コード例 #1
ファイル: _upgrade.funcs.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
 * Get the delta query to adjust the current database according to a given (list of)
 * "CREATE TABLE"-, "CREATE DATABASE"-, "INSERT"- or "UPDATE"-statement(s).
 * It's not recommended to use INSERT or UPDATE statements with this function, as they
 * are just handled "as-is".
 * NOTE:
 *   - You should use single quotes (') to give string type values (this is in fact
 *     required for ENUM and SET fields).
 *   - KEYs for AUTO_INCREMENT fields should be defined in column_definition, otherwise
 *     we had to detect the key type from the INDEX query and add it to the ALTER/ADD query.
 *   - If a column changes from "NULL" to "NOT NULL" we generate an extra UPDATE query
 *     to prevent "Data truncated for column 'X' at row Y" errors.
 * The following query types are generated/marked and can be excluded:
 *  - 'create_table'
 *  - 'create_database'
 *  - 'insert'
 *  - 'update'
 *  - 'drop_column'
 *  - 'change_column'
 *  - 'change_default'
 *  - 'add_column'
 *  - 'add_index'
 *  - 'drop_index'
 *  - 'alter_engine'
 * NOTE: it may be needed to merge an 'add_index' or 'drop_index' type query into an
 *       'add_column'/'change_column' query (adding "AUTO_INCREMENT" for example)!
 * NOTE: collations and charset changes are ignored. It seems quite difficult to support this,
 *       and it seems to be best to handle this "manually".
 * @author Originally taken from Wordpress, heavily enhanced and modified by blueyed
 * @todo Handle COMMENT for tables?!
 * @see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/create-table.html
 * @param array The list of queries for which the DB should be adjusted
 * @param array Exclude query types (see list above).
 * @param boolean Execute generated queries?  TODO: get this outta here!!!! (sooooo bloated!)
 * @return array The generated queries.
 *        table_name => array of arrays (queries with keys 'queries' (array), 'note' (string) and 'type' (string))
 *        There's usually just a single query in "queries", but in some cases additional queries
 *        are needed (e.g., 'UPDATE' before we can change "NULL" setting).
function db_delta($queries, $exclude_types = array(), $execute = false)
    global $Debuglog, $DB, $debug;
    if (!is_array($queries)) {
        $queries = array($queries);
    if (!is_array($exclude_types)) {
        $exclude_types = empty($exclude_types) ? array() : array($exclude_types);
     * Generated query items, indexed by table name.
    $items = array();
    // Split the queries into $items, by their type:
    foreach ($queries as $qry) {
        // Remove any comments from the SQL:
        $qry = remove_comments_from_query($qry);
        if (preg_match('|^(\\s*CREATE TABLE\\s+)(IF NOT EXISTS\\s+)?([^\\s(]+)(.*)$|is', $qry, $match)) {
            $tablename = db_delta_remove_quotes(preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $match[3]));
            $qry = $match[1] . (empty($match[2]) ? '' : $match[2]) . $tablename . $match[4];
            $items[strtolower($tablename)][] = array('queries' => array($qry), 'note' => sprintf('Created table &laquo;<strong>%s</strong>&raquo;', $tablename), 'type' => 'create_table');
        } elseif (preg_match('|^\\s*CREATE DATABASE\\s([\\S]+)|i', $qry, $match)) {
            // add to the beginning
            array_unshift($items, array('queries' => array($qry), 'note' => sprintf('Created database &laquo;<strong>%s</strong>&raquo;', $match[1]), 'type' => 'create_database'));
        } elseif (preg_match('|^(\\s*INSERT INTO\\s+)([\\S]+)(.*)$|is', $qry, $match)) {
            $tablename = db_delta_remove_quotes(preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $match[2]));
            $items[strtolower($tablename)][] = array('queries' => array($match[1] . $tablename . $match[3]), 'note' => '', 'type' => 'insert');
        } elseif (preg_match('|^(\\s*UPDATE\\s+)([\\S]+)(.*)$|is', $qry, $match)) {
            $tablename = db_delta_remove_quotes(preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $match[2]));
            $items[strtolower($tablename)][] = array('queries' => array($match[1] . $tablename . $match[3]), 'note' => '', 'type' => 'update');
        } else {
            $Debuglog->add('db_delta: Unrecognized query type: ' . $qry, 'note');
     * @global array Available tables in the current database
    $tables = $DB->get_col('SHOW TABLES');
    // Loop through existing tables and check which tables and fields exist
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        // For every table in the database
        $table_lowered = strtolower($table);
        // table names are treated case insensitive
        if (!isset($items[$table_lowered])) {
            // This table exists in the database, but not in the creation queries.
         * @global array Hold the indices we want to create/have, with meta data keys.
        $indices = array();
         * @global array Initially all existing indices. Any index, that does not get unset here, generates a 'drop_index' type query.
        $obsolete_indices = array();
         * @global array Fields of the existing primary key (if any)
        $existing_primary_fields = array();
         * @global array Fields of existing keys (including PRIMARY), lowercased (if any)
        $existing_key_fields = array();
         * @global array Column field names of PRIMARY KEY, lowercased (if any)
        $primary_key_fields = array();
         * @global array Column field names of FOREIGN KEY, lowercased (if any)
        $foreign_key_fields = array();
         * @global array of col_names that have KEYs (including PRIMARY; lowercased). We use this for AUTO_INCREMENT magic.
