function DB() { global $txpcfg; $this->host = $txpcfg['host']; $this->db = $txpcfg['db']; $this->user = $txpcfg['user']; $this->pass = $txpcfg['pass']; $this->client_flags = isset($txpcfg['client_flags']) ? $txpcfg['client_flags'] : 0; $this->link = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, false, $this->client_flags); if (!$this->link) { die(db_down()); } $this->version = mysql_get_server_info(); if (!$this->link) { $GLOBALS['connected'] = false; } else { $GLOBALS['connected'] = true; } @mysql_select_db($this->db) or die(db_down()); $version = $this->version; // be backwardscompatible if (isset($txpcfg['dbcharset']) && (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4\\.[1-9]#', $version))) { mysql_query("SET NAMES " . $txpcfg['dbcharset']); } }
function DB() { global $txpcfg; $this->host = $txpcfg['host']; $this->db = $txpcfg['db']; $this->user = $txpcfg['user']; $this->pass = $txpcfg['pass']; $this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass); if (!$this->link) { $GLOBALS['connected'] = false; } else { $GLOBALS['connected'] = true; } mysql_select_db($this->db) or die(db_down()); }
pixieExit(); exit; } /* Prevent any kind of predefinition of DIRECT_ACCESS or PIXIE_DEBUG */ define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); /* Knock once for yes */ if (!file_exists('config.php') or filesize('config.php') < 10) { /* check for config */ if (file_exists('install/index.php')) { header('Location: install/'); exit; } /* redirect to installer */ if (!file_exists('install/index.php')) { require_once 'lib/lib_db.php'; db_down(); exit; } /* redirect to an error page if down */ } ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); /* set default php charset */ require_once 'lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); /* check URL size */ if (PIXIE_DEBUG == 'yes') { error_reporting(-1); } else { error_reporting(0); }
/** * Creates a new link. */ public function __construct() { global $txpcfg, $connected; $this->host = $txpcfg['host']; $this->db = $txpcfg['db']; $this->user = $txpcfg['user']; $this->pass = $txpcfg['pass']; $this->table_options['type'] = 'MyISAM'; if (!empty($txpcfg['table_prefix'])) { $this->table_prefix = $txpcfg['table_prefix']; } if (isset($txpcfg['client_flags'])) { $this->client_flags = $txpcfg['client_flags']; } if (isset($txpcfg['dbcharset'])) { $this->charset = $txpcfg['dbcharset']; } $this->link = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, false, $this->client_flags); if (!$this->link) { die(db_down()); } @mysql_select_db($this->db, $this->link) or die(db_down()); $version = $this->version = mysql_get_server_info($this->link); $connected = true; // Be backwards compatible. if ($this->charset && (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4\\.[1-9]#', $version))) { mysql_query("SET NAMES " . $this->charset, $this->link); $this->table_options['charset'] = $this->charset; } $this->default_charset = mysql_client_encoding($this->link); // Use "ENGINE" if version of MySQL > (4.0.18 or 4.1.2). if (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4\\.(0\\.[2-9]|(1[89]))|(1\\.[2-9])#', $version)) { $this->table_options['engine'] = 'MyISAM'; unset($this->table_options['type']); } }
/** * Creates a new link. */ public function __construct() { global $txpcfg, $connected; if (strpos($txpcfg['host'], ':') === false) { $this->host = $txpcfg['host']; $this->port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port"); } else { list($this->host, $this->port) = explode(':', $txpcfg['host'], 2); $this->port = intval($this->port); } if (isset($txpcfg['socket'])) { $this->socket = $txpcfg['socket']; } else { $this->socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket"); } $this->db = $txpcfg['db']; $this->user = $txpcfg['user']; $this->pass = $txpcfg['pass']; $this->table_options['type'] = 'MyISAM'; if (!empty($txpcfg['table_prefix'])) { $this->table_prefix = $txpcfg['table_prefix']; } if (isset($txpcfg['client_flags'])) { $this->client_flags = $txpcfg['client_flags']; } else { $this->client_flags = 0; } if (isset($txpcfg['dbcharset'])) { $this->charset = $txpcfg['dbcharset']; } $this->link = mysqli_init(); // Suppress screen output from mysqli_real_connect(). $error_reporting = error_reporting(); error_reporting($error_reporting & ~(E_WARNING | E_NOTICE)); if (!mysqli_real_connect($this->link, $this->host, $this->user, $this->pass, $this->db, $this->port, $this->socket, $this->client_flags)) { die(db_down()); } error_reporting($error_reporting); $version = $this->version = mysqli_get_server_info($this->link); $connected = true; // Be backwards compatible. if ($this->charset && (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4\\.[1-9]#', $version))) { mysqli_query($this->link, "SET NAMES " . $this->charset); $this->table_options['charset'] = $this->charset; } $this->default_charset = mysqli_character_set_name($this->link); // Use "ENGINE" if version of MySQL > (4.0.18 or 4.1.2). if (intval($version[0]) >= 5 || preg_match('#^4\\.(0\\.[2-9]|(1[89]))|(1\\.[2-9])#', $version)) { $this->table_options['engine'] = 'MyISAM'; unset($this->table_options['type']); } }
function DB() { global $pixieconfig; $this->host = $pixieconfig['host']; $this->db = $pixieconfig['db']; $this->user = $pixieconfig['user']; $this->pass = $pixieconfig['pass']; $this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pass); if (!$this->link) { $GLOBALS['connected'] = FALSE; } else { $GLOBALS['connected'] = TRUE; } mysql_select_db($this->db) or die(db_down()); /* Connect to the database */ if (isset($pixieconfig['site_charset']) && $pixieconfig['site_charset']) { $charset = strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $pixieconfig['site_charset'])); $query_names = "SET NAMES '{$charset}'"; $set_db_names_charset = mysql_query($query_names); /* Set the name character set for database connection */ $query_char = "SET CHARACTER SET '{$charset}'"; $set_db_charset = mysql_query($query_char); /* Set the character set for database connection */ } $diff = $this->getTzdiff(); if ($diff >= 0) { $diff = "+{$diff}"; } mysql_query("set time_zone = '" . "{$diff}:00'"); }