$total = 0; for ($day = 1; checkdate($_GET["month"], $day, $_GET["year"]); $day++) { $date = date_to_string($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], $day); $time = db_get_condition("overtimes", "time", "date='" . $date . "' AND employee='" . $_GET["employee"] . "'"); if (!$time) { continue; } $time = datetime_to_secs($time); if ($time == 0) { continue; } $daytype = weekdayname($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], $day); if (db_get_condition("vacancies", "date", "date='" . $date . "'")) { $daytype .= " + svatek"; } $note = db_get_condition("comments", "text", "date='" . $date . "' AND employee='" . $_GET["employee"] . "'"); $total += $time; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $day . "." . $_GET["month"] . ". " . $_GET["year"] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $daytype . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . secs_to_time($time) . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $note . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "\n"; } ?> </table> <table> <tr> <th>celkem</th>
echo "</p>"; //break; } $prev_tots["plusminus"] += $mt["plusminus"] - $mt["overtime"]; if ($y == $_GET["year"]) { $prev_tots["days_dovolena"] += $mt["days_dovolena"]; } $m++; if ($m > 12) { $y++; $m = 1; } } $cur_tots = month_totals($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], $_GET["employee"], true); $dovolena_narok = db_get_condition("dovolene", "days", "employee=" . $_GET["employee"] . " AND year='" . $_GET["year"] . "'"); $dovolena_zminula = db_get_condition("dovolene", "days_lastyear", "employee=" . $_GET["employee"] . " AND year='" . $_GET["year"] . "'"); $cur_tots_noemployee = month_totals($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], 0, false); ?> <table> <tr> <th>odpracováno tento měsíc</th> <td><?php echo secs_to_time($cur_tots["odpracovano"]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>uznané přesčasy</th> <td><?php echo secs_to_time($cur_tots["overtime"]);