        $fields_with_keys = array();
         * @global string Holds the fielddef of an obsolete ("drop_column") AUTO_INCREMENT field. We must alter this with a PK "ADD COLUMN" query.
        $obsolete_autoincrement = NULL;
         * @global array List of fields (and definition from query)
         *   <code>fieldname (lowercase) => array(
         *         'field' => "column_definition",
         *         'where' => "[FIRST|AFTER xxx]" )
         *   </code>
        $wanted_fields = array();
         * @global boolean Do we have any variable-length fields? (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/silent-column-changes.html)
        $has_variable_length_field = false;
        // Get all of the field names in the query from between the parens
        $flds = get_fieldlines_from_query($items[$table_lowered][0]['queries'][0]);
        //echo "<hr/><pre>\n".print_r(strtolower($table), true).":\n".print_r($items, true)."</pre><hr/>";
        // ALTER ENGINE, if different (and given in query):
        if (($wanted_engine = get_engine_from_query($items[$table_lowered][0]['queries'][0])) !== false) {
            $current_engine = $DB->get_row('
				SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ' . $DB->quote($table));
            $current_engine = $current_engine->Engine;
            if (strtolower($current_engine) != strtolower($wanted_engine)) {
                $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ENGINE=' . $wanted_engine), 'note' => 'Alter engine of <strong>' . $table . '.</strong> to <strong>' . $wanted_engine . '</strong>', 'type' => 'alter_engine');
        $prev_fld = '';
        foreach ($flds as $create_definition) {
            // For every field line specified in the query
            // Extract the field name
            preg_match('|^([^\\s(]+)|', trim($create_definition), $match);
            $fieldname = db_delta_remove_quotes($match[1]);
            $fieldname_lowered = strtolower($fieldname);
            $create_definition = trim($create_definition, ", \r\n\t");
            if (in_array($fieldname_lowered, array('', 'primary', 'foreign', 'index', 'fulltext', 'unique', 'key'))) {
                // INDEX (but not in column_definition - those get handled later)
                $add_index = array('create_definition' => $create_definition);
                if (!preg_match('~^(PRIMARY(?:\\s+KEY)|(?:FULLTEXT|UNIQUE)(?:\\s+(?:INDEX|KEY))?|KEY|INDEX) (?:\\s+()     (\\w+)      )? (\\s+USING\\s+\\w+)? \\s* \\((.*)\\)$~ix', $create_definition, $match) && !preg_match('~^(PRIMARY(?:\\s+KEY)|(?:FULLTEXT|UNIQUE)(?:\\s+(?:INDEX|KEY))?|KEY|INDEX) (?:\\s+([`"])([\\w\\s]+)\\2)? (\\s+USING\\s+\\w+)? \\s* \\((.*)\\)$~ix', $create_definition, $match) && !preg_match('~^(FOREIGN\\s+KEY) \\s* \\((.*)\\) \\s* (REFERENCES) \\s* ([^( ]*) \\s* \\((.*)\\) \\s* (.*)$~ixs', $create_definition, $match)) {
                    // invalid type, should not happen
                    debug_die('Invalid type in $indices: ' . $create_definition);
                    // TODO: add test: Invalid type in $indices: KEY "coord" ("lon","lat")
                if ($fieldname_lowered == 'foreign') {
                    // Remember FOREIGN KEY fields, but they don't have to be indexed
                    $reference_table_name = db_delta_remove_quotes(preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $match[4]));
                    $foreign_key_fields[] = array('fk_fields' => $match[2], 'reference_table' => $reference_table_name, 'reference_columns' => $match[5], 'fk_definition' => $match[6], 'create' => true);
                $add_index['keyword'] = $match[1];
                $add_index['name'] = strtoupper($match[3]);
                $add_index['type'] = $match[4];
                // "USING [type_name]"
                $add_index['col_names'] = explode(',', $match[5]);
                foreach ($add_index['col_names'] as $k => $v) {
                    $add_index['col_names'][$k] = strtolower(db_delta_remove_quotes(trim($v)));
                if ($fieldname_lowered == 'primary') {
                    // Remember PRIMARY KEY fields to be indexed (used for NULL check)
                    $primary_key_fields = $add_index['col_names'];
                    $add_index['is_PK'] = true;
                } else {
                    $add_index['is_PK'] = false;
                $fields_with_keys = array_unique(array_merge($fields_with_keys, $add_index['col_names']));
                $indices[] = $add_index;
            } else {
                // "normal" field, add it to the field array
                $wanted_fields[strtolower($fieldname_lowered)] = array('field' => $create_definition, 'where' => empty($prev_fld) ? 'FIRST' : 'AFTER ' . $prev_fld);
                $prev_fld = $fieldname;
                if (preg_match('~^\\S+\\s+(VARCHAR|TEXT|BLOB)~i', $create_definition)) {
                    $has_variable_length_field = true;
        // INDEX STUFF:
         * @global array Holds the existing indices (with array's key UPPERcased)
        $existing_indices = array();
        // Fetch the table index structure from the database
        $tableindices = $DB->get_results('SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table);
        if (!empty($tableindices)) {
            // For every index in the table
            foreach ($tableindices as $tableindex) {
                // Add the index to the index data array
                $keyname = strtoupper($tableindex->Key_name);
                $existing_indices[$keyname]['name'] = $tableindex->Key_name;
                // original case
                $existing_indices[$keyname]['columns'][] = array('fieldname' => $tableindex->Column_name, 'subpart' => $tableindex->Sub_part);
                $existing_indices[$keyname]['unique'] = $tableindex->Non_unique == 0 ? true : false;
            // Let's see which indices are present already for the table:
            // TODO: dh> use meta data available now in $indices, instead of building a regular expression!?
