downloadXML = $this->configXML->xpath("//downloaddir"); $downloadDir = implode('', $downloadXML); $downloadUrlXML = $this->configXML->xpath("//downloadurl"); $downloadURL = implode('', $downloadUrlXML); // Adding data to dbf files // definition for the dbf files $def = array(array("ID", "N", 5, 0), array("RFID", "C", 10), array("YEAR", "C", 4), array("MONTH", "C", 2), array("TIME", "C", 8), array("DATETIME", "C", 19), array("BOX", "C", 2), array("ANTENNA", "C", 2), array("X", "N", 3, 0), array("Y", "N", 3, 0)); // create a dbf_file //$dbf_file = $downloadDir.$rfid . "_" . $year . "_" . $month . ".dbf"; // $dbf_file = "data_for_" . $rfid . "_" . $from . "_" . $to . ".csv"; $filename = "data_for_" . $rfid . "_" . $from . "_" . $to . ".dbf"; $dbf_file = $downloadDir . $filename; if (!dbase_create($dbf_file, $def)) { return "Error, can't create the database: {$dbf_file}\n"; } // open dbf file for reading and writing $dbf_file = dbase_open($dbf_file, 2); //$fh = fopen ($downloadDir.$dbf_file, "w"); // write data // the datasets have the form: [rfid, antenna, box, time] $id = 0; foreach ($data as $dataset) { list($rfid, $antenna, $unix_time) = $dataset; $box = substr($antenna, 0, 2); $datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $unix_time); $month = date('m', $unix_time); $year = date('Y', $unix_time); $time = date('H:i:s', $unix_time); $x = $boxes["{$box}"]['x']; $y = $boxes[$box]['y']; $dataset_converted = array($id, $rfid, $year, $month, $time, $datetime, $antenna, $box, $x, $y); $str = implode(',', $dataset_converted) . "\n"; //fwrite($fh, $str); dbase_add_record($dbf_file, $dataset_converted) or die("Could not add record to dbf file {$dbase_file}."); $id++; } dbase_close($dbf_file); //fclose($fh); // returning url return $downloadURL . $filename; }