            $obsolete_indices = $existing_indices;
            // will get unset as found
        // Pre-run KEYs defined in "column_definition" (e.g. used for AUTO_INCREMENT handling)
        foreach ($wanted_fields as $fieldname_lowered => $field_info) {
            $parse = $field_info['field'];
            if (preg_match('~ \\b UNIQUE (?:\\s+ KEY)? \\b ~ix ', $parse, $match)) {
                // This has an "inline" UNIQUE index:
                if (!is_in_quote($parse, ' ' . $match[0])) {
                    // isn't between quotation marks, so it must be a primary key.
                    $indices[] = array('name' => $fieldname_lowered, 'is_PK' => false, 'create_definition' => NULL, 'col_names' => array($fieldname_lowered), 'keyword' => NULL);
                    $parse = str_replace($match[0], '', $parse);
                    $fields_with_keys[] = $fieldname_lowered;
            if (preg_match('~ \\b (PRIMARY\\s+)? KEY \\b ~ix', $parse, $match)) {
                // inline PK:
                // Check if this key is between quotation marks
                if (!is_in_quote($parse, ' ' . $match[0])) {
                    // it isn't between quotation marks, so it must be a primary key.
                    $indices[] = array('name' => 'PRIMARY', 'is_PK' => true, 'create_definition' => NULL, 'col_names' => array($fieldname_lowered), 'keyword' => NULL);
                    $fields_with_keys[] = $fieldname_lowered;
                    $primary_key_fields = array($fieldname_lowered);
        $fields_with_keys = array_unique($fields_with_keys);
        foreach ($existing_indices as $index_name => $index_data) {
            // Build a create string to compare to the query
            $index_pattern = '^';
            if ($index_name == 'PRIMARY') {
                $index_pattern .= 'PRIMARY(\\s+KEY)?';
                // optional primary key name:
                $index_pattern .= '(\\s+[`"]?\\w+[`"]?)?';
            } elseif ($index_data['unique']) {
                $index_pattern .= 'UNIQUE(\\s+(?:INDEX|KEY))?';
            } else {
                $index_pattern .= '(INDEX|(?:FULLTEXT\\s+)?KEY)';
            if ($index_name != 'PRIMARY') {
                $index_pattern .= '(\\s+[`"]?' . $index_name . '[`"]?)?';
                // optionally in backticks (and index name is optionally itself)
            $index_columns = '';
            // For each column in the index
            foreach ($index_data['columns'] as $column_data) {
                if ($index_columns != '') {
                    $index_columns .= '\\s*,\\s*';
                // Add the field to the column list string
                $index_columns .= '[`"]?' . $column_data['fieldname'] . '[`"]?';
                // optionally in backticks
                if (!empty($column_data['subpart'])) {
                    $index_columns .= '\\s*\\(\\s*' . $column_data['subpart'] . '\\s*\\)\\s*';
            // Sort index definitions with names to the beginning:
            usort( $indices, create_function( '$a, $b', '
            	if( preg_match( "~^\w+\s+[^(]~", $a["create_definition"] )
            	}' ) );
            $used_auto_keys = array();
            foreach ($indices as $k => $index) {
                $pattern = $index_pattern;
                if (!preg_match('~^\\w+\\s+[^(]~', $index['create_definition'], $match)) {
                    // no key name given, make the name part optional, if it's the default one:
                    // (Default key name seems to be the first column, eventually with "_\d+"-suffix)
                    $auto_key = db_delta_remove_quotes(strtoupper($index['col_names'][0]));
                    if (isset($used_auto_keys[$auto_key])) {
                        $auto_key .= '_' . $used_auto_keys[$auto_key];
                    $used_auto_keys[$auto_key] = 1;
                    if ($auto_key == $index_name) {
                        // the auto-generated keyname is the same as the one we have, so make it optional in the pattern:
                        $pattern .= '?';
                // Add the column list to the index create string
                $pattern .= '\\s*\\(\\s*' . $index_columns . '\\s*\\)';
                #pre_dump( '~'.$pattern.'~i', trim($index['create_definition']) );
                if (preg_match('~' . $pattern . '~i', trim($index['create_definition']))) {
                    // This index already exists: remove the index from our indices to create
            if (isset($obsolete_indices[$index_name])) {
                #echo "<pre style=\"border:1px solid #ccc;margin-top:5px;\">{$table}:<br/><b>Did not find index:</b>".$index_name.'/'.$index_pattern."<br/>".print_r($indices, true)."</pre>\n";
        // Set $existing_primary_fields and $existing_key_fields
        foreach ($existing_indices as $l_key_name => $l_key_info) {
            $l_key_fields = array();
            foreach ($l_key_info['columns'] as $l_col) {
                $l_key_fields[] = strtolower($l_col['fieldname']);
            if ($l_key_name == 'PRIMARY') {
                // Remember _existing_ PRIMARY KEYs
                $existing_primary_fields = $l_key_fields;
            $existing_key_fields = array_merge($existing_key_fields, $l_key_fields);
        $existing_key_fields = array_unique($existing_key_fields);
        #pre_dump( 'existing_primary_fields', $existing_primary_fields );
        #pre_dump( 'existing_key_fields', $existing_key_fields );
        // Fetch the table column structure from the database
        $tablefields = $DB->get_results('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . $table);
        // If "drop_column" is not excluded we have to check if all existing cols would get dropped,
        // to prevent "You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead(Errno=1090)"
        if (!in_array('drop_column', $exclude_types)) {
            $at_least_one_col_stays = false;
            foreach ($tablefields as $tablefield) {
                $fieldname_lowered = strtolower($tablefield->Field);
                if (isset($wanted_fields[$fieldname_lowered])) {
                    $at_least_one_col_stays = true;
            if (!$at_least_one_col_stays) {
                // all columns get dropped: so we need to DROP TABLE and then use the original CREATE TABLE
                array_unshift($items[$table_lowered], array('queries' => array('DROP TABLE ' . $table), 'note' => 'Dropped <strong>' . $table . '.</strong>', 'type' => 'drop_column'));
                // next $table
        // For every field in the existing table
        foreach ($tablefields as $tablefield) {
            $fieldname_lowered = strtolower($tablefield->Field);
            if (!isset($wanted_fields[$fieldname_lowered])) {
                // This field exists in the table, but not in the creation queries
                if (in_array('drop_column', $exclude_types)) {
                    if (preg_match('~\\bAUTO_INCREMENT\\b~i', $tablefield->Extra)) {
                        // must be modified with a ADD COLUMN which drops a PK
                        $obsolete_autoincrement = $tablefield;
                } else {
                    $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' DROP COLUMN ' . $tablefield->Field), 'note' => 'Dropped ' . $table . '.<strong>' . $tablefield->Field . '</strong>', 'type' => 'drop_column');
                    // Unset in key indices:
                    if (($k = array_search($fieldname_lowered, $existing_key_fields)) !== false) {
                    if (($k = array_search($fieldname_lowered, $existing_primary_fields)) !== false) {
            $column_definition = trim($wanted_fields[$fieldname_lowered]['field']);
            // have we detected the type as matching (for optional length param)
            $fieldtype = '';
            $pattern_field = '[`"]?' . $tablefield->Field . '[`"]?';
            // optionally in backticks
            // Get the field type from the query
            if (preg_match('~^' . $pattern_field . '\\s+ (TINYINT|SMALLINT|MEDIUMINT|INTEGER|INT|BIGINT|REAL|DOUBLE|FLOAT|DECIMAL|DEC|NUMERIC) ( \\s* \\([\\d\\s,]+\\) )? (\\s+ UNSIGNED)? (\\s+ ZEROFILL)? (.*)$~ix', $column_definition, $match)) {
                $fieldtype = strtoupper($match[1]);
                if ($fieldtype == 'INTEGER') {
                    // synonym
                    $fieldtype = 'INT';
                } elseif ($fieldtype == 'DEC') {
                    // synonym
                    $fieldtype = 'DECIMAL';
                if (isset($match[2])) {
                    // append optional "length" param (trimmed)
                    $fieldtype .= preg_replace('~\\s+~', '', $match[2]);
                if (!empty($match[3])) {
                    // "unsigned"
                    $fieldtype .= ' ' . trim($match[3]);
                if (!empty($match[4])) {
                    // "zerofill"
                    $fieldtype .= ' ' . trim($match[4]);
                $field_to_parse = $match[5];
                // The length param is optional:
                if (substr($fieldtype, 0, 7) == 'DECIMAL') {
                    $matches_pattern = '~^' . preg_quote($tablefield->Type, '~') . '$~i';
                } else {
                    $matches_pattern = '~^' . preg_replace('~\\((\\d+)\\)~', '(\\(\\d+\\))?', $tablefield->Type) . '$~i';
                $type_matches = preg_match($matches_pattern, $fieldtype);
            } elseif (preg_match('~^' . $pattern_field . '\\s+(DATETIME|DATE|TIMESTAMP|TIME|YEAR|TINYBLOB|BLOB|MEDIUMBLOB|LONGBLOB|TINYTEXT|TEXT|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGTEXT) ( \\s+ BINARY )? (.*)$~ix', $column_definition, $match)) {
                $fieldtype = strtoupper($match[1]);
                if (isset($match[2])) {
                    // "binary"
                    $fieldtype .= trim($match[2]);
                $field_to_parse = $match[3];
                // There's a bug with a "NOT NULL" field reported as "NULL", work around it (http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=20910):
                if ($fieldtype == 'TIMESTAMP') {
                    $ct_sql = $DB->get_var('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table, 1, 0);
                    if (preg_match('~^\\s*`' . $tablefield->Field . '`\\s+TIMESTAMP\\s+(NOT )?NULL~im', $ct_sql, $match)) {
                        $tablefield->Null = empty($match[1]) ? 'YES' : 'NO';
            } elseif (preg_match('~^' . $pattern_field . '\\s+ (CHAR|VARCHAR|BINARY|VARBINARY) \\s* \\( ([\\d\\s]+) \\) (\\s+ (BINARY|ASCII|UNICODE) )? (.*)$~ix', $column_definition, $match)) {
                $len = trim($match[2]);
                $fieldtype = strtoupper($match[1]) . '(' . $len . ')';
                if (!empty($match[3])) {
                    // "binary", "ascii", "unicode"
                    $fieldtype .= ' ' . $match[3];
                $field_to_parse = $match[5];
                if (strtoupper($match[1]) == 'VARCHAR') {
                    if ($len < 4) {
                        // VARCHAR shorter than 4 get converted to CHAR (but reported as VARCHAR in MySQL 5.0)
                        $type_matches = preg_match('~^(VAR)?CHAR\\(' . $len . '\\)' . ($match[3] ? ' ' . $match[3] : '') . '$~i', $tablefield->Type);
                } elseif ($has_variable_length_field && strtoupper($match[1]) == 'CHAR') {
                    // CHARs in a row with variable length fields get silently converted to VARCHAR (but reported as CHAR in MySQL 5.0)
                    $type_matches = preg_match('~^(VAR)?' . preg_quote($fieldtype, '~') . '$~i', $tablefield->Type);
            } elseif (preg_match('~^' . $pattern_field . '\\s+ (ENUM|SET) \\s* \\( (.*) \\) (.*)$~ix', $column_definition, $match)) {
                $values = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', trim($match[2]), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                // TODO: will fail for values containing ","..
                $values = implode(',', $values);
                $fieldtype = strtoupper($match[1]) . '(' . $values . ')';
                $field_compare = strtolower($match[1]) . '(' . $values . ')';
                // compare case-sensitive
                $type_matches = $field_compare == $tablefield->Type;
                $field_to_parse = $match[3];
            } else {
                if ($debug) {
                    debug_die('db_delta(): Cannot find existing types field in column definition (' . $pattern_field . '/' . $column_definition . ')');
            // DEFAULT
            $want_default = false;
            if (preg_match('~^(.*?) \\s DEFAULT \\s+ (?: (?: (["\']) (.*?) \\2 ) | (\\w+) ) (\\s .*)?$~ix', $field_to_parse, $match)) {
                if (isset($match[4]) && $match[4] !== '') {
                    $want_default = $match[4];
                    $want_default_set = $match[4];
                } else {
                    $want_default = $match[3];
                    $want_default_set = $match[2] . $match[3] . $match[2];
                    // encapsulate in quotes again
                $field_to_parse = $match[1] . (isset($match[5]) ? $match[5] : '');
            // KEY
            $has_inline_primary_key = false;
            if (preg_match('~^(.*) \\b (?: (UNIQUE) (?:\\s+ (?:INDEX|KEY))? | (?:PRIMARY \\s+)? KEY ) \\b (.*)$~ix', $field_to_parse, $match)) {
                // fields got added to primary_key_fields and fields_with_keys before
                // Check if this key is between quotation marks
                if (!has_open_quote($match[1])) {
                    // is not between quotation marks, so it must be a key.
                    $field_to_parse = $match[1] . $match[3];
                    if (empty($match[2])) {
                        $has_inline_primary_key = true;
                        // we need to DROP the PK if this column definition does not match
            // AUTO_INCREMENT (with special index handling: AUTO_INCREMENT fields need to be PRIMARY or UNIQUE)
            $is_auto_increment = false;
            if (preg_match('~(.*?) \\b AUTO_INCREMENT \\b (.*)$~ix', $field_to_parse, $match)) {
                $is_auto_increment = true;
                $field_to_parse = $match[1] . $match[2];
                if (!preg_match('~\\bAUTO_INCREMENT\\b~i', $tablefield->Extra)) {
                    // not AUTO_INCREMENT yet
                    $type_matches = false;
                if (!in_array($fieldname_lowered, $fields_with_keys)) {
                    // no KEY defined (but required for AUTO_INCREMENT fields)
                    debug_die('No KEY/INDEX defined for AUTO_INCREMENT column!');
                if (in_array($fieldname_lowered, $existing_key_fields)) {
                    if (!empty($primary_key_fields)) {
                        $column_definition .= ', DROP PRIMARY KEY';
                } else {
                    // a key for this AUTO_INCREMENT field does not exist yet, we search it in $indices
                    foreach ($indices as $k_index => $l_index) {
                        // go through the indexes we want to have
                        if (array_search($fieldname_lowered, $l_index['col_names']) === false) {
                            // this is not an index for our column
                        // this index definition affects us, we have to add it to our ALTER statement..
                        // See if we need to drop it, before adding it:
                        if ($l_index['is_PK']) {
                            // Part of a PRIMARY key..
                            if (!empty($existing_primary_fields)) {
                                // and a PRIMARY key exists already
                                $column_definition .= ', DROP PRIMARY KEY';
                            $existing_primary_fields = array();
                            // we expect no existing primary key anymore
                            $primary_key_fields = $l_index['col_names'];
                            // this becomes our primary key
                        } elseif (isset($existing_indices[$l_index['name']])) {
                            // this index already exists, drop it:
                            $column_definition .= ', DROP INDEX ' . $existing_indices[$l_index['name']];
                            // original case
                            // we expect that it does not exist anymore
                            if (!in_array($fieldname_lowered, $fields_with_keys)) {
                                // add te field to the list of keys we want/expect to have:
                                $fields_with_keys[] = $fieldname_lowered;
                        // Merge the INDEX creation into our ALTER query:
                        $column_definition .= ', ADD ' . $l_index['create_definition'];
            // "[NOT] NULL" (requires $primary_key_fields to be finalized)
            if (preg_match('~(.*?) \\b (NOT\\s+)? NULL \\b (.*)$~ix', $field_to_parse, $match)) {
                // if "NOT" not matched it's NULL
                $want_null = empty($match[2]);
                $field_to_parse = $match[1] . $match[3];
            } else {
                // not specified: "NULL" is default
                $want_null = true;
            if (in_array($fieldname_lowered, $primary_key_fields) || $is_auto_increment) {
                // If part of PRIMARY KEY or AUTO_INCREMENT field "NULL" is implicit
                $change_null = false;
                // implicit NULL
                $want_null = 'IMPLICIT';
            } elseif (in_array($fieldname_lowered, $existing_primary_fields) && !in_array($fieldname_lowered, $primary_key_fields)) {
                // the field was in PRIMARY KEY, but is no longer. It should get altered only if we want "NOT NULL"
                $change_null = !$want_null && $tablefield->Null == 'YES';
                #pre_dump( $want_null );
                #$want_null = 'IMPLICIT2';
                #pre_dump( $primary_key_fields );
            } else {
                if ($tablefield->Null == 'YES') {
                    $change_null = !$want_null;
                } else {
                    // I've seen '' and 'NO' for no..
                    $change_null = $want_null;
            // COMMENT ( check if there is difference in field comment )
            if (preg_match('~^(.*?) \\s COMMENT \\s+ (?: (?: (["\']) (.*?) \\2 ) ) (\\s .*)?$~ix', $field_to_parse, $match)) {
                if (isset($match[4]) && $match[4] !== '') {
                    $want_comment = $match[4];
                } else {
                    $want_comment = $match[3];
                $want_comment = stripslashes($want_comment);
                $type_matches = $tablefield->Comment == $want_comment;
                $field_to_parse = $match[1] . (isset($match[5]) ? $match[5] : '');
            // TODO: "COLLATE" and other attribute handling should happen here, based on $field_to_parse
            if (!isset($type_matches)) {
                // not tried to match before
                $type_matches = strtoupper($tablefield->Type) == $fieldtype;
            #pre_dump( 'change_null ($change_null, $tablefield, $want_null)', $change_null, $tablefield, $want_null );
            #pre_dump( 'type_matches', $type_matches, strtolower($tablefield->Type), $fieldtype );
            // See what DEFAULT we would get or want
            $update_default = NULL;
            $update_default_set = NULL;
            if ($want_default !== false) {
                $update_default = $want_default;
                $update_default_set = $want_default_set;
            } else {
                // implicit default, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/data-type-defaults.html
                    // numeric
                    $update_default = '0';
                    $update_default_set = '0';
                } elseif ($fieldtype == 'TIMESTAMP') {
                    // TODO: the default should be current date and time for the first field - but AFAICS we won't have NULL fields anyway
                } elseif (preg_match('~^(DATETIME|DATE|TIME|YEAR)$~', $fieldtype)) {
                    $update_default = '0';
                    // short form for various special "zero" values
                    $update_default_set = '0';
                } elseif (substr($fieldtype, 0, 4) == 'ENUM') {
                    preg_match('~["\']?.*?["\']?\\s*[,)]~x', substr($fieldtype, 5), $match);
                    $update_default_set = trim($match[0], "\n\r\t\vB (),");
                    // strip default whitespace, braces & comma
                    // first value (until "," or end) of $fieldtype_param:
                    $update_default = preg_replace('~^(["\'])(.*)\\1$~', '$2', $update_default_set);
                    // without quotes
                } else {
                    $update_default_set = "''";
                    // empty string for string types
                    $update_default = '';
            // Is actual field type different from the field type in query?
            if (!$type_matches || $change_null) {
                // Change the whole column to $column_definition:
                echo '<h2>No_Match</h2>';
                pre_dump( $type_matches, $change_null, $want_null );
                pre_dump( $tablefield, $column_definition );
                pre_dump( 'flds', $flds );
                pre_dump( 'wanted_fields', $wanted_fields );
                pre_dump( strtolower($tablefield->Type), $fieldtype, $column_definition );
                $queries = array('ALTER TABLE ' . $table);
                // Handle inline PRIMARY KEY definition:
                if ($has_inline_primary_key && !empty($existing_primary_fields)) {
                    // the column is part of the PRIMARY KEY, which needs to get dropped before (we already handle that for AUTO_INCREMENT fields)
                    $queries[0] .= ' DROP PRIMARY KEY,';
                    $existing_primary_fields = array();
                    // we expect no existing primary key anymore
                $queries[0] .= ' CHANGE COLUMN ' . $tablefield->Field . ' ' . $column_definition;
                // Handle changes from "NULL" to "NOT NULL"
                if ($change_null && !$want_null && isset($update_default_set)) {
                    // Prepend query to update NULL fields to default
                    array_unshift($queries, 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $tablefield->Field . ' = ' . $update_default_set . ' WHERE ' . $tablefield->Field . ' IS NULL');
                    if (substr($tablefield->Type, 0, 5) == 'enum(') {
                        $existing_enum_field_values = preg_split('~\\s*,\\s*~', substr($tablefield->Type, 5, -1), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                        foreach ($existing_enum_field_values as $k => $v) {
                            $existing_enum_field_values[$k] = preg_replace('~^(["\'])(.*)\\1$~', '$2', $v);
                            // strip quotes
                        if (!in_array($update_default, $existing_enum_field_values)) {
                            // we cannot update straight to the new default, because it does not exist yet!
                            // Update the column first, without the NULL change
                            array_unshift($queries, 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' CHANGE COLUMN ' . $tablefield->Field . ' ' . preg_replace('~\\sNOT\\s+NULL~i', '', $column_definition));
                // Add a query to change the column type
                $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => $queries, 'note' => 'Changed type of ' . $table . '.<strong>' . $tablefield->Field . '</strong> from ' . $tablefield->Type . ' to ' . $column_definition, 'type' => 'change_column');
            } else {
                // perhaps alter or drop DEFAULT:
                if ($want_default !== false) {
                    // DEFAULT given
                    $existing_default = $tablefield->Default === NULL ? 'NULL' : $tablefield->Default;
                    if ($existing_default != $want_default) {
                        // Add a query to change the column's default value
                        $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $tablefield->Field . ' SET DEFAULT ' . $want_default_set), 'note' => "Changed default value of {$table}.<strong>{$tablefield->Field}</strong> from {$existing_default} to {$want_default_set}", 'type' => 'change_default');
                } elseif (!empty($tablefield->Default) && $tablefield->Default != $update_default) {
                    // No DEFAULT given, but it exists one, so drop it (IF not a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME field)
                    if ($tablefield->Type != 'timestamp' && $tablefield->Type != 'datetime') {
                        $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $tablefield->Field . ' DROP DEFAULT'), 'note' => "Dropped default value of {$table}.<strong>{$tablefield->Field}</strong>", 'type' => 'change_default');
                        // might be also 'drop_default'
            // Remove the field from the array (so it's not added)
        foreach ($wanted_fields as $fieldname_lowered => $fielddef) {
            // For every remaining field specified for the table
            $column_definition = $fielddef['field'] . ' ' . $fielddef['where'];
            $is_auto_increment = false;
            // AUTO_INCREMENT (with special index handling: AUTO_INCREMENT fields need to be PRIMARY or UNIQUE)
            if (preg_match('~(.*?) \\b AUTO_INCREMENT \\b (.*)$~ix', $fielddef['field'], $match)) {
                if (!in_array($fieldname_lowered, $fields_with_keys)) {
                    // no KEY defined (but required for AUTO_INCREMENT fields)
                    debug_die('No KEY/INDEX defined for AUTO_INCREMENT column!');
                $is_auto_increment = true;
                foreach ($indices as $k_index => $l_index) {
                    // go through the indexes we want to have
                    if (array_search($fieldname_lowered, $l_index['col_names']) === false) {
                        // this is not an index for our column
                    // this index definition affects us, we have to add it to our ALTER statement..
                    // See if we need to drop it, before adding it:
                    if ($l_index['is_PK']) {
                        // Part of a PRIMARY key..
                        if (!empty($existing_primary_fields)) {
                            // and a PRIMARY key exists already
                            $column_definition .= ', DROP PRIMARY KEY';
                        $existing_primary_fields = array();
                        // we expect no existing primary key anymore
                        $primary_key_fields = $l_index['col_names'];
                        // this becomes our primary key
                    } elseif (isset($existing_indices[$l_index['name']])) {
                        // this index already exists, drop it:
                        $column_definition .= ', DROP INDEX ' . $existing_indices[$l_index['name']];
                        // original case
                        // we expect that it does not exist anymore
                        if (!in_array($fieldname_lowered, $fields_with_keys)) {
                            // add te field to the list of keys we want/expect to have:
                            $fields_with_keys[] = $fieldname_lowered;
                    // Merge the INDEX creation into our ALTER query:
                    $column_definition .= ', ADD ' . $l_index['create_definition'];
            // Push a query line into $items that adds the field to that table
            $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ADD COLUMN ' . $column_definition;
            // Handle inline PRIMARY KEY definition:
            if (preg_match('~^(.*) \\b (?: (UNIQUE) (?:\\s+ (?:INDEX|KEY))? | (?:PRIMARY \\s+)? KEY ) \\b (.*)$~ix', $column_definition, $match) && count($existing_primary_fields) && !in_array($fieldname_lowered, $existing_primary_fields)) {
                // the column is part of the PRIMARY KEY, which needs to get dropped before (we already handle that for AUTO_INCREMENT fields)
                $query .= ', DROP PRIMARY KEY';
                $existing_primary_fields = array();
                // we expect no existing primary key anymore
                if (isset($obsolete_autoincrement)) {
                    $query .= ', MODIFY COLUMN ' . $obsolete_autoincrement->Field . ' ' . $obsolete_autoincrement->Type . ' ' . ($obsolete_autoincrement->Field == 'YES' ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL');
            $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array($query), 'note' => 'Added column ' . $table . '.<strong>' . $fielddef['field'] . '</strong>', 'type' => 'add_column');
        // Remove the original table creation query from processing
        // Add foreign key constraints
        $result = db_delta_foreign_keys($foreign_key_fields, $table, false);
        foreach ($result as $foreign_key_update) {
            // loop through foreign key differences in this table
            if ($foreign_key_update['type'] == 'alter_engine') {
                // this is an alter engine command, check if this command was already added during engine difference detection, and skip to the next if it was added
                $skip = false;
                foreach ($items[$table_lowered] as $itemlist) {
                    if ($itemlist['type'] == 'alter_engine' && $itemlist['queries'][0] == $foreign_key_update['queries'][0]) {
                        // the same command was already added, don't add again
                        $skip = true;
                if ($skip) {
                    // skip is set, don't add the alter engine command again
            // add FK updates
            $items[$table_lowered][] = $foreign_key_update;
        // Add the remaining indices (which are not "inline" with a column definition and therefor already handled):
        $add_index_queries = array();
        foreach ($indices as $k => $index) {
            if (empty($index['create_definition'])) {
                // skip "inline"
            $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table;
            if ($index['is_PK'] && $existing_primary_fields) {
                $query .= ' DROP PRIMARY KEY,';
            // Create a query that adds the index to the table
            $query = array('queries' => array($query . ' ADD ' . $index['create_definition']), 'note' => 'Added index <strong>' . $index['create_definition'] . '</strong>', 'type' => 'add_index', 'name' => $index['name']);
            // Check if the index creation has to get appended after any DROPs (required for indices with the same name)
            $append_after_drops = false;
            foreach ($obsolete_indices as $obsolete_index) {
                if (strtolower($obsolete_index['name']) == strtolower($index['name'])) {
                    $append_after_drops = true;
            if ($append_after_drops) {
                // do this after any DROPs (i.e. KEY name changes)
                $add_index_queries[] = $query;
            } else {
                // this needs to get done before any other DROPs
                // to prevent e.g. "Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key(Errno=1075)"
                $items[$table_lowered][] = $query;
        // Now add queries to drop any (maybe changed!) indices
        foreach ($obsolete_indices as $index_info) {
            // Push a query line into $items that drops the index from the table
            $items[$table_lowered][] = array('queries' => array("ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP " . ($index_info['name'] == 'PRIMARY' ? 'PRIMARY KEY' : 'INDEX ' . $index_info['name'])), 'note' => 'Dropped index <strong>' . $index_info['name'] . '</strong>', 'type' => 'drop_index', 'name' => $index_info['name']);
        // Add queries to (re)create (maybe changed indices) to the end
        $items[$table_lowered] = array_merge($items[$table_lowered], $add_index_queries);
    // Filter types we want to exclude:
    if (!empty($exclude_types)) {
        foreach ($items as $table => $itemlist) {
            $removed_one = false;
            foreach ($itemlist as $k => $item) {
                if (in_array($item['type'], $exclude_types)) {
                    // this type of update should be excluded
                    if ($item['type'] == 'drop_index') {
                        // drop index command should not be excluded in case when we would like to update an index!
                        $skip = false;
                        foreach ($itemlist as $other_item) {
                            // check if there are an add_index command for the same table with the same index name
                            if ($other_item['type'] == 'add_index' && strcasecmp($item['name'], $other_item['name']) === 0) {
                                // add index with the same index name was found so we need to process this drop_index command to be able to add a new correct index with the same name
                                $skip = true;
                        if ($skip) {
                            // skip excluding this item
                    $removed_one = true;
            if ($removed_one) {
                // Re-order (0, 1, 2, ..)
                $items[$table] = array_values($items[$table]);
    // Unset empty table indices:
    foreach ($items as $table => $itemlist) {
        if (empty($itemlist)) {
        // Check if we have alter engine and drop foreign key queries for the same table. In this case the drop query must be processed before the alter engine query!
        $alter_engine_index = NULL;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($itemlist); $i++) {
            if ($itemlist[$i]['type'] == 'alter_engine' && $alter_engine_index == NULL) {
                // save alter engine query index
                $alter_engine_index = $i;
            } elseif ($itemlist[$i]['type'] == 'drop_foreign_key' && $alter_engine_index !== NULL && $alter_engine_index < $i) {
                // switch engine update and drop foreign key queries, because in many cases we must drop the foreign key first to be able to chagne the table engine
                $switch_item = $itemlist[$alter_engine_index];
                $items[$table][$alter_engine_index] = $itemlist[$i];
                $items[$table][$i] = $switch_item;
                // save new alter engine index and the alter engine command in case of we have to drop multiple foreign keys
                $alter_engine_index = $i;
                $itemlist[$i] = $switch_item;
    if ($execute) {
        foreach ($items as $table => $itemlist) {
            foreach ($itemlist as $item) {
                foreach ($item['queries'] as $query) {
                    #pre_dump( $query );
    return $items;
コード例 #2
 * Drop a Foreign Key constraint.
 * If this foreign key not exists the function won't give error.
 * @param string foreign key table
 * @param string foreing key column name
 * @param string foreign key refrence table name
 * @param string reference column name in the reference table
function db_drop_foreign_key($table, $field_name, $reference_table, $reference_field_name)
    global $DB;
    $table = preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $table);
    $reference_table = preg_replace($DB->dbaliases, $DB->dbreplaces, $reference_table);
    $foreign_key_fields = array(array('fk_fields' => $field_name, 'reference_table' => $reference_table, 'reference_columns' => $reference_field_name, 'fk_definition' => '', 'create' => false));
    db_delta_foreign_keys($foreign_key_fields, $table, true, 'drop');